Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
Red Running Shoes - 4. Word War II
In the car between Catania and Agrigento
The car ride from Catania to Agrigento would take at least two hours. It meant Rick, Matteo, and I were stuck together in a confined space without any chance of escaping their questions, short of jumping out of the car at a convenient red light.
So when Rick turned to me, determination showing in his eyes, I lifted my laptop aka Zach, almost knocking him in the face in the process. “I know you have questions, but I can’t talk about it. Not yet, okay? I’m writing this journal, telling Zach. As soon as I’m finished, I'll give it to you so you can read it and I promise to explain if you’ve still got any questions."
Matteo carefully took my hands, I was still brandishing the laptop dangerously near Rick’s face, guided them away asking, “Who’s Zach?”
“My laptop.”
They looked at me as if I’d grown a second head, then Rick shrugged and pulled my braid. Hard. His version of a handshake, or a slap on the shoulder. "Deal. We’ll give you one week, and then, finished or not, you'll answer at least some of our questions.”
Matteo nodded. “Who we’ll we have to kill with poisoned pasta when they come after you for example."
I was relieved. “Okay.”
Then Rick pointed at my laptop. “Zach? Really?”
“It was Ruth’s idea. She said I had to talk to someone about everything.”
“She said you should talk to your computer and name it Zach?”
“It’s sort of a compromise.”
This time Rick looked at Matteo with one of those coupley, meaningful gazes, before he rolled his eyes and started to talk Italian.
Okay Zach,
I visited one of my oldest friends, Alec, to help him with his new book while he helped me escape Valentine’s Day. Remember? Rumor mill had already been working perfectly of course, so one of the first things he asked me was:
"Who's this Ren guy everyone is talking about?"
"Some bastard I met at Chris’s, who has it in for me for God knows what reasons. The asshole..."
"All right, all right!” Alec laughed, lifting his hands to stop my ranting. “I get it! Jeez! How come he has you worked up this much?"
"Hmm." Twisting my favorite red pen in my hand, I thought about it. "He just does! Since I first met him, he, I don't know... rubbed me up the wrong way I guess. Not only is he one of these know-it-all guys - and you know how I hate those - I only have to think about the arrogant bastard and I’m pissed." Then I murmured, "... and he set Eric up with Chris."
Alec leaned back in his chair. "How so?"
"He showed Chris some stripper moves for the dance floor."
"Aha. And? Did it work?"
I dropped the pen and had to crouch under the table to get it back. "They got together last Friday and he had nothing better to do then rub it in my face by driving them over in the middle of the night TO CELEBRATE."
"So, what you're telling me is that Chris finally got Eric because he took some stripper lessons with Ren. Wow!” He was outright laughing at me. “Let me get this right, without his help Eric and Chris wouldn't be together? I mean it’s not exactly a secret that Chris has been pining for Eric for months."
Sometimes I hate Alec.
"No, I mean yes, hell... Chris liked Eric. I knew that. And Eric wouldn't be with Chris, unless it was in an honest relationship. I know that too. Chris could never be a mere fling to him. At least I hope so. Ren just, I don't know, sped things up between them or something."
"So the reason you hate him is because Ren sped things up between Eric and Chris?"
"Yes... no. It’s also the vibes I get from him, you know, as if he’s constantly challenging me. I told you about the job interview, right? It was a farce, a ruse. Why would he do that?”
“And you’re sure about that?”
“About what?”
“That it was a ruse?”
“Of course. It’s so obvious. He hates my guts, just as I hate his."
"I don’t believe that. To screw with someone in your spare time is one thing, but at work? This is business, Jonah. He’s got a reputation to uphold. Nobody does something like that just to annoy people. And you? You're usually not the type who hates someone because of ‘the vibes you get’, or turns down a promising job because you don’t like your boss whom you don’t even really know. And don’t get me started on HOW you did it. Running out of the building like some scared rabbit!” He looked at me curiously. “He really pushes all your buttons, huh?"
I was always good at diverting to talk about unwanted topics by using skillful diversionary tactics. “About that paragraph here…"
"Yes! Now would you please tell me why you want me to delete the whole paragraph?"
Skillful? Shut up Zach!
It worked. Talking with Alec about his book always gets his attention.
It was an exhausting two weeks. We barely ate, slept, or even came out of his study on a regular basis. I'm pretty sure I mentally crawled to my bed on all fours more than once.
I was so happy when Alec's girlfriend Val and their little daughter, and more importantly, my Goddaughter River, arrived a little bit earlier than planned for the weekend. It meant I could finally go home. I was beyond exhaustion, beyond everything, one good night's sleep and then I could go home was everything I could think about.
To celebrate two weeks full of fruitful co-operation – I quote Alec here - he invited us to go out for dinner. I didn't want to go, but he insisted. "Come on Jonah, think of it as compensation for the lack of decent meals in the last two weeks."
"It's all right Alec. You’re my friend, it was fun, kinda, you'll recommend me to other authors, and don't forget you’re paying me well."
"There isn’t enough money for what you endured with me, Jonah. Will you allow me to feed you well just once in two whole fucking weeks? You lost weight. Let me spoil you, or your boyfriend won't let you come work for me again."
"I don't have a boyfriend, asshole!"
"Uh oh, and what's with this mysterious admirer, and the red rose on Valentine's Day?" he asked waggling his eyebrows.
"Red rose!" Val called from the bathroom. “J got a red rose for V day?”
"Thank you so much, Alec!” I punched his arm. “Yes Val, someone gave me a red rose."
"Do I know him?" She came over to stand beside Alec.
"I don't know."
"Who is it?"
"I don't know."
"But...ha-ha, very funny!"
"Yep. Me. Funny as hell."
"Enough you two, River and I are hungry, aren't we, sweetie? Let's go."
The restaurant was as excellent as Alec had said. The best of all? They served warm chocolate pudding for dessert. With cream.
Since I wanted to leave early the next morning, I went to bed as soon as we were home – and had one of the most horrible nights ever.
I had just fallen asleep when River started to cry. Then she got sick. And cried more. And then she got sick again.
It was good there were three of us. One washing her, putting her in fresh pajamas, and holding her while pacing around the house (me). One cleaning the sheets, washing the floor and the rug and anything else around the bed (Val). And Alec, who went to the pharmacy, trying to get some medicine because had he stayed, he would have thrown up right beside his daughter.
In the morning I had a terrible headache and Alec tried to convince me to stay for the weekend, but I refused. I just wanted to be home, wanted my own bed, with my own blankets and my own pillows, preferably with someone to cuddle. Not that there was anyone.
I drank three mugs of coffee, mounted my bike, and rode home. It was a four-hour ride and, towards the end, I was barely able to keep my eyes open. I needed more coffee.
It was only twenty minutes from home, but I felt I couldn't make it there without one last caffeine boost, so I pulled over at the next coffee shop.
While I waited in a line to get my fix I swayed right into the guy in front of me, I was so exhausted.
"Hey! Watch it! Jonah?"
"Hmm?" Ren Arnold. And it wasn't even Monday. "Bye, Ren."
"Jonah?" He turned fully around and took a closer look. "Hey, what's wrong with you?"
"Tired, just tired, four hours on the road, two hours sleep..." I slurred and with that I lost it and everything went black. He caught me just in time and I was too tired to fight him off.
He led me to the next free table. "Sit down and I'll get you a coffee, vanilla latte right?"
"Yeah..." I folded my arms on the table, laid my head on top, and by the time he came back, I must have fallen asleep.
"Jonah?" He shook me gently "Babe, wake up, I've got your coffee."
Babe? I was hearing things. Had to be the hallucinatory state of paranoia, caused by sleep deprivation or something like that. Yeah, that was it. And I was talking like Yoda in my head.
Ren sat down in front of me while I grabbed the coffee with shaking hands and drank it slowly, waiting for the caffeine to kick in. He lifted his hand and brushed some strands of hair out of my face. Irritated, I shook my head. "What?"
"You look exhausted. What did you do the last two weeks while you were away?"
Somewhere in the back of my mind I briefly wondered how he knew I was gone for the last two weeks, but then I answered automatically, "Helped Alec with his new book."
"Oh, I see." He nodded understandingly. "I’ve heard about him. How bad?"
"Word War I. Bad food, no sleep, fighting for every word, or so it seemed. No blood, though. Maybe a stomach bug."
He chuckled. "So bad?"
"And Alec let you ride your bike while you’re like this?" Ren waved his hand around.
"I didn’t ask him."
"With only two hours of sleep and two weeks of barely sleeping at all? Jonah, you could have died, people could have been injured or died because of you. What were you thinking?"
He was absolutely right, although I’d admit this only to myself, when I’d be alone and nobody was looking. I was too tired to argue, though, and what could I have said anyway?
"Nothing, I guess."
He sighed. "You can't ride home, it's too dangerous. You'll probably fall asleep before you even set off."
"Nah, I'm good. I just need to drink some more coffee--"
"No, you're not. I'll drive you home."
"But my bike--"
"--will be taken care of."
"I don't know."
"I do. Drink your coffee and then get into the car," he insisted.
"Am I your good deed of the day or what?" I asked him suddenly annoyed.
"Not yet," he quipped, as he took my bags and helmet, went to his car, and threw my stuff into the trunk. I tried to get up, but then became dizzy. Sighing, he wrapped his right arm around my waist, then took my left arm to wrap it around his shoulder and led me to the car. Opening the passenger door, he placed me carefully into the seat and strapped me in. I think I was already asleep when he pulled out of the parking lot, at least I can’t remember anything after that.
I never could tolerate sleep deprivation very well. When it reaches a certain point, it’s as if someone turns a switch and I fall asleep, no matter where I am. Ruth calls it microsleep. It has never been this bad, though. Could have been River’s stomach bug I was fighting. But God, Ren was such a pain. Did I have to meet him of all people when I was sick?
Ren had to wake me, and more or less drag me upstairs to my apartment.
"Where are the keys?"
"Pants...left front pocket."
His right arm firmly wrapped around my waist so that I didn’t fall, he searched for the keys in my pants.
Finally inside the apartment he asked, "Where is your bedroom?"
I could only weakly point to the right and again he had to half-carry me into my room. I think I dozed off as soon as I touched the duvet.
He shook my shoulder. "You need to take your contacts out."
I slurred, "Can't..."
"Let me do it for you then." After washing his hands in the bathroom, he expertly opened each of my eyes wide with his thumb and index finger and took my contacts out with the other hand, murmuring, "You have such unusual eyes..."
"Hm?" Any other day I would have freaked if someone had their fingers in my eyes. It showed how far gone I must have been, that I didn't. I only blinked.
He took my shoes, socks, pants, and sweater off, and tucked me in like a kid. I never noticed when he left or that he brought my bags in.
An unknown ringtone woke me the next morning. I'd never set up 'Call from Your Enemy' by Bottled Wax with anybody yet.
'Call from your enemy. Isn’t that what you’re calling me,’
I fumbled around on my bedside table. "Where is the fucking phone?"
‘Your enemy...’'
The caller ID said Enemy.
"It's Ren. Do you like my ringtone?" I could hear him grinning.
"You did this?"
"Yup, yesterday when I found your phone in your jacket. I put my number in and downloaded the song. Thought you’d like the ringtone."
"Listen, I brought your bike. Shall I park it in the garage?"
"Yes, please. The spot has my name on it."
“Huh?” I wasn’t fully awake yet.
"I asked if you want some breakfast."
Five minutes later Ren knocked on my front door.
"Uhh... Come in."
"You're wearing your glasses. I like that." He handed me my helmet, the bike keys, and a paper bag, than knelt down to take his shoes off.
"I ran out of contacts again, besides, I like to wear my glasses in the morning, it's easier."
Black seemed to be his favorite color; maybe because it really looked good on him.
He caught me staring. "To your liking?"
"Acceptable..." I snapped.
When he turned his head to the right I saw a tattoo on the left side of his neck I hadn’t noticed before. Without thinking, I leaned forward, grabbed his chin and lifted his hair, so I could see it better. It was a flying bird with bright violet eyes. A thin chain went from its leg down Ren’s neck where it vanished under the collar of his shirt.
I had to restrain myself not to follow the chain with my finger. "Nice, is it new?"
"Yes, I got it for Valentine's Day..."
And before I knew it I blurted out, "Oh. From your partner?"
He shook his head. "No, for him. The dove represents his name."
"Ahh, so it's really a dove." Then I snickered. "Your boyfriend's name is Dove? Really?"
It was obvious he didn’t want to talk about it. Realizing this didn’t stop me from poking him though.
I lifted the collar of his shirt with a finger. The chain ran over his shoulder. "Why did you chain it er.. him? Are you afraid they'll fly away?" I wiggled my eyebrows.
"To protect him from himself."
Getting that I was about to step over a certain line, I pulled my hand back, but still couldn't stop asking more questions. "Is that a flower in his beak?"
"Yes. It's a black lotus."
"It's an interesting design; I've never seen anything like that before."
It was beautiful, maybe a tad too possessive for my taste, but still beautiful.
"I designed it myself."
It was none of my business, but of course I asked anyway. "And? Did Dove appreciate the thoughtful gift?"
He looked at me strangely but never answered my question. Instead, he asked, "Do you know the meaning of your name?"
"No, never thought about it. Do you think Jonah actually has any meaning?" Suddenly intrigued I walked over to my desk. "I could quickly Google it."
He stopped me though. "Forget it. I’m surprised you let me in this time. I almost expected you’d slam the door in my face again after grabbing your stuff."
"You helped me yesterday, brought my bike and breakfast instead of meddling with my private matter."
"It wasn’t exactly your private matter anymore."
"Yeah, well, I think we better drop that for now." And with that we went into the living room. He put the coffee on the little table in front of my couch before he sat down. I took the loveseat.
"So...what's for breakfast?” I asked, rubbing my hands together.
"Vanilla latte for you, cinnamon latte for me, donuts with chocolate icing, and apple-cinnamon muffins."
"Yum, apple-cinnamon muffins, my favorite." I took the paper bag and looked inside.
"I know, Eric told me."
I stopped the cup just shy of my lips. "My Eric? Why would you talk with him about what kind of muffins I like for breakfast?" I narrowed my eyes at him. "Why do you talk about me at all? I didn't know you knew each other well enough to swap stories about exes.”
"Not that it is any of your business, but we were together for two months. It didn’t work out but we're still friends," he said almost defiantly.
"Oh? He never mentioned you."
"What exactly should he have told you? That we were together, that we're friends, or that we’re talking about you?"
"All of it?"
"And why is that? Does he need your approval every time he gets a new lover or another friend? The approval stamp from the jealous ex?”
“Hey! I never meant it like that. He’s my friend too and he never mentioned you, that’s all I’m saying.”
“I don’t think you were even in the country then; you were visiting your cousin in Canada or something." Ren waved his hand dismissively.
And with that our tentative peace went out the window. I needed him out of my place ASAP. I got up from my seat. "Well Ren, thank you for saving me from my own stupidity yesterday. I should have stayed at Alec's and gotten some more sleep. It was nice of you to bring my bike over. Did I forget something? Oh yes, thank you for breakfast; the muffin was delicious.” I ushered him to the door. “Still, I think you'll agree we won’t suddenly be best friends now or ever. Right? The good Samaritan-thingy is over and I’ll call it even because I'm feeling generous today."
His hand already on the doorknob he stopped. "Even?"
"The job interview?"
"That was a mistake, you’re right. You were the best candidate for the job. You’re an amazing scientific writer, but I forgot you are also an immature dumbass."
I gave him my most saccharine smile. "Yes, I love you too, dear. Close the door firmly, will you? From the outside? Please?”

Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
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