Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
Starcutter - 15. Chapter 15
Ryle was fidgeting with the hem of his shirt as the Starcutter pulled into the docking station. This would be his first time ever walking the station as a free being, and he was nervous. Thankfully, Gabe was right there. As was the Captain. The Cana could not believe he was being shown around OS Vega, the outer most Orbital station in the sector, by the Captain of the most notorious ship in the sector.
Ryle had come to respect the Captain. He was a difficult man not to respect. He treated everyone the same. Except for Meg, but when you're sleeping with a woman, you don't want her to cut off your man tackle in the night. Best to keep her at least pleasant. The Captain was a man of his word. If you treated him with respect due to his rank, he treated you with the respect due to a subordinate. If you treated him with respect due to a person, he did the same. Ryle knew the Captain had started out treating him nicely to make Gabe happy, but now...
The two could see something within each other worth far more respect. Ryle deferred to him as Captain in all things concerning the ship and its crew, but in his personal life, Ryle had put his tiny foot down. It all happened because of quartering issues.
“Ryle, you will have your own room in the crew quarters from now on,” stated the Captain one evening. They were sitting down for dinner, Ryle and Meg eating with the Captain as they had since Ryle came aboard.
“Thank you, sir, but there is no need to go out of your way for me. I am content where I am.”
“It is no trouble. As a member of this crew, you have your own quarters. Nothing extravagant, but they are yours while you are aboard.”
Meg could see where the Captain had erred. His thoughts were logical and made sense to most people...if you were human. Which was not the case with Ryle. Most people would love their own space, a place to go to and unwind, but Ryle would not get any peace in the crew quarters. It was two decks up and five landings over from Gabe, his true place of peace.
“Thank you, but I believe someone else would find them more suitable.” Ryle was trying to respectfully get his point across that he didn't want to move. He wanted to be with Gabe.
“Nonsense. Gabe can help you move your things...”
“What Ryle is trying to say, is that he doesn't wish to move.” Meg stepped in, forestalling the stubborn look in Ryle's eyes from being stubborn actions.
“Really?” The Captain looked at Meg and then Ryle. “One would think time away from a person you have spent months with, day in and day out, would be a good thing.”
“One would, but not this one,” quipped Ryle. Meg laughed and the Captain smiled briefly. “Sir, with all due respect, if you order me to move my things, I will have little choice. Still,” Ryle looked the Captain dead in the eye, his pupils going to pinpoints, “if you think I am going to sleep in a room so close to a bunch of blood thirsty, rapacious Neanderthals, and NOT sleep with the man I love, then you're fucking whacked out of your head. I won't use the room except as storage, and if you order me to stop sleeping with Gabriel, then you will have a small, angry problem on your hands.”
Meg looked at them both wondering how this would go. The Captain had no dealings with relationships that weren't simply fuck buddies. He and Meg often shared quarters, but she had her own room which she used just as often. He had no idea how to treat this situation.
“So you're saying you would rather stay with Gabe, and that I'm crazy to suggest otherwise?”
“Pretty much,” said Ryle.
“Okay then.” Meg did a double take. Had he given in so easily? “You stay with Gabe.”
“Thank you.”
When questioned about it later by Meg, the Captain said, “Dear, I am ill-equipped to handle this. Truth be told, you are one of the few relationships I have had that means more than a place to stick it. I am also at a complete loss when dealing with Gabe and Ryle.” She was sure the stars would start singing hymns to the Moon Goddesses now that he had admitted he was out of his league. “I see something very nice between them, but I don't understand it. So, if they are content to stay in the same rooms, who am I to get in the way?” She kissed his cheek. “Besides, seeing what Ryle did to Darth...I would not want him angry at me. I would never stand a chance.”
“He wouldn't attack you,” Meg said.
“I'm not so sure. If I tried to keep them apart, I would have two very upset people, three when you got wind of it, and I doubt I would last long enough to subdue Gabe before he did some damage, I could never raise a hand to you, and Ryle would slit my throat in the time it would take for the rest of the crew to draw their firearms.”
Put that way...Meg could only agree. That being the only bone of contention between them, Ryle and the Captain seemed to understand each other far better than the Captain and Gabe.
Yet when the Captain said he would show the duo around, both seemed a bit surprised. “Father, don't you have more important things to do than show us around?”
The Captain merely laughed. “Probably, but this is something important to me. Not as a Captain, but as a father.”
Gabe was touched. Honestly moved. “Okay. So what's on the agenda?” He was smiling from ear to ear.
“First off, the food court. Best faux Terran cuisine this side of the sector. Even have some Canari specialties.” The Captain led the grinning duo to the food and didn't even shy away from the notion of paying for it all.
Unbeknownst to the couple, the Captain had been in touch with Gabe's stepfather. The man had helped raise him and knew a lot about him, more than just him wanting raviolis. It had been a very long and in depth conversation that lasted several hours. The insights the Captain gained showed him how often he had erred concerning his son, which was pretty much everything he had ever done up until Ryle entered their lives. Gabe was easy to please and easy to keep happy. It didn't take material things, it didn't take money, it didn't take a genius.
It took time. Personal time. Gabe loved nothing better than to talk and spend time with people and to interact with them. He had loved working along side David at his business and was showing a lot of promise in the merchant life because he could connect with people. When the Captain heard this, he realized how badly he had been neglecting Gabe. He spent little time with him and the only people he had to talk with were a bunch of cut throat pirates that only stepped lightly around him because they feared any retribution the Captain might have. Well, until he fought Darth and showed he was willing to take them on. So, with this, the Captain decided he would spend more time with his only child.
After they ate, the three of them wandered around the station, discreetly avoiding the slave pens in deference to Ryle. Whether or not he knew they were doing it, they couldn't say, but he was still nervously smiling and chattering away when conversation flowed between all of them.
It was when they passed a certain shop that Ryle stopped and froze, visibly shaking as his pupils went to pinpoints and his crest sank down even as he huddled behind Gabe. “What's wrong?” Gabe saw Ryle was too scared to speak. “Father, let's leave this place. Ryle doesn't like it.”
“Yes. I know of a nice shop that has a few things that might interest you two.” The Captain led them off, scanning the entire area for any sign of danger to his son or his son's mate. Nothing but the normal flow of people.
When they were far enough away, Gabe stopped and got on one knee to look at Ryle. “Are you okay?”
“I...It was...one of my former masters.” Ryle's voice was small. It could barely be heard over the din of the station.
“Former. He has no control over you, love.” Gabe was trying to be comforting.
This time the Captain knew Gabe's approach was wrong. “Ryle, describe the man.” Ryle did, but he didn't say another word. “Good. Now, I want you to march up to him with your head up, your crest up, and tell him what a piece of shit he was for treating you like he had.” Ryle sank even lower at that thought. “If you don't do it, he will always have power over you. He will always be your master.” The Captain's gaze was strong, and it somehow filled the Cana with enough strength to stand up and square his shoulders. “You are no longer a slave, Ryle. You are a free man, a warrior willing to fight for those he loves. Now, show him the man you have become...with as little bloodshed as possible.” That made Ryle nod.
He marched back, Gabe shooting a glare at his father. “Was that wise?”
“In this, son, I know what I'm doing. Just stay out of sight. He must do this on his own. Be ready in case it gets ugly. You go in first...” The Captain told him exactly what to do and why, telling him this was what Ryle needed to get over this fear. Gabe nodded his understanding.
Ryle entered the shop, quaking a bit when he saw his former master. No, not his master, the person who abused him. It was hard enough to even look at him, but to be in the same room made him want to either run and hide or attack him outright. He almost walked right back out. Yet when the man's eyes found him from behind the counter, Ryle saw the confusion and then recognition in them.
“Well, well. Pigeon, what are you doing here? I would have expected you to be dead by now. You were always...”
“Just shut the fuck up.” His tone and those words did just that.
But not for long. “How dare you even speak to me. You are...”
“A free man, you parasitic bastard, and I can say anything to you that I want.” The other patrons in the shop looked around, a few of them leaving before this became even uglier. Some started to watch avidly. “So let's start with what a useless excuse for a person you are. Not only do you starve your slaves, beat your slaves, RAPE your slaves,” at that last one the females in the shop gasped and looked at the man with anger, “let your slaves stay injured or sick or dying, not only did you CUT OFF MY WINGS so I could never fly...” Ryle had to take a moment to compose himself before he attacked. “Never fly. You hurt me and so many others because you could. And you do it to people who are free, as well. Cutting your alcohol with water, adding denser materials to your packaging sold by weight to turn a profit, fudge the books to make more money.” The store patrons put all their goods back. The man was suddenly very angry at Ryle. “You are the worst type of parasite, because you do it because you can. Not for survival, not from necessity, you do it because it's fun and makes you money.” Ryle didn't know he was on the verge of tears, he was just getting this out.
“But I am no longer your slave. I am no longer your whipping boy. I am no longer your sex slave. I am no longer your whore. I am a pilot. I have a mate. I am a valued member of a crew.” Ryle took one involuntary step back when the man came around the counter with a cudgel, but he squared his shoulders. “I will not run from you, and if you attack me, I will defend myself.” Ryle flexed his claw, ready to swipe for the man's knee if he even moved to attack.
“What ship would take on a useless piece of filth like you? What person would take someone who has slept with enough people to fill a station? Who would want a whore like you?” He had advanced to loom over Ryle, but the Cana stood his ground.
“I'm a pilot on the Starcutter.”
The man just laughed. “That ship would never take you. You would be eaten alive by the smallest of their crew. You lie to make yourself bigger.”
Ryle was about to speak when he felt someone behind him. “Ryle, love, are you done? The Captain is growing impatient.” Gabe stood there, his eyes boring holes through the man's skull.
When the former master saw Gabe, he stopped laughing. The Starcutter's insignia was stitched into the breast of his vest, which Gabe filled out very well. In fact, the slaver was suddenly conscious that this young man was quite a bit larger than he was. When Gabe put his hand gently on Ryle's shoulder, Ryle covered it with his own. “I am almost done, Gabriel. Just saying goodbye to this person here.”
“Good. Will you introduce us?”
“Gladly. Gabriel of the Starcutter, meet the man who cut off my wings.”
There was a loud crack, and all conversation inside and outside the shop ceased. It was like a cannon had been fired, and they all looked to see the cause of the noise. All they saw was a man laying on the ground with blood gushing from a broken nose, his jaw obviously broken, his cheek bone shattered, and his face a general mess. “A pleasure to meet you,” said Gabe genially. The downed man was howling in agony. “Thank you for the compliment, yes we are a cute couple.”
Ryle just stared at Gabe.
“Are you two finished?” asked the Captain as he weaved through the crowd. It parted as soon as they saw him. The Captain stopped just short of marching over the man on the ground, making sure to plant his boot heel on the man's hand and put all his weight on it, which caused two fingers to snap.
“Yes, Captain. Sorry to take so long. He was the chatty type. And clumsy. He fell right into my fist.” Gabe felt no remorse at all about smashing the man's face in.
“Pity. If your hand is injured, Gabe, I'll bill him for the doctor visit. Come along.” The Captain spun on heel, the same heel that was on the man's hand, causing him to cry out in utter pain, and thundered off through the convenient path in the crowd. Gabe and Ryle followed hand in hand. No one said a word, and if they did, it was to ask why the person had pissed off the Captain and his crew. When they found out what was said, no one moved to help him.
Ryle was feeling good. He had stood up to the man who had hurt him the most, was openly confirmed as being loved by Gabe, and the Captain left little to misconstrue about what ship Ryle was on. The Cana hugged Gabe around the waist and then did the same to the Captain.
“ACK! Gabe, your mate is loving on me.” The Captain was smiling though. He was proud of his son and his mate.
“Deal with it.” Gabe was happy to see the Captain ruffle Ryle's crest in a fatherly sort of way.
“You two are the best. What did you hit him with, Gabriel, the Starcutter?”
“Hmm...I like that name for my punch.” Gabe's expression was almost comical, and it dispelled the last of the bad feelings in Ryle. “So, where is this shop that has something that might interest us?”
“It's over in the mechanical bay.”
The mech bay was the largest and often the most crowded. It housed the latest in technological advances from every branch, including battle, agricultural, entertainment, and travel. It was here where a person could find parts for older models that have gone out of service, and it was here where a person could bring concepts and find the parts for building them. Space faring races could be found here, often forgetting planetary rivalries and disputes in the name of science and mechanical engineering.
As soon as they entered, Gabe began to grin. He loved seeing new tech. It meant something new he could learn and something new he could tinker with. “Father, this place is amazing.”
“I thought you might like it. Ryle, how do...” The Captain stopped talking when he saw the Cana was gaping at the latest holo sim of a jet.
He had been training hard with the pilots every chance he could, learning how to fly the jets they had on the Starcutter, and he was even teaching them a few maneuvers he felt inside. This new jet was a single seater, smaller than any other jet out there, yet it had the same fire power and more could be fit in a bay as the wings were vestigial at best. With atmospheric VTOL, they could pilot them into the bay and almost stack them up three high. “I want one.”
The men laughed. “I agree, they are something marvelous to behold, but not for us. They are too small for most of our pilots.” The Captain placed a hand on Ryle's shoulder and led him away from the display. They went into the bay that housed the aeronautical section of R&D.
The guard at the door was a Rahvin, a six armed biped that stood half again as tall as a human with creamy gray skin. He looked at the Captain and nodded. “Welcome, sir.” Its voice, for Rahvin were sexless, was neutral.
“Is Horatio in?”
“He is on the flight deck above.” The Rahvin pulled out an access card and swiped it to let them in the lift to the deck.
The flight deck was a strip that was as long as the entire station and was used to test flight capabilities and was adjacent to the docking bay for repairs. Ryle was immediately drawn to the jet that was taxiing down the strip. The overall design of this one was like nothing he had ever seen. It was a two seater and the nose of the jet had an almost hook beak that served as the cockpit, although how the pilot would fly it was beyond him as it was too small. The body was typical but the wings...the wings looked avian. Ryle watched as the jet stopped on a pair of landing legs, and the wings folded inward as if a giant bird was settling down to relax. The two pilots hopped out, and Ryle could see that one of the was a Cana! He was tiny...much like Ryle was. His entire body, for he wore only the slightest of garments to hide his phallus, was covered in white feathers with black tips.
“That's Horatio.” When the Captain said the name, the Cana turned his head and looked at them.
“Ho, Captain! I didn't expect you for another day or so.” Quickly finishing up some talk with the other pilot, the Cana spread his wings and flapped once to bridge the gap between them. He clasped hands with the Captain. “She's beautiful, isn't she?”
“You have outdone yourself once again, Horatio. While in dock, if you have a moment to look over the Starcutter, I'll have her brought around.”
“I should, if you're here for a few days. Some trouble?”
“Nope. When you build a ship, she lasts. Just want to have you take a look and see if you can think of anything else to keep her running and keep them running scared.”
Horatio laughed, which was like a shrill cry of an eagle mixed with the braying of a donkey. Not pleasant at all. “You are more pirate than privateer, Captain, but you are also my best producer of new customers. They all come to me to fix the holes you put in their ships.” He turned and looked over at Gabe. “This must be your offspring. He has your build and subscent. No need to tell me your name, human, I'll forget it as soon as you leave. Known your father for nigh onto thirty years and never can remember his name.” Gabe shook the offered hand.
When he looked at Ryle, his posture shifted to one of mourning. He didn't say a word, he simply took Ryle into his arms and held him. Ryle was shocked at first, but the gesture was kind and welcoming, and Ryle found himself hugging him back and even let out a few tears. “Give me the description of the man who did this to you, and I will turn him over to the Canari authorities in pieces.”
Ryle pulled back, speechless that one of his own kind had extended so much after meeting him that moment. “He works on this station and should be in medical right now with a broken hand, suborbital, mandible, and many other things.”
“Wait...the merchant who sells recreational goods was attacked earlier. Heard it over the radio. That him?” Ryle gave the description. “Yup, that's him. I'll send them over to collect him for the removal of your wings. If you would like, I can tell you a few things about youself.”
“That made no sense.”
“I know, which is why I said it.” Horatio winked. “You ever wonder why you were so small?” Ryle nodded. “You and I are rooth'troos, which roughly translates to 'fast as fuck and can fly circles around you, so don't try to match us,' but that's very rough. Simply put, us small ones are made to fly in numbers in tight spaces and come out without taking a hit. Advance scouting, great memories...sans my name problem...and even knowing where in the fight you need to be to keep you and everyone else alive. Sound familiar?”
“Yes.” Ryle briefly told him about the dog fight in space.
“Wonderful. You may not have wings, my rooth'troos brother, but you have the blood and that is what matters. Want to take her for a spin?” Horatio thumbed towards the jet.
“Yes, yes I do,” replied Ryle with a happy bounce.
“Starcutter son, you get to sit in the gunner seat. That way you can see what a genius I am.”
Gabe followed and sat where he was told while the white feathered Cana explained. The pilot was laying horizontal in the beak of the jet, his entire body the mechanism for controlling the ship. Every muscle twitch could mean something. “Now, this has been calibrated to me for testing purposes, but it's designed for us shorties to take our skills into space. The Canari people will pay a handsome sum for this.” A bit conceited, totally into making money, but Horatio seemed to be a decent sort. “Just keep the maneuvers simple. Fly with your blood, the rest will sort itself out.”
Ryle lay down in the sling, forearm and leg cuffs attaching and tightening of their own will. “Do I have any weapons?” he asked.
“The landing legs have pneumatic claws much like your own. The rest are controlled from the gunner. Good thing you got a good one back here.” Gabe grinned a bit. “Son, you should recognize the controls well enough for testing purposes. The destructive ones have been turned off for right now, but the EMP's are active. Also, there is a button under your left pinkie finger right?” Gabe nodded. “I call that the shit bomb. Sends out magnetic mines about the size of your head, but they have enough bang to rip open some decent holes. This beauty is not magnetic, so don't worry about them coming up your pooper.”
Gabe smiled. “I'm never worried about that.” Ryle groaned while he laughed, knowing the only thing that had been up there was himself.
“Good. Now, give her a once around the strip to get the feel for it all, then land.” Horatio flapped and backwinged out of the testing area.
Ryle thought about how he would take off, and his body responded with the obvious signal to spread his wings. The ship did that and was soon hovering in place. With deliberate movements, Ryle leaned forward, and the jet moved that way. “Gabriel, this is...this is...”
“I can imagine,” he said with a smile.
Ryle made his lap around the strip and landed, the clawed landing legs touching down and the wings folding of their own accord. Horatio gestured to them to take it for a spin. Ryle grinned and the jet responded exactly as he wanted. It unfurled its wings and was back into the space above the strip, only this time he wasn't being deliberate. He simply flew. The jet responded. Corkscrews, wingovers, even a brief backwing and flip to head back the other way. This jet could do it all. Gabe was listen to Ryle sing, and when Gabe whistled something back, Ryle didn't even question it. He flipped over and let Gabe take a few shots at the targets with the EMP. The weapon controls were spot on, the targeting sights perfect.
The Captain leaned over to Horatio. “You may never get it back.” Horatio simply grinned and watched the jet do things he never intended.
“Those two...they are mated right?” The Captain nodded. “That may account for some of their connection. Canas mate and have an affinity with their mate. You humans call it telepathy. Those two males...understand each other. It may never go past that, probably never will, but I would bet the cost of the Starcutter that those two will be your best pilots.”
“The pilots have all said that Ryle is the best they have seen, and not just for how little he has flown.”
“It's in the blood, and I will tell you, Captain, that his blood is pure.” Horatio tapped the com on his head. “Bring her in.” Ryle did just that, coming in for a landing without a single problem. When the mates came over with the biggest grins, Horatio smiled back. “So, heap praise and laud my genius. I shall wait.” The played along and told him it was okay. “Okay? OKAY!? It is a mechanical marvel!”
“It is,” said Ryle. “I...I flew. I didn't pilot, I flew.”
“Yes, you did. Your blood is pure, rooth'troos, so let it sing.”
“I want one,” said Gabe. “The controls are better than our own jets, Father.”
“You want one? I sure as hell won't make you one, son.” Horatio laughed at the sarcastic grin. “So, has everything been moved around?” Horatio asked the Captain.
“Should be done by now.”
“Good. Now, give me an hour to get her fully operational, then you can take her home.” Horatio just flapped and was gone to go work on the jet.
“What?” said Ryle and Gabe together, looking at the Cana tech, then at each other, and then at the Captain.
“That little gem is yours.” They just gawked. “I told Horatio what happened the day after the dog fight. He started working on this then. When I saw you two out there, making our old clunkers do things that no one could, I knew I could never pass up the opportunity to...” The Captain was cut off as Gabe and Ryle pulled him into a firm hug. He kept his face impassive, but inwardly the Captain was pleased. “I take it you like it.”
“Captain...” Ryle could not convey the thoughts. They could not be put into words.
“Father, I know Mom would be so happy to see this.” It was a family moment. Gabe's family. “Did Meg know about this?”
“Nope. I sent all the parts you salvaged over to Horatio. About eighty percent of that is from the debris you picked up, Gabe.”
“Got any more aces up your sleeve?”
“One more, son, and that is going to trump everything else.”
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
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