Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
The Strange Life of Jonas Marks - 19. Chapter 19
I sat staring at this incredible blue man for a moment. His hair was long and curly. I couldn’t believe the hairy chest and the muscle definition this guy had. He wasn’t wearing a shirt and I could see his six pack. I don’t even remember reaching across the desk to try and touch his chest, but suddenly Fire smacked my hand.
“Jonas!” Fire literally blazed before me.
“I believe you are supposed to make a phone call,” the stranger commented. His deep baritone sent shock waves through me. He picked up the phone and passed it to me.
I stared at it stupidly for a moment.
“Call Opie,” growled Fire.
“Oh, right.” I dialed and called Opie, all the while shooting looks at the stunner across from me. “Uh, unless I lost count, you have an extra here now.”
“Jonas, are you alright?” There was a pause, but I didn’t answer. “I’ll be right there.”
I hung up the phone and Fire stepped between us. She turned and looked at the stranger. “He has to be out of his mind to even consider you for Jonas.”
All I heard was a deep laugh and Fire seemed to glow brighter.
“Down, Fire. I’ll handle this.” Opie stood in the room suddenly.
“Ah, Opie.”
“Are you out of your mind?” Fire stood, pointing at the stranger as she stood in front of me.
“Fire, please let me handle this.” Opie shook his head. “Have you introduced yourself?”
“Not yet. We touched, but your creation didn’t seem to like me near him.” He waggled his eyebrow and shot a look at me.
“Behave, Lu. I haven’t had time to explain yet.” Opie leaned against the desk.
“Well, I have things to tell you afterwards. If he agrees, there are some parts of his past that need to be cleaned up.”
“You scanned him already?” Opie looked from Lu to me and back again. “Did you tell him?”
I was worried. What were they talking about?
“We touched and he nearly flooded me with information.” Lu leaned back against the chair and smiled.
Fire stood protectively at my side. I seemed to have both of her forms there, touching me. Fire rested her hand on my shoulder and the sword leaned against my leg. I got the distinct impression she was ready to rip Lu apart.
Opie sighed loudly and turned to face me. “Jonas, as you know, you were entered into the database when you were hired. You stated that your mate didn’t need to be human, and you really didn’t need him to accept your family.”
I sat there taking this all in. I knew I had been entered, and Opie had indicated that tonight my pairing might arrive, but a part of me kept hoping it was all a joke. However, Lu was now sitting across from me, and this was all too real.
“That might be what he told you, Opie, but whether he realizes it or not, his father matters a hell of a lot to him,” Lu stated nonchalantly.
Opie sighed again and shook his head. He turned to stare at Lu again, but I could notice how his skin was becoming more orange and how annoyed he looked. “Will you please be quiet, Lu> I will get to you in due time.”
Fire didn’t seem happy. It was hard not to notice how her color grew brighter and her eyes grew narrower as she listened to the conversation going on between the other two men.
“Jonas, you have been doing an exceptional job here for me. You take care of everything and I never have to worry if it is done correctly. I wanted to make sure that anyone you were matched up with would actually be good for you. I’ve had three possible matches before Lu, but they just didn’t measure up. Lu has proven to be trustworthy, and I was willing to let him meet you and try to pursue you.”
“Hmm!” Fire snorted and kept her hand on my shoulder.
“So your name is really Lu?” Granted it wasn’t the most intelligent introduction, but I was trying to come to terms with all this.
Lu stood up. “My full name is Lucifer Renoladous Grantitius Overlordium the Third. Lu is my nickname, and only those very close to me may use it.”
He bowed before me and then took my hand in his.
I was a bit struck by his every move, and my mind just blurted out what came into it without filtering it at all. “Fallen angel?” I couldn’t help it. I mean how many men do you meet named Lucifer who looked like he did? I was just hoping I wasn’t drooling, staring at him.
Lu smiled and winked at me. “Angel? Well, I am not a devil, but I doubt anyone would exactly call me angelic.”
“Well, your body is simply … Oh my god, what am I doing?”
I hadn’t even realized that I had left Fire and Opie at my desk as I walked around it, and was presently rubbing the soft tufts of blue hair on his granite-like chest.
“I thought you were saying hello and liked what you had in your hand,” stated Lu in a rather husky voice.
“Uh. No. No, I … uh … no.”
I dropped my hand from his chest and scurried back behind my desk.
“Well, Jonas, you and Lu,” began Opie.
“I can’t.” I grabbed Fire from the floor and rushed out of the room, leaving Opie and Lu standing there behind me.
I rushed to the front of the store and found Chris and Dan waiting by the door.
“Something wrong?” Dan looked at me, concerned, and then noticed the sword I was holding.
“I’ve got to go home. I need to talk to my family. I just can’t…”
“Relax, Jonas. I’m sure Mr. Openseter will fix whatever is wrong.” Chris gently squeezed my arm.
I turned at the name Openseter, but how could I explain that my boss just tried to set me up with a blue Adonis? That my father had been mentioned and that I was totally freaking out. I just wanted to go see Jenny and Mrs. Meyers and talk this all out.
“Why don’t you all go home? It’s been a busy night.” Opie stood just outside the doorway that led to the back of Kroger’s.
“Are you sure, Mr. Openseter? I don’t want to leave if you still have people.” Chris straightened up as soon as Opie spoke.
“No, you can all go home. Besides, I believe Jonas has something to think about.”
“Um … yeah.” I couldn’t face it now. I just wanted to go home.
Chris let me out and I could tell he wanted to talk, but I rushed to my car, and started it right up. In moments I was on my way back to the Meyers’ home. My thoughts chased each other like some silly dog chasing its tail. When I finally pulled up outside the house I just wanted to cry. It was nearly two a.m. and everyone was asleep. I didn’t even get undressed; I just fell onto the couch and was soon asleep.
I dreamed of my father throwing me out, Lu coming into my office, and Opie somehow being there to watch it all. It was all so confusing and I it scared me awake when I saw my father towering over me, about to punch me again.
“Jonas, are you alright?” Mrs. Meyers was stooped over me, looking concerned.
“Yeah. I think so. Just had a bad dream.”
Mrs. Meyers shook her head. “Come on. Get up and talk to me. I’m making breakfast. I know something is wrong; you fell asleep without changing last night.”
I looked down and blushed.
“It might help if you let go of the sword. You are holding onto it for dear life.”
I stopped and realized I still had Fire in my hand. How had I slept with her?
I set Fire on the countertop before me and sat down.
“The boys are still asleep. Jenny is in the shower.” Mrs. Meyers was cracking egg after egg into a giant bowl. “So, for the moment, it is just us here. Wanna talk about it?”
I was grateful she didn’t even look at me; she just kept making whatever it was, and gave me the space to put my thoughts into order.
“You know I work at Kroger’s?”
There was a giggle and Mrs. Meyers nodded as she turned to me. “Yes, I know. Your job is rather unusual, though you haven’t much talked about it.”
“Talked about what?” Jenny asked as she bounced into the kitchen. She was all smiles ‘til she spotted me and then noticed Fire. “Oh. Jonas?”
“Jenny, if you are going to stay, sit down and just listen.” Mrs. Meyers pointed to a seat at the table.
“Well, first, I think I should explain. This is Fire. She sort of chose me.”
“She?” Both of them asked together.
Before I could say another word Fire decided to introduce herself. Suddenly, she stood before them both in her full flame.
“I don’t usually do this, but you are both very important to Jonas. I’m a destiny sword and I’ve decided Jonas would be good to join with. He is a sweet soul.”
“She’s naked,” gasped Jenny.
“You know he is gay, right?” Mrs. Meyers stared at Fire with her eyes narrowed and her arms crossed.
Fire laughed deep and throatily. “Oh, I know. I am a sword. Don’t worry. I’m more to protect him, sometimes from himself. Besides, the boy needs women in his life to keep him on the right track.”
I sat there, blushing and feeling two inches tall.
“Wow.” Jenny looked at me. “Wow. Jonas, why didn’t you … well … wow.”
“I think breakfast can wait. Let me grab my coffee and then you can continue to explain, Jonas.”
Fire smiled, patted my arm, and then disappeared back into the sword.
So I sat there and filled them in on all the happenings at my job, from getting hired, figuring out Opie was a dragon, having Fire choose me for her new owner, and finally, meeting Lu last night.
“Wait a minute; Opie found you a boyfriend?” Jenny looked at me and her mouth hung open.
“Jenny, please close your mouth.” Mrs. Meyers stood up and refilled her cup. “So, this man touched your arm, you found yourself deeply attracted, and you … ran out and came home?”
“Yeah, well, he is blue, and he was talking about my father.” I felt sort of stupid now.
Mrs. Meyers sighed and took a sip of her coffee. “Jonas, from what you have said, no one is forced into dating the person found for them. You found him attractive. Nobody said you couldn’t date. You don’t have to jump into bed or move in together.”
“Mom!” Jenny looked at her mother, shocked.
“Jenny, get over it. I wouldn’t recommend you jump into bed or move in with your boyfriend. I might even kill you if you tried.” Mrs. Meyers rolled her eyes and then turned back to me. “Opie seemed okay with him, Fire is going to protect you, so what is the problem?”
I looked at her and, without really thinking it through, I whispered the truth. “Dad.”
Mrs. Meyers walked over and hugged me. “I thought so. You can’t live your life for him, Jonas. You are a sweet young man who deserves to be happy. If you really don’t like Lu, then don’t go out with him, but if you do find him attractive, then give yourself a chance to be happy.”
“Jo, listen to mom. I tried to set you up and it was a disaster. Can Opie’s choice be any worse?”
I couldn’t help it. I laughed.
“Hey, what are you all doing?” Kyle asked, as he stood scratching his head in the hallway.
“Jonas, are you making breakfast? Oh cool sword. Can I hold it?” John marched across the kitchen toward Fire.
“Hold it. Boys, go shower and breakfast will be right up.” Mrs. Meyers pointed back up the hall and the boys reluctantly marched back toward the bathroom. “Jenny, set the table for me. Jonas, borrow the shower in my room and put Fire under my bed for now. The boys know better than to go in my room.”
I smiled as Jenny began to go to the cabinet. I walked back into the living room and dug out some clothing to wear. I rushed down to Mrs. Meyers’ bedroom and slid Fire under her bed for now. Then I went and took a shower in her master bathroom.
It seemed like no time at all and we were all seated at the table, eating breakfast. It all seemed so normal, but the truth was, I knew I had to call Opie and make a decision about Lu.
We were just finishing when the doorbell rang. John ran to get it.
“Uh, Jonas, someone is here for you.” John looked a bit strange as he came back to the kitchen to get me.
I started toward the door when I heard John say, “Man, that guy is tall, and I swear he has bright orange hair.”
Needless to say, I knew who was at the door. I found Opie leaning against the doorframe as I got to the front door.
“Morning, Sir.”
Opie smiled. “Did I lose that much ground last night?”
“Sorry, Opie.”
“How are you?” Opie stared at me with those strange purple eyes of his, and I felt naked before him.
“Better. I had a talk with my family.”
Opie nodded, but didn’t say anything.
“I even had them meet Fire.”
“Fire usually just stays and doesn’t meet people. You must really matter to her.” Opie smiled again.
“What did Lu do?” I felt myself blush as I asked Opie.
“We talked. I need to explain something to you that I didn’t get a chance to last night. Lu scanned you when you touched. Some people and things, like Fire, are able to do this. When they touch, they learn all about you.”
“All?” I felt a bit shell shocked.
“Yes. They know all that you know. Your hurts, your loves, what you want, and what you don’t want.”
“Oh.” I wasn’t sure how I felt.
“He doesn’t have a choice in this, Jonas. It happens automatically, like when you breathe. Lu can’t control this. He does, however, try to use this knowledge to help people and not hurt them. He knows you want to be accepted by your father. He is very upset by how your father treats you.”
I couldn’t bring myself to say anything more.
“He really would like a chance to get to know you more traditionally, Jonas. Would you be willing to go out with him tonight?”
“Go on, Jo.”
I turned to find Jenny there. I didn’t know how much she had heard, and I felt conflicted all over again.
“Jo, all everyone is trying to do is make you happy. You deserve it. Take a chance. Be happy.” Jenny walked over and hugged me tight and kissed my cheek.
“Do you really think I should?”
Jenny nodded. Then she spotted Opie and blushed. “Um, nice to meet you, Mr. Openseter.”
“Thank you, Jenny. Just call me Opie.” Opie smiled.
Jenny bobbed her head and went back to the kitchen.
“One last thing before I go, Jonas. I’m going to have a little conversation with your father.”
Suddenly, I felt faint. The idea of Opie and my father in the same room made me nauseous.
“Relax, Jonas. I promise not to hurt him. I just need to talk to him and make him realize what he is throwing away. Hopefully, when I am done, he won’t be the same man.”
I looked at Opie and his eyes seemed to shine and twinkle. I knew there was a deeper meaning behind what he said, but for the life of me, I couldn’t figure it out.
“Just don’t hurt him. He might hate me, but I couldn’t stand to think anything happened to him.”
“I promise I won’t hurt him in the slightest. Will you meet Lu?”
“If he is willing to come here and meet my family, then I will meet Lu, and feed him dinner tonight at six.”
“I’ll tell him.” Opie smiled and then surprised me by hugging me tightly.
I'm sure it will be an interesting evening.
Thank you all for reading. Special thank you to editor Russ. Comments are always welcome.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
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