Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
18 Weeks of Twoey - 67. Week Ten Thursday, November 6, 2014: An Offer They Can’t Refuse
This chapter contains a fleeting thought of suicide
“Sometimes it is necessary to be lonely in order to prove you are right.”
- V. Putin
I woke up, being gently shaken. I was in a ball, completely wrapped in my quilt, totally closed off from the fucked up world around me. I knew it was Tommy.
“Time to get up if you're gonna have some breakfast before your gang gets here. You didn't run this morning.”
“Go away!”
“Are you sick? Should I tell mother?”
“Go away!!”
I felt him gently sit on the bed. His hand was on top of my quilt, resting on my back, rubbing a little. “What's the matter David?”
I squirmed up, pulling the cover off my face and yelled at my brother.
“What part of GO AWAY do you not fucking UNDERSTAND?”
He jumped off and flew out of the room glancing at me unhappily, as he shut my door. I burrowed back into my nest. I hated, really HATED to do that to Tommy, but I had to.
My head was throbbing with the knowledge it now contained. It is knowledge which will change my life from this moment forward. It is knowledge which will wreck my family too. It is knowledge no son should ever possess. And I don't even know what to do. If I ignore it, then I'll be the only one to suffer. If I don't, then everyone else will. I can't even look at anyone right now. The guilt of this is pounding into me like a sledgehammer. I can't function in any way until I work this out.
It started with the cam pic after she was screaming with the dolls. He was holding the woman, I thought to calm her down. Then he kissed her! The next picture showed a serious lip-lock. Each of the succeeding frames revealed, thrust by thrust, the stabbing to death of a family ...my family. It was a filthy porn flic.
It featured ten pictures of pig fucking!
It didn't look like their first time either! After they were done fucking, they dressed and then both looked through my drawers. He picked up the dolls and was examining them carefully while talking to her. Then they must have closed the laptop. The last time stamp was 11:14:30.
In only one hour they managed to fuck each other and my life. I went back to sleep.
Waking up a little before noon, I wandered through the house. She wasn't there. It’s a good thing. I couldn’t rule out murder. She was probably getting herself fucked on the altar. She didn't even bother to check on me, probably afraid I'd put a hex on her or something.
I went back upstairs to take a shower. Then I changed and washed my sheets. I even washed my quilt. I cleaned my room with Lysol.
Every fucking surface!
I went into the garage and got two more dolls and hanged them from my ceiling light. I even made nooses with the string.
There is this feeling of sadness permeating me. I figured I’d better meditate because I have absolutely no fucking idea what I should do next! After counting down - I can't remember how many times - I was finally at my healing place. Putin had a smug look on his face.
“My life is over.”
“No my young friend, this is not true! Your life has really just begun!”
“My family will be dissolved. My father will be crushed. They'll divorce and I'll have to live with her because the wife always gets the kids. She'll probably marry him and that'll be my new family ...24 hours a day of absolute hell. I Can't Do It. I don't WANT to kill myself, but there's no other option. I might as well get it over with now. At least if I do it now, my father and brother won't have to suffer.”
“No no no young David! You are not thinking clearly. Remember I told you investigations sometime give you answers you were not even looking for. Well, you have it. It is what we call in the business, the nuclear option. It means you will blow them to destruction if you choose to use it. And you will force them to make you choose NOT to use it. Your family will be safe.”
“I don't understand. How can not using this accomplish anything?”
“Consider what you want. You want to keep them from spying on you. You want nothing to do with that church. You want nothing to do with that pastor. You do not want them to interfere with your choice of friends. You want to break the Sunday routine. You know if it happens for you, it will shortly be true for the family members you love.”
“OK, true enough. But how does this accomplish that ...I don't understand.”
“It happens because it is much easier for your mother to grant you those wishes than it will be if you exercise the nuclear option. It's simply a matter of the easiest path. You are merely showing them the easiest path.”
“I still don't see a plan of action in what you're saying.”
“The plan of action is they must learn you know what they did. Then, they must realize the price for your silence is for them to never again interfere with you. You can do it brutally by showing them pictures of what they did, or subtly by making them realize you do know and have evidence, even if they're not sure exactly what the evidence is. I would prefer the second method because it gives you more options and forces them to guess at the full extent of your knowledge. People always guess the worst case scenario. But the choice is yours. The first is faster, the second more subtle and with maybe greater results in the future.”
“I'll need to think on this ...A LOT.”
“Good, my young friend. It is always a smart step in any plan. Do not forget your allies. They can sometimes help if you choose the more subtle approach.”
“My allies?”
“Of course! ...He should have been my first thought. Thank you Vovochka!”
When I returned to full consciousness it was 1 PM. I started my computer and disabled the startup program. I won't need it for a while. Then I backed up the damning pictures to a file on the hidden hard drive. I also backed up the file to a flash drive. I then changed the initial password from the Psalm thing to one they could never guess. Finally, I printed a sign for my bedroom door.
I also locked my door. That should keep me isolated from the family or from any of the gang trying to visit, and will prevent any accidental disclosure.
Next, I had to do some serious plotting. I also needed to see Sam. I’ll visit him at about 7:00, right after he has supper. I figured I’d just surprise him. I hope Ginny doesn't get mad, but I can't go over there today.
Fuck! I was supposed to see Mr. Field this morning. Well, tomorrow will have to do. What's the difference if my suspension starts one day later?
I just lay on my bed, trying to think, when I drifted to sleep. I guess I didn't get a lot last night. I woke up after 5:30 and heard people moving around the house. I heard Tommy walk by my room a couple times, but thankfully no one knocked or tried to come in.
How do you come up with a way to let them know you know? Since they always function in the world of sin and punishment, I needed to somehow label their sin. What do you call it? Fornication? He's always sermonizing on forny-caters and I wondered what it was exactly. So I Googled it and discovered it is sorta what they did. I mean they aren't married to each other.
But there's another word, another big sin that has to do specifically with marriage. I could almost remember it, but I usually need to use a word to remember it, and I certainly have never used that word. I knew it sounded strange, like not what it seemed to mean, like... adultery! That was it! I wondered why it had adult in it. So I Googled and found out why. To keep the bloodline clear for inheritance purposes. Leave it to the religious nuts to worry about money stuff and adulterating a bloodline.
So Prick and Pricka broke the whichever commandment of thou shalt not commit adultery! Wow a real commandment! That's some heavy sinning for a pastor who, at least, seems to have lived up to his nickname.
Hey Vladimir! ...You were right!
It was about five to seven when I snuck out heading for Sam's house. I didn't even bring my phone since I'm gonna leave it off until tomorrow.
“Dude! You're alive!”
We were on our way up to his room when he stopped me on the stairs. “Did you have supper?”
“Mmmm ...I don't think so.”
“What do you mean you don't think so? When was the last time you ate?”
“Mmmm ...it's hard to remember, but I think it was a hamburger at Twoey's.”
“Twoey's? When?”
I quietly said, “Last night.”
“JESUS FUCKING CHRIST! Go up to my room, I'll be right up.”
A couple minutes later Sam came up and started talking about school. In fact, he started with before school.
“Jesus, everybody was worried! Your phone was off and everybody tried to call you. None of the gang knew you weren't going to school until your brother came out and told us, and he was crying. Then Chuck meets us as we were walking into school with the same complaint, and everybody got about 2000 texts from Twoey all day long. To top it off, we get a visit at our lunch table from the fucking vice-principal!”
“Language Sam!” Sam's mom corrected him as she brought me a plate of sandwiches and a glass of milk. That made me chuckle.
When she left I asked, “What did Mr. Field want?”
“He wanted you, you dickwad!”
“Yeah, I think I'm gonna get suspended for telling Mr. Burch he was a fucking asshole.”
“You said that?”
I chuckled more. “No but it wouldn't have been hard for him to read between the lines, even someone as stupid as him.”
“So that's why you ditched school?”
“No, actually not. I had quite a shock last night from our surveillance cam.” I started to tear up.
“Oh shit! What did you see?”
I gave him the whole story, every fucking detail ...even to washing my quilt! ...even to hanging the dolls.
“Jeez David, that's heavy shit. No wonder you ditched. Do you want to go out back and have a hit?”
“Uh ...no. Thanks anyway. Someday you'll lure me into your evil ways, but not today.”
“It'll help with your outlook.”
“No ...but I do need your help.”
“You know ...anything you want.”
“Well I've been worried that this is gonna break up my family. And if they get a divorce, we kids will probably be awarded to her. What if she marries that asshole and he's my new father. I think I'd rather hit the third rail.”
“You remembered the song!”
“Yeah, I do. So anyway, it occurred to me I don't want everybody to know what they did and they sure as hell don't want everybody to know, so I sorta have a bargaining chip ...and if they bargain and win, then I win too ...I just can't let them realize it.”
“Bargaining chip? David, is that your euphemism for blackmail?”
“Well Sam ...which is the worse sin, adultery or blackmail?”
“Adultery is in a commandment.”
“So you’re gonna call them in like the fucking Godfather ...make them an offer they can't refuse?”
“Close. The offer they can't refuse is my silence for them keeping the fuck out of my life. Now they can't really refuse that, can they? I mean a pastor breaking such a big fucking commandment? He’d be toast around here, right? And all he has to do is forget about me ...and never again fuck. on. my. bed!”
Sam was cracking up now.
“We have to get you one of those Mafia hats and a white tie for your black shirt. Can you smoke a cigar?”
Now I was cracking up too.
“Actually what I want to do, and this is where I need your help, is figure a way for them to realize that I know, and then have them come to me for the deal. I think it'll actually work better that way, instead of me going to them. That's too much like blackmail. It’ll be like them selling me an idea, my silence, for a price that I pick. They'll probably be thinking of money or something. But this deal will seem so much easier for them to grant. It'll be the offer they really can't refuse! Now, how do I make them know I know?”
Sam began to throw out and then reject thought after thought. I like the way he works. Even ridiculous ideas were considered and then rejected. Sometimes he'd latch on to one little part of an idea and jot it down on a notepad. After he had spent a bunch of time doing this, he looked at his notepad and tried to fit together these little pieces into some kind of actual action that could be carried out. Then he did the same thing, tossing some away and grabbing parts of others. It was a real eye-opening experience for me to see his mind work in this free-form way. It's so much different from the way my mind works!
While he was doing this, that damn radio crackled behind me again, with some guy rattling off codes and directions for cars. I had almost jumped out of my skin again. Why does Sam have this stupid thing and why doesn’t it make him jump?
Finally he announced, “SIN!! ...sin is the way into this. You have to become suddenly uber-interested in sin. You have to be interested in the comparative worth of various sins. Always use adultery as one of the sins you compare to other ones. You're pretty damn smart ...you'll be able to come up with comparisons which will make adultery seem like the worst sin there is. I think you have to do this with your mother every single day. I know it's a chore to interact with her, but hey ...think of the endgame. I think you also have to do it with the pastor too, every chance you get. At church, in the stores ...even go to that fucking Teen Bible study, he'll be there! It'll give you another chance to keep up the drum beat: adultery, adultery, adultery, adultery, adultery, adultery!”
“Do you think it'll make them realize?”
“It's got to. They fucked in your room! In fact, take that last pair of dolls and put them in various sex positions. Take his pants off if you want. Keep changing the positions. Keep your door wide open so even if she's only walking by, she'll see the dolls fucking. She already knows who the dolls stand for. This can't miss. One day they'll have to confront you and that's when you pull out a print of them fucking on your bed. Then the offer, and then you're free!”
“It's worth a try Sam. It sure beats the alternative. Thanks again for being you. ...Oh, you’re taking Lanni to the dance?”
“Yeah. Twoey asked me since you're taking Deena. Aren't you a little scared of her?”
“No! She comes off as all rough and tough, but once you get to know her you realize that's just her way of being honest. She is painfully honest! You'd like her ...Really.”
“Haha ...you're making her sound interesting.”
“She is. Hey ...here's an idea. Why don't we double date for the dance. We'll take them to Kory's and then the dance. They're good friends anyway ...sorta like us. This way you'll get to talk to her. I'll bet you guys will become good friends too.”
“Why not? The dance is the 22nd so we'll plan for it.”
“You got it. Um ...thanks again Sam. For everything: The plan, the food, lifting my spirits and the friendship. I spent most of the day hiding under my blankets. I really needed you today. You're a special friend.” Then he gave me a warm hug, and I went home with more hope for actually staying alive than I did when I woke up this morning.
On my way in, I grabbed the last two dolls from the garage. I left my phone off tonight. I left the sign on my door. I left my door locked.
One more night of peace, then -- attack at dawn!
David wasn't in school today and nobody can contact him! I need to ask for his advice ...it's IMPORTANT. I have serious questions to ask David about Matty. Would I be safe with him? Could Matty be gay? Is he expecting me to do sex stuff with him? I'm not sure I want to do that yet. On the other hand, I don't want to lose him as a friend, because he's really becoming a bigger part of my life at school. I'm sweating bullets over this and he chooses TODAY to ditch school! Why is the vice-principal looking for him? Is it because he ditched, or did he ditch because he knew the vice-principal was gonna be looking for him? This Jack kid is starting to talk to me at my locker now, and I'm scared. I need advice! And he's not here and won't answer his phone. What's going on with you David?
“Oh yes right there! A little harder, no not so fast, slower and deeper, yeah like that Mark! Oh God yes ...umm ...umm ...just like that. I'm getting close, here let me turn this way ...yes! Now go for it! agh ...agh ...agh ...I'm gonna ...OOOOOOO!!”
“Mmmmmm that was so good Mark, I could feel you throbbing inside me!”
“Any time brother. You're always my favorite.”
“Oh yeah, I've got a cute little redhead staying over Saturday night.”
“Do I know him?”
“I don't think so. He's a freshman. Unless you met him last year. He lives out in the country. His name is Chuck.”
“No, he doesn't sound familiar at all.”
“Well, maybe you should go stay with Curt, at least until about midnight, because I'm not too sure about this kid. I'm about 90% sure he's gay, but there's a small chance he's not. Even if he IS gay, I've got a feeling he hasn't done anything even as serious as a blowjob yet. I don't want to scare him off. He could be a hell of a lot of fun, for both of us, if we approach him right.”
“Sure Matty, I get it.”
“When you come home, peek in and play it by ear. You'll know how far to go, if at all.”
“How did you meet him?”
“That's a real funny story because he riled up David, if you can believe that. Then when he thought David was going to pound him, he curled up on the floor. So David picked him up and carried him at our lunch table for the rest of the year. But he's a neat guy and everybody, including David, likes him a lot.”
My brother Mark was laughing. “I'm trying to visualize this kid balled up on the floor in front of David!”
“Oh and listen to this ...David ditched today and the vice-principal was at our lunch table looking for him.”
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