Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
18 Weeks of Twoey - 73. Week Eleven Wednesday, November 12, 2014: Getting Their Attention
Ideas espoused by David2 were taken from the resource books he bought.
Validity is not implied by the author.
Concepts argued were born in the Intertestamental Period of 400 years.
You won't see anything like this again in our story.
The devil can cite Scripture for his purpose.
An evil soul producing holy witness
Is like a villain with a smiling cheek,
A goodly apple rotten at the heart.
O, what a goodly outside falsehood hath!
MoV - WS
The boy who looks like my brother didn't come to breakfast today. I heard him go downstairs and leave for school way early, without saying anything to anyone.
OK, enough! It was now far beyond being a curiosity. I needed to do something. My first thought was Gary.
When they came by, I spoke to Gary.
“He left for school a long time ago and didn’t even eat breakfast. He’s acting way strange. What’s going on?”
“We don’t know Tommy. We don’t even see him anymore.” The three of them nodded.
Sam turned to Gary.
“You live almost next door. Why not have Tommy text you when David’s home tonight, and then come over and have a talk with him?”
Gary didn’t look happy.
“Sam, the last time I interfered in his life I came within this much of losing him as a friend forever. It’s not how we work.” Gary’s thumb and index finger were about a millimeter apart.
Nels was on Sam’s side.
“Jeez Gary, this isn’t hooking him up with a girl. Something’s really wrong here.”
“I’ll try, but not in the way you suggest. I’ll have to work on this a little.” Three sad looking guys left for school.
Well there went a bunch of useless dicks!
I decided to call the one guy I never wanted to ever even begin to even ever talk to ever. Twoey.
“This is Tommy. What did you do to fuck up my brother?”
The shithead hung up on me!
I needed to get to school early today and grab Chuck as he got off the bus. I didn't want anyone I know to see me with him. When he got off, he gave me a big smile, but I just tugged his sleeve so he would follow me. I brought him to a quiet little corner by the bookstore.
“Chuck, I need a favor.”
“Sure. Anything.”
“I need to use a decent camera for a couple weeks. Do you have one lying around you don't use much? I don't want to borrow you expensive Canon.”
“Oh wow ...yeah. I think I have something you can use. It's a digital Nikon I had before my parents bought me the Canon. It's not top of the line, but it takes great pictures and it has a 50-150 lens.”
“What does that mean?”
“It means it can zoom in, not a huge telephoto, but enough to get a little closer to your subject. It also means you'll obviously need some instruction with this camera if you don't understand what 50-150 means.” He smiled as he said that last part.
“I can bring it with me to school tomorrow.”
“Thanks Chuck. You're a life saver.”
“David ...um ...is everything all right? You don't seem to be acting like yourself ...it's got everyone a little worried.”
“Everything will be fine in a couple weeks Chuck. See you tomorrow morning.”
I left him for the library to do a little research on certain psychological concepts. I needed to prepare for tonight.
Well at least I got to talk to David a bit before school when he asked to borrow a camera. I'll bring him my old Nikon, but he doesn't seem to know shit about cameras. I'll have to give him a crash course. He isn't acting like himself at all. Nobody understands what's going on with him.
Today in math he didn't say anything to anyone, again. He didn't take notes, argue with Mr. Elcher or do anything but sit there in a daze all period. It was like he was working something out in his brain.
He ditched lunch again, but I told the guys he talked to me this morning. Wow! You should have seen the reaction! They were all over me for information. I didn't tell them about the camera because ...well it's a trust issue. David didn't say not to tell anyone, but I sorta figured he might not want everybody to know. The guys asked if I noticed anything wrong. I told them David said everything would be fine in a couple of weeks. They were all talking at the same time, but I distinctly heard Sam say, “Holy shit!”
I'm sorry, but I am now officially in love with David Megal. I mean, he's cute and charming, but those things aren’t the clincher. Those are only things which make him attractive. What makes him irresistible to me are those things plus the fact he is smarter than me! Yeah ...it’s tough for me to admit. But I get lost in the mind behind those smoky blue eyes. I guess I'm just a freak, but when I can outthink a boy, it sort of diminishes him in my mind.
Today he produced tons of information about Quakers and Quaker writers and pamphlets and even Christian theologians of the middle 1700's. And he did it out of his HEAD. He had no notes, no books, but explained stuff and even quoted from some old pamphlets ...all from his head. I think I just stared at him all period.
But when we saw him at Kory's? OMFG! I think I had an orgasm just looking at him. I could actually detect some of his butt through a rip in the seat of the tightest jeans I’ve ever seen. Was he wearing no underwear? Then he sat next to me, rubbing his leg against mine! His shirt was so clingy, I was starting to run a temperature ...well enough of that, sorry.
Alex lost it today. Totally fucking lost it!! I could see this coming from our first visit to the new kid's desk last week ...but today Alex lost it. She spent the entire period dreamily fixed on David. She's got it bad.
What she doesn't understand is that I've got a better shot at him than she does, even if he doesn't particularly like me. That's because she's on the wrong team ...hehe.
But then at Kory's! SHIT! I was with Alex and Buddy when he walked over, virtually busting out of his tight clothes. Skin everywhere! He's already too hot to exist ...and then he does that to us. I was hard the whole time he was with us and I know Buddy was too. David was sitting next to Alex and I think she was mentally raping him or something. Poor Alex, it's gonna kill her when she finds out.
I couldn't wait to get home. There's a lot going on today. I could tell stuff had been disturbed but thank goodness my bed looked as I left it this morning. I even planted a little toothpick under the fold if the quilt by my pillow. If anybody made my bed after sex, it would have fallen out. But it was still in place, just as I had left it.
I checked my computer and there were pictures in today's file ...good! I started going through them one at a time, carefully studying things in the room to detect any changes from frame to frame. What I saw was the pig-fucker trying to log on about 1000 times. He must have thought those random bookmarks I left in my Bible were for a new password, cuz he was looking at each place and trying new passwords. What a dick-wad. He apparently took breaks from this task to snoop with the woman who lives in this house. They admired the Satan shrines ...I hope they liked them ...hehe. They studied the fucking dolls, looked at my mobile of hanged dolls and finally studied the Voodoo dolls with the pins. Nobody was jumping around today and if they fucked, at least they did it in another room, probably her bedroom. As usual, they checked out every drawer. Immediately after one of the times he was trying passwords, the pictures stopped. He must have given up and shut the laptop cover.
I mentally filed everything away and decided to shower, change into something a little slutty, then hit Kory's before I went to church for the 7:00 meeting. I wore a light blue silk V-neck that clung to my chest so you could count the goose bumps around my nipples. The shirt didn't quite make it down to my red Calvin Klein jockstrap tops that stood out sharply between a line of skin on top and the black low-rise jeans. I had picked up this underwear in Syracuse but never had the guts to wear any. I finally had a purpose, because those jeans had some splits, where you could make out a bit of skin, especially one just below the right rear pocket that displayed a touch of cheek. Black Vans finished the picture. Snapping on a tight black shell necklace and a couple wrist bands set everything off. I checked myself in the mirror. Shit, I almost gave myself a boner! That'll fuck with Johnson and his bunch of holy fucking teen zealots!!
Unfortunately, Alex and Randy were at Kory's with some kid Buddy whom I had never seen before in my life. He must be from out of town. I'm not exactly sure it was his nickname or if he was just Randy's buddy. Nah ...it was his nickname. I should probably cut him some slack ...maybe his real name is Beelzebub or something. Anyway, he was a cute kid but we didn't communicate with each other except for 'Hi' and a polite smile.
Alex was the problem ...if you want to call it a problem. I can see now she's seriously crushing on me. No doubt about it. And I suppose that's really OK. I mean she's certainly attractive and very, very smart ...hehe. Two things I like a lot. But for the first time, tonight she seemed ...vulnerable. To me, she is more attractive when she takes charge. I tried to get her to do it in the conversations over our meal, but she kept deferring to me. The only way I was able to fight back was to get Randy to initiate stuff ...and it worked whenever I succeeded. She seems to think it's OK to grab a topic from Randy, but not from me.
Maybe today wasn't the day to dress slutty, but I didn’t think I’d be running into Alex. She seemed to be drooling a bit. Being in a demonic mood, I was evil and rubbed against her a little. It was fun. Even Buddy didn't take his eyes off me as we ate. Randy managed to keep a smirk on his face for one whole hour ...I wonder what he was thinking ...hehe.
I escaped from the Daleville club scene just in time to throw on my heavy hoodie and walk to church. I didn't know where they met, but figured it must be downstairs in that same room, which turned out to be a good guess. I got there about five minutes early, scoping out the room as I entered. Johnson wasn't there yet but most of the dweebs that were in the Sunday class were. Coulton avoided my eyes. I hung up my hoodie, did a quick scan, then plopped down next to the saddest looking girl, for even this sad crowd. I thought maybe I'd make her day. I'm a nice guy. I'm not being egotistical or anything, really! It's just I knew I looked hot tonight and I had just seen Alex go through a meltdown. And she's smart. I knew nobody here had an IQ over 75 ...or why would they be here?
“Hi, I'm David!”
She just looked me up and down through her black frames and whispered, “...Martha.”
“This is my first time here.”
“...I know.”
Then I spoke a little louder and some other kids looked over.
“You might have to help me out with the protocol.”
She just stared at me ...maybe she didn't know what protocol meant.
“You know, tell me if I should stand or kneel when they make the virgin sacrifice.”
Nobody said anything. Jesus, these churchies have zero sense of humor!
I just shrugged and was saved from further humiliation by the entry of Pastor Pig-Fucker in all his pretentious glory. Everyone rose to their feet. I made a quick decision and ...knelt down on one knee to bow my head instead. I was just poking at him now, playing with his perverted mind. And ...I was beginning to have fun!
He cleared his throat as we all got back into our chairs, but he tried to glare at me. HA! Like that would have any impact at this stage of the battle. I tried to clear my head. I’d need to be quick and agile tonight if I was gonna be successful in fucking him up. I had no idea what he was gonna talk about, but figured it would be related to devils or demons somehow.
“Today we're going to talk about some of the clever methods Lucifer uses to capture young souls.”
I raised my hand.
“Yes, David”
“Is Lucifer an angel?”
“He was God's chosen angel who fell from grace.”
I raised my hand again. He was starting to look pissed.
“I've searched the Old Testament, as thoroughly as I could, and only found ONE instance of the name Lucifer and that's in Isaiah 14:12, which presents me with two problems.”
He looked at me warily, while some of the kids were looking at me wide-eyed.
“And I gather you’re going to tell us those problems.”
“Well the first is his name. I hope you know Lucifer was the Latin name for the morning star, the star we call Venus today. So how did it get into Isaiah to mean the Devil, which had to be written hundreds of years before Latin even existed?”
“This is way over your head David ...because you're just a kid. But the name Lucifer was translated from the ancient Hebrew into something we could relate to. That's all it is ...just semantics.”
Time to fuck with him!
“Well obviously it was translated. But the Hebrew is Helal, son of Shahar meaning Day star, son of the Dawn and clearly refers to the Babylonian king who was persecuting those ancient Jews. That's what Isaiah is all about anyway.”
“And your point is?”
“Well if Helal, son of Shahar was mistranslated by someone and that's how we get Lucifer, how do we get a devil out of this since it’s pretty clear he wasn't talking about angels or devils. I mean, if we take a document, after it's been mistranslated several of times over, and turn it into the literal word of God, can’t we seriously misrepresent its intended meaning?”
He gave me a cold look. “Are you finished?”
“No, that was my first question ...which you didn't answer.”
He shot me a look of pure hate. YAY!
“My second question is where does all this stuff about fallen angels and dark empires and Hell even come from? It's nowhere in the Old Testament and the Jews didn't ever believe in it or do they even believe in it today. So my question is sort of twofold. Who invented it and what was their motive for inventing it?”
Most of the kids were looking at me ...sorta bewildered. I thought I detected just the hint of a smile on Martha's face. Johnson's brain was working, that much I could see.
“You really need to have been through years at ministry school to understand the complexity of the Bible, David. That's why we have Pastors, to explain these things to those less educated amongst us. This is exactly the kind of thing the Devil does. He tries to plant confusion in your mind. That's another reason why we have this Teen Bible Study. Now you can see why.”
He looked around the room, self-satisfied, addressing that last sentence to the other kids.
I shot him an evil look. “Thank you for not answering my questions and not clearing up all these problems for everyone in the room.”
That just hung there. I think it might have even broken through to the under 75 IQers. And then something wonderful happened. Martha spoke up. I mean spoke up. Not the whisper she gave me when she told me her name.
She raised her hand but spoke at the same time. “Do you mean there's no Hell in the Old Testament?”
He gave me a withering stare, as if I put her up to it.
“Well Martha, of course there is.”
“Cite it!” That was me, a little eager, maybe.
He stopped for a moment. Just my opportunity ...so I answered her instead. Everyone, for sure, was listening now.
“No Martha ...the Bible designates a place called Sheol, where all the dead go, and is only referenced a few times. Certainly nothing like the way some people obsessively fixate on today. In fact early Judaism didn't even have a concept of Heaven either. That didn't get added until influences from Hellenic Greece, and they still don't believe in a Heaven like the Christians do. All this afterlife stuff more likely came from Zoroastrianism through ancient Egyptian religions.”
As that last sentence hung in the air, the room exploded with intense conversations between most of the kids there, who now had completely forgotten, or ignored, the pig-fucker. Martha turned to me and placed her hand against my chest, brushing my hardening nipple.
“This was such a lame class. My mother forces me to attend. Lame, that is, until you showed up.”
“Well time is up kids! We’ll see you all next week. Maybe if David lets us, we can actually discuss what the lesson plan says we should!”
He aimed his shot right across my bow.
OK asshole, I've got a cannon too.
“As long as the lesson plan is about Adultery. I've got a million questions to ask you about adultery.”
Don't fuck with me!
“Is someone picking you up, Martha?” I was talking to her as we walked out into the cool night.
“My mom is here to pick me up.”
“Do you think she could drop me off on Cherry Street? Tonight’s a little colder than I thought.”
“Sure David, I'll ask her but I'm certain she will.”
“Oh, Martha?”
“I'm sorry, but I don't even know your last name. I can't exactly call your mom Mrs. Martha's Mom now can I?”
She giggled. “Miller”
She walked over to the car and opening the front door said something to her mother. Then she closed the door and motioned me to come over. I expected her to get in the front seat with her mother, but she opened the back door and slid in, so I ...slid in right beside her.
“Thanks for the ride Mrs. Miller. I didn't think it would be this cold when we got out. My name is David.”
“Nice to meet you David. How was the class?”
I didn't know if she was asking me or Martha. I just mumbled it was OK while at the same time Martha said, “OMG mother, you cannot believe how much David knows about the Bible. I think he knows even more than Pastor Johnson!”
I quickly jumped in.
“Well, probably not, it's just I had done a lot of research on that particular topic for ...some paper I had to write.”
I didn't want Mrs. Miller to think I was anything like Johnson!
Thank God we were quickly on Cherry Street. I thanked her and got out.
“See you in school Martha.”
Whew! But overall I think I got his attention. Martha's too, for sure, but Johnson's ...definitely.
That was my goal.
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