Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
18 Weeks of Twoey - 83. Week Twelve Saturday, November 22, 2014: Revelation
And thus I clothe my naked villany
With old odd ends stolen out of holy writ;
And seem a saint, when most I play the devil.
R3 - WS
I slowly woke up with arms around me and a hard stick pressing against my own morning wood. It didn't take my brain long to remember where I was. I moaned contentedly as my eyes slowly opened, trying to focus on the boy in my arms, who suddenly was not Matty! I gasped a little loudly, I guess, because his eyes sprung open. He gave me a shy, but cute smile. I realized it was Mark. He put his head on my cheek.
“Morning, Chuck.”
Sticking the point of his tongue into my ear, he rubbed his thumb across my nipple. I pushed my rigid meat right into him with an involuntary thrust.
“Stay right there, Chucky-Boy.”
He slid all the way down my body to envelop my shaft. I actually felt his throat close around its head. When he did that, my eyes shot open wide! It was when I noticed Matty looking at me with a grin on his face. He had been cuddled behind Mark.
Matty slid over and soon we were in a lip lock, with his brother working me in ways I never thought possible. I sure didn't last very long. With Matty's tongue down my throat and my cock down Mark's throat, I was spurting and writhing and spasming all over the place! My body was out of my jurisdiction, doing its own thing for the first time in my life!
I was still twitching and gasping.
“Holy Fuck! What a way to wake up!”
Mark slid up and said, “Shower!”
We all got into their huge shower, which easily held us, and soaped each other. With the hot water streaming down I gave Matty a blowjob. After he spurted down my throat, I swiveled around and gave one to Mark. Neither one of them lasted very long as I met the RDA of protein. As we were drying off, I apologized for my blowjobs, saying they were only my second and third ever. But they humored me, saying I was good and could only get better.
Soon we were upstairs having breakfast. Matty, Mark and their parents were chatting away. I was still floating on air. A short rap on the door startled me. It opened before anyone could respond, so I figured it was a regular visitor. Another kid, about Mark's age, walked in. Matty's parents invited him to sit down for breakfast. I was hypnotized.
I’ve gotta tell you, this kid was a walking wet dream! Dark complexion and dark brown eyes poking out from under reddish brown hair, just long enough to cover his ears. Fuck! I might have started to drool! My little-Chucky sure shot to full attention.
His eyes blazed right into mine.
I got even harder! All I could do was stare at him and nod. Then he said, “Curt.”
OMG I’ve fallen in love! I hope he's one of Mark's friends who ‘plays around’ cuz I'd let him do anything to me.
Anything at all!
It was a very strange day today. I had a visit from Alex this afternoon. She’s seriously crushing on me. I’m not sure how I feel about that. I mean, I like her a lot. Today we talked for a couple hours and we were very comfortable with each other. She left when my Dad and Tommy arrived. Tommy seemed to like her. I can’t tell if he was flirting with her or was just happy she was here with me. Anyway, they appeared to hit it off.
Late in the day Twoey called and I found out Sam and Deena might like each other. That made me happy. Twoey razzed me big-time about Alex, almost like he was jealous. I’m sure I’ll have lots of visitors tomorrow, being Sunday. I wonder if Alex and Twoey will both be here at the same time. That’ll be interesting.
While everything I mentioned so far did happen today, all of it was sort of overshadowed by two events. The first came from my late-morning visitors. Right after the nurses and doctors left with my blood and my dignity, in walked Liz and Greg. He came right over to greet me, placing his big hand on my right shoulder. He apologized for not coming before today. Then Liz walked over with a look I had never before seen in her eyes. She bent over and kissed me! I thought it was the first kiss she ever gave me.
I was wrong.
“I’m sorry, David. I’m so sorry.”
“Why are you sorry, Liz, you didn’t do anything.”
“How far back do you remember?”
“What do you mean?”
“Your age. What is the earliest age you remember?”
I tried to recall, but couldn’t think of any actual age when I was younger.
“I remember being a little boy. I remember playing with Gary all the time. I don’t know how old I was though. I mean, it seems like Gary and I were always together, probably from the time we were in diapers.”
“Do you remember when we were a happy family?”
“We were a happy family?”
“Yes we were. I remember distinctly. I also remember when it all changed.”
“How old was I?”
“I was eight, you were five and Tommy was three.”
“That’s ten years ago!”
“A new church opened in town. Mother was having a squabble with some ladies in our old church. She visited the pastor of the new church.”
“Enos Johnson.”
“Yes. She liked him and so we switched churches. I remember Dad making jokes about it. I don’t think he really much believes in any kind of religion. He thought the new church and its pastor were kinda funny. I think he made a big mistake. Mother was quite taken by it though. Actually, I think she was quite taken by the pastor.”
“What do you mean by that?”
“Well, at first he used to visit us. It was strange because Dad always found an excuse to suddenly need to work on a project in the garage or visit Tony or make a trip to the store for cigarettes.”
“Cigarettes? Dad smoked?”
“Yes. I was eight and could pretty much figure out he didn’t like Johnson. It’s funny how that is. He even took me with him a few times. He always took you to visit Gary, any time he escaped to Tony’s. I think it’s how you two became such close friends. Before that time you never got along very well with each other.”
“What? Gary and I? I can’t believe that. We were always tight and inseparable.”
“Not before you were five. I don’t know why. Kids that young usually always get along. Maybe he can remember. Anyway, when Dad didn’t take me with him, I often ended up on Johnson’s lap during those visits. That is, until he made me feel uncomfortable.”
“Uncomfortable? Liz, what did he do to you?”
“He didn’t do anything overtly to me. Mother was usually there too. All I remember was it wasn’t like sitting on Grampa’s lap. He held me, put his hands on my body in like all the wrong places. He didn’t, you know, touch me like that, it just felt creepy. Anyway, I didn’t let him touch me again. One night in particular, he was insisting I sit on his lap and so was mother. So I said I had to pee but ran over to my bodyguard’s house.”
“Your bodyguard?”
She smiled and grabbed Greg’s hand.
“You ran all the way over to Greg’s house? When you were eight?”
She chuckled.
“You don’t remember do you? Greg used to live across the street and down two houses. He had come to my defense at the playground once and I always considered him my bodyguard. When I told him about the creepy guy in my house he became very protective. In fact, he became my boyfriend – still is.”
“I knew you guys were a couple forever. But since you were eight? Wow!”
“I ran over there every time I knew Johnson was going to visit. Greg wouldn’t ever let them find me or know I was there. Whenever I came home, I always told mother I was with Suzie Heven. Both Nels and Suzie always lied for me.”
“So I take it something happened.”
“Yes. I ultimately told mother the pastor made me feel icky when I was on his lap. She slapped me hard. Across the face. She told me I was a lying sinner. That’s why I need to apologize to you. I should have done something. I should have told Dad. I should have told a teacher. The only person who knew was also eight years old – this lunk. And so the little fiction of a happy religious family continued.”
“What happened to you?”
“I developed a false front. Whenever I was in our house, I was an emotionless unloving girl. In my mind, I was simply a battery on recharge. When I was with Greg or Suzie or at school, I was the real girl who enjoyed my life. It actually worked out so well, I could even go to that church every Sunday and sit in on the family breakfast. But the last couple years I couldn’t stand to be around her any other time, so I’ve pretty much lived at Greg’s.”
“Wait. If Greg lived across the street, does that mean Kathy did too?”
“Yep. You liked her, I think. At least you were upset when they moved. You were seven.”
“Shit. I don’t remember any of that.”
“Anyway, I was 10 and had a bike, so Greg was still only a couple minutes away. Right about that time Dad told mother he didn’t want Johnson over so much. Suddenly the visits stopped. In those years I felt safer at home.”
“Will you ever tell Dad?”
“I did last Sunday when he found out she ran off with Johnson.”
“Oh? He knows? I wasn’t gonna tell him.”
“It’s better he knows what a whore she was. I hate her with everything I’ve got. What’s worse, I didn’t protect my little brother. All I had to do was tell someone back then.”
“Liz, you were eight. You can’t blame yourself. And get rid of the hate. Please, for me. Do it for me. I’m trying to do it myself.”
She kissed me goodbye.
“I think today was the first time you ever kissed me.”
“No! I used to kiss you all the time. You were my little brother and I loved you. I still do.”
Then she kissed me one more time. Greg started to tear up. Then they left.
How far the tentacles of evil do spread.
This left me in a bewildered state. From what Liz told me, my younger life wasn’t what I always thought it was. Why can’t I remember a happy family or Dad smoking cigarettes or Liz kissing me or Greg and Kathy living across the street or me and Gary not liking each other?
I should be able to remember when I was five or six or seven! I should be able to remember some one thing from that time ...anything! But I don’t. I only have a vague and non-specific memory of a carefree childhood.
Why can’t I remember?
The second event happened when Dad and Tommy came over after supper. I told Dad about Liz’s visit, but he already knew what she was gonna tell me. Then, for the first time, we talked about the beating. Dad wanted to know specifically who these people were. I explained who Coulton was, even revealing about him living in Danny’s old house which Enos Johnson exorcised with the woman, who forever will remain nameless, present. He looked shocked.
I explained that I recognized the other kid from church, but didn’t know his name. I told him about my old history teacher Burch being the evilest of the three. I even told Dad I thought Burch was about to kill me, to beat me to death. That made him cry. I noticed Tommy was crying too.
“Can you tell me more about this Burch, maybe describe him?”
“Well, he’s probably your age, or a bit older. His hair is all grey. He has a longish face with beady eyes. Jeez Dad, it’s hard to describe him. I bet we can find a picture online. Tommy, go to the school website, it’s too hard for me to punch buttons.”
In less than a minute, Tommy was on the faculty page and showed me Burch’s picture to verify.
“Yep, that’s him.”
Tommy showed it to Dad, who stared at it long and hard.
“I know him somehow. He was younger. It was several years ago.”
That sorta surprised me. Anyway, Tommy and I went back to talking about stuff in his life. It was really great getting back into my brother’s always busy affairs. I don’t understand how he can keep pace with everything! Suddenly Dad cursed. Dad never curses.
“Fuck! I remember him now. He used to sometimes visit with Johnson when your Mother was first getting involved with that damned church! David, don’t you remember? He was always talking to you when they visited. I didn’t like him or that he was always hanging around you. It’s when I made sure you were safely with Gary every time they visited. Finally I kicked them both out. Your Mother didn’t talk to me for about a month after that. In fact, I think it was when she stopped loving me.”
“She stopped loving you? Why were you still there?”
“For you guys. I didn’t want her to have complete control over you guys. I figured I’d divorce her when Tommy left for college. I guess she beat me to it.”
“Wait! I knew Burch? He knew me?”
I think maybe I need to take a month or two off from the world. So much stuff to digest! Thank God they left right after that. I was totally whipped, both physically and mentally.
Before I could fall asleep, Twoey called all excited about Sam and Deena. I forced myself to last through his conversation, but I was fading fast.
It’s Saturday. I knew everyone would be at the dance tonight or getting ready for it this afternoon. Poor David would be all alone. I needed to visit him. I figured mid-afternoon would be best. He’d most likely be alone, with all his friends preparing for the evening. It would also be a good time to use the excuse I was downtown shopping and decided to stop in. I figured he would buy it and not think I was stalking.
I carried a cup of latte all the way from Tim Horton’s. I think my hand was nearly blistered. But the look when his face lit up made it all worthwhile. I gave him a friendly little kiss when I arrived. The visit lasted for over two hours until his father and cute little brother Tommy showed up.
In those hours he was nicer than usual, and David has always been nice to me. We talked about all kinds of stuff. He’s so easy to talk to. We never ran out of stuff to say. I was thrilled to discover we think about a lot of stuff at school the same way. But I’ve got to say he seems to like almost everyone. That’s one of our differences. I can draw harsh judgments. I know it’s a weakness of mine and David really made me see how much it was by his lack of that harshness. If I could ever land him as a boyfriend, I’ll bet he would make me change for the better.
Speaking of which, I wonder what he sees in Deena Hart? If she’s his girlfriend, then maybe my judgment of her was wrong. I mean, he would never go out with a vicious person. Not David. Anyway, I avoided any mention of Deena or really anything romantic at all. If I’m going to be successful with David, I need to make him comfortable around me first. I’ll need to be careful with my stalking ...hehe.
When his brother arrived, he was all in my face asking who I was and stuff. At first I thought he didn’t like the fact I was there. Then, as though a switch were thrown, he was suddenly all friendly with me. In fact, as I began to grab my coat he whispered to me.
“Aren’t you gonna kiss him goodbye?”
When I gave him a questioning look, he gave me a little push. So, what the hell, I went over and kissed David goodbye. It wasn’t an R-rated kiss, but it was right on his lips and I held it for a few seconds. Then I softly rubbed down his cheek and promised to be back when I could. And he smiled at me!
The plan was for Twoey's Mom to pick me up and then pick up the girls at Lanni's house. Then she’d drop us off at Kory's. The walk from Kory's to the school gym is short. After the dance we were to call her and she would drive us home. The weather was a little unpredictable today, so she mentioned if it was snowing or raining to call her and she'd drive us from Kory's to the dance. I think Twoey had the logistics pretty much all covered.
In the future, that’s gonna be his job!
The girls looked really nice as they slipped into the back seat with me. Deena and I knew of each other, but we didn't really actually know each other. It was almost like a blind date. She looked across Lanni at me.
“You're cute Sam! Maybe not as cute as David, but you'll do.”
We all laughed. I liked her already.
At Kory's I discovered Twoey had never been out with Lanni yet, so we all broke the ice and tried to get comfortable with each other. Lanni is cute, but very shy. Deena is the opposite, and she has a very neat sense of humor but absolutely no airs about her. What you see is what you get. I like that, and I think I like her. I'll try to become her friend, at least. She seemed to like me too, so that's a start. We talked a little bit about David. He's the topic of everybody's conversation anyway, especially with Mr. Burch being the guy who beat him. The girls both know David and like him. In fact Deena was going to go to this dance with him. She told me she didn't like him at first, but it was before she really met him ...actually right here at Kory's. The girls kept referring to David's incident almost like it was an accident. I certainly knew better and when I made eye contact with Twoey, there's no doubt about it ...he found it odd too!
The dance was fun and we traded off on occasion, but every time it was a slow dance, I was with Deena. Toward the end of the evening, Deena and I would wander off a few times. We kissed a bit. The last time we were out kissing I told her I really liked her and she told me she liked me too. We traded numbers, and I think I have a new friend. She might even become a girlfriend. I guess only time will tell. I’ll need to call Lisa in Syracuse to give her the good news. Me getting a girlfriend seems to be her number one priority. On the ride home, after we dropped off the girls, Twoey kept trying to find out how Deena and I hit it off.
I thought that was a little pushy of him.
As soon as he answered I yelled, “It worked! You were right! Sam and Deena really like each other! You should have seen Sam blush in the car when I asked him about Deena as we dropped him home!”
“Sam blushed? Sam never blushes!” David sounded happy.
“I think he's more into her than he wants to admit, but you were spot-on with that one. Even at Kory's I could see them warming up to each other. Oh yeah, at Kory's your abduction came up in discussion.”
“It did?”
“David, everybody is discussing this!”
“Why? So I got beat up.”
“Because it's weird with it being Mr. Burch, a teacher and the guy you got in a hassle with. Duh!”
Then I had to find out more about this Alex. I can't believe I was actually jealous yesterday, well at least for a minute.
OK, longer than a minute.
OK, I’m still a little jealous.
“Um ...tell me more about that blond haired, blue eyed girl who kissed you yesterday. Why are you keeping her a secret from me?”
“Jeez Twoey, do I have to give you a list of every girl in my classes? She's just from the social class I got transferred into. I've only known her for a week.”
“Well you sure work pretty fast. I think she was sort of throwing herself at you.”
“Come on Twoey! Give me a break. She pecked me on the nose and you're trying to turn it into some big romance! Kathy kissed me lots better than that, and you didn't ever ask me about her.”
“You're hiding something. I know you too well now ...and you're hiding something.”
“Grrr! ...OK!! She and her buddy Randy sort of greeted me on the first day I was transferred in. They've sort of been trying to befriend me or something and we sort of hung out at Kory's a few times and they sort of took me out with them that first Friday when I was really depressed and we sort of are in a group project too. So that's sort of it. Happy?”
“Seems to be too many sort-ofs if you ask me. OK, I won't press you anymore. Just let me know when she becomes your girlfriend, so I don't make an ass of myself in front of her.”
“She's not gonna become my girlfriend ...Jeez!”
“Was she there with you today?”
He paused, then tried to sound all casual.
“Sure, it’s Saturday so she stopped by on her way to shopping or something.”
“Oooo Kaaay. If you buy that, I have a bridge to sell you. Did she bring you food?”
“Did she kiss you?”
“Just a friendly one.”
“When she arrived or when she left?”
“Oooo Kaaay. Well I better get some sleep. I’ll have to stand guard to protect you tomorrow.”
“Twoey, she probably won’t even be here tomorrow. Look, Twoey, I hate to cut this short, but I had a big day today and I’m fading fast.”
“Goodnight Angel.”
I knew Kathy didn't mean anything to David, but this girl is different. There's something about her. Why do I feel possessive toward him? He's obviously straight or fighting any other orientation, but I can't let him go. Alex is going to be the enemy ...even though I know it's stupid ...but I can't help it. I can't even ask Mom about this. I can't let her analyze me because I'm only running on emotions with this!
Even I know I'm wrong.
I've got Erik, what am I doing drooling over the straight boy???
The straight boy I love.
The straight boy who loves me.
GOD! This is hard!!!
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
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