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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Morningstar: The Malaise - 5. Chapter 5 Exploring New Territory

Feeling each other out.

Morningstar: The Malaise



Chapter 5



The stew was delicious by anyone’s standards, rich and meaty with indefinable flavors. Yeah, the guy could cook, and he sure as hell knew his herbs. Conversation was limited as they concentrated on satisfying their hunger. Kellar seemed anxious to get Tobyn back to laying down. He insisted sitting or standing for too long could put pressure on the newly healed tissue and bone. It was only then Tobyn learned his skull had actually been fractured. It blew him away to think this guy could heal something so severe with just his hands and a few plants.

“Are you finished? There’s lots left if you want some more?”

“No... no way, I’m stuffed. Thank you… thanks for everything.”

“No problem. We can have the rest for breakfast. It’s nice to have a guest. You’re the first one at my humble abode,” he admitted with a slight grin.

“Seriously? Don’t you have friends?” Tobyn wished he hadn’t asked such a stupid question, but it had slipped out because of his surprise, and he couldn’t take it back.

Kellar didn’t appear to mind the query, though. “Yeah, sort of. Work friends, you know? They all live in or close to town. I go for a beer once in a while, but that’s it. And there’s this older couple I trade meat for vegetables with because they can’t hunt anymore. They’re pretty cool to talk to. It’s hard to have close ones, though, when you’re… different… like we are. Okay, it’s back to bed for you.” He sounded nonchalant, but Tobyn caught the loneliness in his last remark.

“Hey, I feel fine!" he protested. "Better than I have in a long time, and I happen to really like your humble abode.” He watched as Kellar got up and walked behind him. There was the lightest touch on his scalp, and its pleasant tingle caused him to lift his shoulders and sigh.

“Thanks... it's home. Yeah, there’s still a bit of color that shouldn’t be there, so you need to be laying down. Don’t worry, it should be gone by morning, but brains are tricky.”

“Oh, okay. And have you worked on a lot of them?” Tobyn asked semi-jokingly.

“Yours is the first human one.” The big man followed up with a laugh at his surprised expression. “Close your mouth, dude, and go lay down please.”

Tobyn chuckled before wrapping the blanket back around him, and Kellar supported his arm as he walked back to the well-crafted log bed.

“I’ve worked on animal-brain injuries, though. Trust me. I know what I’m doing. Well, I don’t know how or why it works... I just know it does. Haven’t screwed up yet, but there’s always the first time, I guess,” he said with more humor.

Tobyn sure liked that smile, and grinned at the teasing expression on the man’s face. “Crap… sorry, but I need to piss. I should have mentioned that earlier.”

“No worries. I have a composting toilet if you need it. Mostly, I use it in winter… or you can take a leak outside. I don’t want you walking to the outhouse, though. I haven’t put a proper septic system in yet… just a sunken barrel full of gravel with a bunch of holes in it for the shower and the sinks. It’s not ideal, but I only use environmentally safe soap.”

“That’s fine. I don’t need the toilet.” It was a little unsettling having someone support him as he walked outside naked, but he was given no choice in the matter. It wasn’t the nudity, it was the closeness. It didn’t seem to faze the giant man, though, and it wasn’t long before he unzipped with his free hand and joined his patient in pissing side by side off the end of the rustic front veranda. “So, have you always been a healer?

“Yeah… well, only after I shifted. I thought it was weird I could see colors and patterns in everything, but I figured we all must be like that.”

This color thing intrigued him. He already knew it was tied to the healing. “When did you realize we weren’t?”

“For certain? Today.”

“Oh.” His stream finally dwindled to a stop. “How did you figure out you have the abilities you do?”

Kellar’s flow was still going strong. “I was doing exactly this on the side of the road, in Quebec, when I was on my way to Ontario, and I saw this little kitten in the grass, barely moving. He’d been hit by a car, and I felt this urge to try and save him.” He finished and put his dick away.

“So, you rescued him? That was a kind thing to do.”

“It was strange at the time, you know? My whole focus was on that little guy. I didn’t just want to help him… I needed to. Are you cold?” He had turned to face him with his head tilted to one side, and Tobyn got the feeling he was being read, or at least his condition was.

“No, not at all. It’s cool out, but it feels nice. And that’s when you found out you could heal?”

“Yeah, sort of. Look, I’ll explain it all later. You should be lying down, so stop stalling and march yourself back inside.”

“You can be pretty bossy, can’t you?” Tobyn asked, grinning at the man.

Kellar’s expression changed, and he looked thoughtful at the comment. “Hmm. Maybe. I never bossed anyone around before… except there was one time with my foster-brother….” He didn’t finish, but a satisfied smile appeared on his face. Back at the bed, while helping him get situated and spreading the big comforter over him, he had that thoughtful look again. “Hey, man, are we human?”


“What are we, Tobyn? Are we people, or are we animals… or something in between? I’ve always wondered, and I never had anyone to ask before now.”

“Oh, I see. Hell, we’re people of course. We’re born as humans and we can even have children with them… we have to be careful of that, though. They need to know what they’re getting into, and that’s our responsibility. You know, until our first shift, we can have our blood work done and it’s no different from any other human’s. Once we shift it’s a different story. We have to make sure no one tests us, so we need to avoid doctors and hospitals. There used to be ones who’d treat us, but our pack isn’t aware of any… not anymore. You didn’t know any of this?”

“I wasn’t positive, but I suspected it was the case. I had blood drawn a bunch of times when I was a kid, and there were no issues.” Kellar walked out to the sink area and brought him a glass of water with an order to hydrate. He then returned to the kitchen and began cleaning up after their meal, putting the leftover stew in the fridge.

No talking was going on so Tobyn closed his eyes, his thoughts on this uniquely remarkable man. He could almost feel the healer thinking, like there were vibes in the air he could read. What must his life have been like with no one to help guide him and his wolf? He felt his own heart reach out to the beautiful man. It was strange to think of any guy as beautiful, but he was, and Tobyn didn’t balk in the moment at how he was seeing Kellar Haylan. There was a lot he needed to talk to him about, but he also knew more questions were coming from the big guy. There had to be. It was hard to imagine being that isolated as a shifter. All the ones he knew relied completely on... needed... their pack.

He was startled when he felt the dip of what must be a homemade down mattress. It certainly was comfortable. He opened his eyes to see Kellar, naked again, with one knee on the bed. The only light still on came from one small lamp.

“This is the only place to sleep. We have to share, so could you move over a little?”

“Of course… sure.” He was never conscious of nudity… shifters just weren’t… but that wasn’t the case with Kellar’s. He was like a god come to life. Tobyn’s eyes were drawn to the big, heavy-looking package swaying slightly in front of him, and he felt the rush of blood to his own cock, enough to make it move a good distance along his thigh. The man was oversized in every way, and he wondered if his blush was noticeable to the big man.

“So, are you going to?”

“What? Oh yeah, sorry. I guess my brain isn’t alright after all,” he answered sheepishly as he sidled over.

“Your brain is fine. It just needs rest, and so do I. To be honest, healing you took a lot out of me. Did I tell you I healed your stomach ulcers too?”

“No, you didn’t. Thank you. Oh, so that’s why your hand was down there?”

Kellar chuckled as he got under the comforter, twisting to turn the light off. “Why else would my hand be down there?

Tobyn chuckled too, but didn’t say anything.

“This is a day of firsts. I’ve never shared my bed with anyone either.”

“No kidding? What about with a woman?”

“Tried that once. Shared a woman’s bed. Didn’t like it.”

“What, the bed?”

“Nope. The sex. Wasn’t for me.”

Tobyn wasn’t sure how he felt about Kellar’s admission, but his dick grew again. Shit. What was going on with him? He had Tilly waiting at home. True, it wasn’t serious, and they weren’t sleeping together yet, but…. “So, are you gay then?”

“Not sure. Haven’t tried it.” It was said matter-of-factly, and Tobyn knew he should leave it alone.

“Well, do you find guys attractive?” He mentally cringed as the words left his mouth. What the hell was the matter with him that he couldn't shut up and stop asking questions? Thank God for the cover of darkness. It took minutes, but when the answer finally came, he was thrown for another loop.

“I find you attractive… good night, Tobyn. I’m sure you’re fine, but wake me if you feel any pain or pressure in your head, okay? Even a slight headache.”

“Ah, okay, I will… good night, Kellar, and thanks again, for everything.”

“You’re welcome. Get some sleep.”

His heart was hammering in his chest, and it wasn’t helped when he heard a stirring, and felt a hard and hairy leg settle against his own. He was only able to relax when he heard soft, steady snores come from the man beside him. No doubt about it… Kellar had him rattled in a way he’d never experienced before.


Waking up in bed with a man was something entirely new, and Tobyn was unsure of what to do. Sometime during the night, Kellar had embraced him from behind, and hadn’t let go. That by itself wasn’t so bad… upon realizing it, surprisingly, he’d gone right back to sleep. But, he was awake again, and not too sure about the giant erection pressing against him in a most intimate way. He should be leaping out of bed, but he wasn’t. It was like he was powerless where this guy was concerned.

Pressure on his bladder took the need to ponder the situation out of his hands. He had to piss in the worst way, and that wasn’t going to be easy considering his own aroused state. It was that damn glass of water Kellar insisted he drink. There was no light coming through the windows, but his vision was still at its best, allowing him to make out the furnishings in the big open room. Taking a gentle hold on the arm against his chest, he lifted slowly and carefully in an attempt to slide out from under it. Kellar’s reaction was to try to pull him closer, grinding into him as he did so.

Whoa... that was interesting, if just a little unnerving. Another tactic was required. “Kellar? Kellar… you have to let go of me. My bladder’s about to burst.”

“Huh… oh… sorry, I, oh God, I didn’t mean to….”

“Relax. I know. It’s fine... just lift your arm.”

“Yeah, okay. I can’t believe I slept like that. I never sleep so deep. I really am sorry,” he said as Tobyn climbed out of bed, keeping his back to him. “How’s your head?”

“It’s great, and stop apologizing. You were dead to the world, so don’t worry about it.” He carefully maneuvered to the door, groaning silently when he heard the unmistakable sound of someone getting out of bed. Sure enough, he was outside all of ten seconds before his rescuer was at his side, struggling just like he was, to urinate out of a hardon. Christ, the thing was huge. He looked from it up to the tall man's face, seeing one hell of a sexy grin.

“Looks like we both have the same problem.” He looked pointedly downward. “Impressive.”

Tobyn laughed and shook his head, his eyes glancing at the big man’s cock once more. “Says the man with a club for a penis.”

The laughter that followed set the streams to flowing and they both sighed at the shared pleasure a morning piss gives. The sky was beginning to lighten as night hinted at dawn.

“Damn, I have to get my clothes. They’re in the woods.”

“Nope, they’re not. They are in the cabin. I saw where you undressed before you shifted, so I grabbed them when you were sleeping. In case you were wondering, there was no sign of the old grey, or I guess I should say Fendral.”

“You saw me shift?”

“Of course. I picked up your scent when you got out of your truck down the road. I watched you the whole time.”

“Damn, I hate that my senses are so unpredictable.”

“I stayed upwind, so you couldn’t have smelled me until I let you.”

Both men finished at the same time, and Tobyn was thankful they were both flaccid. He was finding it hard not to look at the naked man. It was astonishing how perfectly put together he was. He was feeling rattled again, and it was because no one else had made him think he might be gay… not even Hugh, when they used to jerk each other off a few years back. It’d been so easy to leave that behind, yet here he was, ogling his rescuer.

“What’s the deal with that? Why are you having trouble with your senses, anyway?”

“It’s a long story.”

“Okay, you don’t have to tell me. I don’t mean to pry.” The disappointment in his voice showed he thought it was a rebuff.

“No, I want to tell you. As a matter of fact, you might be able to help me with it… who knows?”

The man appeared intrigued now, no longer disappointed. “I’ll do whatever I can.”

“Do we have time to talk about it this morning, or do you need to go to work?”

“Nope. No work for four months… maybe six. We got layoff notices on Friday. There’s a temporary plant shutdown, so I’m free as a… wolf.”

“Oh, sorry to hear that.”

“I’m not. I’m in good shape money-wise, and employment insurance kicks in in four weeks. I can take the hit, no problem. Let’s get some clothes on. It’s cold enough my dick has shrunk.”

“You’re kidding, right? That is shrunk?”

“Yup, that’s shrunk.”

Tobyn muttered, “Good Lord,” as they walked inside, and that deep belly laugh came out of Kellar again. What he felt in his own belly was a warm fuzzy feeling at the sound that was quickly becoming comfortably familiar. In fact, the man himself was becoming the same way.

Thanks to my editor, Timothy M., and to all those who read this story.
Copyright © 2017 Headstall; All Rights Reserved.
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

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Chapter Comments

1 hour ago, Headstall said:

Lol. I totally get what you're saying. He is a mountain of a man in all aspects, and it appears Tobyn doesn't mind that. :P I hope this doesn't turn you off the story, buddy, because I truly believe it is a rewarding journey if you can hang in there. At any rate, thank you so much for taking the time to share your thoughts with me. I love interacting with readers about the different chapters. Cheers... Gary....  

No problem at all. I am really enjoying this story and look forward to reading more of it.

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1 minute ago, gdaniel said:

No problem at all. I am really enjoying this story and look forward to reading more of it.

That's really good to hear, gdaniel. :) Please don't forget to leave chapter likes/reactions by clicking the thumb at the end of the chapter. It's a small thing but it is my reward, and I great way to keep track of people reading my stories. Cheers, and happy reading. Keep in touch. Gary....

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50 minutes ago, Albert1434 said:

Well, I am sure Mother Earth is having her way with Tobyn and that can only be a good thing. I love the bit about things shrinking because of the chilly air! Powerful story line and I just love the dialogue and description is of course first rate!

Lol. This was a fun chapter to write. Poor Tobyn doesn't know what is happening to him. Maybe the Earth Mother is behind this meeting... who's to say. :)  Thanks for the kind words, Albert. You always make me feel good about my writing. :hug: 

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5 hours ago, raven1 said:

It was amusing to see Tobyn confused about his sexuality.  I loved his questions that seemed to pop out of his mouth without forethought.  I didn't realize how informal his feelings were for Tilly, either. 

I think Tobyn's thoughts about Tilly reveals a lot. It appears it is something new for them, and traditional in one sense of the word. :yes:  I found it a lot of fun to write Tobyn's reaction to being in Kellar's embrace when he woke, and how it didn't really bother him as much as he would have thought. Glad you were amused... something is definitely happening. In life there are times we need something to occur in order to know if it feels right. Thanks, Terry. :hug: 

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