Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
18 Weeks of Twoey - 97. Week Fourteen Saturday, December 6, 2014: Randy
What lies in our power to do, lies in our power not to do
No dream last night! Well, that is except for one I’m not too proud of. But at least it wasn’t about Burch or fishes! And I didn’t wake up tangled in my quilt and all sweaty. And I didn’t wake up yelling or screaming or anything. OK, I’ll admit, it was about Chuck. But that’s not a problem, cuz it was the same dream as last time. That is, the last time I had a dream about Chuck, with him naked and jerking off on my bed. But it wasn’t a problem, cuz I didn’t wake up all cummy. I didn’t have a wet-dream again, this time, that is. And that’s good, because it would be hard to explain to Tommy when he helped shower me. I stayed quiet, in bed, willing my morning wood to behave just a little. The last time I had this dream I had to jerk off in the shower, and well you know, much as he loves me, I think Tommy would draw the line at watching me jerk off, especially thinking about a dream about a boy. Not that I would ever think of having him watch me jerk off, I mean that would be a little creepy with him being my brother and all. Alex would have been useful this morning I guess. She seems to like me to cum in front of her, although if I was thinking about a boy and all while she was jacking me off that would be a little awkward and probably downright wrong, or at least a little bent. So after my erection descended from 110% to 90%, I risked heading for the bathroom, trying to make these goddamn crutches be quiet. Luckily there was not a peep from Tommy’s room as I locked the bathroom door which I’m not supposed to because of my ‘condition’ according to the doctor who never bothered to explain what condition he was referring to. It’s the same ‘condition’ that requires me to have another person with me at all times when I’m outside the house walking on these things which was the loophole Alex glommed onto, to always be around in case I needed to get out and take a walk, at least that’s what she told me. Now remember, peeing while standing over the toilet on crutches is no big deal as I had learned how to do it at the hospital to avoid having to use that stupid bottle. But I have to tell you that jerking off into the toilet is a whole nother thing entirely, cuz I have to use my right hand cuz my left is in that stupid cast and it would probably do something terrible to my dick, which I’ve grown quite fond of lately. So that meant I needed to lose the right crutch, which I leaned against the sink which put all my weight on the left crutch which is the same side as my leg cast, in case you forgot. So I had to hang onto the crutch with a plaster-casted hand while leaning on the left crutch while not leaning on the left cast. That could only be accomplished by using my right leg to offer a stabilizing support while my right hand did its masturbalutory work. I think every law of physics somehow came into play to permit my semen to ultimately explode into the toilet. After flushing my babies away, I closed the lid and sat down to regain my strength just as Tommy rattled the door. So I got up and had to listen to a fucking lecture from a kid two years younger than me. But Tommy’s smart, and stopped mid-lecture to suddenly smile as he put two and two together.
“Betcha can’t wait till Monday, huh?”
“Yeah. OK, can I take a shower now?”
“Do you need some privacy? Were you finished?”
“Yeah, mission accomplished.”
He then prepared and showered us, reminding me there were only two of these dual dunkings left after today. I got out and dressed, but remembered my phone was off. When it powered up, there was a text from Alex she had sent this morning. She said she missed having me call her last night and couldn’t stop by this morning because of something she needed to do with her brother, who was home for the weekend.
After breakfast, I realized I’d have some alone time today. So my plan was to spend the morning with Demian and the afternoon with Danny. Of course, that got fucked up. But I didn’t know it at the time, so I settled in with the book, figuring I’d have plenty of time to meditate later.
Demian. Chapter 4. A totally mind-blowing chapter. Was Alex my Beatrice? Sinclair never even meets Beatrice but I was on the verge of having sex with Alex, so the parallel wasn’t quite there, but there was enough similarity to make me think. The painting of Beatrice morphed into one of Demian. In other words, Beatrice brought Sinclair to Demian. Would Alex bring me to my Demian? Was Twoey my Demian? Again, the parallel wasn't quite right. And besides, the last fucking thing in the world Alex would ever do is bring me to Twoey ...hehe. Their fangs were always out when they were around each other!
I decided to wait for tomorrow to read chapter 5, to see how things would turn out. But I spent a good hour considering chapter 4. The light and dark worlds and the concept that God must contain both worlds reminded me of a poem I came across earlier this year. I was researching for that stupid Bible class, trying to resolve some of my own thoughts. It’s when I stumbled onto the revelation that Lucifer was in no way a reference to the Devil. Come to think of it, I think that’s when Enos Johnson decided to hate me. But anyway, back to light and dark.
I was going through John, when early on, in chapter 3, I was on some web-page from the Google search and it referenced a poem, by Henry Vaughan, who lived like forever ago, the middle 1600s or something. So the Bible verse he wrote his poem about was John 3:2, which when I found and read the poem, didn’t seem to make sense to be his inspiration. I guess someday I’ll have to study that connection a little more. Maybe when I learn more about poetry.
But I do remember a line that stuck in my brain, from the poem, not John – not much of him sticks in my brain.
There is in God, some say,
A deep but dazzling darkness
Now when I read the whole poem, I got the feeling what this meant was you had to have total darkness to see light. Since Vaughan’s God was the God of Light, he had to contain this ‘dazzling’ darkness. I don’t know if I interpreted it correctly, but it came back to me as I read chapter 4. If there were a God, problematic as that is, He must contain both darkness and light if he is the “everything” of the universe, right? Anyway, that was enough food for my thought, for today anyway. But I liked a deep but dazzling darkness.
Oh, in another matter, I had better add one more pair to yesterday’s list of what I’ve been blind to.
Chuck and Matty are having sex!
They stopped in around noon to visit for an hour. There was no doubt in my mind about those two. You could see how they looked at each other and how they touched each other. Matty has always been a little more tactile than most, but Chuck never has. Well he certainly was with Matty ...hehe. I'm happy for them. When they left, they were headed for the rink. I sadly wondered how long it would be until I could skate again. Anyway, it was great seeing Matty. Just before all this shit went down, he and I were becoming better friends.
Right after they left, Alex called to say she’d stop over for supper and spend the evening, but she had to do some shopping today. I thought that was good because I’d get some time to meditate and check up on Danny. But, as I said earlier, it was not to be. Apparently, today was visit-David day.
I'm not complaining, because I was seriously bored and will be until I can go back to school next week. But Gary and Mel, Sam and Deena, Twoey and Erik, even Nels and Lauri all visited at some point this afternoon. Of course, Twoey only got to visit for like ten minutes before his new boss thought up a reason they had to leave. As it approached 4:30 Randy walked in. By that time, everyone else had left. I convinced him to take a walk with me.
“This is getting easier for me, but I’m supposed to have someone with me in case something happens. All you have to do is walk next to me and we can talk. Oh, of course pick me up if I fall down ...hehe”
The walk turned out to be a good idea, because I was able to have a nice conversation with him. We had certainly talked before, but never really talked one-on-one. I wanted to know more about Randy, so I started off asking about Alex, since they have been friends like forever. He told funny stories of them as younger kids, how Alex was always a tomboy – no big surprise there – and that she was strong-willed and always got her way – clearly, hehe. But then he said something strange.
“You know, Alex has always been smart. Scary smart.”
“Well Randy, you’re pretty smart too. When did you notice the scary part of her smart?” Randy chuckled.
“The first time I ever wondered about her was a long time ago. We must have been 6 or 7 years old. We were in the playground, on the slides and swings and stuff, when this kid, a little older and bigger than us, started to bully me around. Just verbal, but you know how that is sometimes worse than a shove. Anyway, Alex went over to him and whispered something in his ear. He stopped right away. After that, while he was always in that playground, he never even looked at us again.”
I chuckled and suggested that maybe she offered him a blowjob.
Randy laughed pretty hard at that – at the vision of 6 year old blowjobs. But then he went on.
“It did bother me all night though. The next day I asked her what she told the kid. She said she complimented him on the cute puppy he walked every day. That he should always be sure to keep him safe.”
“She threatened him?”
“Well obviously, but in a manner that is way, way too subtle and refined for a normal 7 year old. In fact, I didn’t get it. I often thought about that as I grew older, wondering how telling someone what a cute puppy they had could make them stop bullying. I think I must have been about 12 or 13 when the realization of what she actually had done finally dawned on me. By then she already had a string of episodes my brain was dizzy over.”
“You said that you and Alex were a couple for a short while.”
“We were just starting middle school and decided, since we knew all about each other, it would be a great idea. That was the first time I ever saw Alex make a serious mistake ...hehe. It was the most terrible three weeks of our lives. Finally Alex and I sort of determined, on the same day no less, that if our friendship was going to survive we needed to dump each other.”
“Dump each other?”
“Yeah, that was her idea too. She figured it was better for our psyches if we did it that way, so no one would feel more hurt. It wouldn’t have worked out under any circumstance because just a few months later I finally realized I liked boys.”
??? Did Randy just come out to me ???
I sorta suspected it, but he’d never told me before. I just stopped talking and kept crutch-walking. I really didn’t know what to say. I don’t think even he realized what he had said. After about a minute though, he groaned.
“Oh shit.”
I stopped and smiled at him. “It’s OK. I’m cool with it. I don’t gossip, either.”
He smiled back. “You’re so easy to talk to, I don’t put any walls up with you, at all.”
I chuckled. “Well, if you’re not going to be out to everyone, you better repair those walls, just a little. Do you have a boyfriend?”
“No, not really. There are a few guys I fool around with a little. One might become a boyfriend if he gives up sleeping around so much.”
“Does Alex know? Not about the guys, but about you …hehe.”
“Oh, there’s not a doubt in my mind, but I never actually told her. And she’d never ask. In fact, when we first met you, there was a little unspoken competition between us over you.”
“Over me?”
“Well, we weren’t actually sure of your orientation and we both found you very attractive.”
“Come on David, you have to know how hot you are. To both sexes. Don’t tell me guys haven’t tried to hit on you!”
“Of course guys haven’t tried to hit on me!”
But that made me start to think. I remembered what Carl McCane said about Danny, and all the contact Danny used to make with me. I remembered Matty and how tactile he was. Maybe he was doing that on purpose to me? His little brother Mark got threatened by Tommy for hitting on me. Chuck risked physical harm to get me to notice him. And, of course, Twoey and those kisses. I think I must have blushed a little while thinking of those gay boys because, suddenly, I heard Randy laughing.
“See! I can tell!”
“Shit Randy, I never added up a lot of little stuff before!”
“You are Clueless. It somehow makes you more attractive.”
Then I realized that maybe Randy might be able help me with some of the feelings I'm sweating over. We seem to have a rapport that I never realized existed before. Also, that weird unstable quadrilateral in my Healing Place had Randy as one of the vertices.
“Randy, we’re almost back to my house, but I have to talk to you about some personal stuff that’s been bothering me lately and maybe get your opinion, if that’s OK with you.”
“Of course it is.”
“With my casts coming off on Monday, I’m not quite sure what’s going to happen next week. I’ll see you in school though. Can we find a few hours one night to hash out some stuff?”
“Sure. I’m free most nights.”
Suddenly I remembered what he had said earlier.
“Um ...Randy, you don’t still think about me that way, do you?”
He smiled and blushed a little.
“I’m sorry, but I can’t help it. If I keep my hands off you, can we still be friends?”
I laughed at that. “Of course. You are my friend!”
About a half-hour after Randy left, Alex came over for dinner and we sat around with my aunt and father to watch boring TV. SHIT ...Saturday night and watching TV. I can’t wait to get this fucking cast off! Alex whispered it was our duty to spend one night with them. I guess I owed my keepers that.
Just think, I probably could have gotten laid tonight! Although the more I see that inevitable day approaching, the more worried I am about it. Should I be doing it with someone before I’m sure I love them? I don’t really know the answer. Maybe Sinclair will help me, if I ever get to chapter 5.
Last night was wonderful, but it was only the preliminaries! Tonight was Chuck-lose-your-cherry night. Mark and Matty gave me a memorable shower to start with, where Mark asked me to blow him. He explained he would last longer that way.
“Chuck, you’re gonna be so tight that otherwise I’ll blow my load before I even bottom out in you!”
Since I had fucked Matty before, I knew what Mark was up to as he put lube on his finger and up my ass and started to stretch my hole. When the third finger went in I was definitely uncomfortable, but Mark was gentle and patient and slowly opened me up. He told me to be as relaxed as I could to welcome his prick.
As he rolled on a condom he said, “Lucky for you I’m narrower and shorter than Matty, at least for now anyway. Hopefully I’ll catch up with my brother one day soon. Of course, you’ll be used to it by then ...hehe”
They made me kneel on the bed and Mark slid a little more lube into me, then lined himself up. He started to push and I know I was clamping down, despite trying to be relaxed. But Matty slipped in front and started to jerk me. That apparently made me loosen enough to send Mark's tool into me, at least its head. Slowly Mark pushed home until I felt his sparse pubes tickle my rear. I felt full and there was pressure, but it didn’t have any of the sharp pains I was worried about. I’m sure his narrower size had something to do with it.
But he was IN! Mark started slowly pushing in and out. It was different, but I couldn’t understand why Matty was so out of control when I did it to him. Mark pulled completely out a few times and pushed back in again. When that happened more easily, he pulled out and turned me over onto my back, added some more lube, lifted my legs over his shoulders and pushed back in. This time as he slid into me there was a jolt that made me suddenly go erect. Mark noticed that. Then on several of his subsequent thrusts, he hit that spot again and again. I think I let out a little whine each time he went over that little spot.
Then he bent over and kissed me ...really, really kissed me. Mark is very sexy! He lifted back and began to fuck me in long, smooth strokes ...and now my body was responding. I was as hard as I’ve ever been. I grabbed the sheets so I had leverage to meet his thrusts. His eyes were at half-mast as he just grinned and fucked me. I pushed back and probably screamed a little each time he sent that jolt through me. I was going to shoot cum without touching myself ...I could feel it ...my eyes were squeezed shut. Suddenly a new feeling hit my cock and my eyes flew open. Matty was sucking me. I was gonna cum. “No!” I screamed, but I forced my cock into Matty's throat as I blasted into him, still clutching the sheets and thrashing my head back and forth as I made some kind of noise. Way back there, in my semiconscious mind, I heard Mark grunt as I felt him swell a little more inside me. I assumed he filled the condom with his cum, but I know I lost consciousness for a few seconds.
When I returned to the living, all I could say, over and over, was “Fucking Fantastic!”
Mark chuckled and said, “I’m happy-glad you liked it! We’re all gonna have a great time around here on weekends.” Then I remembered something.
“Please tell me that Curt kid is into this sex stuff too!”
Matty laughed. “Oh you noticed him last week?”
“Shit, my dick went hard as soon as he walked in the door and I stayed hard all through breakfast!”
Mark was laughing now. He reached over to the desk for his phone and shot a text. I figured he told Curt what I said. Now I’ll never be able to look at him again without blushing! Someone said, “Let’s grab a shower!” The three of us cleaned off once again. This time I gave Matty a blowjob cuz he hadn’t come yet. We dried off but decided to skip our clothes.
As we walked out of the bathroom, all naked, I saw another naked boy lying on the bed, with a beautiful erection sticking straight up in the air. I got tingly all over.
“Curt!” I yelled. “An early Christmas present!”
Losing all my usual shyness, I jumped on the bed and ground my suddenly rigid self into him as I smothered him with kisses. Curt just oozes sex! Well, it wasn't long before I had this itch inside me. Curt is just a little bigger than Mark – I couldn’t wait. I absofuckinglutely could not wait! I looked around and didn’t see it, so I impatiently yelled out to no one in particular.
“Where the fuck is the lube?”
Matty was laughing so hard he could hardly grab the plastic jar off the floor to give it to me. Then he tossed me a condom. I slathered a bunch over Curt and squirted some into my ass and then lowered myself down, in one slow, smooth action, until I was resting on Curt. I stared into his eyes as I lifted and fell and fucked myself on his stick. This was so fucking good! I just rolled my head back, closed my eyes and slowly pulled almost all the way out and then thrust back ...over and over. Soon Curt began slamming up into me each time I thrust down and I was in ecstasy! He put his hands on my thighs.
“I'm gonna cum Chuck!”
“Jerk me!”
He did. A few times is all it took. I spewed all over him and that just sent him harder into me as he blasted too. I collapsed into his arms and our mouths met and said hello again. I got to know Curt very well that night. Yeah ...the fucking for sure ...but we also took time to talk ...and we took time to cuddle ...and we took time to kiss ...and we took time to become boyfriends ...officially!
Curt Snyder is my frickin boyfriend!!
My cock will never be soft again!
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