Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
Morningstar: The Malaise - 25. Chapter 25 A Pack Mentality
Morningstar: The Malaise
Chapter 25
“But, he’s human.”
“Uh huh. I don’t think that’s the problem, though.”
“You don’t think your brother being human is a problem?”
“No… do you?”
“Well, yeah, kind of.” Tobyn’s face exhibited a certain amount of displeasure to go with his shock at the news.
“I don’t understand. Miss Sybil says it happens, that shifters have had humans as true mates in the past, right?”
“Yeah, but….”
“But what? From all I understand about genetics, adding fresh blood to our limited gene pool is a damn good idea, and you said yourself we’re all the same until our first shift. Is this like, a prejudice thing?” Kellar shifted on the picnic bench so they were facing each other.
“No… I don’t know. Maybe. Maybe I’m too protective of our kind. We’ve already talked about this, and I told you I can’t help feeling some people would want to eradicate us if they were aware of our existence. They’d cheer murderers like the Reznicks on.”
“Whoa… Tobyn, that’s a pretty narrow view of things, and I don’t think it’s in the best interest of the pack to be exclusionary at this point. This isn’t about the whole world finding out about us. We’re talking about one human who already knows about shifters. You’re right that there would be a small group who’d want us wiped from the earth, but there are lots of decent people in the world.
“Babe,” Kellar continued calmly despite feeling some disappointment. “There will always be those who react out of irrational fear, but lumping everyone together is both dangerous and unfair. If it did somehow work out between Warren and Adelin, they would be one more pair of mates supplying the energy we know is needed, and don’t they deserve this opportunity? This is Adelin’s only chance to be with her earth mate, human or not. We just have to make sure we can trust Warren... that's my only concern.”
“I… I’m sorry. I sound like a terrible person, but I know you’re right. I wasn’t thinking about the big picture the way you always do. I was more concerned about the complications and that really isn’t fair. If the earth mother chose a human mate for Adelin, who am I to question it? It’s just… we’ve always done everything we could to prevent humans from learning of us, so the idea of our secret getting out is scary as hell. Sorry.”
“You do not sound like a terrible person and I don’t want you to be sorry, but I do want you to see the benefits… if you’d just think about it for a while. You always put the pack first, and I love that about you. I just believe we need to be more adaptable and look at things in a new way.”
“You mean I do.”
“No, I mean we. This is all new to me, and I had to think long and hard about what I should do when I realized the significance of their matching patterns. The last thing I wanted was to see Warren’s ugly mug again, but I learned from you the pack always has to come first, and my personal feelings were secondary. I’m ahead of you on this situation because I’ve had the information since the day we went to see Denver. See… I was right that I should have talked to you first.”
“No… no, you shouldn’t have... you made the right decision for the pack. You see it all from that healer’s point of view of yours and I love that about you. This just shows me you’re on a mission to cure the malaise, and for the first time I feel like I really have a partner in this… one who’s just a little smarter than me when it comes to some things. Plus, you’re smoking hot.” Tobyn’s grin eliminated the tension that had been swirling around their conversation.
“Just a little smarter?”
“Yeah, a tiny bit. You’re kind of dumb about one thing.”
“First you build me up, and now you’re insulting me?” Kellar asked jokingly, elated the strain between them had disappeared so quickly.
Tobyn smirked. “I just figure it’s my job as your mate to point out when you say something stupid.”
“What did I say that was stupid?”
“That I always put the pack first and that your personal feelings are secondary. If you were as smart as you normally are, you would know you come first with me now and always. My priorities have changed.” His voice had softened till it would’ve been barely audible to a human, but Kellar heard it clearly, and he saw the blush that accompanied the declaration.
“Looks like I got me a romantic one too. Plus he’s hot as hell.” He laughed when the blush deepened.
“Guilty… about the romantic part, but it’s your fault.”
Kellar looked into those green-copper eyes and the love he saw made his heart do that skipping thing again. He reached over and claimed his mate’s hand. “Blame me all you want.”
“I wasn’t complaining, doc. So, what do you think the problem is?”
Kellar groaned. Romance was being put on hold. “The fact it’s my foster-brother and he’s always been such a bastard. And now I find out he’s a drug addict and just getting out of rehab.”
Tobyn squeezed his hand. “Yet, you invited him here. Is it only for the sake of the pack?”
“Well... it’s why I called… but it’s not the entire reason I’m sending him a train ticket.”
Tobyn nodded as he waited for him to continue.
“I can’t believe I actually felt sorry for him. No, not just that. I can’t believe I care about him at all. His mom and dad have thrown him away, and he has no family but me. Weird, eh? We’re not related, we have nothing in common and I hated the prick, and yet he feels like my brother… enough that I feel responsible for him. Logically, to me, it makes no sense whatsoever.”
“Hey, it’s who you are, and no joke this time. You’re that guy who rescued the kitten and cured the fox, and probably hundreds more creatures no one cared about. Warren needs you and you responded. I’m not related to a lot of members in the pack, but they’re my family… and yours now. Warren is your family. The black sheep maybe, but he still counts. You did the right thing because you’re a good person. There’s this decency about you I love and admire… it makes me want to be a better man.”
Another hand squeeze, and Kellar’s troubled thoughts cleared. This guy was one in a million. “Thanks. I won’t risk Adelin or the pack but I have to give him this opportunity to try and prove he would make her a decent mate. It’s only right they get their chance to have what we have.”
“Good. That’s settled then... and thanks for straightening me out. Now, how are we going to do this?”
“Let’s get back on the road and we’ll discuss it.”
“Sounds good. I need some saliva first, though.” Tobyn wiggled his eyebrows.
“Yup. Not moving till I get some, and that old guy over there pumping gas isn’t going to care.”
“Got me a demanding one, too.”
“Uh huh. Plant one on me.”
Kellar did, in the bright sunlight, and when he pulled away, Tobyn broke into a heart-stopping smile.
“You’re getting really good at that.”
“Really? I think I need a lot more practice.”
“As long as it’s only me you practice on then I agree you need to work on it some more.” Laughing, they headed for the truck. “Kellar?”
“Is Warren ugly, like for real?”
“What? What are you talking about?”
“You said you didn’t want to see his ugly mug again… so is Adelin going to be disappointed?”
Kellar laughed. “The asshole is ugly to me, but no, if she meets him, she should be fairly happy, I guess. Then again, who knows what the jerk looks like now.”
The first people they saw when they pulled up to the lodge were Elinor and Denver. It was as if they were waiting specifically for them as they stood almost huddled on the granite steps. The greeting from Tobyn’s mother was filled with both relief and concern as she looked first into her son’s eyes, and then into Kellar’s, as if needing confirmation things were good between them.
Tobyn apologized for the short text as Elinor began to push for information. “Mom, I’m sorry I worried you. We have a lot to talk about, but for now we’re fin and all this can wait. Kellar wants to get something done before we get into everything that’s happened since I left.” He gave her a reassuring grin.
“I just need a little time on the computer because I want to get some travel stuff organized right away.”
Elinor gave them both a curious look at the mention of travel. “Of course. I can be patient. Go ahead and use the far office… the one on the right at the end of the hall, and when you’re ready we can get together in mine. Denver has to go back to the garage anyway, don’t you, dear?”
“Uh huh.” His face showed amusement as he looked from Elinor to her son and back again. “I have some more organizing to do before we re-open for business. I’ll be back for supper in a couple of hours. Thanks for helping me sort out our pricing and the invoicing process, sweetie. Good luck with that ‘being patient’ thing,” he teased.
“Oh stop, you,” Elinor said, relaxing as they shared a look.
Kellar realized in that moment just how tough the waiting and the not knowing had been on Elinor. He flickered and watched the mates’ combined colors interlace in a slow motion dance just like his and Tobyn’s did. “Denver, do you by any chance want some assistance in the garage… like an apprentice?”
Denver pulled an adoring gaze away from Elinor. “That’s exactly what I need!”
There was no longer even a glimmer of surliness to this once unfriendly man and Kellar responded to the enthusiasm by smiling. Who’d of thought, after their first meetings the year before, he end up liking this guy?
“Surely you’re not interested in being a mechanic, are you?”
He chuckled. “Oh no, not me… I have someone else in mind. I just wanted to make sure you could use a helper before I made the suggestion.”
“Elinor and I were just talking about this, so if you can find me anyone with a mechanical aptitude I’d be grateful. I don’t want to start off by turning away work.”
“Okay. I’ll let you know in a few days if that’s all right?”
“Super.” Denver had turned his attention back to his mate. “See… things are looking up already… gotta go.” He gave her a kiss and said goodbye to Kellar and Tobyn before walking purposely to his big-ass truck.
“He sure looks happy,” Tobyn commented.
“We both are, dear. He’s a wonderful man and he treats me so well.” Elinor looked completely smitten as they watched him drive away.
“I know the feeling, Mom.” Tobyn laced his fingers with Kellar’s.
Turning her attention to the boys, she focused on their joined hands. “I was so worried for you two. It was such an awful way for it to play out, but you both should know the entire pack is behind you. No one enjoyed watching something so personal.”
“That’s great to know, Mom. What happened, happened, but what matters is it all worked out. I couldn’t ask for a better mate… and I would do anything for him, but I want to ask you something.” His hand squeezed Kellar’s, and he returned the gesture. “Were you disappointed even a little bit?”
“That your mate is a man? Oh, dear, you worry way too much and you should know me better than that.”
“That’s what I tell him,” Kellar interjected with a teasing grin.
Tobyn bumped his shoulder in objection, but didn’t take his eyes off his mother’s face.
“I couldn’t be any happier than I am and I’m not only talking about Denver.” A little giggle escaped before she became serious. “The first time I saw you together, I saw the closeness. I didn’t know you were mates, but once I did, it wasn’t much of a surprise. Kellar is your destiny and I am the farthest thing from disappointed. It’s great having another handsome son to brag about. Does that answer your dumb question?”
“Yup, it does. It’s what I thought… but, I guess I needed to hear it. He is handsome, isn’t he? I couldn’t be any happier either. I know there’s nothing he wouldn’t do for me, and he doesn’t even mind that I do dumb shit or ask dumb questions.”
His self-deprecation was adorable, and when he looked upward at his mate, Kellar had to again struggle to calm his heart. The declaration in front of Elinor touched him deeply. “Destiny. I like that,” he said just before his lips touched Tobyn’s. Elinor’s giggle brought the kiss to a quick end and caused matching blushes on her son and his mate.
Tobyn, snickering, took over navigating the CN train travel site when Kellar got supremely frustrated. Twenty-five minutes later he had passage booked from Moncton, New Brunswick to Union station in Toronto, and then onto Ontario Northland Railway to the town of Cochrane. The last stop before the Polar Bear Excursion continued on to the road-inaccessible Moosonee would bring Warren to within a four to five hour car ride. It was as close as they could get him by train. He pumped a fist in the air when the entire trip was confirmed in an email, and received a high-five for his effort. Warren was in for a long haul, leaving at 8:55 the next day and arriving forty-eight hours later. Ontario time would be 7:50am, and the ticket would be waiting at the station for pick up.
The dent to Kellar’s credit card didn’t bother him in the least… however, it would if he had to arrange a return trip. He was counting on this troubled nemesis from his past not letting him down. He wheeled an extra chair over beside his mate and proceeded to compose an email containing the itinerary that would get Warren to his destination, along with a reminder to get to the depot early enough to pick up his ticket. His finger hovered over send as he looked sideways at Tobyn, enjoying the warmth of their legs pressed against one another. “What should we tell Adelin? Should we wait until I talk to Warren?”
“It depends. First of all, are we going to the train station to meet him, or are we going to try to book him on a bus that will bring him closer?”
“Can we do that… get him on a bus to here?”
“I have no idea, but it’ll take nothing to check online… if I do it,” Tobyn teased.
“Ha ha. You know… I’m not sure what you’re thinking, but I rather he not have any idea of the pack’s location unless I’m convinced we can trust him.”
“Okay… no bus then, but are you seriously worried about that?”
“No… I guess not. I heard a man desperate to turn his life around with no viable options. He’s afraid of falling back into drugs, and he feels alone. So, no… but still….”
“Okay. Then we side with caution and go meet him there. We’ll have to leave in the middle of the night unless you want to go the day before and get a hotel room?”
“We could, but the more time we spend here, the more energy we’re spreading through the pack, and it’s really not that long of a drive.”
“Man, you’re always thinking way ahead of me.”
“I’m the healer in this relationship, remember?”
“Yes, but it’s not only that… you care. About your brother, Adelin, the pack… you’re amazing.”
Kellar added to the email that he would be there to meet Warren upon arrival and pushed send. Standing, he moved behind the sitting man and wrapped his arms around him. “You missed what I care most about… you. You’re my priority too, without any doubt, and you have been from the moment I laid eyes on you.”
“Mmmmm.” Tobyn relaxed into the embrace, bringing Kellar’s hand to his lips. “You could get lucky with talk like that.”
“I’m getting lucky right now… being able to wrap my arms around you and smell your skin,” he murmured into his mate’s ear, getting a shiver in response.
“You wanna go home?” Tobyn uttered in a breathy voice.
“Uh huh, I do, but you know your mom is waiting for us, and we have to tell her.”
Tobyn detached himself, standing up and turning to partially sit against the desk. “Tell her what? What is it that can’t wait until later?”
“Yeah, that’s what I figured you meant. She’s going to freak.”
“Probably, but she needs to know. We have to prepare the pack in case we’re targeted by the younger one.”
“I know… I’m stalling because it’s going to be hard to tell my mom I killed someone by ripping their fucking throat right out.”
“You saved someone… me… and a lot more in the process. Please stop thinking of it that way.”
“I’d prefer not thinking of any of it, to be honest. I don’t regret it, and I would do it again, but I can still feel his flesh coming away in my mouth.”
Kellar moved close and reclaimed their embrace. “I get it. But maybe talking about it will help put it in perspective.”
“To my mom? Don’t think so. I’m still her little boy, you know.”
“Come on. Trust me. When you explain it to her, you’ll see, because she’s going to hug you and thank you for what you did. I know it was hard, but the courage you showed is what allowed us to get to here.”
“You and me, you mean?
“That’s exactly what I mean.”
The email alert on the still open laptop sounded. They both read Warren’s message at the same time. “He’s eager, isn’t he?”
“Well, he should be because we’re throwing him a lifeline… if he doesn’t fuck it up.”
“You just asked me to trust you, Kellar. I do, and you should too.”
“You think so?”
“I know that whatever happens, you did the right thing… you always do.”
Kellar thought back to his decision in the woods that morning… yeah, he’d done the right thing then for sure. Breathing in his mate’s scent, he could sense his happy wolf’s agreement.

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