Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
Morningstar: The Malaise - 28. Chapter 28 Interlude at Eagle's Nest
Warning: some sexual content.
Morningstar: The Malaise
Chapter 28
They walked slowly along the road toward home in a dusky, shadow-strewn light. Kellar was filled with contentment and a new feeling of belonging as he held hands with his handsome blond mate. Maybe he was finally getting the hang of the socializing aspect of pack life. He'd ended up enjoyed himself immensely once dinner with his new family was well underway, and Denver had been the biggest surprise. Opening up like he did was unexpected, but once it happened, he became a very different person. That ornery man he’d met a year ago was not the one he’d just eaten with, and all signs of the depression he’d seen when the shifter first met Elinor were gone. It was astonishing to witness him let go of the pain of losing his first wife and stillborn children right before their eyes. As sad as Denver’s story was, there was a kind of beauty in his closure; watching him and Elinor, Kellar had seen he was just too happy to mire himself in a long dead past.
The colors of the new mates were rich, and their mist too had been constantly feeding those at the tables surrounding them; that was without the completed joining. Of course, instinct told him his and Tobyn’s wasn’t finished yet either. He did wonder at the fact he and his mate produced substantially more mist, though. Would it even out after the older couple’s joining, or was something else at play?
“What are you thinking about, mountain man?”
“Oh yeah?” Tobyn’s eyes were sparkling as he looked up before leaning into him.
“Actually, I was thinking of your mom and Denver’s.”
“Ewww. What the hell for?” Tobyn halted their sauntering, and the sparkle was instantly replaced with humorous bewilderment.
Kellar laughed. “No, my little numbskull, not the actual joining… ewww is right; just to be clear, I was thinking about the fact they were producing so much energy already… not near as much as us, though. It surprised me, but then, I saw a little of the same thing from us before we even swapped spit, and we know they’ve swapped plenty. I didn’t know what it was at the time, so….”
“Ewww again. Could you please stop? I do not want to think about my mom and Denver sucking face. Jeez… always the doctor, aren’t you?” Tobyn, still standing in the middle of the road, wrapped his arms around Kellar. “Numbskull, huh? Okay… I’ll let that go for now,” he said with a raised eyebrow. “Shouldn’t you be thinking of our joining?”
The question, and flecked hazel eyes, made Kellar’s heart do that jumping thing again. “I’m trying not to because I don’t want to walk down the road with a woody. What would the neighbors think?” he teased. “And remember, you did infer I was stupid.”
“Nuh uh. Only that you had stupid ideas… and who gives a crap about the neighbors? Do you see any people around here? I think you should kiss me. Right here… right now.”
“There’s my bossy mate.” He didn’t get a chance to say anything else because soft lips were already fastening to his. His arousal was instant as Tobyn took control of his tongue, the possession making Kellar feel like he was owned. It was a heady moment, especially because this was his life now. He had something, and someone, that was all his. The solid presence in his arms made it real, creating a surge of unfettered emotions.
“Whew.” Tobyn pulled his head back. “Count me as the luckiest wolf on the planet. Thank you, Venus, and thank you, Earth Mother. Let’s do that again,” he suggested as his hands began exploring the curve of Kellar’s ass.
Kellar’s heart felt like it was in danger of exploding, but hell, it would be so worth it. “What a great idea,” he barely had time to murmur into Tobyn’s mouth. They were on a public road, but he reveled in the feeling the world belonged only to them.
“Wanna go for a run?” Tobyn asked when they finally came up for air.
Kellar sputtered as he gave him an incredulous look. “You’re kidding, right? I thought we were going home to, you know, get sorted? What are we supposed to do with these?” Kellar pushed forward so their erections rubbed together. Some uncertainty flashed over his mate’s face, and Kellar picked up on it immediately. “What’s going on? Is something bothering you?”
“No, but… Kellar, are, ah… are you ready?”
“Ready for what?”
Tobyn leaned in and planted a kiss where neck met collarbone. “For ‘sorting,’ like, real sorting.”
“What? Of course I am. We’ve already been doing it, so… oh. You’re talking about…?”
“Yeah, consummating… making love. Is that what we do next?”
“Ah, I don’t know. I mean I want to, but only if you do. Tobyn? You can tell me… are you uncomfortable with the idea?”
“No, hell no… please, please don’t think that. I want to… for sure I do, whichever way, but… I don’t know. Remember our first time, when I was talking about being in control?”
“You mentioned rutting.”
“Yeah, sorry… I don’t mean that now. I know it would never be that, but, it’s a pretty special thing, don’t you think?”
“Uh huh. I do. I can’t imagine anything more special. What’s going on in that pretty head of yours?”
“Ah… some more dumb shit. Just ignore me.”
“Never. You’re not ready, are you?”
“No, it’s not that… I think I am, but I don’t want it to be joining for the sake of the pack… to produce more energy. You were mentioning the mist we were making, earlier, and I don’t want our lovemaking to have anything to do with that. It should only be about us.”
“I agree, and I’m not just saying that. Mist is the farthest thing from my mind when I think about us doing more, believe me. So… what are you saying… what does all this mean to you?” Kellar couldn’t help but smile. He was fast learning the man, and Tobyn was being Tobyn.
“I do believe you, but we both know we’re dealing with a barrage of urges caused by the earth mother’s plan for us. I think I want to resist for a while if it’s okay with you. I don’t know if this makes sense, but it’s about being in control of maybe the biggest thing we’re going to do together… in that department, I mean.”
Kellar laughed and a blushing Tobyn frowned. “Hey, I’m not laughing at you… or your way of thinking. I’m laughing because you are being so you.”
Tobyn was still frowning, and his expression was bordering on hurt.
“Don’t misunderstand me, okay? You’re a man who marches to his own drummer, and you don’t take the easy way… you have a lot of, I don’t know… fight? Yeah, you have a lot of fight in you and I’ve witnessed it ever since I first met you… and trust me when I say I wouldn’t want it any other way. It makes total sense what you’re saying. You’re not a wolf to just roll over,” he said with a grin.
Tobyn's smile at the joke was a weak one and it was gone in a flash. “It does? Cause it sounds so freaking stupid now that I’ve said it. I mean I know these feelings couldn’t be more real.” He looked down and away before slowly returning his gaze to Kellar’s.
“Yes, it does… make sense. When we decide to make love, it will be because it’s what we want… not because of some primal urge. It’s kind of like saying to the earth mother, ‘Thanks, but we got this.’ I get it, and I understand why that is important to you. It will make it more meaningful when it happens because it’ll only be you and me making the decision, and not because of anything else.”
“Jeez. You understood what I meant better than I did. How do you do that?”
“It’s easy. I know my Tobyn, and he is wonderfully unpredictable in a predictable kind of way. So there will be no wham bam for us… not until we figure the time is right, okay?”
“Yeah, okay. It’s not like I want to wait for a long time.”
“Whew,” Kellar said with a chuckle. “I’m just kidding. We’re not on any timetable. We can still do the other stuff, though, right?”
“Fucking right we can.” Tobyn was smiling again. “So… are you in for a run or what?”
“I’m in… always. I’ll race you to the backyard.”
Tobyn, with amusing eagerness, was the first one stripped and shifted, his tail high as he disappeared through the thick stand of pines bordering the yard. Kellar was confident he’d soon catch up—his wolf had yet to be bested by the smaller golden one, at least not in a fair race. Hell-bent on his goal, he wasn’t prepared for the sneak attack Tobyn launched from a hiding spot, causing him to leap sideways into a patch of dogwood.
For a split second, Kellar was taken back to his first time as a wolf, when he’d hid in just such a stand. He didn’t have time to contemplate, though, as a golden blur shouldered him again. The sight of Tobyn, front end lowered in play, facing him and yipping, had him gamboling away in a game of rough and tumble tag. They weren’t yet far from the house as they engaged in instinctual puppy play, and Kellar thought again just how much he’d missed during those years spent alone. He needed this, and he was always going to. His wolf deserved the joy it brought.
Minutes later, Kellar was standing over Tobyn, panting as heavily as his prone mate when he caught the scent. Fendral was back. He wasn’t close, but the old gray was definitely on pack lands, and that meant he'd outwitted the Reznicks.
When his mate scrambled out from under him and stood with his nose held high, Kellar knew he’d caught it too. It was a welcome surprise, and Kellar laughed within when Tobyn began spinning in circles, first in one direction and then the other. He could practically hear the words of relief in his reaction before the happy wolf took off at full speed.
Tobyn seemed to have some distant place in mind, so Kellar contented himself with following, scenting for danger the whole time. He was rewarded for his trust when they reached their destination. The moon was now visible as it hung above the expansive horizon in a dark blue sky, and this new view was spectacular. Tobyn shifted, and Kellar did the same.
“Where are we?”
“We call it Eagle’s Nest Bluff. It’s named for the generations of nesting pairs who've been here for as long as anyone can remember. We can’t see their eyrie from this spot, though. It’s on the other side of these trees on a rock spur. They get nasty if you go over there, and I don’t feel like getting dive-bombed by an angry mother bird, so we’ll just stay on this side,” he said with a grin. “Nice spot, isn’t it?”
“Yeah, nice doesn’t begin to describe it. I thought we’d climbed high the last time we ran pack lands, but this beats that to hell. Kind of on top of the world, aren’t we?”
“That’s how I’ve always thought of this spot. The top of our world. Highest elevation for miles and miles.”
“Are we still on pack lands?”
“Yeah, but barely. This is pretty much our southern border. There’s a narrow but fairly deep river down there, mostly hidden by the dense woods; it runs all the way into the lake you saw at the marina. Hey, have you ever been fishing?”
Kellar thought about the camping equipment he’d taken from his old house on Turtle Dove Lane and still had at his cabin. “Nope, never been.” He peered downward and saw flashes of moonlight on scattered patches of water.
Tobyn moved closer to his side and grabbed his hand. “Do you want to?”
“I would love to go fishing… if it’s with you.”
Tobyn snickered. “Well, seeing as how we don’t like to be fifty feet from one another, yeah, it would have to be with me.”
Kellar turned and grinned, and his breath caught at the hungry look in his mate’s eyes. A tug on his hand brought them into closer contact, and their lips came together in a kiss filled with a desire that left Kellar more breathless than their run did.
“This makes a great make-out spot, huh?” Tobyn sounded out of breath too.
Kellar groaned in response as he felt claiming fingers wrap around his cock.
“Do you think you’re strong enough to just stand there and let your mate take care of this?” Tobyn’s hand slid slowly up and down as he stared into his eyes.
“Um, yeah. I’m all yours, but don’t you want me to….”
“Shhhhh. And damn right you’re all mine.” He sank to his knees in the spongy moss covering their little patch of ground beneath a massive spreading oak. Taking a long lick from the base on up to the tip, he didn’t break eye contact with Kellar. Tobyn might have been the one kneeling, but he was most definitely the man holding all the power in this moment. With a devoted, sexually-charged look, he switched his attention to the fleshy instrument at eye level, gently swatting, and watching it swing back and forth. “It’s beautiful,” he murmured as he repeated his motion, seemingly hypnotized by the swaying. “I do want this inside me.” It sounded like he was speaking to himself, and when he looked back up at Kellar, shyness showed fleetingly before he smiled with confidence. “I love you, mountain man.”
“I love you too. I love you so much.” At Kellar’s response, Tobyn pulled his upwardly-angled erection down and straight into his mouth, lips tightening around it before he began nursing the head with alternating tongue and suction. Kellar felt the powerful urge to reciprocate, and his knees almost folded on their own accord, but he braced himself as he watched in fascination. He was being worshiped. There was no other word for it as Tobyn dedicated himself to giving his mate pleasure. With hand and mouth working in unison, Kellar was being taken on an incredible ride.
There was something about being outdoors with the evening breeze tickling his body hair that gave this act a measure of magic. He watched this gorgeous, naked man work to take as much cock inside the wet and warm cavern as he could. His enjoyment of the challenge was clear as he managed about two inches more than half. Kellar could feel the bumping against throat as Tobyn rocked back and forth. His ease demonstrated his capacity was increasing, and it was very much appreciated by the one struggling to stay upright in front of him.
Tobyn was cradling his balls in one hand as if they were treasures, massaging gently, and Kellar closed his eyes at the intense emotion running through him. He opened them when he felt the release of his testicles. The sight of Tobyn’s hand moving to his own erect cock held him in thrall. Seeing the man stroke himself while continuing to suck on Kellar was such a hot image that he felt his balls pull up in quick reaction. His first time with this perspective was one he would never forget. The wondrous view was locked in his mind for all time.
“Tobyn, can I do you, please?” he hissed out. “I’m so close… what you’re doing is….”
“Shhhhh,” was all he heard in response. Tobyn upped the speed of his motions, moving his mouth back and forth with persistent suction while his hand worked the bottom half in the same rhythm. Kellar was a goner. Gripping handfuls of golden hair, he gave in to sensations that were emotional as much as physical, throwing his head backward as he convulsed in orgasm. Shot after shot flooded the receptive mouth, and Tobyn proved up to the task. When Kellar finally opened his eyes, Tobyn was looking smug with just his lips pressed against the tip as though he was kissing it. Kellar looked down beyond his face to see a hand sliding up and down his mate’s cock in slow, lazy strokes.
“Stand up.” It came out as an order. There was no way Kellar was going to be cheated out of his share, and despite unsteady legs, he squatted down. Tobyn didn’t need any convincing, standing up and letting his mate take over. Kellar moaned at the taste, happy his need was being filled at last, and worked in earnest to achieve what he wanted most in that moment. Tobyns fingers were in his hair immediately, and his hips thrust forward. A surprised Kellar lost his balance, but regained it just in time as Tobyn unloaded with a long, low series of soft grunts. He must have been edging this whole time. Nothing in the world could taste as good as what continued to spurt, and Kellar worked to get every drop available. Pulling away with a yelp from his over-eager mate, Tobyn slid down till they were both on their knees, face to face. Kellar matched the idiotic, lovesick grin with one of his own.
Their eyes locked and the grins stayed in place until Tobyn finally spoke. “How did you like that sorting, doc?”
“Better than any medicine I’ve ever had. You’re amazing, you know that? You have your own special talent for healing.” His grin hadn’t left.
Tobyn chuckled. “So are you… fucking amazing. I’m never going to get enough of you. Thank you for letting me finish. I know that was a difficult thing to ask of you.”
“I knew what you were doing. I got it.”
“Oh, yeah?”
“Yup. We were in control of what we did… not the joining urges, and let me tell you, they were damn strong.”
“You don’t have to tell me. I so wanted to come when you did, but this way was better, don’t you think?”
“Free will. Gotta love it… but make no mistake, one day I’m going to be biting you.”
Tobyn, caught off guard, burst out laughing, and it kept on for a while. Finally it subsided to a chuckle and then another one of those grins. “Maybe I’ll be the one who bites first?”
“Hell, yeah. That works too.” Kellar wrapped his arms around his mate and pulled him over onto the cool, green moss. “This was special. It meant a lot and it’s something I’ll never forget. I could feel how much you love me.”
Tobyn curled around in the strong arms so they were spooning in moonlight. “That was the whole point, doc. I could stay like this forever. My wolf is so happy right now.”
“Me too. And so is mine. This is my new favorite spot.”
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