Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
Cuddlefish - 2. 02
"Let me the freak go!" The Nubra argued as he was quickly shoved into a room and then locked in from the outside. The petal shaped tentacles on his head and down his back glowed orange. "You can't keep me locked up forever! You have no idea who you're messing with!" He tapped his fists sideways against the door and let out a groan of frustration.
Tilbei heard a soft gasp from behind him and whipped around, ready for a fight. But he didn't see anyone. There was a pile of blankets in a corner that...moved?
Tilly's petals lifted warily as he stalked stiffly towards the corner. As the Nubra got closer, he saw that the pile was positively trembling, and two eyes seemed to be peeking out at him. He took another step, and the fabric appeared to explode outward. A very naked and animated person shot past him to the opposite corner. He caught a glimpse of small to medium-sized rabbit ears and a huge, flowing lilac tail with white stripes.
The Nubra turned toward the person warily, to find that his new roommate had pressed himself into a corner and was shielding his body with a beautiful tail nearly as big as he was.
"You stay back!" the man shouted, and Tilbei noticed the young man was covered in scrapes and bruises, including a black eye and split lip. "I swear I won't just bite it this time. I'll bite it off!"
Tilbei made quite the face as he shook his head and leaned backward a bit. "H-Hold on there, I'm no friend of those damn Hunnars." He stated indignantly as he motioned towards the door. He then pointed to himself in a rough manner. "I'm a prisoner like you."
"And as for the whole biting thing...if I caught your drift, that is. Well, you're welcome to bite mine off all you want, I'll just grow another one." Tilly then made a disgusted face, mostly at himself. "Ugh, that sounded so wrong."
"Th-they said they were going to send someone in to break me..." the lavender-tailed man stammered, his back pressed tight against the wall.
"Well, then they must have forgotten it already." Tilbei pondered aloud with a scoff. "They were after my best friend, a Sepida, to milk him. But, when he escaped, they came back for me saying they'd sell me off to someone." He made another face. "But, we'll break out of here before that happens. I've escaped before."
"How?" the young man asked, eyes narrowed suspiciously.
"My friend camouflaged himself. We hid him away, making it seem like he had escaped. When they tried to drag me over to interrogate me, Pip came up from behind them, and the two of us knocked the Hunnars out, stole their key cards, and one of their ships." Tilly explained. "He can sure fly anything, that Pip. I learned a lot from just hanging with him."
"I-I can't do anything like that..." the lilac-hued man admitted softly ."I can't do anything, really." He wrung his fluffy striped tail in his hands. "Look, if all that's true, then you should get yourself out as soon as you can." He frowned, looking down. "I'd just slow you down, maybe even get you caught."
"No way, I'd rather stay caught than leave without you. We're in here together, so we're getting out together." The Nubra vowed. He then frowned and took a step back. "My best friend, Pip...he must still be running if they haven't caught him yet. I've gotta find him. Please...help me find him."
The man straightened, relaxing slightly, though carrying a very confused look on his pixieish face.
"You don't even know me," he said, half to himself. "I'll do what I can to help. But, if I'm holding you back, I expect you to leave me behind. Your friend might need you, wherever he is."
Tilly gave the lilac man a smile. He could finally see his face above the tail he was hiding behind. "My name is Tilbei Tic Leyhe, but friends call me Til and Tilly." He stated. "I'm a Nubra from an aquatic world."
"I-I'm Jasper, just Jasper. Well, sometimes Jas." He worried his tail and looked at the floor. "I'm not anything... Just an aberration," he said quietly. "My mother is a Polkin. Umm, a skunk," Jasper explained when Tilbei didn't seem to recognize the species. "My father's people don't really have a name for themselves. They're just 'The People'. He's from The People of the Plains. He's a rabbit." Jasper rubbed the soft, thick fur of his tail, as though comforting himself. "Mama crashed on Papa's planet, and he saved her. The People didn't think they'd be able to have kits together since their species were so different." Jas knew he was babbling but couldn't seem to stop himself. "That was hard on Papa. Rabbits usually have really big families. They took in some foundlings as their own...But eventually, they had me," he trailed off.
"That's amazing," Tilbei admitted. "I think you look great! Your ears and tail are beautiful from where I'm standing. Want to see my petal tentacles?" He offered as he turned around so that he could show him how the petals covered his head and ran down the back of his neck and spine in almost a diamond shape.
"Wow," Jasper crept from his darkened corner. "You're beautiful..." He lifted a hesitant hand. "Can I touch?" he asked uncertainly.
Tilly looked over his shoulder and finally got a good look at his cellmate. Jasper looked around the same age as Tilbei, but it was hard to tell with other species, especially mammals. The hybrid's skin was a warm lilac, matching his tail. Tilly frowned at the blotchy bruises scattered across the young man's smooth skin, with more around his wrists and even his throat.
Jasper was a bit shorter than Til if his rabbit ears weren't considered. Those perched upright on top of his head. They were on the small side for a rabbit, but they looked quite long and elegant to the Nubra. Jasper's hair was short in the back but long on top. It fluffed straight up, before flopping becomingly to the side to cascade down his temple and cheek. It was a darker shade than his skin, with a snowy white stripe in the middle.
Curious indigo eyes caught Tilbei's, bringing his attention to Jasper's pixieish face. The hybrid's face was sweet, with a pert little nose and gently curved cheeks. A scabbed cut marred full, inviting lips.
"T-til?" Jasper asked, pulling the Nubra from his obvious staring. "Did I say something wrong?" He pulled his hand back, petting his tail worriedly again. "It's okay if you don't like to be touched. I understand..."
"N-No, it's not that," Tilly insisted, the orange parts of his body glowing in embarrassment. "Go ahead and touch all you want." He didn't like how they treated the hybrid. To hurt those lovely lips was a sin in his eyes. "Can I touch your tail sometime?" He asked softly.
A sparkle twinkled in Jasper's deep indigo eyes, lighting up his whole face.
"I'll let you touch mine if you let me touch yours," the hybrid answered with a self-conscious giggle, stepping closer to Tilly.
"Deal," the Nubra responded with a wide grin, his white smile contrasting with his dark skin.
Jasper sidled closer, looking his new friend up and down. He'd never seen anyone like Tilbei before. His skin was a perfect black, like a clouded night with no moon. It looked smooth and perfect, with long, lean lines and tight muscles. The hybrid was suddenly embarrassed by the cuts and bruises covering him. He thought he must look hideous. Instead of ugly bruises, Tilbei had lovely orange spots that glowed softly under Jasper's gaze. A few round glowing spots adorned the Nubra's toned ass. More spots graced his shoulders, hips, ankles, and elbows. Jasper noticed the ones on his ankles and elbows were more teardrop-shaped than round. He wondered how they'd feel under his fingers. They glowed, would they be hot? He shook his head, trying to rid himself of the temptation to slide his thumbs over the glowing spots on Tilbei's backside.
Jas assumed the Hunnars had taken his clothes, as they'd taken his. Yet, the Nubra seemed completely comfortable. Unlike Jasper, who continually hid his nakedness behind his enormous striped tail.
Til looked over his shoulder again with a blinding smile. Jasper's eyes drifted up. Tilly had more spots on his face, beneath each eye. The black and orange were a startling contrast to his eyes. They were...peach. A deep, lovely peachy color that strangely fit him perfectly. They were so pretty. It reminded Jasper of something, but he couldn't think of what. Two longer orange tentacles stretched up from his brow, swaying softly as though moved by an unseen current. Instead of hair, large petals draped across his inky dark forehead. They covered his head and trailed down his back, with orange spots and white and orange tips.
The man was exotic and stunning.
Jasper reached out a hesitant hand, stroking his fingers across one of the petals on Tilly's back. A smile broke out on the hybrid's face, pulling at his split lip. He didn't notice, enthralled with the cool flesh under his fingers. The flesh was smooth and firm, though it seemed to relax after a moment. Jas trailed his touch across the lovely petal, his eyes widening as he felt the warmth radiating from the orange spots.
"That feels so nice," Tilly whispered as he allowed Jasper to continue touching him. "I've only ever been touched by my family and best friend. When we were little, we used to brush each other after a bath..." He mused out loud. "Granted, we couldn't do that as adults...that's usually reserved for lovers."
"You're so smooth," Jasper murmured. "I thought they would be rubbery, but the surface is almost soft. And you can glow! It's beautiful." The hybrid reluctantly pulled his hand back. "My tail isn't as amazing as that, but if you still want..."
Jasper kept part of the fluffy appendage over his groin, but there was still plenty of tail to stretch out to Tilbei like an offering.
"Don't feel embarrassed," Tilbei mused out loud as he reached out to carefully touch the lilac tail. "Even though I say don't feel embarrassed, it's kind of silly seeing as how I glow orange when I'm embarrassed. They even turn...uh, I change another color when aroused." As his fingers ran through the soft fur, he practically melted on the spot. "Oh wow, you're so soft." He mewled as he rubbed the side of his face against it.
Jasper's cheeks flushed mauve, but he didn't pull away.
"I haven't been able to clean or brush it properly," the hybrid admitted shyly. "I thought it was looking scraggly. So, thank you. That makes me feel better."
Tilly gave the lovely tail another soft pet and couldn't help but breathe some of its scent in as he finally let it go. "One day, I hope you allow me to help you brush it." He babbled out loud before he realized it. He began to glow orange once again at the very idea.
Jasper blushed harder, petting his tail in the same place Tilbei had. The hybrid's heart thumped in his chest as Tilly's peach eyes seemed to stroke him as the man had done to his tail. Jasper couldn't remember anyone ever looking at him like that.
"I think I might like that," Jasper had to admit as he spotted a tangle in the thick fur. He worked at the knot with his fingers. "Stars, I will probably need the help. It's a mess" Jas sighed softly. "So, how are we getting out of here?"
"As gross as it sounds, I can secrete venom from the smaller tentacles on my elbows." The Nubra explained. He kept the fact that he could also weep acid all over his body when under extreme threat to himself. "The next time one of them comes in to feed us or to try to do anything else to us, I can elbow them in the face. And we can steal their card key and make a run for it."
"You have elbow tentacles?" Jasper asked curiously. "That's amazing. Can I see?"
Tilbei slowly folded his arms in front of him, causing the two tentacles just below his elbows to stick out. "I only secrete the venom when I concentrate hard enough. The effect can last for hours until the body can kick the poison, but it depends on the species."
"Will it poison me if I touch it?" Jasper had to ask, drawing close to the inky-skinned Nubra.
Tilly shook his head adamantly. "No way, they're safe right now."
"Can I?" the hybrid asked, his ears perked forward.
The Nubra couldn't help but chuckle. "Go ahead."
Jasper slid the pad of his finger from the base of the tentacle to the tip, a small delighted smile tugging at his lips.
Tilbei was filled with the urge to keep that smile on the hybrid's face. "So, Jasper...uh, do you have anyone back home waiting for you? I mean, besides your parents and family."
Jasper's face fell, his amethyst eyes falling to the floor. He wrapped his tail tightly around himself.
"Please, don't make fun of me," the hybrid whispered.
Tilly gasped at his mistake. "Oh, no, Jas!" He quickly amended. "I didn't mean it that way at all. It's just that you're so gorgeous that I thought for sure..." He frowned and shook his head, his petals all but flattening against him in a drooping manner. "I'm sorry, forget I even asked."
"You really think that about me?" Jasper asked hesitantly. "At home..." He sighed softly. "I didn't fit in. I had some friends, but nobody ever wanted more from me." He couldn't seem to meet the Nubra's eyes. "Papa said I should wait for the next gathering, but I couldn't wait anymore." Jas grimaced. "I took one of Mama's small ships, and I ran away." He finally lifted his eyes. "I got grabbed at the very first port."
The Nubra made a face. "That's terrible," He ranted. "First of all, I'm in shock that no one wanted more from you. Maybe some did but were too cowardly to admit it. Second of all, to have been taken so suddenly...I'm sorry your plans were ruined."
"You really mean it, don't you," Jasper said in amazement. "Thank you," he added sincerely. "I don't even know what to say...I've never met anyone like you before." Jasper's indigo eyes twinkled. "And I don't just mean the tentacles." He huffed a sigh. "I do wish it was under different circumstances...and that I had pants."
Tilbei let out a bell-like laugh. "You mean your kind wears clothes? My kind's aquatic, so we don't really wear any clothes..." His face formed into a frown at the realization. "Wait, you mean those damn Hunnars stole your clothes!?" He hissed as he glared at the door. "All the more reason to poison them."
"You're sweet." Jasper giggled as he blushed, toying with the tip of his tail. "Really sweet." He frowned. "I wish I could help more. If it had been a week ago..." Jas continued at Tilbei's concerned look. "Do you know anything about skunks or Polkin?"
Tilly sat down beside the hybrid and shook his head. "No, but I'd certainly like to learn more."
"Oh, well," Jasper shifted awkwardly. "They have musk glands under their tails. It's right on their bottoms. I have them, too." Jas didn't think his face would ever recover from his blushing. "For skunks, it just makes an awful smell." His pert nose wrinkled. "Polkin glands are different. We can do the awful smell thing, which might have helped as a distraction. We can also make a sweet smelling pheromone, and...and something that...Well, it sort of makes something conveniently slippery when we're...excited." Jasper sighed softly. "But mine are broken now. The Hunnars have been, um, milking them, which is an unpleasant and invasive process. I guess they overdid it or screwed up. I can't make defensive spray or pheromone musk anymore." His face burned. "I-I might still be able to, you know...lubricate, though."
Tilly pulled Jasper into a tight hug. "Jas, I'm so sorry. Those damn Hunnars! I oughta poison every last one of them for what they've done to you!" He gently rubbed the hybrid's back. "Oh shit!" He hissed as he pulled back. "Are you hurt? Where did they hurt you? Sorry if I made it hurt more."
Jasper couldn't resist nuzzling into Tilbei's neck. He smelled so nice, and his skin was so soft.
"I'll be alright," the hybrid whispered. "You really are the sweetest."
The Nubra began to gently stroke the sides of Jasper's face as he made an inventory of all of the hybrid's injuries. "I'll do all I can so you're not hurt anymore." He insisted. "I can do loads more when we escape."
For the first time since the Hunnars had snatched him, Jasper felt safe. He knew it was ridiculous; he'd just met Tilbei. He was an alien species that Jas had never encountered before. The exotic man could still be working for the Hunnars. They'd said they would break him. What better way than giving him hope and then dashing it away. But the hybrid didn't really believe that.
He'd always been taught to listen to his instincts, that they would lead him on the right path. His gut had told him not to leave home so abruptly, recklessly. He hadn't listened, feeling hurt and lost. It had gotten him nowhere good. The Hunnars had said they'd break him, but he'd felt pretty done in already.
Now, though, sparks of hope were blooming inside him. And the sweetest, most handsome man he'd ever met was holding him close.
He'd told Jasper he was beautiful. He even made Jas feel beautiful. Maybe it was the extreme situation they'd both been thrown into, but the lilac-skinned man trusted Tilbei. And he was already more than a little smitten with the Nubra. The most amazing thing was that Tilly seemed to feel the same about him.
Impulsively, Jasper lifted his head and pressed his lips to Tilbei's.
Tilly let out quite an embarrassing sound but kissed the hybrid back as carefully as he could. He didn't want to irritate Jasper's hurt lip any further. When they pulled away, his orange segments were already glowing a red-orange tint. He cleared his throat. "You know, in my culture, kissing like that is something lovers do." As he continued to speak, the red-orange began to change into a deep red. "...and one of my members is already starting to swell." He grumbled as he glanced down at his peeking shaft and began to argue with it. "Don't get excited so fast. He hasn't even said yes yet!"
Jasper giggled, pressing himself against the Nubra as he stopped hiding behind his large floof of a tail. It was suddenly clear the hybrid was as excited as Tilly.
"Yes," Jas whispered, his indigo eyes darkening until the dilated pupil was lost.
Tilbei couldn't keep the wide grin off his face. "Yes? You won't regret it, Jas!" He responded as he tugged the hybrid onto his lap and kissed him again, still just as soft and gently as before. One of his hands slid up and down Jasper's back as the other began to pet and stroke the base of the beautiful tail.
"Oh!" the smaller man gasped as Tilly touched him so carefully. "B-bei..." He arched into the Nubra's sweet caresses. "That feels so-"
The door banged open, a pissed off Hunnar barging through. Jasper squeaked, falling off Tilbei's lap and landing hard on his backside in his haste to wrap his tail around himself.
"You little slut," the Hunnar snarled threateningly as he stalked forward, not bothering to shut the door behind him. "Too good for some fun with us, but you'll whore yourself out to a sea slug?" His lips curled as he dove for the terrified hybrid. "Come on. Alpha says if he can't sell you as a bed slave then maybe we can get something for just your tail and ears." The Hunnar grabbed at Jasper, but he rolled to the side. "Sit still! I made sure the knife is sharp. It'll be over fast. You're only making it worse for yourself!"
The hybrid's defensive glands clenched automatically. He got nothing out of it but sharp pain stabbing his backside as the damaged organs twinged. Jasper yelped and grabbed his bottom.
The Nubra's tentacles flared and shook furiously. While the Hunnar was distracted with Jasper, he quickly tried to grab hold of the back of the abductor's head. But, the fierce creature quickly moved out of the way too quickly. Tilbei then ran and leaped onto the cot, using the momentum to launch himself at the Hunnar's back, where he clung to the criminal.
"Get off me, you fucking slug!" The Hunnar howled.
The tentacles on his elbow became as sharp as knives as the toxins seeped onto the edge of them. He quickly jammed those tentacles into the Hunnar's neck and released him, taking a few steps back.
The Hunnar's eyes were wild with anger as he snarled at Tilbei, holding his hand to his neck. He took a step towards him but became unsteady on his feet. By the third step, he collapsed onto the floor.
Tilly toed the Hunnar over with his foot so that he could retrieve his keycard. "Jasper, come on," He urged as he held out his hand to the hybrid. "Let's go."
Jasper's eyes were wide as saucers as he took Tilbei's hand. They zipped out of the room, closing and locking the door behind them.
"There should be a puddle jumper in the hangar. I've seen it a couple times when they've taken me to..." He shook his head, as though it could erase the memories. "Sometimes it's not there, though...And it's a dead end." Jas worried his lower lip between his teeth. "But I don't know of any other way to get off this ship and away from here." Jasper looked up at his hero. "I know the way if you want to try it."
Tilbei nodded. "Lead the way. It will be a while before they check for us down this hall, but we have to be careful not to be seen." He replied.
Jasper nodded. He felt like a nervous wreck, but he did his best to keep it together. He'd tried to escape before. It had never ended well. He'd been caught and...punished each time.
"This way," the hybrid whispered and led the way down the hall.
They had a few close calls on their way to the hangar. Luckily, they were able to duck out of sight before they were spotted. They hid behind boxes, behind some equipment, and even found themselves squeezed into a closet that was definitely too small for two people. Jasper kind of liked that closet.
The hybrid was vibrating with tension when they finally reached the hangar. They crept inside, dodging behind some crates until they were sure the coast was clear. Jasper's ears had appeared before his head peeped above their hiding spot. Now they just had to get to the little rickety ship they intended to steal.
"Oh, no..." Jas whispered.
The puddle jumper was gone.
He was turning to Tilbei to begin what was sure to be a long string of apologies when a red light began flashing above the hangar's large airlock. Jasper ducked behind the crates again.
"The little ship is gone, but I think it's coming back," the hybrid whispered.
Tilbei nodded and took Jasper's shaking hand, stroking the back soothingly with his thumb. Jas forced a smile for the sweetest Nubra ever. A loud clang made them both jump.
"It's the inner airlock opening," Jas murmured so quietly Tilbei barely heard him.
They heard the hum of a ship's engine as it parked. The silence was heavy when the sound cut off. The sound of heavy footsteps echoed in the large room. It sounded like some Hunnars were meeting the ship. There was the shushing of a ship's hatch opening.
"Welcome, Viceroy Yuffin!" they heard a rough Hunnar voice announce.
"Hnn," a nasal voice responded. "Yes, well, I'd feel more welcome if we could have done this at one of my businesses."
"We're-We're sorry," the Hunnar mumbled. "Alpha said that you had to meet us if you wanted the merchandise so soon. We're on a time-sensitive delivery run."
"Hnnn, save it," the first voice snapped. "Do you have the ears and that long lovely tail ready?"
"Very soon," the Hunnar assured, his voice retreating.
A door thunked open as the customer's complaining voice faded, then disappeared as the door closed.
Tilbei clutched Jasper's hand a little harder. But, as soon as the men were out of sight, he turned towards Jasper. "It's not the jumper, but it will do nicely." He then quickly urged them both into the ship. He took a look around and frowned when he caught sight of a certain brand labeled along the top of a particular panel. "Stay here. I'll be right back." He said as he quickly pressed a kiss to Jasper's cheek and rushed back out of the small ship.
The hybrid giggled, gazing longingly after the Nubra. He sighed after a moment and stared, wide-eyed, at the controls. He knew how to fix ships better than fly them. He'd been helping his Mama putter with them since he could hold a spanner wrench. But fixing was different than flying, and Jas couldn't even decipher the language enough to find the on button. His fingers worried at the soft fur of his tail until it was a tangled mess of lilac and white strands, waiting for a gang of Hunnars to burst in the door and charge at the shiny ship. Jasper pulled his bare legs up in front of him and covered himself with his tail as he tried to keep from completely freaking out.
It took a little while to detach the tracking device on the outer back of the ship, but Tilbei made a show of leaving it right where the ship would have been. He was still snickering to himself as he used the card key he had nicked to open up the airlock for departure. He then boarded the ship again, and the smirk was wiped right off his face at the sight of Jasper curled up into a ball. "Hey, sorry I took a little longer than expected. I had to get rid of the ship's tracking box, so they won't be able to scan for us." He pulled the hybrid into a tight hug and pressed a kiss to the top of his head. "Let's get out of here."
The Nubra rushed over to the controls and pulled out of the hangar just as a set of Hunnar guards rushed towards it. The sleek new ship was equipped with the most accurate space jumper that money could buy, so Tilbei didn't hesitate to use it to get them out of harm's way. When they came out of the jump, they were in an unfamiliar area, but at least they were safe. He set the course on autopilot and walked back over to Jasper. "Hey, how are you feeling?" He asked as he sat down and tugged the hybrid onto his lap. "Is there anywhere, in particular, you want to go?"
"I..." Jasper thought about going home, back where he'd never felt right...back to see the worry in his mama's eyes and pity in his papa's.
No. He wasn't going back... at least, not yet.
"No," he said softly, shaking his head. "We should find your friend." He remembered things Mama had taught him about tracking a ship. "Do you know the bounce code of your friend's ship?"
Legal tracking systems each had a bounce code. Law enforcement could use it to find a stolen ship or a ship thought to carry someone they thought should be found. Regular citizens could use the code if they also knew the ship's ID. The ID and the code could be sent out on any of the numerous messenger relays scattered throughout known space. The signal would bounce from relay to relay, spreading like ripples in a pond until the signal hit on the right ship. An encrypted signal was bounced back with the ship's coordinates.
Jasper had always found technology to be a wonder. His home planet wasn't advanced, but his Mama was Polkin. She'd brought many things with her. She would patiently explain everything to Jas and answer any question he might have. His papa would just shake his head and smile, saying such talk just sounded like static in his tall ears.
"I'm afraid not," The Nubra responded with a sigh. "But, when we hit a relay I think I can send a message, and hopefully it will reach him."
"I hope he's okay," Jasper murmured as he nibbled his sore lip.
"So do I..." Tilbei whispered. In an effort to change the subject, he stood up and headed back to the controls. "I'm going to program a course back to my home planet. But, afterward, do you want to explore this ship? I'm sure that Viceroy has some food and clothes stashed in here somewhere."
"Yeah!" Jas said with a smile. "Maybe there are some pants!"
"Pants? That saddens me just a bit..." Tilly mumbled on his way to the controls. He adjusted the course to steer towards his home planet and then came back. "Time to explore."
"You like me without pants?" Jasper giggled.
He lowered his feet to the floor and shifted his tail, so only the fluffy tip saved his quickly dissolving modesty.
Almost instantly, Tilbei's orange parts glowed red. "Yes...crap, I mean, I just don't like the idea of you getting into that Viceroy's pants, even if they are just clothes...shirts, I have no problem with." He rambled.
Jasper didn't know what came over him, what made him so bold, but he slipped his hand under the bit of fur hiding him and rubbed his hand over his quickly waking length in an obvious show for the attentively watching Nubra.
"Hmmm, maybe it would be best if I skipped the pants for a while." He blinked his deep indigo eyes at Tilbei. "But if I get cold, will you warm me up?"
The Nubra was so aroused that the heads of two of his shafts began to peek out. "Stars," He groaned as he started arguing with them again. "Will you two ever learn to behave yourselves? What if he just wants a blanket, for pity's sake?"
"I don't just want a blanket," Jasper whispered shyly. He cocked his head to the side. "Wait, two?" The hybrid peeked downward, his eyes widening. "Oh, wow...I thought you were kidding. Are they really detachable?" he asked, sounding fascinated instead of horrified.
"Y-Yeah it hurts a bit when they do. But, I have three always on reserve. One or two usually get more excited than the third." Tilly explained as he tried to quell down his embarrassment. "I don't remember the last time two of them peeked out at the same time so fast, though. You're just so desirable. I think they really, really like you."
"How are you so amazing?" Jasper asked with wonder. "No one's ever wanted me like that." He shook his head at Tilbei's disbelieving look. "Never." A sweet smile tugged at Jasper's lips. "And here you are. You're beautiful, kind, heroic, and just generally amazing. And you don't just kind of like me, I can make two of your dicks all hard and excited!" He bounced happily in his chair, not noticing when his tail was no longer covering him. "Did I die and I've been given this as a blessing in the afterlife?"
"I can't even..." Tilbei whimpered. "That's it. I can't take it anymore!" He declared as he gingerly lifted the hybrid into his arms bridal style and began to walk down the hall of the ship. "Now let's see where that creep's bedroom is. Hopefully, it hasn't been used frequently." He checked every door and finally came across the main room, which was extravagantly large and featured royal violet hues everywhere. "You know what? I expected much worse. This is actually kind of nice."
"I match!" Jas exclaimed in delight, flicking his lilac tail toward the purple room.
"That you do," The Nubra mused as he walked them right over to the large bed and gently laid Jasper against the, thankfully, clean sheets. The hybrid looked stunning, his soft lilac hue contrasting with the deep violet of the sheets. Tilly's eyes widened when he felt his third shaft twitch in interest beneath the other two. Shaking his head to clear his thoughts, he gave Jasper a soft smile.
"You know, I was joking before, about my shafts being the ones liking you," He pointed out. "I like you so much I just don't know what to do with myself." He confessed. "Do you have any idea how lovely you look right now against these sheets? Like a work of art."
Tears pricked Jasper's eyes as he looked up at Tilly worshipfully. He looked up at the exotically handsome Nubra, reaching out a hand as he stretched his body, luxuriating in the soft fabric beneath him.
"You should come and be a part of the painting, too," Jas whispered. "Because you are the most beautiful thing I've ever seen."
Tilbei let out a playful snort as he slid in next to Jasper. "If you think I'm something, wait until you come home with me and see all the other species and the other colors of my own kind. They're usually bright, amazing colors." He described as he leaned down to give the hybrid a soft kiss on the lips. "And all male Nubra have three members."
"I think I'll still like you best," Jas admitted with a blush before kissing the dark-skinned man back.
By that point, both of Tilly's shafts were fully erect. He shifted until he was on top of Jasper and carefully nestled the Hybrid's member in between both of his own before gently grinding down against them. He slipped his tongue inside Jasper's mouth and dragged his tongue along his.
"Ah!" Jas gasped into Tilbei's mouth.
The hybrid's balls drew up as his shaft twitched and throbbed. Jasper surprised both of them as the mauve tip of his cock spurted all over them.
"Oh! I... Oh, dear..." Jas panted.
Tilly couldn't keep his eyes off the hybrid's face. "That was so hot," He whispered as his thumb slid along Jasper's stomach to collect some of the cum. He immediately slipped it into his mouth to taste. The Nubra knew better than to consume too much, in case it had any 'special' properties like his bestie's. But, he just couldn't help himself. "Tastes just as sweet and spicy as you." The Nubra slid his pointer finger up the underside of the hybrid's member. "Would it hurt if I kept going?"
"Unh," Jas moaned, thrusting his hips up into the touch. "Please, don't stop..."
Tilbei leaned down to kiss Jasper again, sliding some more of the hybrid's seed off as he gently slid those coated fingers inside the lilac man's entrance. His eyes widened at how easily the first finger slid in. Tilly pulled back and added a second, amazed at the way the flesh gave way and how the inside began to lubricate itself. He gently rubbed the pads of the three fingers along the roof. "Is any of this hurting you?" He asked softly.
"Wha?" Jasper pulled himself from his writhing haze of pleasure. "Noooo, it feels so good. More... Please..." He gave his backside a little wiggle of invitation. "I want...Make me feel full..."
A sultry smirk formed on the Nubra's face. "Full, huh?" He mused as he pulled his fingers out and took hold of the hybrid's hips. "Then, I'll need you to lift your hips up." As soon as the hybrid did so, he quickly stacked a few pillows beneath him. "Now, let's have a look at how far you can stretch..." He murmured as he slid the fingers back in without any resistance. He added a fourth finger and began to add fingers from his other hand, as well. For the Nubra, it truly was amazing how easily the flesh accommodated them all. He pressed a kiss just beneath the lilac man's sac and pulled all his fingers out, pressing the heads of both his shafts against the opening instead. "Ready?"
Jas looked up with a long, needy whine. His indigo eyes were dark and dilated as they conveyed his lustful desperation. His long tail draped up over his back, shifting from side to side. Jasper bit his lip and pushed back, forcing both cockheads to pop inside him. His body trembled as he moaned, long and loud.
"Ah!" the hybrid whimpered as delighted shivers wracked him. "Bei, please! I need you!"
Tilbei let out a loud gasp as one of his shafts suddenly burst right into Jasper's heat. As that particular member began to retire, his third shaft finally emerged. "Would you look at that..." He whispered. Never in his life had he felt his third shaft fully emerge. "Jas." He hissed as his own release made sliding in his second and third shaft an incredibly smooth and easy task within the already lubricated flesh. He let out a guttural groan when both of his shafts were all the way inside.
Jasper could only moan as he rocked onto Tilbei, his spine arching, forcing the twin cocks deep inside himself. His tail was a delicious counterpoint as the velvet fur rubbed against his back. He slid forward with a roll of his hips, moving his ass in a rough circle, before slamming back again with a keening cry. His cock twitched, the flushed mauve head dripping onto his flat stomach. He reached up, tugging the Nubra into a gasping kiss. Jas rubbed his weeping length on the muscled ridges of the taller man's abdomen as his tongue licked inside Tilbei's mouth.
Tilbei kissed him back, his own tongue mapping out every corner. As he grinded beneath, his first shaft began to awaken, sliding alongside Jasper's eagerly. He gave a few shallow thrusts, not wanting to part from the hybrid's lips just yet.
"B-Bei!" Jas cried into the Nubra's parted lips. "Fuck me! Oh, please, fuck me harder!"
The little half-rabbit clutched his dark-skinned lover, feeling as though he might fly apart if he didn't have something to ground him. Jasper had orgasmed before, almost always by his own hand. Once at a large gathering, he'd found himself in a smoky hut filled with barely dressed people. Any adult was welcome to join the festivities, and he'd had his first experiences giving and receiving handjobs.
Since then, it had just been Jasper and his own hand. This, though, this was completely different. Compared to his own grip or the fumbling grasp of a jackrabbit from a neighboring tribe, his previous pleasure was like a kitten sneeze. His current euphoria was more like an advanced pyrotechnic fireworks show.
He could sometimes even see sparks when he closed his eyes.
"Mmm, Jasper..." Tilbei whispered huskily. "We haven't even begun." The Nubra reached to the side to grab one of the pillows, placing it above the hybrid's head for protection. He then spread Jasper's legs a little wider and built up a deep, pulsing pace, driving himself into the smaller man's heat in powerful thrusts.
The lilac-skinned man braced his palms against the headboard and pushed back into every slamming thrust. His voice grew high and desperate as the dueling shafts stretched him wide. It was a continual assault on his sweet spot until Jas was a trembling, keening mess.
It was the best thing that had ever happened to him.
As Tilbei's outer shaft hardened, it began to slide along Jasper's with every thrust. The Nubra was overcome with more stimulus than he had ever experienced in his life. He pressed one of this thumbs against one of the hybrid's nipples as he reached his other hand back to gently scratch at the lovely tail. His movements increased in speed and force as he neared his peak. "J-Jas!" He panted.
"P-Please, Bei," Jasper begged, his eyes clenched tightly closed. His full lips were parted as he struggled for breath. "I need..."
He arched and wiggled as the Nubra pounded into him relentlessly. Looking down at the hybrid, Tilbei was nearly stunned by the wanton beauty stretched out beneath him. A delicate flush stained his cheeks as deliciously desperate noises fell continually from those luscious lips. Even with the bruises ringing his throat and scattered across his skin, Jasper was like some lovely fey creature. Almost too pretty to be real, with a sweet nature that only added to his beauty.
Everyone on that rabbit planet was a fool not to see it.
Tilbei dipped his head, needing to taste more of that smooth lilac skin. His dark lips trailed across Jasper's chest until they found a pebbled nipple. He licked and sucked for a moment as Jas ran his fingers over the Nubra's petals. When he bit down, it was a little harder than he intended in his excitement.
Jasper's body arched off the bed as his legs clamped around Tilly's hips. His keening wails bounced off the walls. His muscles tightened around the twin cocks buried inside him. He shook as his orgasm crashed over him, shooting again and again to slick their bodies where they pressed together so intimately.
The Nubra wasn't too far behind. After several more thrusts, the shafts inside Jasper's depths shot their seed deep inside. Tilbei then quickly stroked the shaft on the outside until it, too, spilled forth across the hybrid's stomach and chest. "Cosmos." He panted as they began to recover from the aftermath.
Jasper was a sticky, cum-covered mess. He was utterly delighted. A final moan fell from his throat as Tilbei's softening members slipped out of him. The hybrid let out a long, content sigh as he cuddled up to the Nubra's chest. Jasper's body felt deliciously heavy and languid with a tingling buzz that seemed to flow over his body in slow waves. He'd never felt anything as amazing, as earth-shattering, as the sex they'd just had. With great effort, Jas rolled his head to look into Tilly's kind peach eyes. Indigo eyes blinked sleepily at the Nubra as an exhausted smile teased his lips.
"When..." Jasper had to clear his throat and swallow. His voice was rough from hollering his pleasure. "When can we do that again?" he finally asked guilelessly.
Tilbei couldn't help the satisfied smile that formed on his face. "Whenever you want." He responded before pressing a kiss to the hybrid's nose.
"Soon?" he whispered as his eyes slid closed. "Love you, Bei..." he murmured as his breathing slowed and he slipped into slumber.
The Nubra felt his heart skip a beat as he gently slid a hand up and down the drifting hybrid. "I might seriously grow to love you, too." He whispered to himself.
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