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Change of Heart - 26. Chapter twenty-six
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Once outside the diner, Raymond received another round of hugs from his family. As he embraced Jeff, he whispered in his ear, “Little brother, I got you all set up with Sanders’s and Sons in Dallas. They’re expecting y’all this afternoon”.
As they released each other Jeff held on for a moment and in a voice loud enough for the family to hear, queried, “Really? Raymond, I expected something more profound, something more emotional or maybe some sage words of advice from my newly minted big brother. And what do I get? When my children ask,” Here he shifted to a really bad falsetto, ‘Daddy, what did Uncle Raymond say to you after you found out he was your for real big brother’? ‘Well, children’. I’ll tell them. ‘Your Uncle Raymond hugged me and reminded me your Papa and I had an appointment for a tuxedo fitting’. Is that how you want the next generation of Adams to mark this occasion”?
Raymond grabbed Jeff's face with both his huge hands. He forced Jeff's lips to pout worse than Nicole Kidman’s after a massive injection. “Then tell them, little brother, their Uncle Raymond gave you a brotherly kiss that about knocked your socks off”. With that said, Raymond took Jeff with a kiss that might have become slightly arousing if Jeff had been allowed to participate if either man had closed his eyes. The crowd went wild with encouraging shouts and laughter. Uncle Joe thought it was hilarious and totally in keeping with brotherly interactions. Although, perhaps not for public display. But, what the hell, today was an exceptional day. Even Aunt Mellie chuckled demurely at her boy's antics.
Once Raymond released his little brother, Jeff sputtered, “Damn you, Raymond, how many times I got to tell you, ‘brush your teeth before you kiss a man after eating garlic”.
Raymond slapped Jeff on the back, “I know that! I was the one who taught you that. But, I wasn't kissing a man. I was kissing my little brother. So it doesn't really count”.
Jeff tried for a quick rejoinder. “Ahh, I, er, uh… Finally, he shrugged and admitted, “I got nothing”.
The good mood followed as everyone moved to their cars. Joe called out one last time, “Don't forget. Tomorrow night, dinner at our place”!
Once on the road, Jeff received a good deal of ribbing about incest in a parking lot. Jeff insisted it was incest, it wasn't the least bit sexual. “It felt like I had received a ‘lip noogie’ for aggravating my big brother”.
Eventually, the laughter faded.
Finally, Paul asked Jeff, “Do you think Raymond’s really alright? I mean, he’s known you were brothers for years and never let on. Then he unloaded on that bitch of a mother. Believe me, I know what it's like to have your family turn on you, but his mother neglected him from the beginning. I know his Dad loved him, but to be left as a child with no one but that cold fish as a parent. I can't imagine it. It's like something out of “Oliver Twist”. I just feel like we need to do something. I just want to hug him like he was a little boy. And don’t you even think about making something smutty out of that. I’m being serious now.”
Jeff leaned across the seat and gently kissed Paul's frowning lips and clasped his hand in both of his. “Have I told you what a really, honest to goodness, nice guy, I think you are? Your world has been turned completely upside down and here you are, deeply concerned for my brother's emotional well-being. That makes me want to hug you so tight I could crack your ribs”.
Jeff’s eyes lost focus as he grew pensive. “Raymond and I have always had a unique relationship. I never saw him on a par with Uncle Joe. I mean, I never really thought of him as an adult. Looking back, he was never too old or too busy to play with me when I was a kid. He took time to be with me, no matter what age I was. Whether he was teaching me to rope and ride or just to be there for me when I learned the harder lessons of life. He wasn't the only one who taught me those things, but he was the closest to my age. A lot of what he said and did stuck in my mind. I guess I looked up to him in a different way than I did Dad and Uncle Joe. When my folks got killed, he was on the plane that came to bring me home and he never left my side. He cried right along with me. Now, I know he was also mourning the loss of family. I think he did exactly the kind of things a real big brother would do. Except he never taunted me or teased me. At least, not too much. He never did anything, but be kind and patient and understanding. I don't think finding out we were brothers by blood will change much of anything for either of us.
“I think my brother is going to be just fine. What you saw today was not as gut-wrenching on Raymond as you might think. He wasn't just airing dirty laundry. He was defending me and you, his real family. Sure, he had a cathartic moment or two. But, he really gutted one of the strongholds of bigotry in this town. He laid bare the hypocrisy of those who would point fingers at you and I or anybody who was different or didn't kowtow to their beliefs. I’m not saying those people are going to hoist a rainbow flag on their porches anytime soon. But, neither are they going to listen to those who spout hatred and bigotry without questioning their motives.
He told that crowd, “Look at me. I am gay. I am strong. I am honest, and not afraid to publicly confront real evil”. Hell, Raymond could be a poster boy for convincing even the most homophobic assholes that gay men are still ‘men’. The haters may not like it, but my big brother is all man, and I couldn't be more proud of him or love him more.
“You know, a big part of why I didn't want to come back here, especially after my folks died, was that being gay in this town always meant I didn't fit in. I realized, even before I met you, that I was coming back here to stay. I decided nobody has the right to tell me I don't belong. This is my home and bigots better get used to the idea that I am gay and I’m here to stay.
“In fact, I think we should start planning a gay pride festival for this coming spring. As unappealing to the masses as scantily clad extremes of gayness can be, I think it’s a good counterpoint to the hypocrisy of the conservative agenda that wants to deny or imprison gays just for being different. I want it to be on a warm weekend and I want it to be fun and educational”.
As Jeff’s idea began to snowball in his mind, so did the volume and rapidity of his speech. “I want it to showcase how gays have been treated throughout history, from Roman and Greek cultures and Alexander the Great to the Stonewall riots. I want all this interspersed with booths selling cotton candy and turkey legs. I don't want attendees to be able to avoid some gay education. I want food and drinks right beside booths that showcase gay professionals of today. We’ll coordinate with DFW and Austin gay organizations. We'll make it bigger than the Fourth of July celebration. We need to start advertising soon. Raymond will know who we'll need to get things rolling. What do you think Babe?”
“That's a great idea. But, didn't you get a little sidetracked. We were talking about how Raymond is feeling today. Not, about some carnival in April.”
“You're right, absolutely right. Late April would be perfect. We can call it the gayest carnival in Texas… no, it will be the “Gay Us Carnival in Texas”.
“Now, what were you saying about my brother?... Oh yeah, I agree. We just need to show him we love him as our brother. Maybe brother-in-law for you. If I call him brother and you call him brother too, well, it will be too much like incest when you and I get frisky.”
Paul frowned, “With that ‘getting frisky’ talk you sound like your grandma. That's definitely less appealing than sex with your hunky brother. I can truly say the only Adams, the only ‘man’ anywhere, I want to have sex with is sitting right beside me.” With that, Paul reached over and gave his ‘man’ the kind of kiss that reminded Jeff just how sexually stimulating his man could be.
In sotto voce, Dave asked, “Hon, you got any cold water under your seat. I think we're gonna need it.”
Jeff broke the kiss, saying, “Don't even think about it Sam. We all heard what Raymond said and we are not going to appear in public, we're headed home. So, just don't look back here. Maybe we should get one of those polarized glass panels that darken with the touch of a button.”
Sam twisted around to face Jeff. “Yeah”! With mock enthusiasm, he added, “Then we could get cameras set up so I could monitor the backseat for any threatening activity. Of course, that would mean Dave would have to drive all the time.”
Dave screwed up his face and challenged, “Me, drive all the time? Why do you get to watch them get it on and I don't? We agreed this would be a give and take relationship. Suddenly you sound like you want to take it all the time… wait a minute, that came out wrong.”
Sam interrupted Dave, “Babe, we could share the driving like we do now. I was being selfish. We both like to watch. Maybe we can set up a video recorder so neither of us misses those two hunks going at it.” Dave failed to hold his chuckle. It sounded like, “snarf”! Then Sam loosed a manly giggle and all was lost.
They tumbled into raucous laughter that only irritated Jeff. “Go ahead, laugh it up, dickheads. You guys ought to take that comedy routine on the road. Are you sure there’re no video cameras in your bedroom? You two could wind up the next YouTube sensation. Or should I say the next X-tube sensation.”
The laughter was unaffected by Jeff's empty threats. When they regained their composure, Sam observed, “He called us dickheads. Given his sexual orientation, I think that means he likes us”?
“Definitely! If he has seen yours on video, I’m sure he really likes you.”
Jeff responded with, “Very funny.” Turning to Paul he asked, “What do you think Babe? Should we get one of those glass dividers and put these two jerks in their place”?
“No, absolutely not. I forgave all their sins when they referred to us as ‘hunks’.”
Jeff winked surreptitiously at Paul. “I suppose you’re right. After all, they do occasionally show good taste.” That remark was greeted with groans from the front seat occupants. Their groans ended as the vehicle stopped in the drive.
They were greeted with enthusiastic hugs and sloppy kisses from their Princess. Pup danced around as though the greetings were all about him. Maria was clutching a tennis ball in her hand. Paul asked, “You haven't been tossing that ball around inside the house have you?”
“No Daddy. Mr. Fred and I was teachin' Fugly to fetch. That means you throw the ball and he goes and gets it and brings it back. That's called felching. Wanna see?”
Paul was not a happy camper. Jeff intervened, “Princess, his name is Pup. And bringing back the ball is pronounced fetching. Can you say fetching?”
Of course Daddy Jeff, that's what I said, fetching. But, Pup’s new name is Fugly. Mr. Fred called him Fugly and I told him his name was Pup. He said that Fugly was a better name cause every young dog was a pup. If we called him Fugly it would let people know that we knew he was ugly but we love him anyway and he’s not really ugly to us. To us, to us… he's just Fugly. And besides, he already comes when I call him by his new name. I think he likes it better.” Jeff looked at Paul as if to say, ‘I’m all in. What have you got.”
Paul simply changed the subject by asking if Maria had had lunch. Upon learning she had they all moved into the family room to talk about her Daddies upcoming trip to Chicago. At first, she didn't quite get the distances involved. Jeff, using Google maps, showed her the ranch, then the town, then Austin, Dallas and finally Chicago. Paul figured she understood it about as well as he did. He explained that they would be gone two or three days while she stayed at her Aunt Mellie’s and Uncle Joe's. Jeff was quick to offer that she could call them anytime and they would call her every night. Whereupon Maria promptly put in a plug for having her own cell phone.
Once Maria was down for a nap, Jeff and Paul went into their own bedroom. Paul asked, “Do I need to make flight reservations”? They had taken their boots off and were laying on the bed, Paul was lying in the crook of Jeff's left arm.
“No, in fact, I canceled my reservation. I’ve asked Raymond to arrange for one of our planes to fly us up so we can be more flexible. I didn't want to fight just to get adjoining seats. This way we don't have to rush getting everything done. If it takes a few extra hours or even an extra day, we won't miss our flight. We would just need to let the flight crew know. Besides, it's easier to get Sam and Dave through security. Raymond and Ilya insist they stick with us like a second skin. Though Ilya and Tink muttered something in Russian and my translation said ‘foreskin’. Somehow, I would rather use the term second skin. They can sleep in my spare bedroom. It might be a little cramped since I have an office set up in there. But we'll only be there a couple of days. They could bunk in with AFT security guys already living in the building but I think Ilya would insist they stay with us.”
“Well.” Paul mused, “I was looking forward to being spoiled. Now, it looks like I’ll miss out on my first, first-class flight. On the upside, I’ll get to know Sam and Dave more intimately than I ever dreamed. It's a good thing they're likable and good looking guys. Plus they think we're hunks”.
“Well, I wouldn't get too worked up about the ‘upside’, if I were you. I’m the only man you're gonna know intimately for the rest of our lives. And just so you know, anytime it's just me, I fly commercial. The rest of the family and the trust executives use the jets enough to justify having them. Anytime the threat level demands personal security, it just makes more sense to use one of the jets”.
Paul pushed himself up to meet Jeff's gaze. “Them, planes, jets! How many aircraft do you own”?
“Two jets and two helicopters. Each chopper seats eight. The smaller jet seats ten or twelve, I forgot. But the seats fully recline for napping and they’re bigger and more comfortable than commercial first class. The larger one seats a lot more and has two, no, three bedrooms. The third is really for the crew and it's only a twin sized bed, not a queen. But, all three have a bathroom with a shower. The smaller jet only has one bedroom. Both planes have fully stocked galleys and bars. So you can be spoiled anytime you want, in any position. I didn't specify which plane we wanted.”
“If you own two private jets why did you just give Joe and Mellie a trip to a BnB in Galveston of all places? You could have just as easily sent them to Paris or Rome or, or Fiji. Hell far man, they could drive to Galveston.”
“First of all, they love to discover out of the way places. They get away once, maybe twice a year. Actually, Miss Julie suggested it. I guess she overheard them talking about how they met on summer vacation on the beach in Galveston. She has a friend who owns a 19th-century mansion he and his partner have converted into a posh bed and breakfast. Miss Julie insisted that it would be a romantic getaway. A chance to renew old memories. Almost like meeting the love of your life all over again. It didn't hurt that she happened to have their pamphlet under the counter. I had them checked out and found they got rave reviews on a number of websites including Yelp. Anyway, you saw their faces, they really liked my gift. They didn't mention they had met there, but they were both pleased… don't you think”?
“I can't imagine Joe and Mellie not throwing a fit over any gift they ever received, whether they liked it or not. They’re just too nice not to. If they met there, it's strange neither of them said as much when they thanked you.”
“With all that's happened lately, I’m not surprised. Maybe it sparked some memories, later on in bed. Speaking of memories, I almost forgot, we have to go to Dallas today. I got Unc, I mean Raymond to call Sander's and they’re willing to fit us in today and have our tuxedos ready by Thursday. Believe me, he's a very good customer and refers a lot of business to them or we’d be up shit’s creek without a paddle. Remind me to talk to his shopper while we're there. I want to get him something nice as a thank you for setting this up on such short notice. Should we take Maria”?
“No, why don't you call Aunt Mellie and see if she wants to watch her. I half expected her to stop by on their way home to have the Granma talk with Maria. I’m pretty sure Rosarita would prefer some alone time her Romeo. Which reminds me. I need to have a talk with a man about a dog”. Paul got out of bed and started pulling on his boots.
Jeff joined him on the bench and started pulling on his own boots. Casually he offered, “You gotta admit Babe, that's the perfect name for our dog. He is so ‘fucking ugly’... I bet the vet thought he had delivered living, breathing after birth. He’s so Fugly, he looks like he was born wearing a Halloween mask. He’s so Fugly he could scare zombies. He’s so Fugly, Webster’s can’t define it. He's so Fugly, unless he opens his mouth you can't tell which end to pet. He's so Fug...”
“STOP”! Enough! You made your point. He is now and forever will be, Fugly Adams. But, I’m still gonna caution Fred about his language around our daughter. If only the dog was just a little better looking, if only his hair was longer and not so gnarly, and if his nose wasn't so…” Shaking his head, Paul resignedly admitted, “We still couldn't call him ‘Cousin It. Even Pugsly is no as appropriate as Fugly.’” Paul then started snickering and mumbling, “breathing afterbirth”! Then he chuckled. “Which end…”. At this point, he was laughing out loud. After a moment, he was clutching his midsection and then leaned sideways as if he were about to fall off the bench.
Jeff reached out and pulled him into his arms. “I got more. Wanna hear em”?
Paul couldn't catch his breath, so he vigorously shook his head. Finally, on a squeaky inhale he forced out, “God! No more! P, P, Please.” Then after a couple of minutes. “I feel like a traitor. But, he’s so, Fu…”
Jeff tried to jump back out of the way of what he was sure was to be projectile vomiting. Still afraid his lover might fall ill, he refused to let him go even at the risk of his own safety. He closed his eyes, pinched his lips and braced for the tsunami.
He was more than relieved to realize what actually caressed his face was only an overly zealous guffaw and a little spittle. Still, it took Paul several minutes before he was able to walk to the bathroom and wash his face. When he reappeared he was clutching his side as if in pain.
Jeff chided, “They weren't that funny”.
Paul began nodding his head. “You weren't there. He was almost lost in the afterbirth. For Pete’s sake, don't tell anyone I ever used that word. I’m pretty sure I could be professionally ostracized for using the term ‘afterbirth’. This one time, not long ago, he turned around and I realized I had been talking to his ass end. In his defense, I hadn't been paying much attention. I mumbled something about getting something to eat. I had forgotten all about it until you started with your Fugly litany. Now, my ribs hurt. Serves me right. He can't help it, he's so Fugly”.
Before long Jeff had called Mellie and Granma said she would be delighted to stop by and pick up her granddaughter. Jeff assured her they would call if they were going to be too late. Granma assured him she would put her granddaughter to bed on time. Jeff took that as a hint Maria should stay overnight.
On the trip to Dallas, Paul mindlessly let a chuckle slip. Sam innocently asked, “What’s so funny”? Paul told them about Fugly Adams and Jeff's litany. The rest of the trip was each of the men, behaving more like adolescents, trying to outdo each other with ‘he’s so Fugly…’ A major contender for best ‘he’s so Fugly’ was, ‘it's a good thing he's been neutered, cause breeding something that Fugly, would probably violate the Geneva Convention’.
When they stopped in front of the downtown shop, the valet, dressed in formal attire, moved directly to open Jeff's door as though he expected them to be chauffeured. The valet accepted the keys while speaking softly to Sam. Upon entering they were immediately greeted by a distinguished looking man in his fifties. “Ah Mr. Adams, my name is Mark Sanders. Welcome to Sanders and Son's. I have assured your brother we will provide you with our finest personal service. I understand there are two of your party in urgent need to be fitted with traditional formal wear.”
Jeff rubbed the back of his neck as if hesitant to speak. “Well, there’s been a change of plans. You see, er, what I need is formal wear for the four of us and two fashionable business suits for each and all the accouterments. From bare flesh to overcoats, gloves, and scarves. From galoshes and shoes up to, well, perhaps hats would be a bit much, even for Chicago on New Year’s Eve. We’ll need socks, underwear, belts, and suspenders. If possible, I would like the four of us to have matching gold cufflinks and studs. Bow ties, of course, and we’ll all need instructions on how to properly tie a bow tie. I think we should let you recommend the style for each of us.
“I want my partner here, Dr. Paul Wilson, and I to have full waistcoats. My two friends David White and Samuel Billingsly are to have cummerbunds. The waistcoats, cummerbunds and bow ties are to be in black or gray, but definitely no color…”
Paul realized that while his spouse may be new to this swanky place, he was definitely not a neophyte when it came to men's fashion. He was a little more proud of his lover. He was pretty sure Jeff very likely knew how to tie a bow tie, but graciously included himself in needing the instructions. He was amazed at how deeply Jeff could move him with the smallest of gestures. Yet, in the next instance, he could be so easily overwhelmed by the man's humility and largess. Paul drew a deep breath and mentally resolved, once again, to accept his lover's wealth and status.
After fittings for formal, business and casual attire, as well as several pieces of rugged, but high-end luggage. Paul fought to just accept that this was now part of his everyday world. After all, he reasoned you can't very well wear boots and jeans to a fancy soiree on New Year's Eve, in Chicago. He had no intention of letting Jeff go back there alone. He remembered Raymond’s remark about how he figured Jeff would settle down with his boss and stay in the ‘Windy City’.
Paul asked an assistant for the men's room. He shouldn't have been surprised to find a small but extravagantly furnished lavatory complete with warm, plush individually dispensed cotton hand towels and a lightly peppermint scented soap that felt… exotic?
On his way to rejoin the group he noticed Jeff across the room talking on his phone. He overheard Dave asking an attendant the price of their average suit. Before the attendant could reply, Mark Sanders joined the conversation and politely dismissed the attendant. “Mr. White, we service a wide variety of clientele. The designer fashion wear we provide is intended to make a statement as to the sophistication, taste, and affluence of the individual. The average Texan isn't likely to shop here, but should a client feel the need to appear dressed as an average Texan, I assure you, we can meet that need. Our merchandise doesn't allow us to service everyone. But, those we serve are always guaranteed our best efforts to ensure their satisfaction”.
Sam quipped, “Who says money can't buy happiness”.
Mark smirked at the old saw. “My Daddy used to say, “money can't buy happiness, but it does allow a man to shop a broader selection of unwarranted self-gratification”. Paul decided that observation deserved more consideration than he was willing to commit to, at the moment. He chuckled along with Sam and Dave.
By the time they left, each man was entered into their database which reflected measurements and skin coloring as well as personal preferences in styles and colors. They were invited to shop online or sign up with a personal shopper to automatically fill their seasonal wardrobe needs. At that Paul couldn't help but chuckle. The others, including Mark Sanders, looked at him questioningly. “It's just that until now my ‘seasonal wardrobe needs’ meant asking myself, ‘do I need a new winter coat’. Mark, y’all have some really nice clothes here. But, I’m guessing the average suit here costs more than I spent on clothes in the last five years”.
Mark Sanders seemed to relax even more. “You may be right Dr. Wilson. My brother runs a ranch outside of Midland and, not including his boots, the cost of his daily outfit probably wouldn't equal the price of our least expensive necktie. For him, formal wear means adding a silver and turquoise bolo tie to his western shirt. If all our clients were like him, I’d be homeless and hungry”. Paul liked the man.
Mark assured them their final fittings would be ready as agreed. He’d have tailors and seamstresses on hand for any final alterations. He would also have their purchases laundered and ready by five o’clock, Thursday.
On their way to one of Dallas’ highest rated steakhouses, Paul called ‘Granma’ Mellie and arranged for Maria to spend the night. It occurred to him, so he asked, “Jeff, why did I not see a total of charges. I didn't see you hand over a credit or debit card or fill out a form or anything. Is Mark just taking your word you're going to pay him Thursday after he does all the alterations and launders everything? That doesn't sound like a very good business model”.
“If I had insisted he would have provided a total today. I could have paid right there. I shopped there years ago, mostly as a college student. We have an account that lets them bill us directly. It will likely show up initially under Raymond's account, but his staff will see my name or yours and know to bill it to me”.
“My name? Your staff, er, uh, Raymond's staff knows my name”?
“Sure, tomorrow bank representatives are coming out to the house along with some accounting folks to make sure you’re set up with our joint accounts and credit cards. We need to make sure Maria is on hand for fingerprints and photographs”.
Jeff cringed as he heard his lover take in a deep breath. He reached out to take Paul's hand and was hopeful when his approach was warmly received.
“Ok, joint accounts and credit cards. But what's this about photographs and fingerprints for Maria”?
“Precautions really. If something happens to me I want the two of you to be taken care of and these steps reduce the likelihood of false claims. Oh, I maybe should have mentioned DNA swabs”.
“I’m beginning to feel like ‘Alice Through the Looking Glass’, this just keeps getting curiouser and curiouser. What other surprises do you have in store for me”?
Jeff leaned in close and spoke softly into Paul's ear. “Look, I’ve had a lifetime to adjust to what has hit you all in just a few days. Please, just let me know if I can do anything to help you adjust. I know it sounds sappy, but if you can't live in my world, please, don't leave me. I’ll gladly give it all up to live with you in yours. Just so long as we can be together. I love you, Paul”.
The shivers that ran down Paul's spine came from Jeff's warm, moist breath in his ear. The swelling of pride in his chest came from hearing, again, that this wonderful man truly loved him. The tightening in his groin came from knowing the man he loved more than life itself would be naked and in his arms in a few short hours. Forget guns and money, nudity was the great equalizer. Paul wasn't convinced that thought had any real validity. But, when they were naked, well, wealth wasn't obvious and power depended upon who was thrusting into whom and who was in control… which begged the question, “Jeff, Babe, do you have any silk neckties you no longer care for”?
Jeff jerked away and with a hurt expression, wrapped his arms around himself, glared at Paul and challenged, “Neckties! Neckties? I tell you I would give up everything for you! And you want my neckties”?
Paul unfastened his seatbelt and slid across the seat to embrace his wounded lover. “Cowboy, it touches my soul that I mean that much to you.” He began caressing Jeff's pouting face. “I love you beyond all space and time and it thrills me beyond measure that you return my love in kind. It does bother me that I can't bring as much material wealth into our relationship. But, it soothes me to know that's not important to you. I love you, Jeff. I love you for loving me. I love you for being who you are. I honestly love you”.
Jeff melted like a sandcastle overwhelmed by the tide. “I love you too Babe. But, what was all that about my neckties”?
Paul licked the inside of his lover's ear and whispered, “Remember when you agreed to be nekkid, kneeling and submissive tonight”? Jeff's whole body shuddered as he recalled the ball play earlier that made him promise to submit. His mouth was too dry to speak, so he simply nodded. Paul grinned knowing his lover was already turned on. “Well, when you get out of the shower, you are going to pick out a half dozen silk ties that I will use tonight. You will have them laid out in a line, on the rug, in front of you. You had better be lubed up and ready for anything tonight. Do you understand”? Jeff, again, nodded. Paul reached down and latched onto Jeff's balls. Holding them just tight enough to show control. He could feel Jeff's massive hardon pulse against his wrist. Paul insisted, “I said, Do. You. Under. Stand.”? Each word was punctuated by a definite increase in ball pressure.
The first sound was a dry squeak. Jeff had to concentrate in order to get his saliva glands to function. Finally, even as Paul's squeezing was beginning to become unbearable, Jeff squeaked out, “Yes Sir! I understand and I will comply”.
Before easing the ball pressure, Paul planted a sloppy, wet, passionate kiss on his eager lover's lips. He then released his grip and slid back across the seat to fasten his seatbelt as if the last several minutes had never happened.
Dinner was accompanied by a wide range of topics, including clothes, their individual coming out experiences and the upcoming trip. Paul was just grateful that no one talked about family pets.
Each man being well sated, the ride home was conducted mostly in companionable silence.
Once they parked Paul quietly directed Jeff to get his shower and Paul would join him later. Jeff response was an equally quiet, “Yes sir”.
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