Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
Prophylaxis - 24. Chapter 24
“I can’t impregnate a bunch of women!” I squeaked.
King Tighearnain cocked his head, those eerie black eyes peering at me. I felt like a bug. A really small squishable bug.
“Whyever not?” the King asked. “Are you damaged in some way?”
“Well… I…” I stammered.
I couldn’t just shout that girls were icky. Luckily, Takashi saved the day.
“Mick prefers the company of men,” my cat explained. “Exclusively.”
“I can have a draught prepared,” Tigger said with a dismissive wave of his hand.
Good try, Takashi. Fuck.
“Mick also would not be considered an acceptable bed partner by the majority of the court’s ladies,” Takashi added.
Okay, that was kind of insulting, but if it kept me away from any taco parties I could swallow the prick to my pride.
“Explain,” Tigger demanded.
“He is scarred, Highness,” Takashi said simply.
“Approach us, Sifter.” The King curled a finger, beckoning me.
I took a hesitant step forward as my brain screamed at me that I wanted to be further away from King Creepy, not closer. I told my brain to suck it up and walked forward until I was in front of the dais. I took a closer look at the King of the Unseelie. He was just as scary close-up, maybe scarier. His white and gray skin was almost pearlescent. I wondered how it felt, if it was soft and smooth over all those hard muscles. I immediately scolded myself for perving on someone who could kill me with his pinky. I noticed a thin gold and silver band across his forehead, dripping with tiny jewels. It reminded me of the anklet the Hollow had given me. I wondered if King Tigger was friends with her and if she had given it to him. I expected his black eyes to seem hollow, but they weren’t. There was a heavy weight in their inky depths that made me shiver.
“Show us your scars,” Tigger commanded.
Skip the foreplay, off with the clothes, I supposed.
My skin crawled under the scrutiny of so many inhuman eyes. I was uncomfortable as fuck with the idea of showing myself to one person, let alone King Tigger and his gang. There were too many eyes on me. Too many people in the room. My gaze darted from the King to his consort a few steps away. In my head, I counted the random Fae in the room. There had been two near the door. There were two more behind the dais, looking ready to spring into action if Tighearnain crooked a pinky. Two more guard-types further back. Was there a reason everybody seemed to be in pairs?
I took a deep breath. I could do this. It would be a little better in private, but I had a feeling I wouldn’t be able to convince King Bossypants to adjourn to a small, poorly lit closet to give him a peek. My arms were tense, my hands shaking as I gripped the hem of the soft gray tunic that I was pretty sure the Hollow had given me. Funny, give me a nice molar crown prep or root canal and I had a nice steady hand. But there I was, trembling like an idiot when it came time to flash a little skin.
I’m a pull the band-aid off fast kind of guy. So, I whipped the tunic off over my head and held it bunched in my hands. I was sure I was making a face like I’d tasted something bad. It felt like my skin was twitching under everyone’s eyes. I kept mine on the polished stone floor.
“You’re correct.” The King’s voice was much closer than I expected, and I jumped nervously as my eyes flew up to find he had stood from his throne and stepped close to me, like a sneaky ninja in leather pants. He continued thoughtfully, “there are few females of the high court who would accept one so damaged.”
Yeah, buddy. Thanks for the ego boost.
A strong pale hand suddenly snatched my forearm and held it up. The wooden bangle, one of my little gifts from the Hollow, rattled around on my wrist. His fingers clamped down so tight it felt like he was cutting off the blood supply. Owie.
“Where did you get this?” the King hissed.
“I-I… I got swallowed by a wall,” I stammered, my voice high and startled. I wasn’t a fan of being unexpectedly grabbed. “When it spit me out, the bracelet was there.” When he continued to glare at me, my mouth kept running. He looked ready to eat me, and not in a good way. “It doesn’t come off…”
His eyes cut to Zeru.
“Why wasn’t I informed?” His voice boomed in the cavernous room.
“I wasn’t aware of its presence, my king,” Zeru said apologetically as he bowed low.
“My love,” the consort said gently, as though hesitant to draw his cold attention. “I had meant to speak to you after the audience. I believe you should know, that’s not the only item the Hollow has favored to the Sifter.”
“Leave us,” the King said as he peered at me like I’d just done something interesting, but he hadn’t decided if it was a good or bad thing.
With the iron grip on my arm, I wasn’t going anywhere. But he wasn’t talking to me, anyway. The room emptied until only Zeru, Takashi, Riley, Guy, and I were left with King Arm-grabber.
“You try my patience, Guard,” Tighearnain growled in Zeru’s direction.
“Apologies, Your Highness.” The golden-haired fae’s bow deepened. “As the Sifter’s personal guard, I assumed you wished me to stay.”
A perfectly groomed ebony brow lifted. It shouldn’t have been terrifying, but it was. I gave serious consideration to peeing my pants. Zeru didn’t wet himself. He also didn’t cower and slink away. I was impressed but confused. The blond guard was staying with me. I could ask him why later, but I appreciated it.
“Very well, I will allow your presence,” the King told him, a clear warning in his voice.
Zeru bowed respectfully. Crazy bastard.
“What else has the Hollow given you, Sifter?” King Tigger asked, his unnerving black gaze returning to me.
“W-well, she stole my shoes…” I stammered, before pulling up my pant leg to flash the gems and metal twining prettily around my ankle. “And left this.”
I found my hand gently gripped in the King’s much larger one. His skin was pleasantly warm with smooth calluses on the palm and fingers. The potential for strength, for violence, made me tingle in a not entirely unpleasant way.
I found myself led onto the dais, where Tigger returned to the throne, and I stood awkwardly before him. He leaned forward with what looked suspiciously like a smirk, grasping my calf and lifting. He rested the sole of my foot on his thigh. I wobbled, and he guided my hands to the arms of the throne for balance.
A gasp tore from my lips as all the air from my lungs was ripped from me. Prickling cold rushed up my arms in stinging waves. It sunk into my chest and clenched around my heart.
“Mick!” I heard Guy shout behind me, but he sounded far away.
My hands were forcibly removed from the armrests and placed on the King’s broad shoulders. When I looked down, my skin was ashen gray up to my elbows. The fuck?
“It seems my throne sees you as a threat,” Tigger purred. “How fascinating.”
The gray began receding, leaving pins and needles in its wake, as Tighearnain tugged up my pant leg to look at my new jewelry. He ran his fingers over the curling metal and twinkling gems. His hand slipped higher, gliding up my calf and squeezing gently.
“How lovely,” he purred, making me feel even more off balance. “It suits you.”
His ebony eyes raked upwards, and I was frozen under his gaze. I felt like a bunny who’s gone tharn when it comes face to face with a fox. I could feel everywhere his eyes touched, like he was caressing me. I’d expected that black gaze to be cold, but it was hot. My cheeks flushed as his eyes crept higher. The snooty-tooty ladies of court might have turned away from my scars with their noses in the air, but King Tigger didn’t seem to mind, if the eye-raping going on was any indication.
I felt a little dazed when he released me to stand on my own two feet and gestured that I should return to the others. I didn’t wait, though I probably looked a little wobbly on my way back. Guy immediately grabbed me, hugging me tight, then quickly examining my arms and hands. The sickly gray color was gone, but they still felt a little prickly.
“You okay?” he whispered, glaring at Tigger over my shoulder.
No, I was not fine. Absolutely not at all fine.
“Yeah.” I nodded.
“I believe that we can come to an agreement,” the King said, after a moment, as he reclined in his big-ass throne… which had apparently tried to kill me.
Fucking murderous furniture. I’d never trust Ikea again.
“You need protection from the Pale Queen,” Tighearnain continued. “You won’t live in my court, instead you have a home to return to amongst the humans.” He didn’t wait for any of us to agree with what he was saying, just kept talking. “You realize that it will be much more difficult to watch over you outside of this Hollow?”
“Yeah,” I admitted. “But it’s my home.”
“Very well,” the King said, his voice caressing me from across the room. “My terms are simple. At each equinox and solstice, I expect you to join us here, in the Dark Court, for a time.” He leaned forward. “We will call your seed and save it for use with any fit Unseelie wishing to bring forth a new generation of Sifters.” His gaze narrowed. “The children may know you, if you wish, but their allegiance will be to me. They will be mine, as all the Unseelie are mine. They will have Unseelie parents that will raise them within the Hollow.” The King’s face was serious and determined. “The children will want for nothing. Would you be accepting of this, Sifter?”
I looked to the men around me, but it was clear that this had to be my decision. When none of them warned me with expressions or words, I spoke.
“What do you have to do to call my seed?” I asked, but then more questions flooded my mind. “Would you make sure the children are happy and loved? Will they be accepted by the Unseelie? How long would I have to stay on each of these visits? How painful is it to get what you need? Do I just, you know, in a cup or something?”
“The children will be loved and respected amongst us,” Tighearnain assured me confidently. “Any who dare to treat them poorly will answer to me.” His lips twitched. “As for the rest, the ceremony isn’t painful. Quite the opposite. When you visit, only a few days of your time would be required. No cups will be involved.”
“That sounds alright, then,” I said uneasily.
“Excellent,” the King said, sounding frighteningly delighted. “My only other stipulation is that you and yours shall never raise a hand against myself or any in my court.”
“And if he is attacked by you or one of your people?” Takashi asked smoothly. “Should he just lie down and allow them to tear him to pieces?”
“No, of course not.” A cunning smile lifted his lips. “I would certainly not take issue if you needed to defend yourselves.”
“So, if you or another Unseelie attacks one of us, we’re free to defend ourselves without repercussion?” I asked, wanting this to be crystal clear.
“Agreed,” Tigger said with a regal nod. “But I would ask to be notified immediately, should such a thing happen. I would take great pleasure in punishing any who might think to disregard my edicts so foolishly.”
“Then you’d also be protecting us from harm that might come from the Unseelie, too?” I asked, hoping I wasn’t being too bold.
“It will be made clear to all Unseelie who accept me as their king, that they are not to harm you or your people.” He lifted a dark eyebrow, silently asking if that was good enough.
I looked around again. Takashi gave a subtle nod. Apparently, that was as good as I was probably going to get. I squeezed my eyes shut, feeling like I was about to hop off a cliff.
“I agree to your terms.”
“Excellent,” the King purred, making me shiver.
I’d heard of people having a sex voice, but this was like a dangerous, rough, kinky-sex voice. I could admit it was pretty damn yummy in an oh-shit-I’m-going-to-need-a-safeword kind of way.
“The Spring Equinox isn’t terribly far past, but the Summer Solstice isn’t for some time,” King Tigger said with a smile, but there was iron in his gaze. “Shall we complete our collection today? Considering your recent difficulties, we would only require these services for this current audience. Then, you may feel free to rest and prepare for your return to the human lands. You may visit us again on the Summer Solstice.”
“Uh, okay,” I answered uncertainly. “What do I need to do?”
“Allow me to handle everything,” Tigger purred, a truly wicked tone in his words that made the hairs on my arms stand up straight.
Dayum. He really did give good voice.
He lifted a hand and two fae bustled in, nearly running to cross the giant room. They stopped before the dais with low bows, before hustling to an open area of floor directly in front of the King. Between one blink and the next, a large pillowy mat appeared on the floor with cushions lining the edges. That was a neat trick. I wasn’t sure I liked where this was going, though.
“Do you prefer the male or female role when you couple, little Sifter?” the King asked with an unnerving gleam in his eyes.
“I… what?” I asked stupidly.
“He’s asking if you like topping better or bottoming,” Riley whispered way too loud.
“Uh, I usually like bottom,” I said hesitantly, getting worried when his smile turned damn near shark-like.
“Excellent,” King Scarypants purred.
Terrifying, but it still made my cock twitch. Traitor.
“I’ll only take two offerings from you, this visit,” Tigger continued. “Considering your recent ordeals.”
How generous of him?
“The first can prepare you for the second.” He looked over the men with me appraisingly. “I believe the young wolf will do nicely.”
Nicely for what? My head was starting to feel a little spinny.
“Approach us, Sifter,” the King commanded, and my feet seemed to know what to do without my input because quickly I was standing way too close to the throne that wanted to kill me.
I wanted to protest when he reached out and deftly opened my pants. My shirt was already gone. I didn’t really want to be all naked and vulnerable in front of the ruler of the dark fae. Apparently, my wants didn’t matter much. While I stood there half-dazed, my pants dropped to my ankles. Great, now I was mooning everyone behind me. All my fellas had seen me naked, but I was still uncomfortable as fuck. I couldn’t remember if Zeru had seen me buck-ass naked before, and that seemed really important for some reason.
I looked over my shoulder to find Riley, Zeru, and Takashi holding back a very irate Guy. My werewolf wasn’t saying anything, just struggling to get to me while the others practically sat on him, hissing warnings in his ear. I had a feeling he was going to want me to start wearing burqas when I got home. He didn’t look pleased at all about recent developments. I kind of felt the same way.
My gaze jerked back to King Tighearnain when I felt cool fingers sliding across my chest. I shivered as his nails grazed my nipples, making them tighten into pebbles. I wanted to pull back but also wanted his touch. Hell, I straight up wanted Tigger in a pretty rawr kind of way, though he scared the crap out of me. I was conflicted as fuck. I didn’t know if I should run away screaming or jump into his lap.
Instead, I stood there like a statue and let him get handsy.
His fingers traced my scars and I shivered again in a much less pleasant way.
“I rather like these, even if many of my subjects wouldn’t,” the King murmured, as though to himself. “I’ll have to see if any of my pets would like some of their own…”
I nearly jumped out of my skin when his hand dropped to give my cock a rough squeeze. I gasped, clenching my hands into fists. Fuck, it felt good. Too damned good. Before he’d even touched me I was as hard as a poker and I hadn’t even noticed.
“So responsive,” he hummed as he felt me up from tip to root. “Lovely.”
He kept one hand on me as he reached down with his other to grab two small glass bottles I hadn’t noticed. They were smoky gray with a pale cloud of white swirling inside. Rainbows seemed to shimmer randomly across the surface. Tigger reluctantly released my length and lifted the stoppers from both bottles, up-ending them over his palm and giving them a little shake. A tiny white seed fell from each into his hand.
Then he was grasping my shaft again and pressing one of the seeds to the slit at the head and I found my voice.
“What in the ever-loving fuck are you-”
He pushed the little thing in.
My back arched and my knees buckled. Pleasure so hot it was more like pain shot through me as I cried out. I would have dropped to the hard stone floor if a strong, muscular arm wasn’t suddenly holding me up. The King had let go of my shaft to catch me, pulling me close enough to count his thick eyelashes. Then his free hand was on me again, pushing seed number two in with the first. The sensation was stronger this time, making my vision white-out. I may have let out a very undignified scream, but Christ on a cracker, I didn’t know if I should get mad and punch the King or beg him to do it again.
When my eyeballs decided to work again, I found myself on all fours on the mat. It was surprisingly plush, even a little bouncy. My eyes darted around until I found Tighearnain again, lounging calmly on his throne, cool as a cucumber except for the rather large bulge in his leather pants.
He was over there and I wasn’t. That was good, right?
“Wolf,” he drawled, lifting a hand in Guy’s direction. “Disrobe and take him. There are oils there, if you must use them.”
I thought I really ought to stand up, maybe cover myself with a handy pillow or something, but my body felt too heavy to move. A thick feeling of arousal pulsed through me, like warm waves of something thicker than water and sweeter than syrup. My cock gave a little jump with every beat of my heart. I felt so empty when all I wanted was to be full.
I heard a wild snarl and my head turned, slow as molasses, to see Guy’s hands fisted so tightly the muscles in his arms flexed deliciously. No one was holding him back, but it looked like he was struggling not to tackle someone. Either the King or me, I wasn’t sure which. Maybe both. My body voted that I should be the one tackled. I’d like to say my brain was more circumspect, but it was pretty on board with the idea, as well. Even if it meant some unexpected exhibitionism in front of a King of the Fae.
“Highness,” Takashi said softly, “I don’t believe Mick and Guy wish for their first time having intercourse to be in such a setting…”
Yeah, when he put it like that I got a little zing of guilt for not having more reservations or protests, but it was quickly overpowered by the need that seemed to be trying to consume me. I wanted. At that point, I would have taken any of the men in the room, even Zeru or Tigger. A chill wormed through my veins as I had a very icky thought.
Maybe Les was always right and I really was a whore.
It was enough to pull me out of the lust I was drowning in. I took a shaky breath and sat back on my heels.
My voice was much more wobbly and pitiful than intended.
“The wolf may take him,” the King warned. “Or I will take the Sifter twice.”
All eyes were suddenly on Tighearnain.
“I had planned to enjoy him after the pup,” Tigger explained. “But if the wolf refuses the honor, I will claim it from him.”
“No,” Guy growled, his voice sounding like he’d been gargling gravel.
Then the werewolf was marching toward me, face tight and angry. How romantic for our first time.
I couldn’t help but flinch a little when he toed off his shoes and stepped onto the soft mat. Grouchy men and fucking had historically been an unpleasant combo for me. I wanted to be all strong and fierce, something much more than what I was. I forced myself to take a deep breath and stop shrinking like a kicked puppy. I looked into my werewolf’s eyes and their usual hazel had been overtaken by green. It wasn’t the faded or blueish green of a human’s iris. These held hints of yellow. Animal eyes.
But they were familiar eyes, ones I knew belonged to someone who had never hurt me. Guy had only ever tried to protect me, even in the beginning when he thought I was just some idiot kid empath who was younger than him. My body relaxed slightly. I reached out my hand and he took it, kneeling on the soft mat.
“You don’t have to do this,” I whispered, rubbing my thumb over his strong cheekbone. “I made this deal, not you.” I looked down, feeling pretty fucking terrible for getting him sucked into all this drama and bullshit. “I can handle it.”
Guy growled, tipping my chin up to meet my eyes.
“So damn stubborn.” He shook his head. “You don’t have to take care of everything by yourself. It’s all right to actually let people help you, even the hard things. It sucks watching you act like you’re alone in everything when I want to be there for you.” He glanced back at Takashi and Riley. “I know I’m not the only one, either.” He leaned forward to kiss my temple. “Let me help with this.”
I could only nod. Why did he have to be so nice? I didn’t have good defenses against nice.
The back of my neck prickled. I turned my head to find King Tighearnain watching us. I expected him to be pissy about the delay. Instead, he was watching us in obvious fascination. It reminded me of my little sister glued to the TV watching documentaries about animals. It was kind of creepy.
“Ready to continue?” the King asked without a hint of grumpiness. It felt like he could wait all day… staring at us. “Or would you like more bonding time?”
I looked at Guy, who nodded.
“We’re ready.”
“Delightful,” the King said cheerfully, raising a hand and flicking it toward us.
I found myself on my hands and knees again, with Guy behind me. I was bare-assed naked, the cool of the room making goosebumps race down my arms and legs with a shiver. Guy’s warm hands stroked down my back to my hips, giving them a little squeeze that sent my heart thumping.
I wanted him. Kind of really fucking badly.
His thumbs made little circles in the dimples above my ass and I hummed appreciatively. His hands felt nice on me. I should have done this before when we had less of an audience. A bed would have been nice, too.
I was distracted from my thoughts by something cool and slick running down the cleft of my ass. I peeked back to see Guy staring intently at my backside. The look in his eyes was much too reverent for staring at my butt. I didn’t know if I should wiggle it at him or hide my face in embarrassment.
I totally wiggled.
My reward was two thick fingers breaching me and pressing deep. I slid my knees wider and groaned. It hurt, but in awfully yummy ways. I felt an aching twinge deep in my gut as he pulled his fingers back, then pushed them back in hard and fast. The stretch burned, making me suck a hissing breath through my teeth.
I hadn’t been fooling around with Guy long enough for him to know how much I liked riding the edge of too hard, too deep, too much. It made me wonder if my fellas were comparing notes about me. It was actually kind of sweet if they were.
He leaned forward to kiss my shoulder, moving my hair aside so he could trail his lips to the back of my neck. I felt the warm, firm line of his body pressed against my back. He was as naked as I was, and if what was poking my left buttcheek was any indication, he was happy to be there. A soft growl rumbled in his chest, vibrating against my back, making me moan. His kisses turned to gentle nips. When I didn’t protest, he bit the back of my neck, letting his teeth sink in just enough so the hot pain flashed through my body.
It felt so damn good.
My eyes flew open as his teeth tightened further and he slowly pulled his fingers free. I thought he might be drawing blood, but I was miles from giving a shit. The throne was directly in my line of sight. King Tighearnain held my gaze. I couldn’t seem to look away, even as I felt the head of Guy’s cock probe my entrance then sink inside. He was a lot bigger than two fingers.
I sucked short breaths through my parted lips, struggling to relax as Guy sank slowly deeper. He didn’t stop until he was buried with his groin pressed tight to my ass. His mouth opened, licking where he’d bitten. It stung, making me gasp.
“Ah, damn!” Guy groaned. “Don’t move, baby…”
I tried to keep still, I really did. I whined softly, panting as my head hung down. I was doing pretty well until I felt his cock throb inside me. I moaned, squeezing down on him. I heard a low, animalistic growl from behind me, then Guy was moving. His fingers dug into my hips as his own slammed forward. It knocked me down onto my forearms, but I couldn’t care less. Fuck, it felt so good. Slutty little moans and grunts fell continuously from my lips with every rough thrust.
Guy sounded equally lost in the moment. Everything seemed to fall away. There was no Unseelie King staring at us, no cavernous room enclosing us. There was only us and how much higher we could drive each other until we shattered and crashed.
I didn’t know how much time passed before Guy’s pounding thrusts became more urgent and he reached down to close his fingers around me. I think my voice went up an octave as his hand pumped me roughly.
“Fuck. Fuckity. Fuck,” I cursed mindlessly as I threw myself back onto him and then forward into his hand.
The feeling built until I thought I might split apart at the seams and blow up in a shower of sparks. Then I was exploding in a different way, my fingertips digging into the pillowy surface beneath me until they ached, my knuckles burning white. My cock twitched and jerked in Guy’s hand, and I had a fleeting thought that I was probably shooting quite a mess onto any pillows unfortunate enough to have slid under me.
Guy lasted longer than I did, his thrusts forcing electricity to zip from my ass to my cock and back again until I was squirming from sensation overload. Then he was slammed deep inside me, his cock throbbing as he filled me. It made me cry out again, hands scrabbling uselessly beneath me.
When my heart stopped trying to thump its way out of my chest, I was sprawled face down with a warm heavy weight on top of me. I reached back and patted Guy weakly. Good boy. He groaned, rolling off me. His cock was still thick, though beginning to soften, making me gasp loudly as he pulled free. He was a big fella. I was going to enjoy feeling sore the next day, every twinge a reminder of the yumminess I’d been up to the day before.
My post-coital smile slipped from my face when I heard a deep chuckle. My eyes fluttered open to find King Tighearnain standing over us with a predatory light gleaming in his onyx eyes.
“That was lovely,” Tigger purred. “I’m looking forward to finding out if I can make you scream even louder.”
Ah, fuck. I’d almost forgotten that I’d signed up for two rounds. And it looked like the King of the Dark Fae was more than ready to tag in.
an: Thank you so much for everyone who’s still reading! I love you! Your comments and reviews have kept me coming back to this story. Extra big hugs to Maddam Redder and Thirdly for their support, patience, and enthusiastic encouragement. XOXO
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
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