Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
Firestorm - 4. FS Chapter 4
“So, Benning, did you get what you wanted? Royal Engineers Corps” once of my fellow platoon mates asked me as soon as I entered the barracks. “Yes, Jackson, I am in the Engineers corps, but with a different regiment, and I have some extra training to complete” I responded with a small smile on my face. “But I understood that the Engineers were with the Infantry Regiment?” my colleague stated, “Yes that is usually the case, but I was approached by a Lt Colonel in the SOE regiment, and I accepted the offer to join their regiment, but first I have to do some training at the PT School, before I join the regiment” I responded, as I finished up my packing of all of my gear.
I was about to leave the barracks for the final time, when Jackson spoke up, “Wait a minute, did you say PT School, as in Parachute Training? And what exactly is the SOE regiment?” he asked me, and I gave a small laugh, “Why don’t you ask someone what SOE means, and yes, I am off to do two weeks of parachute training, maybe I will see you around sometime, good luck” I replied as I walked out the door.
Two hours later, I was on a military transport plane bound for Sydney, arriving just before noon, and after stopping for some lunch and a quick look around the city, I made the four-hour journey by train south to Nowra, where the Parachute training school at HMAS Albatross is located. I made a short call to Aunty Jean to let her know that I was well, and that I was doing two weeks of additional training, before I travel to Campbell Barracks in Perth, where I would be based.
Aunt Jean was thrilled that I would be in my home state for the start of my Army career, and when she asked what I would be doing, I informed her that I would be an emergency first responder with the Royal Engineers Corps, she said she was thrilled that I was doing what I wanted to do. The two weeks that I spent at Nowra, were the most frightening experience that I had ever encountered, the first two, 1,000-foot static line jumps, were quite a new and unexpected experience, and by the third jump, I was starting to get accustomed to it.
In the second week, we began the high-altitude parachute operations, which entailed using oxygen tanks, and falling from a height of 25,000 feet, which at first, I was not sure if I could do that or not, but somehow, I managed to achieve it. On graduating from the course, in early November, I made the trip back up to Sydney, so as to catch a flight west to Perth, and Aunt Jean had decided that she would collect me from the airport.
While waiting at the departure lounge in Sydney, I spotted a couple of young men who appeared to have been drinking, and I made a metal note that I would keep an eye on them. I had decided that it was best to travel out of uniform, so as not to cause any issues, and as I entered the plane, I stepped towards the crew food prep area and a crew member followed.
“I know I look very young, but I am Sapper Benning, with the Australian Army, so I can handle myself, I just wanted to let you know that three young men who have already boarded could be a problem as I had observed them in the departure lounge, and they look like they have been drinking” I informed the stewardess. “Thank you, Mr Benning, I am sure we will be able to cope” the lady said politely, and I made my way to my seat.
As it turned out, I was in a side aisle seat, just three rows back from the three men, that I had warned the crew about, so I was in an ideal location to assist if need be during the 4 - hour long flight. As I had predicted, shortly after the meals had been served, and the flight crew were beginning to serve tea and coffee, nearly two hours into the flight, the three men started to demand alcohol, in a loud manner, and I saw the worried look on the flight stewards face, as I watched her head towards the front of the aircraft.
I headed to the bathroom behind me, for a rest break, and as I exited the bathroom, the flight stewardess was waiting for me, “Sapper Benning, I am sorry for my behaviour back in Sydney, we don’t have an Air Safety Officer onboard this flight, and I have spoken to the Captain, he has informed the AFP at Perth Airport, and they agree to ask for your assistance in restraining the three men until we arrive at Perth” the stewardess said to me.
I smiled and nodded my head, “Very well, do you have any plastic cable ties available, and are there three seats available at the back of the plane, away from most of the passengers” I replied, “Yes, there are middle seats in the back row, with the row in front of them empty as well, and yes we do have some ties” the stewardess replied, “Very well, first I need to take a walk a long the full length of the plane, so see if I can get some strong fellers to assist if need be, maybe I can have a short chat with the captain or first officer” I added.
When I arrived at the forward crew galley, the captain was there waiting for me, “Sapper Benning, I am Captain Matt Lane, thank you for offering assistance, I have been informed by the AFP that you are with the Royal Engineers Regiment assigned to the Special Forces Command, we are thankful for your assistance” the captain said to me.
I smiled, when I heard that a background check had been made on me, and for the next few minutes we chatted before the captain returned to the cockpit, and I headed back to my seat. When I saw that two of the troublesome men were not in their seats, I rushed back, hoping to catch the two men unaware when they exited the bathrooms, which I did, as the first man exited, I grabbed his wrist and swung his arm around to his back and pressed him against the wall.
“You my friend are being arrested for causing a disturbance on a flight, by command of the captain” I said to the surprised passenger, as I was handed plastic cable ties by the flight steward, and I ordered the man to turn around and put his hand out front, and not try anything silly. Just after securing the first man, the second man came out, and although he was a little surprised to see his friend tied up, he was a lot faster to react, approaching me quickly, and I forced the first man to sit down, before defending myself from a fast approaching fist.
I managed to avoid contact from the second man’s fist, and responded with a series of fast and effective blows, to the man’s kidney and stomach region, then kicked the legs out from under him, so he landed heavily on his backside, I then placed my hand around his neck. “You do not want to mess with me, so I suggest that you put your arms out like a good man, and let this nice lady put cable ties around your wrists” I said to the second man.
With two men now restrained, I assisted the second man to stand up and guided him to the rear row of seats, and secured his seatbelt, When I had the second man seated and buckled in, I looked at the stewardess, who looked a little shocked at how well I handled the situation. “Now while I watch these two, can you get the last one to come down to the back, and I will deal with him, once he gets near to the back” I asked, and the stewardess nodded her head.
I sat down in the side aisle seat opposite the two men and waited for the third one to arrive, and when I spotted the stewardess approaching with the third man behind her, I also saw the captain following them from a distance, and I smiled. As soon as the third man spotted his friends seated in the back row he slowed down, then on seeing their hands tied, he stopped two rows short, “What is going on here, why are you guys tied up?” the third man asked his friends, who indicated towards me.
“That would because I have arrested them for causing a disturbance on a flight, under the captain’s orders, I suggest you join them here please” I replied as I saw him start to backtrack, only to stop when he collided with someone behind him, which was the captain. “I suggest that you do as the man asked you, he is acting under my authority, and at the request of the Australian Federal Police” the captain announced.
Knowing he could not do anything, he sat down in the third seat in the middle row, and I placed the plastic cable ties on his hands. “Now if you need anything, you will ask Sapper Benning nicely, and he will do his best to assist, but for the rest of the flight, I do not want to hear any reports of misbehaviour from either of you three, do you hear me” the captain said to the three men, who nodded in understanding.
Just before we landed at Perth, the captain came onto the PA, “Ladies and Gentlemen, due to a security matter, we ask that you remain in your seats until the matter is resolve, the cabin crew will inform you when it is clear for you to all exit the plane, thank you for your assistance” he said and I smiled, just as the stewardess approached me, and whispered in my ear, “The AFP will be first to arrive, to escort theses three men off the plane, you can leave straight after them, as they may want to speak to you also” she said before heading to her seat for landing.
When the plane had landed and the rear exit door was unlocked and opened, six armed AFP Officers entered the plane, and spotting the three men, ordered them to stand, where they were handcuffed and escorted off. “Sapper Benning, would you like to join us please, we would like a statement from you regarding this matter” the last officer said to me and once I had gathered my on board luggage, I followed them off the plane.
On seeing Aunt Jean as we entered the arrivals hall, I quickly said that I needed to follow the AFP officers, to assist them with this inflight matter, and that I would catch a taxi home, when I am free. Aunty Jean looked a little shocked on seeing the three men handcuffed been lead away, and giving my aunt a kiss on the cheek, I followed them.
Two hours later, I finally arrived home, and Aunt Jean had a beautiful roast dinner ready and waiting for me, and I quickly stowed away my luggage in my room, before returning to the dining room. During dinner, when asked by Aunt Jean what extra training I had done, I informed her that it was just more specialty training as part of being with the Royal Engineers, I didn’t want to tell her the full truth, as I thought it may scare her a lot, if she knew that I had spent the past week, jumping out of a plane at 25,000 feet.
I informed her, that I needed to report to base at 0700 in the morning, so I would be up early, and that I had booked a taxi for 0600 hours, even when it was less than ten minutes away, she nodded her head in understanding sadly, and we continued to chat a little more as we ate and afterwards as I helped to clean up.
I had asked Aunt Jean not to bother about getting up early to make breakfast, as I would get some breakfast at Campbell Barracks, but as I came out of my bedroom shortly after 0530 hours, dressed in my work uniform, and with a weekend bag of clothes, in case I am needed to stay on base, Aunty Jean was in the kitchen making a cup of tea for us both. “My word how handsome you look in your uniform, let me get my camera, so I can take a photo of you” she said to me, as she dashed off to find her camera.
After taking a couple of photos, and having a cup of tea, I said goodbye to Aunty Jean, letting her know that I may have to stay on base, but I would telephone her at lunch time to let her know if that was the case or not, and I headed out the door. I was a little nervous as the taxi pulled up outside the gates of Campbell Barracks, and after paying the fare, I walked up to the security gate and presented my Army ID card, and I was directed to the administration building.
“Sapper Mitchell Benning reporting for duty” I said as I approached the reception counter, and a staff sergeant approached me, and I snapped to attention, “As you were, Sapper, now I have instructions that you are to see the CO, Lt Colonel Harding as soon as you arrive, but since he hasn’t arrived yet and it’s still a bit early, I suggest you go to the mess hall and get some breakfast” the staff sergeant said, and after giving me instructions on where to find the building, I headed off to get my first meal at the barracks.
“So you must be the young Sapper, fresh out of basic training and PT school, that our CO has been raving about” a Corporal said as he sat down next to me, “Yes Corporal, Sapper Mitchell Benning, just arrived back from Nowra yesterday” I responded, “Relax mate, it’s not work time yet, I am Corporal Mike Fraser, I am also in the Royal Engineers, and you have been assigned to my platoon, 3rd platoon B Company, welcome to the regiment, we are usually based at Holsworthy barracks in Sydney, but we are here for some extra training beside the SAS regiment for threes” the corporal said with a smile as he held out his hand, which I shook firmly.
“I guess I am a little nervous, with this being my first assignment, and already coming to the attention of Lt Colonel Harding” I said with a small smile, and Corporal Fraser gave a little laugh, “Lt Colonel Harding, likes to keep an eye out during the basic training, to pick out any potential talented soldiers, that he can bring into his regiment. It doesn’t happen very often that he does find anyone, and you are the first in three years, and the youngest ever to join the Royal Engineers as well as Special Operations Command.
I have read your personnel file, so I know you are Western Australian, so I guess you know about the Army training facility at Bindoon?” Corporal Harding said to me, “Yes, I do know of it, but I have never been near it, even though I come from a farming town just 20 km’s east of there” I replied. “We will be heading there early tomorrow morning, for two weeks of training, so just as well you have you some gear with you” the corporal said to me, “Well I don’t have my whole kit with me, I can arrange to have it delivered to the base at lunch time if that is permitted” I responded, “Yes that is fine, just have them deliver it to the main gate, they will let us know when it has arrived, I will assign you a bunk here at base for tonight” Corporal Fraser said.
After some breakfast, the corporal and I returned to the administration building, where the staff sergeant was talking to Lt Colonel, and on seeing me, he indicated to the CO that I had arrived. Both of us were instructed to follow the CO to his office. “Now, Sapper welcome to Special Operations Command, Royal Engineers, here are your badges and patches for your uniforms, get those sorted as quick as you can.
Corporal, have you informed Sapper Benning that he is with your platoon, and that we are on training manoeuvres for two weeks as of tomorrow?’ the CO said to me then to the corporal, “Yes sir, I briefed him on that, he informs me has not been on the training base before, but he is ready for it, I will assign him a bunk as soon as we are done here” the corporal responded. “Very good, now as you know Sapper Benning is still under age for another four months, so that means no hazing on him of any kind, is that understood?
You are in a room attached to your barracks correct, how about you assign him the spare bunk there, until he is 18, that was we can be assured that nothing will happen, also Sapper, I am promoting you to Lance Corporal, as you already have a number of qualifications that only a few in the company have” the CO said to the corporal and I. “That will be fine with me sir, it gets a little lonely being in a room on my own” the corporal replied, “Thankyou sir, I will do my best to serve you well” I replied, and we both stood, saluted and exited the office and building.
Inside the envelope that the CO had handed me, where the badges, patches and Lance Corporal stripes for my uniforms, and after collecting my luggage, we headed over to the barracks, where I was shown the room I would be sharing with Corporal Harding. Quickly I retrieved my sewing kit, I removed my shirt and sewed on the badges, patches and stripes onto my uniform.
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