Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
Blueblood 4: Dracula - 33. Coming Out
Colin and I did let the others know what we planned to do and there was the expected response. “Are you out of your mind?” “You can’t!” and “You’ll be killed!” and many others. That was everyone’s general consensus. And I mean everybody. Edwin, Matt, Amasis, Wayne, my mother and Willie, Stan, Mark, Chuck, Shelly…all the new ones made during the Halloween Transylvania. Everyone!
“Stop!!” Dragon commanded loud and again was using his “influence” with his resonating voice. Then he frowned turning to Colin and me. “Now, let them explain this completely mad sounding idea.”
“Thank you, Dragon.” Colin griped to our friend. “I think.” Colin took my hand. “This whole thing…started when we realized there were many of us out in the world, vampires that didn’t have any support or help.” He shrugged. “Really, when I started this, I didn’t expect to find as many vampires out here.” Colin smiled and laughed. “I was shocked. I knew there were others…here and there…maybe a few hundred. Our new natures are programmed to hide, so I did. We did.” Colin shook his head. “Stay in the dark and don’t trust anyone. I’ve told you what we know about the Old Ones. We have two in custody in New York. We have a brilliant man working with them because they hold the original venom and yet…they may hold what’s needed for a cure.” There were murmurs among the new guests. “But, that could still be some time.” Colin quickly warned them. “It was in the 1950s my friend understood what we are and what caused us to become…vampires. I lived in Hell for over a hundred years! Waking up at sunset and seeking blood. I don’t anymore. Then he found the serum. It’s a treatment, which we’ve told you about. It gave me a life back and will give you a life back. You now have the serum discs that will keep you from becoming a vampire. However, understand, you are a vampire and will always be until George finds the cure. You’ve been told this also, you must stay on the serum, or you will become a danger to everyone around you from friends and even family.” Colin was now beginning to walk as he spoke. I could almost see him lecturing in front of a classroom! He was sexy to me. I was hopeless when it came to Colin. “In the next day or so, we are sending you home.” He nodded as the many were now speaking more to each other, excited to be going home. “Yes, I know.” Colin waved them down as he smiled at this new surge of joy they were getting. “Make no mistake.” He turned. “You are vampires.” He said gravely. “Those with the vampires, your lives have changed. Because of that…they won’t age.” He pointed to the crowd. “Look at the one that was bitten. See them now. In twenty or forty years…they will look exactly the same as they do now. You will age. That will be hard for you.” He sighed. “We came out in the world to help those…like me and the others…have a life back and have a place in this world again. That task became so much more than we can handle. This is a big job! To make things easier…the other countries need to know what happened and what they can expect.” He waved at the new ones with us. “That will be hard to accept. You didn’t believe it at first and some of you were the ones bitten! You were there!” He took a deep breath again. “Now, you will not be able to speak about what happened easily…”
Dragon leaned toward Colin. “They shouldn’t be able to speak about it at all.” He muttered. “I gave them each very strong…suggestions.”
Colin chuckled and nodded, patting Dragon on the back. “Yes, thank you, Dragon.” He turned again. “To have the quickest and positive results, Devon and I are telling them… a chosen few people with these other countries… using controlled exposure. We will not tell anyone about you specifically. However, they will know because you are the latest victims and victims of this attack.”
Willie shook his head. “But you’re telling them what you are, son.”
Colin nodded. “To help them understand that this attack doesn’t have to be a tragedy. Before I got the serum, my life was a tragedy, but not now.” He smiled at me. He held his hand to me, which I took. “We offer them proof. Us. Help beyond the FBI, MI5 and even the RIS will just be needed.”
“Daddy,” Gabriella began softly, “are you sure about this?” She asked shaking a little.
Colin nodded. “We need help, baby girl. You know that. I say controlled exposure. Meaning, we can control what they will see, where and when they see it. Doing it in a group will lessen the problems from one. Everyone will see at the same time and no one country or people will have the upper hand. We have people of our own to protect us. We should do it at the VUN in New York.”
Not letting Colin go, I nodded. “Now, we should refer to it as Holms' Laboratories when dealing with the medical eggheads,” I suggested. “I agree with Colin, we need further cooperation from these people. If it goes well…we’ll have it.”
Colin shook his head. “Every fiber in my being is telling me I shouldn’t do this. I should hide and keep being a vampire a secret. I’m working against the venom I still have. Yet, there is no choice and I know I’m right.”
Mom nodded. “You don’t have to do this alone…” she said, “…others will stand with you…as vampires.”
Willie looked bothered, not upset, but he didn’t like his wife’s statement. “Betty.”
Mom shook her head. “No, William.” She said. “This venom may change what we do…but a mother’s first instinct is to protect her child. That’s not the vampire in me talking, but a mother…it’s in every creature on this planet. No venom can change that. My instinct is to protect my child. I have two right there about to do something potentially dangerous. I’m Colin’s and Devon’s mother, I want to protect them.”
Colin smiled more. “I know, Mom, but I think Devon’s and my exposure should do the trick.” He shrugged. “It could be dangerous.” He brought me closer and put his arm around me from behind. “We are doing this.” He said kissing the back of my head. “I am hoping for there to be reasonable with these people and it should be good. If not…” he shrugged leaving the rest unsaid.
“Don’t worry, Mom. We’ll be together.” I said to her, but put my arm around Colin’s waist. “We’ll protect each other, we’ll be fine.”
Dragon walked closer to us and quickly joined by Gaius. “You are sure about this?” Dragon asked.
Colin shook his head. “Not sure at all, but I can see no other way.”
Gaius grinned. “And you say you don’t want to be a leader?”
“I don’t want it,” Colin said simply.
“Neither did I.” Dragon admitted. “But you are. Self-sacrifice is just one of the duties we feel we must do.”
“We’re heading into a new world,” I said to Dragon. “Why not start things off with a bang?” I bounced a little.
“I don’t understand.” Dragon confessed confused.
“Be completely honest,” I said.
“I am always honest.” Dragon frowned. “So, is Gaius.” He said with no doubt in his voice. “How are we not?”
“It’s up to you, but…” I waved at them. “Kiss Gaius.” I pulled a chuckling Colin closer. “I do with Colin open and honestly.”
Dragon’s eyebrows rose. “For hundreds of years, we just didn’t…it just wasn’t done!”
Colin smiled. “It’s a new world. Humor Devon.” He leaned closer to Dragon. “But make sure it’s real. He can tell if it’s not.”
Gaius grinned at Dragon who was looking still uncomfortable from conditioning as a child, dedication to a church. He was dedicated in history. “It’s okay. I know you love me. You know I love you. We’re good.” He said putting a hand on Dragon’s arm. “It’s okay.”
Dragon gave a shake of his head in…frustration? Surrender? He suddenly grinned. “Devon’s right.” He turned, pulling Gaius close to him suddenly and kissed him hard. Not the Hi, good to see you kind of kiss done by some, but the pull him close. Arms going around each other and a damned good, deep and near probing kind of kiss which Gaius returned liking what was happening very much, right up there on the raised portion in front of everyone! Dragon broke with Gaius slightly. “No more hiding, about anything. I love you, Gaius.”
Gaius smiled grandly. “I love you, too, Vlad.” Dragon even smiled when Gaius used his real name.
Dragon looked at Colin and me. “Better?” He asked resting his head against Gaius’.
“Much!” I nodded. I looked at saw Robert shaking his head as he and the other clearly saw. Dragon had kissed Gaius off to the side once or twice a little chaste, but this was just…out there. I walked over and leaned in between Marty and Robert to speak with only with them. “I have it on some pretty good scientific authority…being a vampire does make a person…not gay, but open to other people…it doesn’t matter the gender.” I said softly. “But I was gay before I became a vampire, but I still love Colin now. Being a vampire should make me straight? I’d say it hasn’t.” I shrugged. “Anyway, if it does with Marty.” I grinned at Robert. “Not to worry, Robert. You’ll do fine with gay sex...you’ll get used to it.” I patted Robert on the shoulder and returned to Colin, Dragon, and Gaius.
Marty laughed heartily at Robert’s widened eyes and shocked face as Robert moved ever so slightly away from Marty.
“Why do you worry about this?” Dragon asked with his arm still around Gaius. “About Gaius and me…those two.”
I smiled nodding. “Because it is so important. No one should ever be alone. Like them, friends are important, but having someone that means something more is more important. Who they choose is up to them, but they should never discount the possibilities.” I watched as Marty was scooting closer to Robert who was equally scooting away. “I think they’d make a cute couple, but it’s up to them.” I chuckled. “Besides, teasing Robert is fun.”
Stan didn’t switch off the dampening field, but we did send messages to each using their own personal email or contacting with three that had no email but used addresses they knew. Telling their family and friends back home they would be there in three days. We told the recipients this was a thing concerning biological security and explanations would be given. Senator Cooke and Congresswoman Chance were sent the information about what we were now calling V5H. Full disclosure of the formula and serum breakdown given to all as needed. We got information about the various countries including a letter to the Prime Minister of Romanian from Colin from Holm’s Laboratories. The same information to the appropriate offices for each was sent in their own languages (thanks to the Delkenzie program) with promises there would be more information given.
Vasil Cojoc was there as we told everyone what was happening. “Okay, this is good. Do not worry about returning these people. They were our guests in Romania, we’ll make sure they get home.” He assured. “There is one…Fane Jacobs. He’s in charge of the…rescue and investigation.” He looked at Dragon. “I know he’ll want to find you. You don’t exist.”
Dragon chuckled. “Yet, here I stand!”
“No, you don’t. There is no database that can find you. The facial recognition program has been running since the attack and they have a good picture of you. All records…drivers’ licenses and no documentation exist on you.” Vasil said simply.
“I do not fully understand about this…database but I can handle authority figures.” Dragon said calmly. “I’ll make myself available to this Fane Jacobs.”
“We need to get Lucian and his friends out, too.” I reminded Colin.
“We need to do that before we take them out,” Colin said pointing to the others there.
“Why not while even?” I asked. “The authorities will be busy. Our plane can arrive, even if it’s observed, but we got Repetate and Iustina out, we can do it with Lucian and his friends. We have Vasil and Sorin to help if needed to distract those with the RIS…our people in New York know what to do. Lucian and the others with him will be a little cramped in the container, but will stay safe.” I smiled. “We’ll move them at night as we did with Repetate and Iustina. Put them in the container and have them take off while we get these people to the square.”
Colin nodded with a chuckle. “See? I married a smart man!” He pulled me again next to him kissing the side of my head.
Going down to the cell where Lucian was being held…he at least now was lounging as he lay reading, not just staring into space. Someone brought them a deck of cards and the others were in a game, but not Lucian.
“I didn’t hear you had decided to die,” I said to Lucian who looked up. “Do we go forward?”
Lucian sat us and yes, he smiled. It wasn’t a deceptive smile. He was still sad, but I sensed no attempt to lie to me. “I will admit. I still hurt.” He touched his chest. “Here.” He sighed. “I don’t want to die…at least…not right now. I miss Iilya very much.”
I nodded but smiled at him. “I know you do, but I’m glad you want to live…for now. Tomorrow night, we’ll be moving you to a hangar, you’ll be put in a special container to protect you from the sun. You’ll be a little cramped. I’ve flown in one…it’s not bad. You’ll be taken to New York and held at the VUN there. There you will begin the serum.”
Lucian nodded. “Okay.”
“I’d like to trust you,” I said.
Lucian smiled. “But you can’t right now.” He nodded. “I get that. Trust has to be earned. How about I give you something to build on?” He got near the bars of the cage. “We will give you no trouble. When we don’t cause trouble, maybe that can help earn that a little of that trust.” He looked back at his friends. “Am I right, guys? No trouble.”
The other looked less enthusiastic but nodded.
“Say it!” Lucian ordered, even I was surprised at how the others responded to this order. He had authority with these men. “Nici o problemă.”
“Yes.” They said immediately. “No trouble. Nici o problemă.”
I nodded. “If you do as you say, it’s a start.”
Things worked pretty well. Sorin and Vasil were there when we had Lucian and his friends escorted out the evening we were to send them to New York. People from VAN-US and VUN-BG were escorting them to Unirea, a small town south of Transylvania that had a private airport. Instead of a hangar, they were loaded directly into the plane, which was sent by Ruben Chance, Senator Cooke, and Congresswoman Chance so no trouble there. Documentation was given to Vasil who would hand it to any authority that asked, so the loading was with the container already in place. It was secured and they took off as soon as they were ready with six guards from New York to keep watch with sun and serum guns. The frustrating part was all the delays. Copies were sent to all those needed. The Senator, Congresswoman, directors of the different agencies and we had to wait for them to read and reply sending signed documentation. Stan said he’d have printed copies for us to take, the hard copies would take a little longer.
“Printed?” I asked.
Stan nodded and tapped the CPU. “My little Buddy here has a printer as well…not everything should be on those tablets. They’ll have a hard copy in their hands.” He said proudly.
It was the next day when we all got everyone together and left the cavern and made our way to the square. Vasil had told this agent Fane Jacobs with the Romanian Intelligence Service to be there for some…new developments. I saw a man, a little older than Vasil or Sorin just at sixty maybe, but going bald. Still in good shape to do his job. He and four other men were there. His eyes widened as he saw all these people coming into the square. He walked a little forward and we heard. “ce naiba?” He said in Romanian. We wore our translators all the time, so we understood what the fuck in English. He walked over with angry determination. “Explică asta!” He shouted at Vasil and Sorin.
“They can understand Romanian, Fane,” Vasil said smiling but spoke in English. “However, for this investigation, perhaps you should use English, too. We all understand English.”
“Okay, explain. These are the missing people!” Fane pointed to the others. “Who are all of these others?” He looked at Colin. “You, I know. I’ve had the PM Tudose asking about you!”
“Asking for what exactly?” Colin asked calmly.
“They got calls from the United States, France, Germany, Ukraine, and Great Britain because of emails sent by you! So, the pressure just increased and now all of you come waltzing up!?”
“Then ask questions,” Vasil suggested. “They are all fine. See?” He waved at the ones from the attack. “They are all here. Did that phone call from the US or England tell anything? They were in quarantine. They were exposed to V5H, a new weapon someone used. They had to be secured before released to make sure they didn’t and couldn’t pass it on to anyone.” He handed some papers to Fane. “If you didn’t know. Here are the documents that say that, signed by Senator Cooke, Congresswoman Chance, Director Chance of the FBI, Director Mattingly of MI5, Doctors Hathaway of England, Dr. Holm of the United States and our own Dr. Petran. The chemical breakdowns of V5H and medicine to treat it. These signed documents were scanned and printed, but the hard copies are on the way.”
Fane was looking at the documentation and everyone there…his eyes narrowed as he saw a face he also recognized. “You!” He walked up to Dragon. “Who are you? Why is there no record for you?”
Dragon smiled. “People call me Dragon.”
“You were on stage that night! What did you do?” Fane demanded.
“I stopped the attack…or at least slowed the current one down.” Dragon said simply, but then looked closer at Fane. “But…” then he did it again! His voice took on resonance as he spoke quietly to Fane in Romanian. “Nu sunt omul pe care-l cauţi. Nu sunt o consecinţă.” My translator told me Dragon said he was of no consequence and not who they were looking for to Fane Jacobs.
Fane got this blank look, like under a spell and said almost monotone. “Nu eşti omul pe care-l caut. Nu ai nicio consecinţă.” Basically, what Dragon had said to him back.
Then Dragon added. “Du-i pe oamenii ăştia acasă.” He instructed Fane to get the people home.
Suddenly Fane Jacobs smiled. “We’ve been bombarded with calls and emails…we need to get these people home!”
I shook my head at Dragon as I moved closer to him. “You have got to teach us how to do that, Dragon! That was so…Jedi Mind Tricky!” I smiled.
Dragon smiled at first, then frowned. “So what?”
Colin shook his head and waved off Dragon’s question. “It’s a movie thing.” He pulled me close to him. “My husband’s just full of those. He’ll explain later.” He kissed me. “I’m sure.” Then he pulled me into a kiss. “I love you.”
I nodded. “I know. I love you.”
“I know.”
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
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