Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
Family Struggles - 6. Looking Out for You
Family Struggles
Looking Out for You:
The family finally arrived home from the hospital, after parking in their driveway, the chatter in the rear seat silenced as the children’s eyes focused on the house.
Lincoln was practically bouncing in the seat, “Wow, whose house is this?”
Kyle chuckled, “It’s all of ours, do you wanna go inside or would you rather stare at it from here?” Arabella snickered.
“Get out of the car,” Levi elbowed Lincoln causing him to yelp.
Blu took off his seat belt, turning to look at the boys in the back, “Knock it off the pair of you, come meet the dog,” Blu chuckled light heartedly.
Lincoln hopped out of the car standing on the edge of the driveway almost in the yard. When Levi jumped out of the car he shoved Lincoln out of his way sending Lincoln flying into the yard, “Get out of the way wuss,” Levi shouted walking towards the house.
“Jerk,” Lincoln mumbled as he got up brushing at the grass stains on his pants.
“What did you say?” Levi asked as he got in Lincoln’s face.
“Nothin’. Leave me alone,” Lincoln muttered.
Kyle looked at his sons, “That’s enough Levi,” walking over placing a hand on the boy's shoulders. Levi yanked away walking to the front porch as Kyle led Lincoln to the house. Kyle unlocked the front door opening it, Khan shot out the door sending Levi stumbling backward grumbling as he watched Khan and his brother. Khan sloppily kissed Lincoln causing him to giggle as he wiped the slop from his face.
“Who are you?” Lincoln asked as he scratched Khan’s head affectionately. Levi pushed past Lincoln going inside the house not waiting for any answers.
Kyle knelt down giving his puppy some love, “This is Khan. He’s just a big baby. Aren’t you buddy?” he said rubbing Khan’s back. “Ok, Lincoln lets go see where your brother took off to,” Kyle said as they all went inside the house. As soon as they stepped inside the door Levi shoes were kicked off in middle of the foyer floor, without him anywhere to be seen.
“LEVI!” Arabella called out as she took her shoes off placing them to the side, “Come and move your shoes.”
“Later,” Levi shouted out.
Arabella turned to Blu and Kyle, “I’m really sorry,” she bent over to pick up Levi’s shoes.
Blu made her put them back where they had been tossed, “Arabella, it’s not your job to pick up after your brothers. You aren’t a guest here, you are living here. Let us,” Blu indicated to him and Kyle, “handle the boys. You need to concentrate on being fourteen and a sister. That’s what they need from you. ”
Arabella looked away for a moment when she turned back to her guardians her eyes were shining with unshed tears. Blu put his arm around her shoulders pulling her into a quick hug, whispering, “Everything is going to be okay.”
Kyle looked at how upset Arabella was giving her a sad smile, “Lincoln take your shoes off and go in the living room,” Kyle motioned. “I’m going to go find Levi and deal with him,” Lincoln toed his shoes off placing them by the door and followed Blu and Arabella into the living room. “I’ll be back Babe,” Kyle smiled as he walked toward the kitchen.
Blu sat on the couch while Lincoln and Arabella stood looking around the room, “Sit down get comfy on the couch, or look around the room at the photos and knick-knacks if you want. We want you to feel at home here.”
Lincoln went to the opposite end of the couch sitting down staring warily at Blu, “Hey Mister, what we supposed to call you?”
Blu threw his head back laughing, “At school, you call me Mr. Waters, but at home, you can call me whatever you want, my first name is Blu, you can call me that if you like. Whatever you are comfortable with Lincoln.”
Lincoln scrunched his nose up looking at Blu, “Like the color blue?”
“Sort of, it’s spelled B-L-U,” he shrugged his shoulders, “my parents were kind of hippyish. I had a sister named Rain.”
“Where’d she go?” Lincoln asked while he rubbed Khan’s head which was plopped in his lap.
“She died a long time ago, I was about five I think.”
“Oh, sorry,” Lincoln mumbled as he looked at Arabella, “that sucks.”
“You’re right, Kiddo,” Blu chortled, “it does suck. Kyle said you like to play the guitar, or he’s teaching you the guitar?”
“He’s been teaching me the guitar, it’s fun,” Lincolns face lit up as he talked, “But I have a hard time getting my fingers in the right places.”
“Hmm, I think everyone starts out that way. Perseverance and practice will make all the difference,” Blu leaned closer to Lincoln across the couch, in a loud whisper he told Lincoln, “Kyle can spend more time teaching you here at home too. He has a room full of instruments.”
Lincoln grinned as he played with Khan’s dog tags, “Wow, you think he’d do that?”
Blu winked at Lincoln, “You won’t know until you ask, will you?” Lincoln shrugged his shoulders as he smiled shyly.
Kyle returned with a brooding Levi in tow. Kyle pointed at the chair, “Sit down, and not one more word Levi.”
Levi flopped over the arm of the chair, “Whatever.”
Kyle sighed, “I think we need a family meeting,” he said looking at his brooding son. “First thing we need to do is set some rules, I don’t like some of the names you called me when I told you to pick up your shoes.”
“Pfft,” Levi rolled his eyes.
Kyle’s face turned red and showed frustration, “Levi, we aren’t your enemies. Every kid has to have some rules and boundaries.”
Blu stood up, “Blondie sit down Honey,” he gently guided Kyle to the couch before he stroked out.
“Look, kids, the rules, for now, are pretty basic. We’ll find some more along the way but for now, they are simple.”
Blu held up one finger, “No name calling, it’s rude, hurtful and unnecessary,” he held up a second finger, “pick up after yourself, we aren’t your slaves.” Blu put his hands in his pockets while Levi stared daggers at him, “You will put your dirty clothes in the hamper in your room, not on the floor. Your clothes will be folded and left on your bed to be put away by you. We won’t go through your room, you will be afforded privacy as long as you prove you can be trusted. There will be chores to be done, you will do them. Homework is also a must if you have trouble with any of it you’re in luck you live with two teachers who will help out.”
“Did I miss anything Blondie?” Blu asked.
“Yes,” Kyle stood up walking over and leaning against the mantle of the fireplace, “You’re responsible for keeping your rooms clean. You will show people respect at all times. If you follow the rules and do your chores you boys will get fifteen dollars a week. Arabella, you will get twenty dollars.”
“What’s she get more for?” Levi stared at Kyle with a snarl on his face.
“She’s older than you are, when you’re fourteen we will increase your allowance,” Kyle let out a slow deep breath, “Any questions?” Lincoln sat quietly shaking his head.
Blu nodded his head at the returned silence, “Let’s give you guys a tour of the house, then you can pick a room,” he said giving them the sign to follow, the first visit was to the kitchen, “this is obviously the kitchen. There is always fruit in the bowl,” he pointed to the fruit bowl sitting on the breakfast table, “if you need a snack between meals feel free to take a piece. There is usually bottled water and a pitcher of iced tea or lemonade in the refrigerator, help yourself you don’t have to ask. My advice, don’t put an empty pitcher or container back in the refrigerator if you don’t want to incur the wrath of Kyle. I learned that the hard way,” Blu laughed opening, shutting the cupboards and drawers showing the kids where everything was located so they could help themselves.
“Follow me,” Kyle motioned pointing out the dining room and living room. Once they got to the top of the stairs Kyle pointed out the bathroom showing them the linen closet. “There are three empty bedrooms,” Kyle pointed to each of the rooms, “Each of you is free to pick one for yourselves.”
Levi walked into Davis’s old bedroom looking at the vast space and huge bed and desk, his eyes were as big as saucers, “Wow,” He mumbled thinking nobody could hear causing Kyle to smile. Lincoln chose Kaleb’s old room, having a similar reaction. Arabella walked into Chris’s old room, smiling for the first time, Blu and Kyle noticed how different she looked when she smiled.
“Do you like it, sweetheart?” Blu asked, “Over the weekend, we can make it more to your taste. Different colors and styles of curtains and linens for the bed and such. We can even paint it if you want,” Blu looked at the twins who were now arm in arm as they looked around Arabella’s room. “Same goes for you two, we can change your rooms to make it more you.”
“Cool,” the twins said at the same time.
Kyle smiled as the kids took in their new home, he leaned over whispering into Blu’s ear, “Babe, we need to call Mom and Dad. I think they’d have a heart attack if they showed up and we had kids without telling them or we could ask what they thought about becoming grandparents again. Then we could invite everybody to dinner at O’Shea’s Steakhouse.”
Blu winked at Kyle, “Show them your favorite room Blondie, I’ll go make some calls. When do you want to go shopping for clothes they only have what they have on?
“We could go to dinner, and swing by Wally World after?” Kyle said questioningly, “No offense, but the clothes they have on should be used only as play clothes.”
“Sounds good, they are still growing. Plus I don’t want to send them to school with label clothes anyway, they’d just become targets.” Blu said kissing Kyle before he left to make some calls.
Levi rolled his eyes when Kyle and Blu kissed, “Get a room, yuck.”
Kyle laughed, “I have one more room to show you guys follow me,” He said motioning the kids. Once they reached the music room door Kyle stopped and smiled turning the doorknob, “This is my favorite room, if you guys want to come in here I want you to ask before you do,” Kyle pushed the door open revealing his piano, and all of the various other instruments that were hung or displayed in its appointed spot.
Lincolns' eyes twinkled as he spun around smiling as he tried to take in everything his eyes saw, “Wow, Mr. Kyle this is soooo… Cool!”
“Guys… oops I mean kids, sorry Arabella, call me Kyle or whatever your comfortable with,” Kyle turned and looked at a smirking Levi, “Not the stuff you were calling me earlier Levi,” Levi’s smirk disappeared as rapidly as exposed dry ice.
The group returned to the living room Kyle sat on the couch Lincoln sat fairly close to him with Khan placing his head in his lap. Levi sat in the chair staring at his brother and Khan, “What’s wrong with me? Why doesn’t he like me?”
Kyle looked at the boy and then to Khan, “Maybe he sensed you were being mean to your brother earlier, just try to be nicer he’ll like you too.”
Blu walked into the living room, “All set Blondie, they couldn’t seat us until 8:30 pm maybe we should go to Wally World first,” he leaned closer to Kyle whispering, “that way the kids can change into clean clothes.”
Kyle cleared his throat smiling getting the children’s attention, “Let’s go to the car we need to make a quick stop before we go out to dinner.”
Once the family stopped at Wally World the crew headed inside Kyle and Blu both grabbed carts catching Levi’s attention. “If this is a quick stop why do we need two carts?” Levi asked skeptically.
Kyle grinned mischievously at Blu, “See Blu’s getting old so he needs something to lean on when we go shopping.”
Blu gave his husband a cuff on the back of the head and walked ahead with Arabella and Lincoln. He could hear Levi laughing his ass off as he left the two of them.
“Okay kiddo, let's catch up with your brother you guys need a few things for school,” Kyle smiled at Levi who was still fighting to control his laughter as they headed toward the rest of the family.
“Blondie,” Blu said as Kyle caught up, “I’m going to take Arabella to get some clothes and we’ll meet you at the place with the stuff.”
Kyle nodded his understanding, “Okay let’s go do some guy shopping,” Kyle said to the twins who flanked his side as they headed into the boy's clothes department. The boys looked at various styles of clothes then debated colors once they picked items out they would look at the price tag and put it back. After fifteen minutes of repeating the same process, Kyle just started picking up the things the boys would put back. Each boy had picked out about ten different outfits and various styles of jeans, Kyle herded the boys to the fitting room to make sure the clothes fit the boys. Once they overcame the horrendous experience of ‘do these look okay?’ Kyle was becoming aggravated with shopping. They headed to the underwear which became an even bigger debate until both boys ended up with boxers and boxer-briefs. The next stop was for the boys to pick out shoes, the boys ended up with tennis shoes, a pair of boots, and a pair of dress shoes. Kyles cart was overflowing by the time the group met up with Blu and Arabella, “I think we got everything,” Kyle said leaning on the cart.
“We did okay, but I will get Mom to take Arabella shopping tomorrow after school for feminine stuff. I tried to get her to just get them now but she became embarrassed and overwhelmed,” Blu said sadly.
“Okay, sounds like a plan,” Kyle rubbed Blu’s back. “Just give her time Blu this is a new experience for all of the kids and us,” Kyle said quietly, Blu nodded leaning into Kyle’s side. Kyle glanced into electronics, “I’ll be right back everybody,” Kyle said as he headed in the direction he knew the cell phone display was located. Fifteen minutes later Kyle returned with a decent sized bag that was full, “I’m good now, let's go check out.” On the way to the check out the group stopped picking up new backpacks and lunchboxes.
After checking out Levi was beyond irritated once he heard what the total bill came to for their stuff. He had his arms crossed staring at his guardians once they started placing their purchase in the hatch. “You shouldn’t have spent that much money, we didn’t need that stuff,” Levi huffed.
Blu thought he’d try and get through to Levi before Kyle was in tears, “Levi and I are just going to the restroom Blondie, we’ll be back in a minute.” He gently steered Levi back into the store for a moment. They stopped just inside the door so the family couldn’t see them. Blu stood up straight mimicking Levi’s stance. The two had a staring competition for a few minutes. “Care to explain in a calm voice what the problem is Levi?”
Levi glared at Blu, “I don’t have a problem.”
“Okay, I do. I want you to drop the attitude and give that man out there a break. He is my husband and the man who wants nothing more than to make sure you are safe, happy, and healthy. You do need the things you were bought tonight, none of you have clothes that fit or for the upcoming weather. If you give him a chance you will find he is loving, caring, and a good guy. Let me ask you this; Has Kyle broken any promises to you?”
“No,” Levi mumbled.
“Has he ever mistreated you?”
Levi just shook his head.
Blu dropped his arms to his side, “Then why are you giving him such a hard time?”
“We’re gonna get hurt when you send us away,” Levi muttered as he shifted on his feet.
Crouching down so he was the same height as Levi, he lifted the boy's chin so his shiny tear-filled eyes met Blu’s, “I know you don’t believe us right now, but as long as we have a say in the matter, you kids aren’t going anywhere. You can fight, do the wrong thing, push us away all you want. But, we’ll still be here. We may have been harsh earlier, but you need to know there are rules, these are the same rules that apply to Kyle and me. Both of us want all three of you always from now on. All. Of. The. Time. Not just for now. So,” Blu said standing back up holding out his hand, “do you think you could drop the tough guy thing you are pulling off very well by the way and be nice. I know it would make Kyle happy, and if Kyle’s happy so is this guy,” Blu pointed his thumbs at himself then held his hand out to Levi again to make the deal.
Levi hesitantly shook Blu’s hand, “I should probably apologize huh?”
“Yes, I think you should. When we get to the restaurant pull him aside and you can apologize in private,” Blu said ruffling Levi’s hair with a warm smile.
“Ugh, ok,” Levi smoothed his hair out sniffling and wiping his eyes with his shirtsleeve.
Blu and Levi returned to the car both smiling, Kyle’s face lit up when he saw the young boys face. They all drove off toward the restaurant, Kyle pulled into a gas station on the way. Blu cocked his eyebrow at his husband.
Kyle smiled, “How would everybody like to change into some of your new clothes?” The smiles and chattering commenced, Lincoln climbed over the seat to dig into their bags showing stuff to Levi until he got a nod. Once Lincoln got the outfits him and Levi was going to wear he crawled back over the seat landing his butt on the floor with his head resting on the console giggling.
Levi smiled rolling his eyes, “if you’re the brain between us, we’re doomed.”
Kyle and Blu cracked up laughing at the twins. After Kyle stopped laughing he got out opening the door for the boys, “Let’s go you goofballs,” the boys crawled out following Kyle who stepped to the back of the SUV opening the hatch for Arabella to get an outfit. “Babe, do you wanna walk Arabella to the restroom and wait outside the door for her while I get our wildmen changed?”
“Absolutely,” Blu got out of the car going to the back to make sure Arabella had everything she needed then escorted her like a security guard to the bathroom.
Kyle stood outside the bathroom stall as the boys snickered and clothes were thrown over the top at him. Kyle gathered the clothes and even shoes as they hit the floor when the boys came out Kyle was stunned at how different just being in nice clothes had made them. “Wow, lookin’ sharp boys,” Kyle said to the smiling duo.
“Thanks,” the boys replied as they puffed out their chests.
“Alright, let’s go find Blu and your sister,” Kyle smiled as the boys flanked his sides to find their missing family members.
Blu wasn’t outside the restroom as Kyle thought, he went back into the shop looking out the window to see Blu and Arabella waiting by the SUV. He gathered the boys then they walked toward young Arabella who looked pretty, her beautiful curly hair clipped back off of her face, she was wearing a pretty floral dress that the wind moved as she stood next to the car. Her cardigan and shoes matched the lavender colored dress. Her arms were crossed as she shuffled foot to foot nervously, she was laughing at something Blu had said, she looked like a happy teenager. Kyle noticed the boys faces when they saw their sister all dressed up.
The trio stopped beside the rest of the group. Kyle was astounded by his daughter’s beauty leaving him searching for the right words for her. “You look, beautiful Sweetheart, you couldn’t have picked out a prettier outfit,” Kyle smiled struggling to figure out if she would accept a hug, “Can I give you a hug?”
Arabella nodded shyly stepping forward into Kyle’s arms, “Thank you, Kyle.”
“You’re welcome, we’re gonna have to watch the boys in school they’ll be chasing you around,” Kyle smiled as Arabella blushed when he released the hug.
Levi looked at his sister, “Wow, you’re pretty Bell.”
“Ya, you look pretty,” Lincoln smiled sweetly at Arabella.
Blu clapped his hands, “Okay, everyone in the car. I want to get to the restaurant before the Shit… oops,” he covered his mouth, “before Kaleb gets there.”
The group climbed into the car and finished their short drive to the restaurant. Kyle stepped out of the car opening the boy’s door, “Okay you bunch of monkeys, out!” The boys giggled as the got out of the SUV, making monkey noises, “Okay maybe I’ll pick a different animal next time,” Kyle laughed as he closed the door.
Blu walked toward the entrance bringing Arabella and Lincoln with him to give Levi and Kyle a chance to talk. He opened the door guiding the kids inside the restaurant, he moved off to the side while they waited.
Levi tapped Kyle’s arm, “Can I talk to you alone?”
“Ya sure bud,” Kyle nodded his head, “We’ll be right back Babe.”
Blu grabbed a menu off the hostess and gathered the two kids and they started reading.
Kyle and Levi stepped outside the door, “What’s up Levi?”
Levi shifted his weight back and forth on his feet, “I uh… Well, I was a dick earlier. I’m sorry, this is so weird.”
Kyle smiled taking a chance he put his hand on Levi’s shoulder, “Just keep trying to trust us, everybody is gonna make mistakes even me,” Kyle gently squeezed Levi’s shoulder and they both smiled. They returned to the group smiling, which surprised Lincoln he was so used to seeing his twin frowning.
Lincoln leaned into his brother whispering into his ear, “He’s a good guy I’ve been tellin’ you.”
“Ya, but you think you’re always right,” Levi smiled bumping shoulders with his twin.
Blu walked to the host stand, “Hi, we have a party of eleven and a high chair for Waters booked at 8:30 pm.”
“Is the rest of your party here yet sir,” the young man asked.
“No, they’ll be here shortly. Trust me you want them to be seated as soon as they arrive. The little one with time on his hands will be...” Blu laughed.
The host looked at Blu warily, “Certainly sir, just let me check your table is ready.” The man walked off, Blu turned and winked at Kyle who was trying to hide his face.
“What? Tell me I’m wrong, Blondie,” Blu smirked.
“No,” Kyle shook his head looking at the chandelier, “Kasey might use that as a swing,” he chuckled and the kids stared at the light with a puzzled expression. “Trust me you’ll learn,” Kyle said as he felt a tug on his pant leg.
“Earn wha?” Kasey said as he started climbing up Kyle’s leg.
“Nothin’ Kasey,” Kyle smiled and tickled the little one as he picked the little boy up.
“Sop it I pee,” Kasey giggled uncontrollably with fits of laughter.
Jared raced in the door frantically, “Thank god you have him, I swear we were both standing at the door waiting for Mason and poof he was gone.”
The host came to the stand wide-eyed looking directly at the inferred menace in Kyle’s arms, “Please follow me, your table is ready.” The host led the way to the back of the dining room, far away from other diners. Blu snickered linking hands with Kyle.
Kasey looked at the older kids once they reached the table, “Who yous?”
Kyle knelt down beside Kasey, “These are your cousins, Arabella, Levi, and Lincoln,” he pointed to each child as he said their name.
Kasey looked at each of them, “Bella, Evi, Ink,” the older kids giggled at the names he gave them.
“Close enough buddy,” Kyle ruffed up Kasey’s hair.
“Sop it Unc Ky,” Kasey glared kicking Kyle’s shin.
Jared sighed when he saw his son kick his Uncle and picked Kasey up, “Sorry he just started doing that, I guess him and another kid at daycare decided to settle their disagreements that way.”
Kyle laughed and stood back up motioning for Mason to come over, “Mason, this is our daughter Arabella,” Kyle smiled as he had an arm wrapped around her shoulders, “Arabella this is Mason, he lives with my brother Jared and helps raise Kasey.”
Mason smiled extending his hand to the girl, “It’s nice to meet you, Arabella.”
The young girl blushed pulling her cardigan sleeve down over her hand nervously, she looked at Blu, then Kyle getting the nod Arabella extended her hand shaking Mason’s but didn’t say anything. She looked up at Jared, “Hello, Mr. Jared,” then looked at the floor.
Kyle smiled as he stood behind the twins placing a hand on each of their shoulders, “These are our twins, the one with the green glowing cast is Levi. And this one here is Lincoln,” Kyle gave each of the boy's shoulders a squeeze.
Mason studied the boys, “Oh this is gonna be a nightmare once Levi’s cast is off to tell who is who,” Mason said as the boys chuckled. “It’s nice to meet the both of you,” Mason extended his hand to Lincoln who shook it hesitantly. Levi stared at it debating if he would or not before relenting and shaking Mason’s hand.
Lincoln and Levi both mumbled shyly, “Nice to meet you.”
“Guys I think you realize Jared is my twin brother,” Kyle laughed as Lincoln stared at Jared.
“You ever try switchin’ clothes to fool your teachers in school?” Lincoln asked Jared.
Jared frowned shaking his head, “No, we never got a chance to do that.”
Lincoln shrugged his shoulders, “You shoulda it's sorta fun.”
Kyle laughed, “Ok let's grab our seats before Kasey decides to terrorize the restaurant.”
They were sitting at the table chatting without realizing Lily and Doug were standing behind them, both had puzzled looks on their faces as they looked at the newest additions. Kaleb and Davis rushed in behind them, stopping in their tracks as they saw what the pair were staring at.
Jared looked at the four sets of bugged out eyes picked up his cell held it up and took a photo, “Uh… guys,” he said to Blu and Kyle pointing at the newly arrived foursome. The pair looked over their shoulder, excitedly standing up. They all hugged, then Blu asked the kids to come to their side. Surprisingly the did even Levi without argument.
“Kids these are our parents, Doug and Lily, and Kyle and Jared’s younger brother Sh…Kaleb and his fiancee Davis.”
Kasey shouted banging on his highchair, “Unc Boo say bad,” he held out his hand, “Quarta.”
Blu rolled his eyes, stuffing his hand in his pocket bringing out a dollar bill giving it to the kid, “Here squirt, I’m good for three more,” he turned back to shocked parents and brother-in-law. “Mum and Dad, I’d like you to meet Arabella, Lincoln, and Levi. They are our foster kids, but we are hoping to make it more permanent,” Blu gave them all a warm smile lingering on Levi, then winking at him.
Kaleb smiled pushing his way to the kids, “Ok, remember I’m the cool uncle and I can cook.”
Levi smirked at him, “Cool uncle huh?”
“Ya,” Kaleb stared at his nephew not sure what he was up to.
“You look like a dweeb in the get up you’re wearing,” Levi chuckled.
Blu eyed Levi giving him a silent warning, not only to behave but to try and let him know he was playing with fire and had no win in sight.
Kaleb glared at his nephew as if the gauntlets had been thrown down, “Well at least I don’t need a glowing cast to find my way in the dark.”
Levi chuckled, “I like you, you might be alright.” Lincoln let out the breath he was holding since his brother started.
“That’s good I might actually cook you real food that your Dad’s didn’t claim to make,” Kaleb joked.
“I don’t have a dad,” Levi mumbled. Kyle placed an arm around Levi’s shoulders, which caused him to look up at the man.
“It’s ok bud,” Kyle said smiling down at the boy, “You have Blu and me.”
Lily came out of her shock launching forward she took Levi in her arms squeezing him tight, reaching out with one arm grabbing Lincoln and pulling him into the hug. Arabella stood by and watched until Kaleb and Davis descended on her squishing her into an Uncle sandwich.
Doug moved toward Kaleb and Davis, “Boys leave the poor girl alone, she doesn’t even know you.”
“She does now,” Davis and Kaleb said laughing as they released the new niece. The two men backed away from Arabella, Davis whispering to her to make sure she was okay. She gave him a shy nod but giggled as she looked at the ground.
Mom walked over to the young girl lifting her chin whispering something quietly. A secret to remain between the two of them. Blu watched his Mom affectionately as she acquainted herself with her new Granddaughter. Doug stepped in when he saw Lily wipe away tears, he put his arm around his wife and had a quiet conversation with Arabella. Once he was sure his two ladies were okay he moved over to the hellions with a big smile on his face.
“Pappy… Pappy,” Kasey screamed as tears trickled down the little ones face, he definitely was not used to sharing his Pappy and Grammy.
“Haw, oh, Come here munchkin,” Doug held out his arms so Jared could let the tyke free from his restaurant prison chair. The kid ran around the table and climbed right up his Pappy’s body and into his arms, “Who are these boys,” Doug asked his little man.
Kasey pointed to each boy, “Evi, Ink.”
“Hi Boys, it’s nice to meet you. Are you hungry?”
“YES!” the twins shouted together.
The entire family laughed including Arabella, Blu gestured with his hand for everyone to take a seat. Lily sat next to Arabella and they talked quietly amongst themselves. Blu quickly got up and went to his Mom crouching between her and his new daughter.
“Mom, would you mind taking Arabella shopping tomorrow. I’ll give you my credit card, she needs underwear and a bunch of feminine products. Please make sure she gets everything she needs?” Blu asked his Mom quietly handing over his credit card. Blu noticed Arabella shy away, “Hey Sweetheart, don’t be embarrassed, you need them whether you like it or not. No one will say anything and Mom will take very good care of you. Maybe go to lunch together on me, get to know Grammy, she’s a bunch of fun. I promise.” Blu smiled squeezing Arabella’s knee then returned to his seat.
The family dinner was a success the kids got to meet their immediate family. The evening was filled with a lot of banter between Kaleb and Levi, leaving the entire table laughing at the two of them. By the time dinner was over Kasey had fallen asleep in Mason’s arms, and the twins were fighting sleep. The family said their goodbyes before they all headed to their separate homes.
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