Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
Wellstead - 9. WSD Chapter 9
The following day, I asked Kyle to drop me off at the university so I could sort out what books I would need for classes for next semester. I would call him when I was ready to be collected. Once on campus I decided to have a more detailed look around the campus, as last time I was interrupted by my friends.
As I was walking around I spotted a familiar face approaching me. He stopped to ask a question.
“Excuse me, buddy. Would you be able to direct me to the book shop? I have to get some books for my first classes for next semester,” he asked.
“Sure thing. I’m heading that way myself. What are you studying?” I asked even though I already knew the answer. “Business law actually. Sounds boring, doesn’t it?” the young man replied.
“Not at all. That’s what I’m studying too. My name is Grant,” I said offering my hand. The young man gripped it and shook firmly. “Hey, Grant. My name is Quinn Parkes. It’s nice to meet you.”
We made our way to the book shop to purchase our books. Just as we finished our purchases, Quinn’s mobile started to ring.
“Hello, Mum. Yes, I have bought my books, and just hanging out with a new friend and classmate that I bumped into on campus,” I heard Quinn say. After a few moments of listening Quinn spoke again. “Yes, Mum, I can do that. What time will you pick me up? … O.K. hang on a moment?” Quinn said, as he looked in my direction.
“My mum is delayed picking me up. Can we hang out together for a few hours?” he asked me. Suddenly I had a special plan that came to mind and I nodded yes and motioned to speak to his mum.
“Hello, Mrs Parkes. My name is Grant Alexander. If its ok with you, he can come over to my place. I live not far away, and my chauffeur can deliver him home when it’s convenient for you,” I said very politely to her.
“Yes. Thank you, Grant. That would be wonderful. Thank you for doing this. May I speak to my son again please?” Quinn’s mum said.
A few minutes later Quinn had hung up from his conversation with his mother, and I had just called Kyle to get him to collect us. I couldn’t help but smile at the huge surprise that was about to happen. While waiting for the car, we sat on a seat near the front entrance to the university.
“Um, Quinn, I have a small confession to make. Well, two actually… I already knew who you are before you introduced yourself, and my real last name isn’t Alexander,” I said nervously, hoping this wouldn’t spoil our new friendship. Just at that moment the car arrived. Kyle jumped out and opened the back door not looking up when he did. Quinn hadn’t noticed that it was his brother that just opened the car door as he climbed in with me following.
Quinn was about to ask me what I meant by the statement just as Kyle started driving. I was a bit frustrated that the two boys hadn’t recognised each other, even after three years of being apart.
“Can we go straight home please, driver?” I said before Quinn could say anything, hoping that Kyle would look in the rear-view mirror and see his brother, which is exactly what happened. Kyle swerved into a side street and screeched to a halt, jumped out and opened the rear door on the driver’s side where Quinn was sitting.
When Quinn looked up to see why they had stopped suddenly and the passenger door opened, he saw a face that he had been longing to see for such a long time. Both boys were now in tears, as Quinn undid his seat belt and shuffled over so Kyle could sit.
They hugged each other tightly. I climbed out of the car and went around to the other side. Closing the rear door, I climbed into the driver’s seat, and drove the remainder of the way back home. I stopped in the side driveway nearest to the back door, which brought Mrs Parkes out to see why the car had stopped there. When she saw me in the driver’s seat, she came closer to the car and then saw Quinn sitting with his brother. She began to cry with joy.
I left the Parkes family to their reunion, and I put the car away in the garage before making my way through the front door and into the library, where I continued to do some reading. Sometime later there was a knock on the door and the Parkes boys entered with big smiles on their faces and redness around their eyes from the crying. I motioned them to sit in the other chairs that were in the centre of the room, and I placed the book I was reading on the coffee table in the middle.
“Grant, I mean, Sir, I want to thank you for what you have done for us today. I have been dreaming of this reunion for so long. I had no idea if it would ever happen, even with the nearly weekly chats we have on the phone,” Quinn said to me nervously.
“Mate, it was just pure luck that I bumped into you today, but I had seen a recent picture of you yesterday so I knew who you were straight away. I said my name was Alexander, in case your mother knew who her sister’s employer is, and I had already arranged for Kyle to collect me after I had finished getting my books, so it was just pure fate that brought you two together today,” I said with a smile. Both boys stood up and offered their hands, which I shook and they both left the room.
Kyle stuck his head back in the door a few moments later. “Oh, by the way, lunch will be ready in ten minutes,” he said and disappeared again to catch up with his brother.
While we were eating lunch both boys were chatting almost constantly, and I just smiled. Eventually I broke into their conversation to say something. “I think after lunch I had better drive young Quinn back home. I can’t have a family war begin if I get Kyle to do it, can I?” This made Mrs Parkes give a short laugh. Both boys nodded acceptance of the offer.
After lunch I delivered Grant back home and briefly met his mother, using my assumed surname. I explained that although we were studying the same course, I was in my second year of the course, having completed my 1st year at university in Scotland where I had been living for the past 6 years. Then I made my way back home again.
Soon after getting back home I received a text message: “Thanks again for all you have done for me today. You are a friend for life, Quinn”
I smiled after reading the message and saved Quinn in my contacts list, before heading to the office to make a call to Mr Hills to get an update on what was happening with selling the trucking business.
“I was going to contact you a bit later on. Congratulations! You have sold the business and you are another $5.2 million richer. You received about 8% more than the value of the business, and it was to an Australian company,” Mr Hills said after I said hello to him on the phone. We continued to chat for a bit longer before ending the call.
For the next two days I didn’t do very much, spending a lot of time in the library reading books or on the computer in the office looking at business reports from Mr Hills. When Mrs Parkes came to the Library in the late afternoon to ask me how many would be coming for tennis the following day, I was about to say 5 guests including Kyle when I had a thought.
“I just have to make a few phone calls and I will let you know shortly. Thank you for reminding me, Mrs Parkes,” I replied. She nodded and left the room.
Straight away I typed out a message and sent it to three people:
‘Having a group of friends over for tennis and lunch tomorrow, starting at 11 am. You are cordially invited to attend. Bring tennis clothes, racquet and swimming togs for a soak in the spa pool.’
A few moments later one message was received:
‘This old whale won’t fit in the spa, but will come for tennis and lunch thank you, Samuel Andrews.’
I was pleased that this reply was a positive reply, as I had been wanting to return the hospitality for all that he had done for me in the past.
About twenty minutes later another message came through:
‘Mum said yes, I can attend, as she likes you, and she said it’s a good opportunity to meet other university students, Quinn.’
I was a bit surprised at the message, as I thought Quinn’s mum came across as very over protective of her youngest son.
Soon after the final message arrived:
‘Yes, thank you. I would love to come along. Judge S A has informed me that he is attending also. See you tomorrow, Frank.’
Entering the kitchen, I found Mrs Parkes and Kyle busy peeling potatoes. “There will be 9 for lunch tomorrow, including Kyle and his brother Quinn. Thank you, Mrs Parkes. Two of them are very special guests,” I said and exited the room to return to the library.
After dinner, I decided to retire to my room early, as it had been a few reasonably busy days, and I felt more tired than usual. The following morning, I woke up rather late, and after a visit to the bathroom, Kyle entered with a breakfast tray. He informed me that it was nearly 10 am, and the guests would be arriving in an hour. I looked at my phone to confirm the time and saw a message.
‘Please add two more guests to the list, my wife Kathleen and my nephew Christopher (18), Thanks, S.A.’
I smiled and informed Kyle of the extra two guests as he was leaving the room, and I quickly ate my breakfast. After a quick shower, and dressed ready for tennis, I made my way to the back of the property where Kyle was making sure the spa was ready and had the tennis net in place, plus a dozen deck chairs, a number of small tables and on them trays of clean chilled glasses.
Julia & Toby arrived first in one car, early as usual, and a few minutes later Sam drove in, with Danny and Mick. Quinn’s mum had dropped Quinn off at the front gate, just after Mr Hills arrived in his sports car right on 11am.
As I had instructed, the guests were shown to the Music/Drawing room, with the separating wall open and they were offered tea and coffee by Mrs Parkes and Kyle. When the last of the guests had arrived and had been shown into the reception room, I called for everyone’s attention.
“Thank you for coming to the first of what I hope will be many weekly tennis social days. Now, may I introduce our esteemed guests, Mr Samuel Andrews and his wife Kathleen, plus their nephew Christopher, and my business manager, Mr Frank Hills.
Folks, the other young people apart from one are my old high school friends - Danny & Sam Alder, Mick & Toby Kilton and my best mate Julia Crenshaw.
The other young man is Quinn Parkes, who will be studying the same course as me at university. We only met recently, but he is the younger brother of my staff member, Kyle, who will be joining us, as soon as he gets his butt into some tennis gear.”
Everyone laughed at my last comment, and Kyle put down the tray and disappeared, returning a few minutes later properly attired ready for tennis.
I lead the way down the hallway towards the back door, and onto the decking where the spa pool was with the chairs looking out to the tennis court. As I had hoped Kyle had managed to get his Aunt to get dressed in tennis gear too, and when she came out with freshly made lemonade I introduced her.
“Folks, this is my wonderful housekeeper, Mrs Anne Parkes. She is Kyle and Quinn’s Aunt, and as I hoped, she will be joining us for tennis too,” I said.
I individually introduced Mrs Parkes to the Judge and his wife and nephew and to Mr Hills, before I set about organising the first doubles match of the older four guests, followed by Danny & Mick vs. Toby & Sam, and Julia and Kyle vs. Quinn and myself. After the third match I arranged another mixed match, with Kathleen & Sam vs. Julia & Frank, and this turned out to be a very good hard fought and entertaining match.
While this was going on, Mrs Parkes, Kyle and Quinn returned to the kitchen to finalise preparations for lunch, which was originally going to be formal, but I had decided to make it a more relaxed lunch. Some large tables on the veranda were set up with the plates, cutlery & napkins. The plates and bowls of meats, salads and drinks were brought out as the 4th game came to a close. The players were applauded for their entertaining game, and I announced that lunch was served on the back veranda.
As we chatted and enjoyed our delicious meal, I looked over to Mrs Parkes as a signal that it was time for the surprise, and she quietly snuck back inside to retrieve the desserts.
“If I may have everyone’s attention before desserts are brought out. Yesterday was a milestone for one young man as he turned 18,” I said as I looked towards the back door and saw Mrs Parkes waiting for the cue. She stepped out with a very large birthday cake. “Happy 18 th Birthday, Quinn,” I added as Mrs Parkes lead the singing of Happy Birthday as she brought the cake out, and everyone joined in with the singing.
The candles were lit and a wish was made before they were blown out, and everyone congratulated the very embarrassed Quinn. After desserts were over, I organised another tennis match and we were all having a wonderful afternoon until I heard some loud altercation happening at the front of the house. Looking around I noticed Mrs Parkes wasn’t with us at the back, and Quinn was trying to make himself as invisible as possible. It was then that I realised who it may be that Mrs Parkes was arguing with at the front door.
“I’m sorry to interrupt everyone. Frank, I may need your legal services at the front of the house please,” I said as I made my way to the back door. “Kyle, keep your brother here in the back yard please,” I said as I walked past him.
I hadn’t quite reached the back door when it flung open, and Kyle and Quinn’s mother came storming out. She stopped right in front of me and slapped me hard on the face with an open palm.
“How dare you lie to me. You told me that you are a university student studying business law, and your name is Grant Alexander. You didn’t tell me that you are the employer of my sister and her disgusting, worthless, good for nothing, gay nephew,” she shouted at me, even though we were less than two feet apart. Staying calm, I softly rubbed the place I had been slapped.
“Mrs Parkes, may I introduce you to two of my special guests, Mr Frank Hills QC, and His Honour Samuel Andrews, a Supreme Court Judge,” I said before taking a few steps back and sitting down to recover from the assault I had just received.
“Mrs Parkes, I must warn you that anything you say and do will be recorded and used as evidence in a court of law. Do you understand this?” Frank said to the boy’s mother, who by now was starting to realise she was in very big trouble. Inside Anne Parkes had called the police and requested immediate assistance. She explained that Judge Samuel Andrews was on the scene, which brought a more positive response from the police dispatcher.
“Mrs Parkes, as it happens I already know the reason why Kyle is living with his aunt, and I can see why you were not told Grant’s full name, as it would have revealed who your sister works for. Grant’s middle name is Alexander and his last name is Wellstead so he wasn’t really lying at all. Now today I have had the pleasure of being part of a belated 18th birthday party. That makes your youngest son an adult, and he can do as he wishes from this point on.
When the police arrive, as I believe they have been called, you will be charged with physical assault and discrimination by verbal assault,” Judge Andrews said to her, and she sat down on a nearby chair looking ghost-white and blankly staring at nothing in particular.
Meanwhile Kyle had lead his brother away from the scene, and taken him into the cottage. Quinn was soon dashing to the bathroom to throw up. As the police arrived Anne Parkes was standing next to me tending to my rather swollen cheek with an ice pack.
Christopher, who happened to have a digital camera with him, was instructed by his uncle to take photographs of my cheek for evidence. This is when Christopher revealed that he had taken photos of the whole incident, including the face slap. He removed the digital memory card and handed it to his uncle.
Half an hour later, after statements had been made to the police and the boy’s mother was taken away, I decided that it was best to end the day’s events.
“I’m sorry for all of this spoiling our wonderful day. I do hope that we can do this again, minus all the drama,” I said as cheerfully as I could.
All the guests thanked me for a great day of tennis and a wonderful lunch, and they looked forward to the next invitation.
Once the guests had all gone, I went looking for Kyle and Quinn. Anne Parkes was close behind, looking very concerned for her two nephews. Both were sitting in the lounge, with Kyle trying to get Quinn to drink some water.
“He’s vomited twice, Aunty, and I’m trying to get him to drink,” Kyle said when he saw me and Anne enter the cottage, which was the first time I had entered the building.
Anne took over getting Quinn to drink some fluids and to comfort him, while Kyle stood up and looked at my very swollen face.
“Wow that was some hit you received from my mum. I bet that stings a lot,” he said to me, as he went to the freezer to retrieve an icepack. After receiving the icepack, I decided to return to the main house.
“Let your Aunt know I will just have left-overs for dinner tonight, so not to worry about cooking anything for me. I will leave you all to spend time together. Also, I want you and Anne to have the day off tomorrow. I will be going into the city to see Mr Hills, so I will be out all day and will eat out tomorrow night,” I said and I made my way out of the cottage.
On the veranda, I gathered all the plates of food and took them into the kitchen where I covered them and placed them in the fridge. I collected all the dishes and cutlery and placed them in neat piles on the sink, before retiring to my room still with the ice pack and a couple of Aspirin for the headache that was developing.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
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