Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
Lust and Propriety - 9. Purposefully
Amshel mewled and squirmed from his place on the floor. He couldn't leave now, not when things were really sparking up between them!
"Sir! Please!" Felix whimpered, his dark tail flicking the air as his cock throbbed and trembled. "Won't you... treat me like I've been bad?"
"Wow. I never knew little Felix was so kinky..." The rough whisper from right behind him, out in the hallway, made Amshel nearly jump out of his skin.
Amshel paused in his peeping long enough to turn towards the source of the voice. He gulped loudly when he realized it was his Uncle Alistair's best friend. "Please don't tell," He whispered back. "They’ve completely forgotten about me."
Simon's dark eyes sparkled with amusement and something more as he winked at the younger man.
"Amshel, right?" Simon asked, his head tilting questioningly.
The man's long braid slid over his shoulder, inky-purple with streaks of green shining in the tight plait. A jagged star crest in dark colors stood out on the Nightmare's forehead, matching the colors in his black opal irises.
A sharp arousal hit Amshel in the gut as he regarded the gorgeous man. He had certainly seen him around a few times, but never this up close. "Y-Yeah. And you're Sir Simon." He responded quietly.
You have been bad," Lucien pointed out as he took hold of each of Felix's hooves, spreading the Nightmare's legs wide and then securing the hooves down to the table with magic. He then clambered back onto the table and held Felix's wrists down on either side of his head, securing them with magic to the table, as well. "Bad enough, perhaps..." He said as he raked a nail up and down one of Felix's inner thighs. "...to bind more of your body?"
Lucien had Felix tied to the table with a soft rope that rubbed against Felix's skin. He admired his work and flicked one of the Nightmare's nipples with his finger. "You'd incite a whole town into a mounting frenzy displayed like this," He growled as he pressed himself against the faun's entrance. His own tail flicked in excitement as he shoved his way inside with only the lubrication of his faun shaft and the accommodation of Felix's flexible hole.
"Ah-ah, fuck, you're so big like this, sir," the teen cried, unable to do more than wriggle in his bonds. Felix's peridot eyes shimmered as he gazed worshipfully up at his mate. "I...I can imagine them all looking at me. Wishing they could have me, fuck me...b-but you wouldn't let them."
Lucien gave a sharp thrust, scraping along Felix's prostate. "The lucky bastards would have to count their blessings that they were allowed to watch."
Amshel's attention once again shifted to the two mates inside the room. He shivered with arousal. "Not everyone's so lucky to have a mate." He whispered.
"No mate, little lion?" Simon asked with a gentle smile as he stroked a finger down the lion head crest above the teen's brow, the sweet scent of the boy teasing the dark-eyed Nightmare's senses. He took a deep breath, catching hints of lavender, vanilla, and chai tea.
"N-No...If the rumors about Hazeth mating Prince Winter is true, then that would make me the only living Montcroix without a mate," Amshel grumbled.
"Hmm, holding out for a Maiden of your own?" Simon asked softly, his hand drifting down to rest high on the younger man's thigh.
Amshel bit his lower lip. "I am a Maiden." He responded as if that explained everything.
Simon's eyes widened, then darkened with lust.
"Apologies," the older man purred. "I didn't think for a moment that someone so lovely and vibrant hadn't been drowned in lovers." He let out a soft sigh and lifted his hand from Amshel's warm thigh. "But perhaps I should leave you to watch those two play." He nodded to the doorway that was spilling Felix's wanton moans. "I've been told I'm a corrupting influence."
"Don't you want to watch with me?" Amshel suggested. "They're quite good."
Simon peeked into the room with a wicked smile as Lucien roughly bit Felix's nipples, making the boy squeak and then beg for more.
"Oh, I would, little lion," the indigo-haired Nightmare admitted with a lecherous smirk. "I'm afraid if I do, I won't be able to keep my hands to myself."
A bright blush formed on Amshel's face. "I-I couldn't, either..." He confessed, motioning to his soiled pants. "I could help, if you'd like." He offered boldly.
"And is that what you want? Just a game of wandering hands?" Simon asked softly, taking the younger man's hand and bringing it to his lips. A streak of white lay across one knuckle, proof of Amshel's enjoyment of his cousin's activities in the next room. Simon's dark eyes held Amshel's purplish-pink irises as his warm tongue dragged across the teen's knuckle.
Amshel let out an embarrassing mewling sound. "I-It's all I really know to do...t-touch areas and lick places?"
"Did you want to learn how to do more?" Simon purred. "More than touching," the Nightmare turned the teen's hand to nuzzle his palm. "And licking?" His tongue slipped from between his lips to snake a tickling path up Amshel's thumb.
Amshel felt his shaft give a twitch and he let out a squeak. "Y-Yes, please," he whispered.
"Be sure, little lion," Simon warned, leaning into the younger man's space. "If you let me catch you, I might not let you go. I'm not sure anyone else could compare once I’ve had a Maiden as delectable as you."
The mixed Nightmare was transfixed by the man's gorgeous onyx eyes. The more he looked at them, the more flecks of colors he could see. His mouth went dry, and he nearly came then and there. Simon thought he was delectable? He wasn't going to wait around to prove him wrong.
Amshel swallowed. "Yes, I'm sure," he responded as he nodded and continued to nod vigorously. "Definitely sure. Couldn't be surer of anything in my life."
Simon looked hard at the younger man for a long moment, making sure Amshel was serious and sure. Whatever he saw must have reassured him. The older man leaned forward, pressing their lips together as he twined one arm around Amshel.
The moan that Amshel mewled into Simon's mouth was echoed by Felix inside the room.
Lucien tugged at different segments of the rope as he used them as leverage for harder thrusts. "Felix," he hissed headily.
"Ahn! Please, sir!" the brunet wailed, his chest rising and falling with his rapid, gasping breaths. "I-I can't...won't you let me cum, sir? Please!"
A string of precum dripped from the tip of the brown and green Nightmare's cock. A shimmering light circled the base, constricting the taut flesh and holding back the orgasm that was trying to break free.
"Not until I'm at the same level," Lucien responded as his hips snapped into a harder thrust. "Don't cum just yet."
An unintelligible scream tore from Felix's lips. His peridot horn began to glow, throwing light and shadows on the walls and ceiling. A vibrating thrum sang through the room, rippling through Lucien's body, stroking him inside and out like the most skilled lover. The energy trickled through the opening in the door, washing over the men peeping in.
Amshel found himself clinging and rubbing against Simon most desperately. "Please, sir," he begged into his mouth. "More."
"Goddess, yes," the older Nightmare moaned, unable to stop himself from sliding his fingers into Amshel's open pants and grasping the teen's rigid length.
The moment Simon found out the sweet young man was a Maiden, the Nightmare knew he could play and tease a bit, but would hold back from taking him completely. Unfortunately, another wave of magic rolled over them when Lucien growled something wicked in one of Felix's pointed ear. Simon found himself pushing Amshel to the floor with a needy growl.
In a moment of pure need, Amshel reached out with his hands to grab hold of Simon's long braid. He then tugged gently on the hair to draw Simon closer. "Sir Simon, please." He keened.
"If you don't want me to fuck you right here, little lion," Simon growled, yanking the teen's shirt up to nibble a tightly pebbled nipple. "You need to tell me to stop and then you need to run. I don't seem to entirely be in control of myself, right now..."
Amshel felt a kind of thrill that he never had before, not even when he and Felix played around in their young and mid-teens. A part of him felt frustrated at the very idea of asking Simon to stop. He didn't want the older man to stop anything. On the contrary, he wanted so much more. "I want you to. I want you to fuck me so bad," he gasped as he squirmed beneath him.
Simon looked positively pained, his dark eyes burning with desire. From one moment to the next, he'd shifted to his faun form. His dark hooves dug into the rug beneath them as Simon wrapped his arms around the younger man and pressed him to the floor. Simon dipped downward, brushing the tip of his horn against the tip of Amshel's arousal that was straining from the open V of his pants. As Lucien had done earlier with Felix, Simon pulled Amshel’s faun form forward.
"I don't want to hurt you," Simon purred, kissing the teen's furred hip. "I want you to feel nothing but bliss. You should be able to take me easily in this form."
Amshel's blush exploded over his face, neck, and chest. He squirmed as he felt the shift from one form to another. But, he eagerly parted his faun legs further and stretched out his arms and lithe torso. His faun shaft wobbled as he swayed his hips in invitation. "Simon," he keened.
Inside the room, Lucien was nearing his orgasm. His thrusts became sporadic and fast as his flesh tried to burn its imprint into Felix's depths.
Just as Lucien neared his peak, he slowed back down. He wanted to draw it out for even longer. He pressed his forefinger to Felix's urethra opening and sent a cold sensation through it like a long string that subdued the Nightmare's arousal just a bit longer.
"Fuck!" Felix shouted. "Sir, please! I need..."
He struggled, lifting his wrists up from the table, muscles straining, before Lucian's magic slammed them back to the table with a bang. The teen cried out, nearly sobbing, unable to form coherent words as his body sang with pleasure.
The Scholar drank in the sight of his mate downright writhing in pleasure. He released the binding of only one of Felix's legs, lifting it over his shoulder as he leaned over the faun and began to rock deeper inside him.
"Can you hear them, baby?" Simon purred in Amshel's pointed ear. "He's fucking your little cousin so hard and deep."
The older Nightmare drew his fingers across Amshel's tip, gathering the slippery precum. Simon reached down, pressing his slick digits to the handsome teen's entrance. Two fingers entered the teen, pressing deep.
"Do you want me to take you like that?" Simon nipped the tip of the boy's ear. "Deep and hard while you scream for me?" He rotated his wrist, spreading his fingers wide. "You feel amazing."
"Anh!" Amshel mewled. "I'm down with h-however you wanna take me, I just want to feel you inside me." He confessed.
Simon added a third finger, praising every deity he could think of for the ability of their faun forms to stretch so readily.
"I want to see your face," the older Nightmare hummed, kissing across Amshel's cheek. His fingers pulled back, then thrust in again. "Your eyes are the loveliest pink spodumene jewels I've ever seen."
Amshel didn't know that it was possible to feel butterflies as well as heat in his stomach at the same time. He did his best to keep his gaze on Simon's eyes while his body squirmed and melted beneath him. "Y-Your eyes are pretty amazing, as well," he responded with a shuddering gasp as he arched his back. “Like black opals…”
The teen's head tilted back with a moan, the long column of his throat drawing Simon's gaze. It was smooth and perfect. The dark-eyed Nightmare pressed his lips to the warm flesh, then parted his lips to suck, needing to mark that lovely skin so everyone would see. Simon then slipped his fingers out from the younger man's delicious warmth and pressed his tip against Amshel's entrance, gripping the boy's legs, one in each hand.
"How flexible are you, love?" Simon whispered against the mixed Nightmare's throat.
The teenager gave a little keen. The older man was driving him crazy with every word that came out of his mouth. "V-Very..." he responded as he gulped. “Very flexible. Please don't stop."
From one breath to the next, Amshel found the tips of his hooves pressing into the rug on either side of his head as the older Nightmare's hard length began pushing inside him. The muscles across Simon's chest and arms flexed as he held himself back from slamming in to the hilt. He grit his teeth, watching Amshel carefully for any sign of pain or distress.
Amshel and Felix had experimented with certain objects in their different forms. But, they didn't feel as hot or large as Simon's flesh. The initial stretch did sting a bit as the Nightmare breached him, but it didn't really bother him. When the head finally slipped through, more of the shaft was able to slide in. The warmth was quite nice. "Simon," He said breathlessly as he squirmed. "That feels good."
The older Nightmare groaned, his hips snapping forward on reflex. Amshel only moaned deliciously. Relieved he hadn't hurt him, Simon reveled for a moment in the tight heat surrounding him, the perfect friction, as he slowly drew back and then pushed back in. The dark-eyed Nightmare shifted his position slightly, angling his thrusts as he searched for the teen's sweet spot. He wanted the younger man to feel pleasure like he never had before. Simon wanted to ruin Amshel for any other, to make the boy shiver and moan whenever he even thought of the dark-haired Nightmare.
He let go of Amshel's legs to lean down and press their lips together, teeth clicking in Simon's rush. The Nightmare felt Amshel's rigid cock brush against his stomach and reached down to grasp it, needing to feel the smooth hard length in his hand. His grip tightened and relaxed as he drew upward, his thumb circling the tip.
Lucien reached down to sharply pinch one of Felix's nipples as his hips snapped into a faster pace. He shifted his weight around and used his other hand to roll one of the lines of rope over the younger man's other nipple. "Felix," he hissed as he neared the end. When he felt the impending orgasm about to rip through him, he finally released the restrictive rings on his mate's member and began to stroke it. "Now," he instructed. "Now you can cum."
Felix's hoarse shout seemed to echo, melding with the sound of several decorative figurines and the glass of the hutch in the corner shattering. The teen's vision bled to white as his orgasm ripped through him, his body shaking, tightening on the thick cock spearing him. Felix forced his arms upward, fighting through the magic holding him down, to grasp his copper-haired mate and pull him close. The younger Nightmare gasped and moaned as his orgasm seemed to go on and on, the euphoria making him dizzy.
Lucien let out a groan himself. He released the rest of the binding and lowered himself down to rub his horn against Felix's, sending a final spark through them both as he spilled himself inside. His faun shaft pulsed a few times as yet another burst of seed spewed forth.
"Hnn!" Amshel whimpered as he came then and there. Between the sounds of the couple in the room, the rod inside him, and Simon's large hand wrapped around his flesh, he just couldn't take any more. His legs clung tightly to the older man as his release rolled through him. "S-Simon!"
"Ah!" the older Nightmare cried, his horn shimmering with rainbows as he followed Amshel over the edge.
When his cock finally stopped jerking inside the teen, Simon let out a shuddering sigh and hugged Amshel close, rolling them over, so the smaller man was sprawled on his chest. He hugged and caressed Amshel as they caught their breath.
The mixed Nightmare took deep breaths as he tried to will his body to calm down enough to think. He nuzzled against the older man's chest and felt content. At the very least, he was no longer the last Montcroix Maiden. "That was wonderful," he whispered. "Can we do that again?"
Amshel lifted his head to look at the older man's gorgeous face. He pressed a kiss to Simon's cheek and lips as his hands wiggled beneath the Nightmare's shirt to stroke his nipples. The young man began to grind eagerly against Simon's exposed shaft.
The older man grinned, flipping them over, so Amshel was on his back again. Simon slid his hands up the mixed Nightmare's arms to pin his wrists to the rug.
"Mmmm, I love your eagerness," Simon purred, leaning down to steal a quick kiss. "Maybe I should find us a bed. I could take you again and again." His dark eyes seemed to shimmer with soft rainbows. "Would you like that, little lion?" His gaze raked down the younger man. "I could tie your hands just like this and fuck you until you scr-"
Simon's words were cut off as he was suddenly flung from the teen to smash into the wall, causing several framed paintings to crash to the floor.
"Allie?" Simon said, bewildered as he looked up at the tall Nightmare standing over him.
"Simonival, you whorish son of a bitch!" Alistair shouted, his fist connecting solidly with Simon's face.
Felix's eyes snapped open as the commotion in the hallway yanked him from wallowing in the afterglow.
"What was that?" the brunet blinked owlishly up at his mate.
Concerned, Lucien quickly pulled on his pants and handed Felix his own as the two of them rushed out into the hall. When they arrived, it was to the sight of a pant-less Amshel clinging tightly to Alistair's arm.
"Uncle Al, wait! It wasn't his fault! He was going to leave," Amshel insisted as he kept trying to tug the man away from Simon. "I was the one that begged him to stay and then begged even more for him to take me!"
Alistair's face softened as he looked at his nephew.
"Shelly, hush. It's alright. Let me handle this."
The cobalt Nightmare patted the teen's hand, then gently removed it from his arm. He gave the young man a smile and turned back to the man he had considered his best friend.
He punched Simon again.
"Fuck, Allie!" the purple-haired Nightmare shouted, hunching down as he shifted back from his faun form. He wanted pants for this encounter. "Would you stop? Everything was consensual!"
"I can't believe you! Amshel is practically a child! He's what? Fifteen?' The Montcroix shouted. "And besides that, he was a Maiden! And you were rutting against him on the floor like he was one of your sluts. In my family home! With my other baby nephew in the next room!"
Felix looked up from where he was currently hugging Amshel.
"Now, wait, Uncle Al, I..."
"You stay out of this, Felix," Alistair snapped. "You can tell me whatever you want after I tear Simon's arms off."
"Hey! I like my arms!" the dark-eyed Nightmare pointed out.
Lucien covered the lower half of his face with his hand. Being mated with a Montcroix meant that he had some say in this, but he really, really did not want to interfere with the best friends.
"Well, then maybe I should tear off your dick, instead!" Alistair growled, pulling his fist back again.
At that, Amshel gasped loudly and threw himself in front of Simon. "No, uncle, I need that dick!" He pleaded. "And I'm nineteen! Just like Felix! I'm old enough to choose who to sleep with. So, please stop hurting him!"
"Nineteen?!" Alistair looked baffled for a moment, then shook his head. "It doesn't matter. You don't know Simon. He manipulated you and then stole your virginity on the damned floor! I should gut him for that, alone." He rested his hands on his nephew's shoulders. "You deserve so much better, Shel."
Only his own family could make Amshel feel a surge of warmth and frustration at the same time. He placed his hands on top of his uncle's. "I understand you want the best for me. But, it was my decision. The setting doesn't matter and does not take away from the moment itself. Don't you want me to be happy?" He insisted with a pout and his set of large, pink-purplish eyes.
"Ooo, he broke out the puppy-dog eyes..." Felix murmured from behind Alistair, scowling at Lucien when the scholar shushed him.
"You know I do," Al conceded with a sigh. "But I know Simon. He's going to break your heart and run off after the next shiny horn and nice behind he sees."
"Hey!" Simon protested.
Alistair ignored him and continued. "I don't want you to get hurt. Simon's been my friend for as long as I can remember. I love him like a brother." He sighed again. "But, he's not the mating type." Al lifted his deep blue eyes to glare at his friend. "And you," he said, pointing his finger accusingly. "Didn't you tell me years ago that you were swearing off Maidens? That they were too clingy and desperate for a mating mark? What in the hell did you think you were doing?"
"This was different," Simon protested. "I couldn't resist him. Goddess, he was so damn cute and sexy peeping in on Felix and Master Lucien."
"So you plow him in the hall and leave him covered in cum?" Alistair demanded while Felix turned bright red behind him.
"Wait, we didn't shut the door?" Felix whispered harshly, then frowned at the look on his mate's face. "You left it open on purpose?!"
Lucien tried to deflect his mate's attention. "I didn't realize Amshel was still a Maiden..." he whispered low enough for only Felix to hear.
Amshel blushed in embarrassment. Hadn't he been a Maiden desperate for a mating mark just moments ago? "Whether you consider him the mating type or not, what's done is done." He stated with a strained smile. "We're not mates, in any case. And I'm neither the first nor will be the last Montcroix to have gotten caught up in the moment." A part of him was hurt. He had known that Simon was obviously more experienced, since he was older and so pretty. But, he didn't know that the man had sworn off Maidens. Amshel was starting to feel bad to have forced the older man into it.
"Little lion..." Simon said softly, about to step forward and wrap the mixed Nightmare in his arms.
A glare from Alistair stopped him. It looked like he would deck Simon whether Amshel was between them or not. He couldn't risk the teen getting hurt because Simon set off Alistair's temper.
"Right, I'm getting suffocated by the tension here," Felix suddenly chirped, ducking away from his mate before Lucien could grab him.
He zipped over to Amshel and pushed him away from the two Nightmares glowering at each other.
"You and me are going up to my room and locking the door," Felix continued, manhandling his larger cousin toward the door. "We're only opening it for sweets, and we're gonna chill out and hang while the big idiots either work it out or break enough furniture that Grandma Penny takes them over her knee and knocks some sense into them." He sent a cold glance over his shoulder at Lucien. "And until my jerky, exhibitionist mate figures out a proper way to beg for my forgiveness." Felix herded Amshel out the door and pointed at the scholar. "And it better be good!" he shouted before slamming the door.
Amshel turned around and clung tightly to Felix as he let out a sob. "Felix, I feel like such an idiot!" He whimpered.
"Hey, don't talk about my favorite cousin that way," Felix said gently, patting the taller boy's back. "Everything's gonna be fine. Uncle Al just needs to get over his little fit." He shifted to stand by Amshel's side, hugging him with one arm around the waist. "Come on. Let's go to my room. We can eat all the yummy things that we can convince the Vilas to send us, and we'll figure this all out, 'kay?"
Amshel sniffled as he wiped his tears with the back of his hand. "K-kay," he whispered in reply.
The rest of the day was awkward, to say the least. Amshel would hardly touch his dinner and refused to even look at his Uncle Alistair from across the table. He had no idea what became of Sir Simon. The thought of never being able to see the lovely Nightmare again caused all kinds of worried knots in his stomach.
The following morning, his parents called him over to their particular guest room.
"You called for me?" Amshel asked as he stepped into the room.
"Yes, come in sweetie," his mother Priscilla urged. "Now, if we remember correctly, you've said that you prefer the company of men, correct?"
"Um, y-yeah?" Amshel responded, unsure of where this conversation was going. "Not that there's anything wrong with girls, I just prefer guys. Why?"
Cilla glanced over at her husband Lorenzo as if to ask him to continue.
Lorenzo cleared his throat. "Since you're of age, it's come to our attention that it's time for you to start dating...that is to say-"
"We've found just the boy! Prince Winter's younger cousin, a Perazan royal!" Priscilla interrupted in glee. "Oh, he's just adorable."
Amshel frowned, more confused than ever. "Wh-what?"
"Don't be shy, Shelly dear," Priscilla insisted. "He's your blind date! You're meeting him tonight at the Pyramid Pizzeria."
"I am?" The mixed nightmare squeaked.
"He's your age, so it's appropriate," Lorenzo added.
"And so now I have to go meet this Perazan royal at a pizzeria on a blind date!" Amshel concluded. He had immediately rushed to his cousin Felix's room and began to vent to him.
“Do you want to go?" Felix asked carefully.
"No, of course not..." Amshel complained before letting out a long sigh. "But, I might as well tell the guy in person, right? I mean, it's not his fault we've been set up."
"Maybe he'll be nice?" Felix said uncertainly, wishing he knew what to say to cheer up his favorite cousin.
Amshel sat down, his shoulders slumped. "I don't know...I just wish I could see Sir Simon again. At the very least, to apologize," he admitted dejectedly.
"What the hell do you have to apologize for?" Felix asked, looking bewildered.
The mixed Nightmare blushed and glanced down at his feet as he gently swung them. "He had really just been passing by the hallway when he caught me peepin' on you two, and I really wheedled him into staying and..." He rambled. "The point is, it was all me!"
"It didn't look like he was fighting you off or anything, Shel," Felix commented, rubbing the back of his neck. "He looked pretty into you. He didn't even try to make stupid excuses to Uncle Al, even though he was about to get punched out."
"Yeah, after all that, though..." Amshel replied with a sigh. "I doubt he'd want anything more to do with me."
"Hey, don't say that." Felix threw an arm around the taller teen. "Anybody'd be lucky to have you. If he doesn't, he's an idiot."
"So...will you help me pick out clothes that at least make me look decent for tonight?" Amshel asked.
"Hell yeah!" Felix grinned. "You're gonna look so hot his eyeballs will melt!"
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
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