Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
Blueblood 5: Exposed The Secrets about V5H Revealed - 18. The Truth of What We Have Now
(Everyone: I said I would write again. I had to do it. I'll write more when I get back to Charleston.)
“I wouldn’t have missed it for the world, wouldn’t have missed loving you. You made my whole life worthwhile…with your smile. I wouldn’t change one memory. ‘Cause you mean too much to me. Even though I lost you. I wouldn’t have missed loving you for the world.”
Loosely taken from Ronnie Milsap’s song. "I Wouldn't Have Missed It For The World." A good one he sang well. It truly says what I am feeling. Really, but it is a lie!! I love it and I hate it. If you ask me, I’ll tell you why I hate it. Eric
Now: Blueblood
We got Marty and Robert set up in a couple of rooms we used for personnel. Amanda was in one when she was first brought here as a new vampire. It wasn’t an apartment, but they weren’t guests and not yet employees. If they wanted one later, they would get one…or two. I bet it would be one. They may or may not become more than just friends, but that was their choice. Rob had a degree in Business and interested in helping to manage a business. Marty had a degree in Science and was more into making things more Earth-friendly. We were giving them preference because of what happened in Romania? Of course, we were. Marty had survived the attack of a vampire and was now a vampire. That gave them a preference! Was that unfair? You bet it was, but Marty was bitten and Robert was there. That wasn’t fair.
The Holiday Season was now in full swing in New York. It was not forgotten at the VUN either as decorations were going up all over the building…except for Ralph’s, Iustina’s, and Repetate’s room. They predated any of the seasons except for the Hebrew ones…maybe. They are thousands of years old!
One more time, we as a family gathered to share a meal with our family, except for Nicolae, Helga, Rica, Gina and Jan…everyone was there. We had begun to do that every week now to connect as a family. We told each other what our plans were for the upcoming Holiday as dinner was served, having brought it from Vamps. Dishes were put out and there was a lot of help to get things ready to eat as it became delightful chaos. There was a comfortable familiarity with everyone here.
Amir smiled a little shyly. “Well, Shelly invited me to visit with her family this coming holiday.” He shrugged pointing at Amasis with his fork. “Dad’s going with Wayne to Scotland for the Holiday…I’d be in the way there.”
“This is not true, Amir,” Wayne said quickly shaking his head. “I said they’d have to make room. Katie and Sean have a five-bedroom house…”
Amir grinned. “Well, yes, but Shelly and I aren’t married, so if I came, I’d have to bring Shelly and…well…Karen would share her room with Kelly, but…you two have the guest room, but Shelly wants to spend Christmas with her family. I was invited.” He said simply shrugging.
“Son…” Amasis began, “we’ll be fine if you come and fine if you don’t. We’ll all be back.” He assured.
I chuckled as the wonderful drone of the conversations filled the room as everyone was helping themselves to what there was to eat. “Wayne, have you told them about Amasis?” I asked.
Wayne shook his head. “Nooo. I told Katie and Sean…” he grinned. “Kelly was so excited to find out her grandfather was a vampire…imagine what Kelly’s reaction would be if she found out Amasis is a former Pharaoh.” His eyebrows bobbed.
Colin chuckled as he munched on his second steak. “And again, she couldn’t tell her friend Darleen!”
“Yes, the very agony!” Wayne said dramatically as he agreed laughing.
Colin looked at Vlad and Gaius. “You two are coming to Charleston.” It wasn’t a question or invitation, just as a confirmation. “Along with Nic, Helga, Rica, Gina, and Jan?”
Gaius gave a shrug and nod. “If you have enough room.”
Gabriella gave a slight, hushed chuckle. “Daddy has enough room….believe me. You’ll love Wentworth Manor.” She looked at her father. “We’re still having a Christmas Party, aren’t we?”
“Of course.” Colin nodded. “It’s a tradition now.” He brushed his shoulder against mine as he kissed me lightly on the cheek. “All traditions are going to happen…including Devon’s.”
I gave a mock grimace. “You said you didn’t mind those!” I looked up at Vlad and Gaius. “I do have some…odd traditions.” I bumped Colin lightly but wondered about Vlad’s and Gaius’ traditions. “Are there traditions you two have? We’d be happy to include those. Mine are a bit childish, but…”
Vlad looked a little thoughtful. “The world changed a lot since I celebrated the Festival of Christ.” He shook his head. “My last Christes Maesse as a regular man has changed over the centuries. I’m open to whatever’s new and current.” He sighed regretfully.
Gaius swallowed and then said. “I did visit with Nicolae and Helga when they celebrated…not as often as I liked, but…” he admitted. “It will be nice to celebrate with them for the first time…as more of a man.”
I could only understand a little. They had both thought they were evil before. “No special menus? We’ll include whatever is desired. We just need to know what that is. We want you to feel included and at home with us.” I said. “Do you celebrate the Old Christmas…on January 6th?”
Vlad gave a consenting shrug. “I don’t think it matters, as long as we observe the day.” He laughed a little bitterly. “I thought I was damned for so long before, so I didn’t celebrate at all. This will be the first I’ve celebrated in centuries.”
I smiled sympathetically. “But you know that’s not true now, right?”
“I’m getting there.” Vlad nodded sipping his wine.
“It’s really happening.” Colin sighed happily. “Things are happening now for us…a lot of new things. Before, we were isolated and cut off because of the venom. We stagnated for decades and centuries.” He grinned at Amasis, “or for millennia. We didn’t talk to each other. How could we? Now, we are.”
I nodded. “And it’s thanks to George.”
“Hey, now…” George began to protest, his naturally red complexion getting redder.
“No modesty, George,” Colin said smiling at our friend. “Devon’s right. What you’ve done is nothing short of a miracle. We couldn’t be doing this without what you did.”
Burke grinned at his fiancé from his place beside George.
“I didn’t do it alone.” George clarified. “We’d still be hiding in the dark if it were up to me.”
Colin looked at our now crowded table. “You are right, too, George. It’s been a group effort…really. Since the turn of the last century, we have come out of the darkness and not hiding anymore. Now, with the help of new discoveries and technology, we’re talking and trusting. A lot of that is due to Stan’s genius with Buddy. Mark, Shelly, and Chuck who work tirelessly…we are making progress. Everyone at this table…our friends and family in England and now Romania has made it all possible.”
“And we won’t stop,” I said.
Colin nodded. “That’s right. We go forward.” Colin said. He stood holding his glass up. “I propose a toast; to the VUN International.” Everyone stood and clicked their glasses together and drank the toast.
Conversations resumed and it was almost noisy. If Gaius’ grandchildren had been there, it would have been.
“Where are the grandchildren, Gaius?” Mom asked.
Gaius smiled as he thought of them. “Helga insists she takes care of the family herself. They are having dinner at their borrowed home. Something about being in a foreign country, she feels that they need to stay a family. She insists they have a meal together.” He shrugged. “It makes sense. They will come with us soon to Charleston, so…”
“Helga and Nicolae seem to be settling in, Gaius.” Mom said smiling. “Do they still want to go back to Romania?”
Gaius shook his head. “No, not really.” He smiled as he thought of his grandchildren. “My grandsons are happy not having to go to school, Gina misses her friends. Helga has come to see it as a good thing and Nic…just needs a job. He’s feeling a little useless here for now.”
Colin’s eyes widened. “And what are we here? Do we not have jobs!?” Colin asked Gaius. “He can work right away if he wants to. He needs to know he is more than just a possible cure for our being vampires. He’s a man! He needs something to do. Give his life a sense of purpose.”
I smiled at Gaius. “I suppose they do feel like they’re on vacation…of sorts.” I looked at Colin. “There are people who work here that have children.”
Colin nodded a slow nod as he thought. “I suppose, but they aren’t vampires.” He waved at Gabriella. “Or they are older or…like Gabriella, it’s complicated! Sarah’s children are grandparents!”
I raised my eyebrows and agreed. “I know, the age thing still gets to me. My point is…” I said to Colin. “Gaius has three grandchildren we have here. They need friends. They need to go to school…socialize so they can grow up!”
“The immigration things won’t be a problem,” Stan said. “There are some powerful people who have given permission for them to stay in the United States. Nicolae will need protection. As a result, Helga, Rica, Gina and Jan will need protection.”
Mark put his glass down he’d been drinking from. “Vlad and Gaius have not been identified as vampires. With the growing attention of vampires in the world…they are safe…for now. I don’t worry about spies right now, but if they find out why Nicolae is here…and his connection to Gaius…it could be very dangerous.”
Colin considered this again. “Well, I’m sure Stan can find the right program online to keep them up with their schooling.” He grinned at Stan who was nodding already. “We just need to find them a secure outlet to socialize.”
I looked Wayne. “It’s too bad Scott, Kelly and Karen is over in Scotland. They’d be great to have as friends. They have the same secrets, so no breach of security. Then Kelly would have someone share with about her vampire grandfather.” I said and then I frowned. “Of course, you two could operate from the VUN-GB,” I said simply. “You could move the family to Scotland.”
Colin didn’t quite choke on what he was drinking, but put the glass down hard and shook his head surprised. “What!? No!” He said adamantly looking at me. “They can’t. Move!? We just got them here!”
“Yes,” I said patting Colin on the back as he coughed and swallowed. “Are you saying that because it would be a problem for them or for us?” I asked grinning knowing the answer.
“Both!!!” Colin stated loud…nearly shouting. “I don’t want them to leave here!”
“Good! I don’t either!” I said just as loud. I waved at Vlad and Gaius. “We won’t lose them, but they are free to go and do what they have to.” I then waved at Mom and Willie. “Mom moved out with Dad. Gabriella moved out with Alex! Things…” I began carefully, “change.”
Willie smiled at us. “We’re in the same town.” He shook his head. “We just moved out of Wentworth Manor.” He said simply. “Hell, we’re together most of the time anyway! You will never be rid of us.” He took Mom’s hand. “You won’t lose Vlad and Gaius if they stay or go. We are all connected.”
Shelly was enjoying this as she listening. “Besides, for the next few months…those two…” she waved at Vlad and Gaius, “along with George, John, Mark, and Stan will be planning weddings. They will not be gone.”
Wayne was enjoying the conversations as well. “Is anyone from your families coming to the wedding, Mark?”
“Certainly.” Mark nodded. “Stan’s mother and sister are coming. My mother and father are coming. I don’t know about my brother…”
“They know what you do?” Wayne asked. “I mean more than the FBI.” He waved at Colin and me as he continued to eat. “Who you work for?”
“I work for the FBI.” Mark shrugged. “They know something is big, but not what.”
“Excuse me,” Gaius mockingly stern, “back to the Vlad and Gaius subject.” He grinned. “Is anyone going to ask us?” He motioned between Vlad and him. “How we feel about where we want to go and why?”
Colin chuckled. “I guess we should ask. It is your lives.”
“Vlad and I are staying,” Gaius said simply but looked a little uncertain about what he was thinking about. “I missed so much of Nic’s life as he was growing up…” he smiled sadly, “because of this venom. I have three terrific grandchildren and they grow up so fast. I hate to lose a single moment with them.”
“You shouldn’t have to.” Colin agreed. “Life here…is going to be challenging for them if they stay.” He smiled at Gaius. “Just know…whatever you two decide…you will always be welcome here. I hope you stay but will understand if you don’t.” He grunted. “I won’t like it, but we’ll still be family.”
I had noticed earlier…Chuck wasn’t as happy as everyone else was. He was fine, but thinking about something…it was troubling to him. “Not to be the wet blanket here.” Chuck began slowly and almost hesitantly. “This is still early in this whole…” he waved at the surroundings, “VUN and being so out there as vampires and all…” he frowned, “but there are some real dangers coming. Spies is just one concern. The less…considerate countries and other powers will be coming for this. They will not be operating on any rules of engagement or consideration.”
I nodded. “We understand that. Rafa Morsi proved that and Fredrick Hoffman.”
Chuck snickered a little but held little humor and he wouldn’t look at Colin or me. “Well, they weren’t as…motivated as others can and will be.” He shook his head. “These new people that come…it will be…the men that tried to get your secret to create an army…these new guys are practically like Navy Seals or some specialized militia compared to a bunch of boy scouts when they come.” He frowned. “Rafa Morsi’s group being the cub scouts compared to this new adversary.”
Colin nodded and sat back. “What precautions are you thinking we need?”
Chuck gave a shrug getting a little more worried. “Against the unknown threat? I have no clue.” He said seriously. “I’ve seen the guys that work here.” He shook his head at all of us. “They are very good. Many are military trained and do a good job. I think they could be ready, but they must prepare for…” he thought, “sneakier attacks. This won’t be a regular attack if there is one. I will bet everything…there will be.” He shook his head again and looked at Colin. “Don’t be angry.” He warned before he spoke. “I know how you see things, Colin. I heard about what you said to that doctor who said you have the Fountain of Youth.” He looked at George. “And you, too, George. The reality is…what you have now…” he plunged on. “It a very good thing!”
“What!?” Colin shouted.
Chuck waved at Colin helplessly. “See!?”
I put my hand on Colin’s arm, taking Colin’s hand and squeezed it. “Wait. Hear him out.” I said calmly, but I knew what Chuck was saying. It was what I tried to warn Colin and George about before but got such resistance.
“You have what many will do ANYTHING to have!” Chuck said standing up pleading for Colin to hear him and understand. “You will not die!”
“We can die!” Colin shot back defensively.
“Yes. You could die.” Chuck repeated. “Not will die.” He nodded. “Yes. This Manhattan! Taking the streets, you could have an accident! That doesn't mean you will have one. I know…you each suffered for decades, centuries and longer in some cases.” He looked at Amasis. “But you are not now!” He leaned over the table. “Hear me!” He pleaded again. “There was no choice for any of you. Not really.” He looked at me. “You, Devon, chose to be bitten…I know…but why? Because Colin would be alone one day if you didn’t.” He looked at my mother. “You chose, as well; because Willie would be alone if you didn’t.” He waved at the table. “You had some suffering, I know…but not like you, Colin, George or any other vampire here. Look…this table is loaded with food…which you can eat! Your senses have gotten stronger. You’re like…” he thought, “superhuman now.” He waved at George. “You came up with a way to make you not suffer. Your serum changed the venom and is making it work for you instead of having you work for the venom. You don’t get sick and you won’t necessarily, naturally expire. Colin…George…you are billionaires! You have a practically infinite amount of years to live! As long as you’re on the serum, you can make more and probably will. These others that come are going to want that for themselves as well.”
George was shaking his head. “I didn’t want that.” He said softly. “I wanted to make us human again.”
“I know.” Chuck nodded and then shook his head. “No, but the venom is not what it was!” He pointed to Colin. “You…are stuck in the past.” He held his hands up to stop Colin from saying anything. “I know, it was bad. I heard you. I can’t know how bad it was, but that was the past. What you have now is so…” he shook his head as he thought how to say it, “beyond….so fucking good!” He said emphatically. “You aren’t suffering now!” He ran his hand through his blonde hair and blew a breath of frustration to get his point across. “When I came here…I was all for it.” He turned quickly assuring. “I still am. I am. Stopping those things from ruining those innocent lives…yes, I will do whatever it takes to stop them, but you have what almost everybody wants!” He said. “You live, you eat, you love and from what I’ve seen and learned, that will go on quite a while.” He chuckled. “I’ve given this a lot of thought. Imagine someone like Iilya getting what you have. Or god forbids…someone like Hitler!” He said raising his voice at the name.
I nodded. “I have thought it, too,” I said quietly looking at Colin. “The world could benefit from some of this.”
Colin looked at me in shock. “What!?”
“It’s what I told you in the beginning, Colin,” I said quietly. “Chuck sees it. We don’t get sick. We don’t have a set number of years. Those two things are exactly what the world wants.” I saw Colin as he was beginning to get it…at last. “Yes. I know you can’t really do it, but…without considering what you went through from the 1850s until a decade or so ago…think of what you have now.”
Chuck was nodding, glad I understood. “You better believe it…there will be those out there that will do anything to have the venom and the serum.”
Colin shook his head as he thought. “We didn’t ask for it.” He said softly. “Even if I could forget what happened…I’d still undo it.”
“All of it?” I asked unsure about what he said.
Colin didn’t understand but looked at me and understood. “No, not about meeting you…marrying you…never!”
“But if it hadn’t happened, we would never even know each other.” I pointed out.
Colin pulled me into an embrace. “I told you before. If I had to go through those decades again, with all the suffering…I’d do it willingly to get to you. Believe that.”
Chuck leaned in again. “Do you understand now? This is the Holy Grail, Lottery Win and Fountain of Youth all rolled together!” He saw Colin’s face filling with horror and disbelief. “Please, understand this.” He pleaded again. “They will do anything, Colin. Steal, kidnap and kill to get what you have.”
I heard Colin swallow as it finally sunk in. He understood. “What do we do?”
Chuck nodded. “We’ll just have to prepare for the worse.”
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
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