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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

Exes and Ohs - 8. Chapter 8 Battle Fatigue

Slow dance...



Drake sat back down once Richard was out of sight, taking a deep breath and emptying his mind. The sudden spooky staccato call of a Black-crowned Night Heron, yearly residents of the golf course, ended his brief respite with a shiver. The first thought to float back in was the fact he was still in Richard’s heart. What did it mean? It could be taken as innocuous, but it hadn’t felt that way when he’d said it. He could be wrong, but what he saw in that instant was a man still struggling.

Richard had been an incredible lover, enthusiastic in all aspects of their sexual life, so how could he have put that aside and moved on? He’d liked to have heard the therapist’s explanation for himself, because his kiss—and the subsequent conversation—had him thinking the man wasn’t as straight as he’d made it sound.

At any rate, it wasn’t Drake’s problem, not anymore. That had been his old life, and he’d told the truth when he said Richard had no place left in his heart. His thoughts went to Jimmy. What would he think of Richard kissing him? He pictured him chomping at the bit to hear how the talk went, and the thought warmed him.

Rising, more relaxed than he’d felt all day, he strolled back towards the sounds of music and people laughing. The sun was close to setting, and there were only few people left on the practice green as he reached the patio.

Stepping through the doorway, he saw the party was in full swing, and his eyes immediately found Jimmy on the dance floor, sans jacket, laughing and moving beautifully to the rhythm of Bruno Mar’s “24 Karat Magic.” It made him smile as he watched him and his partner, the bridesmaid whose name he remembered as Bindy. She danced just as well, her sinuous movements synced with Jimmy’s.

The smile slipped as the song morphed into a ballad and the pair moved into a close embrace. They looked good together… no, they looked great together, and Drake felt a surge of jealousy at the sight of the handsome man holding the beautiful woman so tightly. When Jimmy spun and dipped her, their lower bodies molded together as he supported her back with his hand. It looked intimate, and there was no denying the sight distressed him. Any fool could see Bindy was smitten. Confused, he moved back out of the doorway.

He felt ill as he sat down in the far corner of the deserted patio under a sun umbrella that was off duty until morning. Jealousy? This was getting out of control. He should be pleased Jimmy was enjoying himself. He shouldn’t have expected his friend would be anxiously waiting for him to return. That was ridiculous, but here he was, experiencing emotions he had no business feeling. Why did he just view a dance between relative strangers as being so intimate? What was wrong with him?

He didn’t have any time to figure out any answers, because Jimmy walked out onto the patio as soon as the song ended. Drake half expected Bindy to follow, but, the man was alone. He experienced a feeling of relief, and that annoyed him. Staying quiet, he watched as his friend walked over to the far edge, peering into the darkness in the direction of the bench. He stood frozen, unaware he was being observed until Drake felt compelled to speak.

“Jimmy. Over here.”

He spun quickly. “Oh, there you are. You startled me. Why are you sitting out here? Are you okay?”

“Yeah, I’m fine. How are you?”

“Good, but I’ve been worried.”

“Yeah, you looked it.” Drake winced at the bitter tone that slipped out, hoping Jimmy didn’t notice.


“Nothing. Ah, I saw you standing over there.”

“Yeah, well, I saw Richard come back, but he and Bernadette left right away. I figured you were taking some time to yourself. If you didn’t come back soon, I was going to go look for you.”

“I stayed down there for a few minutes, to think.”

“So, how did it go? Did you guys have a good talk?”

“It was enlightening… I guess. Confusing too.”

“What was confusing?”

“He tried to say he was straight.”

“What do you mean, tried?”

“It was a complicated explanation, but the gist is he was straight all along, or… I don’t know exactly… but he was still able to fall in love with me.”

“You sound skeptical.”

“That’s because I am. I think he’s bi, but it’s easier to say he’s straight.”

“You’re saying he doesn’t know his own sexuality?”

“I’m saying he might be fooling himself, and maybe Bernadette too.”

“Wow. Do you think that’s fair? I mean… it can be confusing road for some people.”

“I could be wrong, but I have trouble swallowing some of what he told me.”

“So, you still don’t believe a guy can take some time to figure himself out?”

“Look, I’m not talking about you.”

“Aren’t you, though? You see him when you look at me, right?”

“Jimmy, you weren’t there, I was. I listened, and I tried to take him at his word because I wanted to have it all make sense, but he made it difficult.”

“Meaning?” Jimmy sounded exasperated.

“He kissed me.”

“Aw, fuck!” Now he sounded angry.

“Why are you—”

“Did he just give you a peck or did he actually kiss you?”

“Jesus, Jimmy. I just told you he did. He didn’t shove his tongue in my mouth, but after he gave me a peck, yes, he actually kissed me. What is your problem?”

“I’m sorry, Drake. I wish he hadn’t done that.”

“Why? It didn’t bother me that much, and it gave me some clarity.”

Jimmy hesitated, looking away for a few seconds. “It bothers me because in your mind you’re going to see me the same way. Someone who could go back and forth.”

“Ah, so it’s about you. Please don’t tell me how I’m going to see anything. You don’t know me that well.”

“Don’t I? Come on… if you don’t believe him, you’re never going to believe me.”

Drake sensed more anger from Jimmy, and he began to feel cornered. He’d been so looking forward to seeing his friend, and now…. “I can only go by what’s right in front of me.”

“What does that mean? Are you talking about Richard… or me?”

“Both, I guess.”

“Care to explain?” Jimmy asked with a challenging look. “What’s in front of you where I’m concerned?”

Drake was getting damn tired of this—he hadn’t had enough time to process his conversation with his ex—and his patience was fast unravelling. “I saw you and Bindy dance.”

Jimmy frowned as he leaned forward. “So?”

“I’ve never seen a gay guy dance with a woman like that. It was pretty intimate.” He knew it sounded like a childish accusation, and he immediately regretted saying it, but Jimmy was pissing him off. The man had said he understood Drake’s fears, but did he really? “Look, I’m being an ass… just forget I said—”

“Intimate? Are you kidding me? Fuck! I like to dance, Drake, that’s all. You know what? I give up. You saw something that wasn’t there, and I think it was because you wanted too. You found another reason to keep me at arm’s length. Congratulations.”


“I’m going to get a drink,” he said, cutting Drake off. “You should talk to your family. Everyone’s been asking for you. Let me know when you’re ready to go, and I’ll pay for a cab to take us to your mother’s. I don’t feel like pretending to your parents anymore tonight.”

Drake watch him disappear inside, absorbing his words like a punch. It was the first time he’d seen such anger directed at him from his friend, and it made him feel like shit. The worst thing was, Jimmy was right. He did see him in the same light as Richard, and he was holding that against him. But he couldn’t ignore the feeling he was right about his ex and that damn kiss.

But, was he right about the man who pushed all the right buttons but one? Could he knowingly walk into the same situation again? Was it the same situation?

Jimmy had been hoping his talk with Richard would help his own cause… why did that bug him so much? Fuck, this was messed up. He was messed up… and feeling ashamed at how he’d lashed out in at a man who didn’t deserve it. It had just been a fucking dance, yet common sense had deserted him. Jealousy. Fuck!

“There you are,” Callie said as she appeared in the same doorway Jimmy had just walked through. “Why aren’t you inside with the rest of us?”

“Hi, sis.” He swallowed, fighting the tears that burned behind his eyelids. “I just needed some peace. Where’s Luke?”

“On the dance floor. I need a break,” she said with a groan. “I’m done wearing shoes for the rest of the night.” She pulled a chair out from the other side of the glass-topped table and sat down. “You talked to Richard.”


“Is that why you look sad?”


“Drake, what’s going on? You look worse than sad.”

“I don’t know where to begin.”

“Why don’t you start with telling me who Dean is, because he’s not the Dean you told me about? This guy is taller than you, and his hair is the wrong color. And he’s gorgeous. You never said Dean was gorgeous.”

“You know, you’re too smart for your own good. I screwed up, Cal. Dean is Jimmy… James Dean Calloway to be exact.”

“Jimmy? Jimmy, the guy you fell for a while back? The one who turned out—”

“To be bi? Yes. He says he’s not anymore, but….” The words petered out as his heart twisted.

“You don’t believe him?”

“I don’t think he’s lying… I don’t, but my talk with Richard just backed up everything I’ve been afraid of with Jimmy. Richard thought he was gay too.”

“Do you still like Jimmy?”

“He’s just about the most perfect guy I’ve ever met.”

“That’s not an answer, brother.”

“It’s not so simple, but I can tell you I just got ridiculously jealous when I saw him dancing with Bindy.”

“Okay, so that’s a yes. Well, he sure seems to care about you. When we were doing photos, he never took his eyes off you.”

“I noticed, and yes, he does care, and I keep pushing him away.” He looked away from her perusal, the shame of what he’d just done, hitting him again. “He’s really angry with me right now.”

“He is? I just saw him and he seems fine. He didn’t want to dance, though, when Bindy asked him.”

Drake groaned. “Yeah, I did that. I’m really screwing up.”

“Stop. No you’re not. You’re always too hard on yourself.”

“That’s what Jimmy says.”

“Well, he’s right. Tell me how this happened. Why is he here, and what happened to Dean?”

“Dean is history. We broke up, which was a good thing, but we were going to try to be friends.” He looked away from his sister, embarrassment adding to his shame.


“And, he was supposed to be my date this weekend so Preston couldn’t say ‘I told you so,’ to you or me, but he bailed at the last minute.”

“I get it, and you made me fifty bucks, so stop looking like that. I don’t blame you one bit. So you asked Jimmy to fill in?”

“No, he volunteered. He talked me into it, stressing his middle name was Dean, and that we did go out before the other Dean, so it wouldn’t be a big lie. Turns out it was a bad idea.”


“Because it’s brought up old feelings, and we were in a good place… as friends.”

“Come on, Drakey. That doesn’t sound bad to me. The guy’s a keeper. Hell, Mom and Dad think he’s great, he likes you and you like him, he put Preston in his place, and did I mention he’s gorgeous?”

“Ha. Yeah, you did. I just can’t go there with him, Cal.”

“Because you think he’s bisexual, and you don’t want to go through what you did with Richard.” It wasn’t a question. His sister understood.

“Can you blame me? And what makes it worse is I can’t get him out of my head.”

“No wonder… sorry, but he is gorgeous. No, I don’t blame you, but what if you’re wrong? Don’t give me that look. I’m just being your favorite sister.”

“You’re my only sister, twerp.”

“When you have me, you only need one,” she said, smirking. “So what’s the plan when you go home? There’s going to be a breakup?”

Drake nodded.

“That really sucks.”

“I can handle it, Cal. Preston will get his day eventually, but I didn’t want it to be this weekend. Not when Rachel was getting married.”

Callie glared at him, pursing her lips to one side, something she did when she was annoyed.


“I wasn’t talking about you. I was talking about the family. Did you know Mom and Dad danced tonight?”


“Yes, together.” She rolled her eyes, and Drake got that she was still annoyed.

“No way! You’ve got to be kidding me?”

“Uh uh. Mom was dancing with Dean… Jimmy… and Dad was dancing with me, when Jimmy tapped Dad on the shoulder and said ‘let’s switch.’ You should have seen their faces, but they had no choice… appearances and all that.”

“I never thought I’d see the day—”

“I know, right? So I asked him why he did that, and he said it was what they wanted and they just needed a little push. When I asked him why he thought that, he said they constantly check where the other one is.”

“That’s Jimmy for you, and he’s right, they do. Did they go to separate corners after that?”

“No! They danced a second song. It was a faster song, but Dad just picked up the speed… you remember how he used to do that?”

“Yeah, I do.”

“And Mom was laughing!”

“Will wonders never cease.” Drake wished he’d witnessed his parents tripping the light fantastic, as his dad used to call it. It was something they’d done often when he was a kid. They’d put on some music and just dance, before dinner, after dinner, in the middle of watching a movie… even in the morning. He used to think they were crazy, but he missed it when they stopped for good.

“And Preston actually gave me a kiss goodbye on the cheek before they took the kids home. Can you believe that?”

“Um, no.” Something else that was mind-boggling to Drake.

“Well, he did, and you can’t tell me Dean didn’t have something to do with it. When we went to fix our makeup after dinner, Mom told me how he handled Preston. She’s totally in love with the guy, and now you’re going to have to tell her he isn’t going to be her son-in-law,” she said with her patented Callie ‘whine.’

“Cal, you’re getting carried away.”

“No, I’m not. Even Dad says he’s a good man, and he mentioned some golfing weekend you guys are going to have.”

“Ahhh crap.”

“Hey, I’m not trying to make you feel bad. But, for God’s sake, don’t regret bringing him here, because whatever he’s done, our family is acting more normal than we have in years.”

“Well, he sure woke Mom up when we got here last night.”

“That’s exactly what she said. She said he forced her to take her blinders off. She had tears when she talked about how badly she’s treated you.”

“She didn’t treat me that badly, not really.”


“Okay, okay. You know this isn’t helping, don’t you?”

“Point taken… just stop letting them all off the hook. Now, enough of this maudlin crap. I think you’re crazy not to give this Dean a chance, but I won’t say another word. Don’t give me that face… come on and dance with me.”

“Can I have a raincheck? To be honest, I really don’t feel like it right now. It’s been a long day.”

“Okay, fine, your loss,” she said, smiling but looking concerned, and sympathetic. “Are you coming inside, though?”

“In a minute, I will.”

Callie showed her disappointment as she stood up, but she walked around and kissed his cheek and ruffled his hair before returning to the reception.

Drake was feeling slightly nauseous, remembering how Jimmy had left him. It crossed his mind he should come clean with his parents and just accept the fallout. His friend was tired of pretending, and so was he.

He stood, a few minutes after his sister left, wondering what kind of reception he would face from the man. He needn’t have worried. As soon as he stepped through the door, Jimmy approached him.



Jimmy leaned close because of the music. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah, pretty much. You ask me that a lot.”

“I guess I do.” He smiled briefly. “Look, I’m sorry. Losing my cool after I told you I had no expectations was wrong. I had no right to put pressure on you, and you can trust I won’t go there again. Let’s just get through the rest of the evening, okay?”

“All right, and I’m sorry too, but I was thinking I should tell Mom and Dad the truth. Callie already figured it out.”

“Oh. I see. Well, it’s up to you”—he ran fingers through his dark hair—“but I don’t think tonight is the right time. Look at your parents. They’re talking… and really enjoying themselves.”

Drake sensed some disappointment in the man, and followed his gaze to one of the tables in the far corner. “I see that. They don’t usually sit that close. In fact, they never do. Callie told me about the dance switch.”

“What can I say? It worked like a charm.” Jimmy smiled again, but it, too, was brief.

“Okay, you’re right. I’m too tired to get into it with them anyway.”

“I hear you. Do you want to go?”

“It’s okay. I can hang in if you want to dance some more.”

“No. No, I’m done. That swimming wore me out today. Unless you want to dance or visit with some of your relatives.”

Drake knew it wasn’t the truth, and the guilt returned over his earlier comment. “I’ve had enough talking for one day, and I definitely don’t feel like dancing.”

Jimmy nodded. “Looks like we’re on the same page then.”

“In that case, let’s say our goodbyes and get out of here. We should call a cab now.”

“I don’t think we don’t need to. I walked out to the lobby a few minutes ago, and there’s at least five cabs just sitting there.”

“Oh, yeah, they tend to line up on Saturday nights. The lounge is usually full of people having drinks after a round of golf.”

“Well then, goodbyes it is.”

Drake was surprised when Jimmy held out his hand, but he took it immediately. They were going to see this through. It should have felt wrong, especially after the tension he’d caused earlier, but it didn’t.

There was a lot of hugging, laughing, kisses, and handshakes before they could escape. Rachel thanked them for their gift, and Drake accepted gracefully, all the while wondering what his mom had gotten them in his name.

He expected some objection from his mother over their leaving, but standing close to his dad, she voiced none, seemingly content to stick around longer. As they walked away, the couple headed for the dance floor. Drake, looking back, stopped and watched them. His father used a familiar move from long ago, spinning his mother before taking her in his embrace for their version of a fast dance. It was strange to see, but he couldn’t help smiling.

“I think you were right.”

Drake turned his attention to Jimmy. “About what?”

“That as much as they may have hated one another, they love each other too.”

“Maybe. It was the only answer I could come up with for how they acted. It’s hard to believe I’m watching my parents dancing and having fun.”

“Sometimes, people are their own worst enemy, aren’t they?’

Drake’s gaze was on his parents, but his focus was on Jimmy’s words. “Meaning?”

“Meaning, they let too much get in the way, like guilt, and lost sight of what really mattered.”

“What mattered? I don’t know if it’s that simple… they had affairs, Jimmy.”

“Yeah, but why did they? Look at them… the way they’re interacting. I’m a believer that love is worth fighting for.”

“Are you being philosophical now?”

“No… absolutely not… just observing your parents’ dynamic from an outsider’s perspective. What can I say? I’m a romantic fool.”

It sounded apologetic, and Drake reacted quickly. “Nothing wrong with that.”

“Depends,” Jimmy muttered quietly, with eyes downcast.

Drake, taken aback, wondered what he meant. He was about to ask, when Jimmy continued in a stronger voice.

“My guess is Dot and Lawrence finally talked about the thing that helped make Preston such an ass, and fractured your family. It looks like that broke down some walls.”

“Maybe it was your clever dance switch.” He was trying to get a read on Jimmy, but couldn’t. He didn’t sense any anger, even though he wouldn’t have blamed the man if he was still pissed. Maybe he was imagining things—he was exhausted from being on an emotional roller-coaster since yesterday—but something felt off.

“Nah. That was just good timing, and I took the opportunity presented. Whatever they talked about did the trick… all they needed was a nudge to keep it going.”

Jimmy’s gaze finally met his again, and held. This time the intensity made Drake’s breath hitch enough he stammered. “I… I suppose. It’s, ah… it’s been quite the weekend, hasn’t it?”

Jimmy didn’t answer. He smiled that small, enigmatic smile Drake had seen earlier, before turning away.

Drake, suddenly feeling off-kilter, followed him out the reception room door.



A big thank you goes to my editor, Timothy, M., who has been at my side from the beginning. Thank you, Tim. :)  Also, thank you to my faithful readers who inspire me to be better each time out. Please leave a comment and let me know what you think, good or bad. They're great motivation for me, and I appreciate them more than you know. Cheers... Gary.... 
Copyright © 2018 Headstall; All Rights Reserved.
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Chapter Comments

6 hours ago, Headstall said:

Sorry for the delay in posting, but I had a good reason. :)

Like the US IRS (Internal Revenue Service, ie the tax people), you were commemorating Emancipation Day too? Good thing you’re not using the archaic IRS computer system that was overwhelmed by all the last minute online submissions – we’d have had to wait an extra, unanticipated day! I realize Canadians are codependent, but really Headstall?  ;-)

What to say?  Drake, yeah, he's wounded and torn inside, but he's still got his 'ass hat' on.  I get the fear, but everyone can't be wrong about Jimmy, and he refuses to see it or accept it himself.  Score another point for Richard in screwing with Drake's head and heart...genuine or not, he's an ass hole trying to make himself feel good no matter who pays the price.


I only have one problem with Jimmy: he's so good at seeing into other people's relationships, but keeps pushing his own at the wrong times.  Where your own heart is involved, his instincts are thrown off...and he pushes the wrong button at the wrong time.  Come on Jimmy, you should know pushing Drake is counter-productive.  :(


I'm afraid what the next act will be--Jimmy may tell Drake to forget it for good, then they'd both suffer...but it might shock Drake into seeing the truth, but with his history I think it'd just make him more resolute.  It'll take careful maneuvering on Jimmy's behalf to come out with his prize...I just hope Drake is worth it.  Love may have infinite patience, but does the spirit?  :hug:  :kiss:

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On 4/17/2018 at 7:39 PM, spikey582 said:

I'm at a loss for what to say.  I know you'll sort this out eventually, but at this point I'm just kind of drained myself from all that's going on.  Drake's behavior a couple of chapters really pissed me off, but then I heard what that scumbag Richard did to him, and the more I think about it, the more sense it makes.  Richard pretended like everything was fine and that they were madly in love, two days before leaving Drake for a woman.  And Richard was planning on doing that the whole time. Drake was used and dumped by the person who only a matter of days before was still waxing on about their love and their future together.  The question of Jimmy's fluctuating sexuality is incidental in the grand scheme of things, but all it did was bring to the forefront that Drake has a problem trusting anyone, and I don't blame him.  I'm not sure I'd be able to trust anyone after that myself.   


The other problem is, Jimmy has done nothing to indicate to Drake that he isn't trustworthy, and he deserves better than he's getting from Drake.  I personally see him finally giving up here.  Maybe I'm wrong, but I think that's what's changed.  It may very well be that Jimmy has decided to stop trying and he's resigned to Drake painting him in as negative a light as possible.  There's nothing he can ever do to show Drake that he isn't Richard, because Drake is going to see him as Richard regardless.  All Drake can see is someone else who'll be killing time in a fake relationship with him till he finds the better offer from the opposite sex.  It doesn't matter how ridiculous and prejudice this attitude is, this is the end result of Richard's manipulative, selfish, destructive behavior.  I guess Drake will eventually figure this out, but will Jimmy even be around by the time he does?

Hey, spikey! I'm sorry the story is draining you, but I'm pleased you understand and sympathize with Drake a bit more. I like the points you make... and I'd add that his family, and the fact his mother and father turned a blind eye to Preston't treatment of him, was another violation of trust. He already had a problem with his self worth, so Richard was his rescuer in a way... making it possible to avoid his family situation. Suddenly, it was all gone, with no warning.


Which leads to Jimmy. No, he hasn't done anything wrong... and he does deserve better, but does that mean Drake should be able to forget his issues? I know you are not suggesting that at all... you see the difficulties clearly. And you state them well. Yes, Drake's fear of Jimmy might be ridiculous to us, and for sure his prejudice is unfair, but Drake needs to come to that conclusion for himself. Timing plays such a big part in life, and you're right... Jimmy might not be around while Drake figures out, or doesn't figure out, that he's making a mistake. Thanks, buddy... well presented, and I am pleased with your perspective... for the moment. :P    Cheers and thanks... Gary....

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On 4/17/2018 at 8:20 PM, glennish said:

So. After my vent earlier I can say it was a great chapter. I hope Drake listens to his sister and family about Jimmy.  I wonder how much of the family dynamic with his parents is playing on Drake’s mind???  His parents relationship is relatively screwed up and I think Drake wants better than the effed up marriage his parents have.  I am surprised it took Jimmy this long to get that pissed off.  We have all been pissed off at Drake for the last few chapters.  I wonder why Drake even bothered with the wedding?  He ate dinner and then spent the rest of the reception outside. Thanks Gary for a great chapter. 

Hey, glennish... I was just thinking about all the damage Drake's family has done, and that I don't want readers to lose sight of it. I'm glad you brought it up. :)  It was a big deal to hear how his family is changing, from Callie, and then at the end of the chapter, to see his parents like they used to be when his family was a happy one. As I've said a few times, this has been one hell of a weekend for Drake... and seeing this could eventually help his state of mind... or at least take one thing off his mind. 


I'd like to agree that it was about time Jimmy got angry, but I'm not sure he had a reason before this on this weekend. I know some will disagree, but I don't think Drake has deserved anger... yes, he's reacted, but he thinks the world of Jimmy, and would never intentionally hurt him... he's just being human. That said, I don't blame Jimmy for his anger... it was appropriate given Drake's 'dance' remark. Good for him. Yet still, the man made sure Drake was okay shortly after, and that's the guy we all love. 


As far as the wedding, he wanted to see his cousin get married, and he did, and he sat through dinner, and speeches and stuff. All he ended up missing was the dancing... and we all know why. I give him credit for facing what he did on this day. Thanks, buddy, for thinking this was a great chapter... I appreciate that. :D  Cheers... Gary....

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On 4/17/2018 at 8:23 PM, glennish said:

So is that the real reason the chapter was a day late?  Making sure border security was reinforced?   I thought I read about longer lines getting through customs at the peace bridge. 

Yup. Self preservation. :)  Of course, I was mostly thinking about the poor readers... if something happens to me, there'll be no one to post the rest of the story. :P 

  • Haha 3
On 4/17/2018 at 8:24 PM, Geemeedee said:

I feel for Drake, but more for Jimmy. It’s like he’s banging his head against a brick wall. I think he should find another job and move on with his life without Drake, because obviously Drake’s a mess. If Drake does the work he needs to do on himself and finds Jimmy later, great. If he doesn’t, Jimmy at least has a chance of finding happiness with someone else. 

I'm happy you feel for them both, and you're right, Geemeedee, Jimmy is rightfully getting frustrated. Has he had enough of waiting around? I think he knows Drake pretty well, so we'll see. :X  Sometimes, we reach a point we have to move on... that's how life works. I hope you're enjoying the story, buddy... see you Monday... cheers... Gary....

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On 4/17/2018 at 8:24 PM, Daddydavek said:

Drake is starting to get a clue but keeps focusing on his doubts and worry about the possibility of being burned again.  Jimmy is still a gem and despite losing it a bit with Drake, I hope he keeps working on him and doesn't give up.  

Hey, Dave! Yes, I think there are signs Drake is getting a clue. But, yeah, he's too mired in his past right now. I know what that can be like... when mentally, you keep spinning your wheels... where logic is overruled by emotion. I think we all hope Jimmy doesn't give up,  but there is only so much the man can do. Gems don't come along every day... thanks, my friend... I appreciate the support... see you Monday... cheers... Gary....

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On 4/17/2018 at 9:37 PM, Dmrman said:

Wow... lots of variables of responses here...I see both sides of the situation... I think we tend to take each individual chapter and base our feelings on that...!!! stay with me a minute, We get all the snippets of a situation and well take it verbatim! this is going way deeper then we are allowing ourselves to see. One is no matter what Richard thinks, Drake has realized they can never be ever again. his reflection was returned to Jimmy, Jimmy has cared enough to try to help repair issues in Drakes Family, while Drake Consider his Thoughts of Jimmy( after Richard has left... ) A quote I remember being said was that Drakes parents still had feelings based on the observations of Jimmy, that they scope and search each other out... always aware were the other is... In eyes view...I am saying this to say it was noted that both Drake and Jimmy do the same... the talk between Drake and sis, Jimmy and his ability to Help, to be solid. Without going off the deep end ... We see two completely different young men with different past and issues throughout all these chapters when put all together they are working out life, problems, and sorting baggage... and when It's all said and done whether they know it or not are working out a Very difficult Relationship, and at this point they are still together.. I see them hammering out the potential of a very strong relationship, in the end, this is not a fairy tale. Relationships take work, and discussions, and Damage control and you forget that while in the relationship( not from the outside looking in normally then it's too late.) It's hard and It's work and well Both have needs and growth to go through... but even in pain and agony, I see they Have a much better chance.  I personally see that after all is said and done they have the potential to be A great couple...!!!( Thinking out loud...!!)

I love this, Bobber! You point out the downside of posting in serial fashion... we can take chapters out of context at times, not seeing the big picture the same as we would if we read a book from start to finish. That said, I love posting this way. It is fun and engaging. As for what you said regarding the story, I couldn't agree more... there is a process in process( see... I can write confusing stuff too :P  ) and it's a necessary one if the are ever to stand a chance. Life is messy, and relationships, as you say, are bloody hard. It's why so many of them don't work. Where will they end up? ... it might be together, or it might not, but it will be real. :)  Thanks and cheers, buddy... Gary....

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On 4/17/2018 at 10:03 PM, flamingo136 said:

While reading this chapter, I felt that Drake was somewhat like a soldier, weary of the battle surrounding him....with landmines everywhere....no safe path to follow.

  • I totally get the reasoning behind this chapter's title.............Great job as usual my friend...................:)Mike

Thanks, Mike. I'm pleased as can be you see Drake in this position. He is weary, and he snapped at Jimmy because his feelings are like those landmines you mention. Thanks for the support... I'm glad you liked it... see you Monday, buddy... cheers... Gary....

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On 4/17/2018 at 10:48 PM, FanLit said:

Yeah Drake,

Jimmy is getting fed up and now you're gonna have to work-put on your big boy pants and your big boy shoes and work to get Jimmy.

I get what you've been through and I'm sorry about it.  I support you even when you could've been treating J.D. better but enough is enough.

You had your conversation with Dick and you can let that wound scab over now, Drake. That conversation should have shown you how very different J.D. is from Richard; Even if they're both bisexual, to put them together is like comparing apples and oranges. Jimmy will never do to you what Dick did.

It's time, Drake.  Shit or get off the pot.  I get you're still afraid but you can't be still anymore.  Move on afraid.  Love J.D. afraid.  The time for action is at hand.  

Hello, my platonic friend. :)  Yeah, it would appear Jimmy got fed up in that moment. I can't blame him at all. Great point about regardless of their sexual inclination, Richard and Jimmy couldn't be more different. I hope he hears your rallying call... time will tell... I love that Jimmy is so loved... and that readers are trying to understand Drake. Cheers and thank you... Gary.... :hug: 

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On 4/17/2018 at 10:55 PM, jaysalmn said:

Drake was a total asshole, and Jimmy had every right to be angry and hurt. Too bad Jimmy didn't have a way home, because that's where I would have been heading! Richard was a total selfish prick, but that doesn't give Drake license to treat Jimmy like shit because of his delusional thoughts! At this point I think Jimmy can do better.

Hey, jaysalmn! Yes, Jimmy had every right to be angry. It remains to be seen if he's over it....  Richard did a lot of damage, but Drake is a fool if he continues to let it hold him back. It would appear that both men may be at a crossroad... is it the same one? :X  Can Jimmy do better? It really doesn't matter what we think... it only matters what Jimmy thinks.... We'll see, I guess. In the meantime, thanks for hanging in with the story, buddy... see you Monday... cheers...Gary....

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On 4/17/2018 at 11:51 PM, JeffreyL said:

I won't hold my breath for HEA. Someone does need to smack Drake upside the head. I must admit talking to Richard would have confused me too. I mostly wanted to say how much I continue to enjoy this story! Thank you for your fine writing.

Thanks, Jeff! I appreciate how supportive you are. Yes, Drake could use a smack, and maybe he just got one... we'll see... yeah, a HEA is not a given with this story. Cheers, buddy... Gary....

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On 4/18/2018 at 1:12 AM, deville said:

I don’t blame Jimmy -Dean for his flash of irritation , but Drake has had years of pain and anger to cement his views , expecting those views to change in a weekend may be optimistic . Everyone else sees Jimmy - Dean as he is , let them tell Drake and let him stew on that . 

Hey, deville! I couldn't have said it any better. Some guys need time... Drake has been mired in the past... and the conversation with Richard had to have been unsettling... I'm sure he'll have to think on it... and he's had no chance yet. Thank you for adding some balance... cheers... see you Monday... Gary....

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On 4/18/2018 at 9:34 AM, Bucket1 said:

Now I understand Drake, after dealing with the evil Richard, he finds Jimmy having sex with a women in front of everyone. Just a bitter betrayal, it’s what you expect from those... those bi betrayers... (spits the dirty words out)... disgusting...


Sigh... I really did want to like Drake but I agree with Dugh, being an asshole, saying sorry and then continuing to be an asshole is not a real apology. Jimmy deserves better, a better lover and a better friend. Drake is crap at both.


Dear Drake, if Jimmy was “just a friend” YOU WOULDN’T BE JEALOUS... wake up idiot...


Sigh... only a character in a story... it’s not real... shouting at the screen doesn’t help...

Want some mints, B? :P  Yes, they're only characters, imperfect ones, but I find the occasional shout at the screen does help. :yes:  I'm not going to defend Drake to you, but I'm not going to call him a asshole either... an idiot, yes, but I've been an idiot many times over, so.... I hate his narrow minded views on sexuality, but at least he has reasons, however dubious some may find them. I like your softly spoken :P message to him though.  Hang in there, my friend... more annoyance is highly possible  :X  Cheers... Gary.... :hug: 

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On 4/18/2018 at 9:39 AM, Bucket1 said:

Someone made a comment about it was a lot to expect change over a weekend but the backstory suggests it has been a while since Drake discovered Jimmy was a dirty disgusting bi betrayer and dumped the bastard.


Jimmy has been putting up with this for too long... way too long...

True, but they had built a friendship all the same. Drake didn't find out until that afternoon that there had been no one else in Jimmy's life... and that he's been waiting and hoping... was he dense? Maybe... okay... sure, but still, he wasn't being mean or callous. He was wearing those damn blinders we all have in our back pocket. Jimmy needs to make his own decisions about whether this has been worth it. :)  Thanks, B... I can always count on you to be engaged... :hug: 

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On 4/18/2018 at 10:39 AM, Albert1434 said:

Well another great chapter! I just want to slap Drake darn him he has the perfect guy who would love him with all his heart if only he would just give up on Richard. Whom I hate with 

a passion! Jimmy the miracle worker who heals wounds and opens doors long closed and nail shut. Who puts monsters in there place out of love for Drake. If only open his eyes

and see that Jimmy would truly love him. Ok Drake it time to wake up and smell the coffee:rofl:

Thanks, Albert! Yeah, Jimmy is an amazing guy. He's had a big impact on Drake's family, and he's been there for him in every way he can. I don't hate Richard, and there is a part of me that feels sympathy for him. He was in an awful situation, and he reacted poorly... there's no guidebook for life, and he ended up doing a lot more damage than necessary. That's a shame, but he was young and panicking. Will Drake wake up? :X  Is it too late? Would it even work between him and Jimmy?  We'll have to wait and see what path each man takes from here. Thanks for the support and the great comment, buddy... cheers... Gary....

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On 4/18/2018 at 11:57 AM, Kitt said:

Drake is screwed up in his head and needs a few things, but asskicking is not one of them...yet.


Let's start with a huge kiss from JD, followed by the realization Richard never kissed like that, and follow up with a shrink.

Hey, Kitt! Yeah, maybe he needs a comparison kiss. :huh:  Great idea. :yes:  I'm glad you don't think Drake needs an asskicking... I like the no violence approach, even if it has a time limit. :P Right now, I think they both have some thinking to do, and after that... :X  We'll see... thanks and cheers, Kitt... Gary.... :hug: 

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On 4/18/2018 at 3:49 PM, Timothy M. said:

Jimmy has made his point, several of them in fact, and he now needs to leave Drake alone to process his talk with Richard and his feelings for Jimmy. I have faith Drake will get there, and if Jimmy has waited many months, surely he can wait a few days or weeks. Drake needs to get back home and let the turmoil settle and if Jimmy can't understand that, then he doesn't know Drake as well as he thinks. If Drake decides he cannot get over his issues and trust Jimmy, then it's better for both of them to make a final decision and tell Jimmy. If he thinks he can get over it, they can discuss how to get there together, including Drake talking to a therapist.

Yes... yes he has. I think they both need to figure some stuff out. There are too many paths to take when you don't take the time to absorb your situation. Things have changed over the course of the last twenty four hours... going along as friends doesn't seem as likely now. Something has to give, and it appears we're both on the same page. Not surprising. :)  Thanks, Tim... will the rational approach work? Hmmm... maybe I should send you the next chapter. :P  Cheers, my friend, and thank you... Gary... :hug: 

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On 4/18/2018 at 4:48 PM, Potterslashfan said:

The prison walls around Drake's heart start to slowly crumble. Can Jimmy finally help them come crashing down? 


So Jimmy is human after all. Glad to see a little fight in him. Supportive is great, but sometimes a guy needs hard truth from his friends. 


I loved the dance switch, and how everything Jimmy touches seems to exude romance and hope. 


Damn, I've caught up to real time. Now I have to wait like everyone else. I am hoping for some sparks to fly in the next chapter! 


Keep it up! 

Hey, buddy... thanks for binging/bingeing on this story. :D  Sparks? Hmmm... maybe... :X  


Yes, Jimmy, our resident shining knight, is indeed human. It was satisfying to see him call Drake out. Yet, it didn't take him long to be back as the supportive friend. The dance switch was so Jimmy... he's not a guy to stand on the outskirts, which is ironic considering how long he's been hoping and waiting for Drake.


Almost Monday, buddy... cheers... Gary....

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13 minutes ago, Headstall said:

Hey, Kitt! Yeah, maybe he needs a comparison kiss. :huh:  Great idea. :yes:  I'm glad you don't think Drake needs an asskicking... I like the no violence approach, even if it has a time limit. :P Right now, I think they both have some thinking to do, and after that... :X  We'll see... thanks and cheers, Kitt... Gary.... :hug: 

Violence should never be the first approach.  You can always resort to it later.

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On 4/18/2018 at 5:49 PM, mfa607 said:

Please don't be sorry!  I was just kidding...sorry about your power...are you in the path of ice/snow?  Ugh...I don't miss it.  I agree with where Drake is completely.  I also understand holding others back because you've been so hurt by someone - it's definitely a defense mechanism he needs to work on.  Thank you!

No worries, mfa! I knew that. :)  Yeah, I'm in the path I guess... in Ontario, Canada. My power was out for about eighteen hours. Yeah, defense mechanisms can protect us, but they can also have a cost. It's time Drake dropped his walls. Thanks, my friend... cheers... Gary....

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On 4/18/2018 at 9:51 PM, droughtquake said:

Like the US IRS (Internal Revenue Service, ie the tax people), you were commemorating Emancipation Day too? Good thing you’re not using the archaic IRS computer system that was overwhelmed by all the last minute online submissions – we’d have had to wait an extra, unanticipated day! I realize Canadians are codependent, but really Headstall?  ;-)

LOL. I heard about that. Should we blame it on Amazon too? :P  Hehe... I stand by my power outtage being the reason, sir... -_- Thanks for making me chuckle, drought... Cheers... Gary....

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