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Jamie - The Journey Begins - 6. Chapter 6 Beer, Showers and ...
Walking into ‘Checkpoint Charlie’ - cool name for a German beer hall, right? - I kind-of shouted above the music.
“Guys, I booked us a table,” pointing off into the distance.
I had booked one on the way to Sam’s place earlier. Dave and Ty were looking at me surprised, clearly shocked that I had the foresight to book a table...
“Wow, guys. Thanks for the vote of confidence.” I’m not a total airhead, shit!
Pushing our way through the crowd, I was kind of glad I had booked - we would have had no hope of getting a seat otherwise. I had hold of Sam’s hand as we made our way through the crowd. Slowly, we pushed through, loads of ‘Excuse me’ and ‘Sorry’ as we squeezed past.
Finally, we managed to find our way across to the reserved table. Then, our attention turned to booze and loads of it. While we were sorting out who wanted what to drink, I had lifted my hand up Sam’s back, resting on his shoulder. There were a few glances, but no one really cared except for one loud mouth. I shot him a ‘fuck off and die’ look - so did the rest of the people standing around us - and he went quiet.
A few moments later the rest of the gang wandered in. The place was almost jumping. After handshakes and hugs all-round, I grabbed Sam. Nodding towards the bar, we headed back into the crowds, hoping to find the bar.
Eventually, we made it to the clearing around the bar and stared over to the menu boards.
“Hmm… the pizzas look nice, Jamie,” Sam said with a sexy ass smile on his face.
“I like the look of the wings... maybe some smoked ribs, too. What do you think, sexy?”
We exchanged nods and I waved the bartender over. He greeted us with a friendly smile, taking our food order, then moved on to beers.
Sam leaned over, pointing to number-seven on the wall of taps. It was a German wheat beer. Their selection was massive: thirty local and independent breweries, plus a few of their own. I hadn’t tried this beer before, so chimed in for a second, and asked for two samples. Sam nodded with some encouragement.
“You’ll like these, Jamie. I’ve had them before.”
“Oh, you’ve tried these, Sam?”
“Yeah, it was on tap at a function I went to the other week. I’m sure you’ll like it.”
It was like waiting for Grandma to pass the baked ham at Christmas dinner - my mouth was watering. The bartender handed over two small glasses. Sam passed my sampler over and downed his.
“Awesome choice of beer, Sam. WOW!” I shot back with my best 1000W smile.
Sam gave the bartender the thumbs up. “Eight steins and some bombs too, please.” The bartender quickly was back with the first tray. Carefully, I grabbed the tray off the bar. The steins were filled to the absolute brim.
“Sam, see - now I can say, ‘hold my beer - I’ve got this’, and it’s true, ha-ha.”
“You’re such an idiot at times, James Spence, but that’s what I like about you…”
“Aww, Sam," I poked my tongue out playfully. “James? Am I in trouble?”
Sam just rolled his eyes at me and smiled.
“Thanks, Sam, like you too,” dishing out a cheesy smile.
Heading back through the crowd, Sam and I carried without dropping or seriously spilling two very full trays. It was like reaching paradise. “Fuck! The table, at last.” Sam and I had only just placed the tray’s down when a sea of hands descended on them, leaving a shot and stein each for Sam and me. With steins around the outside and Jägermeister shots in the centre for everyone, this was going to be a big night if we kept this pace up. Oh god, I remember last time we did shit like this. I ended up booking a holiday. Oops.
Come on boys, tonight’s last drinks before I run away,” I said as I held up my beer. “PROST!” all of the boys, and half the bar around us responded.
“Oh yeah, were going to have fun here tonight.”
I am so going to miss these guys - it only feels like I’ve reconnected with them after escaping the wicked witch of the west. Now, I’m skipping out on them. Oh well, it’s only a few months - not like I’m heading off there to live. It’s a holiday, for goodness! I think my Mom is getting into my head.
The food we ordered soon rolled out, before we had finished the first round even. Dave headed up to the bar, ordering the next round, and so started the steady procession of bar trips.
Kelvin and Jack headed up to the bar for the next round. Kelvin came back with a confused look on his face.
“Hey Jamie, they don’t sell beer here, but–”
I stopped Kelv dead.
“Buddy, Germans, Austrians, Swiss, all spell beer with an ‘ie’ not ‘ee’… it’s the same, but tastes a load better.”
“Oh, fuck off, no way, Jamie! I’ve seen that in so many places but never understood it. Those crazy Europeans, ha-ha.”
I burst out laughing, “Kelv, there’s never a dull moment with you around, buddy.”
Kelvin flipped me off and headed back to the bar.
After a few jaunts to the bar, the bar tender started us a tab, so we just got his attention and they started loading up another set of trays for us, and a bit more food came out too. I’m not sure who ordered that… I think it was Mike. He’s always got our backs - some food to soak up the booze so we’re not totally wasted and riding in the back of his work car, ha-ha.
The place was just killing it, we were all laughing and talking. The guys are really warming to Sam - he was fitting in well. I might try and ask Gav-Ty to keep Sam company while I’m away… include him in the group chat… doesn’t hurt to expand your friendship circles.
I think after four or so rounds, the music kicked up a notch. There were a few empty reserved tables over to one side. The staff quickly packed them away and an instant dance floor, or space anyway, appeared. The void had filled with people quicker than you could blink.
DJ Harry had kicked the dance music off and the place was absolutely rocking now.
I grabbed Sam’s hand.
“Let’s dance,” I said dragging him toward the dance floor. He didn’t even hesitate. We were off across the room, returning to the table every so often when the music died off a little to replenish our liquids – well beer and see what the gang was up to.
Sam and I had been on the dance floor most of the night mixing with some of the guys plus a few random girls that joined in. Even Mitch, the bartender, joined us for a moment while he was collecting glasses from around the place. There were smiles and laughs ‘a-plenty’ going on. It was a great atmosphere, although a bit of a squeeze, in the small space that had become an instant dance floor.
A slow song came on the remake of an oldie - ‘Sweet Caroline’. It was cheesy, but I swapped ‘Caroline’ for ‘Sam-of-mine’, pulling Sam in for what started as a sneaky kiss, but went for a little longer to a few hoots and cheers. I was becoming somewhat embarrassed from the attention, never been one to draw a crowd, well not intentionally, but not a prude either, I guess.
We must have looked a treat, ha-ha. Both of us soaked in sweat with our tees taking on the sprayed-on look, which was ok: Sam has a sexy-as body and mine wasn’t too bad either, if I do say so myself. I was in the gym at work most days.
Laughing, I whispered into Sam’s ear “were so going to need a shower and change of boxer briefs before bed tonight for sure.”
“Promise, Jamie?” Sam smiled.
“Oh, you can bank on it, Sam,” I replied and started to laugh.
Then I couldn’t believe - out the corner of my eye, there over on one of the side tables, was my shit-head brother deep in conversation with some brunette that I didn’t recognise. Deciding that my family duty was to be a snoop, I grabbed Sam, nodding in Mason’s general direction and raised my eyebrows. We headed over a bit closer, which we managed over a few songs, to where Mason and his ‘guest’ were sitting.
I had leaned forward and nipped Sam on the ear lobe. A small groan escaped my mouth. It sent an electrical wave throughout my body, centring on my crotch, which was now starting to plump up. We were a little lost in our own world for a few moments, finally getting closer to where Mason was. I looked around the people dancing in front of us - gone! I took my eye off him for twenty seconds. Shit - he’s like a ninja!
I looked about, but couldn’t see them. Someone else was sitting at their table now. Crap!
Oh well, not going to waste my night out worrying about that idiot Mason. While I was still craning my head around the place, a warm pair of hands wrapped around my waist, pulling me in in closer.
“Hmm, Sam…”
This guy had the moves - he was smooth on the dance floor. I’m not a bad dancer either, if I do say so myself, and he was bringing out my A-game.
Smiling at each other, our faces only inches apart, I could have been anywhere. I was mesmerised. Clearly Sam was having a blast too. I got rewarded with one of a Sam’s light-up-the-room smiles. I couldn’t help myself. I leaned in, kissing him again, just a soft touch of the lips. I think the beer was starting to kick in and if I weren’t careful, I was going to throw him down right on the dance floor.
A few more songs had rolled on. We were just about to go and get a drink when someone dancing alongside us caught my eye. I’d recognised the back of a head, picked that head out of a crowd… “Mason!”
Sam looked around in the direction I was looking.
Mason is such an idiot: he and the brunette were so caught up in their own little world that they didn’t even see me almost right next to them.
Ok, that sounded familiar, but this is Fuckwad Mason were talking about.
Winking at Sam and gesturing with my head in their direction, Sam’s eyes lit up too when he spotted Mason. “No one is going to believe me that Mason is at it again, Sam.”
“Jamie, I’ve got an idea!”
Like a pro, he pulled out his cell and turned us to take a selfie with them in the background, when, almost on cue, they started a game of tonsil hockey...
Ew, how could she kiss that? Really!
Sam snapped the pic, it was perfect. You could clearly make out their faces, lip-locked with Sam and me smiling in the foreground.
“Hey Sam, can you please send me that? I’m gonna post that straight on the family chat when I get back to the table.”
He shot me one of those “Really, Jamie?” looks.
“Jamie, what about his wife? You wouldn’t want her to find out like that would you?”
“No! No way. Julie, his wife, is my old high school buddy,” I answered sheepishly.
I felt like a dickhead for a moment. That would suck - it was bad enough last time for Jules. I turned us away from them and we danced on for another song. Then it was time for beer and a catch up with the guys.
We arrived back at the table. Ty nodded to get my attention.
“Jamie, did you see Mason on the dance floor?”
“We did, thanks, Ty.” Wiping my face with my hand, I was sweating like I’d just run 10 flights of stairs in full turnout gear. “You guys too, huh?”
Ty lifted his eyebrows in an uncomfortable grimace. “Kind’a got photos your sister-in-law might be interested in, Jamie.”
“Thanks, Ty, yeah, we snapped them too out there.”
Ty’s face took on a serious look for a moment.
“Ah, no, Jamie,” his face pained as he continued. “I was coming back from the bathroom when the door to the disabled toilet opened. Your brother and his friend were still tidying themselves up when the auto doors gave us an unwanted show.”
I felt an anger rising within me as Ty spoke.
Ty scrunched up his face. “I’m never going to be able to un-see that, plus I snapped a pic of them coming out, looking quite pleased with each other, a few moments later.”
“Thought you might want to let Julie know Mason is up to it again, Jamie. She deserves better than this.”
“In the toilets!” I let out a long breath. “Jesus, Mason, we’re not kids anymore. Toilet hook-ups are… well… not here anyways,” was all I could manage to say.
I could feel my anger rising to the surface. Ty squeezed my shoulder to ground me. It may not have been working, but it did stop me from storming over and slam-tackling Mason and wiping that smug look off his stupid face.
Julie had forgiven him the last time, too. We were friends from High School - her brother, Craig was one of my best friends. That’s how she met Mason. She’s way too good for him! Clearly, she married the wrong brother, ha. But we were, and are, great friends, so nothing romantic was going to happen.
The last time he, Mason, did this to Julie, I found out at the local dry cleaners, a local hot spot for gossip, and Mrs. Creeley, the owner, couldn’t wait to tell me what my big brother was up to. “That poor wife of his, Julie, deserves so much better, James.”
Like I could control what he did - that was for Mom and Steph to do. “She should have married you, dear,’” Mrs. Creeley ended the message with - like it was going to soften the blow, really. I was gobsmacked. Mrs. Creeley had got one on me that time.
When I laid eyes on Mason at the family dinner a few days later, I took him down out front on the veranda at Mom and Dad’s. It was a sweet sack: I nailed him like a pro line-backer. Mason had some trouble taking deep breaths for a while.
Clearly, it wasn’t enough. Think I’d better talk to Julie - she deserves to know this before it spreads around town like last time when she was blind-sided. Sam came over and wrapped his arm around my waist. I pulled him in and gave him a kiss.
“Hmm… you taste so good, Sam. Think we should head home soon, yeah?”
It had been a fantastic night. Almost on cue, the DJ called for last drinks. The boys all made a bee line for the bar. We ended up with 4 trays of steins and about 10 shots.
“Ok, boys - big finish.” I raised my stein and we all shouted “Prost!”
I gave up about half way through the run. There were a few guys standing behind us that had finished their drinks, so I offered them some too.
“There was no way in hell we were going to finish these and live,” I slurred pointing to the two trays still untouched. They happily joined in and our drinking circle, which just got bigger by ten, rounded off a good night for all.
Those drinks had made both Sam and me – well, mostly me I think - a little wobbly on my feet. I needed some fresh air. With all the thoughts flooding around my mind about Mason and Julie, I needed to walk for a bit to clear my head. I somehow explained this to Sam in half-drunken English or something resembling it, but offered to put him in a cab or Uber home.
“No way, Jamie. I’m up for a walk. Plus, if you’re going on a drunken spending spree like last time, I want in,” he said, laughing away.
I kissed him lightly on the cheek. “You’re so nice, Boo.”
The cool air outside smacked us in the face as we left the bar. It wasn’t too bad, I thought. The guys were all saying goodbye to each other and our new drinking buddies. Sam and I said our goodbyes and headed for home on foot. The guys were all huddled around out the front of the bar. Facebook messages and friend requests were flying about.
We had walked along for a few kilometres, just chatting about nothing, but everything really, until I noticed Sam had gone quiet. I looked sideways at him. He was silently shivering while walking along.
“Shit, Sam! Why didn’t you say you were cold?”
“Look at you, Jamie – you’re shivering too.”
I’d been so caught up in thinking about Julie, Mason, Mom and Dad, that I had not even noticed I was cold too. I spotted a covered bus shelter. “Come on over here” I indicated while walking over to the stop and pulling Sam against me to warm him up. While we were shivering against each other, I fished out my cell and called Uber-Vince.
Our saviour in a GM Caprice arrived quickly. We dived into the back and pulled the door shut.
“What are you guys doing walking? It’s freezing outside.” Vince looked at us with concern etched into his face. “Boys, this the first cold night since last winter, the radio was saying.” Vince turned the heat up full in the back for us. “There you go, boys.”
“Thanks, Vince,” we replied in unison. I’m not sure if the trip was fast, or the warmth or booze made me drift off, but before I knew it, Vince had us pulling up at Sam’s.
“Thanks, Vince,” I reached into the front and shook his hand.
“No worries, boys. Remember to tell your friends, ok?”
“For sure, Vince, for sure.”
Climbing out the door and closing it behind me, I looked for Sam. He’d sprinted – well, it looked more like speed-walking, as he was a bit uncoordinated heading to the front door.
Sam was now hopping up and down as I was walking across the slippery lawn, trying not to fall ass over - my excuse was there was a heavy frost starting, but he was clearly getting impatient waiting for me.
“Hurry up, Spence! I’ve just got warm.”
We fell in the front door, making a beeline to the master bathroom. I’ve not often stripped off my clothes that fast when it didn’t involve sex, but I think I set a land-speed record tonight.
Sam cranked the hot water on in the shower, filling the room with steam and warmth quickly. We both slipped into the warmth of the shower, facing each other, intertwining our legs, with our arms draped lazily on each other’s hips. It was a nice long hot shower.
I woke the next morning my mind was full of my ass-of-a-brother and his newest “mistake”, as he put it last time. I need to talk to Julie and tell her what’s going on.
This will absolutely get out like always and some random person saying “I thought you should know” drops her in it again. It’s going to really hurt Julie, really hurt badly I think. Reaching down on the floor, fumbling around for my jeans in the early light slowly filling Sam’s room. I finally found my cell phone without falling out of the bed and sent Julie a message.
Me: Hey Jules, want to have brunch at Café 47? My treat?
My cell buzzed a few moments later.
Julie: Jesus Jamie, what got you up so early? Oh wait, don’t answer that - Ew! I bet you’re with Sam? His place, right? Anyway, love to meet you at 11am, Jules.
I took a deep breath, I know I have to but it’s not going to be fun. I replied with a neutral message.
Me: great Jules, see you then J.
With the crappy stuff out of the way for a while, my attention turned to the hot man in bed next to me. Hmm, best I wake him up.
“Hey Sam,” I purred as I laid kisses along his shoulder, collarbone, and neck.
“Hmmm… I like the way you wake me up, Jamie.” Sam rolled over to face me in bed. “I’m working today, so no hour-long session this morning, Mr. Spence. How about you join me in the shower?” he said while yawning awake.
“Well, Sam, I’d like to lay in bed with you for hours, but I guess a shower will do,” I said with an eyebrow wiggle to go with it.
“But, before we do…” I leaned in kissing Sam, with the softest kiss, just touching his soft lips.
His eyes flew open fully, with a mix of surprise, passion and something else I couldn’t quite make out. Our kiss quickly deepened, I rolled on top. I held his head in my hands while our tongues danced, exploring each other, sinking deeper and deeper into our own world, where all there was just us.
Slowly, I pulled back, finally breaking our kiss. “Ok Sam, it’s now or never. If we don’t move to the shower, I can’t be held responsible for what happens to the next hour.”
I slid out of the bed, turning side on and swept Sam up into my arms. I’d caught Sam by surprise, clearly.
Yelp! “Oh my god, Jamie! Did they teach you that at Fireman school or something? That’s a pretty cool trick.”
“They teach us lots of things, but I’ve got some other talents I’d like to show you.”
Crossing the floor into the master bathroom, I kicked the door closed behind us with my foot. I let Sam down on his feet so he could set the shower to his liking. I was easy going with the temperature, but Sam was quite precise I’d learned in the few showers we’d taken together.
After scrubbing every inch of our bodies, a few special spots came in for extra attention too. We finally emerged from Sam’s room to hear Jeff in the kitchen bitching about there being no hot water again. I couldn’t help myself.
“Don’t worry Jeff. I’m sure you can find yourself plenty of that, easy enough.”
A girl sitting at the counter opposite Jeff - I’m guessing was another housemate - spat her drink across the bench in a fit of laughter.
“Oh Jeff, you just got owned, big time,” she let with a smile. She stood up and walked over towards me with a big smile on her face, looking at me like she knew me. I was wracking my brain trying to think if we had spoken to anyone when we got back last night - I drew a blank.
Throwing her arms open and around me, “Hi I’m Saffi, Sam’s sister.”
“Hey, Saffi!” Sam let out behind me.
He walked around me to his sister and gave her a quick hug and kiss on the cheek.
“Um,” I took a double take, my mind was clearly not communicating with my mouth. For some reason, I’d assumed that Sam didn’t have any siblings, but clearly, he did – idiot!
“Sorry. Hi, Saffi.” I was a caught off guard. “Nice to meet you,” I said as I stuck out my hand to shake her’s and was pulled into a hug from what was on closer view, a very female, but strong resemblance to Sam. How the hell I didn’t spot that first up?
“So, you’re the Fireman that my little brother is always talking about, hey? Glad I finally got to me you, Jamie.” She continued with a heart-warming grin, much like the one Sam pulls off.
“Sam is clearly a fan, Mr. Fireman.”
Simply and easily she pulled me a little closer and whispered into my ear, “Jamie, don’t hurt him. He’s all ‘Mr. Easy going’, but it’s an act. He has a heart of gold. It’s fragile and I love my brother, ok?”
I squeezed Saffi a little harder with my arm that was wrapped around her waist, replying “Would never - he’s a great guy.” We exchanged eye contact before breaking.
Turning back towards Sam, “I like your sister Sam. I’m guessing you get the whole bossed around thing by older sisters too, right?”
Saffi looked at me while walking over to the counter. Grabbing a cloth, she started to wipe up her ejected drink with a cheeky smirk on her face, as if I’d triggered a distant memory.
“Do you have any sisters or brothers, Jamie?”
“Yeah, I have two older sisters and an older brother.
“Oh, so you’re the baby too, Jamie, just like Sam.”
She poked her tongue out at Sam, which he just plain ignored.
I couldn’t help it. My face went bright red, and I ran my hand down my face.
“God, what is it with older sisters? I swear they’re so much worse than a Mom.
“Hey, Jules. Thanks for coming.” I kissed her on both cheeks.
“Aww, Jamie, wouldn’t have missed lunch with my old high school buddy for anything. So, what’s going on?” Julie offered as she hugged the life out of me.
“Oh, you know, divorce, met someone, having fun, got my ass kicked at work from the ex-father-in-law and, of course, you’d heard that from Mom. Laughing, I continued, “Guess you heard that I’m going on a holiday to the States too, right?”
“Ha-ha. I did hear about you running away. Lucas is your partner in crime over there, I guess. You two have been like brothers all your lives, more than your own brother, really,” Julie smiled. “Well I guess you’re first cousins and all.”
“Yeah, Mason is only my brother because you can’t divorce siblings.” I grinned. “Lucas would have been so much better as a brother rather than a cousin, though. He can be my brother from a different mother.” We both burst out laughing at that.
We took our coffees outside and sat at one of the tables in the garden. Mike brought out our plowman’s selection plate - some of the finest cold meats, cheese and antipasto this side of the Mediterranean.
Ok it was time to kick this off.
“So, Jules’, I’ve got something to tell you.”
The look of horror on her face was enough to almost make me chicken out.
“Hey, nothing is wrong with me! Sorry I didn’t mean to scare you!”
“Oh, thank god! I thought you were going to drop the ‘I’m really moving away’ or something worse, like you’re getting back with your ex.”
“Nah, no fucking way.”
Oh, crap how do I do this, I pondered, looking straight at Julie.
“Ok-so…” last time Mason did some pretty stupid shit, and both of us were the last to find out. Seemed everyone else knew first. It’s a fucked thing to find out like that, plus I still want to kill him, but…
I took Julie’s hand in mine and leaned a little closer.
“Jules, I’m so sorry to have to tell you,” I stopped and looked to the heavens for some help. Julie was my old school friend, the closest that I could be to a girl or anyone, really, without being involved romantically.
There was no sugar-coated way to do this. I just had to rip the ‘Band-Aid’ off. “I busted Mason last night, with someone else. It was very public - the guys were there, too. They spotted him first.”
Taking a deep breath, I continued. “In fact, half the district was as well. It was very, very public. I’m so sorry, Jules.” I’m guessing Old Mrs. Creeley at the dry cleaners already knows.
Tears started to roll down Julie’s cheek. I moved my chair side on to her and pulled her into a side hug, placing gentile kisses on the top of her head, holding her.
She rested her head against my shoulder, crying. I stayed silent for a few moments, giving Julie time to let some of this wash over her, although it would have been like waves crashing against rocks, rather than rolling up a sandy beach at the moment, no doubt.
“Jules, the only reason I didn’t kick Mason’s ass when I saw it was Ty and Sam grabbed me.” I grimaced, taking another deep breath. “Plus, I didn’t want to make this about me. I only thought about you Jules, and how that prick-brother of mine was hurting you. I’m so sorry, Jules, I really am.”
I just sat there holding one of my dearest friends in my arms. Julie let out 3 years of hurt and pain, crying into my chest. I gently rubbed her back and told her how she was too good for that sonofabitch.
She was shaking. I reached over and grabbed some napkins off the table – I know they’re not Kleenex but, in this instance, anything was better than nothing - offering them to Jules. She didn’t even look up at me, just held them to her face. I just held her even tighter.
It was taking all my strength not to join in with my best friend crying. There were several unshed tears in my eyes. My mind was racing. How was it that a member of my family - my brother for fucks sake! - could do something so hurtful, so selfish, to someone so undeserving as Julie. Sure, Mason and I had our differences, but really! I just shook my head.
Did he have to be a total bastard to everyone that liked or loved him? Where did this come from? None of us, or our parents, are like this. I can’t even say he was the milkman’s kid, because we all looked so similar. ‘Variations on the same theme’ my teachers at school would say.
I swear to god, if I lay eyes on the sonofabitch, I’m gonna do shit I’ll regret.
Mike had started to walk towards us, being the great host. He was bringing us a second round of coffees. When he saw how Julie was, he quietly placed them down on the table beside and signalled with his finger that he was going back inside.
We sat there for most of the afternoon, chatting, and slowly emptying Mike’s pastry cabinet. Julie was crushed. That bastard never deserved anyone as good as her to start with.
Finally, Julie asked me if I had any pictures of the other woman. I looked at her surprised.
“You really want to do that, Jules?”
She stared back at me with a steely look on her face.
I relented and showed her the selfie taken with Sam. My prick brother was in the background, full lip-lock with his new, completely oblivious to my presence.
Showing Julie, I said “I’m sorry I took this. I was going to post it to the family chat group, but sanity and Sam, moreover, stopped me.”
I was somewhere between embarrassed for thinking of dropping it on someone – especially Julie – like that, and angry at myself. Jesus! I can be a child in an adult body at times.
“Jamie, can you please send me that?” she requested, pulling me pack to the here and now.
“Really, Jules, no...”
She had a ‘do or you’ll die’ look on her face, so I did. Hearing the swoosh of the message sent was almost painful. Although Mason had done the wrong here, again I felt bad for Julie, Mason, to a degree, and our families. This stuff never goes down well.
“Jamie, I told Mason that if this ever happened again, I’d kick his pathetic ass to the curb and I meant it!”
Julie clenched her fists in frustration, I think – I wasn’t sure.
“This time, I’m not going to let that bastard get away with it… Jamie, can you drive me back to my place. I have a little job that I’d like to you help me with.” Her eyes were fixed full of rage and hurt.
“Sure, ok, I’ll get the bill. Meet me over at the truck if you like.”
I headed in to pay the bill and say bye to Mike. She was pissed, and I didn’t want to add to the list of people in my family that were on borrowed time. Mike had a questioning look on his face. I put my finger to my lips, signalling that I couldn’t say.
He understood and offered a “take care” to the both of us.
The drive back to Julie and Mason’s place was quiet. Julie just looked out the window a few times, commenting on how the color was fading from the gardens as winter closed in. We pulled up out front.
“Come on, you’ve always wanted to throw your brother’s crap out. Well, now’s your chance.”
I quickly followed Julie inside. I wasn’t sure exactly what she meant, but the first thirty seconds in the door made it pretty clear.
From nowhere, Julie appeared with a huge black trash bag and started sweeping things off various bookshelves and countertops through the house. She dropped the first bag on the floor, then grabbed a second. I was fixed in place. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing.
Was I supposed to stop her? Offer her advice? Maybe Julie should just think about this a bit. Or do I help get this SOB out of her life.
She made the decision for me.
“Jamie, don’t just stand there, take this bag and go into the master bedroom. Throw everything of your brother’s into the bag, and I mean EVERYTHING.”
The trash bags piled up out the side of the house pretty quickly. Two hours later, Julie had pretty much thrown all of Mason’s stuff in to the driveway.
I did have to stop her a few times from setting it ablaze, though the thought of his stuff being all burnt up was appealing. I smiled inwardly. Once Julie had finished, she took off her wedding band, setting it on top of one of the trash bags, then snapped a selfie with the bags and ring in the background.
My cell phone beeped a few seconds later. A message from the family group had come in.
When I opened it, there were two photos from Julie to everyone - the selfie with Mason, Sam and myself, plus the one Julie had just taken, with the by-line, “Play stupid games, win stupid prizes. Mason, I want a divorce.”
I’d just finished reading the message when Dad called me.
“Jamie, what the hell is going on? How long has this been going on for and why didn’t you tell your mother and me? How is Julie? Wait don’t bother. I’m on my way over!”
I didn’t even get a chance to say a word, he was gone before I could speak. I looked up at Julie and told her that Dad was on his way over. Her face was a mix of anger and apprehension. I guess she wasn’t too sure how this was going to go with the old man.
Mason had always been able to get away with so much more than the rest of us with Dad for some reason, same as I was able to with Mom, I guess.
I walked up to Julie and hugged her, “You ok, Jules?”
“Yes and no. I guess this is going to hurt for a while. I just don’t know what to do or feel, Jamie.”
What felt like only moments later, Dad pulled up in the driveway, with Mom riding shotgun. Julie stiffened a little, so I held her closer, telling her that it was going to be ok. There was no way I was going to let Dad make excuses for that fucktard this time. If I ever had to make a choice between Julie or Mason, so sorry for you Mason.
Dad jumped out of the truck and closed the distance between us quickly. His face was full of concern for Julie. As he got closer, I saw the unshed tears in his eyes break free, one rolling down his cheek.
“Oh Jules, I’m so sorry that my son is a bastard.”
He looked at me for a second. “Not you, James.”
“Julie, sweetheart, you don’t deserve this, you really don’t.”
I stepped sideways a little as Dad grabbed Julie into a hug, rubbing her back and comforting her. He mouthed “thankyou” to me. There were tears silently rolling down his cheek. Mom came up and joined their hug.
She was taking in the pile of trash bags behind Julie and looked at me. I signalled that it was all Mason’s stuff, she looked surprised. After a few minutes, Dad suggested that they go inside and talk. He wanted to help Julie as much as they could, and, although it was painful for her, him and Mom too, she needed to put Mason behind her now, take some timeout for her.
Clearly, he’d learnt a thing or two with my divorce and the mess that was before, I guess. They’ve known Julie for as long as I have. They’re good friends with her folks too, so a few people are going to feel wounded by this.
As I was walking back inside the house, my cell started to ring. It was Adam about the apartments. I’d clean forgot about the time and the meeting.
“Hi, Adam. I’m sorry about missing our appointment, man, but something came up.”
Dad heard me say Adam.
“Oh Jamie, I’ve left a folder on the kitchen counter at home for you, with property prices, tax information for your meeting. There should be enough there to help you with Adam.”
I was shocked, “Oh, hold up a sec, Adam.” Looking back at Dad a little confused, and shrugged my shoulders at him, he waved me off.
“I can be there in half an hour, if that’s ok?”
“Jamie, am happy to wait. You’re my last appointment for the day.”
“Ok Buddy, I’ll see you soon,” I said hanging up and slipping my cell into my pocket.
“So, is it all ok with Adam, Jamie? Your Mom and I have this sorted, so go and meet with Adam, and get some dinner while you’re out.”
He smiled, “We’re having dinner with Julie and want some time with her son, okay?”
I headed over to Julie and gave her a kiss and hug, then Mom and Dad in turn.
“Thanks Dad, you’ve been great about this. You too, Mom.”
They both smiled and put their arms
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