Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
The Promise - 2. Going Home
Finn and Sam sat on the private jet for the empty-leg journey with several other passengers. Collectively they took advantage of sharing the plane at lower costs. It was a good deal all around, as Eagle Air made some money on a plane that would otherwise be flying empty to its home base in Vancouver.
Sam sat quietly in the window seat looking a shade greener than usual.
"Are you okay?" Finn asked.
After sipping his bottle of sparkling water, Sam replied, "Mostly, but we are not birds! Only birds should fly!" He grimaced at the water. "This is not P… Pierier!"
"It's not? Let me see what I can do." Finn laughed. "Man has been flying for years now. It's safe."
"Yeah, well, maybe man flies, but I'm a salamander, remember? No wings!"
Finn looked around. "Can you keep it down about your amphibious self? We don't need others to know."
"Yes, you're right." Sam grinned broadly.
Sam looked out the window. "Switch places with me? It makes me queasy looking out there."
"Sure, no problem." Finn stood to let Sam pass.
While he was up he decided to use the toilet. "I'll be right back."
"Okay, Finn."
Finn walked back toward the tail of the plane. He had to go by the small galley.
"Oh, excuse me."
The blonde steward looked up from his work; he smiled. "Yes, Sir?"
Finn's heart bounced in his chest. The handsome Eagle Air employee was perfect! Finn hadn't seen him before. He used the private hire service a couple of times a year, but maybe this steward was new.
"Um … I um. Sorry!" Finn grinned. "I didn't expect—"
Smiling, Christian Waldner eyed up the grinning passenger. He'd had men fall over themselves around him before. This one seemed a bit different however. "A man?"
"No, well, I mean I'd seen you earlier. But well, you're very good looking."
Christian smiled. "Thank you, that's nice of you to say. Was there something I can get for you, sir?"
"Do you have Perrier?" Finn blurted out.
"Yes, I think so."
"That's great. My friend prefers it."
"I'll be happy to bring it forward to you."
"Thanks, I can stop on my way back." Finn hadn't stopped smiling. "I am just on my way to the … um …."
"Yes, thanks. Yes." Finn started on his way. "I'll be right back."
"I'll be here, sir."
Finn moved away, sure that his face was the colour of the red seats. Inside the small toilet, he took care of his needs and then washed his hands carefully. After, he bent slightly over the tiny sink to scrub his face with cold water. He pressed the paper towel dispenser and dabbed his face dry, followed by his hands.
He thought about the handsome steward. "Just be bloody brave. Ask him out for a drink. What can it hurt? All he can do is say no."
Finn struggled out of the cramped toilet and closed the door. He stopped in the galley. "I'm back."
Christian smiled. "Yes, sir. Here is your Perrier."
Finn took the proffered bottle. "Listen. I don't normally do this. And well, shit, you only live once … but would you … I mean … I wonder if you'd let me buy you a drink?"
Christian watched the passenger stumble over rarely walked territory, in amused silence.
"I don't mean here … I could buy you a drink … here, but I mean on the ground really." Finn finally stopped for breath. "No, right? I mean you are likely married. Shit …. Oh, my god. Look, I'm sorry no offense. Thanks for the water."
Christian held up his hand and smiled sweetly. "Please … sir. It's fine. We are not supposed to date passengers, but if we ran into each other say at 6:00pm. Here …" Christian pulled a card from his pocket. "Then it's not really a date, right?"
Staring blankly, Finn took the card. He blinked as what Christian was saying dawned on him. The card read: The H2 Rotisserie & Bar at the Westin Bayshore, Vancouver. "Yes, no … yes, okay. Thanks … a lot. I'll … well okay, 6:00pm."
After a final smile, Finn took the water and returned to his seat. "Sam, look what I found you."
Sam took the bottle and twisted the cap off. "Oh, thank you very much!" He sipped, releasing a sort of wet purr of pleasure. "Perfect!"
Finn pulled out his laptop and set it on the fold-down table.
Sam watched. "What are you doing Finn?"
"Well, this is a laptop and I'm going to—"
"I know what that is. We do have them, you know!"
"Sorry." Finn offered Sam a sheepish grin. "I'm just checking on our hotel reservations, sending my mother an e-mail to remind her I am on my way, and I have a question for you."
Sam looked up from his National Geographic Magazine. "Okay."
"Well, will you be okay tonight for a few hours on your own in the hotel? I promised to meet someone."
"Oh, a lover?"
"Shhh, no."
Sam crossed his arms. "Of course I'll be all right! I'm not a newt who needs watching all the time!"
"I'm sorry, Sam. I didn't mean it that way … but thanks for understanding."
"Are we there yet, Finn?" Sam simply grinned.
Their hotel was a block over from the Westin Bayshore. Sam was sprawled on his double bed and he watched as Finn spoke on his phone, and set up his laptop.
"Right, Mother. I'm in Vancouver for tonight … Yes, I'll pick up the rental tomorrow morning and drive home then … Look forward to seeing you, too. Bye, Mom."
Finn disconnected and shoved the phone back into his pocket.
"Um, Finn."
"Yes, Sam?"
"I really need some protein. Fruit is great but … well I need some worms or something."
Finn stopped what he was doing. "Shit, of course you do. Look let's walk to the wharf. I bet we'll find a bait shop down there. They'll sell night crawlers or something."
With Sam in his baseball cap, they left the hotel and walked in the sunshine down the bright and busy street to the waterfront.
They bought a pound of fresh sardines from the fish market and there was a bait shop where they purchased some mealworms and a box of earthworms.
Sam grabbed a sardine from the bag he carried, popped it into his mouth and swallowed.
Horrified, Finn grabbed the bag. "What are you doing?"
"What? I'm hungry, Finn."
Sighing, Finn pulled a confused Sam off to the side. "I'm sorry, but people don't slurp down raw sardines like they are noodles!"
"Sorry. I'm just so hungry."
"Shit, I'm sorry too. Come on let's get back to the hotel so you can eat. I'll shower and get ready for my appointment."
With Sam settled and eating at the round table in their room, Finn pulled his shaving kit from his suitcase and walked to the bathroom. He stopped and turned back to watch his new friend dropping tan-coloured mealworms into his mouth.
Shuddering silently, Finn said, "Make sure you keep all of those in the box."
"Okay. There won't be much left!"
Finn showered, shaved, and dressed casually.
Sam watched as Finn tucked in the soft looking white shirt he'd chosen to wear. "Is he your new boyfriend? That man from the airplane?"
"How did you know I'm seeing him?"
"I'm not blind."
"No, I guess you're not."
"Will you marry him?"
Finn looked up. "What? No … I don't know."
Sam nodded and smiled. "You will."
Flustered, Finn sat on the bed to pull on his shoes. Marriage? He hadn't thought beyond the first date.
Sam cocked his head. "Will we go to Sanctuary tomorrow, Finn?"
"Yeah, tomorrow." Finn pulled on a jacket. "Okay, I'm ready. Are you sure you'll be all right?"
"I may not be a man, but I am full grown! Of course I'll be all right!" Sam closed the boxes of bait, put them in a plastic bag and placed them into the tiny bar fridge. "I managed to find you didn't I? All by myself!"
Finn grinned. "Yes, I know. I'm overprotective of my … we are friends?"
"Yes, we are. I guess I wasn't too friendly at first."
"No, you were a bit scary."
"I had to make sure you heard me." Sam moved across the room and patted Finn's shoulder. "I'd rather do this with you, than force you to."
"Sam, we will get it sorted out. I promise. I'll make Mother hear me." Finn checked his smartwatch. "I have to go. I won't be too late back."
Sam sprawled on his bed with the TV remote in his hand. "Have a good time, Finny."
Finn sat in the hotel bar—H2 Rotisserie & Bar—which Christian had suggested. He nursed a rye and ginger ale, poking the ice cubes with a yellow stir stick. Every few minutes he checked his smartwatch. He'd been early but Christian was now several minutes late.
"Not everyone is like you, Finn," he chastised himself. He glanced again at the digital timepiece. "He's only ten minutes late. Just sip your drink and relax."
"Do you want another?"
"Damn waiters," Finn thought, "Let me finish this one."
Blinking away his daydream, Finn peered up into bright hazel eyes. Christian! "Oh, hey, it's you. Hi! Um, yes, please … rye and ginger."
"Sorry I'm a bit late. Back in a tick with the drinks."
Finn watched as Christian walked away. A very shapely backside filled the worn blue jeans his date wore.
Christian returned with a cocktail in either hand. After placing them on the table, he slid into the seat to Finn's right. "It's good to see you. I'm so sorry I'm a bit late."
"Not a problem. I hope everything is okay."
"Oh, yeah, nothing wrong really. Hotel mixed up my reservation, but it's fine now."
The pair stirred and sipped their drinks. Silence was starting to thicken the atmosphere when Christian next spoke. "So, are you on holiday?"
"No. I'm going home to visit my mother."
"Oh, I see. That guy with you, your … friend. Is he really just a friend?"
Finn smiled. "Yeah, just a friend. I'm not into games like that."
"Good." Christian reached over to lay his hand on Finn's. "I'm glad. Guys seem to think I just want to jump into bed with them."
"And you don't?"
Christian looked up from his drink. He'd withdrawn his hand. "Is that what you expect tonight?"
"No … no, Christian." Finn shook his head. "I don't expect that."
"Sorry. I've nearly given up dating. I mean, I can't help what I look like, but it doesn't mean I'm into that."
After swallowing another sip of his drink, Finn replied, "So, you're looking for a relationship."
"Yeah, I am now. Listen, I'm no good boy, I've had my fun, but I'm ready for something more." Christian ran a finger around the lip of his glass.
Finn sighed. He reached out and took Christian' hand. "You're attractive … really attractive, but I don't expect you'll hop into bed with me. My plan tonight was to meet with you, maybe buy you some dinner. You know, just see how it goes. The only way I could was to ask you out."
Christian grinned. "You were cute."
"I was an ass. Stumbling over myself."
"Unless you're a really good actor, it made me feel like you were the real thing."
"I am." Finn slurped up the last of his drink. "How about if we get a bite to eat?"
"Finn, I'd like that. But just so you know, I need an early night."
"Hey, no problem." Finn's voice betrayed his disappointment.
"I'm enjoying myself." Christian smiled. "Come on, let's eat."
They left the bar, walked a block south, and chose to eat at a cozy Italian bistro.
After being seated, their young waiter arrived.
"I'm Renny. I'll be looking after you gentlemen this evening." The waiter's smile was warm. "May get drinks for you? Perhaps wine? We have a nice red from Valle Reale, a Montepulciano d'Abruzzo, it's full of fruit, nice texture and very satisfying finish."
Christian glanced at Finn who nodded. Christian smiled and said, "Sounds great. A bottle of that and some antipasto for two, please."
"Right away." Renny flashed a whiter-than-white smile. "Thank you."
Both Finn and Christian watched the waiter walk away. Finn leaned closer to Christian. "Do you think he is?"
Christian grinned. "No clue. My so-called gaydar simply isn't!"
Laughing, Finn sat back and smiled at his date. He found he was enjoying himself. At the same time Renny was returning with a bottle of wine, and two glasses. He opened the wine, wiped the top of the bottle and placed it on the table.
"I would just let this breath for a few minutes. I will return with your food in just a moment, and I'll be happy to pour for you."
"Sounds great, thanks," said Finn.
"Mmm, I'm looking forward to this."
"Me, too." Finn gazed at Christian. "So, why the early night?"
"Oh, God, have to be back at the airport at 6am to get ready for the 7am to Toronto. This flight is full." Christian picked at a thin bread stick. He snapped it in half and handed part to Finn. A dusting of crumbs landed on the red and white checked tablecloth. He nibbled his half. "I need to sleep, otherwise, I'm not at my best."
Nodding, Finn chewed the offering. "I get that. It is your work."
"So, Finn, what do you do?"
"Me? Well, I'm sort of a writer."
"Really? Wow."
"Hard to believe?" Finn giggled. "Yeah, well sometimes I don't believe it either."
"What kind of writer?"
"Fiction. I know that sounds crazy. But I've sold a few things." Finn smoothed the tablecloth.
"Not crazy. I hope you find some success."
Finn was about to speak, when Renny returned with a plate of food. "Here we are. I'll pour the wine."
The young waiter picked up the bottle and poured a glass for each of his customers. "Would you like to order your main courses now, gentlemen?"
Finn indicated they would. "Christian will have the Bolognese and I'll have the mushroom lasagna."
"Wonderful choices … a salad to share?" Renny noted the order on his pad.
"Yes, please, salad would be awesome," Christian said.
Renny wrote with a flourish and smiled. "No rush. Enjoy!"
Christian picked up his glass. The wine was deep red. "To our first date!"
"The first of … more?" Finn said quietly.
"I hope so." Christian pulled out his phone. "Can I give you my number?"
"Oh, yes. For definitely!" Finn pulled out his device and they traded information. "Do you mind texts?"
"Nope, texts are great." Christian popped an olive into his mouth. He gazed at the new man in his life. "I'm really enjoying myself, Finn."
"I feel the same way, Christian." Finn smiled at his handsome date.
Sam flipped around on the bed in front of the TV. "Too hot."
He got up, and turned off the TV. He went into the bathroom, figured out how to use the built-in plug in the bath, and turned on the cold water. After slipping off his clothes he slid gratefully into the cold water. He fell asleep promptly.
Finn walked Christian to his hotel and saw him up to his room. They stood together in front of the room. Finn ran a hand down his date's forearm and found his hand. "You know, this is the last thing I expected to find on this trip … someone like you, I mean."
"Me, too, Finn. Christian squeezed the other man's hand, and smiled at him. "I should get going. I'll hear from you, right?"
"Yeah, of course you will." Finn gazed down. "Look, this is crazy. If you feel like talking or texting just do it. I promise, if I'm not able to grab my phone right away, I will call back or reply. I don't want to play stupid games."
"I feel the same. Sometimes if I'm working, it could hours before I can reply, but I will. Finn … you'll tell me straight out if you've changed your mind? Like about me?"
Finn slid his arms around the new man in his life. "I promise. You promise the same, yeah? I know we need to spend more time together, but this feels good."
"I do promise." Christian rested his cheek on Finn's shoulder. "Oh, I should go …."
"Right, yeah, of course."
Christian put his hands on Finn's shoulders and stepped back. His eyes rested on Finn's. He didn't move as Finn's lips touched his. It was a sweet kiss, one that held only affirmation and hope. They rested their foreheads together.
"I should go, Finn."
"Yeah, me too. We'll talk soon."
"Thanks for a great time. I really enjoyed myself."
Finn was the first to move. "Me, too. Goodnight, Christian."
Christian' voice was a whisper as he said good night. He slid the keycard into the slot on the door. The lock released with what Finn thought was a satisfying thunk. Flashing a final smile, Christian went inside.
Until the door closed, Finn didn't move. Once it had, he smiled, and raised a fist. "Yesss!"
He returned to his hotel with wings on his feet. The entrance was bright, and Finn had just walked through the revolving door when his phone vibrated. He pulled it from his pocket and opened the text.
Had a brilliant time. Thanks and I'm just checking to see if you gave me the right number! C xo
Laughing, Finn stopped to reply. He took a moment to think about what to say.
It's right. I had a great time too. We'll do it again, and soon. F xo
Grinning, Finn pressed the button for the elevator.
The room was pitch black when Finn entered. "Sam must be asleep. I need to pee and then get to bed myself," he thought.
He walked into the bathroom, closed the door before turning on the light. He unzipped, hauled out his penis, aimed and let go. Finn groaned aloud with relief.
"Is that you, Finn?"
He'd just finished shaking off when he heard the voice. Forgetting his dick, Finn jumped and turned around. "What the fuck! Sam?"
"Yes, I'm in here."
Finn looked at the only place Sam could be, which was the bathtub. He pulled back the shower curtain and noticed the clothes in the corner. Sam looked up at him and started to giggle.
"What the fuck, Sam! Why are you in here and what's so damn funny?"
Sam pointed at Finn's crotch.
"Christ." Finn quickly shoved his waving penis back into his pants and zipped up. After a sigh he continued. "Why are you in here?"
Sam got to his feet and reached for a towel. "I was too hot, I needed some water. Humans are funny with their … their parts."
Finn looked at Sam who stood there with no clothes. For the most part he looked human, but there was nothing between his legs; no hair anywhere, and no belly button or nipples.
Sam took the proffered towel and dried himself. He stepped out of the tub, picked up his discarded clothes, and walked in front of Finn back to the main room.
"He does have a nice ass though … but I think that's a tiny tail." Finn's silent musing continued and he chuckled as he thought, "Can salamanders only bottom?"
"I know you're looking at my backside. I know you're gay," Sam said. "I am not."
"Well how do you … do you—?"
"Reproduce? We don't have sex like humans. My sexual organs are internal. Males deposit … um … a package of sperm in a cone shaped gelatinous mass and the female we mate with can pick it up with a special vent in her body, then she will lay eggs a few weeks later." Sam sat on his bed. "Did you have sex tonight?"
"Geez, Sam."
"Is that a wrong question?" Sam blinked at Finn, who sat on his own bed.
"Well, it's a bit personal for us, but maybe you're more open."
Sam crawled up his bed and lay down. "Sorry, but did you?"
"No, we didn't. This was our first date and … well, I really like him."
"So, will you get married?"
Finn laughed. "Too soon to tell."
"How many dates do you need to have before you can tell?"
Finn pulled off his shirt and trousers, and hung them up. He climbed into bed. "I don't know for sure. I think you just sort of know when it's right."
"It's very complicated, your world."
"I suppose so." After plumping up the pillows Finn rested against them. "So, you don't have to do all this stuff to find a wife or mate. How do you live? I mean do you live in houses? What's it like where you come from?"
"The females let us males know when they are ready to mate. We are longer lived than the other branches of our species that humans know as salamanders. Our evolutionary path was much different, but in many aspects we are the same as they."
"I guess you are. But I was wondering—"
"Finn, it is late and we must rest. I will show you all, like my father did for yours, but the trip is long, isn't it? So, we should sleep."
"Yeah, okay. I'm curious."
Sam flopped over onto his right side facing away from Finn. "I know and I will answer all your questions in the morning. Until the dawn, Finn."
"Yeah, good night."
After showers in the morning—hot for Finn, cold for Sam—they walked to the front desk, and Finn checked them out. They used the complimentary guest computer to rent a car and then decided to go for breakfast.
"Did you eat the rest of your food, Sam?"
"Yes, while you were in the shower, but you need to eat. I will just have a glass of water."
They waited in a short line for a table at the restaurant. The hostess smiled at them and led them to a table, wished them a good day and departed.
"Hello, I'm Miranda, your server this morning. Can I get you anything while you look at the menu?" The young woman placed a basket which held three muffins and a tub of butter on the table.
"Thanks. Can we just order now?" Finn looked up from his menu.
"Yes, of course. What can I get for you?"
"I'll have the bacon and eggs, please. Over easy, brown toast, and coffee."
Miranda scribbled in her little pad. "Great, thank you. And for you, Sir?"
Sam smiled. "Just water for me and bacon, please. Can I have that Pierre water, please?"
Miranda looked up from her pad. "Pierre?"
Finn smiled. "He means Perrier."
"Yes, we have Perrier. Thank you. There is a basket of fresh muffins and butter here. I'll be back with your drinks."
"Bacon? I thought you didn't like cooked food." Finn sat back in the booth.
Sam giggled. "Well, everyone has a guilty pleasure." He reached for a muffin and broke it apart.
"Yeah, I suppose they do."
"I prefer raw food, but I have learned to like a few things. It's easier when I am out in your world." He nibbled on a Morning Glory muffin.
"Yesterday then? The business about needing worms?"
Sam made a face. "I'm sorry, but I did need them."
"Maybe so, but you were acting like you'd never been out of your cave, except to come for me? Now you're telling me that you've obviously spent time among us before? Why lie?"
"Not so much a lie …" Sam sighed and gazed at Finn. "I didn't have long to figure you out, Finn. My life … our world is at stake. I needed to know if you cared, and if I could trust you."
After a short pause to consider things, Finn sipped his coffee, and said, "Yeah, okay. I can understand where you're coming from."
"Here we are gentlemen." Miranda had returned with a plate in each hand. "Bacon for you, and the full-monty for you!"
Finn smiled. "Thanks very much.
"Thank you!" Sam gazed at his plate of bacon. He rolled a slice up and popped it in his mouth. "Mmmm … yummy."
They ate with determination, wanting to get on the road.
Miranda arrived back at the table just as Sam ate his final bite of bacon and muffin.
"May I get anything more for you?"
Finn looked up and said, "No, thank you. Just the bill, please." In his hand was a credit card.
"No thanks, the muffins were really nice!"
"Thank you, Sir." Miranda took the mobile payment machine from her apron. She tapped a few keys and handed it Finn, who slid in his card and finished the transaction. He gave the machine back.
"Thanks again. Hope we'll see you again soon." Miranda smiled as she walked away.
Finn glanced at Sam. "Ready to go?"
They got up and walked out past the lengthening line for the restaurant, and out the front of the hotel. They turned north.
"Is the car place far, Finny?"
"No. Just a couple of blocks."
They walked together in silence. Finn went inside once they reached the rental agency.
"I would like to sit in the sun for a few minutes. Is that okay?" Sam said. He settled on small retaining wall. Finn left their bags with him.
"Sure, I won't be long."
Finn returned, and the agency man brought the car around. Sam watched as they walked around the car together.
Finn signed something on a clipboard and handed it back to the man, who gave him keys and a folder.
"Thanks very much."
"No problem. Have a nice trip."
Finn walked to where Sam sat with their bags. "You doing okay?"
Sam smiled broadly from under his baseball cap. "Yes, Finn. Are we ready now to go?"
"Yeah we are. Let's get on the road." Finn retrieved his bag and pulled Sam to his feet. They walked to the Jeep and put the bags in the back. Sam climbed into the passenger seat and waited for Finn to get in and put on his own seat belt.
He started the car and turn north into traffic. "Here we go, Sam! Hopefully it won't be too busy. Let me know if you need to stop."
"Okay, Finn." He grinned. "Road trip!"
Finn laughed. "Yeah, it certainly is. But once we get out of Vancouver, it's still another five or six hours to home.
"Yes, it will be nice to be home again."
Finn hoped the same thing.
Sanctuary sat on five hundred acres of mostly untouched land that backed onto Wells Gray Provincial Park.
Finn drove over the rutted drive which led to an iron gate. It was the boundary of the estate. The old black paint had rubbed off the vertical bars, and was peeling away along the top of the large letters which were the name of the place. On the left side of the gate: Sanc; and on the right: tuary.
He stopped the Jeep and got out. He unlocked the gate with a large old key and pushed the right side of the entrance open. Once he'd driven through, Finn got out again, closed and locked the barrier.
Sam was silent until the last turn in the rough track. "Stop here, please, Finn."
"This is where I will get out and go home. Remember, your mother knows nothing of us."
"Why is that, I'd like to know? In any case okay. How do I get in touch with you, Sam?"
Sam blinked his golden eyes and smiled. "Truthfully, I don't really know why. It's just how it has always been. That doesn't mean it is right, just that it has been always that way. Maybe it is time to change?"
"Maybe, but I don’t think I'll start with my mother. I just need her to let me take over the place."
"Yes." Sam retrieved his bag, and got out of the vehicle. "Come and I'll show you how to let me know you are in need of me."
Leaving the Jeep running Finn walked to a small pile of stone that held up a reflector indicating the turn. It would be needed in the dark.
"Here Finn, just put this white rock on top of this black one. I will know then."
Finn looked down. It was a simple solution. "Okay. I don't suppose you have a cell phone?"
"No, and there is little service out here in any case."
"Yeah." Finn paused and looked at his friend. "I guess I'll go and see Mother. We'll talk soon, okay?"
Sam smiled. "Yes. I will go and see my family now. See you, Finn."
"Later." Finn walked back to the car and climbed in. He looked ahead. He could see the house, and inside would be his mother. He put the Jeep into drive and went forward.
Thanks to AC and molly for their editing and for reading this. You two make things much easier, your input and opinions are irreplaceable. xo
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
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