Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
Blueblood 5: Exposed The Secrets about V5H Revealed - 27. The Wedding: Part One
You're still with me, Daniel. I love you, Baby.
The Wedding, Part 1
The first weekend in June. That was the date set for the wedding…or weddings? Ten of our friends were getting married at the same time. Okay? Someone set the time to marry to be in June and we held to that tradition…hardly any other traditions, but the date. The weather in this part of the world was always mild and seldom freezing; the summer here could be brutal…for me. Swelteringly hot often…like the day I met Colin. It wasn’t now! It was warm with a nice breeze from the ocean. The late spring and flowers bloomed everywhere. The plantation was alive and fragrant with the smell of those flowers and grass growing that had been freshly cut. There were workers all over the grounds working and inside the house.
This wedding was something I did not have that much to do with...as in the planning or anything. Mom and Gabriella were women possessed getting things together. We were back in Charleston a week before. Dr. Canaday did not like it one bit. Both George and Kev were going to be gone for three weeks at minimum, but it was their wedding! Which had been planned before Dr. Canaday had arrived so how could he argue? I thought it was good for our Navy Commander to research things on his own. It wasn’t that we didn’t invite him, but…how long had he known George or Kev? He knew the wedding was odd and very few outside of a certain circle were coming.
I had watched men building something in the yard. It turned out to be a rounded platform like a half moon. There were five pedestals set up in a semi-circle that looked like small waist-high pillars. I was told that was where the rings would be placed just before the ceremony. Then I saw things come in the ballroom and I was startled when I saw a huge gold head of an Egyptian Pharaoh with the striped blue headdress that stood about three feet high, the headpiece that rose over his head, but very, very Egyptian and very majestic. I know you’ve seen one. There were suits of armor from different countries and times. Swords and shields. The flags of the United States, Great Britain, and the Romanian were displayed. There was a cake that was delivered that had to be assembled at the house. It was huge! It had to be for the five couples. It had blue icing with white decorative trim! I hadn’t realized how much planning Gabriella and Mom had put into this wedding. Even the cummerbund and little bowtie colors were planned. I looked them over as Gabriella came in the foyer as she was looking at a clipboard she carried marking things off as she saw something was done. The tuxedos had been pressed and delivered but not taken upstairs yet and I looked at the plastic covered suits and the dangling cummerbunds with the matching bowties. I smiled as I saw what they’d done.
“What do you think?” She asked me.
“These colors are an interesting choice.” I pointed out to her. “One is missing.”
Gabriella gave a slight rise of her head. “No, they are all here.”
“There are five couples,” I said. “You have the red, orange, yellow, green and that light purple.”
“That’s lilac.” Gabriella corrected and looked at me smiling. “All the colors will be there. There are six couples going to be up there.”
“There is no blue.”
She touched me lightly. “The Wentworths are blue. Remember? Indigo? You and Daddy will be wearing that color.” She chuckled. “While doing research, I found the colors for the Gay Pride flag.” She shook her head marveling. “Your own flag!? Who would have imagined you would have your own flag?” She nodded again amazed. “The world has really changed!”
“Well, being what we are is the one thing we all have in common. We don’t have a flag as vampires, but…not all are vampires...so,” I shrugged.
Gabriella chuckled again. “With your love of movies and naming things, I surprised you haven’t thought of one.”
My eyebrows rose. “Well, I think we need to be a little more united first. I’ll have to give it some thought. I’ve been busy! I’m working on it!” To which she just laughed and kissed me on the cheek and went to do...Gabriella things elsewhere.
We were having more than a few guests. The grooms’ families were going to be there. Wayne’s daughter Katie, her husband Sean with there his grandchildren. Amir for Amasis. Gaius’ son Nicolae and daughter-in-law Helga and their children. Mark’s parents and brother were coming. Stan’s mother and a sister were coming. Ruben Chance and his wife were coming. Dr. Hathaway from England was coming. Edwin and Matt, also from England were coming. Mitch McKenzie, his cousins David and Sasha were coming. Of course, Chuck was coming and bringing Amanda!
“Devon!” I heard Colin call as he entered the foyer. “Stan’s and Mark’s family just came through the gate.”
“I can’t wait to meet them,” I said honestly and smiled going with Colin to greet them at the door. Seeing the constant activity as people were doing things about the house, I couldn’t help but smile. This was an important week. Now, I was meeting the people that helped to shape Stan and Mark into who they are.
Okay, this was very dramatic to me, but we went out on the wide front porch and stood together as the limousine, a stretch but not one of those super-stretches, pulled up to a lazy stop. Colin’s arm came around me as we stood together. Mark didn’t even wait for the chauffeur to open the door for anyone as he quickly got out and ran to the other side and opened the door on the other side. Stan came out from the same door Mark had used but stooped to offer his hand to someone. The woman that got out was in her late fifties, hair was done up in a rather matronly way, but her blonde was now dusting the color with grey. While not fat at all, she had a few more pounds than necessary. In a nice pink dress, her purse on her arm her free hand touching her chest as she gaped at the house, looked back at the fountain and surrounding yard.
“Oh, my!!!” She said in a near whisper.
Then a young woman about sixteen or seventeen got out. She wore a floral dress she’d worn for travel. She had blonde hair also the same color as Stan’s. She was pretty.
“Blonde hair is a trait for the Martins,” I whispered to Colin shaking my head smiling. “Poor things.” I felt Colin tighten his arm around me as he chuckled.
Mark was helping a woman out with dark black hair. She was well dressed, but clearly...she was Latina! Dark hair was done upon her head, but not cut, but adorned her head. She was in her mid to late fifties. Her figure was trimmer wearing one of those colors that was not quite purple...I told you women make up names to confuse men, it wasn’t dark like a grape, but it wasn’t lavender like on the flag. Puce? As a child, I thought they said puke is why I remembered it, but... The man in his late fifties or early sixties followed got out next. In a dark sports jacket and shirt with no tie, he was comfortable. He had dark hair but was grey in the temples and some mixing through his dark hair, but he had Mark’s face...or Mark had his. He wasn’t fat either, I believe the word would be “thicker.” He was a distinguished looking, handsome Caucasian man. You know what I mean. He too was staring up at the house.
“Wow.” The man said simply.
A young man about five years younger than Mark got out. He was thinner than Mark but he and his brother shared the dark hair and similar facial features. “Damn!” His brother said.
His mother rolled her eyes. “Dios mío, Marvin, muestra buenos modales.”
Even without the translator, I took enough Spanish to know what she said. I chuckled at the maternal display telling her son to show some good manners.
“That’s what I wanted from people.” Colin, who understood, told me quietly. “The wow-effect.” His eyebrows danced and then said to them. “Welcome to Wentworth Manor!”
Mark looked up grinning at me and Colin. “Mom, Dad...this is Colin and Devon Wentworth.” He introduced bringing his mother up the steps to meet us. “Devon, Colin, this is my mother Marcella Goddard and this great guy.” He pulled his father closer. “This is my dad, Dean Goddard.” He thumbed with a grin to his brother who followed his parents up the steps. “My brother Marvin Goddard over there.” Marvin merely smirked with a grunt at his older brother for the praise-free introduction. It was clear Mark’s usual antics and behaviors were also shared and probably honed from years of interactions between him and Marvin.
We were shaking hands with them and I leaned into Marcella. “I think that was just fine what Marvin said. It wasn’t bad manners, he was doing what Colin wanted him to do.”
Marcella smiled but shook her head. “You speak Spanish?”
I nodded. “Sí, perosólo un poco.” I said I spoke a little.
Stan came up with his mother and sister. “This is my mother Doris Martin and my sister Cindy.”
Colin and I shook their hands. “It’s a pleasure to meet you all,” Colin said. “This is an important week for Stan and Mark. I’m glad you could come to be a part of it.”
Doris was still taking in the flowers and the front of the house. “When Stanley said he was getting married here...I’d seen it on that show on TV...”
“At Stan’s insistence, but this is much bigger in real life,” Cindy added.
“This sure beats what I saw on Gone With The Wind!” Marvin said.
Colin chuckled. “Well, the only Scarlet here is my cousin Gabriella and Devon’s and now...my mother.”
“But they never say fiddle-dee-dee,” I added,
Colin motioned toward the wide front door. “You can come in a make yourselves comfortable.” Then he thought. “If you aren’t tired...”
The answer was that they were following us to the door.
“Things are a little busy, but that shouldn’t be a problem for us,” I warned. “We have coffee and other drinks…” I considered the time. It was about three in the afternoon. “We can have something to eat or prepared if you would like something, but dinner will be about six-thirty.”
Mark practically bounced. “Wait until you see inside!” He said not quite rushing them forward toward the front door.
Once more, there was the slight echo of the footsteps in the cavernous foyer and they all did the turn at the intersection of the hallway and corridor.
This time Marvin let out a much quieter and longer. “Daaamn.”
Marcella said something again with her eyes rolling at her son’s lack of what she thought were good manners. Dean Goddard’s mouth was now gaping, too.
“My Stanley is a part of this!? How?” Doris asked not quite getting it.
Colin nodded. “He and Mark are very much a part of this. They are family.” He explained logically.
Marvin turned when he heard that. “So, that makes us what? In-laws?”
Colin shook his head. “No. You’re Mark’s family. That makes you family to us, too.” He grinned at Marvin.
“I can have access to this!?” Marvin grinned pointing at the floor to make sure.
Colin nodded. “Sure, just let us know first, but sure. Anytime.”
Marvin looked up at the high ceiling. “Can I pick a room!?”
Mark frowned. “Not this time, little brother. It’s big, but not that big.”
Stan bowed a little. “I run their computers.” He said simply to his mother.
I walked closer to Stan. “Do not minimize what you are, Stan.” I looked at his mother. “Your son is brilliant. A genius. He doesn’t just run our computer. He’s done amazing things with the computer.”
Stan was getting pink. “Well, Buddy is…”
“No, Stan.” I interrupted. “Buddy is a tool. It’s a good one, but the magic you are able to do with Buddy is miraculous.”
Colin nodded. “Devon’s right. Buddy, the computer he uses who your son named, is a good tool that you know Buddy backward and forward. The truth is…with you at the keyboard, Buddy is you, Stan.”
I grinned as Stan bowed again a little more growing redder. I walked to Mark. “Mark and Stan ingratiated themselves with no problem. In fact,” I looked closer at Mark, “tell them and I’ll deny it. These two became family quickly and loved within days. Apposed to the longer period for Chuck and Shelly. They are now, but you two…Stan with his brilliance and personality. Mark for his keen wit, compassion, and sense of duty…firm sets of values that he carried every moment.”
Dean chuckled. “Yes, that’s Mark. When he told us about Stan…it was sort of short, kind of cut and dry.” He smiled at Mark. “Dad, Mom, he said to us, I’ve found someone that means so much to me and I’m going to marry to make a part of my life. Stan is the one I’m marrying. He’s a great human being. Now, if you have issues with the fact that he’s a man, fine. My mind is made up. Have your issues, questions on how and why, but just know, this is what’s happening.” He reached over and patted his son’s shoulder proudly.
“What choice did we have?” Marcella nodded and shrugged. “We got to know Stan and he is what Mark said. He’s a great human being. So, we just accepted it.”
We walked further into the house and headed to the library/music room.
“Well, I took a little longer,” Doris admitted. “I was not surprised about Stanley, but when I met Mark, I was not prepared.” She saw our eyes and shook her head. “No, I pretty well knew Stanley was gay. He was always a very sensitive little boy.” She shrugged. “I thought he would be, but when I met Mark.” She gave a sad smile. “Understand, I didn’t mind, but...I guess I’m a victim of stereotyping as well.” She looked at Mark with a smile. “When I met Mark, he was so...masculine.” She quickly turned to her son. “Not that you aren’t, Stanley, but...when he said he wanted to go into the FBI, I thought he wouldn’t make it, but he did.”
I nodded. “We aren’t all the same, Mrs. Martin.”
Doris shook her head. “No, you’re not.”
“The reason Stan left the FBI is because they would have broken Mark and Stan up after they married,” Colin said. “I challenge you to find one man in this wedding that would qualify for what you think they would be.”
“No,” I shook my head. “There are some soldiers...all very male men getting married on Saturday. Not a limp wrist among them.”
“I rather think...” Colin ventured, “we are just male members of our species that saw something in another male of our species we decided to include in our lives.”
Robert, our faithful houseman, came in wheeling a cart with the fancy silver set with that shined silver coffee pot, all the different creamers and things to the side. “I have coffee for everyone if you like.” He said happily pointing to the big pot. “There is tea, Earl Grey.” He pointed to the other smaller pot. “I can do sodas or iced tea as well.” He reached down and brought out two larger mugs and handed one to Colin. “This is Colin’s favorite coffee. Death Wish. It’s very strong, but I’ll give that to anyone interested.” He handed me mine. “Devon likes his Death Wish cold. Can I interest anyone in something?”
Once we got to talking, I saw the dynamics of these two families. Mark and Marvin...they were brothers. They had a good-natured teasing and knew how to irritate the other well. It’s just what brothers did. There was a connection between them as they laughed and joked with each other. Marcella took her sons antics with the occasional comment she had apparently done from the time she gave birth to the two. Dean was tolerant and seemed unbothered at his sons’ behavior. He was used to it and approved!
I found out Stan’s father had gone, why I didn’t find out, but shortly after Cindy’s birth. He was gone. Doris coddled Stan as a child and still did a bit. Overprotective. She loved him. She was his mother! I did see that she had not expected him to achieve what he had. I was curious that she didn’t understand Stan’s ability to achieve recognition for what he did so she hadn’t expected it. Stan was a genius. I didn’t have to see his IQ scores to know that, but it puzzled me how she couldn’t see that. Doris was a nice lady, but she hadn’t passed brilliance to Stan, or it might have skipped a generation or two? I don’t know! I wasn’t being mean, but...she was not a sophisticated woman. I’m sorry. She was Stan’s mother. End of discussion. He was abused, according to Mark by an uncle. I knew that. Yet, Stan triumphed. That said a hell of a lot about Stan to me.
The formal dining room was filling up. No complaints from Colin or me, but we had to add the leaves to the table to expand the table! And put another table in the library/music room. Because the next day Gaius, Vlad, George, John, Nicolae, Helga, Rica, Gina, and Jan arrived and we introduced Mark’s and Stan’s family to them. Doris was shocked at Vlad, Gaius, and Nicolae. They were large men! Nothing about Vlad and Gaius said anything about any of them except they were Romanian! Oh, and Gaius’ eyepatch added a little something she hadn’t anticipated. Kev and Ellis also arrived. Then Wayne and Amasis arrived with Sean, Katy, Karen, Scott, and Kelly! The house was getting crowded! Add Willie, Mom, Gabriella, and Alex to the mix. It was wall to wall people! It was great!!
Colin pulled me over as we came down to the evening meal after changing. “Look at this!” He said happily as he pointed from the bottom of the stairs as they all talked and laughed. “When I was bitten...even after I got back here. I knew of a few vampires, but now...look at all of them!”
I grinned put my arms around him. “And they are all family!”
Colin nodded. “I may have to expand!” He sounded excited about that!
Ellis was entertaining as he often went into his Cockney accent making people laugh and asking what he said. We had worried about Rica, Gina, and Jan not having anyone to socialize with their age. Now, they had Scott and Kelly. Karen was too adult now for such juvenile things. Marvin had zeroed in on her. Gina was in conversations with Scott if not talking with Kelly. There were no language barriers here. If there was a problem, we had the translators available. There was no bachelor party, just a lot of great people under our roof. There was a symphony of sounds of laughter and talking to be heard. We had hired additional servers for the wedding and reception, but also to serve when the family arrived. They were needed.
Getting people settled for the night was not challenging, Mom and Willie had their own house, so did Gabriella and Alex. There were guest houses for everyone as not everyone could have a room in the main house.
I almost felt guilty as we went to our huge bedroom. Almost. Colin was in the bathroom this time, I was waiting for him. He grinned at me as he came over toward the bed as I was doing my come here gesture with my finger.
“We’ll have a busy day tomorrow,” I said as he slid in his arms coming around me as we settled back together.
“Yes.” He cocked his head. “Does that mean you want to postpone any activities now that we’re in bed?”
“Of course not!” I answered readily. “You and I don’t have to be so...vigorous.” I ran my fingers in his hair and gazed into his emerald eyes. “I don’t want you tired tomorrow.”
Colin smiled. “Well, passion just happens.” He shrugged. “We can’t really control it.” He smiled as we kissed gently. “I’ll have my coffee ready if needed.” He rolled us so I was on top of him. “I love you, Devon.”
I nodded. “I know you do, Colin,” I said softly. “I love you, Colin.”
“I know.”
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
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