Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
November Falls - 14. Chapter 14 - Ember
“Brady… Ember… What the…” Justin thundered surprise.
“Holy shit!” I heard Brady yell clearly shocked which woke me. The mattress bounced from the speed at which Brady leaped from the bed. I sat up just in time to see Brady snatch his clothes from Justin bare-arsed, some distant banging sounds were coming from the hallway like someone was hopping, then I heard the front door slam shut.
“Shit!” I roared, punching the pillow in frustration, “Justin what the hell, man!”
Justin stood in the doorway bewildered, he frowned at me then looked back down the hallway, then again at me, “I… I didn’t know,” he shifted nervously, “I… didn’t think, I came home to… the place looked like a frat party had gone on,” he pointed down the hallway.
“What? Shit! I need to fix this,” I threw the covers off climbing out of bed, I grabbed a pair of boxers out the drawer.
“Sorry Ember,” Justin apologised anxiously, “the kitchen looked like a tornado had gone through it, a chair turned over, coffee spilled everywhere, everything on the buffet is all over the floor. I thought that maybe… then there are clothes all the way from the kitchen,” Justin stopped as the lightbulb actually registered, “Shit Ember, I didn’t know. This wasn’t what I was expecting… your door was open…”
Waving my hand at him dismissively as I searched for some jeans and a tee, “I’m sorry, it’s not your fault, I can’t believe I didn’t shut the door. Dammit,” I stood up from the drawer I was rummaging through, “how am I going to fix this?”
“I dunno mate, probably talking to him would be a start. And when did this all start Ember? I mean you were dead set against even talking to him let alone him working with us?” Justin asked, “How did you get from Brady Fuckin’ Douglass, just the mention of his name you would lose your shit to ending up in bed together?”
“I don’t know Justin…” I really don’t.
“Are you just fooling around Ember, because that’s not a good idea you know that right?” Justin questioned me.
“No, we aren’t,” I said emphatically while putting my Levi’s on, “I don’t know Justin, I don’t know what this is, it’s not like we really had a chance to talk.”
“I’ll apologise later, but I promise not to breathe a word of it to anyone. You know I wouldn’t do that,” Justin answered worriedly.
Nodding my head, I finished gathering my clothes, “Thanks, Justin, I know you wouldn’t mate. I don’t know when it all changed, but maybe what you’ve been telling me has finally sunk in, probably should thank you for that, but I have to go and fix this first buddy.”
Justin had moved away from the doorway, “Hey Jus,” I called out, he popped his head around the door frame, “do you know where Brady lives?” he nodded, “Can you text me the address please?”
“Isn’t that where you stayed the other night?” He asked me raising an eyebrow.
I felt my face go red, “Uh… maybe, I can’t be sure… it’s a long story, could you please just text me the address.” How did he know that?
The intention was to have a quick shower, get dressed, go to see Brady. I got into the shower tilting my face up toward the stream, feeling the water flow over me washing away the anxiety of the past few hours. The calming effect brought back the feeling of Brady like it was natural triggering in an instant the playback reel from last night something hit play. Without even thinking my hand went to my rapidly growing cock. I knew now is not the time, but my cock got harder I could feel the desire building in me a radiating heat started in my chest and continued up my neck. A groan escaped calling out his name. All I could do was keep stroking myself, memories of Brady were overwhelming the way he felt in my hands, his lips on mine while our tongues danced. God, his whole body was so responsive, every touch every kiss, I stroked faster to the memory of the sounds he makes. The way he looks when he lets go, my eyes tightly closed as my orgasm ripped through my entire body, “Fuck!” I called out as I came ribbon after ribbon of my release hit the shower floor. Worried I’d collapse, I held the tap as my legs went to rubber. After that climax I could barely breathe, leaning on the cool tiles while I calmed down. I haven’t had an orgasm that strong since… well, last night. I can’t believe I had sex with Brady Douglass. Damn it was hot.
Justin had texted me the address by the time I got into my car, I input it in the SATNAV to follow the instructions. He only lived on the other side of town so it would only take me fifteen minutes to drive there. I still can’t believe I had sex with Brady Douglass, how the hell did this happen. He came over all blustery and pissy, he looked so relaxed, humble, utterly gorgeous in his casual clothes, with those damn glasses of his. Brady must wear contacts to work, I’ve only seen him wear his glasses a couple of times besides yesterday. He wore them when he came to pick up his car when he first came back to town, his interview, then yesterday. Why don’t I hate him? If this is the real Brady, then why wasn’t he like this at high school. “Why Brady?” I said out loud pensively. I’ve always hated the guy since high school, he just seems so different now. Of course, he’s different, he’s twenty years older, but that’s not it, he’s just different… a nice guy.
Oooh, coffee, I pulled to the side of the road, parking. I hopped out of the car rushing inside. Thankfully, there were only a few people, a young guy behind the counter looked up at me with tired eyes, “Welcome to Barista Kings, what would you like?” he asked lazily not even looking me in the eye.
“Yeah, can I get a macchiato and uh…” I don’t even know how he likes his coffee. He has been in the city for a long time he probably has something… “a chai latte? A couple of Danish pastries,” I told him curtly.
He sighed, “Coming up, that’ll be fifteen-eighty, thanks,” I paid by card, then chucked a couple of dollars in the tip jar, moving around the counter to the pickup side to make room for any other customers that came in.
The interactions Brady and I have had all led to either fighting with him or like Friday, kissing him, or last night… For some reason, I feel a connection with the damn guy, not in a bad way like it used to be. Maybe I have always been attracted to him, but it was overshadowed by all the teenage drama bullshit. I am so freakin’ confused. It is hard to reconcile the asshole I knew in school to the guy I went to bed with yesterday. Something has changed, but I can’t work out what it is, we have not really talked except last night after we had sex and that was not anything of substance, then we fell asleep until this morning. I don’t think I’ve slept that well in a long time.
“Here you go Sir,” A chirpy little blonde haired girl said to me giving me a tray with my two coffees and a bag holding the pastries.
“Thanks,” Grabbing the tray making my way out to the truck then set off to Brady’s.
Maybe if I could just stop randomly kissing Brady, falling into bed with him after an argument, we could actually get to know each other. Pulling up at the house, Brady’s SUV was parked in the driveway. This is not a common part of town that I venture to, the new residential estate. The houses are a little oversized for the small blocks as far as I am concerned. I prefer older homes with character, more significant land block size. These places are built so close together you could probably reach out the window and touch your neighbour's house, hear their conversations even.
Stop stalling Ember, just do it. All of a sudden I feel nervous, why am I here? It is not like we are in a relationship. Do I even want a relationship with Brady? How could this work? Could this work? Shit!
Hmm, yep, this is definitely the house I did the walk of shame yesterday. God, I hope his son isn’t home; as if this is not stressful enough, geez, stop over thinking this Ember. Over by the front tap sat a blue and white Yamaha YZF-R1 motorcycle on the grass shining from a wash down, and a dark red Ford F-250 Raptor parked in front of Brady’s SUV. I wonder who owns that, nice truck, makes mine look like a rusted Tonka toy. I really should get a new truck, I looked back at mine. There is nothing wrong with it mechanically it runs like a dream, but the thing is almost as old as my nephew AJ, it’s starting to show its age, I guess.
Blowing out a nervous breath, holding the coffee and pastries I walked to the front door.
Knock! Knock!
I gently tapped on the door then stepped back, so I wasn’t crowding the entrance. A couple of moments later I was face to face with Cameron dressed in his riding gear, crunching into an apple. Ah! This must be his place. Brady’s brother stepped to the side with his hand indicating for me to come in.
“He’s in the kitchen,” Cameron said to me, I pointed in the direction I thought the kitchen would be. He nodded taking another bite of his apple, “Hey Ember,” Cameron said, I stopped turning toward him expecting him to be an ass, but his eyes made it clear not to hurt his brother, “please take it easy on him. He’s a good guy.”
“I will, don’t worry,” I answered before moving to the kitchen, the two Douglass brothers are nothing like what I remember them to be. It is becoming more evident that I am the only one whose has not changed. Seems I have spent the last twenty years being bitter, insecure, letting my past dictate my future. No wonder I am still alone, the only person who ruined my dream of having the whole family, house, dog thing is me. I just hope I am not too late. Maybe if I get to know Brady properly… could it be him, perhaps… he would want the same things? I doubt that though he has already raised his kids.
The kitchen was what I had expected in a new modern home. The walls are all painted white, kitchen cupboards black along with the granite countertops. The appliances were stainless steel, the place spotless except for a coffee mug upturned on the drying rack. Brady is sitting at the table flipping through a magazine, he had showered, but his face portrayed sadness, his body language withdrawn. I feel like an arse.
“Hey,” I said as I approached Brady, not wanting to startle him.
He looked up from the magazine, his face went bright red, he looked angry. Shit! I closed the distance between us putting the coffees on the table, setting the pastry bag next to them.
“I bring gifts , coffee and pastries, I got you a chai latte if you don’t like that you can have my macchiato. I couldn't remember what coffee you drank,” I offered.
“Thanks, chai latte is perfect.”
“Great,” I said sliding his cup across the table, “I have Danish did you want one.”
“Sure, thank you,” he answered softly.
“Is it alright if I sit?”
He held out his hand to indicate to the chair, “Please,” Brady grabbed the pastry bag looking in, he got up getting plates from the cupboard. He sat back in his seat pulling out a Danish, “you don’t want anything,” he said breaking the tension between us. I waved him off, he could have both. We sat in uncomfortable silence while Brady ate his Danish and drank his coffee, for some reason I didn’t want mine anymore, I just sipped at it.
“Brae, I’m going to take off,” Cameron said from behind me, I turned so I could see him, Cameron zipped up his leather riding jacket, “call if you need me,” Cam gave me a hard stare. Ooh, Scary! I have to stop that, I can not blame Cameron for looking out his brother, he is supposed to.
“Okay, I’ll be fine, thanks, Cam,” Brady told him with a smile, it didn’t quite make it to his eyes.
Cameron pulled his phone from his pocket as it rang, answering while he left the room, “Hey you, I’ll be there in ten.”
The problem with apologies this big is that it is hard to know where to start. I turned back around to face Brady, after I heard the front door close, okay it is time to jump of the cliff.
“I’m sorry about this morning Brady. I forgot Justin was staying with me otherwise I would have made sure the bedroom was shut.”
Brady swallowed while he stared at me, his jaw tightened as he looked away.
“Justin apologised, he said that he said he would call you later. He was just surprised Brady, he also said he would not tell anybody,” I relayed the apology.
“Thanks, November,” Brady said pulling a piece of pastry off tossing it into his mouth, “I’m sorry I took off like that. I was embarrassed.”
“Were you embarrassed because you were caught, or embarrassed by being caught with me?”
Brady stared at his pastry like it was the most interesting thing in the world. I guess that says it all right there, the silence is almost deafening. Standing to leave, I apologised again.
“Don’t go,” he muttered quietly.
His eye drew up to me, there is a lot of sadness and pain in his eyes, my stomach dropped, my chest tightened at the thought.
“What is it that you want Brady? I’m more confused than I’ve ever been. I need you to tell me what you want. I’m finding it hard to reconcile the man here now with the guy in high school. You’ve changed, I don’t mean your appearance.” I smiled at him, he looked at me through his long eyelashes, so sexy. Brady stayed silent, so I continued, “It seems the only person that hasn’t changed is me,” I pulled the chair over next to him then sat down. Brady looked at me resting his chin on his shoulder, so he was looking me in the eye, “I have held onto all the hate and anger from twenty years ago, letting it seep into my life holding me back. That’s on me not you, I would like to get to know you Brady, the real you.”
Brady took a shaky breath, “I would really like that November…”
I closed my eyes, “Please call me Ember?”
“Sorry, Ember, I would like to get to know you too.”
“Did you want to spend the day together we could go to the city or the market, something?”
Brady watched me for a moment biting his bottom lip, “I can’t sorry, Novy will be home shortly. How about next weekend sometime?”
“I wish I could, but I’m taking AJ up to Glen Lakes for a motocross, I’ll also have little Ember. Aaron and April are going to a wedding out of town, so I have both of the kids.”
“Shit! I forgot about that, I’m taking Novy too,” Brady grumbled at his lack of memory.
“That’s perfect then, we’ll be able to spend the weekend getting to know each other. Leave it to me, I’ll organise everything. Have you organised your accommodation yet?” I asked with a bit of excitement, things seemed to be looking up.
Brady shook his head no, “We usually just bunk in the back of the bike trailer as it’s usually only for one night.”
“Great, I have a twin room booked because I have the kids. I’ll see if they can put a cot in there since there will be five of us. We’ll sort everything else out when we get there. Do you mind going Friday night after work?”
“No that’s fine,” Brady answered with a small smile, “Just let me know what my half of the cost will be. I’ll reimburse you for half of the room.”
I waved him off, “We can sort it out later,” I stood from my chair, “I know we have a lot to talk about, but I’ll get out of your hair for now. I’ll email you the itinerary when it’s sorted.”
Brady nodded, I squeezed his shoulder as I turned to leave. When I got to halfway through the living room Brady called out, I stopped turning around to see him come through the archway from the kitchen. He walked straight up to me laying his lips on mine, the kiss passionate and possessive, Brady broke the kiss, “I’m not embarrassed to be seen with you Ember, I didn’t mean to imply that. I guess it’s just a lot at the moment,” he waved his hand around, “everything has changed, I’m trying to adjust.”
Grabbing his waist, I pulled him closer, gently kissing him once, twice, three times, “Don’t sweat it,” I whispered. Brady gave me a goofy smile, “I’ll see you tomorrow at work.”
Have a great weekend everyone. John and Joh.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
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