Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
Widderkin - 4. Chapter 4
Chapter 4.
"That's crazy. He was there in the room with me all the time. He knows I couldn't have, and why’s he getting you to tell me all this? He should be doing it himself."
It was a week after the scholarship exam and Mr B. had just told Kieran the senior maths lecturer was claiming he must have cheated somehow because his results were too good to be true.
"He knew I'd been coaching you, Kieran, and that it was on my recommendation you entered, so he discussed it with me and we decided you'd accept it better from me."
"I don't accept it. It’s completely untrue."
"After all that effort and your level of achievement I don't accept it either, but word came in from several students that you knew the questions before you went in."
"That's crazy too."
Kieran's anger lifted to a new level but then he paused.
"Did that come from Tan?"
"No. It didn't. Why?"
"We had a big talk the day after to compare notes and I did tell him I knew all the questions, but I meant I knew how to do them, not what they were. He understood that, because he said the first two sections were all right but he only knew how to do two questions from the last section and he only had time to do one of them."
"Where were you? When you spoke about it I mean."
"Waiting in the hallway for the door to get unlocked for our physics class."
"So there would be other students there?"
"The whole class. The lecturer was five minutes late and we couldn't get in."
"Hmm! That has to be where it came from then."
It didn't feel right to Kieran.
"If they heard us they knew what I meant. I think they've changed it on purpose to make it sound bad."
Kieran searched his memory for who was standing close by when he and Tan were talking.
"It was Mark Geston wasn't it?"
"...What? I can't say, Kieran. It was in confidence."
Mr B's startled look said it all though. What was with Geston? He was always giving Kieran a rough time. Rhys too.
"The other problem is your perfect score. It's never happened before and because of this accusation of dishonesty he wants you to face a panel of four lecturers. I'd really advise it, Kieran. If you do go ahead they'll see the competence I’ve explained to them, and if you don't the cloud of suspicion will deepen."
"It's wrong, Mr B. But I don't have any choice do I?"
The High King puzzled at his Lore Master’s report.
"Interference? To the workings of a triad of power?"
"Your son has befriended a fellow student who can channel our energy projections. It's known to occur with a small number of humans but seeing it actualised is almost unheard of. The combination of the right human, one of our people infused with power, and the laying on of hands is a combination we haven't seen since the Crossover."
"The laying on of hands is an act of faith, Uirebon, and your report makes no mention of any involvement with a human religion"
"There is no involvement. The human friend was massaging Keryth's temples in the hope of relieving his headache, and the contact channeled the energy the triad was applying."
"All that power? Does it transfer to the human?"
"Harmlessly, and then dissipates almost immediately."
"Amazing. Our triad will be recovering from the backlash for days and the human is unaffected. How will you resolve the situation? We can't allow any interference with Keryth's treatment."
"Resolution will require a second triad working in conjunction with our first when they recover."
Aglaron nodded as he fully understood the requirements in any attempt at safely affecting a human mind.
"What of this slur on Keryth's honesty? Is it just some misguided human heading for troubles he can't imagine, or is there more to it?"
Uirebon raised his eyebrows. The High King was showing his usual perceptiveness.
"Maynor has taken it on himself to personally manage Keryth's sojourn in the human world and this is one of the challenges you requested. He will afford protection in the event of any overreaction by Keryth."
"Overreaction? Surely not? Keryth has always managed the Game of Will with finesse and understatement."
"The human involved has a dominating personality and he sees Keryth's independence and disregard as a threat to his position as leader of the pack."
A hint of amusement lightened Aglaron's demeanour.
"The bonds of conformity have never had much hold over Keryth. You think this human will evoke a strong response?"
"Most certainly. He has physical strength, a highly confrontational manner, and a strong disposition to impose his will on those around him."
Aglaron nodded.
"Good. I will watch with great interest to see how Keryth's human persona affects his way of dealing with this."
A twinkle of light flashed from a ring of control on Aglaron's little finger.
"Arrange a far-seeing, Uirebon. Narello is making further extensions to her border and I wish to understand her motive."
Kieran sat up with the groan, wished he hadn't, collapsed back on his bed, then, when the appearance of Rhys sitting on the nearby chair registered, ignored his nauseous feelings and struggled upright again.
"Rhys, what happened?"
"You passed out in the residence lounge. You said it was your allergy to alcohol."
Memory flashed of being violently ill on the lounge room floor and gales of laughter coming from a group of nearby students. That wasn't what he meant.
"Not to me. The tissues? ... And your face is bruised."
"It's all right now. My nose was bleeding but it's nearly stopped."
Kieran tried to make a link between his passing out and Rhys’s nose bleeding and felt shock and dismay.
"Did I do it? Was I violent or something?"
"What? ... No! ... That was Geston and his group. They were going to give you a mo-hawk haircut and shave off your eyebrows and I had to stop them."
"You passed out, Kieran, and they knew it was going to happen because they had scissors and a razor there ready. When you threw up they all laughed, and then when you rested your head on the table they were all watching. I was trying to wake you up when they grabbed me and pulled you onto the floor. Geston was saying you were a cheat and a misfit and a smart alec and they were going to put you in your place for being a disgrace to the College."
Kieran stared in disbelief.
"You fought them?"
"I had to. They wouldn't let me go and when they put shaving cream on your eyebrows Geston took out the safety razor. I had to kick one of the guys in the stomach to get at him."
"You got Geston?"
"Just long enough to stop him. They all ganged up on me then and that's when my nose got hit. They were holding me, and the guy I kicked punched me twice before I got away again and chased after him. They all ran off then except Geston."
"He stayed?"
"Only till I told him his nose was next. I think I scared him because I had blood on my face and hands and the top of my shirt ... I was losing my temper because they've been picking on you too much."
Kieran struggled to take it all in. Quiet gentle Rhys fighting off a whole group? Yes, he was strong enough. His endurance with swimming and the ease with which he could overcome Kieran when they had a friendly wrestle was evidence of that, but the capability of enough aggression to scare off Geston was not something Kieran would have expected.
"You scared Geston?"
"He looked like he was. My temper’s bad if I ever let it out, Kieran, but it was all wrong. Getting at you through your allergy could be really dangerous. People with peanut allergies have to go to hospital sometimes, or even worse."
"Are you sure they knew? I've never told anyone."
"They had the scissors and razor there so it means one of them got to your drink. Do you still feel bad?"
"Yes, and it will last a while. When I feel ready I'll go for a long walk and that will clear it out of my system."
"I'll come with you to make sure you're alright."
"How did I get back here?"
"I carried you. You told me before you flaked out that the only thing you needed was to go to bed, so that's what I did, and then I waited for you to wake up."
Kieran stared as another realisation hit him.
"You put me in my tracksuit?"
"I couldn't find any pjs and the trakkie was on the floor beside your bed. I had to, Kieran, your clothes were revolting because when they put you on the floor it was right where you'd been sick. They did that on purpose too. I reckon they should get kicked out of the residences."
Kieran went quiet while he watched Rhys dab his nose with a tissue.
"I know when they messed with my drink. There were two others waiting while I made it, and I remember someone in the room dropped a bottle or glass and the sound of it breaking made everyone look round. It must have been on purpose to distract me."
Kieran swung his feet to the side of the bed and tried standing up. Not the best but walking it off would work.
"I'll go by myself. Walking in the cold air might start your nose bleeding again."
"No way. I'm staying with you to make sure you're alright. You might flake out again."
Kieran knew he wouldn't but he didn't argue because Rhys's company was important at the moment.
"Chunder features! Want another drink?"
Derisive laughter followed the jibe when Kieran walked into the lounge and every face watched in expectation that he'd back off and leave. After all there were six of them and he didn't have crazy Rhys to protect him. Kieran's only response was to fix his gaze on Geston.
"Nothing to say? ... Cat got your tongue? Get him a drink ... And make sure none of its spills on him."
One of the hangers-on moved to the drink machine and there were smiles all round at the implication that the drink would indeed end up in his hair or his clothes.
Kieran said nothing.
"We hear you missed out on the scholarship?"
More snickers confirmed in Kieran's mind that Geston was behind the accusation he'd cheated, and the gloating tone of the question lifted his determination yet another notch. He made no response though and continued his silent watching. After a slight frown of puzzlement Geston made several more disparaging remarks then took the now ready drink and closed the distance between them. With blatant deliberateness he upended the mug onto Kieran's hair. The hot liquid soaked his scalp, stinging as it made its way down his neck to his shirt.
The strange lack of reaction checked the few laughs, and there was a moment of silence before Geston gave a grunt of derision.
"Weak as piss. Fill the mug up again."
Kieran shifted his attention slightly and the guy taking the mug saw something that made him jump backwards in alarm. He took another look then, with his hands held protectively in front of him, backed further away before rushing to the door.
"Hey? … What?"
Geston's voice sounded into the general startlement at this sudden and inexplicable behaviour. There was no laugh now. Every set of eyes fixed on Kieran … Geston broke in yet again.
"Ricky, man! Chunder features here hasn't had enough."
Kieran switched his attention again and allowed a little more force and intent to show. As if struck by a physical blow, Ricky felt the strength of will suddenly directed at him and every skerrick of his group bravado vanished. In a wash of fear which froze him on the spot, every hair follicle tightened and his face flushed with an overpowering surge of adrenaline while he tried to avoid that gaze.
Ricky was released. His legs gave way and as he collapsed in the nearest chair he watched three of his friends rushing to get out of the room and Mark standing motionless.
"Don't ... Ever ... Hurt ... Rhys ... Again."
Mark passed out and it took several minutes before Ricky could move from the chair to help him.
"Are you okay, Kieran? There's a weird story spreading that you attacked people in the lounge."
"Weird’s right. I don't even know what happened myself."
Kieran was sitting at his study desk trying to understand the reactions to his confrontation with Geston and work out what he should do about it, when Rhys's knock on the door interrupted his puzzled thoughts.
"Did Geston start something again?"
"Is your nose hurting much? I was thinking about it the whole time we were walking and when I was by myself it made me so angry I had to go to the lounge. I knew they'd be there and I had to tell them to leave you alone."
"It's okay if I don't touch it and the bleeding stopped ages ago ... but why did you go when Mr B said to stay away from them? It's a wonder they didn't finish shaving your eyebrows or cutting your hair off."
"I think they were going to but everything went crazy."
"I was already mad at them for hurting you, and then Geston tipped a mug of drink in my hair and something snapped inside."
"You lost your temper? That's what I would have done."
"Sort of but not really. All I did was look at them. That Ricky guy who's always with them collapsed on a chair, and when I told Geston not to touch you ever again he flaked on the spot."
"Flaked? ... Like unconscious?"
"I think so. I left because I was feeling strange."
"You just looked at him and he passed out?"
"And the others all ran like they were scared."
"Wow! Did you feel hot?"
"The same as when you zap me."
"... No, it was nothing like that."
Rhys went quiet but then he laughed.
"I'd better be careful about slave driving you at swimming or you'll give me a look and I'll flake out."
"Idiot! I’ll give it to you now."
Rhys shuddered and cowered away but couldn't stop grinning. Kieran felt tension he hadn't realised was still there drain away.
"I know! It's your Greek ancestry."
"Greek? Rhys, I'm not Greek."
"Yes you are. Your great, great, something or rather grandma could freeze people on the spot and you've inherited it from her."
"What are you raving about?"
"You know. Medusa! You've got snakes in your hair and they come out when you're angry. I saw them when you gave me the look."
“I didn't give you any look."
"I know. D’you reckon you could though?"
"What? And make you scared of me if it works? No way."
"Try it. You need to know if it’s real or just a weird fluke where they all psyched each other out somehow."
"Really try it? On you? … What if it does work?"
"Stop and give me a smile instead. You've got good smiles."
Kieran was dubious but, after more coaxing, tried his evil eye on Rhys. Nothing happened. Rhys kept carrying on that he was quaking in his boots, his blood was freezing in his veins, and wanting a mirror to see if his hair was turning white, but they both kept smiling at the strangeness of the experiment.
"Kieran, how am I meant to get frightened when you keep smiling?"
"And how am I meant to stop smiling when you keep saying your muscles are turning to jelly and your knees are knocking together?"
"All right. We'll both be serious."
Still nothing happened.
"Kieran, stop thinking it's me. I'm Geston and I've just poured drink over you. Remember the feelings you had, then bring them into you your mind and act it out."
Kieran did just that and a tinge of the determination and anger he'd felt surfaced.
"Go away, Geston! I don't want you coming anywhere near us."
As soon as he said Geston's name Kieran felt he was being over dramatic and looked for the resultant smile. Instead, Rhys was staring at him.
Rhys stared a bit longer then shook his head and leaned back.
"Whoo! ... Just as well you stopped."
Rhys was carrying on with the joke and Kieran laughed till he saw his expression.
"That was ... Scary. Kieran, it worked. It really worked. I felt like I was going to panic."
"You're not joking?"
"I was till that last bit. Up till then you looked like you were acting. What did you do different?"
"Just what you said. I remembered when he poured the drink over me and a bit of the same feeling came back."
"A bit? No wonder those guys ran then. Try to do it again."
"Right now? What if you panic again?"
"... That’ll prove it's real."
It didn't take much effort and after Rhys's quick recovery they puzzled it over for ages.
The maths coordinator gave an affirming nod.
"You certainly understand the graphical representation techniques, Kieran. How would you apply them to this problem?"
He passed a question over, and after a quick perusal Kieran looked up.
"This was a section C question from four years ago and the answers come from finding the two maxima and an inflection point. You should ask me original questions so I can show you my understanding and not just my memory."
"You remember the methods used for all the previous section C questions?"
"And the answers, but we only did five years worth so it's not many."
“And you remember the answers for this question? I might have changed some of the variables."
"You didn't."
Kieran reeled off the answers and the coordinator checked another sheet of paper.
"Extraordinary! Now, how would you tackle this problem?"
Kieran took the new sheet and read it through carefully.
"This one’s hard but I can do most of it. There's a part at the end I don't understand."
"Can you write the logical steps you would use?"
Five minutes later Kieran looked at Mr B.
"I'm still stuck on the very last part. The answer is the area between the curve and the axis but I don't know how to calculate it."
Mr B looked at the coordinator.
"That is the integration section of Kieran's course which we haven't reached yet. It's also beyond the scope of the scholarship."
"Yes. I included it because his scholarship answers showed a degree of proficiency I wanted to test. Let me look at that outline please, Kieran."
The formal tone from the start of the interview was suddenly gone.
"Yes, this is extraordinary. I devised this question to be more difficult than any on the scholarship and this outline shows an understanding of every concept needed.
Kieran, I apologise for putting you through all this but the combination of your unusual results and the allegations of cheating couldn't be overlooked.
Your scholarship is confirmed and I am particularly impressed with your grace and cooperation through this whole unfortunate matter."
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
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