Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
Widderkin - 8. Chapter 8
Chapter 8.
"Is everything alright with Woorawa? He seemed to have something on his mind when we got home."
"I'm not sure, Tan. It's like he's got a fixation about that other student. I started to get a headache from all his questions."
"It's not one of your migraines is it?"
"No, it's gone now so it can't be. He’s ringing his Uncle Burrimul to let him know he got here okay and then he’s having a shower. What do you want me to do to help?"
"Nothing really. Set the table if you like but we won't be eating for another hour and a half."
Kieran did that then talked with Tan while he waited for Woorawa to start his shower. Three quarters of an hour later they could still hear the murmur of his voice through the door.
"It's nothing, Kieran. He must be one of those people who talk for ages on their phone and he’s telling his uncle every detail about the trip."
"I suppose so. It's a long time when he's only just arrived though."
"Knock on his door. He won't mind. He's as friendly as anything."
Kieran did that and the door opened almost immediately. Woorawa had the phone to his ear.
"Kieran’s here, Uncle, and he must be wondering why I've been talking so long."
Woorawa listened for a moment then handed the phone over.
"Hi, Kieran. It was kind of you and Tan to drive all the way to the airport to pick up Woorawa. He says you gave him a great welcome and he loves the house and his room. Are you all ready for a busy semester?"
"Hi, Burrimul. He played his didgeridoo in the car for Tan and we’re showing him around the College tomorrow. Did he tell you Mr B’s going to introduce him to some of his lecturers?"
"He certainly did. He's told me all sorts of interesting things. Kieran, what have you done with the artefact I gave you?"
"The old stone? It's on my bookshelf at the moment but Mr B says we shouldn't keep it."
"You mustn't think that. It's yours. It's a gift from my people and we'd be very concerned if it didn't stay with you. Will you remember that?"
"If you say so, but we did think it would be better in a museum or somewhere like that."
"You mustn’t. Speaking as an elder I tell you not to give it away ... Kieran, will you do something for me? It's very important."
It must be something about helping Woorawa get settled in and Kieran rushed to assure Burrimul that he’d do whatever was needed.
"Of course I will. We’re taking him to College tomorrow to show him round and meet some of his lecturers and Mr B’s going to coach him once a week and Tan and I will help him with his maths and science any time at all."
"That's wonderful, but it's not what I meant. There are some questions I want you to answer and some exercises I'd like you to do, and since I can't be there in person I've explained it all to Woorawa."
"What do you mean? My swimming keeps me fit."
"Not that kind of exercise. We did some at the Valley of Eagles but Woorawa tells me you don't remember, so I want to refresh them in your mind. Have you heard this sound?"
A rhythmic and deep chant came through the phone and Kieran listened with goosebumps lifting on his neck till it finished.
"That's amazing, Burrimul, but if I ever heard that I'd remember, and I don't."
"It's connected with the exercises, Kieran, and Woorawa will use it when he works through them with you."
"Um! ... Are they some kind of traditional thing?"
"Not quite, but they are very important and I want you to work through them this evening. Will you do that for me?"
Kieran was struck by Burrimul's forceful manner and he agreed straight away. He couldn't really refuse and the whole business was intriguing. He said goodbye and returned the phone to Woorawa.
"Thanks, Uncle Burrimul. I'll ring you tonight to tell you how we went. I'm going to have a shower now and then enjoy the food that Tan’s putting on to welcome me. Kieran’s been raving about how well he can cook and I'm hungry as anything. Bye!"
Woorawa gave Kieran a thumbs up sign and pulled his shirt off.
"What do I do about towels, Kieran? Can I borrow one from you for a few days till I get my own?"
"There's one in the bathroom ready for you. I'll show you how the taps work too, because the controls are tricky if you don't know them."
Woorawa blithely tossed his jeans and jocks on the bed and followed Kieran to the bathroom. Wow! He looked so fit.
"Hold it cupped in your hands, Kieran and don't let go. Uncle Burrimul says it's the first thing we should get working."
Tan’s meal had been terrific and then the three of them had talked for over an hour about all sorts of things. Tan’s questions about Alice Springs kept both Kieran and Woorawa smiling, and then his proposal to drive to Phillip Island to see the penguins one weekend had both Woorawa and Kieran really keen. Nothing was said about the exercises from Burrimul but they were on Kieran's mind the whole time and he was pleased when Woorawa organised a move to the lounge to get started.
"It just looks like an old stone. Can it really do things?"
"I've seen it, Tan. Kieran doesn't remember and that's what my uncle wants to fix. It's not really stone. It's a protective layer of clay baked hard around a real artefact.
"Can I hold it?"
"Ask Kieran. It belongs to him. Uncle Burrimul gave it to him in a special ceremony."
"Of course you can, Tan. I remember Burrimul giving it to me but not in a ceremony. We were sitting around a campfire."
Tan took the artefact, examined it closely, then held it cupped the way Woorawa had mentioned.
"Nothing’s happening."
“No, it doesn't for me either. Give it back to Kieran."
Kieran took the artefact and, feeling slightly ridiculous, clasped it with both hands.
"How long do I have to do this?"
"Till we finish. Close your eyes and concentrate on it."
Kieran laughed.
"How am I meant to concentrate on a stone?"
"Try. That's the first step.
Kieran tried for about twenty seconds then opened his eyes.
"What's meant to happen?"
Woorawa nodded as if he was pleased.
"That's exactly what you said last time. Close your eyes again and when you're properly focused tell it to talk to you."
Kieran stared.
"That's bizarre, Woorawa. How could a rock possibly talk?"
"I know. I don't understand it either but you told us that's the way you got it to work when Uncle Burrimul gave it to you."
"This is freaky. I don't think I'd say something like that."
"Have a try."
Well, he’d made a promise and, since both Woorawa and Burrimul were making such a big deal about it, there was no real option for backing out without upsetting them.
Kieran closed his eyes then jerked them open again when Woorawa started the same chant Burrimul had used on the phone. So! He was building a ceremonial atmosphere. Kieran closed his eyes again and let the rhythmic sound fill his mind. It was great. Having Woorawa stay was sure going to be interesting if things like this kept happening. No, don't think about things. Concentrate on the stone.
The chanting went on and on and nothing happened. How could it. Kieran was about to give up when he remembered he was meant to talk to the stone. It felt slightly warm but that must be a heat transfer from his hands. A vague memory stirred and somehow his mindset changed. Come on rock! Talk to me! With a jolt of disbelief Kieran felt a tingle in his fingers. He opened his eyes and Woorawa stopped chanting.
"Are your fingers tingling?"
"Yes, how do you know that?"
"It's what happened last time. Keep holding and it should spread to the rest of your body."
It did, and as the sensation progressed Kieran explained how it felt to Woorawa and Tan.
"I've got goosebumps all over. Is the stone really doing this, Woorawa? Your chanting hasn't hypnotised me or something has it?"
"No, Kieran. It was just a chant and I won't use it again unless you turn off the artefact and can't start it up again."
"I don't feel like turning it off."
"I know. That's exactly what you said last time, but I want you to keep practising."
"Okay, how do I stop it?"
Woorawa grinned.
"You tell me. I reckon you know."
It must be the opposite of how it started so, in his mind, Kieran told the stone to be quiet. The tingling continued so that was no good. What was the difference? Oh, yes, he'd been much more definite. Rock, be quiet! Every tingle stopped and Kieran opened his hands.
"This is unbelievable, Woorawa. It's just a piece of clay again. The feelings went away like I'd turned off a switch."
"Practise turning it on and off till you've got the technique fixed in your mind. Last time it only took a couple of tries."
"That's the third time you've said I've done this before. Why can't I remember?"
"I don't know, but that's a big change."
"What is?"
"You've started to believe me about your memory."
"Well ... My mind tells me I've never used this artefact but everything else seems to prove that I have."
Twice more Kieran turned the artefact on and off.
"It's got easy. Something's clicked and I don't even have to concentrate ... Well not much."
"Good. Turn it on again and tell it to get stronger and weaker."
"Have I done that before?"
"No, Burrimul didn't think of it at the Valley of Eagles but he reckons it's likely to work."
Kieran closed his eyes. He'd discovered he didn't really need to with the switch on, but it might help for something new. Talk to me! Immediately the pleasant tingle started so, with the same kind of mode in his mind, he tried the next step. Stronger!
The tingle intensified and Kieran opened his eyes in amazement.
"It really works, Woorawa. I tell it to get stronger and it does."
"Uncle thought it might. Do you want to practice some more or are you ready for the next part?"
"What's the next part? Something else the artefact does?"
Woorawa look surprised and didn't answer straight away.
"I don't know if it does anything else. Do you think it might?"
It was Kieran's turn to think, but not for long.
"I don't know why but I think it does."
"When I ring Uncle Burrimul I'll ask him. Kieran, I think the next part’s going to give you a headache. It did before so tell me straight away if you feel one starting."
Tan got very concerned.
"I hope this doesn't start one of his migraines. The last one was so bad he had to go to bed straight after tea and he was still wrecked the next morning."
"That's because he didn't have Rhys's magic hands to fix it, Tan."
Kieran ignored that.
"I won't get a headache. The tingle feels really good."
"I'm going to ask you lots of question about Rhys and try to get you to remember him."
"Not more of this Rhys stuff? Skip that and do something else."
"Do you remember when Rhys told us he was your soulmate?"
"… No way."
"I heard him, Kieran ... Who did your share your cabin with?"
"Mr B."
"No, it was Rhys. You told us the lecturers had their own cabins ... Whose idea was it for me to live with you?"
"I'm not sure. Probably Mr B’s."
"It was Rhys, Kieran. He was really excited about us sharing this house."
"No he wasn't. He's nothing to do with this place. Can we talk about something else?"
"No, we've only just started. Do you remember anything about a slave driver?"
"Um ... Yes, I do. It was Mr B making me work hard at swimming."
"No, it wasn't. I heard you myself. You and Rhys used to say it to each other."
A pang of discomfort made Kieran hold his head.
"This is crazy. Can we stop now?"
"Is your head aching?"
"Yes, these questions are getting to me."
"Tell the ache to go away."
"When it hurts push back against it and tell it to stop ... Who’s stronger out of you and Rhys when you have a wrestle?"
"He is ... I mean ... I don't know ... Woorawa, this headache’s getting worse."
"Fight it. Go on. Try ... What's the name of the person who told me he was your soulmate?"
"No one ... I mean a minute ago you told me it was Rhys."
Each time he said ‘Rhys’ Kieran's head throbbed. This was getting to be too much.
"Woorawa, we’ll have to stop. I'm getting a migraine."
"Well, fight it. You haven't really tried yet. Uncle Burrimul thinks you definitely can tell it to go away."
That was all very well. Woorawa's head wasn't so miserable he didn't want to think about anything.
"Say his name again, Kieran."
"No! This is crazy. I don't want to."
"Hey! Don't yell at me. Yell at the headache."
Frustration boiled over.
"Get out of my head! Go away!"
Woorawa and Tan jerked backwards in shock at the yell. Kieran's shock was the rush and tingle of warmth to his temples and neck and the relief that came with it. Yes, the ache was gone and the pleasant feeling from the artefact was back in full. Kieran laughed at Woorawa and Tan’s expressions.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to give you a fright. Woorawa, my head’s clear. The throbbing’s gone."
"Wow! That was dramatic. I nearly jumped out of my skin."
Tan was nodding his agreement.
"Me to. I wanted to run out of the room."
"But, you can control it. Uncle Burrimul was right. What did you do? Was it just getting angry, or was it something else?"
Kieran replayed the moment in his mind.
"I wasn't really angry. I got so frustrated I told to go away and it did. I think the artefact helped too because I felt a rush of its warm tingly feeling."
"Do you think you can do it again if the headache comes back?"
"Um ... Probably. Yes, I think so."
"Think about Rhys then. That's what started it."
"I'll say his name first. That's what made it really bad. Rhys. Rhys. Rhys."
"Did you feel anything?"
"Try seeing his face in your mind. That might get a reaction."
Kieran stared at Woorawa.
"I can't. I don't know what he looks like."
"Yes you do. You’ve done everything together for months. Do you remember the Valley of the Eagles when he showed you the frog?"
"What frog? I remember seeing one at the Nature Park but nowhere else."
"Rhys caught one at the rock pool and brought it to you. You like frogs and you were really pleased."
"You know I like frogs? I don't even remember talking about them."
"You did, and a lot more, but we’re off track. Make Rhys come into your mind."
"I can't. I told you."
Woorawa went quiet for a moment.
"All right we’ll do it this way. Mr B sent me some good pictures of Rhys when I got my new mobile phone last Monday. You can look at those."
Woorawa held out his phone and Kieran and Tan leaned close to watch while he flicked through a few menus. An image appeared with Kieran and another person smiling at the camera. Kieran recognised the rock pool background at the Valley of Eagles but the two figures with their arms draped companionably over each other's shoulders made him frown.
"I don't remember this, and my mind’s telling me it’s a trick photo. Is that Rhys?"
Woorawa looked completely put out by the question.
"You don't even know him when you see his picture? Kieran, look how happy you both are. You can tell you’re best friends."
Kieran puzzled over the two happy smiles and shook his head in annoyance at the ache which had started again.
"You still don't believe it even when it's right in front of you?"
"I think I have to believe it, but I was shaking my head because the ache’s come back."
"Well, make it go away."
Kieran recalled the moment of frustration and tried the command of dismissal. There was the same rush of tingly warmth and, instantly, his head cleared.
"It worked again, Woorawa."
"I knew it would, and we just proved that thinking about Rhys starts it. Tell me something you remember about him."
"But I don't."
"Yes, you do. You told me you went swimming with him. Think about that."
Kieran tried.
"Weird! I do remember the swimming but not much else ... I think he wears blue bathers."
An image flashed in Kieran's mind of a strong body in light blue bathers and, despite the sudden return of the headache, he held it.
"We used to say we were twins because we had the same bathers ... And the headache came at the same time I remembered."
"And what did you call him when he made you swim hard? You both joked about it to Uncle Burrimul and me."
Kieran stared at Woorawa and concentrated till an answer came. He instantly quelled the accompanying throb of discomfort.
"Slave drivers? Was that it?"
"That's what you said. And why did he call you the same?"
After a kind of mind push and another uncomfortable throb Kieran had it.
"We studied together and it was maths. He tried hard and he got better and I loved helping him."
"Now tell me something about Rhys’s magic hands. It's one of the big things."
"Big? Like important?"
"Yes, Kieran, unbelievably important. They worked magic when he put them on your temples."
Kieran imagined some hands touching him … and his head ached. That meant there was something to remember so he reached for it. The ache flared so he dismissed it forcefully and reached again. The imagined hands became a memory which he knew was real.
"Oh my God! Rhys could stop my migraines. He gave me massages ... And we both got zapped. Woorawa, I can see him now."
"Do you remember when he saved you from the bullies?"
The process repeated. A push for memory, a throb of pain, then when the pain was dismissed, recall. The image of Rhys with a bleeding nose came with a flood of memories of how he'd got it. Kieran was horrified. How could he have forgotten this?
"I passed out and he fought the whole gang of them to protect me. Woorawa what's making me forget something so ... so big?"
"What happened at the Corroboree with you and me and Rhys, Kieran? You remembered it a different way when I asked you before tea, and it's the biggest thing that's ever happened in my life."
Strain, a pain, and once again memory came. Astonishing memories which were hardly credible.
"You were still blind?"
"For years and years, Kieran, and you and Rhys fixed it ... not some special treatment. It's why Uncle Burrimul and the elders gave you the artefact, and why he trained your Medusa look at the Valley of Eagles."
"The way you said Medusa look sounds like it's another big thing?"
"It is, as well as talking to animals."
Kieran strangled his laugh when he saw Woorawa was completely serious.
"Think about the eagle and the frogs now, Kieran."
"You can't be saying I was talking to an eagle? That's impossible."
"Work at it in your mind before you say that, Kieran. Think about the eagle, the frogs, the skinks, the corellas and the peregrine falcon."
One by one the memories returned, each requiring a mental reach and then dismissal of the insistent throb of discomfort. Wonder on wonder surfaced. The Medusa look followed, along with the memory of how to control it. Tan’s panicked look as he scrambled to get away was tangible proof that it was real. Woorawa started a different chant and a sense of recognition led to the memory of Burrimul doing it as well and then the recall of how to control the strength of the look.
"Let's have a break and a drink before we go on. I want to ring Uncle to let him know what's happened and what we should do next."
Tan jumped up because he liked being host and Woorawa reached for his phone. Kieran listened carefully to Woorawa's side of the phone conversation, thinking hard about his interpretation of what had happened. He agreed with almost everything but when it was his turn he cleared up a few points before listening to what Burrimul thought they should do next.
"I know what to practice, Burrimul, but I'm worried about how to remember things when there's no one to prompt me. I don't trust my memories after I left Alice Springs because I know they must be wrong. Rhys and I both spoke to Woorawa on Mr B's phone when we were making arrangements for him and I only got that back because Woorawa knew about it. Tan was with me most of the time, well I think he was, but he remembers exactly what I do."
Burrimul took a moment before he replied.
"Kieran, there might be other Great Ones involved. Everyone connected with you appears to have had memories altered to match yours. When was the last time you talked to Mr B?"
"He came for a special meal when Tan and I moved in but he was only expecting it to be me and Tan, so Rhys must have been taken from his mind too. We'll all see him tomorrow at College."
"Tell him everything and make him hold the artefact. Do you remember that he was the only one beside you who could sense something from it?"
Kieran didn't, but a quick dig and dismissal of minor discomfort brought the moment back.
"Do you think it might help him?"
"I have no idea, but since it helped you it's worth a try. Kieran, I want you to break the protective clay and keep the artefact itself with you wherever you go."
"Break it open? It won't damage it will it? What's inside?"
"I don't know exactly, but the stories passed down speak of great beauty. Kieran, if you practise and experiment with it whenever you can I think you'll find a lot of the answers you’re looking for. Can I speak to Woorawa again? We'll talk again tomorrow or whenever you want to."
Kieran said goodbye then handed the phone over and watched the surprise on Woorawa's features. Tan was back with three cans of apple cider which he handed out when Woorawa put the phone down.
"Wow! Thanks! What's this for Tan?"
"A big occasion warrants a nice drink ... and I have to keep Kieran happy or he'll give me nightmares with his Medusa look."
"Sure too! I've remembered how to control it now so there's nothing to panic about. Hey, let's open the artefact first. Woorawa's uncle said it might be special."
Kieran put the artefact on the bench beside his chair and looked at it. The tingle lessened but, as they’d discovered earlier, didn't disappear until he moved further away.
"We need a hammer or a chisel and we haven't got one. How can we do this?"
"I know. I'll be back in a minute."
Tan jumped up and ran out.
"I like Tan, Kieran. He's taken all these strange things really well."
"I know, but what else can he do. The Medusa look worked so strongly on him he can't put it down to his own imagination. I'm worried about how to get his memory back."
Woorawa nodded then laughed because Tan was back with two bricks which he put on the floor in front of Kieran.
"I remembered they were outside near the back door. Do you think you can do this without wrecking whatever's inside, Kieran? I'm not touching it."
Kieran put the artefact on top of one brick and gave it a tap with the other.
"It's baked clay, Kieran, so it shouldn't need much."
Kieran carefully increased the strength of the tap and when he did it again for a third try a small crack appeared along one side.
"Whoo! You're right, Woorawa. I hardly used any force at all. I'm not going to use this brick again. It's too unwieldy. Tan, can we use one of the kitchen knives? If I put the point in that crack I might be able to lever it open."
Once again Tan ran, which added to the atmosphere and anticipation they were all feeling. Kieran carefully investigated the crack, inserted the knifepoint in the widest section, then holding the whole thing firmly with his left hand, carefully pushed the knife to one side with a lever effect. The crack lengthened and, after some careful manipulation, a whole section came off. Nestled, like a yoke inside an egg, was an irregular shaped black object.
"It’s another stone?"
Touch it, Kieran, and see if it’s any different.
Kieran automatically controlled the warmth tingling through his fingers and pried off another piece of clay.
"It comes off easily now that it’s cracked."
Removing one more segment left the black stone free and, distracted by the novelty of goosebumps on the back of his wrist, Kieran lifted the kernel for a closer look. His hand twisted upward and an iridescent flash of blue stunned everyone to brief silence. Colour shone with every new move, all the colours of the rainbow really, but overwhelmingly a deep fiery blue, and he stared in amazement.
Woorawa gawped with comprehension.
"Oh my God! Kieran, it’s an opal. They’re totally rare and it’s big. Does it feel different?"
"Yes, it's stronger. I had to calm it down. Do you want to hold it?"
Woorawa and Tan both took turns, twisting it in different directions and marvelling at the colours showing with every change of aspect.
A duo of gasps and incredulous looks from Woorawa and Tan interrupted Kieran’s rapt attention.
"What? Did you feel something?"
"Kieran, you’re glowing. Can't you see it?"
Kieran held his hand up. It was blue. No, it wasn't. A closer look showed his hand was quite normal. The blue was a thin layer surrounding it. His eyes checked further. Unbelievable.
"Wow! It's all over me."
"It's the opal, Kieran. It must happen when you touch it directly."
Kieran put the artefact on the brick and the blue glow disappeared. A few experimental touches proved Woorawa's theory was right.
"Touch it, Tan, and see if you start glowing."
Tan and Woorawa both tried with no glow or any other effect occurring and Kieran laughed.
"There goes Burrimul's rule about carrying it everywhere. I can't go to College if I'm glowing like a blue light."
"Put it in your pocket. The material might be enough insulation."
Woorawa was right.
"Let's turn the lights off. It’ll be spectacular in the dark."
Tan jumped up and when he clicked the switch all three of them gasped again.
"That's unreal! Hey, I've had an idea. Hold my hand, Woorawa. I want to see if it spreads."
"Okay! ... Um ... What if you zap me?"
"What do you mean by zap? Like an electric shock?"
"It was Rhys's description for when his magic hands worked. Remember it."
A few seconds later Kieran had reclaimed another big thing.
"It wouldn't hurt, Woorawa, just put you to sleep for a few minutes."
"Okay. Try touching me with your left hand."
There was no zapping and for a moment nothing happened but then the blue glow gradually built. Tan wasn't going to be left out and when he held Kieran's right wrist he also ended up glowing. This was exciting ... And fun.
"Hey, Kieran. It's the artefact doing this isn't it?"
Kieran was surprised by Woorawa's question.
" What do you mean? It must be."
"You might be able to control it. Like you do with the tingle. Try telling it to get stronger."
What an interesting idea. Kieran switched in the command feeling and told the artefact to get stronger. The blue glow flared so bright he reflexively yelled at it to stop. The room was abruptly pitch black.
"Whoo! Specco! Why did you turn it off?"
"I tried too hard, Woorawa. I told it to get strong and it worked with the tingle as well. Turn the light on, Tan, so we know where we are while I have a think."
"Try again and practice first, Kieran. Get it set in your mind before you do anything else."
Woorawa was right and Kieran quickly discovered that as well as controlling the strength and colour of the glow he could also direct it to surround any object within the effective range of the artefact. At Tan’s suggestion he managed to make a blue light float in midair and then move it at will.
"I wish Rhys was here to see this, Kieran. Remember how excited he was when you learned to talk to the animals?"
Kieran reached again and when the image of Rhys, eyes alight with wonder, filled his mind he dwelled on it. The bond between them changed from Woorawa's secondhand description to full memory of the real thing. Loss welled and emotion took over. Woorawa and Tan sensed the change.
"What happened, Kieran? Are you all right?"
Kieran had to fight the lump is in his throat to get his answer out.
"No, I'm not all right. Someone's taken Rhys away and I'm going to get him back."
Woorawa and Tan quietly watched the battle between emotion and concentration.
"Why would they do that? It's wrong. He's the best friend anyone could ever have and he’s gentle and kind. He makes me happy and he stands up for me. You remember what he's really like don't you, Woorawa?"
Woorawa answered with a soft ‘yes’ and listened while more thoughts poured out.
"I wonder where he is. They must have made him forget everything too because he’d come straight back here if he didn't. I hope they haven’t been hurting him."
A flash of anger surfaced at the thought.
"They'd better not have hurt him. How are we going to find him?"
Tan answered.
"We could ask tomorrow when we go to College? Administration must have a record if he's gone to the city campus."
"And if Tan will take us we can go and look for him."
Kieran wasn't listening. The flash of anger was now burning with an added mix of frustration and determination.
"I want to know where he is, now!"
Woorawa and Tan jumped in alarm at the new imperative yell. The blue glow which had been momentarily forgotten flared brightly and darted to a point on the wall. Kieran pointed and yelled again.
Woorawa and Tan jumped up and stared.
"He's that way."
"... You can tell?... Because of the blue?"
"Because I can. The artefact is being a help."
Kieran closed his eyes and twisted his head in different directions then pointed again.
"He's that way."
He opened his eyes and sure enough, his arm was directed precisely at the glow.
"Can we go in your car, Tan? I have to see if he's all right."
Woorawa and Tan exchanged wondering looks and scrambled after Kieran as he raced for the doorway. Twenty minutes later the car was parked and the now tiny blue globe and a very excited Kieran were both pointing at a four story block of apartments.
"He's up there."
The wonder was still with Woorawa and Tan but the doubt wasn't.
"You want us to come with you?"
"Of course I do, Tan. We're all in this together."
"How are we going to get in?"
Kieran led the way to the main entrance and Tan and Woorawa had to rush to keep up when he bounded up the stairwell.
"Come on!"
The blue spark led the way to a doorway on the third floor and Woorawa and Tan stood back while Kieran banged on the door. They all laughed about it later because under normal circumstances the insistent knocking would have been quite rude. The door opened and Rhys peered at them.
Kieran wanted to grab him in a giant hug but his querying look said exactly what they'd been expecting.
"Rhys, do you remember who we are?"
"Yes, of course I do. You were in my class before I changed campus."
There was no hint of friendship or knowledge of shared dramatic events and the blandness of the answer set Kieran back for an instant. With so many of his own memories now so strong, Rhys’s whole manner was weird. This must be what Woorawa felt after they met him at the airport.
"Can we come in? We need to talk to you."
Rhys was polite by nature so there was no doubt they'd be invited in, but even having to ask felt off.
"Um ... Yes. Is it something about last semester?"
He ushered them into a small sitting room and pointed to a sofa. When they were settled he sat himself on a kind of padded foot rest.
"Did I forget to do something before I moved?"
"Rhys, what do you know about me?"
Rhys, hesitated, obviously puzzled about the point of the question.
"Your name’s Kieran isn't it? You were good at maths."
"Do you remember how you helped me with my migraines?"
Rhys looked blank.
"What do you mean? I don't know anything about migraines."
"Who's your best friend?"
Rhys gave Kieran a look at the strange question.
"That's a bit personal isn't it? ... I've just changed campus so I don't know anyone yet."
Kieran turned to Woorawa and asked for his phone.
"Find that first picture you showed me and let Rhys have a look at it. Rhys, this is a very important photo and I want you to tell us if it means anything to you."
Rhys moved beside Woorawa and glanced down. This was the photo where the two of them had their arms draped across each other's shoulders in a happy moment. He lifted Woorawa's hand for a closer look, stared for a while, dropped it, then held his head in his hands. Kieran knew exactly what was happening.
"What did you see, Rhys?"
"I don't know. It didn't make sense."
"And it gave you a headache and you don't want to look at it again."
"What did I forget to do before I moved?"
This was the same avoidance tactic Kieran had used with Woorawa.
"Why don't you want to look at the photo?"
"Which photo?"
Kieran could hardly believe it. The phone picture had gone from Rhys's mind after only a few seconds.
"The one on the phone. Show him again, Woorawa."
Rhys's reaction was a replay except that when he lifted his head from his hands he was visibly distressed.
"What happened? That felt awful!"
This time Rhys's answer was addressed to Woorawa, and Kieran's mind raced. Following Woorawa's tactic of concentration with memories that couldn't be denied would be too upsetting. What was different? The artefact? Yes, that was it. Whenever he'd felt headache pressure the artefact had helped him push it away. Could he use it somehow to help Rhys? An idea sparked. Maybe he could send the tingle effect outside himself the way he did with the glow? Kieran clicked his mind into gear then stopped. This might freak Rhys out and it would be better to talk him through it first.
"Rhys, I'm going to help you feel better. I had the same headaches and I know what to do."
Rhys kept looking at Woorawa, and Kieran, realising it was hard for Rhys to even look at him now, changed tactics.
"Woorawa, tell Rhys he's going to start tingling all over and his head’s going to clear from all the pressure."
Woorawa already understood because he said a soft yes before going on.
"Rhys, don't get scared. We think you're going to feel strange all through your body. It will be good though because if it happens it will make you feel better."
"Is it like a Reiki thing?"
"I don't know what Reiki is. Does it make you feel tingly?"
The Reiki word triggered something and after a quick push Kieran knew it was one of the things he and Rhys had researched after the Grampians trip. He was pleased too, because it was a good lead in for the physical contact between them that often made things happen.
"It's a bit like Reiki. Woorawa, tell Rhys I'm going to massage his neck."
"Did you understand that, Rhys? Kieran wants to stop your headache."
Rhys twisted his head to look at Kieran, winced and quickly turned back to Woorawa.
The wince was too much for Kieran. He squeezed the opal, commanded it to help Rhys, and rested his hand on Rhys's neck. Rhys jolted in surprise and grabbed Kieran's hand.
Kieran felt someone adjust something soft under his head and opened his eyes. Tan smiled at him then called over his shoulder.
"Kieran’s awake."
Kieran looked past Tan. Woorawa was moving towards him and so was Rhys.
Wow! Rhys was glowing blue. Kieran's heart lurched. Rhys was looking straight at him ... And he was smiling.
"You're hopeless, Kieran. You zap me and turn me blue then sleep for twenty minutes."
Kieran stared for a moment, not knowing whether to laugh or cry, then leapt to give Rhys a giant hug. The hug was returned in spades.
"Did I really sleep for twenty minutes? How long did you sleep for? Have all your proper memories come back? Are your headaches all gone? Are you coming back to the house with us?"
Rhys moved out of the hug and gave a look which sent a glow of happiness through Kieran.
"Too many questions ... and when are you going to turn this blue light off? Woorawa thinks it’ll stay with me till you stop it."
Almost casually, Kieran dismissed the glow. He had too many other questions pressing on his mind.
"You're all right? And you do remember everything?"
"You zapped me out for about five minutes, Kieran, and I've been talking to Woorawa and Tan ever since. I remembered who you were straight away but other things came back when Tan and Woorawa asked me questions or reminded me."
"Five minutes? Why didn't you wake me up sooner?"
"We talked about it, and when Woorawa asked me if I remembered any other times you zapped me, I did, and we always woke up when we were ready. I knew it was best to leave you, so we did."
Kieran was puzzled.
"You just remembered? Without having to fight against a headache?"
"No headache. Everything comes back easily as soon as I think about it. We reckon it was the blue glow protecting me."
"You've remembered everything? You're a double cheat, Rhys, because I still don't know lots of stuff and I still have to fight the headache to get it back."
Rhys liked this friendly pattern of stirring and he gave Kieran a happy nudge in the ribs, a familiar response which made Kieran happy all over again.
"How do you know I'm a cheat? The zapping might have fixed things like it always does. Try and remember something and see what happens."
“Tell me something then. I need help to get started."
What's my favourite book? We went and saw the movie."
"Mysts! Hey, that was easy. I knew it straight away."
"What about when Tan took us looking for the share houses?"
"... You wanted us to get the old one because it had so much potential. Rhys, all I have to do is think about it and it's there. Your magic hands have worked again."
"See if you can fix Tan. He still can't remember properly."
Rhys was right. Tan had now seen two people recover memories that didn't match with his own and Kieran wondered how much they'd talked about while he was zapped. It must have been a lot. He gripped the opal and, a little more gently this time, sent the tingle to Tan and commanded it to help him. The blue glow built. Tan jumped and grabbed Woorawa's arm for support then closed his eyes.
"Kieran, you’re zapping him without even touching him."
Tan opened his eyes.
"I'm not going to sleep, Rhys. I couldn't while I feel like this. It's awesome."
"Awesome? You mean the tingle?"
"The tingle is awesome too, but it does something else."
"What? Brought your memory back?"
Tan’s eyes scrunched as his thoughts turned inwards.
"It has. Wow! I remember you with Kieran the day before you left and you've stopped looking like a stranger. The feeling’s something else."
Tan laughed.
"Send the tingle to Woorawa and see what happens."
The tingle was making him laugh? Kieran looked for Woorawa's response.
"Send it, Kieran. Tan must have some reason."
The pattern was set in his mind now and the third time was easy. The glow built. Woorawa drew in a great breath, stared at Kieran in amazement, then sat on the edge of the sofa and started laughing.
"Oh my God, Kieran! Tan’s right. It's awesome. Do it to Rhys so he can share ... Without touching though, in case you zap each other."
Weird. They were both grinning like idiots and Rhys obviously thought the same.
"What's the joke? Am I being suckered into something?"
Woorawa, who seemed to be squirming to get comfortable, answered.
"Trust us, Rhys. You need to try this so we can talk it over with Kieran."
Kieran didn't blame Rhys for looking so dubious. Woorawa had asked for trust though so Rhys gave a nod.
"I think I'm being guinea pig, but go ahead, Kieran. Light me up again."
Kieran firmed his grip on the artefact and, noticing how much easier it had become, sent the same command he'd used twice in the last few minutes. The glow started and Kieran wondered why it was blue unless he expressly told it to be something else. It did look great though. Maybe it was because it was his favourite colour? Rhys's expression changed to show incredulity and he sat next to Woorawa on the edge of the sofa.
"I don't believe this. You'd better turn us off, Kieran. We can't stay like this."
"Like what? Will someone please tell me what's going on? And why you all think it’s so funny?"
The looks that passed back and forth told Kieran they were trying to leave it to each other to speak. They were all still grinning though. Was it something embarrassing?
"Tan, you started this joke or whatever it is. You tell me."
"Um ... Rhys can. He's your best friend."
"That's right, Rhys. You should tell him, not us."
Rhys laughed because they were so eager to pass the buck.
"All right! All right! Kieran, I think it's a new thing you can do. I've got ... It's ... well, I’ve got an unreal boner."
"Me too!"
"And me! It's so strong I can hardly think."
"All of you?"
It was really a question to give him some time for processing and as he took it in a tingle of warmth flushed Kieran's cheeks and ears. It wasn't a tingle he could control this time. He quickly dismissed three lots of glow and artefact tingle and waited for reactions. He was never going to hear the end of this, especially from Rhys. A thought came to his mind and his jaw dropped.
"What's wrong, Kieran? We all think it's funny."
"I know. I suppose it is, but it's going to be really awkward with Mr B. His memories are all mixed up too and I'll have to fix them ... Embarrassing."
"He won't mind. He'll laugh too."
"Um ... Is it wearing off?"
Woorawa answered.
"I don't know. It's too soon to tell. Do you want to ring Uncle? … Wow! You'll have to practice with Rhys when we get home. Imagine if you can control it like everything else so far.
"What? So I'm the guinea pig again am I?"
Tan and Woorawa both laughed.
"Who else, Rhys? You are his best friend."
"I suppose."
Kieran's cheeks warmed again. Rhys was openly interested and mulling ideas.
"It's not the glow. It didn't happen when you turned us blue at home."
Tan was right and Kieran forgot his embarrassment as his mind focused on ‘home’. It had always been called ‘our house’ till now and he decided to make the same change himself.
"Make us glow without the tingle, Kieran. You did before so we know you can. Change colours too. Rhys hasn't seen that ... or your built-in GPS."
"What's a built-in GPS?"
"A blue spark which tells you which way to go. We used one to find our way here. Can we try it on the way home, Kieran?"
Woorawa was saying ‘home’ too. Discussion and experimentation continued for over two hours, all the way home in Tan’s car and on into the night, with the four of them gathered in the lounge, laughing, serious, curious and sorting through their memories. There was a great deal of planning too. Tomorrow would be full on with several car trips to move all of Rhys's belongings, Woorawa's introduction to College, and sorting things out with Mr B.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
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