Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
Cuddlefish - 14. 14
Still a solid brown hue of depression, Galieth pressed on. He was quite upset to know just how much that tall giant meant to Pipolphi. For some reason, he had believed that one day, he'd be able to be more honest with Pip and they would bond. What an idiot he was. The tiny Sepida rushed along faster than his cousin and their friends until he ducked into Munklad's private dome.
Munk blew out a breath, gesturing to their other friends to go. Munklad would take care of Galieth like he always did. Setran and Arolby looked sympathetic but didn't argue. Managing their petite companion could be tricky in the best of times. It was like navigating a Hesserack breeding ground when Galieth was wound up.
Munklad was feeling a bit wound up, himself. He was still trying to process what had happened. Munk had been about to say something to calm Galieth and try to get the little pink Sepida to ease off on his harassment of Pipolphi. Munk had often been roped into the torment of the tall Sepida many times in their youth. Just thinking of it made his normally muddy-blue skin turn salmon pink with shame. Munklad had never joined in on the verbal taunts of Pip, but he had done other things that Galieth had talked him into doing.
After Munklad's ceremony of adulthood, he'd refused to take part in Pipolphi's torment. He wouldn't directly stop Gal's activities but would do his best to redirect his cousin's attention and would no longer help Galieth in any cruel pranks. Gal hadn't taken Munk's 'betrayal' well, refusing to speak to his bigger cousin for a full cycle. Munklad didn't regret it, no matter how much Galieth's anger had hurt. Munk had thought many times of apologizing to Pipolphi but he couldn't seem to overcome his shame enough to approach the tall Sepida.
Munk shook his head, rubbing the headache simmering above his right eye.
Before he'd been able to do anything to help Pipolphi, a giant alien had been on them. The great creature had plucked up Galieth, and Munklad had been sure he was about to see his cousin's gory death before his eyes. Munk had lunged forward, only to be held back by Setran and Arolby. Munklad's struggles died, and he stared, frozen, as the giant used his massive hand to spank Galieth like a criminal convicted and sentenced to corporal punishment. Munk could tell the big alien hadn't struck Gal hard. It was obvious that the man was holding back his strength. Munklad was horrified, sure that Galieth would go mad at being treated like a criminal.
And then Gal had turned blue.
Munklad rubbed a hand over his face, trying to get the image out of his head. His cousin's skin flashing sapphire with dirty arousal as the final slaps of flesh against flesh resonated in the air...a part of him felt a guilty pleasure to be able to see such a thing. He had never seen his cousin turn blue before. Another part of him had become aggravated that everyone else witnessed it, too. He'd have preferred to see Galieth turning blue in private, for his eyes only.
Cousins could bond and mate. It wasn't exactly common, but it happened, and no one really batted a lash at it. Munk had thought about it ever since they'd been moved to the juvenile pool, years ago, and seen the antics of some of the older Sepida. Munk had held back, waiting for the right time. Maybe a little afraid of rejection, of losing Galieth's friendship if he said anything. He'd been a coward, keeping any randy youths away from his cousin with a glare or a colorful, aggressive display. Gal had always laughed when it happened and told Munk he was too protective. They'd left the pools of youth and entered adulthood and still, he'd said nothing.
Seeing Galieth's skin painted with the sapphire shades of arousal from another's hands had shocked Munk. He realized he was going to lose his cousin someday to someone else. Someone who wouldn't understand Galieth's tempers and insecurities. Someone that wasn't Munk.
With that thought on his mind, Munklad went in the dome to find his cousin.
Galieth was pacing about inside. Though the base of his skin was still brown, he was nearly a rainbow of striped colors as he ranted into the air. "A giant! He fell for a big, freaky, foreigner of all things!"
The tiny Sepida's long hair strands swayed every time he turned his heel and paced from one end to another. "I won't stand for this! When Pip is not looking, I...I'll drown his tall troll! That's what I'll do!" He continued to rant as he paced. "He'll rue the day he ever so much as touched me!"
"As for Pip, I'll-" Galieth trailed off and stood in place as he recalled the taller Sepida's last words to him. '...you're so dark on the inside,' he had said. 'Doesn't it hurt you?'
Once again, he became a solid brown hue all over. Gal just stood there in the middle of the room, staring at the ground. They had all seen Pip defending someone before. He'd done so for that Nubra, Tilbei, of course. However, Galieth hadn't ever seen the tall Sepida so passionate about defending someone as he did that giant.
The short Sepida wiped away the tears that had somehow rolled down his cheeks. The brown hue of his skin shifted into a defiant red. "How dare they do this to me!?" He started back up again, this time stomping from one end of the room to the other. "They'll both be sorry! I'll get them back! I don't care what it takes!"
"Cousin, calm yourself before you ink," Munklad said from the archway, forcing his tone to be as mild as the lavender shade he pushed into his skin.
Galieth had been so wrapped up in his ranting that he very nearly did ink himself. "Mun…" He paused for the slightest moment. But, then he started back up again. "I'm not calming down," He retorted, still a defiant red hue all over. "I'm seeking revenge. On both of them."
"Enough of this. Come for a swim with me and forget the giant and Pipolphi. You did so well while he and his Nubra were gone."
Galieth's hair began to tremble as he shook with unchecked rage. "So, now you're taking their side? My own cousin!?"
"You know I'm not. I've always been there for you." Munklad sighed softly. "I'm just worried about you. I want you to be happy. This vendetta against Pipolphi, it's not good for you. It's been years. Can't you let it go?"
"Like a novice Nubra, I'd let it go!" Gal countered. "They humiliated me...that giant even…" he trailed off, blushing for a moment. "I'll get them both back for what they did!"
"What exactly did they do?" the larger Sepida demanded, beginning to lose his lavender coloring. "You attacked Pipolphi, again. You said you wouldn't do that anymore after you complained about how touching him disgusted you. Then, the biggest alien I've ever seen didn't tear your limbs off and snap you in half like he clearly could have." Munklad stopped Galieth's frantic pacing by standing in front of the smaller man and gripping his shoulders. "We're not hatchlings anymore, Gal. This is getting dangerous. We don't know anything about that alien. He didn't hurt you badly this time. Next time you might not be so lucky. Leave Pipolphi alone, forget him. You should have done it a long time ago."
"That's easy for you to say," the smaller Sepida huffed as he shoved his cousin away. "Your pride wasn't hurt in the slightest. Your body didn't decide to betray you over the shoulder of a stranger!" He insisted before his voice fell down an octave in an obstinate manner. "Forget it, I'll do it with or without anyone's help."
"No. Not this time." Munk said with equal determination. "I've let you go on with this madness for years. I thought you'd get it out of your system, but you won't, will you? You'll push this until you end up hurt or maybe killed. You think I'll just stand aside and let that happen? You're…you're my best friend, Gally, my most important person. You're done. No revenge. No saying cruel things or nasty pranks. You're leaving Pipolphi and his alien alone from now on."
Galieth flickered white with brief surprise. "I'm your most important…?" He faltered for a second. He had never seen Munklad being so adamant...not since the time he decided to stop going along with his Pip-torture plans. But, Gal was still more stubborn. "I will still do as please!" He countered.
"Is it that what you really want? Some kind of revenge for I don't even know what, anymore? I've never seen Pipolphi do anything to you. He's never even retaliated for the things you've pulled…things I used to do that you talked me into."
Munk advanced on his cousin. Munklad was a bit on the tall side for a Sepida, but still within the range of normal. He wasn't as slender as most, carrying a more muscular bulk. Though he still looked willowy next to someone as broad and built as Pipolphi's alien, it was certainly still intimidating to other Sepida. He'd never used his size on Galieth before, never tried to make his cousin back down and feel smaller. Until now.
"Do you want the giant's hands on you again?" Munk asked, voice dangerously low as flashes of red burst on his skin. "Don't tell me you didn't like it, I saw you all pretty and blue as he smacked your ass."
Before he even realized it, Galieth began to flash in a challenge display, angry at the embarrassment his cousin brought back up. But, instead of admitting to it, he denied it. "Of course I don't," He hissed back. "How dare you even bring that moment back up?"
"Are you trying to lie to yourself or to me? Because don't even try it with me. I know you too well." Munk didn't stop advancing until they were nearly touching. "Is that why you kept pushing Pipolphi? He's tall. You thought maybe he was strong enough to take you over his knee if he lost his temper? But he never did, did he." Munklad leaned close. "You don't have to go to Pipolphi or some alien if that's what you need. You only had to ask. You know I'd tame the tides if you wished for it."
At first, Galieth's skin turned a deep mustard hue of embarrassment. How the hell had Mun figured out all of his deepest, darkest secrets? The ones that he refused to admit he even had? From the top of his head to the tips of his tiny toes, swirls of guilty salmon overtook the mustard hue, chased by swirls of shameful blue at the thought of his own cousin touching him that way. The small Sepida couldn't even bring himself to look Munklad in the eye as his long hair began to curl, something he hadn't ever shown anyone else. "A-Are you playing with me right now?" He questioned. "You can't be serious."
"Serious as a riptide." Mun's hue shifted between red and a growing sapphire as he reached out, his fingers tracing down Galieth's side then back to cup the smaller man's backside. Munklad turned a bright, brilliant sapphire, his hair tangling and tightening. "Gally," he whispered, breathless, before tightening his hold and squeezing the flesh under his hand almost hard enough to bruise. "Tell me you want this."
Galieth had always had difficulties with controlling his chlomatophores, and it was because he couldn't control it that he found himself turning a solid blue as his hair braided itself into a long Rapunzel-like braid. "I-I don't…" he sputtered, suddenly unsure of everything that led up to that moment. "I mean, I don't know if we should...M-Mun, what do you want in all of this?"
"You," he said simply, before sweeping a stunned Galieth into his arms and striding down the hall and into the bedroom.
Galieth's treacherous body flashed a lime green of excitement as he was carried off. All thoughts of Pipolphi, that tall foreign alien, and what they had been arguing about before...it all fled his mind faster than water flowing down river rapids. Why was Munklad doing all this? Galieth had never seen Mun aroused so up close before. Maybe his anger fueled arousal somehow? He wanted to ask his cousin so many questions, but he didn't want to do anything to break the taller Sepida's mood.
Gal chirped in surprise as he was tossed into the middle of the sturdy, round bed. Mun crawled in after him, a predatory gleam in his golden eyes.
"Would you like to be over my knee? Or should I flip you onto your belly and pin your wrists above your head with one hand while I spank you with the other?"
Munklad was no stranger to giving a good spanking. Like all adults, he'd served his civic duty when his number was called. He'd taken the training course and delivered justice to a few criminals. Every few years the lottery system seemed to hit on him. Once he been called but they had no one who needed punishment. Those other times, he'd done his duty as the training had taught him. It had never turned him blue as the thought of laying his hands on Galieth was doing now.
Another streak of guilty salmon rolled down Gal's body followed immediately by line of green-blue. He simply clambered across the bed until he was draped across Munklad's lap. He had to tug his hair, which only tightened further into the braided plait, over his shoulder to get it out of the way. For the moment, he held his upper body upon his elbows.
"D-Do as you please," He whispered. Galieth had never been so aroused in his life. The sapphire hue displayed on Munklad's skin was the most beautiful and sexiest thing he had ever seen. He turned his head slightly to peek at his cousin's face and he could have sworn that he felt his own shaft hardening even more. The look in the taller Sepida's eyes turned Galieth's skin a lurid green-blue.
"Mun, do you really want me like this?" Gal asked, his tone of voice insecure. "I never thought you were being serious…are you serious?" The smaller Sepida squirmed in place, feeling guilty. "I mean, when Setran had told me that he liked you enough to want to mate you, I backed off in case you liked him back…"
"Setran?" Munklad said with a chuckle as he ran a gentle palm down Galieth's back. "That must have been a good while ago, for how long he's been utterly blue and green for Arolby." Munk frowned. "Wait. You backed off…from me? You never made any advances toward me. You never treated me as anything but your very platonic cousin."
Rings of various shades of green rolled down Galieth's blue skin at Munk's touch, followed by a ring of guilty salmon. "I...I was going to, when we were barely more than juveniles...but, Setran confessed his feelings for you to me in private. He was just so honest, more honest than I could...I don't know, I just thought that maybe you would have preferred someone like him instead of me," He explained. "I always pictured you with someone amazing...with someone you deserved." Someone way better than me, he thought to himself as a thick band of sad brown rolled down his skin.
"Have you ever seen me with anyone else?" Munklad asked seriously, his touch sliding lower to feel the soft roundness of Galieth's ass. Something long and hard pressed against the smaller Sepida's stomach. "Or haven't you noticed how I follow you around like a lost hatchling?"
A blush formed on Galieth's cheeks when he felt what was, undoubtedly, Munk's enjoyment against him. Was that really for him? "I...I thought that was just cause we're family," Gal admitted. "I didn't think it was...I mean, how could someone like you come to like such a punk like me?"
"Well, you can be a brat," Munk admitted with a light swat on the cheek he'd been fondling. He grinned when he saw the spark of blue chase across Galieth's skin. "But I see you when you aren't acting up around everyone else. I love who you are when it's just you and me and you aren't on a tear about something. You're clever, sweet, funny..."
"And mean and stupid and stubborn," Galieth huffed in response. "Quick to pick on someone just to get his attention...for many, many moon cycles." Tears began to brim in the small Sepida's eyes. "I've been such an idiot all this time, Mun...I don't deserve you."
"Then do better. Be someone who deserves me. I'm going to do my best to be someone who deserves you." Munklad's hand lifted and fell with a smack that seemed to echo in the room. "And if it's some kind of absolution you want for past behavior," Munk rubbed the stinging flesh of Gal's backside. "I think maybe we might both enjoy the activity."
"Hanh!" Galieth covered his mouth with both hands, shocked at the sound that came out of it. Tiny specks of salmon rolled over his brightening blue hue. "M-Mun…" he gasped as he wiggled his lower half. "Please?"
"You want more?" Munklad's voice dripped wickedness. His hand came down on Galieth's other cheek with a crack. "You want me to spank this ass until it's radiating warmth and you'll think of me whenever you sit tomorrow?"
After an initial squeak of contact, Galieth nodded fervently. "Yes, please, Mun. Punish me," he keened even though he continued to blush hard. Before he realized it, the long braid began to unravel and form into multiple tight braids, a feeling he had never quite experienced before that day, and it was all for Munklad.
"Only if you understand that I'm not truly doing this because of anything you've done before," Munk said seriously, still rubbing his hand over Gal's backside. "I'm doing it because we both want it and you feel like you need it. It's for both our pleasure and to let you forgive yourself."
The petite Sepida felt his hearts skip a simultaneous beat. How had he been so blind? He had wasted so much time on Pip when Mun had been right there the entire time, beside him. He reached over to gently take one of Munklad's braids in his hand and pressed a kiss to the tip. "I understand," he whispered sincerely before a devious little smirk formed on his face. "Does this mean that I'm your precious punk of a pink Sepida from now on?"
"If you want to be mine, I won't ever let you go unless you send me away," Munklad said, flipping Gal and pulling the smaller Sepida into his arms. Munk pressed their foreheads together, his hair tentacles gently caressing Galieth's cheeks. "I want you to be mine, and I want to be yours. It's all I've wanted since we hit the juvenile pools and I figured out the way you make me feel."
Galieth's own hair immediately intertwined with Mun's, some of the strands holding his cousin's in place, as if the petite Sepida didn't want them to let go. "Then, won't you kiss me, Mun?" He asked softly, his slightly larger eyes filled with the desire he had buried away out of fear of not being enough. "Show me how I make you feel?"
Munklad's golden eyes burned as he swept down to capture Galieth's lips. The smaller Sepida expected the kiss to be hard and forceful, but it didn't begin that way. Soft, gentle lips caressed, conveying the controlled longing in Munk's hearts. His hair stroked softly against Gal's cheeks and forehead, as though confirming that the other Sepida was really there.
"Gally," Munk whispered, his voice low and almost desperate, before he deepened the kiss.
Galieth's small and slender fingers latched on to two of Munk's braids on either side of his head and clenched them gently as he gave as good as he got. His skin all but exploded into various shades of sapphire, and he couldn't quite control the squirming and grinding of his lower half against Munklad.
The bigger Sepida groaned, hands going to Galieth's hips to encourage the movement.
"Spanking isn't the only thing I want to do to your ass," Munk purred into his cousin's delicately finned ear, nipping the lobe.
Ribbons of green formed on Galieth's skin as he let loose the lustiest trilling he had ever vocalized in his life. "Munklad...celestials, do whatever you want to it. Just know that I'm but a ripple away from cumming right here against you!"
"If you do," Munk warned, his tone turning stern and commanding. Gal had never heard it from his cousin before. "I'm going to spank and fuck you until you spend yourself so many times you turn permanently blue."
Galieth's hair tightened within their braids in a rolling wave down his back in shock as he spilled himself then and there. "Mun!" He gasped as his body shivered and squirmed in response to the sudden release.
Munklad clenched his teeth so tightly his jaw throbbed, his cock straining and so hard it was painful. He was dangerously close to following Gal over the edge. Munk held his cousin down, limiting the smaller Sepida's movement. If Galieth kept wriggling on top of Munklad's cock, Munk was going to spill as spectacularly as Gal had.
"So, you like that thought?" Munk asked voice strained. His hand seemed to slide to the seam between those perfect round cheeks without his mind knowing it was going to happen. Munklad was amazed his fingers didn't shake as they slipped down to find Gal's entrance, tracing a careful circle around it. "You'll be so sore, exhausted. Stuck in bed for at least a day for me to dote on."
"I'll do whatever you wish," Galieth vowed. "Just, please, please slip inside me already?" As usual, the colors displayed on his skin expressed his feelings in an irrefutable way. They swirled and burst as if they were putting on a show for Munklad alone.
Munk took slow, deep breaths, fighting for the control he needed to keep from tossing Galieth down and immediately sinking inside the gorgeous Sepida deep and hard. Control, Munklad told himself, keep it together. The larger Sepida delivered a stinging smack to Galieth's backside.
"Trying to skip your punishment?" Munk asked, voice rough as gravel. "You don't get this," he pushed his hips upward, grinding his rigid length against the petite man pinned in his lap. "Until I'm ready to give it to you."
The smaller Sepida let out a whimper of pain immediately followed by a trill of pleasure. His body ached, starved, for such intimate contact...even for the sharp sting that accompanied discipline. Feeling the unmistakable proof of Munklad's own enjoyment against him nearly made Gal swoon.
"That feels so good, the burn from your hand and your hardness against me," the words were out of Galieth without a second thought. "What should I do, Mun?" He asked. "What would make you feel good?" Even as he said that one of his long braids curled around his cousin's length and gave it a gentle stroke.
"Gally," Munklad rasped, bringing his hand down harder than he'd meant to. He gently rubbed the warm flesh under his palm, knowing that if Munk's own hand stung it must have been worse for Galieth.
"Eep!" the petite Sepida squeaked and squirmed, even more, when he felt the gentle rubbing that followed. That last one had been more pain than pleasure, but he couldn't help but enjoy it, even love it. "More...I want more," he pleaded. "Please."
Munk's breaths were nearly as ragged as Galieth's as he struck the smaller man again and again, careful of the strength of his blows. The stinging slaps covered Gal's ass and down the backs of his thighs. Munklad thrust upward with every hit, rubbing what he could against Galieth's stomach while slim braids squeezed his length deliciously.
Galieth's other braids began to caress every inch of skin they could reach: Munklad's face, neck, shoulders, chest...while other braids entangled further around Munk's own braids and began to tug. Though the taller Sepida had his lower half held firmly in place, Gal was still able to lean forward to wrap his arms around his cousin's shoulders and kiss him desperately.
Munklad pulled back with a harsh breath. Galieth yelped as he was spun and flung to the bed. The smaller Sepida barely recognized his cousin's voice when Munk spoke, "I have to have you. Now."
Oh, blessed be the reefs, Gal thought to himself. He squirmed in eager anticipation. "You can have me, all of me. Please, Munklad, I want you so badly," he keened.
Munk's head spun as he lunged for the side-table, yanking open the drawer with such enthusiasm that it pulled out completely and dumped its contents across the floor. The Sepida swore colorfully, snatching a small vial and leaving the rest. Munklad froze, transfixed when he turned back to Galieth.
The smaller Sepida had the brightest smile on his face. He couldn't even remember the last time he smiled so unabashedly. The blue that had taken over his entire skin from head to toe was tinged with swirls of green. When was the last time he was so happy? "Munklad...I'm not dreaming, am I?" He questioned aloud.
Munk broke out of the daze caused by seeing Gal spread out before him. "I was just wondering the same thing," the larger Sepida said softly, drawing close to his cousin. "If we are dreaming, let's not wake up." Munklad slid in next to Galieth, shivering at the touch of Gal's soft skin.
Galieth snuggled against the other Sepida, ensuring as much skin-to-skin contact between them as possible. "I'm a handful," He warned even as his braids once again wrapped around some of Munk's. "Are you sure you won't regret this? You'll be stuck with me forever. Are you sure you want to mate with me, ceremony and all?"
"I was already stuck with you. You netted me a long time ago. You just didn't know it. I couldn't leave you before, so why would I want to go now that I finally have you? I'm half tempted to go kidnap three elders and drag them to the pools right now to bully them into binding us." Munk grinned, reaching down to grope Gal's perfectly rounded backside, still warm from the spanking. "And you certainly are a handful. I love it."
Gal felt the guiltiest pleasure rolling through him. He was relieved that Munklad's mind seemed to be set. He was glad to hear that he was serious about being bound. The hand that took hold of his stinging butt cheek, however, made his body ache with a nearly desperate need. "We'll kidnap three elders later. So, won't you claim me, Mun? Please?" He keened in a voice that dripped with lust.
Munklad urged Gal to the center of the bed. He arranged the smaller Sepida onto his hands and knees, placing Galieth carefully, just as he wanted him. Gal's knees were spread wide, his lower back arched, and his braids slithering in aroused agitation. Munk looked at him as though he'd just been hit in the forehead with a hammer. Munklad snapped into action, tearing his gaze away from the spell-binding sight of his cousin when Galieth whined and wiggled his ass.
A single drop from the bottle was all Munklad needed. He transferred it from his fingertip to the line dividing those divinely rounded cheeks.
"Hold yourself open for me."
Galieth's hair was so long that he used the tips of a few of his braids to do it, holding his own cheeks wide without a second thought. He blushed hard, but bit his lips to not say anything that would deter Munklad. The bigger Sepida stroked Galieth's entrance, spreading the glistening gel. It warmed instantly and grew slick. Munk held his breath as he pressed, slipping a finger inside.
The petite Sepida let out a trilling mewl, a sound he didn't even know he could make, as he desperately wiggled against that finger. "Please, please, please…" he begged.
"Not enough for you?" Munk asked, voice tight. A second finger joined the first, plunging deep.
"I need more of you," Galieth keened. "So much more." He couldn't even think properly by that point. His entire body felt sensitive and receptive. "Take me deeply. Pull my hair. Spank me. All the things!"
"I like you demanding."
Gal chirped in protest when the fingers left him. He forgot his complaint when strong fingers wrapped around his hips, digging in roughly. Something warm and rigid slid between his ass cheeks and teased at Galieth's slick opening.
"Tell me you're mine." Munk's tip pressed in and then retreated. "No more chasing Pipolphi, his giant, or anyone else. Only mine."
Galieth nearly swooned, which would have been the absolute worst, since he most definitely did not want to faint before having Munklad inside him. "Yes, I'm yours...wait, why would I chase Pipolphi's giant? He's a deplorable and disgusting beast!" He huffed.
Gal yelped as Munklad's heavy hand cracked across one cheek. "Gally!" Munk bellowed. "That alien was defending Pipolphi from you. He wasn't the one behaving deplorably, and you should be ashamed of yourself for calling him disgusting. He defended someone weaker than himself, acted as a protector. It would make a Nubra proud." Munk spanked the other cheek harshly. "When did you last behave so nobly, honorably, or selflessly?" The larger Sepida dropped a series of hard slaps that left a burning sting aching from Galieth's lower back to upper thighs.
Tears brimmed in the Sepida's eyes. Not from the physical punishment, as that felt quite delicious to him, but from his cousin's words. Munklad was right. Being a protector was honorable, and that was just what Pipolphi's giant was. "S-So I'm not all noble and honorable and selfless! So what?" He whimpered. "It doesn't mean I don't deserve to be loved!" He used some of his braided hair to hide his face so that Munk wouldn't see him sniffling. "...but, you're right. H-he's not disgusting. He was only protecting."
"Good boy," Munk hummed, gently stroking the friction-warmed skin. "You do deserve love. And you'll get more than you know what to do with." The head of Munklad's cock found Gal's opening. He pushed in the tip and withdrew, then pushed in again. "And when you behave well; when you show honor…" Munk pressed in, rubbing his tip against Galieth's swollen prostate. "I'll reward you."
Galieth gasped, his braids tightening and sweeping away from his face and down his back as his arms stretched outwards. Other parts of his body began to tighten, as well. His shaft, which was almost painfully hard by then, began to leak precum. He couldn't remember ever feeling so good. "I w-won't ever chase after anyone else ever again," he vowed. "I'm yours and only yours!"
"Perfect." Munk slammed in hard, reveling in the tight heat surrounding him. "And you'll treat others with kindness and respect? Especially Pipolphi and his large friend?"
A myriad of complaints formed in Gally's mind. Mun wanted him to be kind to them? However, the incredibly wonderful sensation of Munklad driving himself so thoroughly into his depths made him think twice about complaining. "A-alright…" he conceded. "Alright, I'll b-be kind to them, too."
Galieth's reward was a series of rapid thrusts that made his braids tighten almost painfully. Munklad stopped, burying himself as deeply as he could, hips pressed tightly against the smaller man. Munk's hand snuck beneath them to catch Galieth's rigid length in his hand and began to stroke as Munklad swiveled his hips, rubbing deliciously against Gal's sweet spot.
"Kind enough to apologize to them for your behavior in the recent and not so recent past?"
Once again, Galieth's mind filled with all sorts of arguments to contradict everything that Munklad requested, or rather, demanded of him. Why should he have to do such embarrassing things? Especially for a crazy-ass couple that had humiliated him so?
"Do I have to?" The petite Sepida all but mewled in complaint.
"Of course not," Munklad said, letting go of Gal's cock. Munk pulled back and began thrusting shallowly, just short of Galieth's prostate each time. The larger Sepida's grip on Gal's hips kept Galieth from pushing back to get that little extra bit he needed. "It was just an idea. Something that would make me proud of you." Munk gave one hard thrust, just where Galieth needed it, before pulling back to short, teasing strokes.
"P-Proud?" He questioned as he whimpered and wiggled desperately against his cousin, eager to have him return to his previous actions. "Then, I'll do it. I'll apologize…Ah!" Galieth cried as Munklad went deep again, the head of him seeming to drag with sensual thrill where it felt the best.
"Only if that's what you want to do," Munklad said, a bit breathless as he began pumping faster, catching Galieth's shaft again and stroking it in time. "If that's what feels like the right thing, you know I'll support you, Gally."
Though it didn't really seem like such a pleasant thing to do before, it certainly did just then. Making Munklad happy made Galieth happy, and his cousin seemed to be in a very rewarding mood whenever Gal pleased him. "I do, I promise," he vowed as his words morphed into moans. "Just please don't stop."
"You want more of this? You like being beneath me as I fuck you however I want? Take my pleasure from you rough…and deep… and hard?" Munklad added a twist of his hips with every thrust and Galieth felt like his braids were going to strangle themselves as his body lit up with zings of electric pleasure that pulsed through him, building stronger and stronger.
Too much. His mind wanted more, but his body couldn't quite take the onslaught of pleasure. In spite of having already released in an embarrassing way earlier, Galieth once again let go. "Eep!" he squeaked as he shot all over his cousin's bed. "I'm so sorry, Mun!"
"Sorry? What for?" Munk's thrusts slowed but didn't stop. "You feel so good when you tighten around me. Slick and hot. Trying to pull my come out of me." Munklad leaned in close, hands drifting over Galieth as though savoring his smooth, sapphire skin. "Not yet, though. We're not done. How many more times do you think I can make you come before you beg me to finish, Gally?"
"Why would I ever beg you to stop?" Galieth gasped. "Even if I pass out, I'd rather you continue until you can't anymore." He added. "I'm probably not making much sense right now. But, it just felt so good, Mun. I want you to feel the same."
Munklad cursed at his cousin's words, and Galieth didn't think it was possible, but Mun grew harder and larger inside him. The larger Sepida growled, yanking himself from Gal and flipping the smaller man onto his back. Munklad laid his body over Galieth's pressing and grinding their crotches together.
"Perfect," Munk said almost mindlessly. "Mine."
Galieth looked into his cousin's golden yellow eyes, nearly an amber hue with lust and wondered if his own looked the same. Surely they must. He took in the sight of his cousin, his skin the sultriest shade of blue he had ever seen. "Please, Mun…" he whispered. "Won't you cum inside me? And all over me? And anywhere else you wish?"
"I want another from you before I fill you up," Munklad said, sliding down Galieth's body, kissing and licking as he went.
"That's not gonna be a problem," Galieth pointed out. "I feel I'm getting close again." He would surely feel all kinds of sore later, from all different parts of his body, but right then all that mattered were Munklad's magnificent ministrations. He squirmed and bucked beneath his touch. "M-Mun!"
Munklad pinned Gal's hips to the bed, holding him still. Munk drew his tongue from Galieth's tip to the base and back up again, pushing harder to hold his lover still. "I think you should come in my mouth, Gally. I'm going to swallow you down, suck it out of you." Galieth only had time to draw in a sharp breath before Munklad was making good on his promise. Gal forgot to breathe as his cousin sucked him hard, down to the root, bobbing up again before repeating the action. Munk rubbed his tongue on the underside, forcing his hair to unbraid to reach up to tweak and pull Galieth's pert little nipples.
"Hahn!" Gal keened as he was assaulted with pleasure unlike any he had felt before, not even when they were in the juvenile pools. A few of his incredibly long braids began to slam down on the bed in whipping waves of wantonness. "Mun...Mun, I can't control...gonna leak!" He cried out as he came. He was almost certain that he had released some of the aphrodisiac fluid that time, as well. A part of him felt mortified while the majority was quite excited to see what Munklad would do next.
"Give it to me," Munk demanded, the sapphire of his skin darkening. "I can't get any hornier. I don't care."
Galieth felt his own skin rippling to match Munk's hue. Maybe he was thinking about it the wrong way...maybe it was Galieth himself who was drowning in the side-effects of his own fluids. "To be honest," he responded with a pant as his shaft began to rise right back up. "Neither can I."
Munk sucked in a breath, his skin feeling suddenly hot. The blue of his skin darkened to nearly black as he crawled up Galieth's body, the smaller Sepida's legs parting to wrap around Munklad's waist.
"I don't think I can be gentle, Gally," Munk said, voice low as he buried his face in Galieth's neck to nibble and nip.
"Oh, please don't be gentle," Galieth all but begged. "I'd rather you carry me everywhere for hours afterward."
"Days," Munklad promised, lining himself up and thrusting deep. "Weeks." He drew out and slammed home. "I'll fuck you so thoroughly your feet may never touch the ground again." Munk began a rhythm, hard and measured, as deep as he could manage without breaking his petite lover in half.
"Oh, fuck!" the smaller Sepida gasped as he clung tightly to his cousin with his arms, legs, and braids. Amidst their movements, he nuzzled against some of Munklad's braids until he was able to gently pinch one of them with his lips, giving it a gentle lick and bite.
Munk growled, his pounding thrusts increasing in speed. If Galieth hadn't been clinging so tightly to him, Munklad would have driven his lover across the bed and onto the floor.
"Take it," Munklad rasped. "Take all of me. I'm going to fuck you until you can never forget how I feel inside you."
One of Gal's hands raked up to the back of Munklad's head as the fingers gently tugged at the roots of the braids. "Yes!" he cried out after releasing the braid in his mouth. "Burn your imprint right into- eep!" He squeaked as he suddenly came for the third, or was it fourth, time right between them.
"Ahn, fuck, Gally!" Munklad took Galieth's mouth with his own, licking and sucking while he slammed deep and held himself there. The larger Sepida moaned into the kiss as his release hit him hard. With Gal's muscles clenching and rippling around him, Munk's pleasure stretched on and on until his vision began to gray at the edges. He groaned, hips twitching as he pressed his forehead to his cousin, their breathing ragged.
Swirls of lavender and green ebbed outwards from the center of Galieth's chest. "We're mates now," he whispered between gasps of air. "You'll never be rid of me."
"Good." Munk rolled to his back, smiling at Galieth. The smaller Sepida looked more than a bit dazed, sprawled across Munklad's chest. Munk kissed his cousin's temple before pushing a button above him that dimmed the lights. "Love you, Gally," Munklad said, closing his eyes as Galieth murmured an unintelligible response, already asleep.
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