Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
Spark & Stone - 3. Nice Shape
Chapter Three – Nice Shape
Did it count as a weakness of character that he was fapping furiously in the shower to the umpteenth recount of what had happened earlier that day at the photoshoot? Aidan was pretty sure it did but it was just as true that he could not help it.
Heathcliff Stone could charm the panties off a nun with his flirting. Or maybe, just maybe, Aidan just needed to get laid. Once he had that virginity - partial virginity! - thing out of the way, he would act less like a hormone-driven teenager, and more like the professional he was.
Plus, he really needed to get a cooler head. He had really believed his semi was visible through his pants when Heathcliff had teased him about his ass. Talk about misunderstandings.
Speaking of which, Aidan thought as he snuck one soapy hand behind to tease that unfortunately still virgin opening, he needed to find someone willing to help him get rid of his V-card. For now, the fresh memories of oiling Heathcliff Stone’s amazing muscled arms, and almost touching the guy’s ass had to do.
Aidan slid back his foreskin, at the same time as two fingers began penetrating his ass. Ah, damn, why the hell couldn’t he be a little bolder? By twenty-two, as a gay guy who wasn’t in any sort of denial or confusion, he should have already had a long list of fuck buddies. But no, he had to study and work all the frigging time, and that was leaving him little leeway to create that fuck buddy list. The brief encounters Aidan had marked down as the only experiences in his life, as far as sexual congress was concerned, didn’t matter. If he were to think about them, he could not recall them in explicit details.
Unlike what had happened while touching his charge’s amazing muscles. He needed to approach the matter of his virginity seriously. Later. Right now, he just needed to close his eyes, remember how Heathcliff friggin’ Stone had praised his ass, and how firm the man’s biceps had felt, and just stick both fingers deep inside his ass, to make himself spill all the pent-up energy he had stored in his balls.
Aidan was breathing heavily once done and almost wanted to laugh at himself. How long had it been since he last jerked off? Maybe a week? The fact that he could not clearly remember was terrible in itself. At his age, he was supposed to be more sexually active. Much more sexually active.
And probably spend a lot less time on social media. Good thing he had stumbled upon Heathcliff’s videos, though. At least he was working out almost daily and made at least ten percent healthy choices when it came to food. Otherwise, things would have probably been much worse.
Aidan stepped out of a shower, and he was about to begin drying himself with a towel when Heathcliff’s remark about his ass rushed to his mind. Turning to one side, he started checking himself out in the mirror. Well, his ass was pretty well shaped. Funny, before, he had used to think that it was a bummer that he had that kind of ass. His type of ass was definitely not plumped like this. No matter how much he worked out, he didn’t seem capable of losing more of that.
It was definitely nothing like Heathcliff’s behind. Before Saturday, he had only been able to guess the beautiful shape of those gluteus maximus muscles through the material of the fashionable sportswear the guy liked to use when recording his videos.
But now, oh, damn, he thought with a sigh. Now he knew everything. He had seen it firsthand. Tabloids were never that risqué in presenting Heathcliff’s adventures. The most they had shown were snapshots of the guy from afar when in nothing but the buff or censored photos.
And, for a guy who certainly enjoyed his sexy adventures to the max, Heathcliff didn’t post racy pics or videos on his social media. He was all professional there, and he wasn’t displaying himself as a desirable sex object, unlike other celebrities. Not that he wasn’t a very much a desirable sex object.
Aidan knew he really needed to get a hold of himself. One, he could not objectify Heathcliff Stone like that, especially now that he had met the guy in flesh and blood. Two, because that hadn’t been the way he had been raised. He knew better. His mom and dad would have shaken their heads over his behavior. Not that he would have ever told his parents something like that. Only the thought made him cringe.
Despite the lecture he was trying to give himself mentally, for some unfathomable reason, he had a massive crush on a celebrity. Well, a celebrity who wasn’t looking down on people, that was for sure, but a celebrity, nonetheless.
Aidan shook his head. Maybe Heathcliff had just been teasing him. And his butt was, well, a bit too … plump. Heathcliff Stone was now a business partner to his company, and Aidan could keep things at a professional level.
With that decision in mind, Aidan stepped into his living room. The phone rang, and he hurried to take the call. Anyone calling after nine pm probably had a very good reason to do so. The caller ID gave him pause, but he swiped right in less than an instant.
“Hey, Spark.” Heathcliff’s energetic voice boomed into his ear.
With a small wince, Aidan moved his phone a bit away.
He decided to play along. “What’s up, Stone?”
“A small evening workout routine is up,” Heathcliff replied promptly.
“Seriously? At this hour?” Aidan checked the clock on the wall, just to be sure.
“Well, since you put a span in my works with your confidentiality agreements and whatnot, I have some energy left to waste. And I never let anything go to waste.”
“But seriously, it’s nine o’clock in the evening,” Aidan protested, pointing out the obvious. “And don’t you know it’s the morning routine that burns all the fat?”
He was using one of Heathcliff’s favorite phrases on purpose, to see if he could piss him off.
“Sure, sure.” Heathcliff chuckled at the other end. “But I don’t want you to lose that butt.”
Aidan wondered for a second whether his blushing could somehow be felt through the phone.
“Seriously, stop teasing a guy over his weak points,” he mumbled.
“Weak points?” Heathcliff seemed taken aback. “Bunny, the only weak point you have is your stiff personality.”
Aidan had a mind of just cutting off the convo. The guy had some nerve.
“Bunny?” He pretended to be pissed off at the nickname. It was kind of cute, though. “What about me makes you think of a bunny?” he insisted.
“Well, you’re always on the run,” Heathcliff replied. “I should call you a busy bee, too, but that’s not sexy.”
“Oh, god,” Aidan murmured. “How would you like it if I gave you a nickname? And frankly, Bunny would be a much better nickname for you than for me.”
“Really? Why?” Heathcliff played along.
“You know.” Aidan felt a little worked up. “Because of how much you fu--”
He caught himself in time. He was not supposed to insult his company’s business associates.
“Are you trying to tell me I fuck like a bunny? Oh, I can assure you I’m not fast at all,” Heathcliff drawled, making Aidan blush a little more. The guy wasn’t even in the same room with him and could make his knees go weak. “Anyway, come by, and I’ll show you why exercising in the evening has certain benefits.”
Heathcliff didn’t even wait for him to reply and cut off the conversation. Aidan had a mind to just pretend he hadn’t been invited to work out at nine o’clock in the evening, and just see about his usual routine.
But, somehow, he felt compelled to dance to the guy’s tune. No, that wasn’t right. He felt drawn like a moth to a flame. He just hoped he wasn’t going to get burned.
Heathcliff was probably known to tabloids and whatnot as a guy who acted on impulse, but that was far from it. Even the craziest of his adventures were well thought over, and, if he ended up making the headlines, that was because he didn’t care. Actually, once he had seen what tabloids meant for his popularity as a fitness trainer, he had philosophically decided that all publicity was good publicity, after all.
And, to make the circle complete, that brought him enough business to make him even more worthy of starring in trashy papers.
Of course, there had to be some turning point, one way or another, and that had just come as the endorsement deal offered by The Healthy Shakers. Now was the time to put to the test whether the lack of appearance in tabloids was going to have a negative or positive impact on his audience.
The money was good. What was even better, he had a babysitter. And Heathcliff was quite curious about what Aidan Spark was hiding, and not only beneath his tailored suit. For starters, it was underneath the dry-cleaned clothes that one could find a delicious rump. Yeah, Heathcliff wanted to see more of that. He had no idea why the guy said that was his weak point. Or how he could blush like that.
If the young man was gay, which Heathcliff was ninety-nine-point-ninety-nine percent sure of, it was difficult to imagine he had no experience. Despite his attitude and yuppie personality, Aidan had to unwind once in a while. And he must have had at least a bit of college experimentation under his belt. If gay guys in the area were leaving Aidan Spark and his gorgeous behind alone, they were either blind or he, Heathcliff Stone, was one damned lucky fucker.
Heathcliff whistled as he put on the thinnest t-shirt and sports shorts he had around. It was clear as day that Aidan was far from indifferent to his body. So he intended to show it as much as possible. The outline of his cock through those shorts was just impossible to miss.
Maybe Aidan needed a little friendly nudge. Maybe he had been the proverbial bookworm in school. But Aidan was taking care of himself, as far as Heathcliff could tell. Which meant that the guy wanted, at least subconsciously, to put himself out there.
If that was what Aidan lacked in his life, Heathcliff was happy to oblige. Also, he was damned curious to see what shape Aidan was in, without so many clothes.
The buzzing sound let him know that his guest and personal project for the evening had arrived. With a smirk, he began walking down the stairs.
“Why are you in a suit?” was Heathcliff’s first question as he took in his guest, standing in the doorway. “What part of evening exercising was unclear?”
Aidan put one finger up. It was like the young man was rehearsing a role. One that hadn’t been his in the beginning. Yeah, Heathcliff thought. The corporate bunny nickname suited him. He was probably brainwashed on a regular basis. But Heathcliff truly wanted to have a say in that.
“I don’t remember agreeing to anything.”
“Then why are you here?” Heathcliff crossed his arms and didn’t miss how Aidan’s pretty hazel and green speckled eyes lingered on his guns.
“To … assist you in any way I can. Maybe …”
“Hush. I’ll lend you some sports clothes. Come.”
“But I don’t--”
“Hey, I thought you were supposed to keep me happy,” Heathcliff interrupted the guy again.
Aidan Spark was there because he was curious. Also, because, most probably, he couldn’t or wouldn’t help himself. There was interest there, but also a lot of hesitation and Heathcliff wanted to bring the real Aidan Spark to light. He could bet he was going to be in for a delightful surprise.
“And how does making me work out at this hour keep you happy?” Aidan questioned.
“Well, I would rather have anyone working with me be at the peak of their health,” Heathcliff said.
“Oh, that’s why your agent looks like he’s one hamburger away from having a coronary.”
Heathcliff could feel his lips twitch. The corporate bunny was a witty thing, too.
“That man, unfortunately,” Heathcliff sighed, “might just be a lost cause. I say ‘might’, because I’m still not giving up on him. But I have a theory, and you’re the perfect subject.”
“Would you mind sharing that theory?” Aidan said.
Heathcliff rummaged through his drawers and came up with some sportswear he knew was too tight for him, but hadn’t bothered getting rid of.
“Here.” Heathcliff threw the t-shirt and the shorts to his guest.
“Okay,” Aidan sighed. “Um, some privacy?”
“What? Haven’t you ever changed in a locker room with all the other boys?” Heathcliff smirked at him.
“Well, they weren’t looking at me,” Aidan said, casting his eyes down.
“Who says I’m going to look at you? And really, what do you think you have to hide? I can assure you I’ve seen plenty of naked men in my life.”
“Yeah, that’s the problem,” Aidan exhaled.
Hmm, Heathcliff could smell a bit of insecurity there. So endearing. All right, for the moment, he was going to allow the bunny a little room to feel more secure.
“I’ll be downstairs,” Heathcliff said.
“Okay,” Aidan replied, and this time he sounded grateful.
Heathcliff was proud of his home gym. And he intended to make Aidan Spark work out a little so that he could see how much he could push the young man around and get away with it. It was funny how exciting the prospect of seducing the yuppie seemed. To be fair, as much awesome sex as he usually had, he wasn’t as enthusiastic as he had used to be.
Everything was, at least for him, too easy. And he didn't only think that because he was a bit too full of himself, although many would have said exactly that about him. It was a simple fact. With his growing popularity, ending up in bed with whoever he wanted was too damned easy. Not that his physique and personal charm weren’t usually enough, but being a recognizable face surely made his charisma go through the roof.
“I’m here,” a hesitant voice called, and he turned to look at his guest.
Who looked pretty good in clothes that were a bit too large for him. Funny thing, Heathcliff hadn’t thought before that he liked this type. The cute, hesitant, ready to bolt bunny type.
“Let’s look at you.” Heathcliff walked toward Aidan.
Without hesitation, he grabbed the guy’s right arm, feeling his muscles. Nice. Firm enough. Seeing how many young people were not enthralled with the prospect of working out, it was good that Aidan Spark was, indeed, as he expected, taking care of himself.
Heathcliff made Aidan turn, taking in that bubblegum butt that was making the entire thing tenfold more interesting.
“Okay,” he said. “You seem in pretty nice shape.”
“Thank you,” Aidan answered primly.
“Do you smoke?”
“No!” came the absolutely terrified reply.
“What about drinking?”
“Are you serious?” Aidan sputtered. “Of course not! I mean, only on special occasions.”
“Hey, as your trainer …”
Aidan pursed his lips. “Again, I have absolutely no idea when I agreed to that.”
“And yet, you’re still here, and ready for a workout.”
“Okay,” Aidan said with a small, exasperated huff.
“Fast food?”
No response. Ah, that was the problem.
“Too busy working?” Heathcliff asked again.
“Something like that,” Aidan mumbled like a kid caught doing something naughty.
“I will give you hints and pointers along the way about nutrition, as well. But, for starters, think more colors on your plate.”
“Ketchup is red,” Aidan said promptly.
Heathcliff could feel his lips twitching, eager to smile. Don’t put it past the corporate bunny to give him lip.
“Sure, sure,” he replied. “My theory is to teach good habits as early in life as possible.”
“Then I’m a lost cause because I’m already twenty-two,” Aidan said.
“Twenty-two? That’s a perfect age, actually,” Heathcliff said. “Young people should create their own lifestyle once away from their parents. It is a test. There’s no one to tell you what to do and what to eat, so you need to decide all that for yourself.”
Aidan sighed. “And the fast food menu is just a convenient way to start.”
“Which is bad.” Heathcliff put one hand on Aidan’s shoulder and wagged his finger at him. “Let’s see you on the treadmill.”
He crossed his arms and looked at Aidan. The guy began running at a casual pace. All seemed good. His favorite corporate bunny was in reasonably good shape.
“Um, how long should I do this?” Aidan asked, without stopping.
“A little more,” Heathcliff said.
He wanted to see the guy sweating a little, but nothing else. When Heathcliff stopped the machine and gestured for Aidan to get down, he observed with satisfaction how strands of the perfect, slick hair were now curling against the young man’s forehead. And there was a bit of sweat on his upper lip and his forehead.
Heathcliff almost wanted to lean in and have a taste. But he wasn’t that kind of seducer. Aidan was going to come to him because he wanted to, and not because he was pressed into anything.
Instead, he slipped into his professional shoes. If he were to admire the young man’s lovely body and let his own pleasure demand its rights, he would reach the end of this way too soon.
Aidan was proving to be a fast learner, and quite obedient when it came to having everything explained to him in logical terms. Apparently, the bunny made a fuss only when teased. And that was okay.
“Okay.” Heathcliff nodded. “You have good stamina. I like that.”
“I bet,” Aidan said in a low voice, almost to himself.
“What was that?” Heathcliff asked right away.
“Nothing. I’m not used to working out at this hour.”
His personal trainer chose to ignore his not so hidden pleas to finish the training session. Aidan could feel the sweat pouring down his back. Being like this, in front of Heathcliff Stone, made him feel a bit awkward.
Actually, awkward was not the right word. He felt a bit too hot, and it wasn’t only because of the physical exertion he was put through. Heathcliff’s eyes were on him, at all times, evaluating him, and Aidan could feel their cool fire, which, most probably, made the man’s lovers as hot as he was feeling.
It was as if something were about to happen. Aidan knew well what he was hoping would happen. Partially. Not totally. Heathcliff was a fucking handsome man that could star in movies and ads. He could not see anything else but a temporary distraction in someone like Aidan.
False modesty was not among his flaws. Aidan knew he was pretty handsome himself, but he wasn’t in Heathcliff Stone’s league. And while studying to be among the top of his class had been an endeavor he had managed with flying colors, physical appearance was not something that could be treated equally.
Some people just had it. Aidan worked out and wanted to be attractive, but there was only so much he could do. The few times when he had gone to gay clubs, he had been picked up and had not been refused, but his partners had been in the same league as him. Plus, playing safe meant he didn’t have to be disappointed.
And Heathcliff Stone looked like disappointment in the works incarnate. The guy was a teaser, a professional flirter, but Aidan didn’t want to be a notch on his belt and nothing else. What was he thinking? Heathcliff found it entertaining to tease him because he was probably bored. Aidan would have been lucky to be a notch on his belt.
But, if Aidan were honest with himself and his chances, and also took into consideration how detached the guy looked right now, although as intense as he always was when explaining his routines, he just needed to take his mind off of that.
Well, in theory. Because while he obediently went through all the directions Heathcliff was giving him, he could think of nothing else but why the man was not already making a move. Aidan knew he couldn't resist. But Heathcliff was doing nothing but behaving like a professional trainer, which he was.
That was that. Most probably, Heathcliff wanted to make sure that the people working with him and representing him had, at least, some dedication to fitness. It was a logical explanation.
Not that it settled well with him. Either way, he was going to be disappointed. And he needed to think of going for deals that didn’t come with that kind of unpleasant consequences. Which meant playing it safe, like usual.
Aidan could not believe that was over. He had practically had a personal training session with Heathcliff Stone, and he knew well how much that was supposed to cost. If he were to think about it, he was basically taking advantage of his position. But, hell, the workout had made him feel really good, and also, Heathcliff had been nothing but professional, save for that little teasing in the beginning.
Well, he did feel good, but he could not deny the disappointment he felt. Disappointment that should not have been there, seeing how he was so determined to play it safe. Nonetheless, he had expected a bit more from visiting Heathcliff at home, after dark, regardless of his internal battles concerning how far out of his league the fitness guru was. Yet, Heathcliff hadn’t made a move to touch him in any way that could be deemed inappropriate.
“What the hell?” he murmured to himself.
Had he really expected to be assaulted? Actually, that was one tiny reason why he had never gone too far with the guys he had tried to hook up with. His parents had ingrained in him to be cautious, and even though he was no longer living with them, and he was pretty much on his own, those teachings were still in his head, stopping him from doing something that could be deemed dangerous. Even if just a little. Even if he wanted to do something that was, at least, a tiny bit dangerous. Even if it meant that he was going to experience the bitter taste of disappointment. Which was there, despite all that.
Heathcliff had every reason to pat himself on the back for his restraint. The bunny had looked a bit dejected upon leaving, which meant that he had prepped himself for something else. Certainly different from a regular training session.
Heathcliff had enjoyed training the young man. Aidan Spark was in as good a shape as he could expect from someone of his age, and he was catching up fast. He was also intelligent, and he knew what questions to ask. And that, for a man who taught others healthy living, pretty much felt like a victory.
Now he was curious. What was going to be the bunny’s next move? By all means, he was ripe for the picking, as far as someone as experienced as Heathcliff could tell.
But why was he, Heathcliff, hesitating? Again, he tried to tell himself that it was because he wanted to give the young man enough space to make his own choices. Yet, with the bunny out the door, Heathcliff began to feel a tad impatient.
Whatever he liked, he took. And people were throwing themselves at his feet, so it wasn’t like he needed to pressure anyone into giving in. But, with Aidan, he felt like, no matter how slow he knew he had to take things, he wanted everything and he wanted it right that moment. Only his moral compass, and yes, he had one of those, prevented him from overwhelming the bunny and getting him to yield. At some simple level, he knew he would win.
Yet, somehow, that wasn’t good enough.
Aidan had gotten out of his shower, two buttons open off his shirt, smelling good, and with a promise in his beautiful, innocent eyes. But Heathcliff had ignored all the signs, and just held the door for the guy to leave.
Heathcliff shook his head and smiled. Soon he was going to be thirty. Maybe he felt like he was turning over a new leaf. Hmm, he had never thought of that before.
If he wanted to, he could stow those confidentiality agreements in the bottom of a drawer, forget about them, and go partying. It wasn’t like Aidan Spark could watch him twenty-four-seven. But he felt that wouldn’t be right.
Also, Heathcliff wasn’t exactly in the mood to party. What he wanted was not in some posh club or bar, waiting to wave at him from the sidelines. What he wanted was, for the first time in his life, a completely different person than the type he usually took to bed.
That said, let me know what you think in the comments! Even if you just want to yell at me, that's fine. I'm ready :))
Until next time,
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
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