Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
Family Struggles - 29. Jared and Mason's Big Day
Davis and Kaleb stumbled into Kyle and Blu’s house with babies in tow, looking haggard from lack of rest. The men both have dark rings under their eyes and are haphazardly dressed. Blu coming down the stairs took one look at the two men and started laughing his ass off before he stole…
“Which one is this?” he asked looking starry-eyed down at the baby.
“Which color?” Kaleb asked.
“Uh, seems normal pinky color.” Blu tilted his head inspecting the skin of the baby closer.
Kaleb rolled his eyes, “No outfit asswipe.”
“Are you drunk, brother?”
“Oh god, I wish. Do you have anything? I can call off.” Kaleb’s eyes scanned the kitchen for a miracle cure.
Blu handed the baby back to Davis.
“Here you go Poppy, this one smells a little funky. Let me have the other one?”
Davis refused to take the baby back, also turning away so Blu couldn’t take god knows which one he had in his arms.
“It’s your problem now Blu, Kaleb has the diaper bag. Goodluck. I don’t know what’s in that formula but, yikes.” Davis gave him a smirk sidestepping his friend to sit at the kitchen table.
Kaleb dropped the diaper bag at Blu’s feet, “I recommend you hurry, princess detests me and she’s even worse at dirty diapers.”
Blu snatched up the diaper bag while maintaining a safe hold on Kassidy. He grumbled all the way to the office where he could change the baby in peace. Kyle entered the kitchen just as Blu left.
Kyle smirked and waved his hand in front of his face, “Blu make sure you hose her down.”
The kids started piling in the kitchen one at a time while Kyle started on breakfast, he shushed them when they got a little noisy because Kaleb and Davis had fallen asleep sitting up holding a baby each. Levi chuckled with an evil quietness watching his uncles he opened the refrigerator pulling out a pack of string cheese handing some to Cody. The two boys proceeded to pull the cheese apart and decorate their Uncles laying the cheese pieces in their hair, resting in their ears. Somehow Levi managed to get a piece up Kaleb’s nose. The two boys fist bumped then ate any leftover cheese while they waited for their breakfast.
Kaleb helped his brother serve the food, which he made sure everybody other than his two nephews ate first. “See what being a smartass gets you? You two can eat last.”
“Wow, Uncle Kaleb you must be tired if that’s all you got!” The young boy exclaimed through a laugh.
Kaleb shook his head, “You have no idea. Eat, sleep, and poop! That’s all they do, and the princess screams, like a shrill, enough to make you want to be deaf. So how’s the love life, Levi? I see your Pop still has the laundry room door off. He’s never been too exciting, I still don’t understand how your dad landed somebody soooooooo boring.” Last part of his statement ended with an exaggerated sigh.
Blu entered the kitchen childless catching the end of Kaleb’s statement smacking the back of his head as he walked past.
“Shut your stupid tired face shithead.” Blu opened the refrigerator door coming up with someone's keys, he held them up. “Do these belong to anyone, or are they just cooling off after letting Kaleb drive.”
Davis looked over to Blu sleepily then felt his pocket. “Oh, their mine. Sorry,” he said through a yawn, “I think.” Closing his eyes again, it seemed Davis no longer cared.
“Babe you should take today off–” Kaleb stopped suddenly looking over at Blu. “Where the hell is my baby?” Panicking his eyes moved around the room searching for their missing child.
His brother-in-law shook his head slowly doing his best to look confused. “What baby?”
“Return the kid Blu, or I will hurt you,” Kaleb said through gritted teeth.
Maria came into the kitchen holding the sweet little baby in her arms.
“Relax, sweetie. I’ve got your precious bundle right here.”
“How’s my baby little girl? Have you decided to love your daddy today?” Kaleb said as he stood and cooed over her in Maria’s arms. The little girl immediately started to scrunch her eyes preparing to wail. Kaleb shook his head and sat back down, “Your daughter hates me, Davis.”
Davis opened his eyes sitting up quickly from his slumped state. “I’m up. I’m up. What’s happening?”
“You’re daughter… is she ever gonna like me?” Kaleb asked crossing his arms in a pout.
A knock from the entryway of the kitchen had everyone’s attention, they all blinked before Kaleb threw himself at the big man standing before him.
“You’re back,” he sobbed, “you came back.” Burying his head in James' chest.
James pulled back from Kaleb enough so he could see Kaleb’s face. His eyes moved around the room taking in the scene in front of him. The surprised faces made the mans insides warm filled with the love from his young family.
“Who’s babies?” his eyes moving back to Kaleb’s. “Are they yours?” he asked excitedly.
“Ya… ours,” Kaleb motioned to Davis as he blushed. “But she hates me,” he gestured toward his daughter in Maria’s arms. “It’s like she has a motion sensor if I get within four feet of her she screams bloody murder.”
Smiling James pulled Kaleb into his body for a comforting hug. Meanwhile, the others all gathered around the men to welcome him home.
“Go away he’s mine, find your own.” Kaleb swatted at the pestering group.
Davis handed the baby he had to James, kissed the mans cheek and mumbled, “Levi, I’m taking a nap in your bed. I’m glad your back James.”
During lunch at school Cody was sitting with his friends chatting animatedly, when red-headed Mary Ann Bickers walked up to the boy kissing his cheek.
“Oh my god you’re disgusting,” Cody said wiping at his cheek.
Mary Ann flicked her hair over her shoulder, “You’re my boyfriend now. What’s your cell number?” The girl asked in a rather demanding tone.
Cody turned red in the face, “that’s none of your business, and I’m not your boyfriend.” His face screwed up while scrubbing his cheek rapidly with the cuff of his sleeve.
“We’ll see about that Cody Waters, I will tell everybody you kissed me by the restroom after lunch.” Mary Ann hissed before stalking off.
Jared quickly sent a text to Blu and Kyle amused at what had just happened to Cody. Feeling bad for the young girl because now he had to report it due to the zero-tolerance policy. He moved forward toward Cody to get his side of the story. After listening to Cody and his friends recap the event it was as he suspected. Not liking the fact he had to report the incident, he was still amused at the ballsy young girl. She went after what she wanted. Years ago the situation would have been dealt with easily and taken for what it was. Young kids learning boundaries and coming into the angsty teenage years. Today with the way things were it’s considered sexual harassment. Go figure. It all seems over the top in Jared’s opinion.
Kyle read his text from his brother, chuckling before summoning for the girl to report to the office. His hands were tied he had to deal with this situation in a professional manner even though the intention was harmless. The only thing that happened was embarrassing his son which in all reality, his own kids had a running tally of who could embarrass who the most.
Levi’s phone rang while he was working on a book report which was due in a few days. Recognizing Marks number from the baseball team, he answered it. “Hey man what’s up?”
“What are you calling my phone for Mary Ann?”
“No, I’m not putting him on my phone.”
“I don’t care if you think he’s your boyfriend.”
“If you haven’t realized it Cody is definitely not interested.”
“Ya well, you're out of luck unless you turn into a puppy. He likes those.”
“Does Mark know you’re using his phone? Hello?” Levi turned to look at his phone noticing she hung up on him.
Hopping off his bed he strolled downstairs into the living room, finding Cody. “What’s your girlfriend calling my phone for Cody?”
“What? Huh?” Cody looked at Levi, “I didn’t give her your phone number or mine. I swear she’s nuts and gross. I had to come home after school when she kissed my cheek and scrub it for half an hour to get rid of her germs.”
Link perked up, “Tell her to keep her lips off our little brother Levi. He’s too young.”
“Yeah, Levi, tell her to stay away from me I’m too young,” Cody said fist bumping with Lincoln.
“Ya, you’re both weird but whatever,” Levi said as he turned heading back to his report.
The Water’s house was in absolute chaos. It is the morning of Jared and Manson’s wedding. Jared was getting ready at their place but Mason and Kasey had stayed the night at Blu and Kyle’s. The family members were back and forth between the two houses all morning. Kasey following Kaleb around all morning full of questions and wanting to help with the babies. Now that James was home he was back to work but now working with Kaleb, Davis, and the triplets. Kyle’s family didn’t really need a constant nanny, they’d settled into a routine that worked for them and were happy, much to Kaleb’s relief. The last thing he wanted was to go through the drama of finding a nanny or manny he could trust to look after their precious babies.
“Dad,” Link yelled over the landing at the top of the stairs, “Bella’s stupid cat slept on my tie and now it has hair all over it.
“Shut up, she’s not stupid. Jerk!” Bella called out.
“Pop, I need to find my other shoe,” Cody screeched running down the stairs with one shoe on pushing Khan out of the way at the bottom. “Move Kahn.”
“Mom, calm down. Everything is already organized. You don’t need to do anything, Kaleb, and Christopher have everything handled,” Mason spoke into his phone moving around Cody to go back upstairs.
“Uncle Kaleb, the green baby is crying!” Kasey yelled.
“Of course, why not!” Kaleb shouted throwing his hands in the air stomping off to deal with his baby.
Kasey tapped Mason’s side, “Poppy do you have Spotties bow tie?”
“It’s on Dad’s nightstand where you put it a few days ago,” Mason said kneeling at the boy's side.
“Okay, but he needs it before the wedding. He has to Poppy, he’s family.” Kasey pouted while looking at his shiny shoes.
Blu flew into the living room holding a shoe in one hand, ruffling Kasey’s hair with the other.
“Pop, where is dad?” Link said from above.
Blu gave the shoe in his hand to Cody turning the boy to go back upstairs while looking up at Lincoln distractedly. “Uh… Dad’s over at Uncle Jared’s. What do you need?” He turned quickly to Kaleb. “James said to take…” he pointed to the baby, “uh… the last one of your babies over to Jared’s you need to get your tux on and your brothers are freaking out.”
“Pop!” Blu turned his attention back to Link.
“What buddy?” Blu sighed already exhausted and they hadn’t even really started yet. “We have to leave in forty minutes Link. You kids need to hurry up.”
“There’s a problem.” Link pointed at the cat, “that thing sat on my tie it’s covered in hair, and looks like something a rich person would wear around their shoulders for a coat.”
Blu waved his hand up toward Link, “Go and get one from my closet, I have a few smaller ties just pick one.”
“I’m leaving now shit for brains, you better not be wearing those sweats to the wedding dickhead.” Kaleb waltzed out with the green baby, diaper bag, and Kasey in tow. “Your tastes always did suck, other than Kyle.”
Blu flipped off Kaleb and handed Kasey a ten dollar note with the other hand. The young boy scampered off after his uncle grinning like he’d won the lottery. He’d been cleaning up between the two houses today because of the excitement and stress. Kasey was loving it. He’d gone to the bank this week to deposit his bad word money and the box was looking a little empty. He was happily filling it up again. He was gonna be so rich when he grew up. Silly dults. He caught up to Kaleb because needed to go back to his house to look for Spottie’s bow tie. He’s not allowed to cross the road by himself.
After the chaos continued for another half an hour, Blu was shuffling the kids and Mason into the Escalade. Jared would be going in Davis’ Escalade, Kaleb had finally caved and let his husband have the cool family tank rather than the traditional mom’s soccer van.
“Okay, folks, welcome to the ‘Groom to Altar’, shuttle. The traffic is light and we are expected to arrive in 23 minutes. Please fasten your seatbelts and stay seated while the vehicle is in motion. There is no food service on this flight and any stains from food snuck on board will be dealt with by a severe grounding. We’re off, enjoy the ride,” Blu looked in the back at the kids before departing.
“Parents are so lame,” Link laughed out. “But we will keep you.”
The gazebo at the park was decorated with colorful roses, that left a lovely scent wafting through the air. There were a few lines of white chairs to accommodate family only, per the soon to be newlyweds request. A small group of stringed musicians played a welcoming melody, for the guests. The sun shined brightly through the ocean blue colored skies, with a light warm breeze, and fluffy white colored clouds littered the sky. It was a beautiful March day, warmer than usual for this time of year. The two men were going to have an exceptional day if the weather was anything to go by.
Everyone took their places and the music started for the wedding march. Jared and Mason had decided to walk down the aisle together, while Kaleb and Kyle waited at the pulpit with the ordained minister. Blu sat with his parents and James surrounded by the kids. Nan and Elsie sat behind, both ladies sporting embroidered handkerchiefs and specially bought hats for the occasion. Teddy stood at attention in his service dress uniform off to the side keeping an eye on the festivities. Although they barely had any security he had amped it up not taking any chances with Jared and Mason’s wedding nor that fact the entire family was present.
Once the music started Jared and Mason commenced their walk to officially share their life together. Mason a little shiny-eyed but happy. Jared wearing the mother effer of all grins, he stood tall and proud to be marrying the love of his life. Although he’d loved his wife with all his heart, he’d found another love just as wonderful in Mason. Kasey closely shadowed his dads with Spotty well in hand. He’d done a good job training the well-behaved dog with his Poppy and Grandpappy’s help. The young boy concentrated doing the right thing all the way down the aisle taking his job seriously. He took his place to the side of his Uncle Kyle ready for when he had to give them the rings. Besides looking after Spotty, the rings were his responsibility and he didn’t want to mess it up.
“Dearly beloved–”
Levi sunk in his chair wishing he could just disappear as he pulled his phone out.
“Mark I can’t talk my uncles are getting–”
“Mary Ann I’ve had enough of this game.”
“No, you’re not talking to Cody. Not now or ever! Tell Mark to put you on a leash, you need some self-control. On second thought I will tell him myself.” Levi said heatedly.
Clicking the disconnect, he glanced up and all eyes were trained on him.
“Umm… yes… As I was saying. We are gathered here to join both of these men in the holiest of vows, that of marriage. Both men have written their own vows which they will now give to one another.” The minister still giving Levi the stink-eye, who smiled and shrugged his shoulders.
Taking Mason’s hand in his with a shaky voice Jared said, “Mason when both of our worlds seemed at their darkest we found our love could get us through anything. We’ve been through the worst of times and made a lot of happy memories already. Today you do me the honor of becoming not only my best friend but my husband. I promise to love you through sickness and to comfort you in sad times. And to be everything you deserve to have in life as your partner.”
Mason smiled warmly reaching up to dry the fallen tears on Jared’s cheek.
“Never would I have thought I’d be so lucky as to find a love as deep as ours. You brought a light into the darkest period of my life, and with it the most amazing gift of a son that I adore.” He glanced quickly at Kasey sending him a wink making the young boy beam. “I will treasure our love, making our family a priority. Nothing could be more important to me. I want to honor the love and life you’ve given me. I love you with all my heart Jared and will forever.”
Kasey tugged on his Dad’s jacket slipping the rings into his hand, offering a toothy smile.
“Now the grooms will exchange rings as a sign of the never-ending love.” The minister smile to both men with a nod signaling his go ahead.
Jared’s hand trembled while he slid the ring onto Mason’s finger, with a wobble to his voice he said, “I will love you forever.”
“I love you,” Mason silently mouthed to his soon to be husband. Jared blushed, squeezing Mason’s hand grinning.
Wiping the tears away from his eyes, Mason hand holding the ring poised at the end of Jared’s finger. With a thick throaty voice, he said to his love at the same time placing the ring on Jared’s finger, “I will love you forever.”
“Ladies and Gentlemen, it is my honor and privilege to pronounce these two men husbands. You may now kiss your partner.” The minister proclaimed.
Kasey tapped on both his dad’s back, “When can we get me a baby brother? You said after you got married. So?”
The crowd erupted with laughter as both men stammered without an answer.
Mason picked up Kasey, kissing his cheek. “We’ll talk about it later little man.” He leaned in kissing his new husband squashing his beloved son between them.
“You’re squashing me!!! Help Teddy, help!” Kasey screamed.
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Until the next time, take care.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
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