Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
Widderkin - 24. Chapter 24
Chapter 24.
Kieran reluctantly opened an eye and took in the glowing green where bright light from outside was making the plants hanging across the shelter entrance translucent. Neat! What was the time? He twisted sideways beneath the luxurious softness of his cover for a better look, then sat up to centre his thoughts. What was the time? ... And where was everyone? He scrambled hurriedly to the little alcove to relieve himself, slipped into his clothes, then pulled the entrance vines to one side.
"Good morning, master Kieran. When you have had food and drink I will take you to Ranevargar."
"Where’s everyone else?"
"They were very busy familiarising themselves with their new travel supplies and then Gryl took them exploring when it became clear you needed a longer rest."
Kieran switched the background connection he always kept with Rhys to the foreground and surprised Penron with his exclamation.
"Sorry, Penron. I had to laugh because Rhys's excitement is so contagious. Can I carry some breakfast with me so I don't keep Ranevargar waiting?"
"Break ... Fast? Yes of course."
Ten minutes later Kieran was sitting with Ranevargar and wishing he’d brought more of the honey bread stuff with him.
"Ah! You are well rested I see, Kieran. The others will be with us shortly but in the meantime I have a great deal to show you."
"What about the deep look into my mind you were going to do last night? I feel like it's important."
"So do I, but let us try a few exercises first which will enlighten as well as help. Link with me as closely as you can."
Linking was easy but Kieran wasn't sure what closely meant.
"You are already close, Kieran, but practice will bring you even closer. Follow and watch while I make a familiar link."
Kieran followed and automatically looked to a distant branch where the small flock of joker birds must be.
"Use your mind rather than your physical eyes to gather information, Kieran. Follow closely now while I focus on an individual."
That was a much practised skill which Kieran already knew.
"Yes, but you only use it at an elementary level and you can do far more. Watch my patterns, as you call them, and try them for yourself."
An actual image of several small flowers nestled between green leaves appeared in Ranevargar's mind and Kieran, understanding that this was a joker bird’s real-life view, eagerly watched and stored the variation to his own pattern.
"Good. Now try it without my help."
After a moment of blurriness the head of another joker bird appeared and Kieran felt like yelling with delight.
"Wonderful, Kieran. You’re grasping the pattern for sight, now watch and learn the patterns for taste and smell."
Five minutes later Ranevargar switched the target animal.
"Something new now. Ride my mind, Kieran."
After a breathtaking reach, which Kieran had no hope of copying, a new image showed clear in Ranevargar's mind. Grass? Gods! This was one of the deer creatures. Instructions passed from Ranevargar and the creature’s head lifted to gaze at a grassy clearing and a beautiful little waterfall.
"The pattern for sight, Kieran, try it for yourself."
That was no problem and Kieran even sent an instruction to look towards the remnants of their old campfire.
"Well done! Now can you manage completely on your own?"
The link snapped abruptly but Kieran didn't even try to make a reconnection.
"No way, Ranevargar! It's so far away I couldn't manage it without an enormous call on my Opal."
"Interesting. Ride with me again and watch closely, but on no account make any attempt at control. There is information you should see."
Ranevargar made another breathtaking reach which told Kieran they'd covered a great distance again, and when an image of startling clarity showed the view of a lake far below, a familiar pattern said this was an Eagle or Courser. The image became secondary and a sense of purpose primary. This Courser had powerful instructions to search for any sign of a group of ground travellers. In rapid succession Ranevargar switched seven more times to new Coursers, each with the same overriding purpose.
"Early this morning Lord Uirebon made contact, with a forceful request to pass on information I might have about any travellers or unusual occurrences within my Realm. I told him, with great concern, that my Guardians have been hard pressed to manage a surge of Chaos Incursions as well as a fearsome beast from the Unordered Realm, and I gave notice that if the rate of incursion continues I will need an infusion of Nexus energy from the High King."
"Lord Uirebon is the one who rules the study Realm isn't he?"
"Yes, and this means that yet another Realm Lord is actively involved in the matter of you and your companions. The orders for the Coursers all carry his signature."
"Are any of the Coursers close enough to see Rhys and everyone else? ... No, I know they’re not, but they travel very quickly and I don't know the distances."
"One is tracking this way but it won't arrive for more than an hour and when it does arrive it won't see anything unusual."
"Three rulers of Realms are after us? It's crazy. I wish we knew why."
"I very much agree, Kieran. I made my puzzlement very clear but Uirebon offered no explanation and kept his thoughts behind a powerful shield."
Kieran made a kind of mental snort.
"He wouldn't keep me out ... unless he’s different."
"Maybe, but that would be most unwise. Your strength and technique would be sufficient but a Realm Lord has centuries of experience to call on."
"I know. It aggravates me, that's all. They’d probably figure out where we are and send more of those Spook things after us ... Do you know how to control them, Ranevargar? They don't seem to have minds."
"Physical dissolution is the only way, Kieran. They are constructs formed without an independent mind so the purpose of the maker cannot be changed."
"You said construct with the same kind of feeling you use for the Realm Trees. Is that how you talk about unusual creatures?"
"Yes, but the Fetches are an inferior class of construct ... Find your companions and sneak into their minds."
"Without their permission? That's not our rule."
"They gave it when I explained this exercise to them earlier and alerted them to be wary for any sign of intrusion."
"It's hardly an exercise, Ranevargar. I know them all so well it's not even an effort."
"Practise with your newly improved patterns to show me what they are experiencing, and at the same time influence their behaviour without their knowledge."
Kieran reached and was instantly flooded with Rhys's excitement. That wasn't what Ranevargar wanted though, so he built a similar pattern to the ones that had given direct sight access with the Joker bird and the deer. Wow! The surroundings, visible past Gryl's head, were racing by at an unbelievable speed.
"Relay to me, Kieran ... That's better ... Now make Rhys look at your other companions."
Kieran started a bit of a push for Rhys to look behind but immediately stopped because the speed was so great and Rhys was focused so strongly with holding on during this high-speed burst.
"Not at the moment. It's too dangerous for him."
"Yes, I see. Add another sense and relay that to me as well."
Motion added to the mix along with the rush of air making moisture stream from Rhys's eyes.
"Can you feel all that, Ranevargar?"
"Yes, Kieran. So much exhilaration and excitement is captivating. Switch to Gryl's mind before he finishes his dash and taste the same experience from another viewpoint."
For the next while Kieran followed Ranevargar's directions in switching through all his companions minds, relaying everything, and sneakily controlling some of their actions.
"Enough, Kieran. I've just told Gryl it is time to return. Can you see how the steady relay process has opened your mind to me? Watch as closely as you can while I probe more deeply."
Kieran did watch but the process was very complicated and more than he could properly follow. Eventually he sensed Ranevargar's withdrawal and return to ordinary surface thoughts.
"Did you find anything important, Ranevargar?"
"I'm not sure. I get the impression that there are barriers in your mind which are beyond my ability to find. There is also a strange uniformity to your older memories which puzzles me."
"Uniform memories? What does that mean?"
"Memories range in strength according to importance, your frame of mind, their association with other memories and many other factors. Your recent memories vary with your older ones."
"How long ago? My memories did get changed once, but I fixed that."
"The difference is subtle but your College memories show a more natural variance."
Movement distracted Kieran when the Griffins sailed into view and then again as the great mob of Panthers, four of them mounted, bounded from behind the Realm Trees.
"More later, Kieran."
The excitement and eagerness to share their adventure radiated from all four companions and Rhys could hardly contain himself while he unclipped and slid recklessly from Gryl’s back.
"Yo! Slugsy! Wait till we tell you what you missed. Riding Gryl’s as exciting as flying with Krol and we saw where the Realm Trees drink water from the lake ... Have you been awake long? We saw a flock of birds bigger than a cloud fly out of the Realm Trees and Krol did acrobatics right through the middle of them. You won't believe what it feels like when the Panthers start to race."
"I know some of it, Rhys. Ranevargar taught me how to piggyback your mind and I watched the bit when you were racing."
"Watched? What does that mean?"
"I'll tell you later."
"Okay. Hang on while I take Gryl’s saddle off. He can't do it by himself."
Penron and the other three hosts appeared and in a very short time everyone was gathered round Ranevargar with the thrill of their adventure pushed aside by an overriding curiosity about what they saw as a far more important event. Kieran wondered about that then saw how much they’d discussed the Realm Trees portal function while he was asleep.
"Are you ready, everyone? Kieran, Krol, and I will disappear for a while, then reappear, depending on how quickly I can marshal my resources. Kieran, the pattern I use is much simpler than the one you tapped into when you brought everyone to the Realms and I'm hopeful that after several trials you will master it for yourself."
Kieran was totally taken aback.
"Um! ... Aren't we all going? We made a big decision that it's important never to get separated."
Kieran very quickly sent the image of the campfire discussion which showed how strong this had been for all of them.
"Hmm! I don't see how we can manage this. I have a similar need to keep at least one Guardian with me at all times and such a portal would exhaust me. My energy is limited."
Woorawa had an instant answer.
"Hey! Energy’s nothing. Kieran can give you some from his Opal ... That's easy isn't it, Kieran?"
"Yes! I can easily make a mind pool like I do for Rhys's healing or the Spook ropes ... or I could help you transfer some to your Pearl if that would help."
"There are still problems, Kieran. My recovery from such an extensive portal would be slow."
Rhys started waving his hands like a crazy man.
"No it won't. We’ll zap you and you'll feel good as new straight away."
Kieran was completely puzzled by the great wash of uncertainty flooding Ranevargar's mind. He'd seen, almost first hand, what Rhys's healing had done for Krol, so there was something slightly off about this reaction. Pulling some recollection from their recent session he probed past Ranevargar's surface thoughts and saw reluctance to even accept the possibility of help.
"Ranevargar, hold still while we show you how good a boost feels. Rhys, rest your hands on Ranevargar's temples. We know that works best."
This was Kieran using his command voice.
Ranevargar froze, Rhys leapt to comply and everyone else stared in startlement.
Kieran pooled the normal amount of energy they used for a boost and reached to cover Rhys's hands with his own. The energy disappeared, drained to nothing when Rhys's healing gift took every possible skerrick of resource for its own purpose. Totally unprepared, Kieran sent a call for Opal help in the moment before the overwhelming demand from Rhys washed his consciousness away.
... What? A gentle hand caressed his forehead and he opened his eyes at Mr B's touch.
"Just relax and wake yourself up properly when you’re ready, Kieran. Rhys and Ranevargar are still asleep but they must be nearly awake because they’ve both got that relaxed kind of smile that happens when Rhys’s zap fixes something."
Kieran sat up then blinked with the surprise of seeing Krol's fierce features staring at him with an unreadable look. Pressed close and sitting motionless, every Griffin and Panther also stared at him with a disconcerting quietness.
"They all went into shock and nearly frightened us to death till Krol saw that Ranevargar wasn't hurt."
Kieran's gathering wits wondered at that but checking Rhys and Ranevargar was first priority, particularly Ranevargar, who'd somehow made a routine energy boost turn into a full zap event.
"Was I asleep for very long, Mr B?"
"About five minutes but you started stirring almost straight away."
Kieran had a fleeting thought, as he reached for Ranevargar's mind, that the energy pool must have buffered him against the full effect. Whoo! Ranevarga’s sleeping mind, without the complexity and strain of consciousness, was curiously different. It was a good difference too, more relaxed but at the same time humming with life. Was the zap causing that, or was it the normal restoration process of a sleep state? Whatever it was it looked good so Kieran grabbed Rhys's hand, called enough energy to help him wake up, and smiled when his eyes twitched open.
"Sheba, Kieran! That was ... Gods! They’re all staring."
"Help me wake Ranevargar up, Rhys. I don't know why but you zapped us all. Just a little boost because he’s almost awake anyway."
Rhys sat up and took in all the surrounding watchers before reaching to Ranevargar.
"Another boost? We might get zapped again."
"We won't. I'm ready this time."
And indeed, the patterns Kieran had learned with the two big healings were now well and truly in place, but covering Rhys's hand with his own showed they weren't necessary. A smaller than usual, but quite normal energy boost, flowed and Ranevargar woke.
Kieran, connected to Ranevargar's mind as a kind of precaution, watched the relaxation of a moment ago explode into a kaleidoscope of mental activity. For an instant he recognised introspection but then, beyond his comprehension, a multitude of links reached in every direction.
"What have you done?"
The words, spoken softly but sounding like a great shout in Kieran's mind, were rhetorical and quite unanswerable.
"You’re all right, Ranevargar. You just got zapped."
Ranevargar removed his hands from the double grip holding them and, with a gesture that looked like a kind of blessing, rested his fingertips on Rhys's head. Rhys peered, stunned and speechless, through the soft green glow which appeared. Ranevargar turned and transferred the touch, and for the few seconds while the glow tinged everything he saw with green, Kieran's mind and body tingled with the happiness and gratitude he was receiving.
A request for assistance shone clear in Kieran's mind and, seeing the need and yearning behind it, he impulsively opened a channel to his Opal and let the energy flow. The green glow spread and with it went an overwhelming feeling of joy. Kieran's senses reeled. His voice joined his companions and hosts in a shout of sheer exhilaration. Griffin heads lifted, panther roars joined in a thunderous chorus, and a myriad of birds burst from the Realm Trees to fill the air above with a wondrous high-pitched skirl of sound.
Ranevargar's hands lifted from Kieran into a wide gesture and with them went a call for calm. All the sound and motion quieted and, over his steadying emotions, Kieran saw the brightness of Ranevargar's vast network of links subdue and recede. Ranevargar’s arms relaxed to his sides and his smile further calmed the hushed gathering.
"Peace follows joy and I am restored.
The Realm is renewed with your gift, Rhys."
All eyes turned to Rhys.
"Um! ... What have I done?"
Ranevargar chuckled and the air of high drama disappeared.
"A healing, Rhys, and I will explain later but you have also made our group portal possible ... Ready yourself to depart."
"Ready? ... Now? All the animals just went crazy and you'll leave them? ... And how do we get ready?"
Kieran wondered why Ranevargar wasn't explaining more, then saw that that would happen while he was recovering after the portal.
"The animals are happy and quite used to my departure."
Kieran took over because he saw that Ranevargar was just making an announcement rather than asking for some sort of preparation.
"We’ll join up like we do for the Wall crossings, Rhys. I don't think it matters but it’ll be a good backup."
There was a scramble of movement and Kieran laughed as eight hands latched firmly on.
"This is going to be like moving through the Wall. I can just tell ... Ranevargar, where are we going?"
"Kieran will choose our destination, Rhys."
"I will?"
"Yes, concentrate, Kieran. Watch carefully while I show you the identity of the first grove and when you have that fixed in your mind we will learn all the rest."
A new pattern appeared in Ranevargar's mind. No, not quite new. There was a strangely familiar feel about it. Approval washed to Kieran.
"This is our current Grove, Kieran. Without this pattern we cannot return."
"I've got it."
"Show me."
One by one Ranevargar cycled through ten more location patterns, insisting each time that Kieran show he could make it himself.
"They’re harder to hold in my mind than the one for here."
"Only till you make a visit."
"What's the hold up? We've been standing like this for nearly five minutes."
"We are almost ready, Rhys. Kieran is learning the locations of all the groves in my Realm."
"All? How many’s that?"
"We are about to leave so I will let you discover that for yourself."
"Which one, Ranevargar? How do I choose?"
"We can reach them all, Kieran, but I suggest the Central Grove with its stronger support structure for a start."
"Okay. Which one is it?"
"The strongest pattern, Kieran. You tell me."
That was easy.
"Good and now I'm going to show you the connection between this Grove and our destination. Watch carefully because it's almost undetectable while it's passive. I'll have to activate it and hold it ready while you take it in. Ready?"
Something happened but Kieran couldn't figure it.
"It's tricky till you know it. Look more outward rather than deeply into my mind this time."
An external pattern? Well, if it was between two Groves it must be. Instead of looking for the pattern itself Kieran decided to track the signal Ranevargar was using to switch its active/passive condition. Yes, there was the off signal, a tiny current of mind energy. A second tiny current flared out and this time Kieran was watching the right place.
"Wow! That’s beautiful, Ranevargar. It looks like silvery green spider silk stretching all the way between the two locations."
"Excellent, Kieran, and interesting too because my mind interprets it as a current of green energy, like a river flowing ... Now. It's time to go. Take in as much as you can."
Reality blurred, much as it had with the Wall crossings, but without the disturbing sensations of nausea and disorientation.
Kieran’s senses blinked off then came straight on again and he was looking at the Realm Tree platform. No he wasn't. This platform was bigger with a different shaped edge.
Everyone's hands dropped as they stared around, and to the side Krol stretched and then folded his wings.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
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