Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
Widderkin - 27. Chapter 27
Chapter 27.
"Kieran, to prepare for our journey to the heart of the Unordered Realm, we must return to the Central Grove. I have sent word for provisions and a cohort of Griffins to be readied and told all my Guardians of my coming absence."
Krol's head lifted in distress.
"Not you, Krol. We need you with us for protection and transport."
Ruffled feathers flattened and Kieran sensed the flash of fierce pride and pleasure at his inclusion.
"Are we going to fly into Dead World on the backs of the Griffins?"
"Yes, Rhys. The Griffins will shorten days of travel to a matter of hours. Kieran, can you concentrate while we walk? There are many things I must now share with you."
"I can try, and if there are extra hard bits we can stop while I learn them."
"Good ... Lead the way, Woorawa. Kieran and I will be silent but very busy while we walk."
“Access my pearl, Kieran, while I unlock the energy stored by my Central Grove over the last 600 years. I will share every process with you so that if I falter or fail at any time you can give your support, or even take over if that should be necessary."
"Of course, but how could I? I'm not built into the construct like you are?"
"You couldn't by yourself, I'm fairly certain, but if I falter we will still be linked, and you will be able to channel anything unique to my identity."
"I will?"
"Yes. We will work through every necessary step till you have complete mastery. It is a daunting task but mostly understanding rather than memory of detail."
That remained to be seen but right now Kieran was watching as Ranevargar revealed a new structure deep within the Pearl and proceeded to unravel a complicated barrier.
"Lend me some energy, Kieran. This final lock can only be passed at a time when I have an abundance of power."
Kieran called on his Opal, watched how Ranevargar used his power to dissolve the lock, watched a strange link reach way into the distance, then followed as Ranevargar raced along it. Kieran stopped in his tracks with astonishment while his mind stretched to take in the huge reservoir of Realm Tree energy pulsing gently through the link to the Pearl.
"It's real, Kieran, and seeing it inspires me. I knew by computation how much would be there but the reality is breathtaking."
"What's wrong, Kieran? Are we stopped so you can think harder?"
"We just linked to all the energy the Realm Trees have stored, Rhys, and it makes our healing pools look like a dewdrop beside a river ... We really need all this, Ranevargar? The construct must be unbelievably powerful."
"Yes, Kieran, and more than as much again, but the call on it won't be instant. It will spread from the time we take control till we return to the safety of this Realm."
"What is this construct? Is it like a big version of Krol?"
"No, Rhys. Krol would have as much effect against it as a joker bird attacking Gryl."
Rhys, and everyone else, stared at the five metres of contained ferocity trailing close behind, then, wide-eyed, back at Ranevargar.
"I don't believe you! It's not possible!"
They all knew it was, but at the same time shared Rhys's incredulity.
"Is there some reason we shouldn't know more about it, Ranevargar? We'll have to see it eventually."
"No good reason, Kieran, apart from worrying about the fear it might induce. Even the image is startling, so prepare yourself."
Kieran held his hand out and everyone grasped it for the support and well-being of one of Rhys's energy zaps.
Ranevargar nodded his approval then sent an image of his special construct to all five friends. Kieran hardly noticed when the hands gripping his own tightened like some sort of multi-vice. He was too startled and shocked to think of anything else while he struggled to force some sort of reality on to what he was seeing.
"Holy Dragon balls! I take it all back, Ranevargar. Krol’s a cuddly puppy compared to that thing."
Rhys's bizarre, but apt, exclamation and unlikely comparison of Krol with a puppy broke the group attention and set off Ranevargar's smile. Mr B broke it further.
“We call that a dragon, Ranevargar. Did you have a reason for using that form?"
"We share the same heritage, Mr B, and I chose the Dragon form because it signifies the power and wisdom needed for managing an unruly Realm."
"I'm glad you showed us with a mind picture. If I'd seen it for real I think I would have fainted."
Woorawa gave Rhys a disbelieving whack.
"No you wouldn't. You’d probably go for it with your Spook rope."
Ranevargar was saying nothing and Kieran could see that it was to let everyone adjust. Mr B asked another question.
"What's the scale of … Sorry, that was an unintentional pun. What size is it, Ranevargar? It's eyes unnerved me so much I didn't take the rest of it in properly."
"It is large, Mr B. Except for some of my whales it is the largest creature in all Faerie. I will show you again but for a little longer now that you are all ready."
The image formed again so clear that, when he thought about it later, Kieran knew he must have either more learning, or an awful lot of practice, before he’d be able to match it. This time a Griffin was there as well, standing next to a foreleg with its head just reaching the level of the scaly underbelly. At least ten metres of head and body dwarfed the Griffin, and the ridged tail doubled that. Good grief! It was enormous! Kieran started to wonder about the wings but the eyes grabbed and held him till the image ended.
There was another silence, broken this time by Woorawa.
"It's so big it can't possibly fly. Has it got hollow bones like birds, or something?"
"Something, Woorawa, not hollow bones. Power assists its takeoff ... But we must move on while Kieran becomes adept at controlling Grove energy."
Woorawa wasn't quite ready to move.
"Power can help things fly? Would that work for Kieran then? He's got lots."
"Most likely, Woorawa, but it requires a profligate use of energy for very little effect. I can't show him how either because that knowledge is lodged in the construct. Lord Uirebon would have the technique somewhere in one of his study centres but you are avoiding him, so if Keiran is really interested in something so esoteric he will have to wait."
"It can't be that ... Esoteric? You used it with the Dragon."
"To help with the launch into flight, Woorawa. The construct is a natural flyer and once airborne needs no assistance."
Rhys was staring at Kieran with one of his big grins plastered widely across his face.
"So now he can leap buildings in a single bound."
Oh! Kryptonite jokes were going to be a new feature from now on.
"We’re going to keep finding new things he can do with the power aren't we?"
"Of course, Rhys. I sense a strong affinity in Kieran for the ways of my Realm, and given the time and opportunity I would show him much, but there are a multitude of other paths for power as well. There are arts of the mind, techniques and schools of conflict and domination, ways of using the structured energy of the Nexus and the wild energy from beyond the outer boundaries. Rhys, we are being distracted. It is time to proceed."
Kieran wanted to talk, like everyone else, about the Dragon construct, and particularly its eyes, but that would have to wait.
"Create a reservoir and make a five second transfer of energy from the Central Grove, Kieran."
"That's easy. I don't see the point."
"You will, but go ahead now, and then return the energy without any loss."
No loss? Kieran paused because so far he'd just called for energy and used it without any thought about wastage. Hmm! He'd need a technique for accurate measurement.
"Show me how you measure, Ranevargar, and save us time. You’ve probably been doing this for a thousand years."
Ranevargar drew a little energy from the Grove then returned it and Kieran watched how he measured the amount for both ways. Neat. He made his own two-way transfer, wasn't pleased, so tightened everything and did again.
"That's better. Now, take double the energy in the same time."
That was easy but after doubling four more times it wasn't.
"You must figure a way to cope, Kieran, because we still need at least two more doublings."
Two more? That wasn't possible ... Well ... Maybe."
"Ranevargar, I can only move that amount by using a part of it to keep it contained ... Or by using my Opal."
"Both ways will work, but use your Opal, Kieran. You will need to call on it just as heavily when the Grove energy fails."
Kieran, concentrated on this new task so much he had no awareness of how startled his companions were by the brilliant blue glow now enveloping him.
"Excellent, Kieran. Now, instead of five seconds try for a sixty second transfer."
Kieran hesitated because something wasn't right.
"That's too much, Ranevargar. Is there another way of storing so much energy in my mind?"
"You know more about mind pools than I do ... But the pool is not important. Making sure you can manage that rate of flow without letup is."
Without letup ... Whoo! That was so much. Kieran reeled with new understanding of the commitment he'd made.
"... Your Central Grove can hold far more than sixty seconds worth, Ranevargar. What about transferring in from my Opal and just leaving it there?"
"Of course. So sensible. Your young mind and fresh approach humbles me."
When the blue glow intensified yet again, Krol’s squawk of concern penetrated Kieran's concentration enough to make him check its purpose, realise that everyone was squinting, and reduce the level.
"Sorry. Ranevargar’s being a slave driver."
Ranevargar didn't understand Rhys's laugh.
"Have I been unreasonable in my expectations, Kieran? If I'd sensed any real discomfort I would have moderated our efforts."
"Don't take any notice of Rhys. He was laughing at a joke we have between us when we push each other to work at something. I'll start the energy transfer again because I lost concentration."
Sixty seconds later Kieran was really pleased. He’d managed the flow with increasing ease, and figured how to make the whole process run automatically, much like his shields.
"Your mastery continues to astonish me, Kieran. Your talent with energy seems to be natural but the speed at which you learn new things has a sense of training. Have you always been able to learn this way?"
Kieran, full of his accomplishment with the energy flow, was surprised at this digression. No, not really. It was another wake up to how carefully Ranevargar was watching.
"Um, no. I first remember it after the migraines when Mr B started coaching me."
"Yet another aspect to consider if only we had the time ... Kieran, it's time to take you to a part of my mind which can only be reached by first accessing my Pearl, and then knowing how to unlock the pathway to the Dragon construct knowledge I have hidden there."
Kieran went into Ranevargar's Pearl and with great wonderment followed the pathway being revealed to him.
"Learn this key, Kieran, but hide it somewhere in your Opal where only you can find it."
A six pointed star projected into Kieran's mind, glowing green, with a Guardian shape in each outer section and a stylised dragon in the centre.
"I've got it, Ranevargar. I’ll hide it in my Opal with a lock of my own."
"In a moment, Kieran, when you have seen the full complexity of the lock. The key has to be applied three times thus."
Kieran watched as, first green, then blue, and then red, the symbol was applied and yet another pathway appeared.
"Wow! That's a brilliant idea. Hang on till I catch up."
That took a few seconds while Kieran copied a similar structure into the Opal and used an image of Rhys as the key.
"I'm with you now, Ranevargar. My Opal’s getting a lot more complicated than I ever imagined though."
"Yes... Follow the link and I'll take you through the construct controls. I think we should stop walking till we finish because this will take some effort and the Grove is only a few minutes away."
Kieran would have stopped anyway because when he surfaced from his deep concentration he found himself sitting on the ground with his back against Krol and everyone else watching quietly.
"Oh boy! That really was close to slave driving, Ranevargar. I got most of it but there are a few parts that don't make much sense."
"And they won't until you see them actually applied. Relax now, till we reach the Grove."
Kieran's grunt of amusement changed the group’s looks from quiet to quizzical.
"Ranevargar’s just given me a whole two minutes for relaxing before we reach the Realm Trees and do another portal."
"What were you doing, Kieran? You looked like a bomb could have gone off and you wouldn't even have noticed."
"Mind locks and secrets and new things with Ranevargar's Pearl and my Opal, Woorawa. Learning about the Dragon and how to move lots of energy around."
"What secrets?"
Kieran looked to Ranevargar to answer that.
"Secrets between Kieran and me, Rhys. We'd tell you if it was safe but you don't have the privacy protections that we do."
Kieran touched his Opal briefly and Rhys understood.
"Wow! Heavy stuff, Kieran. Have you really learnt how to help Ranevargar control the Dragon in just ten minutes?"
"Ten minutes?"
"While you’ve been sitting there against Krol."
"I was slave driving him so much he wasn't aware of the time passing, Rhys, and yes, I'm confident he can help, or even take over if need be."
"Take over? ... You seriously mean he'll be able to control that thing all by himself?"
"In practical terms, yes, Rhys. It can't happen without my involvement, but after one more run through, and enough practice, he will be able to get that even if I'm exhausted or unconscious."
"I suppose it must be something like how he can make us do things or give commands to other animals, but you gave us the feeling that your Dragon’s way different. Could you teach Mr B or one of us how to control it to?"
"The control process for my Dragon does require the ability of elementary mind manipulation, Rhys, but other unique abilities are so important it stretches my own credulity that Kieran can possess them all."
Rhys, who'd fallen in beside Kieran, gave one of the friendly whacks which usually accompanied a stir.
"Yeah! He stretches us too. You take one look at him and you know there’s something weird going on."
The whack was immediately followed by a companionable arm draped across his shoulder, and the pleasure from this instinctive support did more for Kieran than any relaxing walk ever could.
"Your warrior is a princely friend, Kieran."
"None of you could learn to control my construct, Rhys. Kieran shares my gift of life affinity. He has extraordinarily abilities with the control of power, and he has a consummate skill for the recognition of new patterns. All of these are needed and he is the only individual I have encountered in over eleven centuries with an adequate level of the life gift."
"Gods! This life thing must be awfully rare then?"
"Not at all. The ability is quite common, Rhys. You have it yourself to a degree."
"Go away!"
"Go away? ..."
Kieran joined the group smile then watched Ranevargar make a quick check of Rhys's thoughts.
"I see. An expression of disbelief. Yes, Rhys. Since your arrival in the Realms you have established your own bond with George, Krol and Gryl. For you it needs the effort of interaction, open concern and a degree of proximity. Kieran does all that and more with no effort at all."
"Ha! That's why we call him King of the animals. What would happen if he did make an effort?"
"Give me a month with him, Rhys, and we could start to find out."
"You've got to be kidding? He's learnt how to portal with the Groves, control a Dragon and who knows what else in just today, and you say you can keep showing him new stuff for all that time?"
Kieran was hanging on Ranevargar's reply as much as everyone else.
"As I said, that would be just the beginning. This is my special gift, Rhys, studied and used for the stewardship of my Realm ever since I received my Pearl of power. More and more I am starting to suspect that Kieran could follow the same path if he so wished."
There was silence till the group reached the Grove clearing.
"Where are we going now, Ranevargar? Straight to the Central Grove?"
"Not directly, Mr B. Kieran wants to practice another translation first, so we will visit the Plains Grove. Join hands everyone."
"Don't we have to worry about a Courser seeing us?"
"Not this time, Tan, because it is one of the three Groves currently without a Courser."
"So what happens when we get to the Central Grove then?"
"It's not too big a problem. I will intervene directly and manipulate the Courser’s minds to send false messages indicating nothing unusual is happening. It will require concentration on my part but only for the five or ten minutes before we leave again.
Kieran, I'll watch and warn if necessary, but this translation is completely yours."
Kieran was surprised at this extra jump because he could see a shimmer of urgency and vague unease taking root in Ranevargar's mind.
He was also pleased that, despite seeing it as unnecessary, Ranevargar was giving him this confidence booster jump.
"Yay! Plains Grove here we come!"
Rhys's outburst was good because it told Kieran that the earlier association between a Grove portal and a Wall crossing was completely gone.
Ranevargar's confidence was completely well-placed because the blip of translation went so smoothly Kieran was almost surprised by the realisation that he was looking at new Realm Trees. A turn of his head revealed a great grassy plain and the vegetation of what must be a river course at one side.
"Neat! Look at all the animals. Is there time for Mr B to have a turn at checking things out with Krol?"
"It would be better if we all stay together this time, Rhys. After Kieran consolidates his understanding of how we wake my Dragon I think it will be wise for us all to take some precautions before we go any further."
Mr B cut off whatever Rhys was going to ask.
"I’m going to sit here quietly till Ranevargar’s ready, Rhys. He knows far more than we do and his advice is the same as a command as far as I'm concerned ... But do we have time for a snack of honey-bread, Ranevargar?"
"Some time, Mr B, because I want another deep session with Kieran, much like the last one, and then a session involving all of us. The honey-bread is an excellent idea though and we can eat while we walk."
A while later Kieran peeked in his companions’ minds to see why Rhys was shaking his head in mock disgust, and everyone else happily agreeing with him. His own grin registered in answering why while he quickly scoffed the rest of his honey bread.
"Two bites, Kieran, then you went off to weird world while the juicy stuff kept dribbling on the ground. Mr B wouldn't even let us hold it for you in case we disturbed your thinking."
Despite his mouth now being chock-full, Kieran managed to put the blame on to Ranegargar’s slave driving again.
"When you finish that mouthful we will work on some group precautions, Kieran."
Kieran chewed faster till he saw Ranevargar had a distinct twinkle in his eye. He was definitely catching on to the dynamic Rhys added to the group.
"You wait, Rhys. I gobbled my mouthful because you taught Ranevargar about slave driving. When I get a chance I'm going to stuff your face till your cheeks look like balloons."
"As if! You and what army?"
Ranevargar watched, with slight bemusement, as his planned precautions went on hold while Woorawa and Tan joined Kieran in a rough-and-tumble to hold Rhys down and manoeuvre a large piece of honey bread into the mouth he was holding open in a kind of reverse defiance. It was over quickly though.
"Amazing! Such antics make me feel I am old."
"Careful, Ranevargar. If Rhys sees that hint of approval he might even do the same to you."
"And I'd be too startled to stop him. I am used to Gryl licking me, but I can't imagine him sitting on my stomach and shoving food into me."
"Cease, children. It's time to be serious."
Woorawa and Tan jumped to serious. Rhys, somehow sensing Ranevargar's hidden amusement sat up and gave him a salute.
"Kieran, you built me a pool of energy which can maintain your special mind shields independently. Can you do the same for everyone else?"
"I don't see why not. They've already got a pool for the Spook ropes so I'll adapt that."
"More than one pool would be better to keep their purposes separate."
"That's easy! Rhys already has a different one for healing. How big will I make them?"
Ranevargar hesitated before answering.
"Well, the more the better, Kieran. Slightly smaller than the one you built for our energy transfer exercise would be ideal."
"Why smaller?"
"You said the levels didn’t feel right."
"I fixed that when I figured out how to cope with the last two doubling's."
"Not really. You had to use extra energy for full containment, Kieran. These pools shouldn't need any maintenance on your part."
"Hmm! That's a lot harder. Let me think."
Rhys turned to Woorawa.
"Are you following this?"
"Only the main idea, Rhys. It's stuff from their last think session. We’ll hear about it all eventually."
There was quiet till Kieran finished thinking.
"I can see how to make a pool that big, Ranevargar, but I can't stop a tiny trickle from eventually degrading it. It might lose about a quarter after three or four weeks so that’s pretty good – I think. Watch while I work it with Rhys."
"What? I'm the guinea pig again?"
"Yep! If it backfires your brain will melt."
"Thanks a lot ... And why is everyone grinning? ... Don't answer that."
Ranevargar watched very carefully while Kieran constructed a new energy pool for Rhys and filled it with energy from the opal.
"Wonderful! But it's beyond me, Kieran. I can see how you make it but I couldn't match that fine control."
"Is it finished?"
"Yes, Rhys."
Rhys immediately pressed his hands against his temples, looked horrified then dropped to the ground and started twitching. Krol's neck feathers ruffed up and Tan, frightened and worried, knelt beside Rhys and reached to help him.
"Kick his butt, Tan, then sit on his stomach. That’ll cure him quick enough."
Rhys's eyes opened and he grinned at Tan.
"Kieran’s a cheat. How am I meant to trick him when he's reading my mind?"
"You tricked me, and probably Mr B and Woorawa too."
"No he didn't. The twitches were too dramatic and Kieran laughed before he even fell down."
A giant claw descended and pinned Rhys in place till a message passed from Ranevargar that it was time to release him. Rhys jumped to his feet and leaned against Krol.
"Overgrown chook! What happened to that bond we’re meant to have?"
"Chook? ... I see. A domesticated bird designed for eating and profuse egg laying … Will I pass that meaning on to Krol?"
"Um! Better not. I might get squished again."
The nonsense finished and Kieran went ahead with giving everyone a third pool of energy, as well as a top up for the Spook ropes and an independent pool like Ranevargar's for their mind shields.
"Are we ready to jump to the Central Grove now?"
"Not yet, Rhys. I want Kieran to learn how to make long-distance mind links. It's well within his ability and it will let him make contact with anyone he knows."
"He’s already tried that and he needs lots of help from the Opal, especially when it's more than about a kilometre."
"That is correct, Woorawa, when he is reaching for new minds, but the network he has built within his Opal allows a far more effective connection."
"What network? ... More new stuff?"
"Yes, Rhys, and I’ll explain it all when we get a chance. Ranevargar's Pearl has a network connected to just about everything in the Realm. Mine has only got seven – us and Ranevargar and Krol. I don't know much yet, but it tells me where you are all the time."
"Like your GPS thing?"
"Sort of. I can tell it's better but I don't know why yet."
Ranevargar nodded.
"It's a tiny part of that month I'd like with Kieran, Rhys, and it will help us keep in touch wherever we are."
"In Faerie you mean, or even back at College?"
"Outside of Faerie would require a lot more energy but still small compared with what he used to reach Tan's family."
"Rhys, Shoosh! We’re interrupting too much."
Ranevargar reassured Mr B.
"Yes, we are, but it works well for us. The discussion helps Kieran refine his understanding. At the moment he has his little network at the forefront of his mind, exactly where it needs to be."
"Kieran, follow my link to Krol."
Kieran blinked at Ranevargar with puzzlement.
"How can I? You’re not linked."
"Ah! But I am. It's not the link I use with close proximity, but it's there and I know you can see it."
It had to be through Ranevargar's network and since he'd been invited, Kieran entered the Pearl and then the network. Yes. There it was, a link highlighted by Ranevargar with a kind of mental glow to make it stand out.
"Good. Watch how I use it instead of a direct link."
Kieran watched and couldn't find any difference.
"It's the same pattern, Ranevargar, just complicated by having to go into your Pearl and then your network."
"Yes, and pointless when Krol is close, but come with me now while I connect with Gryl."
A new link glowed faintly and, riding along with Ranevargar, Kieran was presented with the grisly sight of a newly killed plains animal and Gryl's pleasure with the bone he was crunching.
"Whoo! Feeding time. I haven't seen it from Gryl's point of view before. Everything’s still the same, except for using Gryl’s pattern instead of Krol's. What are you showing me?"
"Reach for Gryl directly, Kieran. Your direction sense will tell you his location."
A moment of consideration showed Kieran the point that Ranevargar was making.
"Unreal! Reaching directly would need a whole torrent of energy and the network doesn't need any."
Kieran got the mental equivalent of a snort of disbelief.
"I wish I could afford your cavalier approach to energy use, Kieran. Of course it uses energy. Look closely and tell me how much."
That was a not too subtle hint and Kieran used the measurement technique he'd learnt at the last Grove.
"That's better. It doesn't seem like much, Kieran, but if you need to contact every water creature in the Lakes or all the plains grazers it becomes significant ... Now make Gryl part of your Opal network and show me how you link to him."
After a moment of recall, Kieran's network expanded and he was sharing Gryl’s contentment with Ranevargar.
"That's brilliant, Ranevargar. I never would have worked out how to use my Opal like that."
"What's brilliant?"
"I just linked to Gryl without using Opal energy, and we watched him chomping his food way back at the Lake Grove."
"From here? Wow! What about George and the other horses? Can you check if they’re okay?"
"Ah! ... They’re not from this Realm. Can I put them in my Opal network, Ranevargar?"
"You know their minds, and they developed a bond with you, Kieran, so I'm sure you can. Try it and see."
Kieran's Opal network grew by three more and he was immediately relating that George was thinking of nothing except the delicious grass he was munching.
Ranevargar nodded his approval.
"You know the rest of Gryl's cohort well, Kieran, so show me how quickly you can link to each of them."
Kieran wondered why Ranevargar wanted speed, then marvelled when making sixteen new links under the pressure of haste ended with an almost instantaneous process.
"You have it. Now, come with me while I falsify the memories of the Courser before we move to the Central Grove."
"We’re ready to jump??"
"Yes, Rhys, as soon as we fix the Courser."
"I like these jumps. They’re exciting."
Kieran piggybacked with Ranevargar's mind and tried to follow what he was doing to manipulate the Courser’s memories. It was very delicate though and happening much too rapidly.
"You know the basics for implanting false memories, Kieran, but bypassing Lord Uirebon's safeguards is extremely tricky and not something you can learn quickly."
"One of your month’s time things?"
"And more ... There we are ... The Courser will see an empty clearing while I keep a link with it."
"That's not difficult is it?"
"No, but time is important because if Lord Uirebon focuses on this Courser directly he will sense my interference."
Ranevargar's final check showed five Griffins hidden from the Courser’s view under a section of heavy canopy with five Grove hosts tending them.
"It all looks good, Ranevargar. Will I make the jump?"
"Yes, one of the Grove hosts has some sort of apprehension, probably about the Courser, but I have that under control. Go ahead."
Kieran opened his eyes and grinned at all the expectant looks.
"Here we go!"
"Yay! The Dragon Quest starts."
Reality blurred. Ranevargar's smile at Rhys's anticipation and excitement froze in a rictus of shock as he fell to the ground, paralysed and helpless.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
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