Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
Debts - 4. Chapter 4
- IV -
“What do you mean, ‘no’?” Magda’s dumbfounded expression was downright comical.
“It’s the opposite of ‘yes’,” Raven said patiently. “Magda, I said I would consider it; I never said I would accept it. My answer is no, all right? I am not fucking with Salamander!”
“Not again,” he added silently, and managed to keep himself from wincing when his treacherous dick twitched slightly at the memory.
“Raven...” Magda blinked somewhat rapidly. “Why...? Did something happen?”
“Almost did,” Raven said evenly. “It was not a pleasant experience,” he ignored a shrieking ‘Liar!’ in his head. “He came back earlier than I expected him to on Wednesday night, and I was positive that I was done for... Magda, no!” he said a little bit louder when he saw her open her mouth. “Why are you trying so hard, anyway?” he narrowed his eyes. “There is a bonus, isn’t there?”
“There would be,” she grumbled darkly. “There is none now, however...”
“You still got paid,” Raven rolled his eyes. “Greed is not a good thing, Magda.” He agreed with himself silently, cursing the damn cognac.
“It’s not greed,” she said as darkly as before. “It’s common sense. There is no way in hell I will ever be able to get so much money again...! Goddammit, Raven!”
“Sorry, Magda,” he sighed and finished his coffee. “I gotta go. Coffee's on me,” he handed her a couple of bills.
“Goddammit, Raven,” she repeated bitterly and took the money. “Hey!” she called when he stood up. “Hold on, you said that he came back earlier than you expected him to... Did you get into his house?”
“Yeah,” Raven nodded, and she stared at him without blinking.
“What it’s like?” she asked in a hushed voice. “Is it true that he has a torture room?”
“Torture room...?” Raven blinked several times. “No, he doesn’t have a torture room... In fact, his house is completely normal. Everything is ridiculously expensive, but normal nevertheless.”
“Huh...” Magda said with a small, disbelieving frown, and Raven shrugged again.
“Maybe he has another house,” he said. “A secret one; with torture rooms and whatnot... Magda, I gotta go.”
“Yeah,” she muttered, disbelief still splashing in her eyes. “Yeah... Later, Raven...”
By next Wednesday night, he almost made himself to stop thinking about the whole thing. He also decided to take off for a while, to go somewhere for a couple of months, to change the scenery. That night (ten days after he crushed Magda’s hopes for desired vacation), he came home after completing one small job, which wasn’t anything difficult but paid nicely for something so easy, turned the key in the lock of his apartment door, walked inside, and kicked off his shoes. He was thinking of having some of that damn Laperone (he still had half a bottle left) when he heard low and purring:
“Hello, Raven...”
He froze in his spot for several seconds, and then turned towards that voice very slowly.
“Oh, hell, no...!” he said after seeing that damn blond sitting in one of Raven’s chairs, his hands connected at the fingertips, his eyes curious and... Expecting...? “Get out!”
“Or you will do what, exactly?” the blond looked at him with genuine interest. “You are a brilliant thief, Raven, but you are a lousy fighter, even with your ability... And you know that,” he added a minute later.
Yes, Raven knew that indeed. He gritted his teeth in dark and helpless rage.
“What do you want?” he asked through his clenched teeth. “Your cognac back...?”
“No,” the blond answered immediately, his expression the same as before. “You can keep that... In fact...” he shifted slightly in the chair, crossing his legs. “I could give you more if you want.”
“What do you want?” Raven repeated, wishing with all his heart for the blond to spontaneously combust this very second. Of course, it never happened.
“You,” the blond said simply. “Right here, right now...”
Raven just stared at him, saying nothing. Salamander sighed.
“It’s going to sound like a cliché...” he said slowly. “...but I couldn’t stop thinking about you,” he let out the same small smile he introduced Raven to almost two weeks ago. “See, usually, my...” he looked at his fingertips for a second. “...partners...” he continued without a smile this time. “...don’t fuck me back willingly. In fact, it has been a very long while since I engaged in consensual sex...” He threw a quick glance at Raven and gave him another small smile. “It was a very nice change,” he nodded. “I would like to experience that again.”
“I did not fuck you back willingly,” Raven said through his clenched teeth, his hands rolling into tight fists.
“Mmm,” the blond hemmed seriously. “I beg to differ...” He looked at Raven again. “As I recall,” he said slower than before, not even a hint of a smile on his mouth this time. “You came so hard that you pulled me right along...” he let out a small sigh. “Such thing only happened to me once before,” he said softly without taking his eyes off Raven’s face. “It was a long time ago,” he nodded.
Raven couldn’t believe this. The entire scene seemed surreal. “You gotta be kidding me...” he thought numbly.
“Believe me when I say it,” Julian nodded again. “I can control my body. I can last for as long as I want, and I come when I choose to.... With you, though, it seemed like I had no control whatsoever,” he said thoughtfully. “None...!” he shot another quick glance at Raven. “It was another nice change...” He half-closed his eyes. “Not to be in charge for once...” he muttered. “To let it be; to...” he closed his eyes for several seconds. “...just give in...” He opened his eyes and nodded. “You have no idea how much it heightened the peak for me...” Here he smiled again, almost wistfully. “Therefore, yes, I would definitely like to experience that again,” he finished with yet another small nod.
Raven gritted his teeth. Fair is fair, he figured. He invaded the blond’s home, and now, the blond invaded his. Definitely fair. However, he would be damned if he did anything else with this son of a bitch...!
“Get the fuck out,” he growled. “Get out...!”
The blond hemmed once more, with more satisfaction this time. He moved his gaze towards Raven’s crotch, and Raven gritted his teeth again. He was perfectly aware of the fact that his traitorous dick started twitching sweetly the minute he saw the hateful blond.
“Hmmm...” Julian said somewhat thoughtfully. “Your mouth says ‘Get out,’ but your dick screams ‘Come hither’...” He looked at Raven intently. “Guess which one I am going to listen to...?” he said, and stood up so quickly that Raven felt dizzy for a second.
Julian walked closer to him, and suddenly, his hands were on Raven’s shoulders, pushing the smaller man into the wall, blond’s scent and breath all over the ‘brilliant thief.’ Raven let out a small hiss.
“I don’t want this...” he said in a low, strained voice.
“First of all,” blond’s lilac eyes were fixed on Raven’s different colored ones. “Even if that was true, do you really think it would stop me?”
No, Raven did not think that. He tightly locked his jaw, narrowing his eyes.
“And second of all...” the blond continued meanwhile. “I am going to say this once again...” He paused and pressed his knee into Raven’s groin, rotating and rubbing against it. Raven let out a small, sharp inhale – he couldn’t help it. “I beg to differ,” Julian murmured, increasing the pressure ever so slightly, making Raven’s back to arch off the wall and his hips to buck forward just a little, to meet that sweet friction.
Salamander leaned closer.
“Don’t worry,” he muttered, and placed a long, slow lick on the side of Raven’s throat, causing another very sharp inhale from the smaller man. “I am not going to hurt you...” he started slowly traveling across Raven’s neck, placing small kisses and tantalizing licks as he went.
Raven involuntarily raised his head, giving the blond better access, and hating himself for that.
“You don’t enjoy pain,” Julian said in a low voice and nibbled right underneath Raven’s chin, making ‘the brilliant thief’ to shudder. “And I am not going to hurt the first willing partner I’ve had in years...” He pulled away just a little, and Raven looked at him, his eyes half-lidded, breathing quick and unsteady. “You can hurt me though,” the blond said seriously. “In fact...” he leaned closer again. “I hope you will,” he finished and pressed his mouth against Raven’s. He ran his tongue over smaller man’s lips without closing his eyes, watching Raven’s expression. Raven looked at him without responding to the kiss for several seconds, and then his eyes closed all on their own, and he helplessly parted his lips, letting Julian in.
For someone with the reputation of a coldblooded sadist, Salamander was a surprisingly good kisser. Raven didn’t expect him to be so goddamn gentle. “Bloody hell...” he thought when one of his hands traveled up – again, out of its own will – and rested on the back of Julian’s neck. He wasn’t simply responding to the kiss by now; he was a full-time participant, caressing blond’s mouth with his tongue, digging his fingers deeper into the other man’s neck. Suddenly, without even thinking, he locked his teeth on Julian’s bottom lip and bit into it hard. The blond moaned at that and pressed Raven harder into the wall, burying his fingers in thief’s dark disheveled hair.
Raven’s head started to spin when he tasted blood on his tongue. He groaned and brought the other hand up as well (consciously this time), locking it on the back of blond’s neck. He started frantically lapping at the bleeding lip, sucking the divine essence, moaning desperately while he did that. After several minutes or so, Julian pulled away ever so slightly.
“You like drinking blood?” he muttered in a very uneven voice.
“Love it,” Raven said huskily.
“With me...” blond’s eyes were quite hazy by now. “...you can have all the blood you want...”
Those words made Raven incredibly hungry, and this time, he was the one who latched onto Julian’s mouth. He wasn’t even trying to be gentle, making his teeth to lock hard on that lip again, and feeling dizzy when blood flowed into his mouth. He realized that he was indeed a very willing partner for the fucked-up blond, and he didn’t even care. Right now, it didn’t matter; in fact, right now, nothing mattered. Just the blond and his divine blood.
...Approximately an hour and a half later, Raven couldn’t take it anymore and reached for himself for the third time; and for the third time, the damn blond intercepted his wrist before it reached its destination.
“Not yet,” the blond panted, and Raven gritted his teeth, locking his legs tighter around Julian’s waist.
“Damn you...” he muttered through his clenched teeth. “Goddamn you... I can’t... Oh, God...” his eyes rolled back at the sudden change of pace. The chair underneath them creaked in mild complaint. “Shit, Julian... I can’t take this anymore... I have to... Let go!” he tried pulling his wrist free, but the hateful blond pulled his arm up and put Raven’s hand onto his own shoulder.
Raven growled something unintelligible and dug his fingernails into Julian’s skin hard enough to draw blood. The blond shuddered at that slightly and grabbed Raven’s waist harder with one arm while freeing the other. Raven’s smaller frame was all but wrapped around Julian; ‘the brilliant thief’ was straddling blond’s hips, his legs around Salamander’s waist, fingers of both hands digging into Julian’s shoulders, and he wasn’t sure who exactly was riding the hell out of whom. “Probably both,” he thought hazily and dropped his head into the blond’s shoulder.
“Oh, my fucking hell...!” he screamed out in surprise when he felt a hand wrap around his demanding, hysterical by now length. He raised his head and latched onto Julian’s abused mouth, growling while drawing more blood. The blond moaned and his hand picked up speed, making Raven’s growls even louder. Salamander did some incredible roll with his thumb – it almost felt like a magic trick of a sort – and Raven lost it. He meowed into the bleeding mouth of the blond, frantically clawing at his back, shuddering so much that he almost managed to make both of them tumble off the chair.
Julian grabbed onto his waist even tighter, keeping the balance, and then suddenly, his eyes flew wide open, and he said in a very low, breathless voice, which was nowhere near his usual purring drawl:
“Oh, shit...!” and then his eyes rolled back and his entire lean body tensed up for a second or two just so it could explode into furious tremors, matching Raven’s shudders quite closely.
“Goddamn...” he said in a shaky voice after both of them stopped convulsing. “How in the bloody hell do you do that...? I made sure I had complete control over myself, and then you blew it all the way to hell... How do you do that...? Is this another ability of yours...?”
“Nngh,” Raven said, his face buried in blond’s neck. “I only have one ability... Plus, I don’t think that making you come would even qualify for ability...”
“It would,” Julian said in the same shaky voice. “Believe me, it would...”
“So goddamn full of yourself,” Raven muttered, his self-hatred somewhat back by now. Screwing this bastard willingly for the second time...? Dammit, he is not just slutty; he is something beyond that!
“Goddamn...” Julian said again with feeling.
They stayed on that chair for the next half an hour or so, still merged together, Raven inhaling the scent of the hateful blond and actually liking it. Liking it...! “What the hell is wrong with me?” he thought furiously. “Dammit, what is wrong with me?! Okay, I have to admit, he is good... But... What the hell is wrong with me...? Oh, bloody hell...!” He gritted his teeth, and Julian looked at him.
“What?” he asked.
“Just trying to figure out what in the bloody hell is wrong with me,” Raven said through his clenched teeth. “That’s all...”
“I see,” the blond nodded and got up, never letting go of Raven’s smaller frame that was still wrapped around him. He turned around and lowered Raven onto the chair, letting the smaller man to lick the remains of blood off his chin. “Where is my driver’s license?” he said after separating them.
“Oh...” Raven muttered and nodded at the desk in the back of the room. “Second drawer from the bottom...”
Julian made his way towards the desk and opened the drawer.
“Just take your goddamn wallet,” Raven said tiredly after Salamander started looking for his driver’s license. “Just bloody take it and get the hell out...”
Julian threw a quick glance at him and nodded, snapping the wallet shut. He started getting dressed, and Raven just watched him silently, musing about the fact that he would rather rip the blond’s clothes off again.
“Goddamn slut...!” he silently said to himself, trying to ignore yet another glorious praise from his body.
“See you tomorrow,” Julian said in his normal purring drawl, and Raven blinked several times quite rapidly.
“Yeah,” he said. “I don’t think so...!”
The hateful blond smiled without baring his teeth.
“See you tomorrow,” he repeated calmly. “Seriously, if you think that I would just let this disappear into nothing...” he shrugged. “Think again,” he finished with a slight nod.
“Well, damn...” Raven thought, ignoring happy twitching from his treacherous dick.
“You get the weekend all to yourself,” Salamander shrugged again after pulling on his pants. “I will need to get my fix.”
“Fix,” Raven repeated slowly, and Julian nodded.
“I am not hurting you...” he said seriously. “...which means...”
“You need to hurt someone else,” Raven finished with a slight, dark nod.
“Exactly,” the blond agreed so lightly as if they were discussing the best place for vacation. “Therefore,” he continued after pulling on his shirt. “I will see you tomorrow... By the way...” he added after making sure that his shirt was buttoned all the way. “My weekend starts on Friday, so after tomorrow, I am not coming back until Monday.”
“You are not coming back at all,” Raven corrected him darkly. “Because there is no way in hell I am...”
“I will see you tomorrow,” Julian nodded without letting Raven to continue. “I will get you more Laperone,” he added before heading towards the door.
“You know what you should do with your bloody Laperone...?” Raven said in a low voice, and the blond smiled again without baring his teeth.
“Sweet dreams, Raven,” he said before walking out of the door.
Raven dropped his head onto the back of the chair and closed his eyes. He sat like that for fifteen minutes, then he sighed, opened his eyes, got up, and headed to the shower – he needed one badly.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
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