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    Bill W
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  • 4,212 Words
Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 

The Castaway Hotel: Next Generation Book 3 - 34. A Very Busy Weekend

The boys finished taking their finals and the school year came to an end. We only had a couple more school related activities to contend with, and they were Noah’s graduation and the party afterward.

The graduation ceremony was scheduled for 2:00 on Saturday at the high school football field. The auditorium was the backup location in case of inclement weather, but the outdoor ceremony was preferred. If they were forced to move indoors then the school administrators would have to limit the number of guests each graduate would be able to invite to witness their big moment. Having it outdoors worked very well for us, seeing everyone wanted to attend, including many extended family members, since they all wanted to be there to support Noah.

After having a late morning breakfast with the entire family, we urged the boys to get dressed for the graduation ceremony. Brandon had ironed Noah’s robe the night before, so he slipped it on over his other clothes and then Elliot drove him to the high school. Noah had to be there an hour before the rest of us, so Elliot offered to take him so we’d have a little more time to get the other boys ready.

“Is this like the graduation that we had at our school?” Hunter asked, since we’d picked them up the night before.

“It’s probably similar, but seeing this is for those graduating from high school it will be a little longer and a lot more formal than the one you attended at your school.”

He seemed satisfied with my answer, and once all of the boys were ready, I drove them down to the football field. After I parked the SUV, we waited for Dad, Pop, Dion, and Trey to arrive, and then we looked for a good place to sit. As we made our way past the gridiron, I noticed a temporary stage had been erected above the school logo on the fifty yard line, and it’s where the superintendent would award the diplomas. In between the stage and the track, which looped around the football field, were multiple rows of folding chairs for the graduating seniors. The guests could choose to sit in the home bleachers or stand on the track or off to either side of the folding chairs, so we took seats in the bleachers.

“Brandon and I will be going down to take pictures of Noah as he walks down in his cap and gown and when he gets his diploma. We won’t be leaving until we see the procession start out from the high school, but we want you boys to stay here with Grandpa Josh and Grandpa Jake.”

“So you’re both going to do that?” Benny asked.

“Yes, I’m going to record everything on video and Brandon is going to take still photos with the digital camera.”

“Oh, ok. I was wondering why you were both gonna do it.”

We greeted the others as they arrived, and about twenty minutes later we spotted the graduates lining up on the sidewalk in front of the high school as they prepared to march down and take their seats. Brandon and I got up and moved to a spot where we’d have a good view of the procession and could record it as they made their way to their seats.

I was taking the video of Noah as he approached us when I suddenly realized something. Silently, I wished he hadn’t chosen to hyphenate Brandon’s and my surnames to use, but it wasn’t because I was embarrassed by him. It also wasn’t due to any egotistical reasons; it was purely the result of a practical concern. Those graduating would be accepting their diplomas in alphabetical order, so if Noah had only used the Currie surname then he would have been among the first to receive his diploma. However, since he used the O’Hara-Currie moniker it meant we’d have to stand around until more than half of the seniors had crossed the stage before it was his turn.

I was still considering this when Brandon nudged me and indicated that we should return to our seats. That’s when it dawned on me that I’d failed to consider the Superintendent’s welcoming remarks, as well as the Valedictorian and Salutatorian’s speeches. They would take place before the diplomas were awarded, so it would be foolish for us to remain on the field during that time.

Once the speeches ended and the names of the seniors accepting their diplomas were nearing the middle of the alphabet, we went down and got into position again. We got some good shots of Noah walking to the stage, crossing it, and receiving his diploma, and at the same time we could hear the boys cheering loudly. Brandon took multiple photos of Noah shaking the Superintendent’s hand as he collected his diploma, and I continued recording as he exited the stage.

I was glad I did this because I now had a video record of his little victory celebration when he climbed down the stairs on the other side. As soon as he reached the ground, Noah faced the bleachers, took a bow and tipped his mortarboard, and then he did a little dance before returning to his seat. The audience laughed when they observed his antics, which probably included the boys, but I was fairly certain that Dad wasn’t quite as amused. He was a stickler for decorum at formal events, so I felt he would probably have something to say to Noah about this when we reached the house.

Shortly after the last of the seniors had received his diploma and returned to his seat, the ceremony concluded. As soon as it ended, the entire graduating class stood up, released a loud cheer, and tossed their mortarboards into the air in celebration. I understood they did this in the euphoria of the moment, but after congratulating each other and joking around for a few minutes, they realized the flaw in their plan. Now, they had to search for their mortarboard so they’d be able to return it with the gown. Fortunately, they’d been smart enough to label them in advance so they would know which one was theirs, but we had to wait around until Noah found his mortarboard before we could leave.

As soon as we got back to the house, we told the boys they should change into shorts and tee-shirts for the party. We then added that they could wear their swimsuits instead, if they planned on using the pool later.

“We don’t got our swimsuits here,” Hayden announced, looking slightly disappointed.

“Yes, you do. We bought swimsuits for you and Revin, along with new ones for the other boys who’ve outgrown their old swimsuits. I placed them on your beds while Brandon was checking to make sure you looked good when you came downstairs earlier.”

His face lit up as he and the others raced up to their rooms to see what we’d bought for them. They must have been pleased, because I didn’t hear any complaints when they came down again later, and each one thanked us for doing this for them.

After we changed, we started getting everything ready for the party. Pop lit the grill and then came inside to get the hamburgers, hot dogs, and sausages to cook. Dad was busy taking care of the salads, as well as chopping up peppers and onions and frying them for those who opted for the sausages. Dion and Trey were carrying out the coolers filled with cans of soda, ice tea, and bottles of water covered in ice, and I was busy taping the keg of beer for the adults. During this same time, Brandon was carrying out the hamburger and hot dog buns, as well as loaves of sliced Italian bread for the sausages and the various condiments. He’d recruited Ryan, Benny, and Joshie to carry out the napkins, paper plates, plastic silverware, and cups for the drinks, so we were pretty well set by the time the guests started to arrive.

The first to show up were our family members, both immediate and extended family, so we got them set up first. After making sure each one had a drink, Dad and Pop asked what they wanted to eat. Once they had their food and finished chowing down, they spent time chatting with Noah and each other as more people arrived, which included Noah’s friends and classmates.

It was during this time that Cole went over to chat with Noah. “I met with your dads, Grandpa Josh, and Grandpa Jake to come up with a special graduation present for you. They, along with Beth and me, are all chipping in to buy you a pre-owned vehicle from the dealership I work for. You just have to come down and choose the one you want, and then I’ll make sure it’s in the best condition possible before you pick it up.”

“Oh my god! I can’t believe I’m gonna get a car. I never thought anyone would do something like this for me.”

“Your dads were the ones who approached me about it first, because they thought it would be a good idea for you to have a car to drive back and forth to college. After we talked it over, your grandfathers thought it would be a good idea too, and Beth and I were happy to be part of this gift as well.”

Needless to say, Noah raced over to thank Brandon and me next, now that he knew what we’d done, and then he thanked Grandpa Josh and Grandpa Jake too. He then went to find Cole again so he could thank Beth in person, and once he’d thanked everyone, we heard him telling his friends about his special graduation present.

As soon as everyone had finished eating, we brought out the sheet cake with Noah’s name, a diploma, and a mortarboard added to it in icing, and we told Noah to cut the first piece for himself. Once he’d done that, Brandon and I sliced the rest of the cake and placed each piece on a small paper plate for those who wanted dessert.

After Noah’s friends had filled their stomachs, some of them went to play volleyball, since Dion and Trey had set up the net and used spray chalk to mark off the boundaries. Dad and Pop had set up horseshoe pits, and some of Noah’s classmates were using that area as well. I also noticed that a small group of teens were walking out to the pool so they could check it out. When they saw it was filled with water, they came back to ask Noah if they could use it.

After checking with us first, he told them they could, and that’s when we learned that many of them had worn their swimsuits under their other clothing. Since they knew we had a pool, they anticipated they might be able to use it and were now taking off their other garments so they could frolic in the pool. Those who hadn’t planned ahead and weren’t wearing swimsuits merely jumped in clad only in the shorts they were wearing, although the girls also wore their bras or kept their shirts on as well.

I didn’t realize it until later, but Dion and Trey were busy collecting the gifts and cards the others had given Noah and were taking them inside. They temporarily stored them in Dad’s bedroom until Noah could open them later, and they did it to make sure that nothing disappeared in the confusion outside. It’s not that they suspected any of Noah’s friends of being thieves, but there were a whole lot of other people milling around and we weren’t familiar with all of them. Since we couldn’t watch what everyone was doing, they merely did this as a precaution.

We told the younger boys to wait until Noah’s friends left before they used the pool, because we didn’t want to take the chance they might get injured in the frantic activity of the older crowd. They weren’t happy about this, but they understood, and it wasn’t long before Noah’s classmates began to leave so they could attend some of the other parties. Other well wishers dropped by from time to time, but they didn’t use the pool like the first group, because this was just another stop at one of the many parties going on. Noah wanted to check out some of those parties as well, so he came over to talk to us about the idea.

“I don’t want you driving, because I’m afraid you’ll be tempted to have a beer or something stronger at one of the other parties,” I replied.

“Elliot said he’d take me, so can I go?”

“Ok, because I’m sure Elliot is smart enough not to drink and drive, if only to keep from wrecking his car.”

After Noah left the activity began to wind down, so I told the boys they could finally use the pool and I went with them to watch how they were doing. I had no idea whether Revin or the twins were capable swimmers, so I would play lifeguard until I was sure.

“Can I get some of the pool toys and bring them out here to use?” Benny asked.

“Not today, because there are still a lot of others here and it might encourage them to join in. You can do that the next time you use the pool.”

He wasn’t happy, but he didn’t argue. Instead, they splashed each other and played tagged and Marco Polo, so they still had a good time.

As the day wore on and the air began to cool, I had the boys get out of the pool and dry off. After that we asked them to help us clear off the picnic tables and carry everything inside, and then I let them watch the next Harry Potter movie until it was time to go to bed.

“Do we have to shower?” Tristan asked. “We were in the pool, so isn’t that good enough?”

“No, I want you to shower and wash off the chlorine that’s still on your body so it doesn’t dry out your skin.”

“But we’re already dry,” he protested.

“Yes, but some of the chlorine is still there, so it’s best if you wash it off before you go to sleep.”

Grudgingly, he went upstairs with the others, and then we went up to tuck them in. The twins thanked us for the fun day, and Tristan was in a better mood by the time he got to his room. I think most of his negativity was merely due to the fact that Revin had gone home with his mom.

“He’ll be back on Monday, because Grandpa Josh has agreed to let him stay here during the week while his mom is at work. That way she won’t have to pay for a babysitter.”

“Oh, ok, but I thought he was gonna stay here tonight too.”

“No, his mom wanted to spend some time with him, seeing he was here last night and all day today. Not only that, but we’ll also have a lot going on tomorrow when we move all of Holly and the twins things here.”

“Oh, yeah, I forgot about that.”

“Sweet dreams,” we said as we left his room, and then we went to say goodnight to Benny, Joshie, and Ryan.

We were still up when Noah and Elliot returned home, and right away Noah came over to give both of us a hug. “Thanks for today. I had a great time and I can’t wait to get your present. I also want you to know that our party was one of the best ones. I didn’t realize it until we stopped at some of the other parties and saw what they were like, and my friends told me that too.”

“I’m glad you enjoyed it.”

“Yeah, I did, but what happened to the other presents and cards I got?”

“Dion and Trey stored them in your grandfathers’ bedroom to keep them safe. You can check them out tomorrow when you’re not helping us. If you haven’t forgotten, we’ll be moving Holly and her brothers’ things here after church.”

“Oh yeah, that’s right.”

“I suggest you get a piece of paper before you open your gifts so you can write down the name of who gave you each present,” Brandon suggested. “You should also make a note on the cards as to what was inside those as well. We expect you to write thank you notes to everyone who gave you something and have them ready so we can mail them out next weekend.”

“Do we even have thank you cards?”

“Yes, we bought those too, and we’ll give them to you in the morning,” I explained.

“Thanks for doing that for me. If you don’t mind, I’m going to go to bed now because I’m exhausted.”

“We don’t mind at all, and it sounds like a good idea,” Brandon confirmed.

“Ok, then goodnight.”

“I think I’m going to turn in too,” Elliot added.

We gave Noah and Elliot hugs and bid them pleasant dreams before they headed upstairs, and then we turned in as well.

The next morning we woke the boys and had them get ready for church. After picking up Becky and Revin, we attended Sunday school and sat through the sermon before we went out for brunch.

“Mommy says I’m gonna be at your house every day during the summer,” Revin stated as we were waiting for our food.

“Yes, Grandpa Josh has agreed to let you spend the time at our house while your mom is at work,” I confirmed.

“And I expect you to thank him for doing that,” Becky told him next.

“I will,” he agreed, and then he got up and walked over to Dad so he could thank him and give him a hug.

When he returned to his seat, his mother offered him a little more information about how this would work. “I’ll be dropping you off every morning on my way to work, so you’ll have to get up early and eat while I’m getting dressed. I won’t have time for you to be horsing around, so you’ll have to cooperate if you want to do this.”

“Ok, I’ll do what you say cuz I want to be with Tristan this summer.”

“And I’m sure you can go back to sleep when you get to the house if you’re still tired,” Brandon suggested.

“Ok, I’ll prolly do that then,” he agreed.

When we finished up at the diner, we dropped Revin and Becky off at their house, and then Brandon dropped off Elliot and me at the rental location so we could pick up the truck. Brandon followed us in the SUV and brought the twins along so they could tell us what they wanted to take with them. The other boys were with them as well, because we felt we could use their help with carrying the lighter items out to the truck.

After we arrived, we loaded Holly’s bedroom furniture into the truck first, while Holly and the twins packed up their things. Julie offered to let us take the boys’ bedroom set too, in case we needed it for one of the other bedrooms.

“Thank you for the offer, but we have an excess of furniture already. Are you going to have a sale to get rid of the things you won’t be taking with you?”

“Yes. Holly and… Mrs. Rivera… have been… helping me… get things… ready… and some… of my friends… will be… coming here… this week… to help me… finish up.”

“That’s good, so sell those items too, because I’m sure you can use the extra money.”

“Yes, I can… and thank you.”

“You’re more than welcome.”

We then carried out the boxes containing their clothing and other personal items, and the kids told me that their mom was allowing them to take most of the photos of their fathers as well. “I’m only… keeping one… of each,” she told me.

“I’m glad they’ll have those to remind them of their dads so they’ll never forget them.” She smiled and nodded in agreement.

Once we had everything in the truck, Elliot rode with me again and Holly rode in the front passenger seat of the SUV as we headed back to the house. Once there, we took a short break first, and then we unloaded all of the items. After we put her bed together and moved the other furniture into her room, we left so she could make the bed and unpack. Brandon went upstairs to help the twins do the same with their belongings, so Elliot agreed to follow me in his car when I dropped off the truck. When we returned home after doing that, I went to see how everyone was doing.

“I really love this room even more than my old bedroom at home,” Holly told me when I knocked on her door. “My furniture looks perfect in here and there are more than enough shelves so I can put up the pictures of my dad, my stuffed animals, and other things that mean a lot to me.”

“I’m glad this is working out for you and you’re happy.”

“Yes, I am,” she confirmed and then hesitated briefly before she spoke again. “When do I start at the daycare?”

“You can either start tomorrow or wait a week and rest up first.”

“No, I’ll start tomorrow, because I want to save up as much money as I can for college.”

“That’s fine with me, so plan on leaving the house at 7:30. That way you can decide what time you will need to get up so you’ll have time to get ready and eat first.”

“Ok, and thanks for doing this for me – and my brothers.”

“It’s our pleasure and we’re glad you’re all happy with this move.”

“We are, but will I be able to go back and help my mom next weekend, cuz she’s going to sell most of what’s left?’

“Yes, we’ll be happy to give you a ride there and pick you up when you’re done.”

“Thank you, because I want to help her. She gets really tired when she does that sort of stuff.”

“Yes, I realize she tires easily, so I’m glad you’re such a thoughtful daughter.”

Once I left her room, I went upstairs to see how Brandon was doing with the twins. “Wow, it looks as if you’re nearly done already,” I said as I walked into the room.

“Yeah, Dad helped us hang some of our clothes in the closet and he put the rest of them in our dressers,” Hayden announced. It made me smile when I heard him refer to Brandon as Dad.

“And we unpacked our toys and the pictures of our other dad too,” Hunter continued. “We put one picture of him on each of the dressers and then we put the rest of them on the shelves.”

“And I see you’ve got a small collection of books on the shelves as well,” I stated.

“Yeah, we got some of them at school and mom bought the rest for us,” Hayden informed me.

“So do you read a lot?”

“Yeah, ‘specially during the winter and on rainy days,” Hunter told me, “but now there are other things we can do then too.”

“As long as you don’t stop reading.”

“We won’t, and we’ll do that sometimes too,” Hayden confirmed.

The three of them had finished up by dinnertime, and Pop asked our newest family members a question when we sat down to eat. “So are you all moved in and feel at home now?”

“Yes, and I really love my room,” Holly answered first. “It’s so nice that I almost want to stay in there all the time.”

“And we like our room too,” Hayden added next.

“’Specially the bunk beds,” Hunter agreed. “It’s fun sleepin’ in the top bunk, and we take turns doing that.”

“Well I’m glad you’re all happy and that you feel at home here,” Pop agreed. “It’s nice to have you as part of our family.”

“Yeah, and our dads have been helpin’ us a lot,” Hunter added.

I think his comment raised a few eyebrows when he referred to Brandon and me as his dads already, so I glanced over at Holly to see how she was reacting. She had a big grin on her face as she looked at her brothers and then she spoke.

“Yes, they’ve been really great, haven’t they?” she followed.

“Yeah, and we really like it here,” Hayden concurred. “We like all our brothers too and there’s a whole lot of stuff to do here.”

After dinner we went into the family room with the kids to watch TV, and then we had them get ready for bed. Even though the twins had stayed here before, this would be the first of many nights that they’d have their own things in their room as well.

©Copyright 2019 Bill W Stories; All Rights Reserved.'
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Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you. 
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Chapter Comments

Thanks Bill for this special chapter of the moving, i have tears in the eyes, it's one of the best chapters i have read.

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I don't know why I'm so involved with this story, but will say I can't get enough and feel as I'm right there when I read it.

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1 hour ago, Stix said:

Thanks Bill for this special chapter of the moving, i have tears in the eyes, it's one of the best chapters i have read.

Thanks, Stix, I'm glad you enjoyed this chapter.  I hope you weren't reading it somewhere that the tears became a problem for you.  

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6 minutes ago, James B. said:

I don't know why I'm so involved with this story, but will say I can't get enough and feel as I'm right there when I read it.

Thanks, James, and that the same way I feel when I'm writing it.  

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Bill W, 

Thanks for another great chapter...i am glad that theirs a girl there (if only for the summer). The twins, Wyatt Tristian and Revin are wonderful...👍

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1 hour ago, BabyXander1990 said:

Bill W, 

Thanks for another great chapter...i am glad that theirs a girl there (if only for the summer). The twins, Wyatt Tristian and Revin are wonderful...👍

Thanks, Xander.  I'm glad you're enjoying this and the new additions.  

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Outstanding chapter! Noah’s High School Graduation, my how time flies. You always manage to make everyday family life seem so special and your abilities at having us feel every emotion is amazing. I’ve loved this family and story since the beginning and can’t wait for each installment. I truly appreciate the fact that you’ve allowed us to live vicariously through this family for those who weren’t able to experience this type of family life. Thanks, Bill! I’m definitely looking forward to the next chapter! 😃❤️

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16 minutes ago, flesco said:

Outstanding chapter! Noah’s High School Graduation, my how time flies. You always manage to make everyday family life seem so special and your abilities at having us feel every emotion is amazing. I’ve loved this family and story since the beginning and can’t wait for each installment. I truly appreciate the fact that you’ve allowed us to live vicariously through this family for those who weren’t able to experience this type of family life. Thanks, Bill! I’m definitely looking forward to the next chapter! 😃❤️

Thanks, flesco, and I'm glad you enjoying spending time with the Curries.  Making little moments are what make them special as a family, and the fact that they're so inclusive with extended family members and close friends as well.  Thanks again for the excellent feedback. 

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