Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
Widderkin - 40. Chapter 40
Chapter 40.
"Kieran! Wonderful! You have arrived sooner than I expected."
The passage through the Boundary Wall was forgotten with this immediate and enthusiastic mental greeting as Kieran shared in a great five-fold mental cheer then watched joyous communication from Maurice and Krol.
"Ranevargar, thank goodness you’re back with us. So many things happened and then Maurice flew so fast we’re totally unprepared about what to do."
"My apologies, Kieran, but it was critical that I absorbed my first communication with Maurice. Maurice, slow your flight while with we discuss our strategy."
"Slow? Maurice said you called for speed."
"I felt it necessary to have Maynor focus all his attention and resources on me, Rhys, and your early arrival will give me a welcome respite when the shock of Maurice’s presence shakes his confidence.
Kieran, when you leave Maurice to release me from this prison you will be vulnerable to the arts of Maynor and his Court. I have devised a protective strategy which uses your demonstrated abilities but also requires your utmost cooperation."
Kieran was taken aback. Ranevargar had doubts about his cooperation? ... Hmm. It was something about that utmost.
"Why the qualification, Ranevargar? We’re here to get you free."
"You have willingly opened your mind to me, Kieran, but this would be a step beyond, where I take complete control and act through you."
"... Is it dangerous?"
"Not at all. It is a way for me to share our strengths and hold you secure against his every effort."
"I do trust you, Ranevargar. Go ahead."
"Wonderful, but first I must ask you to call stores of power for yourself and Maurice."
Kieran's assent was interrupted by a powerful probe questing against Maurice’s mind shield.
Ranevargar spoke to everyone through Kieran's group link.
"Maynor sees Maurice. Listen everyone while I explain our approach."
High above Lord Maynor's Castle keen Coarser eyes registered distant movement and instantly focused on the anomalous form moving across the sky. The perception of size and shape triggered vast alarm and a plummeting flight for the security of the home roost. The mind riding comfortably along for the routine patrol struggled a moment to accept the reality of the image before raising alarms and firmly turning the Coursers towards the approaching impossibility.
Lord Maynor’s anger at the old Lord’s strangely effective provocation swayed to annoyance with an unwonted call for attention from the Castle rookery. Annoyance became puzzlement when the attendant image registered. Puzzlement morphed instantly to disbelief as Maynor seized control of Courser minds for a direct view.
Size and staggering shape filled his mind, a shape only seen in legends from the Human world ... Memory of a conversation between the High King and Uirebon triggered, firmed, and with it came a partial understanding. This must be the failed construct sent to order the Unordered Realm ... Ranevargar, interfering again! Well, whatever it's fearsome appearance, no construct could be a match for a Realm Lord in the exercise of power. Yes. Neutralise the construct then give attention to denying Ranevargar the now certain use of his Pearl and ending his perverse interference.
Maynor reached with the redirected strength of thirteen Power Masters only to batter futilely against an aggravatingly familiar shield, and saw, with sudden alarm, that the passage of the construct would have it above the Castle in minutes. Nexus power switched away from Ranevargar to help repel the approaching form, again with no apparent effect.
Communication spread through the Castle as a threat warning reached every denizen.
The great structure of Castle Wards, dormant and unnecessary for the challenge to the High King, sprang to blazing life and, with apprehension an unwelcome and unexpected visitor to his thoughts, Maynor, making his way to the closest battlement, directed resources to bolster them. He hastily sought an answer to the dilemma now facing him. The Wards would hold against physical entry, that was certain, but holding them strong used the resources needed to subdue Ranevargar and acquire control of his Pearl.
"Ready our triads and assemble with haste in the Castle Courtyard."
The command, sent to his advisers and the thirteen Power Masters, received instant response from those inside the Castle and a delayed response from those transfixed by the spectacle above.
From his strategic battlement High Lord Maynor again fought apprehension, a rare emotion for a High Lord, suppressing it with the force of his position and determination.
Let it wheel! Outside the Wards it could have little effect on those within, and the strength of his own call would rally the Court and steady everyone else.
"It is but a construct and thus subject to the will of every High Lord. The Castle Wards hold it at bay."
Throughout the Castle the paralysis of wonder and worry lifted, partially, and after two more calls from their High Lord, almost completely. Yes, the High Lord was right. The gigantic shape circled dauntingly but did nothing else. With regard constantly shifting between the Wards and the mighty wings spread above, movement and purpose returned to the Castle denizens and its powerful visitors.
"Double the call on your reserves and transfer directly to me."
Thirteen alarmed Power Masters struggled to comply, with torrents of energy depleting their special gemstones at barely controllable levels, torrents of energy infusing the High Lord’s Realm Stone with an aggregation of great power.
A terrible sound reverberated from above, a roar of challenge and defiance, chording primal fears within the Power Masters and all who heard it.
The call ceased abruptly as Maynor made the relatively simple change of rendering the Wards impenetrable to sound.
"Hold firm! The sound was nothing but sound, an expression of frustration against our Castle Wards. It can no longer affect us."
Suppressing his own reaction, Maynor exhorted the Power Masters to resume their energy transfer. Despite the immediacy of the construct above, the real solution must be subjugation of Ranevargar's mind and access to his Pearl, the only feasible controlling link to the Dragon.
The shaken Power Masters rallied but attention was wrenched to the great form above, suddenly limned with a brilliant nimbus of blue glow and descending with obvious purpose.
With wings spread in aggressive display the massive construct floated to land gently at the Ceremonial Entranceway to the Castle, a broad opening now blocked by the impenetrable Ward barrier. With a futile show of aggression a massive front limb lifted high and reached to gouge at the shimmering barrier with savage, glinting claws. A blaze of light flared with the contact, along with a frightening scream of rage and pain.
Let it rage. Let it suffer. Let Ranevargar see how pointless was his interference.
A second and greater flare brightened the sky as, rising on its hind legs, the construct gouged again, this time with both limbs. The scream increased then, unaccountably, ceased while a blue glow of power encased the now poised claws, and then its body, with the same nimbus of its eerie descent.
What? Was it controlling its pain? The sudden silence and calmly deliberate pause gave Maynor a whisper of apprehension. Power was being applied, applied with purpose?
Claws raked a vertical pathway down the barrier, peeling away layers of shimmering red while the Ward blazed with the stress of trying to hold its integrity.
Impossible! The whisper became a wind.
Maynor sent bolstering energy but the Dragon repeated the double gouge, slicing now with apparent ease and without sign of pain. Methodically and inexorably the claws cleared an opening large enough to accommodate the rest of its body. Head and shoulders moved into the gap and stilled.
Stilled? The blue nimbus intensified then washed, like a wave, through the whole Ward structure. Glowing blue absorbed shimmering red, Castle protection collapsed and the construct, followed by one of Ranevargar’s Flying Guardians, moved purposefully along the Ceremonial Entranceway to the Castle Courtyard.
Shaken by the failure of unassailable Wards, Maynor rushed from the battlement and joined his Power Masters to watch five figures scramble down the construct's spine and range themselves in front of the Guardian.
Transported by the Dragon? Brushing aside his confusion at this unexpected development Lord Maynor silently instructed the Power Masters to use the rods which had been so effective at the encounter in Ranevargar’s Grove. Ten raised hands jerked in a reflex of release as their instruments radiated with a discordant blue glow. Maynor looked with disbelief to the triads functioning behind the Power Masters. Taken from Aglaron in Ranevargar's Central Grove and bound to his control, their partial dampening fields were having no effect.
Taking personal control, Maynor directed thirteen power flows to the same purpose. A great head lowered and golden eyes directed a gaze which sent his senses reeling.
"Cease, Maurice! Leave this to me."
The eyes blinked lazily, the head lifted, and Maynor's mind was released to a new shock of understanding.
Keryth? Keryth commanded the Dragon? No, more than that. The implication was overtaken by the sight of Keryth, one glowing blue hand clasped against his chest and the other pointing with a gesture of command at the Power Masters.
Thirteen flows of power ceased.
Thirteen Power Masters divested themselves of precious Rubies.
Thirteen Power Masters knelt in submission while the Dark Child darted in a quick collection trip.
Shock compounded on shock for Lord Maynor at this revelation of yet another ability beyond comprehension. Three centuries developing control and direct mastery of power overmatched by an elf barely out of childhood, an elf whose mind and abilities he had studied carefully for months?
Realisation shook him to the core. A creature capable of ignoring the mightiest Wards in Faerie and freezing the mind of a High Lord at a glance, itself controlled by an elf who could wrest control from a Master of Power with a single hand gesture, meant the end of ambition.
Maynor studied the youthful figure watching him with an air of expectance and, assuming an aspect of command, closed the distance between them.
"You impose your presence here against my authority as Lord of this Realm. What is your purpose for this intrusion?"
Keryth took a small, confronting, step forward and Maynor quailed before an aura of command which reduced his own to a shadow.
"I am here for my friend, taken and held in full mockery of that very authority you claim.
I am here to make you accountable to the High Court.
I am here to end this destructive and unlawful Challenge.
Do you wish to dispute my actions?"
Seconds passed, indecision and desperation raged as anger surged against this callow youth so confidently pronouncing the end of ambition. Using the Ruby energy gathered to lance at Ranevargar, adding the full force of free Nexus energy still under his control, Maynor struck, not Keryth, but the Warrior at his side, the Warrior who meant so much. A foolish strike, springing partially from the lingering notion of leverage, and partially from an impulse for retaliation.
The Warrior jolted, startled, then laughed at the soft blue glow suddenly outlining his whole body.
There was no laughter in the command which rang so clearly through the courtyard.
Keryth gestured again and Maynor watched the energy battering pointlessly against the Warrior disappear, watched keys of control unique to his mind alone dissolve, and watched the great flow of free energy return to the Nexus.
Recovering quietly while the High Castle Wards regained strength and stability, Uirebon jolted with startlement when his liege suddenly leapt to his feet, a purple aura of power radiating from his chest and wonder lighting his countenance.
"The Nexus energy has returned. Maynor no longer controls it."
"My Lord, make haste to construct new keys of control. It must be some mistake on his part."
"New keys are locked in place, Uirebon, readied on your earlier advice. Maynor still has formidable power but with this energy returned we will eventually prevail. Ride with me again while we seek understanding. This is not a mistake Maynor would make."
"Maynor raised his Castle Wards. Even with the Nexus energy we cannot pass."
An instant of checking revealed the Wards were again inactive and a hasty refocus showed thirteen quiescent pools of Ruby energy and a flow of instantly familiar power.
"Maynor expends his personal energy for some reason. How quickly can we arrange a far-seeing?"
"Within minutes, my Lord, but only with the support of your Nexus energy."
"Yes, of course. I ..."
An urgent request for communication seized the High King’s attention and, recognising a member of the purloined triad, he gave wary acceptance.
"My Lord, the bonds of my compulsion are broken and I witness events my mind struggles to accept. Use me to view the fall of Lord Maynor."
Aglaron reached ever so carefully, in case this was some devious ploy, into the open mind and, finding nothing but thoughts of relief and wonder, accessed the flow of vision. The wonder transferred to his own mind.
"Uirebon, watch with me. One of our lost triad members offers the witness of Maynor's fall ... The sight is beyond belief and I need your help with understanding."
From a vantage point of no more than eight or ten metres, the watcher’s sight presented an image definitely beyond belief, and way beyond comprehension. Lord Maynor was kneeling to Keryth.
Thirteen rubies, with centuries of painstakingly gathered energy, contained uselessly in the clothing of the Dark Child, Free Nexus energy, the foundation for all his ambitions, taken with little apparent effort, Lord Maynor clasped the Stone of his Power to his chest and gathered again the authority of a Realm Lord.
"Leave my Realm. Only the High King has the right to dispute my command in this place."
"The right you denied your fellow Realm Lord?
The right granted to the holder of a Realm Stone?
Kneel in submission while my companions release Lord Ranevargar."
"Submission? I cannot. I am a Realm Lord."
There was no hand gesture this time but when Keryth's eyes closed in fierce concentration Maynor steeled himself. The expected mind assault didn't occur and, for the long moments before the Heir opened his eyes, nothing appeared to happen.
"Choose, Maynor!"
Choose between submission and some alternative?
Understanding came, along with fear and horror, when every link with his Court and the Power Masters dissolved to nothing. With rising panic his hand tightened at his chest where the call for protection was encountering a strange void.
A choice between losing his Realm Stone and submission was no choice at all and Maynor dropped to one knee.
Keryth nodded a brief acknowledgement before turning to his companions, and a degree of connection with the Power Stone returned. Along with relief came a wash of understanding that Keryth had no actual interest in taking his Realm Stone, as well as a realisation that submission to such power and ability was in no way demeaning.
The Warrior and the Dark Child, accompanied by a peculiar sound, moved and disappeared through a Castle doorway then every eye in the Courtyard followed suite when Keryth and his two remaining companions lifted their heads skyward.
The Flying Guardian trumpeted a clarion call to a host of plummeting aerial forms. The great chorus of answering calls stirred awe in every watcher as widespread wings changed plunging velocity to wheeling watchfulness with coordinated precision. Two Guardians detached and descended to land and eagerly greet the first Guardian and then the group of three.
Watching Rhys and Woorawa leave to face three Fetches would normally have had Kieran worried to the core, but ceding total control in this incredible manner meant any emotions expressed through his mind and body were Ranevargar's choice.
In the strangest experience ever he’d helped Maurice through the Castle Wards, caused the Power Masters to freely offer their energy Rubies for collection, and forced Maynor to submission.
He’d made little communication with Ranevargar who was totally preoccupied with insuring everything went according to the plan he’d hastily outlined in the minutes of final approach, but the discovery of the Fetches guarding Ranevargar's room and seeing the proposed solution had warranted a full intrusion. The answer, interrupted several times, came with assurance.
"Woorawa and Rhys will overcome any troubles, Kieran. The chant will confound the Fetches and allow Rhys to employ his Spook rope. Maurice will be watching and, if necessary, he will enclose them with the barrier he developed to repel power formed creatures ... I need you very close to Maynor to maintain control and because the watching Realms must be impressed with a sense of your confidence and ability.
My Griffins arrive with powerful intentions of retribution against my captor which I need to calm.
This partnership succeeds beyond my expectation."
Kieran turned his eyes to the sky, well Ranevargar turned them, and at the same time passed a mixed message of joyful greeting and stern command to the vengeful host. Savage screams ceased abruptly and, while Kron and Kan landed, fifty watchful Guardians wheeled in spectacular display.
Maynor watched with renewed bewilderment when Keryth made greeting with two new Guardians then gestured one arm skyward with a slow circular movement. The fierce calls quieted and every Guardian assumed a coordinated formation of watchful control. Keryth could call on so many of Ranevargar's constructs and bring them unnoticed through the Realm Boundary? The rage of the single Guardian at the Central Grove had been easily contained by the Power Masters, but the angry power massed above?
"Lord Maynor, when Lord Ranevargar joins us we leave to speak with the High Court. You will accompany us and remain under my protection. Advise your Court and ready yourself for the flight."
Accompany? Protection? Flight? Thoughts and actions unfeasible mere minutes previously. Maynor accepted the implied release and rose to his feet. With all the resources backing his challenge stripped utterly away, an accounting with the High King was inevitable ... But right now? And flight with a Dragon whose glance could drown all will, or a Guardian angry at its maker’s abduction? Maynor looked to the clearly amused young elf, then perversely, hesitated, looking for an appropriate form of address.
"Yes, Lord Maynor. We fly because we must. The portal structure of Faerie is degraded to the point of ruin, drained of energy in defence of the High Castle. Choose your attendant and approach the Guardians."
Maynor hesitated because the primary Guardian had turned to seize an animal carcass attached to one of its companions, and beak and talons were working to rend and transfer gobbets of flesh.
"Hold a moment lest in his hunger he mistakes you for a tasty morsel."
Maynor, with a distinct feeling this was a jest at his expense, held his dignity by gesturing for his principal Power Master.
The avid feeding left every mind with the appearance of Ranevargar, carefully supported by the Warrior and the Dark Child. A golden helmet dangled from the Warrior's hand and every eye in the courtyard watched the trio make its way slowly forward, slowly because Ranevargar was clearly relying on strong arms to keep him erect. Maynor, vastly relieved he’d made sure the Realm Lord’s physical needs had been carefully tended, considered the strange stillness and half closed eyes and wondered with new apprehension what accounting he would face for traumatising the old Elf-Lord.
A rumble of Dragon voice, counterpointed by the recognition calls of every Guardian, shook the Courtyard, and the Heir, discarding all authority, ran to enfold the shaky Realm Lord with welcoming arms.
Life and awareness returned as Ranevargar rallied and responded with smiles and obvious pleasure at the enthusiastic reception. Maynor watched excitement transform to quiet watchfulness when Keryth exchanged the formal double wrist clasp of welcome then directed the Warrior and the Dark Child to resume their support.
Words, softly spoken, but clearly heard in the hushed courtyard brought Maynor to a new puzzlement.
"Authority over your Realm is returned. I relinquish my temporary Stewardship."
To Maynor’s great wonderment, Keryth produced from a compartment of his strange garb the very reason for holding Ranevargar captive.
He had reached through the Castle protections and taken Stewardship of Ranevargar's Realm? The Pearl glowed green at Ranevargar's touch and the old elf stood transfixed for what Maynor knew was a time of communion with his Realm. Keryth murmured to his companions then cast his view around the courtyard while Ranevargar was ushered to a meeting with his Guardians.
Fixing his attention on one of the triads behind the Power Masters, Keryth nodded as if in recognition and raised a greeting hand.
"Gather the full High Court, My Lord, and prepare for our arrival."
That Aglaron was watching was no surprise to Maynor, the members of the commandeered triad would certainly seek to communicate with him when the holding bonds dissolved, but was Keryth discerning a link between an Elven adept and the High King? Maybe it was a clever application of probabilities? ... No, there had been a certainty in the manner of address.
Aglaron shared a startled look with Uirebon.
"Keryth knows we watch?"
"Possibly an educated guess, my Lord, if he was aware the triad was yours."
"There was no guesswork involved. He turned without hesitation to the eyepiece and made a proper greeting."
"I agree, My Lord, along with a formal call to gather the full Court."
"What can have happened to my son, Uirebon? He looks well, apart from that outlandish costume, but he wields authority like a toy and displays abilities I wouldn't have considered possible."
Through the eyepiece came vision of preparation for flight.
"Maynor was divested of power with a hand gesture."
"My Lord, control of power is a straightforward matter compared with the assumption of Ranevargar's Pearl for temporary Stewardship of a Realm ... And why does he offer Lord Maynor protection? The mysterious Gemstone gifted by the Ancient People must be a factor, as well as Lord Ranevargar who ... What can that mean?"
Vision showed Lord Ranevargar assisted to a standing position on the shoulders of the Warrior and the Dark Child with both hands resting, in what to Uirebon looked like benediction, on the lowered head of the Dragon construct. A green glow of energy encompassed the whole group.
"That is Ranevargar's energy signature and he expends it copiously. The purpose is beyond me but from the rapt expressions of those with him, must be highly significant ... We cannot call a full Court. Lady Narello cannot be present. Uirebon, I am gravely uncertain about this meeting. In this human persona, Keryth does not know me."
Uirebon, at a loss for a worthwhile response, remained silent.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
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