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Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
Recognized characters, events, incidents belong to J.K. Rowling, Warner Bro / Discovery, WB Games and subsidiaries. <br> <br>
A Diamond Heart - 4. Chapter 4
“Mr. Black, would you or any of your siblings like something to drink?” Esme asked.
“Mrs. Cullen, please call me Harry or Harrison. Some tea would be great if you have some.”
“If I’m to call you Harry, then I insist you call me Esme,” She looked to the other 3, “that goes for you as well.”
The Black siblings and the one’s fiancée chuckled. Harrison gave Esme what could only be called a cheeky grin and said, “Well played, dear Esme.” He turned to look at the rest of us while she rushed off to the kitchen to get everything needed for their tea. Personally, I found it funny the look on Edward’s face when he was trying to get a read on our guests.
“Dr. Cullen, have you ever given any thought to other mythical or magical beings out in the world?” Neville asked.
“Everyone, please let’s all have a seat and get comfortable. Also, please call me Carlisle. There’s no need for the formalities. As for your question, Neville was it?” Neville nodded. “I do believe there is more out there then just vampires and shifters.”
Edward couldn’t hold his thoughts in any longer. “What are you talking about?”
Luna giggled and it reminded me of the sound a windchime made in a gentle breeze. “What he’s trying to tell you is that we’re magical. They are wizards and I am a witch.”
The next thing we knew there was a giant golden stag standing in our living room. It galloped around the room and I could swear it was looking for anything that could be a danger to the four young people sitting in front of us.
Esme came in at that moment with a tray with four cups and a teapot. She set the tray down and handed each of our visitors a cup. It was weird watching them as they fixed their refreshment to their liking.
“What you need to understand is that we need to hide our existence, just like you and the nearby shifters. This for our safety as well. The reason we our breaking the secrecy for you is to give you a warning of what may be coming. You see, we just finished a wizarding war over in England that caused the devastation of many. Unfortunately, because I was the one who was prophesied to vanquish the evil wizard who thought he was a god, they felt that when I was finally able to finish him off that I was too powerful not to be monitored and controlled.”
Edward and Jasper both growled when they heard this. Because of this I knew that their bonds with their mates had already started to form even if none of those involved realized it. I looked to Luna and saw her looking directly at me. It was then I knew she was like me and that we would be able to get along just fine. Harrison and Draco looked at each other. It looked like they were having a silent conversation that only they understood.
“What is going on? Why did they growl?” Harry asked.
“Harrison, they are feeling protective of you. That is going to set their vampire half on edge even if they don’t know why just yet,” I replied.
“Why would they feel protective of us?” asked Draco.
“Because they are your mates. Oh, and Draco be patient with yours. Don’t be selfish. There is another included in your bond that you have yet to meet. Now boys we need to stop because we are putting them on edge,” I stated.
“Sorry about that. You know how boys are. They don’t handle change very well.” I shared a smile with Alice. I knew she was like me and could see certain things depending on the decisions that are made. “Harrison, please continue. They need to know everything.”
Harry looked around as he sighed before he continued where he had left off. “My so-called best friends decided that I was too dangerous to be friends with because year after year since we were eleven, we ended up in some type of adventure that could have cost us our lives. When I look back now, I realize the old goat fucker was testing me.”
“Harrison, language,” Luna chided while I tried to hide a smile.
“Oh, come on Luna girl. You know you call him that too,” Harry whined.
“That may be, but I only do that when it is us four. Not when there are others present. Harry, they need to know what to expect and who could possibly be coming.”
You could tell that this was a conversation that they had had many times, but you could also feel the love for one another that the four of them had. I for one looked forward to getting to know Luna and the guys better. We seriously needed more women around because we are now outnumbered by the men and it’s not fair.
“You’re right Luna girl.” Harry looked to us and said, “Please forgive my manners. I am so used to being able to say anything around these other three that I sometimes forget when there are others present. Albus Dumbledore or as I called him the old goat f…”
“Harrison James Potter Black do not finish that sentence,” demanded Luna. This made me admire her much more because only who is respected by those around them can get away with using the full name and be respected enough for the other person to stop mid word. Harrison did this and even had the whole cowed head and downtrodden eyes.
“Sorry Luna. He’s just such a sore subject for me, even now with so much distance between us.”
“I know Harry, but you have to have faith in those around you and in yourself. You know the boys and I will not betray you for anything, unlike the bucktooth know it all, the enormous walking stomach, and the one who thinks the two of you should be a carbon copy of your parents. To me that’s just creepy. Who wants to marry someone because they have a resemblance to your mother?”
“Alright, enough drama. Let’s get on with why we’re here. Dumb as a door was our headmaster at the boarding school that we all attended. Our parents all went there as well. Back in the seventies there was a war going on that our parents participated in. Some for the light and some for the other side.” I looked at Draco and saw him shrink into himself and I could imagine that it was his parents who fought on the side of the dark. “Draco, you are not your parents. None of us are. Now, back to what I was saying. Over here it was probably rumored as a terrorist group attacking people in Great Britain before it all came to an end in October of 1981. Well, that terrorist was a wizard by the name of Lord Voldemort or otherwise known as Tom Marvolo Riddle who was defeated by an eighteen-month-old baby who he had tried to kill but failed. You see there is a curse that we have that there is no way of stopping; the killing curse. There has only been one survivor.”
“I’ll take over Harry. I know this part is hard for you.” Neville cleared his throat before he continued. “You see there was a prophecy made about a child born at the end of July who would have the power to vanquish the Dark Lord Voldemort. However, there were two babies who fit this part of the prophecy. Harry and I. Something you need to understand is the ‘blood purity’ of witches and wizards. There is a Muggleborn or first generation; this type has no apparent magical ancestry. They are considered the lowest of the low. Some have theorized that this type is born from a line of squibs. A squib is someone from a magical ancestry that is nonmagical. The next is a Half-Blood. These witches and wizards have one magical parent and one nonmagical parent or one first generation parent and one pureblood parent. A Pureblood is someone who can trace their magical ancestry back at least five generations. Now for example, Draco, Luna, and I are all Purebloods. Both parents are magical for several generations. Harry on the other hand is a Half-Blood. His dad was a Pureblood and his mum was a first-generation witch.”
It was at this point that Harry stepped back in. “Tom Riddle was a Half-Blood. His mum was a Pureblood and his father was a Muggle or nonmagical. His mum’s family was so inbred that her and her brother were practically squibs. She had just enough magic for potion making. She used this to her advantage by making a love potion and giving it to Riddle Sr in order to get him to fall in love with her and marry her. It was when she was pregnant that she felt he was in love with her enough that she could quit giving him the love potion. However, when she did this, he rejected her and went back to his parents. She ended up dying in childbirth and lived just long enough to name her son; Tom Marvolo Riddle after her father Marvolo Gaunt and her son’s father Tom Riddle. Her son grew up in an orphanage where he was laughed at, picked on, and abused. By the time it was time for him to go to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry he had such a chip on his shoulder and so much anger in his heart that Albus Dumbledore felt there was no redeeming him.”
It was here that Luna took over. “You see Neville is a Pureblood, so Riddle didn’t feel like it was him the prophecy spoke of. Instead he looked to Harry who was also a Half-Blood like him and decided that if there was a threat between the two boys it would be Harry Potter. The Potters had gone into hiding for protection but the person they trusted their safety with betrayed them to Riddle and gave away their location. So, on Halloween of 1981 Riddle made his way to their house and killed Lord Potter, Harry’s father. His mother tried to get away with him, but it was no use. When Riddle broke into the room where they were, he tried to get her to stand aside, but she was a mother. A mother who loved her son so much that she willingly gave up her life to try and protect his. When Riddle turned his wand to Harry in his crib, he recited the chant for the killing curse. Somehow it struck Harry in the head and rebounded onto Riddle. This combined with the steps he had previously taken caused his already unstable soul to splinter and latch onto the only living thing in the room; Harry.”
Harry held up the fringe of his hair so we could see the faint outline of a lightning bolt scar. “This is where his curse struck me.”
Esme could see how much this conversation had taken out of Harry, as well as Neville. “Why don’t we all take some time to relax and think of something other than the unpleasantness of the current conversation. Why don’t you kids go for a walk in the forest and I will get dinner started for our guests.” I smiled when I saw Harry get ready to protest. “Harry, I insist. Please go and relax. Enjoy being young even if it’s only a walk in the woods.”
“Alright Esme.” He looked at the rest of his group. “Well, what are you waiting for? Let’s get a move on.”
“Sir! Yes Sir!” Neville and Draco snapped out before all four of them burst into a fit of laughter that was good to hear after what we had just heard.
Harry turned his emerald eyes to us and said, “So who’s going to show us the fun of the forest?”
Authors are responsible for properly crediting Original Content creator for their creative works.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
Recognized characters, events, incidents belong to J.K. Rowling, Warner Bro / Discovery, WB Games and subsidiaries. <br> <br>
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