Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
Widderkin - 47. Chapter 47
Chapter 47.
There was silence while everyone watched Kieran's deep emotion settle to a happy smile which lingered long on Rhys then turned to include everyone else.
"You’re all so amazing!"
Woorawa broke the new silence.
"What’s going on, Kieran? Your own father sends you to Melbourne and makes all this stuff happen, and you’ve changed from being so angry you’d throw a zillion tons of Opal energy at him to helping him and inviting him here? It must be a major change because Rhys hardly reacted either, and yesterday he wanted Maurice to eat him or make him grovel on his stomach."
Kieran's arm tightened its hold on Rhys.
"Too much has been going on, Woorawa, and I only found out the real truth yesterday when we were crossing the High Realm Boundary and Ranevargar merged to get ready for the big meeting. Aglaron only thought he wanted to send me away and it never would have happened if I hadn't persuaded him it was the best thing to do."
Woorawa thought his exceptionally good hearing must be playing tricks but Tan's gasp and jerk of disbelief said it wasn't.
"Yes, Woorawa. I didn't believe it either, but Ranevargar showed me how Maynor manipulated my mind into believing it was the only way to help my father and the Realms."
"Your father was reluctant?"
"Originally, yes. He was deeply troubled that I was Widderkin, but Ranevargar’s convinced that without Maynor's influence he would have come to accept it."
Woorawa looked to Ranevargar.
"Maynor could have that much influence? You told us the High King’s got the strongest mind in all Faerie."
"Maynor manipulated every Realm Lord, Woorawa, except for me, who he regarded as irrelevant. His influence over Aglaron was insidious and very cleverly developed through support and indeed friendship for at least three centuries."
Rhys shook his head in disgust.
"Every Realm Lord? Gods! He’s done all the stuff with the Challenge, dragged us here and paralysed you for days, and now you’re telling us he was messing with everyone’s minds as well. I don’t understand this, Ranevargar. None of us do. How come he gets off so easy? He’s back in his Castle, ruling his Realm like nothing happened."
"Aglaron, Uirebon and Lady Narello feel exactly as you do, Rhys, but, understanding there must be considerations outside their knowledge, they bowed to Kieran’s will. The High King would have taken Maynor's Realm Stone and his Realm, and Lady Narello wanted his mind wiped and rebuilt."
"What considerations? They must be pretty important."
"Important indeed! Kieran’s conditioning is so uniquely keyed to Maynor’s mind that, until we can discover an alternative, we need his faculties healthy and unchanged."
"You’re kidding! What happens to Kieran if Maynor dies or something else goes wrong?"
"Kieran's elf persona would be lost. All his memories and identity would be gone. A loss Kieran could not face with you and your companions."
"Maynor’s a mongrel."
"The consequences for Maynor are not as minor as you think, Rhys. Centuries of planning and effort have come to nothing. He is denied any part in matters of the High Court. His role as adviser is no more and he now lives with the bitter understanding that his greatest ambition can never be realised."
"Why not? At the Council they said he could make another Challenge after fifty years."
Ranevargar laughed.
"And then face Kieran, who can force him to kneel with little effort? No, Rhys, he knows that path is gone."
Tan looked very concerned.
"Do you have much hope that you’ll discover a way round the keying, Ranevargar, in case he does something with it out of spite or revenge? It might be important."
"With time I will find a solution, Tan, but you’re right, it’s so much a concern I’ve done a little coercion of my own to make sure the thought doesn’t even enter his mind."
"You can manipulate the manipulator? Neat!"
"Yes, Rhys, using skills recovered with Maurice’s awakening."
Tan turned to Kieran.
"What was the point of sending you to Melbourne for the conditioning, Kieran?"
"That was sneaky clever, Tan. Because it was outside the Realms it was a way for him to learn about controlling the Nexus Power and it worked perfectly."
Rhys, who'd been listening closely, brought another laugh to the discussion.
"Until he got too big for his britches and tried to clobber Kieran's shields."
Ranevargar had a dampener for this enthusiasm.
"Not really, Rhys. He was as surprised as Aglaron and Uirebon by the unexpected strength of Kieran's resistance, but that resistance actually accelerated his plans to gain access, and then control of the Free Nexus energy. It wasn't till the astonishing moment when he tried to take the Opal that he was truly clobbered."
Tan had another question.
"There’s more I don’t understand, Kieran. The brainwashing was working till Rhys and the Opal got involved, so he wouldn't have needed extra energy."
"More sneaky plotting, Tan. He had a supporting plan to interfere with the Widderkin conditioning and make extra interventions necessary."
Rhys got a funny look.
"Interfere? Is that something to do with me?"
Kieran gave him a squeeze.
"You would have helped his plans if you weren't so special, Rhys. No, he brainwashed another elf to do that. Another elf who my father and Uirebon thought was being sent to look out for me and test how well the conditioning was working."
Rhys turned to look directly at Kieran.
"How was he meant to do that? Seduce you or something?"
"Not in a nasty way, Rhys. He would just be friendly and helpful and every time my Widderkin nature responded Maynor would have cause for a reinforcement session."
"Friendly and helpful? How come we don't know him them?"
"We do, Rhys. Maynor sent the nicest person you could ever imagine."
"Well ..."
Woorawa, his features burning with understanding, scrambled to his feet and rushed to give Mr B a hug. Tan, startled for all of two seconds by Woorawa's desertion, raced to join them.
"What ... Are they right, Kieran?"
"Triplets, Rhys! Maynor chose so well it wasn't just me who responded."
Kieran watched Rhys's initial astonishment change to a moment of wry acknowledgement that he had indeed responded, then after a longer time of consideration, build to anger.
His body stiffened and he stared at Mr B with reddened cheeks.
"Kieran, that's just ... Evil. Brainwashed and sent to Melbourne? ... Is he all right? Can you fix it? What does he want to do?"
"Steady, Rhys. He’s completely all right and he doesn't want the conditioning removed. We had a big talk about it last night and he’s coming back to Melbourne with us."
Anger and concern were replaced with delight as Rhys rushed to add his hugs to those of Woorawa and Tan.
Mr B laughed while he struggled with a barrage of questions he couldn't answer.
"When will you reveal the full story, Kieran? I have a sense that secrets are not in the best interests of your group."
"Me too, Ranevargar, but not just yet. There’s already too much happening."
"Yes, that is wise. All of them are feeling the need to be brought properly up-to-date."
"Everything just got a lot more complicated!"
"The big question has dawned with Woorawa, Kieran."
And indeed, Woorawa was nudging Tan and directing attention towards Kieran.
"You said back to Melbourne, Kieran, which we all expect, but how does that work if you’re an elf and the High King’s son and a Realm Ruler? When you get your memories back you might have to stay here."
"I’m not going to get them back, Woorawa. Ranevargar’s looked carefully at how Maynor's conditioning works and reversing it means I stop being me and I turn into a 200 year old elf called Keryth. I told Ranevargar that losing Rhys and the rest of you would be the same as dying."
Woorawa once again broke the long silence that followed.
"Well, we don't want another Kieran. It is hard enough keeping up with this one."
Tan took a hold of Woorawa's curly dark air and tugged him toward Kieran.
"You just take that back, Woorawa, Dark Child. Kieran’s ours whatever set of memories he's got."
Everyone was smiling now, especially Woorawa because, despite sounding so different, they were really saying the same thing.
"Help! Physical violence! Control him, Kieran. He’s ripping my hair out."
Downward pressure, very gentle really because he was happily complying, took Woorawa to his knees.
"Now, beg for forgiveness."
"Please forgive me, Master Tan."
Tan’s mock severity gave way to a smile.
"Hopeless! Kieran, you’re surrounded by drongos. Can you fix him?"
Surrounded was right because Rhys and Mr B were also crowding close. Rhys held his hand out and everyone instinctively joined for an energy zap.
"Extraordinary, Maurice! They respond with nonsensical behaviour and somehow strengthen every bond between them."
"They rally to Kieran's leadership?"
"More than that. Tan took the lead this time and Kieran followed without question. And the others take the lead according to the occasion."
"Puzzling indeed."
Rhys tackled Tan and, wrestling him to the ground and exhorting Woorawa to tie his hair in knots for a payback, was himself tackled by Mr B and set upon by Kieran who wasn't going to miss any of the playful roughhousing.
"Another expression of bonding, Maurice."
Rhys paused and, queued in some way, all five sets of features turned with clearly expressed invitation.
Maurice’s eyes blinked rapidly and his mighty chest quivered with amusement.
"Bonding, Maker? What will you do?"
"How can I refuse?"
Kieran relaxed lazily against Rhys and watched the dance of flame from the little campfire.
What a day! The excitement and wonder of the four hour Panther ride along the trails of the ever-changing Central Grove had been eclipsed by the portal to the Grove where Maurice, keen to see the ocean for himself, had flown the whole group to meet a pod of Water Guardians.
It had been a mix of fun, interest and effort, with Ranevargar loading him up with related information.
"I wonder how many different foods they grow? That meal was so good it’s no wonder they’re all vegetarians."
"Who knows, Rhys. It must be lots because all those different Realm Trees we saw probably have their own range."
"I wonder why Ranevargar’s making a big deal about our practice with Kieran? Tomorrow sounds unreal and we should be having an early night if we’re leaving at sunrise."
"You’re just a slug, Rhys. How much sleep do you want?"
"Am not! I was up ages before you this morning, Woorawa, and I swam a lot further than you did too, so that means you’re the slug ... And so are Tan and Mr B ... You’re all slugs."
"Ha! What about Kieran then? He slept in longer than any of us."
"That’s different. He needs more beauty sleep than the rest of us."
Tan made circles against his head to say Rhys was crazy.
"Turn him into a pillow, Kieran. He just said you’re ugly, and that way he can be useful."
Rhys didn't make a comeback because Ranevargar came into the circle of light and sat next to him.
"What've you been up to, Ranevargar? Watching the campfire’s making us all feel lazy."
"Planning tomorrow with the hosts and the Griffins, Rhys. They’ve been preparing all day for our early start."
Woorawa laughed.
"Rhys thinks we should sleep in for three extra hours before we leave."
"Very wise! I will arrange things so we meet him in the afternoon."
"What? I ... Leave Woorawa behind. He’s the one making up stories."
Ranevargar nodded, as if agreeing with both of them, then turned serious.
"I would like very much to watch one of your special stories, Woorawa, as well as re-establish the pattern of nightly practice you developed for everyone."
The relaxed atmosphere snapped to curiosity and strong attention.
"You and Kieran have been dropping into Buddha moments all day and that must be better training for him than our basic stuff."
"Not at all, Rhys. The basic stuff, as you call it, is the foundation for everything he learns and does, and is fundamentally important, but something extraordinary is puzzling me and it is you four I want to watch rather than Kieran."
Rhys's laugh startled everyone.
"Hang on to your brains, everyone. For Ranevargar to say it’s extraordinary after everything else that’s happened means it's a real doozy."
Mr B put it all together.
"Something extraordinary, beyond everything we’ve been involved in, Ranevargar? Whatever do you mean?"
"You are all changed, Mr B. Maurice pointed out something with Rhys which set me thinking."
Rhys sat up when every eye settled on him.
Woorawa laughed.
"Now it's definitely going to be a doozy."
Ranevargar nodded and continued.
"Yes, Rhys. Ask Tan a question."
Wondering where this could be going Rhys did just that.
"Um! ... Do you know what Ranevargar’s talking about, Tan?"
Tan shook his head then, with everyone, looked to Ranevargar.
"Good! He's in your mind. Now, without speaking aloud, asked him something else."
A frown creased Rhys's brow.
"... No way, Ranevargar. You know I can't do that."
"To the contrary, Rhys. I have watched you make contact with Maurice on a number of occasions during the day."
"That’s not me. That’s him listening, like he always does, and hearing my thoughts."
"Try with Tan. Call to your mind the pattern you use with Maurice then project your question to Tan in the same way."
Well, it was crazy, but calling bits of the breakfast discussion to mind was easy.
"Can you hear me, Tan?"
Tan's head lifted with an emphatic nod … then turned to Ranevargar.
"Tan answered in his mind, Rhys. At this stage it appears you can send but not receive. Try with Kieran now."
"Is this for real, Kieran?"
"Wow! As clear as a bell and it came without me watching your thoughts. Try it with Woorawa and Mr B."
When two more heads nodded, Rhys, totally bewildered turned to Ranevargar."
"This is real telepathy, Ranevargar. Where did it come from? You said I’m not an elf."
"My first thought was a transfer of ability through your intimate bond and close association with Kieran, but while it works with Mr B, it definitely doesn't for Tan and Woorawa."
"Mr B can do telepathy too?"
Kieran saw the bigger picture.
"Everyone can do ... Something?"
"Yes, Kieran. I have been studying everyone's memories, Maurice’s in particular, and it is clear that everyone has gone through some kind of change. Tan called Truth from three Realm Lords yesterday in a manner gentle but undeniable. The power of the chant Woorawa used to render the combined strength of three fetches meaningless made the backup precautions Maurice and I were convinced we would need completely unnecessary, and Mr B has a new feel of underlying capability.
Mr B, hold out your right-hand and when I surround it with my green glow I want you to tell it to grow and spread to your arm."
Mr B stared at his glowing hand for a while before shaking his head.
"I think you must be wrong, Ranevargar. Nothing happens."
"It does, Mr B. I withdrew my support for the glow and it is still there."
Mr B moved his left hand to make a cup shape with his palms and watched the glow slowly spill across.
"Holy cow! This is incredible. What was your second thought, Ranevargar?"
"My second thought, Rhys, was that maybe everyone was affected by being so closely involved in Maurice’s challenge, but, along with a number of other conjectures, I have discarded that and settled on a moment in Maurice’s cavern which is both distinctive and strong in all your memories."
"Everything in the cavern is distinctive and strong, Ranevargar."
"Of course, Tan, but this moment was so striking it prompted Rhys to describe you as a pack of angels, and Woorawa to say you all had halos."
"When the white energy came? Hey, I do remember feeling weird when it covered us all."
Rhys laughed, expecting the weird bit to be thrown back at him, but everyone was too busy making their own recall.
"I remember it gave me a goosebump attack, Ranevargar, but by that stage it was just the next event of many. What makes you think it was more than a glow?"
"Kieran and Maurice were both frantically working to control the energy, Mr B, but both of them have a peripheral memory of all of you standing transfixed for long enough to be unusual."
"I don't remember that."
"None of you do, Rhys, and that makes the moment even more unusual."
Tan added his thoughts.
"Well, whenever it happened it’s come from the Opal. It keeps doing amazing things."
"And that only adds to the puzzle, Tan. The renewal of Dead World leaves little doubt in my mind that Kieran's Opal is the lost Realm Stone, a Realm Stone now imbued with great mystery."
Tan added an even more striking thought.
"Woorawa's people looked after it for ever, Ranevargar. Maybe that has something to do with why it's different?"
"Woorawa's people are an enigma to the folk of Faerie, Tan, but that must be a possibility."
Woorawa was immediately the centre of attention.
"Uncle Burrimul said it was always preserved in the clay container, so that doesn't sound like anyone used it or did anything to it."
Kieran pulled the Opal out.
"See what happens when you hold it, Mr B. If your elf abilities are waking up anything could happen."
"That's distinctly scary, Kieran."
Mr B grasped the Opal, stared at it warily for a few seconds, then relaxed.
"I think it’s warm, like the first time, but I'm not sure.
"Make it glow."
"How? Ranevargar gave me a glow to start with."
"Sort of tell it with your mind. That’s all I do."
"... Glow blue ... Please!"
A soft glow appeared, along with wondering looks from all around.
"Wow, Kieran! I thought the Opal only worked for you."
Kieran gave Mr B a big grin.
"Sorry for being tricky, Mr B, but it worked perfectly and Rhys is right. The Opal didn't do anything so that means you made the glow."
"Are you sure?"
"Completely, Mr B. Let go the Opal and tell Woorawa's head to glow."
"Are you sure? ... I just said that ... It can't be so easy ... Glow blue, here ... Please!"
Woorawa took in all the smiles and nods and touched his hair as if some colour might rub onto his hand.
"Do it to Tan, Mr B, so I can see what it looks like."
Mr B managed without using his voice this time and felt a wave of approval from Ranevargar.
"With no vocal prop you demonstrated control of location as well as colour. Change them both and increase the brightness"
Gryl blinked curiously when everyone looked at him through heavily slitted eyes and hands raised protectively.
"Oh my! Sorry everyone. I didn't expect so much."
The glare softened, and for the next few minutes Ranevargar guided Mr B through a set of activities he should practice.
"Now, everyone, I’d like to see what happens with your mind battles. When was the last time you organised a practice, Woorawa.?"
"Um! ... Three nights ago. Last night Kieran used his sleep command on us, and the night before that we thought sleep was more important and Kieran had other things to do as well."
"He certainly did. Kieran, start with Tan. Whatever change occurred with him is beyond my ability to detect."
Tan responded.
"There mightn't be a change, Ranevargar. I don't feel different."
"You called Truth from three Realm Lords, Tan, in a manner unknown to the Realms. Can you recall any similar strange moments before this?"
"The only strange things in my life came after I moved into our share house."
Kieran gave the usual signal and carefully pressed till Tan’s mental resistance reached its limit, marginally better but not significantly different.
"That’s pretty much the same, Ranevargar. D’you want us to try again? We usually do."
"Not tonight. Tan remains a mystery, so let us see what happens with Rhys."
"You won't see much. I’ve got the least resistance of all."
"I doubt that is still the case, Rhys."
Ranevargar proved right and a few moments later Rhys was happily stirring Tan and Mr B for being mind wusses, then a few moments after that pretending at great chagrin when Mr B proved even stronger.
The chagrin lasted about two seconds.
"Mr B’s an elf so that counts as cheating. What about Woorawa? Am I anywhere close to him?"
Kieran shook his head.
"He’s got a sort of natural resistance to start with, Rhys, but when he adds the chant he learnt from Burrimul he’s way stronger."
"Hey! The chant helps all of us. Give me another go to see what difference it makes."
Kieran thought that was an interesting idea and worth exploring.
"Rhys is right, Ranevargar. We should test it."
"We should, Kieran, but particularly with Woorawa. I am expecting we will see a significant change."
"From the way the Fetches froze?"
"Yes, Rhys. That chant overrode the three power adapts supporting them. Battle without the chant first though."
Woorawa was really eager and he flexed his arm muscles at Rhys.
"Watch and learn from the experts, Mr Wuss!"
Maurice sent a quick question to Ranevargar.
"What is a wuss, Maker? Rhys and Woorawa have both used the term."
"I just looked for my own understanding, Maurice. While it appears to be a derogatory term for a timid and ineffective personality, Woorawa uses it for comradely encouragement."
"Rhys an ineffectual personality?"
"Woorawa only says it because it is obviously not true."
Woorawa readied himself for the push from Kieran and, knowing it was going to be overwhelming, consciously held back the impulse to use Burrimul's chant ... Why was he starting with so little pressure? Maybe he wanted a slow buildup so Ranevargar could see what was going on? Kieran's head lifted, as if in surprise, and the pressure strengthened till it needed closed eyes for proper concentration. Whoo! Hold on for just a bit longer. Yikes! Enough. The pressure disappeared and opened eyes showed Kieran and Ranevargar staring at each other.
"What? ... It was easy at the start, Kieran, but then it was the usual pattern."
"No it wasn't. The start was close to your usual finish and the end was a level you only reach when you’re chanting."
He shook Rhys’s linked arm.
"He can call you a wuss whenever he likes, Rhys. If I did that to you you’d be a gibbering idiot."
Rhys was too impressed to even think of a comeback.
"Wow! He must be off the chart when he chants then ... Can you do the chant now, Woorawa, or did Kieran blast you too much?"
No comeback? No cheeky smile? Wondering if he’d missed something, Woorawa looked to all the others and saw a mix of surprise and curiosity.
"Kieran didn't blast me, Rhys. He was careful as ever."
"Yes, he did. I could feel it ... Scary!"
Kieran was puzzled.
"You must have imagined it, Rhys. Burrimul taught me how to focus in on one person and Ranevargar pushed me to practise really fine control, so I know for sure there wasn't any spillover."
Ranevargar was really interested.
"You felt the pressure against your own mind, Rhys?"
"Not really. But I could sort of see it against Woorawa and it was big."
Ranevargar nodded thoughtfully.
"Another change, apparently. Let us see what effect your chant has, Woorawa, and I will watch what is happening with Rhys as well."
Kieran wasn't happy.
"Hang on, Ranevargar! I have to push way harder when Woorawa’s chanting and if that gets through to Rhys it could knock him unconscious. Can you do something to protect him?"
"Of course, Kieran, but I am sure he won't need it. Proceed as normal and if there is any need I will intervene."
There was nothing normal about the pressure Kieran had to use.
"Is this what you expected, Ranevargar? Chanting’s making his barriers stronger but I can't see any change in them."
The mental exchange was needed because Woorawa's chant was so strong.
"He ignored the efforts of three Fetches at Maynor's Castle so the extra strength is a given but, like you, I can't see what he is doing. Stress him, very carefully, Kieran, and see if that reveals anything."
"Are you sure? I think he's got so strong I might have to use the Opal."
Ranevargar was clearly startled at this and caution rose in his mind.
"That strong? ... We are in unknown territory. Don't use your opal."
Woorawa's chant went silent.
"What happened? All the pressure stopped."
"You’re doing something new, Woorawa, and we haven't got a clue what it is. I can't get any stronger without using my Opal and that makes us nervous."
"Us? ... You mean Ranevargar’s nervous too?"
"Yes, your resistance should crumble and it doesn't. Your chant does something we can't see, something it only started doing yesterday."
"That doesn't make sense. This chant is exactly what Uncle Burrimul taught me. It hasn't changed even one bit."
Ranevargar nodded.
"Yes, and that means the change must be within you."
Rhys piped up.
"Wow! Looks like you’re the kryptonite, Woorawa."
Kieran wondered at the shared grins.
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"When you went gliding through the air at the High Castle Woorawa made a joke and it's come back at him."
"That wasn't me doing that. Ranevargar made it happen."
"Ha! Only because he hasn't taught you yet."
A long rumble of contented sound brought new smiles as everyone turned to look at Gryl’s half closed eyes.
"D’you want us to do any more practice, Ranevargar? He thinks it's time we all went to sleep."
"Hours more, Kieran."
That surprised everyone till he smiled ... He'd been smiling at things all day.
"But not tonight. Gryl’s message is a timely one."
"What about Woorawa's campfire dance? I've seen that on your mind all night."
"It has been, Kieran, but we already have more than enough to consider."
Everyone started moving, then Tan spoke.
"I’m a bit puzzled about your white power theory, Ranevargar. You've been with Kieran at least three times when he called it, so maybe it’s changed you too?"
Kieran was impressed.
"Is that possible, Ranevargar? And Aglaron and Uirebon were riding our minds when we called it for Maurice."
Ranevargar addressed Tan.
"Your ideas challenge us again, Tan. I am still struggling to accommodate all the changes brought by Rhys's healing and my renewed contact with Maurice, let alone anything beyond that. I haven't noticed anything unexpected though. The prospect of the High King or Uirebon with some new ability is fascinating indeed ... There is one unique difference that comes to my mind, Tan. That moment when you all stood, transfixed. Something to consider.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
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