Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
Into the fields of Summer - 3. Encounters 3
I woke up with tears running through my face, not of sadness but of happiness, why?, I don’t know, but the beauty I’ve found in the 10th floor of the tower has been magnificent, I was really taken aback by it all. I looked at my clock and had 10 minutes left before 8, I tend to sleep later on weekends and so does dad. I turned my alarm off, and went for my morning pee.
I then made my way to the kitchen to ready dad’s coffee and start my work on breakfast, eggs and bacon and toast for today I thought. As I was cooking breakfast, dad walked into the kitchen 15 minutes later, he said “smells delicious already”
I looked back at him and smiled “it’ll be ready in 5 minutes dad, have your coffee first and I’ll bring the rest to the table” he grabbed his coffee and prepared the plates and even pulled some orange juice for me, we ate breakfast and I told dad Leo and Victor and myself will be hanging out the diner in the morning, then we’ll see how it goes in the afternoon.
“Ok, kiddo, drop by the house if you can, I wanna meet this Victor guy.” He smiled.
“Oh dad stop it” he said but smiled then I continued “but we might hang out in the pool after lunch or whatever, you know how Leo likes our pool.”
He then replied “just enjoy your day son, I’ll just be here at the house and do some cleaning, but remember you have to do the lawn tomorrow”
I rolled my eyes and said “yeah, I know dad, tomorrow’s lawn day and laundry day too!”
I scoffed at the thought of doing chores tomorrow, but I’m more than used to it already. I finished my breakfast, dad did the dishes this morning and I went for a quick shower, changed into a blue shirt and shorts and I said my goodbyes to dad as I walked to the Diner.
Leo was already at my usual booth when I arrived at 10. He looked at me and said “still no sign of lover boy, do you think he’s ditching us” he raised his eye brows at that.
I looked into his eyes and sternly said “do you really think, Victor’s like that?”
And just as I said it, a voice came from behind me and said “I’m like what? What are you guys talking about? Goodness we just met and you guys are already talking behind my back” said a smiling Victor who was walking into the booth.
I shyly looked back at him and in a slightly more quiet voice “no, nothing dude, Leo here was just asking if you’re flaking out on us or something” I then avoided eye contact, gosh I’m such a dork.
Victor sat beside me and put his hand on my shoulder, looked me into the eye and said “just messing with you” he smiled. And then said “I’m not flaking on anybody... well not yet anyway unless you guys turn out to be Class A jerks or something” he smirked.
Leo laughed and said “oh my god dude, we’re so gonna be good friends! I like the way you think! I like you already” he laughed again and Victor even chuckled a little.
We then had our orders taken by one of the servers, mainly just milkshakes for each of us and a large set of fries for sharing between us.
We then talked back and forth about mainly nothing in particular, just catching up Victor with the local rumor mill, about how there’s a haunted house at the edge of the town, about the latest updates on our favorite shows, even some current affairs shit too, I never knew that Victor was into that, well both Leo and I followed the news a bit too, we even talked about Brexit and the upcoming elections, how un-teenager was that. I thought to myself that we three will just get along quite well with each other.
After finishing our milkshakes and fries we clean up the table and invited the guys to my house for a swim, “oh I’d love too” Victor said after fumbling around he continued, “but I didn’t bring any swimwear with me” he had these sad puppy eyes.
I looked back at him and then said “your place is not that far away from here we can walk to your place and you can grab your trunks or whatever then we can be at my place is 20 minutes, 25 minutes tops.
The walk would be a good warm up too.” Victor relented “fine, but my place is not that decent yet okay? We just moved remember?”
“Don’t think about it mate, we ain’t fancy or anything” Leo said with a hopeful smile that we three will be swimming together this afternoon.
Then we said our goodbyes to Sally and walked to the imposing apartment building we dropped off Victor at yesterday. He invited us in and when we entered both mine and Leo’s jaws dropped and our eyes popped too! It wasn’t an apartment complex it was a large mansion inside! No apartment units but a large staircase welcomed us as it connected the ground floor to the second to the third. Paintings decorated the walls, sculptures too! A large chandelier hovered above us as it hung from the ceiling on the third floor. The house looked kind of grim from the outside but it was warm, bright and classy on the inside.
“Dude! This is ... not decent?” Leo looked at Victor still at awe with the house’s interior.
“well maybe dad cleaned up earlier” he shrugged but I swear he had a small smile on his face as he noticed our appreciation to the beauty of his house.
Then as we were walking towards the stairs, the dark haired guy Victor was with when I first saw him walked out of the hallway to our right. He was a little taken aback with the sight of us three, clearly surprised and not expecting visitors, he then looked at Victor and almost started to bow and said “welcome back.. sss...”
but Victor immediately cut him off by saying “Dad!, these are my friends Leo and Chris, I was just picking up something from my room and we’d be off to Chris’ place for a swim”
His Dad looked a little bit confused and then composed himself almost immediately the said “very well, son”
Victor introduced his dad to us, “guys this is my dad, Henry Meyers” he forced a slight smile and nod towards us and said “nice to meet you both” he seemed a little bit off, not unwelcoming but just uncomfortable, I also noticed him trying to sniff something in the air but I really can’t smell anything.
He then excused himself and Leo and I were left in the living room as Victor dashed to his room to grab a change of clothes, bag and some trunks.
As we sat at the living room in a minimalist yet very large and comfortable couch, Leo broke the ice, “damn, Chris, we got ourself a rich kid as a new friend don’t we?” He spoke almost in disbelief.
I looked back at him, and said “sigh, wow this for sure I did not expect, this place is huge, I must have a dozen rooms or something, I even bet they have their own library and a large basement too”
We sat there for 5 more minutes just taking everything in and Victor was back walking towards us with a small backpack, “so shall we go guys?” He said.
We nodded and he brought us to a side door instead of the front door and we found ourselves in a garage with 4 cars - 1 silver Audi, 1 Black Lexus, 1 Black Mercedes, and 1 black BMW. Top of the line models at that.
We both again were shell shocked as victor walked us to the Audi and said “well I think we better drive to your place than walk huh?” We just nodded. “Just give me the directions and then we’ll be off” I sat beside Victor and Leo sat at the back.
We drove off as the hidden garage door open beside the building, I told him the directions and he just typed it in his navigation system and we were off.
Leo then said quietly and still with a hint of amazement “Victor... just how rich are you man? Are you like billionaires of something?”
Victor then just looked at the mirror and spoke “haha, not that rich man, we’re comfortable and yeah maybe a little well off but don’t call me a billionaire man... sigh” he then looked at me “I hope I haven’t made you uncomfortable?”
“Me...? Uncomfortable? Uh... no... uncomfortable no. Surprised yes!” He laughed a bit.
“Hehe we’re friends right? So don’t get all uncomfortable with me okay?” Victor said with a hopeful and endearing tone in his voice as he looked at us both. The he continued “well ... we’re well off, I’ll admit that, it’s a long story, but I’m still me okay?”
Leo and I looked at each other nodded and smiled and said “Suuure” then burst out laughing.
Leo and I started to ease off and we just chatted again as we drove to my house, then I thought of something “Victor, you’re like rich right? And you’ve got this awesome and large home, don’t you have a swimming pool at your place?” I curiously asked.
He then looked at me then at Leo at the back, then said “well.. actually I do, heheh, we have one on our 2nd basement floor. Hehe”
I just then said “wow, I bet you’re pool is better than my pool”
Leo interjected “at least you guys have pools! Hmph!”
Then victor said “hehe well I wanted to see your neighborhood too! And see where you guys both live, I wanna know where my new friends live right?” He lifted his right eye brow and then then smiled.
We were just arriving into our neighborhood and I told victor to park right into our driveway. We then got out of the car and went inside my house.
As we entered the house, I called dad “Dad! We’re home, I’m with Leo and Victor!”
After a second or two, dad called back from his study and said “okay, be right out, get yourselves comfortable” we then went to the kitchen, I grabbed some cups and orange juice to refresh ourselves , as we three were drinking our orange juice, dad came out of his study, smiled at us three and then said “howdy boys, I’m Chris’s father, William, well Leo already knows me hehe, so you must be Victor?
He reached his hand out for a handshake and they both shook hands quite firmly actually and maintained a serious eye contact. It was abnormal but kind of weird it was as if they knew about something that I didn’t know.
Then dad smiled again and said “you guys get comfortable, and enjoy the pool, I’ll have lunch delivered instead, I’m too lazy to cook today,” He grinned.
We three then went into the backyard and sat ourselves at the lounge chairs, Leo was first to jump into the pool, he took off his shirt and shorts and he was already wearing trunks underneath. I followed suit, removing my shirt and shorts, then Victor followed suit as well, well he took off his shirt, and shorts and hot damn he was hot and sexy underneath all that cloth, he defined pecs, smooth!, a treasure trail, defined six pack abs and damn strong legs too! Wow he was perfection in flesh! I tried not to stare at him too much as we three started swimming around the pool, after a few more minutes we started horsing around splashing water on each other, then I felt Leo grab me and threw me up in the air and back into the water, oh ok fine, the gloves are off eh? I thought, I then did the same to Leo, the I did to Victor too! And as I grabbed him, I can’t help but notice how hard and smooth his body is, I put my hands on his back and threw him off the air and he splashed back into the pool.
He had a sinister smile when we got back up “oh that’s how it is eh?” He shouted, he then grabbed me, he got close to me and I could feel his breath on my neck as his hands wandered around my body to find a firm grip on me, he touch my shoulders, my stomach and I swear he lingered a bit, then I’m seconds I was off into the air and falling back to the pool with a loud splash. Laughter was everywhere as we splashed each other.
We then continued horsing around for 10 more minutes and then got tired. We rested back into the lounge chairs and toweled ourselves off.
“lunch is here boys!” Dad called us from the door.
“Okay dad, give us a moment” we then dried ourselves and put on some shirt and changed our underwear as we had towels tied around our waists, all three of us being images of defined and if I can say, sexy teens. Then we wore our shorts and with still slightly wet hair flopping around we made our way to the dining table.
Dad already had
the plates and cups out and the Chinese delivery was already on the table too. We started eating and scoffed all the food that we can eat. We were all hungry. Dad looked at the three of us endearingly but spent more time on Victor, for reasons unknown to me.
Then dad excused himself back to his room as he wanted to take a nap. After a few more minutes we three finished the food, cleaned up, I did the dishes, then we all flopped back on the couch at the living room and turned on the Xbox, we played for 45 minutes or so and then watched an episode of family guy, we talked every now and then but watched the show as well. Leo then excused himself and said, “I have to go home guys”
I gave him a confused look and Leo just gave me back a knowing smile. “I forgot that my dad wanted to help me with the lawn today” he said.
What a liar, we both did our lawns on sundays, he was up to something. “Ah what? But... “ I said
Leo immediately cut me off and said, “I’ll see you both tomorrow then? Okay? Have fuuuun” he said with a grin.
Victor then said “oh I can’t tomorrow. Sorry guys, my dad and I are off to Richmond tomorrow but Monday, I’ll sure be there! Diner? Soccer? You name it” he said with enthusiasm.
I then said “okay, see you tomorrow then Leo, we have lawn duty tomorrow, I guess I’ll hang out with Victor here then the rest of the afternoon” I smiled and Leo bumped fists with us both and he was off.
Victor and I were left alone in the living room, I for some reason I found it awkward, here, sitting beside me was a guy I was falling in love deeper by the minute for reasons unknown to me.
Victor broke the ice then spoke “so... what do you have in mind?” The ball was with me now, don’t drop it Chris, don’t, I thought to myself.
I then said “wanna go to my room?” He said yes, and we were off to the second floor which basically is my territory as dad kept to himself in the first floor where the master bedroom and his office were. We entered my room and it was pretty tidy and neat as dad always made sure I kept it that way and now it’s become second nature to me to keep it clean, I had a queen sized bed, my own en suite bathroom, a desk for my computer, a small shelf full of books and comics, my walls were painted light yellow, accented with black margins, I had hard wood floors, my bed had plain light blue sheets same with my pillows and my blanket was dark blue.
Victor looked around and said “are you sure you’re a teenager? This is pretty clean”
I looked at him and said “is yours messy? I don’t see you as the messy type”
He then smiled as we both sat on my bed “Nah, I’m a clean freak too!” He giggled.
We sat there in silence for awhile, not entirely awkward but it seemed that we both were thinking too deeply about what to do next.
Then we both said as the same time “So...?” We then giggled a bit as we realized how funny it was.
Then he said “you first?” Then I said “no ... you first” gosh we were so dorky I just had to laugh again. He then looked at me, I can see his that he was fidgeting a bit, faced me , held my hands on my thighs, and said... “I hope I’m not destroying our friendship by saying this, but... I like you.” He said it with such gentleness and care and I can feel he was serious too!
I think my heart skipped a bit, there were butterflies in my stomach, I wanted to say something but the words were stuck in my throat.
He then looked at me again with pleading eyes “say something please” he said with such longing in his voice and eyes, gosh this hunk of a man just admitted he liked me, what do I say? What do I do? As I sat in silence for a few more seconds just looking at him, he bowed his head down and said “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said that, I’m sorry Chris, I thought you felt something too... I guess I made a mistake, I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable” he was about to stand up and walk away and I had to do something, do something Chris! Do something! I screamed at myself.
As he was about to move away, I moved my hands towards his face held it, and I went for it, I kissed him, it was just a peck at first, I kissed him, I opened my eyes as I held on to the kiss and I can see the surprise and happiness in his eyes, so much warmth, so much heart, his eyes moistened as did mine. I pulled away to breathe then kissed him again, just another peck, then I pulled away again, and the next time I kissed him again and I opened my mouth and so did he, he hesitantly tried to move his tongue into my mouth and i welcomed it with with passion, our pecking turned into actual kissing as my hands moved from his face towards his back as I started to feel his body all over, his hands did the same and he lingered on touching my lower back my pecs.
After more than 10 minutes or so of kissing, we pulled away and smiled at each other. He then smiled more borderline a goofy smile even and said “for a moment back there I thought you were gonna dump me” he shyly said.
As I caressed his face with one hand and played with his perfect hair with the other hand, I said shyly with a goofy grin “nah, you just caught me off guard that’s all, the moment I first saw you I immediately started falling for you Vic.., I just couldn’t believe you liked me too! It’s as if I won the lottery or something... “ I smiled.
He then looked at me, smiled then turned a little sad then said “You’re way more beautiful than I will ever be Chris, believe me, I am not perfect, far from it, there a lot of things you don’t know about me, some things that might even scare you away, but please believe me, I am good, I like you, I like you a lot, and I will never hurt you...” he said with such longing and heartfelt emotion as it was his turn to caress my face.
“What things?” I asked. “It can’t be that bad” I said.
He then looked at me with love and said “not now, baby, but please trust me okay, I will never hurt you, never. And in the short time we’ve known each other, I deeply, deeply, with all my heart, care about you.” He hugged me and kissed me again.
We kissed for a few more minutes and sighed. We laid down my bed and spent then next 15 minutes or so just enjoying each other’s touch, and each other’s warmth as we looked with so much passion and heart into each other’s eyes.
We then sat back up, pecked each other’s lips again and hugged. He smelled me again, and said “you don’t know how good you smell Chris, it’s amazing! Like if lavender and roses but in the flesh, gosh you’re perfect.”
I looked at him funny, I raised my arm and smelled my pits and said, “what are you talking about? All I smell is chlorine and a hint of my deodorant hehe”
He just smiled back at me. We went back into the he kitchen, I prepared some sandwiches but he refused as he was still full, he said “I don’t want to upset my stomach or anything, I’ve already overeaten for the day” that was a little weird, what teenager refuses food? And a growing boy at that, nevertheless, I like him with all his quirks and all. As I ate my sandwich and drank some juice at the kitchen counter, we continued to talk about none sense but we kept that intense eye contact we had for each other, with each passing second it seems our feelings for each other grew more and more. It was almost 5pm and Victor had to leave, I escorted him to the door and kissed him goodbye, it was a short but heartfelt kiss, we reminded each other to meet again on Monday.
As I closed the door, I turned back and saw my dad watching me with a toothy grin. “So....what was that all about?” He said.
I went 4 shades red darker in embarrassment, my dad just caught me kissing my ... boyfriend? “Hehe daaad...” I groaned.
He then lifted his eyebrow and crossed his arms and said “so...spill it mister” he smiled again trying to keep his serious paternal composure but he was failing miserably.
“Well... he sort of said he liked me... and I’d be lying if I said I didn’t like him back” I said just above a whisper. Avoiding eye contact.
“So... did anything else happen? Do I have to have the talk with you again? Young mister?” Dad said a little loudly this time.
“Dad! No no... we just kissed and cuddled that’s all, he’s really gentle and sweet and oh my can’t you see he’s perfection made into flesh?” I defended myself and Victor.
“Just teasing” dad said. “I’m happy for you kid. And yeah, he seems nice, just don’t give him all of your beautiful heart just yet okay?” He said with love.
“Of course dad, we’ll take it slow, I want to know him more, I don’t want him to be just a boy friend or something, I want him to be my best friend too” I said now looking dad in the eye.
Dad went over to me. Hugged me. And said “okay, just be careful okay?” I smiled looking at him, kissing him on the cheek, then said “thanks dad, you’re cooler than most dads, I love you.”
Then he hugged me tighter then with a slight chuckle he said ... “so ... condoms? Lube?, what do you need”
I shook off the hug and said “oh my god daad!, stop it! Hehe, you’re just hungry mister, come on l’ll cook us some chicken and salad. No more teasing or no mashed potatoes for you old man.”
Dad grunted an chuckled on his was back to his room. I then called out before he closed his door “dinner in 45 minutes pops!” “Okay... son... I’ll just order some condoms online” he chuckled... “daaad!” Then he shut his door.
We started dinner and dad dropped the subject of me and Victor for the time being to much of my delight. We talked about usual town gossip and what I needed for the groceries as dad planned to do the grocery shopping tomorrow. We are our dinner we exchanged a few laughs and that was it, I took care of the dishes and after which dad and I hung out by the living room and watched an episode of Game of Thrones, we’ve seen this before, but oh well, we liked all the scheming and fighting so hehe we enjoyed it just as much as we watched it the first time.
At almost 10 dad excused himself to bed and I wasn’t far behind him. I locked up turned off the lights, did my usual ritual of brushing my teeth and washing my face, although I really didn’t want to brush my teeth that night as I loved the thought of tasting Victor in my mouth but all I can taste was chicken and gravy so I had to brush anyway.
I laid down my bed, sighed and tried to sleep but I was kiddy all over. I pulled out my phone, and sent a text to Victor “hey”
... a few seconds later “hey yourself, what are you doing still up?”
Hehe he’s so cute. “Nothing.. just thinking of you” I smiled heheh “scratch that... I don’t wanna sound goofy or anything” I sighed.
He replied and said “well lucky you I like you goofy, you sexy goof. *kisses”
I smiled and said “hehehe good night then? And see you on Monday okay?”
Moments later “I’m more than looking forward to Monday, I’m sorry I can’t drop by tomorrow but I’ll make up for it with extra kisses on Monday okay? *smiley face”
oh god he’s so cute. “*kisses, see you then, and good night Victor!” “Good night Chris *kisses” sigh, I’ve fallen deeply for this hot guy. I fell asleep a few minutes later.
No dreams of the library tower this time.
Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
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