Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
Stolen Pleasures: version 2 - 6. Chapter 6
Jahke placed his and Sitka’s empty plates in the sink with a smile, and glanced along to where Tobias and Zai were talking without saying very much at the back end of the kitchen. Dinner had been over a while ago, and Jahke had stayed to watch his friend pipe meringues into fat little stars before searching through one of the newly acquired recipe books Sitka had come home with for something he remembered eating once called a macaroon. Now he could hear Sitka’s hooves and Shindae’s low chuckle out in the foyer, and he smiled to himself at the thought of what was to come. He coughed to attract his friend’s attention.
“You were wrong, earlier.”
“Sorry?” Tobias frowned gently.
“You’re a really good chef, Tobias. I’m glad I get to live here with you.” Jahke beamed.
“Oh.” Tobias’s expression made it plain that it had been a long time since he had believed any compliment given to him. “Thank you.”
As Jahke turned to go, he heard Zai’s smooth voice speaking with with pride.
“See Sweetling, I’ve always said you’re talented...”
He was going to laugh, because even though Zai still made him shiver with fear, the fact that he had a pet name for Tobias was sweetly adorable. He didn’t get the opportunity, because Sitka was waiting for him at the foot of the stairs, one arm looped around Shindae’s waist in a casually intimate gesture, and the sight of the pair of demons smiling at him so broadly almost made Jahke swallow his tongue.
“Hey Beautiful.”
“You coming up, pretty boy?”
Jahke stared at them, the way they stood together, and his brain took the picture Shindae had shown him in the book and the memory of the four demons standing naked in the bathroom together and mixed them up until Jahke thought his heart might actually try and pound it’s way out of his chest. He couldn’t find his voice in order to say anything, so walked to Sitka and placed himself under the demon’s arm in order to be lead up to their room.
“Wow… that’s a lot of books.”
Sitka chuckled happily.
“Told you it wasn’t too many.”
“You’re an idiot bud.” Shindae’s voice held no derision, but his laugh turned into a sigh as he saw where Jahke was looking. “Uh oh… You think if we start without him, he’ll actually notice?”
“C’mon Shindae, no one loves books that much.” Sitka’s words were accompanied by the sounds of belts, buckles, and fabric falling to the floor.
“Really? Mmmm… he might.” Shindae’s laugh turned into a groan as he fell back onto the bed. “Nnghhh! Ye gods I almost forgot how good you are at that!”
Jahke tore his eyes from the enormous bookcase and the stacks of assorted books Sitka had piled haphazardly on both its shelves and the surrounding floor, and turned to find Shindae on his bed, lounging in the furs, his lava patterns glowing hotly as Sitka worked his heavy erection with one hand, grinning happily. His horned lover leant forwards, and Jahke stared as the pair kissed deeply.
“You joining us, Jahke?” Shindae’s voice was remarkably level for a person who was being expertly manipulated in a very intimate manner. “I’m sure if you’d rather watch, that’s good too. Right Sitka?” Shindae took the horned demon’s chin between two fingers and brought him close for another openly pornographic kiss. “You’re not the only one here who can be made to scream in bed.”
Sitka groaned against his friend, and Jahke felt his skin growing hot as he watched them. Sitka was pulled into Shindae’s lap, both demon’s inhaling sharply as their very different erections touched, and Jahke could not have torn his gaze away for all the books in the South Bank Library. Sitka wrapped a hand around them both and grinned at him.
“C’mon Beautiful. Come have a good time with us.”
Back in the library, Jahke had wished he was the sort of brave individual who had adventures and amazing experiences. As he stepped up to the bed, Shindae’s free hand wrapping around the back of his thigh, he knew the nervousness he felt had nothing to do with the fact that his lover’s were demons. He watched, bright eyed, as the two friends kissed again, then Shindae whispered something dirty into Sitka’s ear, and the both grinned as Sitka reached out and took Jahke’s eager erection between his lips.
Sitka’s mouth was traded for Shindae’s, the lava-eyed demon’s unnatural hotness made Jahke whimper and whine, doubly so when Shindae manipulated his bedmate into position, and Jahke watched his lover being impaled on the demon’s hot cock. Then he was being encouraged to join them, kneel in the centre of the bubble of sweat and lust the pair of them had created. Somewhere in between kissing and being fondled and being fucked, Jahke discovered that he no longer cared about being nervous, because playing around in bed with his companions was just so much more fun.
It wasn’t until Sitka returned with a large tankard of water that Jahke realised how thirsty he was, and he broke the happy, lazy kiss he’d been sharing with Shindae to sit up and hydrate. Sitka kissed the back of his neck and slid happily back into bed with them.
“I can’t believe you’re not tired,” the horned demon sighed, “I was sure I’d come back to find you both passed out.”
“I’m exhausted, babe.” Jahke set the tankard down and reached over to kiss his mate deeply.
“Oh I don’t know,” Shindae’s tone dripped with suggestion, “I think he’s still got a little more left in there.”
“I came three times already!” Jahke turned, but he couldn’t be angry with the lava patterned demon, because two of those orgasms had happened with Shindae’s cock buried deep inside his body, his name between Jahke’s lips
“True,” the demon grinned at Sitka conspiratorially, “but I still reckon we could make you scream one more time.”
“We still haven’t actually done page forty-two,” Sitka reminded them both.
“Fuck page forty-two,” Shindae replied, wrapping an arm around Jahke’s narrow waist and pulling him back against his chest. “I wanna watch him lose control completely.”
Jahke purred against his lover as Shindae’s big hands roamed across his chest, then took him behind one knee, lifting his legs over the demon’s own so that he was spread open. Shindae’s incredibly warm fingers teased at the base of his cock, and Jahke blushed to discover that the demon was right, and he was already swelling at the thought of yet another new experience to be found with the pair.
“What do you say, Sitka? Think we can get him to scream for us again?”
“Beautiful?” Sitka kissed him, and Jahke returned the gesture with force. His mate had been sweetly ensuring he was still enjoying himself at each of their suggestions, and not once had Jahke asked him to use his powerful and intoxicating gift.
Shindae ploughed into him as soon as his consent was given, and Jahke clutched at his mate as he was once again thoroughly reamed. Sitka’s dark eyes shone with unbridled lust and adoration as he watched him being fucked, and Jahke found it suddenly hard to breathe as he realised the horned demon who had stolen him away from his life loved him.
“Ahhh! Ha…nnnnnghhh, Sitka!”
Shindae laughed as he jerked his hips, making Jahke whimper once more.
“Come join us bud. Let’s show this pretty boy a really good time.”
Shindae wrapped an arm under each of Jahke’s, and the young man found himself suddenly bound against the lava demon’s broad chest. Sitka’s face was incredibly close, they kissed softly, and Shindae growled in his ear.
“Breathe….” Shindae reminded him, and Jahke cried out sharply as Sitka’s ridged and twisted member prodded at his already filled entrance, and screamed as he was invaded again. “Oh gods yes...” the demon hissed.
“NnnnnYAH! Ohfuckohfuckohfuck please Sitka...”
“Scream for us, Beautiful….”
Jahke would have collapsed with the pressure of the pleasure within him, but he was held in place by Shindae’s strength. The lava hot demon panted and groaned in his ear, kissing shoulder and neck, and Jahke felt him quiver as Sitka’s rocking thrusts pleasured them both. When Shindae wrapped super warm fingers around Jahke’s pulsing erection he cried, whimpered incoherently, and begged for release as he was pleasured. It didn’t take long, and the thick stone walls could be damned, because Jahke already knew there was no way everyone hadn’t already overheard him getting fucked.
Sitka held on the longest, but soon he too was collapsing on the bed, his hair sweaty, every muscle suddenly slack after his orgasm. Jahke reached out for his hand, and smiled when Sitka’s fingers squeezed him back.
“Was it everything you wanted, Beautiful?”
Jahke found he still had enough energy to lean up, push himself away from Shindae’s warmth, and kiss his lover. Sitka practically purred.
“How could I have known to want that? That was… I can’t think of a good enough word.”
“I can think of several,” the horned demon countered.
“Mmmm… tasty Sitka.” Jahke kissed him again, delighting in his soft, unhurried lips.
“If you two are going to spend the night being all cute, I’m going to take my leave.” Shindae rolled his shoulders as he rose, stretching over-worked muscles with a grin. “No offence boys, but sleeping is best done in one’s own bed.”
Jahke reached for the black and fiery demon, and was rewarded with another long, toe-curling kiss.
“Mmmm… you are gorgeous, and very talented. Thank you.”
“You’re welcome.” Jahke sighed, exhausted.
“And you...” Shindae kissed his friend with equal fervour. “Let’s just say being with your boy here makes you better. I’m so glad you brought him home.” Shindae yawned as he straightened, all his inner fires dimming for a moment in fatigue. “’Night boys. Be good now.”
By degrees, Jahke found himself in a familiar position, using Sitka’s shoulder as a pillow whilst the other demon held him close.
“We should shower.”
“Later,” Sitka murmured.
Jahke spared a glance for his mostly empty bookcase.
“I should organise the books.”
“Haha! It’ll keep until morning babe.”
“OK.” Jahke settled himself once more against his lover, listening to Sitka’s heartbeat, sounding so much like his own.
“Jahke?” the demon sounded as though he was right on the edge of unconsciousness.
“I love you.”
The young man pulled himself out of his dreamy state and turned to look at his lover properly, but by the time he had, Sitka’s only reaction was to snore gently. Jahke smiled to himself, telling the big demon that he loved him back would keep until morning too.
“You want to go out?”
Sitka frowned at the young man who, despite being up half the night trading pleasure and orgasms, was already clean, dressed, and re-organising the vast array of books Sitka had found for him to include those from the latest haul. Jahke had learnt to tie his own loin cloths at some point in the past Mese, and Sitka couldn’t help but be proud that in less than the time between Eostra and the Summas festival, the human boy he’d brought home had began to move around the house like he’d been there all his life. Sitka would never had admitted it, lest it make the boy feel guilty, but he’d missed not joining his housemates for dinner in the evenings. Now Jahke sat next to him at the bar, and talked with him and the others about their days as though listening to Inai’s stories of demons returning through the portals with new crops from the Reaping Fields was perfectly normal.
“Yes. I want to go out.” Jahke turned to smile over his shoulder as he made space on the shelf for a slim volume Sitka had chosen purely for the image of the cover showing two men with their arms looped around each other’s shoulders in the sunset. “Zai thinks I’m ready.”
“Oh does he?” Sitka chewed his lip thoughtfully. Trust an empath to stick their nose in where it wasn’t needed.
The truth was, Jahke was more than ready to go outside and see the realm Sitka had brought him to live in: he’d not been given compulsion in more than three tendays, only to distract him before he would have otherwise walked in on Inai devouring his latest conquest, though he’d then proceeded to give Sitka the best blow job of his entire life bar none. Jahke no longer yelped or jumped when coming across one of their housemates suddenly, and though he still shivered when Kiorl spoke to him, Sitka knew it was just because the major demon of their house was so damn spiky all the time. It was Sitka who was worried about taking the boy out into the Inner Circle, and he knew he could not keep Jahke amused forever with new books.
What Kiorl had said to him when he had arrived back at the house that first night with Jahke unconscious in his arms still made him shiver. Jahke was beautiful, confident, perfect, and Sitka knew that someone would try and steal him. He just hoped whoever it was wouldn’t be stronger than him.
“Sitka?” Jahke smoothed the richly embroidered fabric of a short, open jacket across his shoulders with careful fingers. “You’ll come with me, right?”
“Of course, my love. Why don’t we walk Shindae to the office? I don’t have to go in today, and I can show you the sights on the way back?”
Shindae was pleased and surprised to have an escort on his way to work, though Sitka knew his old friend has not missed the sheathed xiphos which Sitka had hung from his belt. He wished he would have no need of the short sword on this or any other trip across the Inner Circle, but Jahke was wearing an embroidered red and cloth-of-gold loin cloth to match his jacket, and already they were drawing attention.
The route which they took bypassed the portals and crossed the entrances of several other houses before arriving at the office. Stores was collection of interconnected buildings, within which Sitka was fairly certain one could find anything in the ‘verse, given enough time to search.
“Are you going Upstairs?” Jahke asked the other demon sweetly.
“Not today, there is much paperwork to file. Is there something you need?”
Jahke pulled away from him, almost dropping the contact of his slim fingers in Sitka’s hand, and whispered something in Shindae’s ear which made his lava glow hotly. Sitka’s scavenging partner gave him a conspiratorial wink.
“I’ll see what I can do for you, pretty boy. Go see the sights, it’s a nice day for a walk.”
Sitka smiled when Jahke kissed his cheek and took his hand again more tightly, and Sitka turned him to look from where they stood on a little rocky outcropping, at the view. The Palace was in view, though not all of it, and Sitka pointed out the shape of Zinkara Rumah to his mate. From here the house seemed a long way off around the circle. He directed Jahke onto the broadest and best laid path which lead from Stores down to the West Portal.
“I didn’t think there would be so many plants,” Jahke mused as they walked, pausing to touch the long, fat leaves of a green aloe with red tips. A tiny snake, barely thicker than one finger and with shimmery orange scales appeared from a gap in the rock, flicked it’s tongue at them, then vanished once again between more stiff leaved plants. “Or animals. Are those birds?” He pointed to a menhir where two crows sat, arguing over nothing.
“Yes. The snakes work for Sathriel, the Devil.” Sitka knew he probably should have used his title, but it had been a very long time indeed since he had been in the divine presence. “The crows belong to Prince Nassau. They bring them news from around the circle. Nothing goes on here without someone learning about it.”
“So there are no secrets in Hell?” Jahke asked with his head on one side, watching the crows.
“Not unless you’re Tobias.” Sitka replied.
Jahke had stopped on the edge of the path to watch a river of languid magma ooze gently by, stepping quickly away when it spat, creeping closer once more as the hot liquid stone subsumed and melted a basalt chunk which had fallen in. Sitka watched the boy he loved with a smile, because of all the wonders in the ‘verse, Jahke was by far the most interesting and beautiful. The endless starscapes of The Way could be damned, because Sitka was perfectly content to be a clothes hanger as Jahke stripped off his jacket, and went hunting for another small stone to feed to the river. Shindae had been right, it was indeed a good day in the Inner Circle, and there was practically no breeze. Instead, ash from the fire mountains lay in tiny drifts between rocks, and Sitka half watched a slinky monitor lizard as it began to gather the flakes up for a quick meal. He could barely pull his eyes away from Jahke though, and it was only the sound of footfalls on the path which alerted him to the fact they were no longer alone.
Jahke tensed when he saw the other demons approaching, fled from the river, and pressed himself against Sitka’s side. Sitka hugged him tightly, hoping that the trio would pass without noticing them. Sitka was used to be unnoticed, he wasn’t high ranking enough to require deference, and not exotic enough to be stared at. He’d always sort of liked it that way. But Jahke was beautiful, unusually pale for Hell, and unavoidably new in his appearance. No one could have failed to notice him, and these demons were no exception.
“Who’s that?” The most powerful of the three stopped, and turned to rake Jahke with his eyes as they passed.
Sitka was so glad he had no siblings, because there seemed to be some law that declared if one brother was decent and good company, then the other must be a complete jerk, and Graccas’ brother was no exception. The hulking black minotaur had the remnants of thick white battle paint still in his fur, and had obviously just come from the Arena. Physical size was not always representative of strength, but Sitka had been in the stands plenty of times whilst Baccha obliterated his opponents, and he hoped his fear didn’t show. Baccha’s dark eyes narrowed as he looked between Sitka and the boy curved against his side.
“Who gave you away to this fool?” the demon asked, in what he probably thought was a sultry tone. The red scaled naga behind him whispered something to her companion, and both giggled evilly. Sitka shuffled a hoof nervously. “You’re much too pretty to be hanging out with him. Come along with me now.”
Jahke glared at the hand with hand beckoned him, and even though Jahke’s reaction was probably going to get him killed, Sitka couldn’t help but be thrilled by the power and defiance of the young man he loved.
“No.” Derision was written all over Jahke’s features. “I’m not going anywhere with you.”
Baccha snorted, the bovine sound made deeper and more threatening by his massive shape.
“Your master should have taught you better manners before allowing you out.” He stepped closer, but before he could snatch Jahke’s arm, Sitka moved between them, wishing he felt taller.
“You’re that scavenger...” The minotaur sneered at him, then paused, and raised an eyebrow in surprise. “He’s never yours? HA! Well that certainly makes things simpler.” Baccha smacked Sitka away with the back of one hand, his gesture almost careless, and yanked Jahke forward in the same movement. “I’ll show you what a real demon can do, pretty boy.”
“Get off me! Sitka!” Jahke’s confident dismissal had been firmly replaced by fear, and there was a quiver in his voice Sitka never wanted to hear again.
Baccha wasn’t paying him any heed, and Sitka drew his xiphos, darted forward, and made a tight, under armed slice at the minotaur’s wrist. Blood spattered on the rocks, Baccha roared, and Jahke twisted from his grip and ran, though not far enough for one of Baccha’s companions to try and capture him themselves. Sitka didn’t allow him to think of the result of this fight if either demon decided to help their friend out.
“You little shit!” Baccha held his arm for a moment, but he had very thick skin, and despite the blood, the wound was superficial, especially for a fighter used to continuing until one party in the battle was either passed out or dead. “I know you now, you’re one of Kiorl’s pets.”
Sitka bit back the retaliation on his tongue, because right about then he’d have given almost anything to see his major demon appear from around the corner.
“Your damn panther isn’t here to save you now, boy.” Baccha didn’t waste time posturing, but put his head down and charged.
Sitka barely had time to push Jahke out of the way, and ducked, trying to turn in the space under the minotaur’s huge arm. But he’d forgotten about the fighter’s other fist, and Baccha hit like a sledgehammer to his ribs. Sitka was sent sprawling across the path, but leapt up and away from the river as Baccha came after him again, every line of the minotaur projecting violence and rage. He gripped his sword tightly, set his hooves in the fallen ash, twisted as Baccha charged him, his blade flashing up and catching the minotaur across the chest in a long red slash. For half a heartbeat, Sitka felt pleased with himself, and then he realised that the blade had made nothing but a scratch in the demon’s hide, and such a wound would do nothing to quell Baccha’s anger. The big minotaur grabbed him around the throat and shoulder with one massive hand, and lifted him from the ground.
Baccha had his sword, the leaf-shaped xiphos blade tiny in his hand, and he grinned as he rammed it between Sitka’s ribs. The faun gasped, pain vying to fill up all of his senses, and tried to focus on the pale shape of Jahke. The boy was crying, screaming, beating at Baccha with ineffectual fists, and Sitka couldn’t bear to leave him like that.
Zai had always been confused as to why Sitka didn’t like to fight, because the empath had assumed the power which made people suggestible would be handy in close combat. Sitka had proved him wrong, and had it not been for Zai’s talented tongue would have spent weeks nursing the injuries of his cerebral victory. But now he had no choice. Sitka fought against his body’s urge to give in and black out, grabbed Baccha’s wrist with both hands, and poured compulsion through the connection as fast as he could.
The minotaur’s eyes became dark and hard as his inhibitions fell away, and he squeezed Sitka harder, his vision going blurry as he fought to breathe. But still he forced his power into the other demon, and the vice around his throat slackened until he was dropped unceremoniously, and incredibly painfully, onto the ground. Baccha turned to look at Jahke, so small and pale compared to his bulk, and Sitka wondered if his plan had backfired in a spectacular fashion.
“Get off him! Get off! Go and pick on someone your own size!” and then Jahke was with him, delicate hands on his chest, feeling for his heart, touching at the edge of the wound where his sword stuck from his side.
Baccha was still staring, dumbstruck, into the space where Jahke had been, and Sitka knew he had to give the compelled demon some kind of direction before whatever natural tendencies Baccha favoured swung into play.
“Yeah, go find your brother Baccha… he’d make a much better sparring partner.” Sitka managed to hold his voice together as he spoke, but the moment the minotaur turned away, he panted and bit his lip against the pain. Baccha’s friends were going with him, trying to talk to him, shooting glances back up the path at Sitka as they tried to work out what he’d done. “Ahhh! Oh gods….”
“Sitka! Sitka, what do I do? Oh, but you’re bleeding and what if they come back and I don’t think I can carry you,” Jahke babbled incoherently, “I don’t even know which way is home!”
“Shhhh...” Sitka caught Jahke’s wrist between two fingers, and sighed happily as the boy instantly stopped his fussing, settled on the ground beside him, and half lifted Sitka’s head into his lap. The demon smiled. “You’re really pretty, Jahke.” He laughed breathlessly, because his chest hurt in a complicated manner. “My head is on your cock.”
“Can’t you think about anything else?” Jahke stroked his face, and pressed two fingers to his lips. “Never mind. Thank you for saving me.”
Sitka blinked, the sky seemed very dark. A crow cawed somewhere in the middle distance.
“Sitka? What should I do? We can’t just stay here.”
He was about to formulate a plan, work out how to stand up, get back to the office, make sure Jahke was safe with Shindae before he passed out. But he was distracted again by the noise of the bird, and then a very welcome figure appeared on the path ahead. Sikta had never ben more pleased to see his major demon in his whole life.
“Oh, hi Kiorl.” he managed, and then passed out.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
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