Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
The Star, The Demon, and The God - 49. His Creation
Soft lights pierce the darkness in my eyes.
When I try to open my eyes, I find them being pulled back to sleep.
The sound of a plate being set on a table pulls me from my slumber.
I open my eyes and find myself staring at a white, marble table.
On the table is a silver plate with a bowl of steaming water.
When I try to lift my head, I feel a soreness that spreads all across my head and chest.
Groaning at the pain, I still force myself to sit up.
I blink a few times and take in my surroundings.
I am on a large bed that is incredibly soft. The room I am in has tall white walls with golden sculptures. Most hold the same face and I can imagine who they are supposed to be.
A hand grabs my shoulder.
“Do not move,” A woman’s voice says.
When I look up, I almost scream at the sight of her.
She is an angel!
She wears a shining golden mask that resembles the face of a human. Instead of the usual gold armor I see them in, she wears a long white robe with metalic golden designs along the bottom half.
I try and move away but a pain in my back flares to life and makes me cry out in pain.
The angel sighs and grabs her bowl again.
She pulls a washcloth from inside of it.
She harshly grabs my shoulder and turns me onto my stomach.
The places the washcloth onto my back and scrubs in a way that says she doesn't care how it feels.
Oh gods it hurts!
It feels like needles have been stabbed into my skin and they are dragging them around without pulling them out!
I scream in agony and try to move away from her evil towel, but I can’t move! It is like I have frozen over!
A door somewhere slams open and shouting can be heard.
“What the hell are you doing?” Morgoren’s voice yells.
The towel disappears and I give a sigh of relief and bury my face into my pillow.
“I am healing like you had asked, my lord,” The angel says.
At first I thought this angel is lying and trying to kill me, but I realized that the soreness in my back has disappeared.
Footsteps draw closer.
“That doesn’t sound like you are healing him,” Morgoren snarls.
There is a yelp followed by the angel falling over onto the table next to me. She knocks over the bowl of water and falls down with it to the floor.
She starts to scream in agony as the water falls onto her masked face.
“All of you were to let me know as soon as he had awoken,” Morgoren shouts.
There are others here? Where am I? What is happening?
I’m scared!
“Never would have guessed how useless you all could be,” Morgoren says.
Suddenly, screams can be heard all around me!
Men and women scream at whatever scene is going on behind me.
I am too afraid to look.
“Quiet!” Morgoren barks. “Or you will suffer more later!”
I clench my eyes shut and silently pray that Tobias will come save me. Where is he? Is he okay?
I nearly jump out of my skin when a hand touches the back of my thigh.
Fingers idly run up my thigh and caress my butt. The same fingers trail up my back slowly.
My body shakes uncontrollably because I know this is him touching me! It is Morgoren touching me and I am terrified!
Tears fall out of my eyes even when they are clenched shut.
“Hello, Lunarico,” Morgoren says. “It is lovely to see you again.”
The bed dips as he sits next to me.
His hand runs up and down my back, they dip lower each time he goes back down.
“It is very rude to ignore your master,” He scolds with a chuckle. “Come Lunarico. Do look at me please.”
I shake my head into my pillow.
Morgoren places his hand at the top of my butt, his fingers slowly slipping under my clothes.
“If you don’t, you will leave me no choice but to touch you. You wouldn’t want everyone here to see that no would you?”
A shiver runs up my spine in disgust and I finally look up at my maker.
Morgoren smiles down at me with teeth that shine very bright. His hair and beard are a shining silver. He looks older like most of the gods. Definitely older than they are. He is the eldest after all.
He has slight wrinkles on his eyes but aside from that, he looks handsome. Nice even. He has one of those kind faces.
It makes it hard to believe the evil that this god has done.
Not really.
He has threatened me just now.
“There you are,” He says while moving his hands up to runs along the side of my cheek. “My little creation.”
He grips onto my chin roughly and slams his mouth over mine.
My eyes widen in shock and I try to shove him off of me!
His tongue is shoved into my mouth and he groans against me.
I whine and try to push him off of me but he won’t budge!
This does not feel good! This hurts and I hate it! I hate it, I hate it, I hate it!
Morgoren growls into my mouth before pushing me flat onto the bed.
He stands up and glares down at me.
“It is all wrong,” He says. “This isn’t even close to being what I wanted! You are nothing like him! Your face isn’t even right!”
His hand glows and he waves a glittering light over me.
My clothes are torn away and reshaped into a new outfit! All but my jewelry holding my special stones.
I gasp and try to cover myself, but the clothes changed too quickly. Still, even then, I feel wrong and exposed!
Morgoren has changed my clothes into an exact replica of Raiyo’s first outfit from when I met him.
Thigh high boots that strap up into his underwear, underwear that has straps to a top that covered the glowing symbols on his stomach. The same top that covered his chest and arms, covering all of his fingers but his thumbs.
Instead of it all in black, it is all in white with silver accents along the many straps.
Silver symbols of moons are embroidered into the sleeves and boots.
Knowing that this outfit was meant to show off the body makes me feel as if I was naked!
I grab the blanket to try and cover myself.
With a wave of his fingers, the blanket is whisked away to the other side of the room.
Morgoren shakes his head and sighs.
“Not close by a mile,” He says. “I suppose I could use you in other ways that I had hoped for, but this is a great disappointment.”
Morgoren moves to leave the room.
“See to it that he stays on that bed,” He says without looking backwards.
A cage made of glittering silver vines grows around my bed, trapping me here.
The door slams shut and he is gone.
Now that he is gone and nobody is pinning me to the bed, I can finally see that the angel and I weren’t the only ones here.
There are a few more angels in here! Two of them are so huge, I swear they must be a giant! They even have two pairs of wings!
These angels whimper and clutch at their faces.
Symbols of a holo surrounding a crescent moon has been burned into their faceless heads.
They all look so in pain! Is that what Morgoren did when they were all screaming?
Not only are these angels here, but the green undead ones are here as well.
There are four of them and they stand at the sides of the room. They almost look like statues but I know how scary they can be.
Unlike everyone else, they do not have steaming moon crowns on their faces.
Why did the living angels deserve to be treated like that and not the others?
The one who was apparently healing me pushes herself off the floor, nearly falling down again.
Her mask had been shifted slightly to the side, revealing that a burning mark has been branded into her as well.
My heart starts to beat faster again.
I need to get out of here!
I reach for my neck and pull of the strange outfit.
How do I even get this thing off?
A hand slaps on top of mine.
I gasp and look up at the masked angel. Her mask makes her look especially creepy.
“Do you really want to take that off?” She asks.
It isn’t said like a question however. It is a warning.
Hesitantly, I drop my hand.
She fixes the table and picks up the washcloth and bowl.
I back away when I see the cloth.
“Please!” I cry out. “Don’t let me touch me again! I-I can do it myself!”
She stares at me through her emotionless mask.
For a moment I think she is going to ignore me and assault me with the cloth, but she drops it into the empty bowl and moves away.
I notice she has a limp now.
Frowning at how Morgoren hurt them all for no reason, I point my hand towards the healing angel.
A glowing line of magic shoots forward surrounds the angel.
My magic should heal any damage done to her.
She freezes and turns to face me.
All the living angels standing near the walls move in on me.
I squeak in fear and freeze, stopping my magic.
The healer turns to me.
She comes closer to the bottom of the bed and peers down at me.
One of the Archangels with a spear brings it close to my face.
My breath hitches as another presses against my ribs.
“Interesting,” The healer says. “We capture you, force you in new clothes, and yet you chose to heal me?”
A few of the angels look up at her in confusion.
“Remove your weapons,” She says.
They do as she says, though a bit uneasy about it.
“You had best not do that in front of our master,” She says. “He would be furious if he were to find out.”
I nod with wide eyes.
I glance at the other angels around us. The undead ones still have not moved since I have woken up.
The healer moves to leave again.
When she is at the door, she turns to me.
“Thank you,” She nods.
The door closes behind her and I am stuck with the angels guarding me.
Their faces still burn with the new marks.
It feels very awkward now, but I have to ask.
“May I...may I heal you all as well?” I say shyly.
Silence is all I get in answer.
They had all gone back to their places against the wall. They stare ahead of themselves and barely move at all.
I sigh and hug my knees to my chest.
Why do they have to be here? I want to be alone!
I want to be with Tobi!
Kulu isn’t even with me!
I hope they are both safe and sound.
Footsteps come closer to my bed.
The Archangel who had pointed their spear at my face towers over me.
“Would it be too much to accept your offer?” he asks.
For a moment I am surprised and don’t bother hiding it.
This angel is huge! He is taller than Raiyo’s automatons!
“S-sure!” I put on a smile. “Of course!”
I move to stand on the bed to get closer to his head.
The poor thing has to kneel down to make it easier for me to reach.
Placing my hands over the burned flesh, I concentrate my healing magics into my palms.
When I remove my hands, the Archangel’s head is no longer marked and ruined.
After that, the other angels gain the courage to step up and let me heal them as well. They all give their thanks and apologize for being forced to help Morgoren.
It is very nice to hear that these angels aren’t evil at all! They are victims like the rest of us.
The undead ones do not move however.
They stay in their place like statues. Very creepy statues.
After everyone had been healed, I swear hours go by.
The angels told me that there is a barrier on the room that will keep me trapped in here.
That made it very boring in here. There isn’t much to do.
I tried talking to the angels but they were too scared.
For what felt like hours, I am sitting on the bed and staring at the ceiling, awaiting whatever doom might come my way.
Would Morgoren kill me?
Who am kidding? Of course he would! He wants to kill his siblings!
A shiver runs up my spine at the thoughts of what Morgoren would do to me.
He touched me. He touched me in ways that felt dirty.
Not even Tobias did anything like that!
The door to the room slams open as Morgoren enters with a new group of undead angels.
“Hello, Lunarico,” He smiles. “Come. Our new world awaits!”
I don’t even get to ask what he is talking about before the green angels leap forward and grab me.
I scream in surprise and struggle against their hold.
The angels moan against my ear as they haul me off of the bed and towards the moon god.
Morgoren waves his hand over the doorway, creating a shining portal in its place.
I struggle again, pressing my heels into the ground to fight against the angels.
Nothing is working! They are too strong!
Whining with my attempts to escape and get away from the portal, I call out to the living angels for help.
“Help me! Please!” I cry. “Please!”
Morgoren steps into the portal with a chuckle and then I am thrown right after him.
I yelp when I land on my hands and knees.
A cold wind dances across my skin and I shiver and hug myself.
This outfit isn’t helping at all.
“Welcome to my laboratory,” Morgoren grins.
I look around myself.
It appears I am in some kind of tower?
This tower’s edges are rooms and floors that spiral into the next. They go high into the sky and they run deep below Morgoren and I.
Yes, below us.
We are on some kind of bridge that cuts through the middle of the tower. It is wide and in the middle it holds a strange glowing white stone.
When I stare it over, I see glowing silver markings have been etched into the stone.
Every now and then they ripple to life.
With each ripple of life, a small light spits out a blob of green colors. As the green mess falls flat onto the stone bridge, it begins to take shape into a new form.
It's become an undead angel!
That angel struggles to stand before it marches down the other side of the bridge and it travels down the flights of the tower.
“Wonderful isn’t it?” Morgoren’s voice says, grabbing my attention. “I have perfected the ways of creation!”
My eyes widen when I realize that there are hundreds of undead angels in the halls below! Thousands even!
Hoards of them march through the halls above but down below, there are so many of them! Their growls and screeches echo up to me.
My breath hitches when a hand presses upward under my chin.
“Do not be afraid, my pet,” Morgoren snickers. “You’re safe with me.”
“Why are you showing me this,” I ask. “Please let me go home!”
He smiles and runs his thumb over my collarbone. “I think you’re fine right here with me. You’re home is here with your creator.”
My eyes begin to water and I shake my head. “I-I don’t want to be here. I want to go back to Tobias!”
Morgoren rolls his eyes and pushes me away, sending me falling onto my back.
“You wish to return to a mere demon?” He scoffs. “You could be unleashed with unlimited power with me, but here you are choosing to join the weak and useless in the world.”
I move backwards, slowly making me retreat to try and run away.
He quickly turns to me, making me freeze in place.
My brow furrows in confusion.
I try to move again but I can’t! Why can’t I move!
I am frozen in place in the middle of me crawling backwards!
“Oh no, no, no,” Morgoren smirks and walks closer to me. “I won’t have my toy run off. You’re my property!”
My body lifts up off the ground with my permission.
“Not to mention I need you for my new invention,” He says with a sinister smile.
A staff materializes in his hands.
He hits the ground twice with one end of it and then the middle of the bridge begins to move!
It spins around, turning the summoning stone upside down.
While it is underneath us now, a new thing has replaced it.
A tall slab of smooth metal stands before us. It is white, but I know it is metal! It looks so strange and foreign.
It is flat and narrow. At the base of the invention, there is a panel that has been cut out. On either side of it, there are silver handles that are connected to the metal.
“This is my latest creation,” Morgoren smiles. “It is my gateway to bringing the perfect Thymestrys. All it needs is a bit of power to bring it to life.”
He points to me, pulling me closer at the same time.
“That is where you come in.”
I find myself being moved towards the scary metal world destroyer.
“No!” I scream as I am brought to the opening underneath.
As hard as I try, I can’t move at all! Why can’t I move!
Morgoren smirks as he watches me.
“Don’t worry my creation,” He says as he steps closer. “You were made for this! All it took was a little bit of bloodshed for you to truly lose that purity that kept you free of my control.”
My eyes widen when a chilling sensation spreads from the top of my head to the bottom of my toes.
What’s happening!
“Now you really are my puppet,” Morgoren laughs.
My hand reaches forward, creating a portal that brings out my true form.
I’m not doing this! This isn’t me! Why can’t I move? Why can’t I speak? I can’t do anything!
“Because I am controlling you, you dumb star!”
Tears stream down my face as I stare at the hazy rainbows colors swirling in the portal.
As is draws nearer, my hands grip onto the handles on either side of me.
Again, against my will.
I manage to gain some willpower, but all I can do is scream as the portal passes over me.
Pure, light erupts from my body, followed by a sonic boom.
Morgoren stumbles backwards and shields his eyes.
My magic instantly feels as if it is being drained from my fingers.
It’s the metal! It’s taking my power!
“Yes!” Morgoren shouts with glee. “Beautiful!”
Shining tears fall down my cheeks as my magic is consumed by the metal.
No! I don’t want this! I refuse to help him!
My mind struggles to gain back my own connection to my body.
Morgoren’s claws have sunken into me, but I will not let him win so easily!
Gritting my teeth together, I scream as I will for my hands to release the handles.
They fidget slightly, but that is all I can manage.
My entire body shakes as I use all that I can to pull myself from Morgoren.
I roar as my hand slowly begin to release the handles.
The roar turns into a scream as I throw myself backwards.
I pass through the portal once more, returning from my star form.
Holding myself up with my arms, I breathe hard and end up coughing up blood.
Spitting it out of my mouth, I look up at Morgoren.
Fear sets in once again when I see a horde of undead angels swarming around me.
“Tie him up to the handles,” Morgoren says, his voice burning with anger. “This time, he is going to power it up until it is the last thing he ever does.”
Please help me!
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
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