Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
Into the fields of Summer - 60. Playing with Fire 1
The four of us walked through several more large and long corridors, we met several servants, guards, and palace administrators and some junior ministers along the way. The people mainly wore outfits in pastel color, Hmm, really interesting fashion sense, I thought. The people we came across bowed as they saw the King and my uncle but none dared to start a conversation, I kind of stood out being someone who was wearing my bedtime clothes and being someone with no pointy ears.
“Here... let me fix you up” My uncle said after I was a victim of several more long lasting stares. After a wave of his hand, my outfit changed into a long red jacket together with black pants and black boots. My red jacket was accented by golden threads and lines.
“There... all better” he said after casting the spell.
I touched my ears and checked out my new clothes. “Wow...” I said.
“Nice eh? Now you look the part, all you need now is your crown” My uncle teased me.
“Uh please, stop it” I shyly replied.
“Hmm... don’t worry you’ll get your crown by the end of the month” my grandfather said.
“Where are we headed anyway?”
I asked.
“We want to start higher level fire magic training with you” Patri said.
“Huh? But I’ve barely mastered Water...” I answered.
“Oh come on, it’s nothing you can’t handle based on what I’ve heard so far.” Uncle Selvenus remarked.
“Yeah... he’s amazing, don’t be too surprised Prince Selvenus, the young prince over here is quick to learn” Yal said.
“I’m looking forward to it” My uncle grinned back at me.
After a few more minutes of walking, we reached a large metal door that lead to a downward staircase. The staircase led to another corridor underground which opened into a large hall of some sort. The entire hall was covered in gray stone.
“What’s this place?” I asked.
“It’s the fire training hall... for private use of the royal family of course” Uncle said.
“Whoa... this place is huge”
“Yes it is, element training requires large spaces.” Patri said.
Patri and Yal took their spot almost 40 feet away from me and my uncle.
“Father... can you turn on the shields?” Uncle said to my Patri.
Patri then raised his right rand hand just in front of his chest with a clenched fist, then after a few seconds his fist grew bright, when the light from his fists dissipated,
I could see the walls, ceiling, and floor have a light glow almost a faint shimmer to the best of my description.
“What happened?” I asked.
“Father... activated the shields for the room, Hmm... “ my uncle paused. “Element training can be quite destructive, we can’t destroy this room all the time can we?” My uncle smiled at me.
“Oh... I suppose so”
“Okay, now, I’ve been told that you’re basically silver level now” My uncle said.
“I was told that” I shrugged when i replied. I didn’t actually completely understand the power levels, all I knew was that my potential was large but my current ability was that of a silver but how large the gap between a silver and a gold, I don’t know. I then asked “you’re a platinum badge general right?”
“Yes... yes I am, but my platinum badge is my rank in the army, but my magic skill is at gold level, official rank and magic levels need not be the same” my uncle explained.
“Ah... I see”
“Okay... now ready to learn how to use fire?”
“Yeah... I suppose so”
“Okay, I’ve been told you can now use rudimentary fire magic... let’s try on improving that now shall we?”
“Okay, sure”
My uncle came closer to me, and put his hands on my shoulders. “Okay... the first thing you need to understand is that fire is inherently volatile, concentration is key, when using fire, make sure that you’re emotions and thoughts are under control” He then paused and asked “you can feel the energy inside you?”
“Yes... yes I can”
“Okay... good, now... pull from that energy... and imagine the heat coming from it”
“I’ll try...”
“Okay, I’m moving away now okay?”
“Can you raise your right hand with open palms” There was a short pause from my uncle and he said “try to imagine the energy pooled in your hand and make it combust, imagine that your body is a conduit for the heat all around you”
Within a second or two there is was, a decent sized fire ball.
“Amazing... you’ve done well and done it on your first try” my uncle proudly nodded towards me. “Now... can you make the fire ball bigger?”
Easily, the fire ball grew twice in size.
“Great! Wow... Father and Yal weren’t lying when the said you learn quick, damn... it took me months to learn this” my uncle giggled in disbelief.
“What now?” I asked as I continued to hold the fire ball on my right hand.
“Try to throw the ball towards me”
“You heard me... throw it”
“Okay...” I replied as I threw the ball towards my uncle. My throw was fast and my uncle immediately caught the ball with a single hand.
“Wow... amazing, the ball didn’t even decrease in size” my uncle commented.
“Is it suppose to decrease in size?”
“Usually fire loses energy the moment it gets disconnected from its wielder, however yours seem to have enough energy inside them to not shrink in the middle of a throw, this is good, especially for your first try” My uncle then gave me a mischievous grin, the fire ball in his hand split into two balls and in a fraction of a second he said “catch!”
“What the...” I shouted as two fire balls were thrown at me.
With two open hands, I was successfully able to catch both fire balls.
“Now... defend yourself from my fire balls” my uncle said as he jumped in the air and threw fire ball after fire ball towards me.
“Huh?” I was barely able to say that word as the first fire ball landed just a foot on my left. The moment it hit the ground it burst and the faint glow on floor shined a little bit brighter as it deflected the fire energy.
Three more fire balls landed near me, good thing I was able to dodge them all. The fire balls continued to keep coming at me, I then threw the balls in my hand against my uncle and that caught his attention for a moment and with that distraction, I was able to compose my self and catch my breath.
“Okay you want to play Huh?” I said. As I stood straighter and changed my form towards a more agreed I’ve stance. I remembered a fire stance from one of the scrolls I’ve read. I stood straight, and raised my right arm above me, with my index finger pointing up towards the ceiling.
“Chris? What are you doing?” My uncle asked he had a slightly confused facial expression.
“Payback!” I said as I gave him my best smug look.
At the tip of my finger, a bright orange orb barely larger than a pebble formed, But I can feel the heat coming from it, the heat flowed from it like a constant stream of warmth. My uncle stood in anticipation of what I was about to do.
Within seconds, a single rope of fire started to extend itself from the small orb. The rope of fire then slowly coiled itself around me, as if forming a spiral of flames around me, the spiral of flames grew wider from the tip to the floor, it was as if I was covered by a spiraling dome of flames.
“Where’d you learn that?” My uncle asked in complete surprise.
“Hmm... just read it somewhere”
I replied with a grin. This was indeed something I’ve read from several scrolls, this technique is the product of three scrolls I think. Had to quickly think of piecing this method together myself.
“Father? care to explain?” My uncle asked Patri.
“Selvenus, you seem to forget that we’ve told you that he’s full of surprises, your nephew may be young, but he’s a very quick learner”
“Ah... this won’t intimidate me, I think I can handle this” my uncle replied as he pointed his right hand with open palms towards me, it was so sudden and in half a second a concentrated jet of flames fired towards me.
I knew my coils of fire couldn’t handle it so i had to think of something else. As the jet of fire neared me, I tapped into its energy,
I inserted my magic into the jet of fire, and with my magic being able to hijack the jet of fire, I was able to redirect it around my coils, from someone watching, it appeared as if the jet of fire was hugging my coils, it approached on my left side, then it made a turn behind me, and then the jet of flames were now being redirected back to my uncle.
“How are you able to do that?!” My uncle shouted as he realized that the fire was now shooting toward him. The jets of fire hit the back wall as my uncle dodged the attack. You can hear the crackling sounds as the jets of flame hit the barrier on the wall, the shielding that’s been activated by Patri is doing its best to absorb and diffuse the energy from the fire.
My uncle then dusted himself off, and looked at me with a new found respect. “Hmm... you’re good!” He smiled at me. “Didn’t expect that coming from you”
My uncle then put both his hands in front of him, with his fingers touching each other the space between the hands had a space the shape of a ball, the empty space suddenly grew bright and almost instantly a very hot swirling ball of fire formed itself. My uncle raised his right hand carrying the ball, and threw it against me.
I knew this ball was stronger than the previous attacks, I redirected all my fire energy towards my hands, I opened my hands in order to catch the mass of flame headed towards me.
“Gonna try to catch it? Good luck with that”
Upon contact with the ball, I immediately felt the energy from it,
I was heavy! As I tried to catch the ball, my footing started to give way and slowly I was being pushed back inch by inch as the fire ball continued to roar in my hands.
I tried to will the fire ball into submission. But it just kept on going. ‘Shit’ I thought. The ball was too strong for me to hijack. I then decided to redirect its direction instead. I then pulled more energy from my body and surrounded the ball with it, it’s direction was now more manageable, after a few more seconds of struggling, I decided to throw the ball into the wall on my right.
The throw was fast and in almost an instant we all heard a loud bang in the wall as the ball of fire burst in contact.
Uncle Selvenus whistled with that display of power.
Yal and Patri started clapping their hands.
“Wow... Chris. That was amazing” Yal said. “That was clearly an awesome display of raw talent and power!, well done!” Yal continued to congratulate me.
My uncle then started to approach me and said, “that was certainly impressive and a nice first session, you’re more than impressive, I know you’ll do great things, I’m certainly excited to train more with you”
“thanks?” I said.
“Don’t underestimate yourself Chris, what you just did is unheard of for a someone so early into training”
For the next hour or so, Patri and my Uncle spent time teaching me fire magic theory. The basics of magic theory between fire and water were very similar but as you went into more intricate details, both elemental magic started to differ more and more.
We four then left the training area and after a few more minutes walking through corridors, we ended up in a small sitting room, well, small according to my uncle but the room was more than twice the size of our living room, two servants came in a minute later and walked in with a food cart filled with various pastries and drinks as well.
“Here try this” Patri said to me as he handed me a piece of some sort of bread.
“What’s this?” I asked.
“Chris, you certainly will not regret this, just try it, trust me” he smiled.
“Chris, I promise to you, just do as father says, try it!” My uncle enthusiastically said from behind Patri.
“Fine fine” I said as I grabbed the bread. I took a bite and then “wow! Oh wow!” I would have shouted if it weren’t for my full mouth. The bread bursts in waves of sweetness in my mouth, it had a fruity taste to it but the aftertaste lingered, making your mouth water some more. “What is this?! It’s delicious!”
“It’s Taka Bread, it’s bread with Taka filling” Yal answered.
“Taka?” I asked.
“Some sort of berry, that only grows within the realm” My uncle said.
“Oh I see, I have to have more of these” I grinned back to the three elves.
“Certainly” Patri said smiling back at me.
While we were eating our food and enjoying the drinks, I asked “so when do I get to see the city?”
Patri and Selvenus looked at each other. Patri paused for a moment and then said “we’ll need to have that arranged, the media have stationed themselves outside the palace for a glimpse of you ever since we’ve announced your Ascension”
“Did you really have to announce?”
I asked.
“Yes, Chris, you’re a prince, the people deserve to know, Royal matters are state matters, we’ll make sure that your privacy is protected, however the basic facts of your existence can’t be hidden, they’ll find out anyway one wya or another” Patri said.
“But no live coverage of the ceremony okay? You promised”
I sternly warned my grandfather, reminding him of our agreement.
My uncle gave my Patri a questioning look as I said that.
“Yes, of course, no cameras in the Hall of Haldruin.” Patri answered.
“The Hall of Haldruin?!” Uncle Selvenus remarked in shock, his face had this look of surprise and disbelief.
“Do you have a problem with that Selvenus?” Patri gave my uncle a warning look.
“Of course not father” my uncle meekly replied.
“What’s with the Hall of Haldruin?” I asked Patri.
“Nothing, don’t worry about it” Patri brushed off my question while Yal had to stifle a laugh. They all seemed weird. Sigh.
After things started to settle down,
I asked the question that’s been in my head. “Uhm guys, how do I return home?”
“Oh... we were hoping you’ve forgotten about that” Yal said as if I were to ever forget about going home, nice try though.
“The portal is 200kilometers away, with the train, we can get you there in an hour or so... or...” Patri said.
“Or what, Patri?” I asked.
“You came here alone right?”
“Yeah” my voice trailed off.
“Then let’s try having you return without a portal”
“How do I do that?”
“Well, It’s never been done before, but the theory is the same” Patri said.
Yal went beside me and said “when you cross worlds, you have to create a temporary hole in the barrier... the risk of not using a portal is that you’ll end up in a location that you did not intend to go to”
“How do I focus on where I go then?”
“What do you remember doing before coming here?” Patri asked.
“Well, I thought of seeing you”
I answered.
“Hmm... interesting, it seems like you honed into my energy signature and brought yourself here”
“What do you suggest your highness?” Yal asked.
“Hmm... I’m thinking, do you have someone in the other world that has a strong energy signature as well? Someone whose energy you can hone into, following that energy link across the barrier might help you get to the location of that person”
“Victor” I answered.
“Ahh... right! Yes yes... he’s perfect” Patri answered.
“What do I do now?” I asked.
“Hm... the portal works the same way, concentrate your energy... around yourself, and imagine a link with the other world, the portals serve as a link with each other, in theory what you’ll be doing is make yourself a node that’s linked towards another energy signature on the other side, with the amount of your magic, it won’t be a problem for you to tear through the barrier, usually two elves will need the pillars of the portal to gather enough energy to get through”
“Are you sure about this father?” My uncle was quite skeptical.
“Yes... he did come by himself here right? And Yal and I have confirmed that his energy is more than enough, The theory is the same for all cross realm travel, with enough energy no portal is necessary” Patri then paused and look at me, “before we go through this, Chris, promise me you’ll be back again? Okay?! sooner than the royal ascension, we should take advantage of this new found skill of yours, we won’t have to meet in the tower all the time”
“Okay... of course, I’ll try”
I answered.
“Now, surround yourself with your energy”
“Good! now... can you think of your boyfriend and his energy?, you’re familiar with it right?”
“More than familiar” I answered slightly blushing when I thought of how familiar I was of Victor, energy and all.
Yal snickered a bit at that.
“Okay continue and then connect yourself with his energy”
“Uhm... okay... wait a bit... uhm... okay... there”
“Good! Now can you feel that slight gap between you and him?”
“Yes... “
“Good, that’s the barrier... how does the barrier feel like?”
“Like some sort of thin paper just barely separating me and Victor”
“Thin paper?” Yal commented with mild surprise in his voice.
“Hmm... interesting” Patri said.
“What? why? What did I do?”
“Hmm nothing, it’s just that to normal elves the barrier feels like a thick wall they’d have to break through”
“Oh. Okay. I see”
“Don’t worry about it” My uncle said.
“Okay... now with your energy, try to connect yourself to that of your boyfriend through the gap”
“Good. Now you just have to add more energy into the link and that will bring you to your boyfriend or at least near him” Patri said.
“Ah... I see, so? See you guys again eh?”
Yal, Patri, and my uncle hugged me as we said our goodbyes. After the goodbyes I sent a surge of energy to the now formed link between me and Victor.
Almost in an instant I faded and felt tingles ran through my body. As I opened my eyes I find myself in my room. I sigh in relief, the thought of finding myself hundreds of miles away from home would not have been ideal.
I then run downstairs towards the kitchen.
As I entered the kitchen, I see my dad and Victor both in deep conversation and both looking very worried.
“good morning” I said walking into the kitchen.
Both dad and Victor’s eyes grew wide and both ran towards me giving me a very tight hug. Victor was crying on the crook of my neck.
“Uhm what’s wrong?” I asked.
“Chris, where the hell did you go? You got us both worried sick... we’ve already called the cops to check where you’ve been, I’ve also mobilized my agents to look for you!” Victor exclaimed.
“Chris! you were late for breakfast and I went to your room to check on you and you weren’t inside your room, I looked around the house and you were gone and you didn’t leave a note, what was I suppose to think?!” Dad said.
“Ohh...” I then looked at my watch and it said 9:57. “Shit... I’m sorry,
I didn’t keep track of the time”
“Chris... where did you go? And what are you wearing?” Dad asked.
I then looked at my outfit and I was still wearing the red jacket my uncle gave me.” I then felt my ears and at least they were back to human form.
With a sheepish expression, I then looked at my dad and Victor and replied “Uhm... about that...”
Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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