Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
The Alpha - 9. Triumph
The treaties agreed to by Dorian’s predecessor had been painstakingly maintained to keep balance in the region. No matter if it was wolves, bears, felines, or avians, they all saw the benefit in keeping the peace. The head of each group had lived through the territorial wars of the past; some as leaders, and others watching family and friends perish. As a result, each year under Alpha Jackman’s leadership proved to be more prosperous than the last as the pack’s resources grew.
Dorian insisted his hunters and warriors trained and remained vigilant. However, he refused to use them on a whim. The memory of his father not returning home was always present in his mind when dealing with his neighbors. Meetings with his fighting force usually ended with his standard speech.
“When I became a captain in the Corps, I knew I could be placed in a position to send my people to their death. Likewise now, I stand before those of you who have chosen to train as warriors to defend our pack in a time of need. I hope to never give the order, but if I do, it’ll be because all other options were exhausted. You won’t be alone. I’ll be first into battle. Your daughters and sons should not have to grow up without a parent due to someone’s ego.”
Levi enjoyed watching Dorian train with his men. In the five years they had led the pack, he noticed an uptick in the aggressiveness his friend used during mock fights. His alpha wasn’t seriously hurting anyone, but those who sparred with him did feel more pain with each successive month. The hunters who served with him prior to his ascension worried he was being too rough with the fighting force. Yet, knowing their alpha as they did, they felt he was doing what was needed to make sure the pack remained safe.
As beta, Levi had replaced people who questioned him with members of his family or those loyal to the McKinney clan to help him operate the business side of the pack. He and Dorian knew they could be trusted to do what was needed for the pack. They routinely filtered information to him from other family members living outside the pack or doing business with Pit River’s neighbors. He passed on what he felt was strategically useful to his alpha from his private intelligence network.
One such report indicated a leadership change was highly possible on their southern border. Lassen Pack’s alpha was growing old and had suffered an injury that shifting wouldn’t quickly heal. The man had no children of his own. He did have two sisters who were considerably younger, and had waited on starting families until their mid thirties. Out of their offspring, the oldest three were considered likely heirs. Ranging in age from twenty-two down to nineteen, they had little experience governing a pack. The report didn’t identify any potential challengers for control, nor did it say if the approximately fifty members were likely to follow one of the nephews. If any of the boys gained control, they would be the fourth generation to guide the pack.
Various possibilities formed in Levi’s mind as he considered the risks or benefits to a change in leadership. Each new thought brought a larger smile to his face. As a plan took shape, he waited for Dorian to get back to the office.
Emma was startled by the growling and swearing of Dorian’s entrance into the building. Gone were the days of a smile and cheerful greeting, or the random flower presented to the woman. Her alpha rubbed his left arm making her wonder if he got hurt while overseeing a training session with the warriors.
“Are you alright, Alpha?”
“I’m fine.” He barked out as he stomped past on his way to his office.
She buzzed Levi’s office once she heard the door slam. “He’s in another mood today.”
“Thanks, Emma. Mom was baking so maybe I can keep him from biting anyone.”
He gathered a few things and knocked on the alpha’s door.
“WHAT? Enter.” Seeing his beta poke his head inside, Dorian glared at the man. “Since when the fuck do you knock?”
“I heard you were a little moody so didn’t want to get my head bit off.” His snickering didn’t earn him any smiles. “I guess it’s a good thing Mom baked last night. Looks like someone could use a cookie. Or a blowjob.” He placed the container on the desk. “So what’s got you in a bad mood?”
“The pain I told you about is back. It isn’t all that bad right now, but it’s there and not going away.”
“Did you go see my Aunt?”
“Yeah. She drew blood and did an exam. Sent me to get x-rays to see if a fragment of silver is still in my system from being stabbed.”
“So all we can do is wait for the lab results. On the bright side, at least you know it isn’t an STD from that human bitch you’ve fucked a few times.”
“Jealous?” Dorian popped a cookie into his mouth and nodded. “These are so good. You want one?”
“No, I’m good for now. Mom gave me a batch too.” He set a folder on the desk and waited.
“Okay, what’s that?”
“I’m not entirely sure. I got a report that the alpha position at Lassen pack might be in play soon. Seems he was seriously injured and may have to step down.”
“When did this happen? I talked to Gene last week.”
“I guess it’s fairly recent. It sounds like one or three of his nephews might be trying to edge him out and take over. There are whispers the boys are behind the injury.”
“Those pups don’t even have experience bagging groceries. Gene never saw the need for a council of advisors, so whichever boy takes the reins wouldn’t have any support staff to assist.”
“I agree with you. It potentially places a threat to our security on the border. I can’t determine if anyone might challenge the boys for control. If that happens, it could destabilize their pack.”
Dorian sat back considering his beta’s assessment. “Gene’s been a friend for years. I’ll give him a call and find out what’s going on. I need to know things aren’t going to fall apart there.”
“And what if they do? We have no buffer zone between us. I know we’re more than twice their size and have more than enough warriors and hunters if whoever assumes control tries to establish their strength through a fight.”
“As long as Gene is alive, he would never let that happen. He’d try to guide whichever one he thought was best to lead as the boy learns the position.”
“But if he’s being pushed out by his very kin that may not happen. It might be better for us if a strong contender challenges. If it comes to it, you could challenge and merge them with us for their own protection.”
“I couldn’t do that to them. Lassen’s been a friend to us since Alpha Wagner put an end to the wars.”
Levi carefully observed his friend, trying to determine what action he would take. “I’m sure you’re right about Gene though, and he’d never let his nephews push him out. Or allow anything to happen to harm our pack.”
Dorian no longer looked sure. “I’ll mention to the hunters to step up patrols in the south. I won’t let a problem form on our border.”
Three weeks after Levi first gave his briefing on Lassen Pack, Dorian received word his fellow alpha had passed away. When the invitation to the funeral arrived, he spent the better part of two days writing a eulogy to the man he’d known. The morning’s crisp air the day of the event felt good, as he sat outside putting the final touches on his speech. He watched a bee flying around an early blooming flower, and the last patches of snow were finally melting. It gave him inspiration on life and the man the lycan world had lost. He drove to the memorial service with his enforcers, Wade and Thad. They met up with a half dozen alphas from the region and a few leaders from other species to honor one of their own.
When Dorian had his turn to speak, he described the friendship he had with the pack leader and how he would miss their talks. “Gene used to give me a hard time when I became alpha. Always in his good-natured way. He just wanted to keep me on my toes and let me know he always had a watchful eye on the new guy in the neighborhood. I remember when we sat down to re-sign the treaty between our peoples. Gene looked me in the eye, offered his hand, and said ‘I know I can trust you because you never wanted this.’ He was right. I would have been happy to remain a hunter for my predecessor, but I won’t trade my friendship with Gene for anything. May you have a plentiful hunt and a full moon to guide you. I’ll miss you my friend.”
There were a few more speeches before one of the Lassen heirs stood. “Thank you all for your kind words about a great man. My uncle would be proud seeing you all remembering him so fondly. This pack was his life, and he took his responsibility seriously. He never went searching for his true mate because that would have taken him away from his duties. He could have found someone closer to home to bond with, but he believed for an alpha it should be the real deal or nothing at all. My uncle was truly a man of tradition and felt the old ways should be preserved. As honorable as his dedication was, it led to a more lonely life than was needed. Still, his blood family and pack family were always close. He loved us as deeply as we loved him. He will be missed by all who knew him.”
Everyone expected the young man to return to his seat, but he remained at the front. After a moment’s consideration, he spoke again. “Most of you know he had no children of his own, and our pack has had a hereditary line of alphas for generations. As the oldest of his nephews, the title and responsibility passes to me. I may be young, but I’ve trained with him as much as I could. I’m ready to lead our people into a more modern era and work with our allies and neighbors as my uncle did.”
The boy’s nineteen-year-old cousin jumped to his feet. “Jake, now’s not the time for this. He never left anything giving you control of the pack. My mother is older, so it could just as easily put me before you.”
As the two bickered in front of the guests, Dorian became angry. A time like this was not the place for such arguments. It was about honoring the alpha’s life. “ENOUGH. You have a petty disagreement about who will ascend before you’ve even placed him on the pyre? Neither of you is acting like an alpha.”
They both turned to the Pitt River alpha in surprise. “Pyre? What are you talking about?”
“You’re not going to cremate him on a funeral pyre, as is tradition for an alpha’s death?”
“Oh god. Another traditionalist. The mortuary has a crematorium. As I said, we’re entering into a modern era, but thank you for your concern as an outsider with no say in how we conduct our affairs.”
Dorian was annoyed the pups planned to forgo tradition in how their uncle would be cremated. But with their public argument over who would lead, he knew Levi’s initial assessment was right. Either one of these boys taking control presented a direct threat to his southern border, and he wasn’t going to let that happen. “You’re both placing a claim on the alphaship of this pack?”
“We apologize to our guests for getting into that here.” The younger one of the pair was trying to return the funeral to its proper decorum. “But yes, we both have a claim and will notify our neighbors as soon as we work out the details.”
“For the sake of the wolves of Lassen Pack and the security of my own, by the laws of the Lycan Council and as alpha of the Pit River Pack I hereby challenge both contenders for the leadership of this pack. I will not stand by, as you dishonor the man at a celebration of his own life.”
Gasps were heard around the gathering. No one could believe this was happening at a funeral of all places.
Wade and Thad exchanged shocked looks as the latter moved to whisper in his leader’s ear. “Alpha, you can’t be serious.”
“Stand down, Thad. I am deadly serious. Levi briefed me before we came and said this would happen. I didn’t want to believe him, but here we are.” Dorian faced the cousins with his arms crossed. “I’m waiting for an answer to my challenge.”
The Lassen beta and enforcer pulled the two young men into a huddled discussion explaining lycan law as quickly as they could.
It was the older of the two who responded. “You have no authority in this territory, and your challenge is denied.”
The beta threw his hands in the air, and the enforcer turned and walked off.
One of the other visiting leaders tried to mediate the situation. “It’s been a long day and emotions are raw over a lost friend. Still, due to the lengthy border Alpha Jackman’s pack shares with Lassen, his actions are entirely legal. By our laws, declining to meet his challenge would mean your ceding control to him.”
Rounding on the young men, the beta’s anger was on full display. “See, that’s exactly how I described the law to you. If you’d listened to me and not mentioned anything about transition of power… If you would have just honored your uncle which is what today is for, you wouldn’t have caused this situation.” The man went to stand beside his alpha’s casket and silently spoke to his lost friend.
The leader who provided the legal interpretation to everyone approached Dorian. “As a neutral party I will ask this before all present. Alpha Jackman, will you reconsider and withdraw your challenge?”
The members of Lassen Pack watched as three people fought over their fate. There were murmurs among them, but few had any idea what the best option for leadership was.
“I will not withdraw. My challenge stands. If they are the only two seeking to lead, I will fight them together to settle this. Control of both packs goes to the victor.”
“You’re on old man. We can split up the two packs evenly and both become alphas.” The cousins high-fived each other.
“The challenge has been accepted. If both sides are ready to meet in combat, we should proceed to your circle.” The mediator returned to the other leaders.
Less than an hour later, both cousins were dead. Dorian nudged their bodies into a restful position before throwing his head back to howl in triumph.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
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