Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
Damian's Wolf - 28. A New Car
His mates were waiting for him when he got home. As he knew they would be. Dylan was nowhere to be seen, and Jordan assumed he was sleeping. It had been a long day, especially for a baby.
The wolf sat on the couch, between Damian and Lysander. Damian handed him a biscuit, and Jordan smiled, taking the offering.
"I love you," he said, kissing the neko.
"What about me?" Lysander demanded.
"I'm still debating with you."
Damian and Lysander both laughed, Jordan leaning his head on Lysander's shoulder.
"I do love you," the man said quietly. "Both of you."
"So, Mydara. Are we going?" Lysander asked.
"Damian, you said Miss Reyla told you we are closing for the week? Why didn't she tell me? And why are we closing for a whole week? Is she okay?"
Damian shrugged.
"She seemed okay. But she said she couldn't get a hold of you. And I think she's pushing the whole wolf thing with the store, trying to make the hours follow the moon."
Frowning, Jordan pulled out his phone. He cursed as he realised it was dead.
"I must have forgotten to charge it last night," he said. "Well... If we don't have work, I'm up for it."
"I'm not sure," Damian said. "What about... What about my change? You're not planning on changing me at your parents' house, are you?"
"Oh no, I have something special planned for that," Lysander grinned. "Believe me, I want your turning to be one of the happiest days of your life."
"Do your parents know we're coming?"
"Not yet, but trust me, they will be ecstatic," Lysander smiled. "Before you get me all excited with those thoughts, Jordan, shall we go take care of your bike?"
Jordan sighed quietly as he stood up. The man went to where his helmets were stored, and handed the pink one to Lysander.
"Thanks," Lysander grinned, snatching the blue helmet from Jordan with a kiss.
Shaking his head, Jordan followed the elf out of the apartment.
Lysander's arms held onto Jordan, his beaming face hidden by the pink helmet.
"This is amazing!" the elf called as the bike pulled up to a stoplight.
Jordan shrugged. Yeah, the wind was nice, and the sense of freedom. But he didn't really need those.
"Is this being an adult?" he called back to Lysander. "Giving up what is at the same time a symbol of freedom and a burden?"
"When you figure out what being an adult means, tell me," Lysander replied. "I've been trying to figure that one out for years."
"Well... It is the right thing to do. I mean, we need a car that will fit all of us."
Jordan kicked the bike into gear as the light turned green. It wasn't long before they entered a small car park filled with vehicles. An elf met them as Jordan parked, a smile on her face.
"Sander! How're you doing?"
"Dated and mated," Lysander grinned, embracing the elf.
"Oh my gods! Is this him?!"
"One of them."
"Oh, so I guess your truck won't hold everyone."
"No, his truck is... cozy," Jordan said. "But I need to trade in my bike for something better suited to having two mates."
"Ah," the elf smiled. "Well, Jared sold his car to us today."
"His Mountainer? I thought he'd never sell that. It was like his baby."
"I'm not really a fan of Mountainers," Jordan shrugged. "Smaller cars are easier for me to drive."
"Let's find you something else then..."
Nearly three hours later, Jordan was sitting behind the wheel of a small Osprey, a four door car that boasted speed and safety. It had plenty of space for him, his mates, and Dylan, plus he could pull down the roof and enjoy the wind blowing in his face. It was cheap too, used, but well cared for.
He enjoyed driving it around the track the dealership used for test drives. It turned well, and he had no trouble braking quickly.
"If you don't like this one, we can always try something else," Lysander said. "But I figure it gives you the same sense of freedom as your bike, with the bonus of space."
"I like it," Jordan said. "But I wish it was blue, not red."
"Eh, we can't have everything Aerael."
"With the bike, it's four gold, right?"
Lysander smiled at Jordan as they got out of the car, and patted the man's back.
"Why don't you let me handle this?" he said. "Pack privilege."
Jordan shrugged, following Lysander into the dealership. A man approached them with a smile.
"Hi, Jenna is dealing with someone else, so I'm taking over for her," he said. "She said you're pack?"
"Yeah, I am," Lysander smiled, pulling a card from his wallet.
"Planning a scenic getaway for the full moon with your mate?"
"Something like that. My mate sold his bike earlier, and we're using that to pay what it can."
"Ah, I was wondering who brought the Wolf in. That's a good bike," the man said.
"Yeah, that's what I was told," Jordan shrugged.
"And you wanted the Osprey. With the bike, that is three gold. Pack discount brings it down to one."
Lysander laughed at the look on Jordan's face. The elf handed a gold coin to the man, taking a copy of the Osprey's key from him as he nudged his mate.
"See? Packs do have their benefits."
Jordan shook his head in disbelief. Lysander tossed him the key, heading with the other man to sign some papers. Half an hour later, they were driving away from the dealership in Jordan's new car.
The wolf on guard at the entrance of the pack house stopped them as they pulled up.
"New ride?" she asked, taking Jordan's pass.
"Yeah," he said. "I've wanted to ditch my bike for a while."
"If you weren't mated, I'd say that car was a nice wolf magnet," the guard chuckled.
"Yeah, but he is, so you keep your hands off him or I'll bite," Lysander joked.
At least, Jordan thought it was a joke. Lysander didn't seem one to get all possessive. Not like Jordan had with Damian.
The guard handed back his pass with a chuckle and opened the gate for the car to pass through.
"You weren't going to actually bite her, were you?" Jordan asked as he pulled into his parking spot.
"You never know," Lysander grinned.
The elf leaned toward Jordan, nipping the man's neck.
"I'd prefer to bite you, but a mate's got to do what a mate's got to do to protect what's his..."
Jordan couldn't stop the moan that escaped his lips. He tilted his head to allow his mate access to his neck, Lysander ravishing it with kisses and small bites.
"We should save some for Damian," Jordan breathed.
"I can't play with Damian like I can play with you."
"Well, perhaps we can go inside before this gets too heated-"
"Are you trying to avoid me?"
The question startled Jordan. Why would Lysander think he was avoiding him? They had just spent nearly four hours together.
"I mean, you're around me, but I feel like you're upset at me because I wolfed out when we mated."
"I thought we agreed that it was a mistake," Jordan said.
"We did, and it won't happen again," Lysander replied quickly.
"I don't know... You're the second person who has taken me like that," Jordan sighed. "Not like a wolf, but... you know..."
Lysander copied Jordan's sigh.
"I'm sorry mei Aerael. If I had known that, I would have been a little more gentle with how I took you."
"It hurt, but I got over it," Jordan shrugged.
"You shouldn't have to get over it. Maybe next time you would like to be in me instead?"
"But... But you're so..."
Lysander chuckled at the shocked look on Jordan's face.
"So dominant? That's because you need a firm hand."
"Yeah? And what do you need?" Jordan challenged.
"Someone to take care of. And you and Damian both fit that perfectly."
"So, what, should I start calling you Daddy?"
"Etul would work better, since I am an elf," the elf shrugged. "I do have to say that your wolf seemed happy to be on top of me in the woods a few weeks ago."
"That's my wolf. He's a moron; I don't listen to him," Jordan brushed off.
"Well maybe you should start. And maybe we should head inside before Damian starts worrying about us."
They could smell Damian cooking as they neared the apartment. The warmth of the kitchen hit them as soon as the door opened, reminding Jordan of how chilly it was getting at night.
"Alright, we got the car," Lysander announced, walking into the kitchen to kiss the neko.
"And I have a hot pot of noodles that needs to be drained," Damian said.
The elf backed off quickly, letting Damian cook.
"Well, I guess I should call my parents and let them know we're coming out."
"Do you need any help Damian?" Jordan offered.
"Nope. Still not letting you in the kitchen. But you can get Dylan up. He should be due for a change and then some dinner."
"Whoo, poop duty."
Damian shrugged, stirring a pot.
"You want to toilet troin a neko who isn't even a month old, I wish you luck."
Jordan ignored the comment, sticking a bottle of formula in the microwave to warm it. He made his way to Dylan's bedroom, the neko starting to cry as he walked down the hall. It was almost like he could hear Jordan approaching. As the wolf opened the bedroom door, he wrinkled his nose.
"Yep, you are one stinky cat," he muttered, picking up the neko. "Let's fix that..."
Dylan babbled at Jordan as he was changed, Jordan nodding along to the neko's noises.
"Is that right?" he said, dressing Dylan once more. "Well why don't we go tell Daddy?"
He picked up the neko and carried him out to the living room. The wolf grabbed the bottle of formula from the microwave, dripping a bit of the liquid on his arm like Lysander had shown him. Carrying the bottle and Dylan over to the couch, he sat next to Lysander, the elf talking into a phone.
"Enu es av viala tieln Esul. Lenav avor ey calor?" the elf said, Jordan not understanding a single word. "Tel ek geyn. Eim es sonalor uva rehunor du Mydara fer te aerael cado. Keir ek serlana feyla eim eto ey du mela."
Jordan heard a woman speaking loudly through the phone as he slipped the bottle into Dylan's mouth. The neko sucked hungrily, Jordan splitting his attention between Dylan and Lysander.
"Mei areulei Esul. Eim avu du."
He understood a couple of those words. Lysander had said something about love and two. By the loud yell that came through the phone, Jordan assumed Lysander had just told his mother he had two mates. The elf was holding the phone away from his ear, Jordan chuckling quietly.
"Lena ek av kalael verla Damian. Sei ek ela adorel. Av egulner du. Ey eln areul sei. Veig Jordan ek av dero. Sei avu av kriasmaraen. Neya, zi avor rehunor fer te ena yal. Damian ek nela av seidur enai. Sei eln cado sevarln zi gelu belan."
Dylan let out a cry as Jordan pulled the bottle away from him.
"It's empty. There's no more," the wolf said, setting the bottle on the table in front of him.
"Tel es mei serael, Dylan. Damiane serael, heran. Neya, ey eln elaun sei du. Zi avor nela cenor du paunil sei enarl aen seisur. Eim nelv du gela sei. Nela, eim nelv du cen Esul. Eim eln elaun ey erl du yal. Eim areula ey. Geyn kriasyal."
Lysander hung up the phone, letting out a quiet sigh.
"My esul is a very inquisitive elf," he said, taking Dylan from Jordan. "Here, I'll burp him."
"Dinner is ready," Damian called.
"You two go ahead and eat. I'll get Dylan taken care of and then I want to start packing."
"You're not eating?" Jordan asked.
"Nah. I filled up on biscuits earlier. Plus, I kind of want to leave tonight. If we drive through the night, we can be in Ceos by morning. Maybe we can visit te Hara pei Arudan."
"I'm not driving at night," Jordan said.
"I can," Lysander shrugged. "I'm great at night driving. If you're up for it."
"Oh, but what about the Foxes? Don't you have practice?" Damian asked.
"It's the Wolf League. We play by the moon's rules. Oh, and the coach says you can start practicing with us as soon as you're properly mated. With Sara go... Well..." Lysander swallowed tightly, closing his eyes briefly. "We're going to bend a rule. There aren't any games until Nelaner. So, you'll have about a month to get used to things. The Fox Invitational is next week, but we'll have to forfeit this year, since we don't have a keeper and Damian can't play until after his first shift."
Damian sat on the couch, handing a bowl of pasta to Jordan.
"Why don't you step in Jordan? It could be fun," the neko said.
"I don't even know what a fox invitational is," Jordan frowned.
"Oh, it's a friendly match between leagues, traditionally hosted in Astara. Most people prefer to watch the regular league because generally wolf players are not the best, simply because you can't really control who becomes a wolf," Lysander explained, rubbing Dylan's back. "But, everyone loves the Invitational. Mainly because it is entertaining to watch professionals beat the crap out of untrained beasts. You would have to officially join the team, but as a keeper, all you'd really have to do is stand in the box and try to block anything that comes your way. We expect to lose in the first round; there's really no harm in you standing in."
"I'll think about it," Jordan shrugged.
"That's all we can ask," Lysander smiled.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
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