Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
Into the fields of Summer - 83. Preparations 3
Chris’ POV
I got back to our room from the realm and found it empty. ‘Huh’ I thought, I expected to find Victor still asleep, it was barely just a few minutes after sunrise.
I changed my clothes from elvish to the ‘human’ ones I had on and then made my way to the dining room. Dad, Leo, August, Patrick, and Lucy were already there having breakfast.
“Anyone seen Victor?” I asked as I took the seat beside my best friend.
“I think he’s with Luca, he dropped by the kitchen earlier” Patrick replied as he munched on some toast.
“Oh, thanks”
“Miss him already?” Leo teased and dad and Lucy had to chuckle.
“Aww... you guys really are so cute together, I’m so glad you and sire are in love with each other” Lucy added.
I lightly elbowed Leo and that only earned me a teasing smile from him.
“You guys are becoming quite the power couple, don’t you think?” Patrick asked.
“Ohh... I don’t know about that”
Leo then looked at August and teasingly said “sorry we can’t be a power couple” August then whispered something to my best friend and Leo went several shades pink and went silent. I wasn’t shielding my mind very well, so I caught the words ‘power fucking’ in Leo’s head, and the subsequent mental imagery quite aroused me. Damn do they look good together.
I cleared my throat and asked my best friend “mind sharing?”
My beet red best friend was only able to whisper a reply, “Not now” I bet the visual imagery that August laid down on him hadn’t slipped his mind yet. Hehe. My best friend is apparently just as much a horn dog as I am!
Mark and Troy joined us at the table a few minutes later, and it seemed that the rest of our group were sleeping in, while Stefano and Hashim had some things to discuss with Luca’s vampire agents.
After breakfast, I decided to take a walk in the garden, it was a chilly morning but I enjoyed the cold air nonetheless. It didn’t take long for me to see my boyfriend, alone, and in what seemed to be deep thought.
I quietly approached Victor and asked with a smile “Penny for your thoughts?”
Victor smiled back at me, but it was more reserved. Something was bothering him. “Good morning, Chris” he said as he pulled me in for a hug, and this hug was tighter than usual, it wasn’t sensual but it seemed like more of a hug from someone that needed support.
“Something troubling you?” I asked.
Victor nuzzled his head into my neck and replied “yeah...Vampire politics and all”
“Tell me...”
Victor and I took a walk around the garden, and he started talking about the vacancy in the VHC and how he was leading the nomination process.
“I don’t want to be Councilor” Victor added.
“Because, what if I make a total mess out of it? Being Councilor is really a step up Chris, more politics, more business negotiations, it would mean the well being of the global vampire community in my hands”
“So is that really what’s bothering you? Politics? And business meetings? I doubt that, Victor, from what I’ve heard you’re very good with those.”
“It’s just that...well...” Victor paused “I’m not sure I’m ready for it”
“Victor...before you became Governor, did you think you were ready for it?”
My boyfriend was silent for awhile then shook his head no. “See...no one’s really 100% prepared for a job, you grow into it, and make the best out of it, it’s what your capable of and able to bring to the table that matters, and this isn’t even final yet right? I mean...there’s still the actual vote by the High Council”
I let those words float in the air for a bit then I added “You’ve done District 4 proud based on what I’ve heard, it wasn’t a major vampire district before you took over, and now, it’s one of the richest and safest, and it boasts one of the best relationships with its human and werewolf counterparts”
Then I thought of Patrick “Don’t you think Patrick can handle it?”
“Of course he can! He’s more than capable of governing District 4”
“So...just see the process through, if you win, we’ll face it together, if you lose, then meh, you still got District 4”
Victor took a deep breath and gave me a peck on the cheek. “When did you become so wise?”
“Not sure about being wise, I’m just being a good and supportive boyfriend here, that’s all”
Victor and I held hands as we continued to enjoy Luca’s vast garden, we could see several agents making rounds but they were all far enough to not disturb us.
“So...how was the realm?” Victor asked.
“It was great, I actually met my mentors for Earth Magic”
“That’s good, seems like soon I won’t just be dodging fire and water balls” Victor laughed.
“Well...I know a certain set of balls you’d rather not dodge” I said to Victor with a knowing smile.
“Naughty Prince”
“Maybe” I teased back.
“And the meeting with Reza? How’d your grandfather take it?”
“He said he’ll have to discuss it with the Elven High Circle, and his advisors, he seemed to be leaning towards accepting it though”
“I see... “
“I sense that you’re nervous”
“Goodness, I can’t hide anything from you” Victor said as he teasingly pressed his head against mine.
“Out with it, old man”
“Old man?” Victor replied with a mock look of insult on his face.
“So what is it?”
“Your grandfather...meeting him makes me nervous”
“That’s how I felt when I was about to meet Luca...so now you know”
I laughed a bit. “I mean...but you’re meeting the Elven King...it can’t be that bad” I teased.
“You’re not helping!”
“Really?” I said as I continued to give my boyfriend a teasing look.
“You’ll be fine, Patri is good guy, and he loves me”
“And I’m the vampire boyfriend...of his only grandson”
“You worry too much” I said as I pulled Victor in for a kiss.
“Better?” I asked after I pulled back from a minute long romantic kiss with my gorgeous German boyfriend.
“You do the nicest things”
“You bet I do”
After lunch, Dad, Victor, August, Leo, and I ended up going around London again, visiting the usual tourist spots and we were again chauffeured in our black sedans.
We first visited the National Gallery, we spent about 3 hours there. Unlike the day before, the museum was open to the public so, as expected, there was quite the foot traffic, Victor was, however, able to arrange to have someone guide us and curate the paintings to us.
Kara, was a very bubbly girl, and she was absolutely passionate about the works of art around us. She was very knowledgeable and was able to answer all our questions regarding the various paintings, Dad and Leo were very enthusiastic with their questions and Kara took them all in stride.
After the National Gallery, we managed to go around Trafalgar Square, and the neighboring sights in the area. Pictures and videos were taken, and all in all it was a fun day.
We ended up having dinner in another upscale restaurant, however this time, it was August that made the arrangements, I later learned that the restaurant was owned by a werewolf investment firm. And we all couldn’t complain, the food was delicious! Dad surely enjoyed his filet mignon.
“So, any ideas on when we’ll be going to the realm?” Dad asked.
“Well...I’ll have to check with Patri and Yal, there’s a portal here in London to the realm, so it should all be straight forward I assume, it should be soon though, all I know is that it’s suppose to be after Christmas”
“And your Ascension?” Leo asked.
“What of it?”
“When is it?”
“Oh. Patri, Yal, and the rest have been very secretive about it, but to be honest, I don’t know exactly when” Gosh, I’m totally in the dark here.
“Well...I for one is excited to see you get Ascended or whatever” Leo smiled.
“Everyone in the realm has been very tight lipped about it, all I know is that it’s supposed to be a coming of age ceremony for royal elves”
“Should be interesting” Victor added with a sly grin.
“I have no doubts about that” August said teasingly.
“Guys...stop teasing me”
“Well Chris...I may not be old enough to remember the time when elves were still here but based on what I’ve heard, Elves don’t do simple”
I groaned and put my hands on my face in frustration.
“Don’t worry about it, son, I’m sure your grandfather has it all handled” Dad chimed in.
*sigh* “I’ll talk to Patri tonight, and I’ll ask about transport arrangements.”
That night, I cuddled with Victor for almost an hour before deciding to go to the realm.
And as I crossed the veil into the palace, I was greeted by a startled servant elf. I think he was just passing through the corridor when I suddenly popped out of nowhere a few feet in front of him.
“I’m so sorry, Prince Chris” the young male elf said with a bow.
“Don’t worry about it, nothing to be sorry about, it’s my fault anyway” I said to the worried elf with a smile.
“Thank you, Your Highness”
The elf then made scurried off into the corridor and I was left alone.
I extended my energy’s reach and found Patri...and I’m assuming my uncle Rehanmir a few doors away. I put my hand on the glass panel and it lit green. I entered the room was greeted by Patri and uncle Rehanmir, both in their red and gold robes.
“How is my favorite nephew?” uncle Rehanmir greeted me with a smile.
“I’m your only nephew!” I laughed as he pulled me in for a hug.
“I’m so glad to see you”
“Same here uncle” I said as I inhaled his ambrosial fragrance as we hugged.
We pulled out from the hug and I greeted Patri with a hug as well.
We three had idle chat for a few minutes over Taka Bread and some tea.
I didn’t even have to bring up the topic of my Ascension as it was Patri that brought it up.
“So...Chris...I assume you have tons of questions about your Ascension?”
“So being in London makes it easier, you and your entourage can use the London Portal”
“And when should we go to this portal?” I asked.
“Can you guys make it here on the...“ Patri paused and checked his phone to compare elvish and human calendars I think. “On the 29th?”
“I think that’s workable” I replied.
“And my ascension?”
“On the 31st”
“That soon?!” I jerked from the chair.
“All arrangements have been made, all we need now is the Ascendant to be” Patri smiled.
“My Ascension is on New Year’s Eve?” I asked.
“Well... not exactly, we have a different calendar here, but it’s just as momentous” Uncle added.
“And by that you mean?”
“Your Ascension will be on the Day of Unvak” Uncle smiled back at me. “That’s a very important day for all elves”
“And why is that?”
“That was the day King Maktar, the First King of the Elves, united all four Elven Tribes” Patri added.
“It’s a day of celebration and thanksgiving.” My uncle added. “It’s the biggest holiday there is for all Elvenhasil”
“Then why is my Ascension on that day?, Wouldn’t my ascension take people’s attention away from celebrating Unvak?” I asked.
“Contrary to that, it’s the perfect day!” Patri beamed.
“We’ll have your rehearsal on the 30th”
“More of an orientation of what you should do, the Ascension is a mixture of ritual and ceremony, facilitated by the High Mage” Patri said.
“Don’t worry about it Chris, I was the first one to have an Ascension in the realm, and it was a joyous occasion, and now you’re the first one in sixty years” my uncle added as he pulled me in for a half hug. “And not to mention you’re the first one to have it in the Hall of Haldruin”
”Where was yours Uncle?”
“Mine was in the Hall of Ethnar in the Northern Province”
“Yes...grandfather’s hall...or in your case...great grandfather”
“He’ll be attending your Ascension, by the way” Patri said.
“Is he scary?” I asked.
Patri and my uncle exchanged knowing looks and just burst into laughter.
“What? What did I miss?”
“Oh nothing, you’ll see for yourself”
Patri and my uncle discussed with me the location of the portal, the logistics, and what to expect when we reach the area. Patri assured me that Yal’s sister, Hashana would be at the portal compound to greet us.
“What about Reza?” I asked.
“I’ve discussed it with the High Circle, and the Advisory Council, he may come, it’s better if he comes along with you guys on the 29th”
“He can bring with him 2 guards at most, if he feels that’s necessary” My uncle added.
“Oh, okay, I see, I’ll let him know then”
“I’m really sorry for putting you in this position, Patri”
“Nonsense, this was a long time coming, we’ve all agreed to at least hear what the older vampire has to say”
After a more thorough discussion of what was to happen in the next few days, I ended up in the Fire Magic training room with my uncle and we sparred for more than an hour.
Uncle Rehanmir is a very proficient fire elf, but I’m not sure if I should feel bad for him because I ended up beating him again... and again.
My uncle seems to not mind it though,
I think he expected me to win all those rounds anyway.
At one point Patri joined us, and he teamed up with Uncle Rehanmir, and my god, their movements were in sync. It was like a dance, a well choreographed dance of fire magic, all movements fluid and well thought out, while I think I looked like a total mess.
I was dodging balls and blades of flame here and there, I barely had a second to catch my breath. They worked so well together it was as if I was fighting 6 fire elves instead of 2.
Patri and my Uncle were passing 8 fire balls amongst themselves and the balls didn’t break as they hit the floor or walls, they just ricocheted and bounced back, and they were all moving so fast, I had to watch my movements to avoid getting hit.
The balls bounced off the walls faster and faster, and Patri and Uncle kept adding more and more, it got to the point where there were more than 24 balls of fire across the room flying all over like I was in the middle of a pin ball machine; Uncle and Patri seemed to not have a problem dodging the flames, while I had to use all my concentration to just keep up. I was focused and I used my energy to sense any balls of flames from my blind spots.
At one point I caught myself in a pinch and had two balls hurdling towards me, I had no choice but to try to catch both with my right and left hands, and with just like that, I caught them! One ball of flame on my left hand, another on the right, both under my control, I could feel both balls yielding to my energy, and I then saw Uncle and Patri both shocked with my performance.
I then put the two balls together and created a larger fire ball, while the fire balls created by my two opponents were red, mine were bright silver, Patri would later on admit it was his first time seeing such type of fire. I added more magic to my fire ball, and it grew larger and larger, until it burst into dozens of smaller fire balls that bounced across the room as well.
This new burst of energy disrupted the dance of my Uncle and Patri, and in seconds they started getting hit by my fire balls one after another. While every fire ball made by them that approached me started turning silver as my magic hijacked the balls, and in minutes all balls in the training room were now bright silver.
Patri and Uncle Rehanmir were not only now on the defensive, but now they seemed to be actually losing!
“Fine you win!” Uncle shouted as he started to pant. He looked exhausted and my Patri wasn’t far behind.
“Such power” Patri muttered as he caught his breath.
“How’d you do that? Where’d you learn that?” Uncle Rehanmir asked.
Then it hit me, I don’t know.
I tried to recall if someone had taught me this before or if I’ve read it somewhere. But no, nothing, not even from the scrolls or books from the tower. Just like several things that have happened to me, it kind of just clicked.
“Chris...make sure to diffuse your energy every now and then...I’m not sure any elf would be able to survive performing a Hakta on you and have your energy pass through their bodies.
“What do you mean Patri?”
“You have incredible potential grandson... so much! You just easily beat me, a platinum, and your uncle, a gold, and you seem to not even be breaking a sweat”
I then checked myself out, and yeah, Patri was right, I felt fine, except for the initial shock value of their amazing synchronization, I was actually breathing normally, and wasn’t even warm from all the movements we’d done
“You just get better and better” my uncle proudly stated.
“Thanks... “
“How’s your water magic so far?” Patri asked. “Show us”
And with the ease, I turned most water vapor in the room into water crystals floating in the air. It was as if the room became one giant room full of diamonds and sapphires.
“Damn” Uncle Rehanmir blew a low whistle.
“I wouldn’t be surprised if he could take on an entire squad of Akros” Patri chuckled.
“Akros?” I asked in confusion.
“The elite security group directly under your uncle here” Patri explained.
“Just like the special forces or some sort” Uncle Rehanmir added.
“Ahh...like Stratos?” I asked
“The Vampire elite team? Yes...yes...just like them, did you know that the vampires actually modeled Stratos from the Akros”
“Yes. Us Elves mainly lived in our own hidden towns and villages, centuries ago, though of course there were some that served human nobility and royalty, the vampires took notice on how elves were able to protect their interests beyond elvish controlled lands by having such an organized and effective elite team, so the vampires organized one for themselves as well”
“What about the werewolves?”
“The werewolves? Well...they actually do have their own version”
“What’s it’s called?”
“The Crescent Council”
“Huh? Isn’t that the governing body of the werewolves?”
“Yes, that’s right, but werewolves take pride in their strength, remember how they appoint members of the Crescent Council based on strength?”
“Yes... the clan alphas fight amongst themselves and the best are appointed to the Council”
“The werewolves believe that if you have the strength to govern, you must have strength and willingness to protect the interest of the entire werewolf race”
“Wow...I never knew that”
I muttered, “So wait... that means... August...”
“Your best friend’s boyfriend?” Patri asked.
“Yes” I answered.
“He’s not just a Councilor, but one hell of a fighting and killing machine” Uncle Rehanmir added.
“So...these Akros? When do I meet them?”
“Soon!” Uncle Rehanmir said as he squeezed my right shoulder, he was smiling and seemed to be very proud of me.
I made it back to our bed before Victor woke up. I checked the bedside table and it was still 6:35 in the morning. I decided then that it was time for snuggling with my boyfriend who laid half naked and asleep in our bed.
“Welcome back” he mumbled as he pulled me in closer into his body.
“Go back to sleep” I said.
Victor just grunted in agreement and with a kiss on my forehead he went back to sleep.
Almost two hours later, Victor and I woke up and stretched and after a trip to the toilet we made it to the dining area, where surprisingly we found everyone else already there.
The conversation over breakfast was light, and I told the guys of the plans for my Ascension.
“Tomorrow?” Dad asked.
“Yes! Finally!” Leo exclaimed.
“And what of Reza?” Luca asked.
“Oh...yeah, Patri said he can come and bring 2 guards with him at most if he wants”
“Consider it done Chris, I’m sure Reza will be more than pleased with this, an audience with the Elf King and add on the chance to witness an Ascension, Hmm...he surely wouldn’t pass on that”
It was then decided that everyone would be joining me in the Ascension, even Stefano and Hashim! Patri didn’t find any issue with me inviting everyone in the estate, everyone would undergo screenings at the ‘border’ to ensure no demonic presence had infected any one of us.
“I’m rather curious as to how this portal works” August stated.
“I really don’t know, based on what I’ve heard it’s like linking two dimensional points or something like that”
“How should he know... he’s strong enough to just rip through the veil” Leo snickered.
Mark and Troy felt uneasy going to the realm, they thought they wouldn’t belong but Victor was having none of it, so finally both guys agreed to join us.
“The four races represented in one room, it’s been a long time since that has happened” Luca mused.
“237 years...” Victor whispered in disbelief.
“I don’t know why, but Chris... I have a feeling this will be something we will never forget” Erica chimed in.
“I totally agree” answered Raymond.
“Can you believe this guys...we’re going to the Elven realm tomorrow?” Lucy said in excitement.
“Should we bring a change of clothes?” Patrick asked.
“Only a bit... the elves have a different sense of fashion, they’ll provide you with all the clothes you’ll be needing, and also...” my voice trailed off.
“And also what?” Victor asked.
“Everyone gets pointy ears!”
“Yes!” Leo and Lucy shouted with excitement.
“Make sure to take pictures of me dude!” Leo said to me while everyone else snickered.
“Will there be a way for our agents to reach us in the realm should there be any emergencies back here” Luca asked.
“I can have one of the elves at the portal be our Liason Officer, he or she can deliver messages from here to the realm, our contact will just have to cross the portal and send a message to us once we’re in the realm”
“Okay...at least we have that covered” Luca responded
Dad decided to join August, Leo, and Patrick for a trip to the nearby towns to take a look at the various holiday markets, while Lucy forced Mark and Troy to join her on a shopping spree in London, the rest of us decided to have a slow day at the estate.
Despite being incomplete over lunch, it was still fun, and it was actually quite warming to see Stefano and Hashim really get comfortable with us.
After lunch, I caught Victor staring at his phone in the living room.
“What are you looking at?” I asked.
“Ohh...it’s the nomination portal”
“And?” I asked fully confident my boyfriend was still leading the process.
He grunted and answered “now I have 21 votes, Latham is second with 9.”
“Don’t fret lover...remember what we talked about yesterday?”
“Yeah...you’re right...this is just the first step anyway”
“Exactly!” I replied as I pulled him off the couch into my warm embrace.
“I’m so lucky to have you, Chris”
“Right back at you, Victor” I said as I nuzzled into his neck.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
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