Stories posted in this category are works of fiction. Names, places, characters, events, and incidents are created by the authors' imaginations or are used fictitiously. Any resemblances to actual persons (living or dead), organizations, companies, events, or locales are entirely coincidental.
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Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
Into the fields of Summer - 92. Visions 2
I slowly approached the two men to scan them, both seemed rather normal and actually didn’t give any outward signs of being under some sort of influence. That’s a good indication. Yal did say they were still in the early stages of having the visions, I just hope I could help these guys get back to their normal lives and not end up like the chief of Setalus that went batshit crazy. The thought of that mass suicide he lead sent shivers down my spine.
The two elves, Tehak and Hapnar stood and gave me a slight bow as I approached. “Your highness” came simultaneously from them.
“Hello. Please take your seats. I’m here to help” I softly said. I did my best to act in a reassuring and soothing manner.
My uncle, Yal, Zenfar, and Sarad joined me behind the glass enclosure, it was actually spacious enough to accommodate all of us with no issues.
“Okay...” I said looking at Tehak to my right. “Let’s start with you shall we?” I asked.
“Of course... please” the elf replied.
You can hear the anxiety in his voice.
Aside from breaking down their mental barriers and to look for the full visions, I did not know what I was suppose to do, I guess I had to follow my gut on this one and also do my best to remember whatever I’ve read from the books and scrolls before.
“I’ll be as careful as I can” I said to Tehak and he nodded recognizing what I just said.
The two elves were now seated in front of me and I stood in front of Tehak. I closed my eyes and reached out with my senses, making sure I was concentrating on Tehak alone. I could sense that he was worried and nervous as to what was happening to him, having such visions and ‘being not yourself’ every now and then is not only odd but rather a very rare occurrence for elves.
I took deep breathes as I continued to prod on the surface of Tehak’s mind. It was indeed well shielded, usually I would have already penetrated his thoughts by now but as of this moment I was only sensing his anxiety and nothing else.
I carefully tried to probe deeper, and I immediately felt a response, it was like a whiplash of some sort. My eyes blew open in surprise, it was a rather strong blowback. I winced with the sudden jolt of pain that hit me.
“Are you okay Your Highness?” Sarad asked as he noticed my surprise.
“Chris?” My uncle chimed in with worry.
I took a deep breath and turned back to them. “I’m fine. Just did not expect such a strong reaction from his shielding. I’m fine. I’ll try again”
Tehak opened his eyes and I only saw innocent gray eyes looking back at me, he was tearing up.
“Don’t worry. You’re going to be fine.” I reassured him.
I tried to reach out again and now still being careful but with more force, I tried to enter his mind. The blowback was again there but I was prepared for it this time.
Okay, that’s one layer down, then shit ... another layer? Fine okay, I tried again and harder, and the blowback was stronger, I was starting to have a headache but flashes of images of an afternoon sky started to pop into my head,
I was getting there.
I kept pushing into Tehak, avoiding to give him any discomfort but it was clear from his face and body that this was straining him as well.
I dug deeper and deeper and the layers kept on becoming thicker and thicker and the blowbacks stronger and stronger but the images were becoming clearer and started to turn into snippets of moments like videos a few seconds long rather than flashes of images.
I pushed forward and then the barriers came crashing down. It was as if a glass cage broke within his mind. Then the visions started to flood me.
The visions drew me in as if they were mine. I found myself in a small village, it had an old European in vibe, brick walled buildings and cobblestone streets.
Looking around I see there are elves walking about, it seemed I was in the center of a small elf village or maybe town? I thought.
I looked into the afternoon sky, and off the distance I could see birds flying towards me.
I looked into the afternoon sky, and off the distance I could see birds flying towards me.
The birds got closer and closer and then I hear their screeching, those weren’t birds, those were a more than a dozen Anamis flying toward me!
The ground started to shake and the civilians around me were not only startled but actually started to scream and run for their lives, then I saw it, one by one the elves were engulfed in black and purple flames.
Cries and pleas for help echoed throughout the town as the Anamis approached. The gurgling screams of people dying in extreme heat and drowning in their own boiling blood washed through the air.
The acrid smell of burning flesh made me feel sick. I reminded myself that this was just a vision and not real. I tried to remain as calm as possible and made my way across the town, the Anamis were getting closer and closer and bodies of burned elves lined the streets, they all just spontaneously caught fire on their own, the Anamis were still quite far enough to not have breathed fire on them. ‘How is this happening?’ I asked myself.
The ground shook again, and it started to crack, I could hear the entire town rumble as it shook. Looking around it seemed that I was the only one left alive in this town. The buildings started to crumble and the Anamis started to land one by one. They were all large, humanoid but with serpent like tails and and wings like bats, and purple skin. These Anamis were similar yet not exactly the same as what Gustav looked like when he transformed into this monstrous form.
I counted 18 Anamis going around the town center, it seemed I was invisible to them, and the vision went on.
The creatures then breathed purple fire to the buildings and the brick walls started to melt, the structures didn’t even catch fire, they just melted, it was that hot. I could feel the intense heat, this wasn’t normal fire. It clearly burned stronger than the magical fire I’ve encountered in my sparring sessions.
The Anamis took their time to burn every single structure in the town, minutes later I was left alone in the rubble of what used to be a vibrant town as the Anamis flew away.
And just like that the vision ended and everything turned dark and I found myself looking at the dilated eyes of Tehak. His eyes glazed over.
I felt warm and then took a deep breath and looked around and was met with curious and worried looks from everybody. Hapnar who was seated beside Tehak looked visibly shaken as well.
“Are you okay?” My uncle asked.
I rubbed my forehead with my right hand and replied. “Yeah. I’m fine.
I got through the barriers, I think I got the entire mental image”
“You were in their for quite some time Chris” my uncle said.
My eyebrows furrowed and I asked “what do you mean?”
“You were staring into Tehak for almost half an hour now” he replied.
“What?! That long?” It only felt I was there for several minutes at most.
“Here... drink some water” Zenfar said as he gave me a full glass.
“Thanks” I said as I accepted the offered drink.
“What did you see?” Sarad asked.
“I can show them to you” I replied.
“But let me check Hapnar’s as well, just give me a moment” I said.
“Chris. Rest for a bit” my uncle said as he massaged my shoulders and damn did it feel soothing.
“Yeah. I could use a bit of rest”
“Is he going to be fine?” Hapnar asked, Tehak seemed dazed beside him.
“Yes. Give him a few minutes and he’ll be back” I replied. I wasn’t sure about that but it felt to me that was the case.
“Yal? Do you have room here where Tehak can rest? He will need to sleep soon” I said.
I took a 15 minute break and then went through the entire process again with Hapnar. The blowbacks were equally strong from his mental shields and the visions were exactly similar to that of Tehak’s. It was indeed clear that they were still in the early stages of having these visions, I had a feeling that the images were about to get worse, and if we didn’t do something soon, it would drive both elves mad.
Hapnar was now taken into another room for him to rest together with Tehak and I was now facing my uncle, Yal, Sarad, and Zenfar.
All curious to what I’ve seen.
“I’ll share their visions with you”
I replied softly. My voice was weaker than usual.
I touched their foreheads one by one, and it only took a second or two for the images to flood into their minds.
I looked in equal fascination and horror as I watched my uncle and friends squirm and fidget around as their minds made its way through the gruesome images.
My uncle was the first to snap out of it and he looked visibly sick.
“Here, drink some water” I said.
“Thanks” *gulp *gulp “what the hell was that?” My uncle asked.
Before I was able to answer the rest of the group started to recover for the visions and all were visibly shaken.
It took several minutes for all four of them to calm down.
“We need to help those two” I said.
“What do you mean?” Zenfar asked.
“The visions will get worse for them, if we don’t stop it, those two will be driven mad in a week or two, you’ve seen the carnage, it will only get worse for them” I explain.
“How can we help them? We don’t know where these visions are coming from” Sarad replied.
“I have an idea.” I said. I then look at Zenfar and further say “It’s actually Zenfar’s theory, from what I’ve gathered it points towards confirming his theory”
“Huh?” They all looked at me with expressions begging for me to elaborate.
“While I was inside their minds, I could feel some sort of energy signature triggering these visions, we just have to extract the energy from them and I think the visions will stop”
“Where did this energy signature come from?” Yal asked.
“From outside the realm”
“Are we under attack?” My uncle asked.
“I think we’re not. Not directly at least”
“What makes you say that?” Yal asked. “And what do you mean by not directly being under attack?”
“If my guess is correct, it seems the energy signature is some sort of leakage... it’s coming from some sort of negative energy leaking from outside the realm, it wasn’t purposefully placed inside them, those two are just very unlucky elves to become unknowing vessels for such dark energy”
“Chris. Sorry. I don’t quite get it” My uncle added.
“Neither do I” Sarad piped in.
“Negative energy is leaking from outside the realm, not sure what the source is, but this negative energy has taken hold inside those two and is building up, triggering the said visions, it will only get worse as they accumulate more and more dark energy. Being vessels of this dark energy attracts more dark energy to bind into them. It’s going to get exponentially worse for those two... and soon.
I think it’s fair to assume this negative energy is Demon or at least Anami in origin given the nature of the visions”
“Does this mean that anyone could become a vessel?” Zenfar asked.
“It’s seems like the case” I replied.
“Then the entire population is vulnerable” Sarad added.
“The realm’s barriers must be strengthened. It appears there’s a build up of negative energy back from earth leading to the leakage into the realm” I explained.
“How are you sure about this?” My uncle asked.
“I am not. It’s just a feeling uncle, but it’s one hell of a theory that I would bet on” I spoke in confidence.
“Zenfar you remember mentioning this theory to me before the Ascension?”
“Yes. But it was just a speculation based on what we’ve learned so far”
“I can trace the energy signature plaguing those two elves from outside the realm. I think you’re right about this” I replied.
“We have to tell the King to assemble to High Circle to strengthen the barriers at once” Sarad said.
“I suggest you put your entire Ministry on high alert Yal, just in case we have more incidents like this with some civilians, at least until we’re able to strengthen the barrier” My uncle said.
“Yes, I most definitely put my staff and officers on high alert” Yal said.
For the next hour or so we went through several plans of action on how to move forward and then it was time for me to extract the dark energy build up from Tehak and Hapnar.
Both elves were sound asleep and with a slight nudge from my senses I found a dark speck inside their consciousness.
I put my hand on each of their foreheads and cast a 9 layer Magnus Spell. Instead of offensive or defensive spells, the Magnus Spell I cast were that of healing and extraction spells on top of one another.
My uncle, Yal, Sarad, Zenfar, and two other attendants stood in awe as I worked my magic.
It did not take me more than 10 minutes to take the dark specks from their minds. I then cast another Magnus Spell to contain the specks of dark energy, each seed or speck of dark energy appeared to a a dark purple sphere, an inch across, it had a subtle glow coming off it.
“Here... you can conduct your research safely into this” I said to Sarad and Zenfar as I handed the Master Healer and High Mage each a glass like energy orb that served as the containment of the dark specks.
“Wow. This is advanced magic Chris. Where’d you learn to do all of this?” Zenfar asked.
I smiled back at him. “Something I learned in my dreams”
Then Yal caught on. “From the Tower of Knowledge?”
“Yes. That place is a quite repository of spells and magic”
I confirmed.
“You’re a blessed one that’s certain... if only everyone had such an access” Zenfar added.
The drive back to the palace was quite subdued, I felt tired. The sun was already setting on the horizon and the send off dinner for my entourage was an hour and a half away.
“Are you okay Your Highness?” Nomir asked he looked at me through the rear view mirror.
“Just had a long day” I replied as I looked through the window onto busy streets of the capital.
I found myself wrapped in Victor’s arms as I opened the door into our room. Looking into his bright green eyes, it was clear he knew I had a rough day.
“I’m here for you Chris” he whispered to me as I melted into his warm embrace.
“I’ll be fine” I whispered back.
“Care to share?”
“I will tell you all about later. I’m just tired”
“I bet you are, you look exhausted”
“I guess I am.”
“Come on... let me give you a warm shower.” My boyfriend said as he pulled me into the large bathroom.
We didn’t have sex in the shower but Victor was more than thorough and sensual in scrubbing and massaging every inch of my body as I enjoyed his warm touch all over me. I was more than happy to return the favor to him.
We dressed in dark blue and silver accented formal elvish wear for the dinner.
I say we looked dashing as I saw ourselves in the mirror.
Everyone had fun over dinner, and Patri led in offering a toast to the success of my Ascension and to meeting new friends.
It was nice to be surrounded by my friends and family again.
The food was great and everyone relived their favorite moments in the realm.
Dad and Leo were in deep conversation with Uncle Selvenus about improving their magic. While Reza, Konrad, and Luca were more than happy to talk to King Ethnar about other elvish items and finery they could bring back on earth the next time the visit the realm.
Reza even indulged himself with some discussion with Patri and King Ethnar about the times before the realm, they all had a good laugh with Luca as well as they recalled ridiculous moments and behaviors they’ve witnessed from other races but mainly human noble families centuries ago.
Mark, Troy, Lucy, Erica, and August were in an energetic conversation with Matra and Uncle Rehanmir about the realm and the surrounding cities they could visit next time.
Hashim and Stefano as well as Raymond, Patrick, and Henry were very much happy sharing with Patri the things they found odd in the realm like the fashion and how advanced the technology was.
I almost visibly cringed when Patrick asked Patri how the realm was able to procure such advanced technology and Patri just replied with “research and some scholarly endeavors” I swear he gave me a slight wink when he said that.
I could see everyone from my entourage really enjoyed their time in the realm and there was a mix of sadness and happiness in the air, all were sad to leave but all fully understood that their lives were back on earth.
“You’re all welcome to come again” Patri announced. “I mean... you just have to get a Visa from the Ambassador” he said as he shot me a look and then all fell into laughter.
After dinner, I found myself alone with Patri. We were both in his study.
“Thank you for helping out earlier” he said.
“Hmm... glad to be of help Patri”
“We’ll need to strengthen the barriers soon, you might feel some more resistance the next time you try to cross the veil” He paused. “Though I doubt that would be any issue with you” he said with a wink.
I only gave out a nervous laugh.
“So... have you decided?” Patri asked.
“About what?”
“Your staff?”
“Ohh... uhm. I’ll be more than happy to have Etalos and Nomir with be if that’s alright”
Patri smiled. “I am certain it won’t be a problem at all. Why don’t you give them the news yourself tomorrow? Then I’ll make arrangements for their transport to your place in Virginia”
“Thanks Patri... the past week or so has really been nice. I mean I’ve always dropped by but spending days on end here on the realm really felt good”
“I’m glad you enjoyed young one, and believe me it was my pleasure.
I was very serious about being okay with your friends visiting again.”
“You spoil them Patri”
“Hmm... that’s just elvish hospitality” he gave me a naughty smile.
Then Patri’s look became more serious. “Chris... be careful back on earth.”
“What do you mean Patri?”
“You said so yourself to your uncle earlier that the visions must be from some sort of energy build up back on earth, it means the threat is on the other side”
“I will be careful Patri” I glanced around and then took a deep breath “Do you think it’s as bad as I think it’s going to be?”
“We can never be too careful. Yal’s network hasn’t caught any Anami or Demonic movement but it’s clear we’re missing something. We need to improve our coordination with the Vampires and Werewolves, the more people we get working on this, the sooner we find the threat... and Chris... I suggest you visit the Tower of Knowledge more often, you’re the only one with free reign to move in and out of that place, I feel whatever you find there would be of much help to us”
“Yes Patri. I will”
“Remember you’re Ambassador now”
“Yes Patri, I know...”
“And also...” Patri added.
“We have to work on your public image in the realm. If you haven’t seen the media and local net here... the population still hasn’t gotten over your Ascension and the clamor for your attention and appearance grows louder by the day”
I put both hands on my face “Patri...”
“Christopher ...” Patri said to me a warning tone.
“Do I really have to Patri?” I dared to asked a question which I fully knew what the answer to was.
Sleep came in easy for me as I snuggled into Victor that night. No sex, I was that tired!
Morning came too soon as the rays of the sun peered through our windows.
“Good morning” Victor said to me as I again found myself lost in those beautiful green eyes.
“Good morning”
“Ready to get back to London?” He asked.
“Hmm... I guess so. I mean I’ll be back here almost every day anyway”
“Ohh... right” he snickered.
“How bout you? Ready to be part of the VHC?”
“Chris...” Victor said as he rested his back on the headboard.
“Really? VHC?”
“Hmm... if Reza and Luca say you’re ready. Then I think you are”
“How bout you?... what do you think?”
I then sat beside my boyfriend and looked straight into his eyes. “Hmm... what I see in front of me is a capable and strong leader. You’re more than ready Victor. I mean... you’ve done so well for District 4, I’ve heard enough to know that that District wasn’t as wealthy or as safe for vampires before you became governor... “
A deep sigh came from my boyfriend. “Are you sure about that?”
“Victor Meyer! Where is this insecurity coming from?” I huffed. As I gave him a playful smack on his naked chest.
“Maybe being around very powerful individuals has given me some sort of reality check... that’s all”
“Hmm... I doubt that’s the only reason Victor. You’ve always been the reluctant leader based on what I’ve heard from the rest”
“You’re one to talk about that...” Victor shot me a teasing smile.
“Fuck you”
“I think I just did a lot of that. Thank very much” he teased again.
“You know... for a 260 year old guy... you talk like a teenager” I said.
“What can I say. I have a hot 18 year old keeping me young” he grinned.
“Hmph... come one let’s get breakfast old man!”
“Who are you calling old man?” Victor said as he tackled me into the bed and drowned me in kisses. Damn I have such a hot and caring boyfriend. When did I get so lucky?! Have I said that Victor is totally hot?!
Breakfast with my father, boyfriend, and friends was rather energetic, everyone seemed excited to get back to London. I forced Etalos to join us at the table, the young elf resisted but he caved in anyway.
“Etalos... is Nomir around?” I asked.
“Yes ... do you need him to drive you to town?” Etalos asked.
“No... I have to talk to the both of you after breakfast. Can you make that happen?”
“Oh. Oh” Leo snickered in jest but he and the rest of the crew already knew of my plans to have them back on earth.
“Uhm. Sure” Etalos croaked.
“Don’t worry... I just have to tell you something that’s all”
Leo had Etalos calmed downed during the rest of breakfast but the elf did shoot me a curious look every now and then.
Thirty minutes after breakfast I find myself in a study with a very nervous Etalos and Nomir in front of me.
“Calm down the two of you. Geez...”
“Did we do something wrong Your Highness?” Nomir asked.
“Nomir... I think you should get used to calling me Chris? Can you do that? At least when it’s just family and friends?”
“Uhm... okay sure”
“I want to hear it”
“Yes... Chris”
“You to Etalos! You still slip every now and then. Okay?”
“Uhm ... sure Chris.”
I collected my thoughts for a moment and then spoke again.
“Okay... I guess you’ve both heard I’ve become Ambassador to the Vampires and Werewolves right?”
“Yes...” Etalos answered and Nomir nodded in agreement.
“I have a proposition”
“What do you mean?” Nomir asked.
“Etalos... it would give me great pleasure to have you as my Chief I’d Staff and Nomir I’d love to have you as my bodyguard back on Earth”
Both elves had both their mouths hanging open. It seemed both were in shock.
“So? You both okay with hanging with me back in sleepy Greensburg?”
“Are you serious?” Etalos asked.
“Of course I am”
Then the tears came and Etalos started to sniffle and Nomir became teary eyed as well.
“Uhm... is that a yes? I mean you’ll be both well compensated. Patri said your monthly salary would be at least 350,000 crowns that’s exclusive of the spending allowance you’ll get in dollars back on Earth”
“What?” Etalos squeaked.
“I think you’ve heard me right. So... how about it? Us? Back in Greensburg? I need trusted individuals around me. So will you both help me?” I asked.
Etalos stood and gave me a light bow. “It would be an honor” Nomir followed suit and did the same.
“My family is gonna be so happy. Oh goodness gracious... me Chief of Staff of the Platinum Prince?!” Etalos exclaimed.
“Same here. Goodness my sister will be so jealous” Nomir said.
“Can’t be that bad”
“Oh Chris... we’re not doing this for the money or family. I think I speak for Nomir as well... we both adore you. But getting our family and friends jealous is indeed an added benefit. Hehe” Etalos said.
“It’s good you’ve been avoiding the media the past few days. They’re all in a frenzy for your attention!” Etalos exclaimed. “Which by the way I think we should be addressing soon”
“Ohh... so you’re getting into Chief of Staff mode already?” I teased.
“Maybe... but Chris. The people want to see you and get to know you! You’re the most powerful prince to ever ascend!”
“Hmm... let’s talk about that later. So... is this a yes from the both of you?” I asked confirming that they’ll be with me in Virginia.
“Of course!” Both said in unison.
“Good! Coz I had these specially procured for the both of you” I said as I handed them both the pendants that elves wear if they plan on staying long term on earth, I even reinforced the pendants with my own protective magic... especially with the threat the seemed to be building on the other side, I can’t have my people corrupted.
“Oh my! Thank you!” Etalos exclaimed as he examined the ornately designed pendant, it was a small square pendant made of dark green stone, it had intricate etchings of floral designs on it. Nomir’s was had a dark hexagonal stone with equally detailed etchings as well.
“Thank you Chris.” Nomir said.
“My pleasure.” I said as I pulled both of them into a tight hug.
Before lunch, Patri and King Ethnar pulled me aside and brought me to a small temple like structure within the palace grounds.
I was introduced to Raya, Gelrasha, and Pendos. The three were members of the High Circle. Raya and Gelrasha were beautiful Sokodeya elves with Mediterranean features, while Pendos was Hegodeya, and had handsome North African features. Raya looked to be in her mid thirties while Gelrasha and Pendos were seemed to be in their early forties.
The three of them gave me a light bow and told me it was their pleasure to see me up close. All three were apparently in attendance in my Ascension and banquet but never had the chance to talk to them.
“It’s a pleasure to meet the three of you” I greeted.
“The pleasure is ours Your Highness” Gelrasha said.
“Chris... Your Great Grandfather and I decided to introduce you to these three as they will be the first batch of the High Circle that will conduct the strengthening of the barrier.” Patri said.
“Ohh... I see”
“Shall we begin?” Patri asked the three of them.
The three High Circle members held hands the middle of the temple and started to chant. The air grew warm and I could feel waves of energy pulse from them.
These three were clearly powerful, Patri later tells me all three were Platinum levels.
I spent a few seconds observing them, I could feel my skin tingle as the continued in their chanting, all three started to glow a bit.
“We’ll be having three members of the High Circle strengthen the barrier in four hour shifts for the next week or so. Based on our projections that will double the strength of the barrier” King Ethnar explained.
“Ah... I see” I absentmindedly replied as I lost myself in fascination with their incantation.
I thought of joining them but I had no clue as to how to strengthen the barrier or where and how to begin. I mean should I just flood them with my energy? I felt my chains inside tingle at the thought of that but I decided to let them do their jobs for time being, maybe I’ll read into this in the Tower of Knowledge.
I am deeply sorry for the delay 🥺😭
As a sign of how bad I feel about the delay... I will have the next chapter ready within 24 hours.
As a sign of how bad I feel about the delay... I will have the next chapter ready within 24 hours.
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