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Into the fields of Summer - 115. Song of Soul
Chapter 114 – Song of Soul
The humans were in a daze during the walk back to the building. My display of power with King Ethnar was too much for them to handle. I could only assume how their brains were working in overdrive to rationalize and comprehend everything they’ve seen. The group remained silent as we settled back in the conference room.
King Ethnar joined us for the second half of the meeting. Despite the initial shock from our magical battle, the Canadians and Europeans were excited to be part of the alliance while the Americans seemed to have harder time deciding on a course of action. General Robertson and Senator Reeves were on board while Congressman Taylor, despite his surprise and recognition of our magical prowess was insisting further congressional oversight and discussion. Regardless of our demonstration, the congressman clearly chose to stick with his beliefs and preconceived notions regarding other races.
“You’re simply impossible,” Senator Reeves seethed at Congressman Taylor. The senator was completely livid with the congressman’s repeated attempts to block American agreement with the elves.
“I’m just doing my job, I am a congressman of the United States! I insist on further congressional discussion. The president, vice-president, and secretaries of defense and homeland obviously need to have an opinion on this matter before we move forward.” Congressman Taylor barked, firmly standing his ground.
“I know that, we’re not here to make a decision, we are here to listen to the WCC, VHC, and the elves and make a recommendation. General Robertson and I are in agreement to recommend American involvement in the alliance,” Senator Reeves replied.
“We have the greatest military in the world, we can do this alone, we don’t need their help,” the congressman insisted. The dirty look he shot our delegation was not easy to miss.
“That’s not for you to decide and goodness congressman, have you seen what the demons did to Detroit and Fort Smith? There are 7 more generals out there, the VHC and WCC are adamant that the elves hold a crucial position in the alliance, and with the earlier display of magic, I don’t see why you can’t understand that the elves are important, we need them,” General Robertson added.
“Let’s not discuss this in front of them, this is a matter of national security,” The congressman retorted.
The Canadians and Europeans were confused with the American response while the Reza, Luca and August were shaking their heads in sheer disappointment.
“We have helped before, and we will help again, however we will not force this alliance upon you.” King Ethnar stoically replied.
“When you have finalized your decision, you may reach out to Prince Christopher, he is the elvish ambassador to Earth,” my uncle added.
Prince Havar smirked, then said, “I think we’re better off discussing the rest of this in another location, clearly the Americans are not interested.”
“You’re wrong, we are, just give us some time,” Senator Reeves replied in an attempt to put off an elvish withdrawal from coming to terms with the United States.
“I stand with the senator, please do not let the grumblings of a lone congressman derail this entire process,” General Robertson added, his voice firm and calm at the same time, yet there was a slight edge in his behavior that told me he was alarmed at the prospect of having to face the demons alone.
“You take your time, however remember, the demons are out there and they don’t care about your timeline. You don’t get to decide when or where they’ll attack next,” I added. My voice measured, cool, and calculated. I was dead serious about the elves pulling back the next time the demons showed up, if this is how we’ll be treated then I think they should get a taste of their own medicine. In my head I was commiserating with both General Robertson and Senator Reeves but the congressman they’re with is just simply impossible to work with, if he’s going to block this alliance then they either replace him or they get the government and policies they deserve, I won’t stand any further insult from someone who clearly does not know what he is talking about.
“Come, let’s all go, we can continue this somewhere else. I think we’ve overstayed our welcome here,” Yal said to Reza, Luca, August, and the non-Americans.
“We’re going to regret this,” Senator Reeves shook his head in disappointment and giving Congressman Taylor a very pointed glare.
“Hmph, good riddance, I have the ears of the president, if I tell him to block this alliance, he will do so, American involvement in this alliance is as good as dead,” Congressman Reeves smirked at us, then he added, “I have no interest working with non-humans, only god knows what filth they carry.”
That’s it, I know I’m ambassador but this person is just vile. “You pompous prick! Who do you think you are?!” I snarled as I stood from my seat. I lifted my hand and directed it towards the congressman. The proud look on his face disappeared the moment my powers seized control of his body. Every muscle, and every fiber of his being was now under my control. I unceremoniously lifted him away from his seat and threw him against the wall. I held him in place several feet above the ground with his back straining against the concrete. The air started to hiss as my aura consumed the room.
“I am a congressman of the …” Representative Taylor started to say but was not able to finish as I literally stopped his vocal cords from moving. There was now a faint purple glow in the room and I’m sure it came from my eyes.
“I don’t care whether you’re a congressman or not. I don’t care whether you’re from a very reliable district. Remember this, and remember this clearly, I wouldn’t even break a sweat smiting you away from existence, you are insignificant, you are nothing but a fly in the greater scheme of things, and your arrogance is putting your citizens in danger. I could end you right here… right now,” I snarled while tightening the air around him, the room was overflowing with energy. “You may get away with your life if I choose to let you live, but remember this, your career in politics is over, don’t you dare underestimate my powers. With a mere whisper from me, even your most ardent supporters will abandon you, I can make the reddest state bleed blue and bluest bleed red, to hell, I can make any district bleed whatever color I wish it to, consider this your final warning, now get away from here and never show your ugly face to us ever again!” I then let go of the congressman, he immediately slumped on the ground, out of breath, and before I forget, let me tell you he pissed his pants.
“Now ladies, and gentlemen, I think we have an alliance to sort out,” I spoke again, still angry yet with a more collected voice towards the other humans in the room including the general and senator.
We left the congressman to wallow in misery and made our way to another conference room. For the next two hours a draft agreement on the entry of the humans was made. The Canadians and Europeans were to recommend that their governments join the alliance while General Robertson and Senator Reeves made a promise to sideline Congressman Taylor and make sure the Americans join the alliance.
Just before sunset we returned to Greensburg. August switched planes from Luca’s to mine as he wanted to visit Leo. Gramps also decided to fly with us instead of going back to the realm. He said he missed flying and wanted to see the Earth again from above.
“I seriously thought you were going to kill the congressman,” August whispered to me while the plane made its way to cruising altitude.
“I thought so too, it scared me how easy it was to cross that line,” I replied.
“Well, the man is a prick, if you did not put his ego in check I’m sure one of us would have,” August replied smirking at me.
“Really?” I asked in disbelief.
“Yeah, I was about to punch the guy and I’m sure Reza and Luca were barely holding it. I’m certain the other elves were just about to zap the guy or something,” August laughed.
“That’s not funny… I snapped, and I shouldn’t have, I’m ambassador for crying out loud.”
“Don’t worry about it Chris, you’ve shown great resolve and patience, that guy deserved what he got.”
“I agree with August, Chris, that congressman had it coming,” Yal added from behind us.
Everybody seemed to settle down and took their time for some rest after the long day we had. I joined gramps and sat beside him.
“Glad you could join me,” Gramps smiled at me.
“What a day huh?” I asked
“Sure is, but nothing we elves couldn’t handle, am I right?” Gramps grinned at me.
“Right…” I smiled back.
“It’s good to have the humans on our side, makes it easier for us to operate.”
“You’re absolutely right gramps.”
“So… about that spar earlier…” gramps started.
“That was awesome gramps. I’m happy you’ve showed me your vessel. That trident of yours is wicked.”
“Well, I may be old but I would like to believe that I still have a few tricks up my sleeve.”
“Oh come on, you’re what? Just a thousand years old right!?” I teased, “Seriously though, you’re very powerful gramps, and I haven’t even beaten you yet.”
“That’s because your powers are holding you back. Don’t tell me you’ve defeated the demons with just the powers you’ve used on me.” King Ethnar raised his eyebrows at me. I didn’t reply. King Ethnar then added with a knowing chuckle, “Thought as much. Okay, let’s have another spar when you visit the realm again. I’ll be waiting for you in the palace. I have another trick to show you,” Gramps added after giving me a sly grin.
“What are you going to show me? Is this a new move? Some powerful spell?” I eagerly asked. The prospect of gramps showing me more moves certainly piqued my interest. I absolutely can’t wait to see what gramps had in store for me. Although I am still nervous whenever I train with my great grandfather, a part of me is also excited as training with gramps is never a dull moment.
The rest of the flight back to Virginia was uneventful. Most of us simply took the flight as an opportunity to rest. While everyone was asleep I asked Arnos, our flight attendant slash Kalron’s spy, how his mission went.
“It went good. I was able to install several monitoring devices in the base.”
“How were you able to do that?” I curiously asked.
Arnos proudly replied, “I used a simple suggestion spell and asked a soldier to give me a tour of the complex. The devices are very powerful and could do deep penetrating scans of the base and intercept encrypted communications. Deputy Minister Kalron and his team should be able to start the scanning process in a few hours.”
“Woah, that’s awesome and scary at the same time.”
“Anything for the protection of the realm,” Arnos replied.
Victor and Leo were in the house when we arrived. Victor was happy to see me again and Leo was all over August when he saw him. I never thought the day would come that I would see Leo openly kissing a man in front of me, but here I am ogling my best friend as he ravaged the stud of a man that August is. I can’t blame Leo, August is fucking hot. Victor gave me a gentle poke and his teasing expression told me he knew I was hot and bothered.
“I think you’re horny,” Victor teased me as he spoke to me mind to mind.
“Maybe…” I teased in reply.
“We have to do something about that,” Victor grinned.
My internal conversation with Victor was interrupted when King Ethnar approached us after his conversation with dad ended.
I helped my boyfriend get acquainted with my great grandfather and despite Victor’s initial nervousness around King Ethnar, both guys totally hit it off.
“Remember Victor, if ZoHal gives you a hard time, I’m on your side. I will not let my son bully my future great grandson-in law.” Gramps said to Victor.
“Uhm… thanks,” Victor replied.
“Victor, I’m on your side, when you decide to ask for the family’s blessing, I’m on your side!” Gramps cheerfully added as he patted Victor’s shoulders. I stayed silent in their exchange was gramps seriously suggesting that Victor and I get married?! Well, it’s something I’ve thought of but not this soon!
Gramps, Prince Rehanmir, Yal, and Prince Havar returned to the realm using the portal just before midnight. August decided to sleep in our spare room where Leo eagerly joined him. Victor slept in my too where he scratched my itch for some hot sex. Gosh am I a horny guy or what?
I spent the following morning in the tower to read more books. I learned several more spells and advanced techniques in Tashik method or the older soul method of using and manipulating magic. Despite encountering new spells and techniques, nothing out of the ordinary or close to a revelation regarding my status as an ascended came to pass. I think the tower was not in a hurry to reveal more on that matter.
I returned home and spent lunch with Etalos, Kalron, and Nomir.
“I heard a certain congressman gave you a hard time yesterday,” Etalos said.
“Yeah, but don’t worry about it, I handled it.” I replied slightly embarrassed of my outburst from the day before.
“What did you do?”
“Well… let’s just say I made him piss his pants,” I sniggered.
“Excuse me?!” Etalos replied in shock.
“From what I’ve heard… you scared the living daylight out of the guy,” Kalron added.
“You can say that again,” I giggled.
“Woah… “ Etalos said.
“Never cross the Platinum Prince, everyone should know that by now,” Nomir said.
“Your’e absolutely right.” Kalron smiled and laughed a little as the mental image of a pained and confused congressman entered his head.
“What are your plans this afternoon?” Etalos asked, changing the topic.
“Hmm… not sure but maybe we could go to the Diner or Martin’s café for some food.”
“Both sound good, I can’t decide,” Etalos replied as he licked his lips, already thinking of eating more food.
“Let’s just see how it goes,” I said in return.
I went to realm early in the evening. With the 12 hour time difference, it was breakfast time and gladly joined Gramps, Patri, Matra, and my two uncles for breakfast.
We spent several minutes talking about anything under the sun. Then Uncle Selvenus announced a bombshell.
“I have a date tomorrow,” he said just above a whisper.
“Son… what did you just say?” Patri asked with a mixture of emotions, though I could hear a hint of pride, excitement and curiosity from him.
“Oh my, finally about time, you haven’t dated anyone in two decades!” Prince Rehanmir exclaimed.
“Last time I checked, you haven’t dated anyone for just as long,” Uncle Selvenus smugly replied.
“Fair enough, but oh my, my younger brother is dating again!”
“Who is the lucky woman?” Matra asked.
“When do we get to meet her?” King Ethnar asked.
“Actually it’s a guy…” My uncle replied.
“Really? Hmm… this one I have to meet. You haven’t dated a guy since Selekov,” Patri added with no hint of judgment. One thing about elves is most have bisexual tendencies and at least 15% of the population is gay, explaining why the community is so receptive of same sex couples.
“Oh my uncle, this is so nice… I’m so happy for you. You have to tell me the details later on!” I added, genuinely happy and excited for my uncle.
“Yeah… sure,” My uncle replied with a shy look which I’ve rarely ever seen him do. “In time… I will have to talk to him about it first,” he added.
“Of course!” I replied.
After breakfast, Etalos joined me to deal with some paper work in my office in the palace. Later, it was time for me to spar with gramps.
“Glad you could make it,” gramps said as I joined him in an outdoor training field. The ground was made of a solid slab of circular rock at least 3 feet thick and 500 feet across. Patri, Yal, and the High Mage, Zenfar were in a viewing area several feet from the edge.
“So what is this you’re going to show me?” I asked King Ethnar.
“Patience, though I promise you will be surprised,” gramps teased.
“Can’t wait,” I grinned.
We took our position in the middle of the large stage. King Ethnar did not wait for me to settle and immediately conjured his trident and shot a powerful energy blast at me. Good thing I was quick enough to dodge it. I dodged blast after blast but was caught off guard when gramps shot multiple energy beams at the same time. A large explosion sent me flying several feet away, my reflexes adjusted and I was able to land on both feet. The arena was filled with dust and smoke and visibility was low. I couldn’t see King Ethnar. I closed my eyes and allowed my aura to fill the field. Despite his attempts to diminish his energy signature, it was easy for me to find my opponent and shot a powerful 15-layer water based Magnus Spell in his direction. My Magnus Spell was intercepted by a powerful beam of light from my great grandfather’s trident but it was clear he struggled to deflect my attack.
“Nice shot,” gramps said.
“I have more,” I retorted as I directed two 12-layered fire based Magnus Spells towards him.
King Ethnar spun his trident in like a turbine and dredged the rocks underneath him turning them into fine sand. He then poured energy into each grain of sand and directed them towards my fire attack. The fire was hot enough to turn sand to glass and gramps was forced to jump away. He barely managed to escape the wrath of the attack as the resulting explosion lead to a smoldering crater several feet deep and wide.
I didn’t give gramps a chance to recover and cast multiple spells, making three 8 feet tall golems. Each made of the elements I’ve already learned. The three golems produced large energy balls from their own element and threw them towards gramps. Gramps threw his trident in the air and it flew around the arena, fending off each attack from the golems. Gramps then shot me a knowing grin and remarked, “Show’s not over, son.” Then he waved his hand in the air and I saw a small red crystal in his hand.
“What’s that?” I asked.
“You’ll know soon enough,” gramps smirked in reply.
My golems crumbled from the repeated attacks from the trident which then returned to the hands of gramps. Then the older king crushed the red crystal with his bare hands and I immediately felt a familiar energy signature that seemed out of place. I only realized what was happening just in time for King Ethnar’s trident to glow red which was now directed towards me, then a second later, a powerful fire spell was flying towards me.
“How on Earth are you able to cast fire spells?!” I shouted as I dodged the attack.
King Ethnar grinned at me then replied, “You may be the only one that has the innate ability to learn other elements but these crystals, spell crystals are able to store magic within them, and let’s just say I borrowed some fire magic from your Patri.”
I then shot Patri a dirty look from afar which only earned me a playful shrug from my grandfather.
“This is cheating,” I grumbled.
“If this is cheating then what do you call your abilities?” King Ethnar retorted. As much as I would have liked to give a snide remark, he indeed had a point.
“What now?” I asked.
“We continue to fight,” Gramps replied then he swung his flaming trident around the air and conjured 8 fire balls and launched them towards me. I immediately produced 8 water balls of my own and intercepted each of gramps’ fire balls. The explosions that ensued from the contact between the fire and water balls resulted to mist shrouding the entire field. Fully aware of gramps’ location, I stomped my right foot on the ground and sent a large wave of rock towards gramps but he was able to stop my attack by hitting the ground with his trident and my wave of rock immediately collapsed and stopped in its tracks. By now the fire magic King Ethnar borrowed has dissipated.
“Time’s up huh?” I teased, hopeful that I have now regained the edge.
“Not just yet,” King Ethnar replied as he pulled out a yellow crystal and crushed it.
“Fuck…” I muttered as I realized the older king has now borrowed some air magic.
Gramps sent a powerful gust of wind towards me, I stood my ground but it appears the yellow crystal harbored a lot of energy as the gust was unrelenting. Barely standing, I connected with my tattoos and called for the powers of the Ring of Eyaha and managed to boost my energy level. King Ethnar sent powerful 4 multiple small tornadoes towards me but my recent energy refill gave me the strength and speed to escape and cast magnus spells to destroy each tornado.
“You are getting better at this,” Gramps said.
“I guess I am,” I retorted. I concentrated on my connection with my tattoos and willed the Chains of Haldruin to materialize. I threw the chains in the air and with my near limitless pool of energy, it seemed that its length was endless. The chains flew around the arena and formed a web of highly energized metal, It reached a point where most of the arena was covered by the chains, a small mistake on the part of King Ethnar will lead to his capture.
“Seems like I’m not the only one with a trick up his sleeve,” Gramps countered.
“What’s the fun if that was the only case,” I replied then willed the chains to move and gramps was fast enough to dodge the chains. King Ethnar moved fast yet in such a graceful manner that it appeared he was dancing in the air. He jumped, flew, spun, and more, he was using whatever remained of his borrowed air magic to make it easier for him to jump in the air and he used his own pool of energy to reinforce his agility. King Ethnar formed a large energy ball in his hand formed a 10-layered Magnus Spell and threw it at me. However, the air space in the arena was already filled with my chains thus his spell failed to hit me and reached the chains instead. “You won’t be able to hit me again,” I proudly said then added, “My chains are all over the place.”
“Who said about me intending to hit you?” Gramps smirked. Then I realized that the Magnus Spell was powerful enough that it slowed down the chains. He then found it easier to move across the field and dashed towards me. I was alarmed by the sudden turn of events so I sent a large wall of flame against gramps which was met by gramps’ own wall of rock.
“Not bad,” Gramps said just as the dust settled. The Chains of Haldruin have now started to recover and I pumped more energy into them, this gave me then edge as King Ethnar was now preoccupied with avoiding them. The air vibrated from the large amount of energy the chains were releasing, it was as if a bright golden dragon was dancing across the heavily damaged arena. The older king did his best to avoid the chains but he couldn’t help but get hit every now and then. Gramps was jumping and running around the field as he avoided capture from the wild and near frantic dancing chains. I did not just watch gramps try to escape the chains, I also shot several powerful water and fire spells to distract or immobilize him.
Frustrated with his lack of progress, King Ethnar held firm to his trident and released a massive energy explosion. This gave him the chance to momentarily immobilize the chains and made a mad dash towards me. Gramps generated a powerful Magnus Spell from his trident and directed it at me. I fought back with a Magnus Spell of my own. The resulting explosion led to a deep and smoking crater in the middle of the field.
I was about to launch a powerful 25-layer Magnus Spell when I heard Patri yell, “Time’s up!”
“Huh?” I asked as I looked back at Patri.
“You both have been at it for an hour now, let’s call this a draw.”
King Ethnar shot me a proud look then ask, “How about it? Tie?”
I smirked at him and replied, “Tie.”
Walking back to the palace, I started asking some questions, “What were those crystals? I never saw them before.”
“Those were spell crystals. They allow us to store spells and energy. They are hard to manipulate thus only high level golds and platinums are able to use them. It’s the first time you’ve seen them because they are very rare. The realm is still in the process of studying their properties and potential for further use in magic,” King Ethnar replied.
“So you thought it was best to test them at me huh?”
Patri smiled from the side while gramps replied, “Yes. Who else is in a better position to be at the receiving end of multiple elemental attacks? You have repeatedly proven yourself as someone able to fend off assaults from powerful and variably skilled opponents.”
“The spell crystals hold tremendous potential Your Highness, our people’s progress in utilizing and understanding them has been slow, I think it is now time that we accelerate our research into spell crystals,” High Mage Zenfar added.
“There are several research institutes covering the research of spell crystals however the ones that have recorded the most progress are the ones in the Capital and Katar,” Patri added.
“Oh I see…” I replied as I thought of the potential commercial and military use of spell crystals.
When I returned home, I was tired enough that I immediately fell asleep, too tired to even dream of anything.
Early in the morning, I was greeted by a doe-eyed Victor who was on top of me, supporting himself with his hands on both my sides.
“Good morning, Victor…” I grumbled as I started to wake.
“Happy Valentine’s Day!” Victor greeted as he gave me a deep and sensual kiss. I tried to return the greeting but talking is quite a difficult task especially if someone is trying to eat your tonsils out. Damn Victor can be such a hard kisser if he wants to, almost animalistic, which is something that definitely turns me on.
“Happy Valentine’s Day,” I managed to reply after our kiss ended. Then I added, “So where’s my surprise?”
“You’ll see,” Victor replied with a devilish grin.
“I’m looking forward to it,” I smiled at him.
“How about mine?” Victor pouted.
“You better wait for it too, mister!”
Victor and I ate breakfast with Kalron, Nomir, and Etalos. Dad was already out of the house, I asked the others where dad went, I noticed that they all deflected and refused to directly answer the question.
After breakfast, Victor and I went to Martin’s Café for some down time, we only had a little bit of food and mainly took our time at the café as an opportunity to catch up with the vampire brothers Martin and Matteo. Lunch was then spent at Victor’s place where we ate a sumptuous spread with Henry, Mark and Troy. I repeatedly complimented the human members of Victor’s household for their amazing job with the food, Mark and Troy simply did a good job with cooking everything. Henry seemed to have started to settle in his position as the OIC of Virginia. Based on what I’ve heard from Victor, Patrick seems to be doing better as the new Governor of District 4.
“So when is August moving here?” I curiously asked. I knew it was soon but I haven’t heard of a definite date.
Victor and Henry exchanged glances then Victor replied, “Don’t tell Leo yet, August wants it as a surprise but our werewolf friend and his pack will be moving to Greensburg the day after tomorrow.”
“Wow. That’s amazing! Leo will be thrilled!” I enthusiastically replied.
“Yes, definitely, Leo will surely be happy.” Henry added.
“Would be nice to finally have August nearby,” I remarked.
“Indeed, Greensburg despite being the quaint town that it is, has now become a major center of power for the supernatural races.” Henry said.
“I couldn’t agree more,” Victor added.
“Hmm… that seems to be the case, and with this development we have to continue strengthening the security measures around town. We can’t have the demons or the Blood Army catch us off guard.”
“I believe Kalron is already coordinating the matter with Stratos and the Werewolves,” Victor replied.
“If we could only have Reza, Konrad, and Luca move here too, that would be even better!” I added.
“I don’t think that would be happening soon but I agree, we should meet them more often,” Victor said just after he finished taking a sip of his NuBlood.
Late in the afternoon Victor brought me back home and immediately pulled me towards the portal to the realm.
“Where are we going?” I asked Victor.
“It’s time for your surprise,” Victor grinned as he replied.
“Come on.”
“Okay,” I quietly replied, how on earth is Victor able to pull off a surprise in the realm. Grr… I think Etalos and my family had something to do with this.
It was still dark in the realm when we arrived. I was quite surprised to realize that Victor knew his way around the palace. After several minutes of walking, we arrived in a discreet driveway and Victor asked me to jump in the car.
“Who’s driving?” I asked.
“Me…” Victor replied as he went for the driver’s side.
“Just get in,” he smiled at me.
We were now both wearing elvish attires with me in white and gold and Victor in blue and white. It took Victor several minutes to reach the palace gates given the sheer size of the palace complex. The guards on the gate were quite surprised to find us driving around so early in the morning but gave us clearance to leave anyway. Victor did not only know his way around the palace but it seems he knew his way around the city too! I’m the elf here and here I am outsmarted by a vampire in navigating my very own city! I couldn’t help but look at Victor in disbelief as he navigated the near empty streets of the capital.
“How the hell do you know where you’re going?” I asked.
Victor winked at me, “It’s a secret,”
“You’re full of surprises,” I grumbled as I crossed my arms.
Victor amused, replied, “that’s the point,”
Half an hour later we reached the edge of the city and the sky was now turning pink and orange as the sun started to rise. We then reached a small hill and Victor took a small road to the top. We got off the car where the road ended and all I could see was grass and neatly trimmed shrubs and bushes everywhere. The large amount of flowers of varying colors did not escape my attention.
“This place is beautiful,” I remarked, I took a moment for myself to enjoy the sight and fragrance around me.
We walked for 5 minutes to reach the summit and what greeted me was an impressive view of the city. I could see most of the capital from our vantage point, I could see the palace, the Hall of Haldruin, and the countless buildings and houses that dotted the skyline of the capital. I did not even notice it but Victor pulled out a basket out of nowhere and prepared a picnic for us.
“It’s just about time,” Victor remarked as he put his right hand on my face and directed my gaze towards the most beautiful sunrise I’ve ever seen. For a brief moment, the rays of the elvish sun bathed the realm’s sky in kaleidoscope of colors before a beautiful and enchanting wave of warm orange and pinkish light swept the expanse of the elvish morning sky. I’ve been visiting the realm for too long but I’ve never witness the sun rise above it.
“Victor… this is beautiful,” I said almost speechless and at a loss for words to describe the feelings that consumed me.
“Just enjoy it,” Victor replied as he gently kissed me on my left cheek.
I basked in the glory of the morning sun then Victor pulled me out of my reverie by pulling out a necklace made of the blackest metal I’ve ever seen. It had a small spherical ornament made of gold but aside from that, all I could notice was the intricate weaving of the three thin metal strings. Victor put it on me and then pulled another one out and put it on himself.
“I am not asking you to marry me just yet, but what I am asking you Prince Christopher of the House of Haldruin is to accept me as your partner in life, I love you Chris,” Victor said with misty eyes as he pulled me in for the gentlest kiss he has ever given me. It was warm, slow, and full of love.
“Oh Victor, I love you with all my heart,” was my only reply as I fought off my own tears of joy.
I took a moment to compose myself then briefly smiled at my boyfriend, “My turn,”
“What is it?” Victor asked, surprised that I also had something for him.
I stood up while Victor remained seated on the grass. With a slight tug on my magic, I willed for the Book of Songs to appear.
“Chris… what are you doing?” Victor asked slightly worried as he recognized the Book of Songs in my hands.
“Nothing scary, just something you’ll never forget,” I assured him. I stayed silent for several seconds as I gathered a large amount of energy. The air started to hum as the energy and magic continued to accumulate. Then I spoke, “7thSong of Life verses 1 to 11,” then a soft melody of string instruments consumed the entirety of the capital. It was a gentle and soothing music that reached into the depths of anyone who heard it. Bright sparkles started to appear not just all over the hill but around the city too, it was as if a large glitter bomb exploded and consumed the entire city. Then I added a twist of my own, it is something I’ve been experimenting with but thought it was about time to test it out, a new song, solely composed by myself, “1st Song of Soul verses 1 to 6,” The Song of Life continued to play in the background but my newly composed song took center stage and an even more tranquil yet powerful melody that was highly reminiscent to that of a harp and flute flooded the entire city with an invigorating energy that reached the soul of every living being. The Song was calming and reassuring. To my understanding, the song spoke to the depths of an individual, the song was created to reassure them that all will be well.
I then twisted the invisible strings of the flow around us, and redirected most of its energy towards Victor and myself. Honestly I was quite nervous but I chose to believe the imagery and voices that I’ve been hearing and seeing in momentary glimpses of a higher plane in my dreams that told and showed me to not only ascend but accept and carve the flow as I wish. As a third ascended I had a higher level of resonance with the flow and have the ability shape it in a small scale similar to what I am doing right now.
The energy of the flow enveloped me and my boyfriend, at this point I knew he felt the power of the flow and with the Song of Soul I conveyed to Victor my love for him in a manner that could only be described as not only intimate but all consuming. What I could not put in words, I spoke to Victor through my soul. Not only were my feelings conveyed to Victor but his feelings to me flowed the same way as well, I came to an understanding that Victor’s love for me was unconditional and never ending.
When the song ended Victor and I were in tears as at that point he truly understood what I felt for him, in that moment we both understood how we felt for one another in the deepest manner possible. Victor then looked at his left wrist which had a faint bracelet like marking, they are ancient elvish characters that was a mantra dedicated to one’s soul mate. I showed him my wrist which bore the same marks.
The characters slowly melted into our skin, and when they vanished, I said, “Victor Meyer, I Christopher Stewart Rogers beyn Haldruin declare myself as your soul mate, our love for each other is eternal, and we shall be together forever,”
I grabbed Victor and purposefully pressed my lips against his. No engagement rings were exchanged but at that moment I knew, Victor and I were going to be together, forever, I will fight tooth and nail to keep it that way.
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