Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
Rising in the Shadows - 8. Chapter 8: Inquisitive Individual
Days passed and Vincent felt ready. His bracelet was full and his bag was packed. He was ready for his trip to New York. I'm so excited! Are you, bud?
Yes! Want fight! Want beat Ty!
We'll probably want to face Dirk first. I think he'll be the easiest to face.
Yes, but no go easy. He still strong bear. May be tough.
Yeah, no doubt. But I really want to go up against Ty! Yakob thinks we have a decent shot.
The mage had spent the majority of his week reading the packet Tierney had given him and meditating. He practiced for several hours and came up with some interesting and useful tools in his arsenal. One, in particular, the mage fell in love with and intended to bring out during his upcoming spars. Mason had taught him a few kickboxing tactics to help if things got close and personal.
"You about ready, pup?" Mason came into the bedroom and had his backpack slung over his shoulder. "Got your jacket in case it gets too cold up there?"
"Yeah, I packed a light one. When I was there last week, it was a little brisk, and the weather is predicted to be about the same the whole week.”
“Alright, but maybe you should pack a heavier one just in case. Don’t want my little man getting sick.”
Sick? “I thought I read that shifters can’t catch normal human diseases.”
Mason lightly smacked himself on the forehead and chuckled, “Sorry, for some reason, I was thinking of you as still human.”
Vincent blew air through his pursed lips and ran his fingers through the beard on his chin, “Yeah, like a human can go from baby-face to this in a week! Remind me to stop by a barber while we’re there. I could use a shave...or a trim, or whatever. This thing is getting wild!” The larger Alpha howled in laughter as his mate playfully grabbed fistfuls of the lengthening brown hairs.
“Yeah, yeah, we’ll get you looking all nice and pretty. I’ll be happy to see your cute face again.” Taking a few steps to close the gap, Mason laid his hands on Vincent’s hips. “I’ll always love however you look, but you’re cuter without your beard.” He leaned down and gave his mate a deep and sensual kiss. Standing straight, he grinned at the hopelessly flustered look on Vincent’s face. Even being together for almost two months, I still put butterflies in his stomach. “So, how would you like to get to New York? There’s a flight going out this evening, or did you want to carry me again?”
“I think I can carry you. We will have to stop a time or two so I can rest. I’d like to keep from using any of my stored magic if I can help it.” Lifting his bracelet, he admired every white bead that circled it. Not to mention, if I’ll be facing Dirk, Ty, and then Cyrus, I’ll need every bit of it! I doubt they’ll have me face them all back to back since we’ll be there for a week. But just in case, I’d like to keep this thing as full as possible.
“Sounds like a plan. Do you know where you would like to stop?” Mason pulled out his phone and entered Tierney’s address into his GPS app. “If we make two stops, we can go to Columbus, Ohio, and stop again in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.”
“Hang on...isn’t that where the one Alpha is from? Uh...Draygo?”
“Drego? He’s based out of Pittsburgh. Why do you ask?”
“Well, it’s kind of short notice, but do you think he’s busy? I’d like to meet him at some point.”
Mason folded his arms and smirked at the smaller man. He wants to meet the information Alpha? What brought this on? “Any reason why?”
“Well, he did give us that packet on Stefan, and I did learn a few things from it. I’d like to say thanks.”
“Let me give him a call and see if he’s busy.” Mason thumbed his phone and held the phone up to his ear. “Alpha Drego? It’s Mason...I’m doing well, how about yourself? My mate and I are about to head to New York, and he wanted to ask if you were free this afternoon...uh-huh...uh, no, we’re actually running there. It’s a thing with his magic, and Pittsburgh's on the way. Alright, I’ll tell him. See you soon, Rich.” Pawing once at his phone, Mason smiled and put it back in his pocket. “Rich is free. He said he would clear his schedule to meet you. Sounded like he had a twinkle in his eye.”
Vincent grinned as he would be meeting another Alpha. “That’s awesome! What’s he like?”
Mason scratched his head with one hand and shoved the other in his pocket, “Well, he likes to learn about everything, so I would imagine he’ll ask you a lot of questions about your shadow magic.”
“Then it’s settled! Columbus, Pittsburg, then New York. Let’s go!” Vincent hoisted his backpack over his shoulders and grabbed his mate’s hand.
“Hang on, pup! I still need to turn down the heater and make sure everything’s locked up. We’re not in any hurry, so keep your pants on. Well…” The lycan swiftly moved closer and peppered Vincent’s mark with his lips, “...on second thought.”
Vincent whimpered but managed to pull himself away, “C’mon, big guy. We do it here and now, we’ll easily lose half an hour!”
The mage found himself back in Mason’s clutches as the warm lips growled against the mark on his neck, “And? I can tell your wolf wants it.”
Feeling the vibration on his sensitive neck, Vincent’s wolf let a deep rumble echo in his mind. Want! Want mate! Giving in to both of the wolves, the mage flung his pack off to the side and sat on the edge of the bed, pulling Mason closer by the belt loops. He expertly unfastened both the belt and the fly on the larger man’s pants. Yes! Need mate!
I feel ya, bud! We’ll get him. Letting the pants fall, Vincent stroked his mate’s member, watching carefully as Mason began panting and sighing from the touch, “That’s it, baby. I want you. I want you so bad!”
Gods, I love it when he begs!
The mage took Mason into his mouth and savored the taste. He cupped his mate’s hanging spheres as he pushed himself deeper. Vincent felt the need to please the man that stood in front of him and increased his pace. Being whispered words of encouragement, he let go of Mason and hastily removed his pants with the larger man pulling at the legs.
Mason stalked his man as Vincent retreated to the center of the mattress. Oh, he wants it!
He get! I want my mate! Hearing his wolf’s ragged words, he let his irises burn bright as he spread his mate’s legs. “You’re mine, pup. All mine.” Grabbing the knees, he bent the legs back towards Vincent’s slender body and pinned him down. He lapped his tongue over the target, digging his way in. Feeding off the soft whimpers, Mason felt his wolf knocking at the forefront. Let me! I want to please him.
Vincent moaned as Mason became more dedicated to his mission, “Oh Gods, Mace!” Watching the large man straighten his back and inch closer, he felt his mate press against him. Leaning over, the mage fished the lubricant bottle from the nightstand drawer and handed it to the waiting hand. After watching the application, Mason began sliding in, forcing Vincent’s head to knock back in ecstasy.
“My mate…” Hearing the low-toned voice, Vincent knew Mason’s wolf was at the front.
You want our mate, bud?
Yes! I want in front! Letting his wolf’s mind take the controls, he felt his eyes burn with power. “Mate with me!”
“Take your Alpha, my mate.” The larger man slowly entered, trying to avoid harming Vincent, but the mage was having none of it. Vincent’s body scooted closer, engulfing Mason. “Yes...so good!” Mason grabbed the body beneath him by the hips and tried to pace himself. His patience ran thin, he began thrusting himself into his mate. Hearing the loud breaths coming from Vincent’s mouth, he glared deep into the frosty blue eyes. “Mine! Want you, mate! Need you!”
Vincent resonated a long and solid note from his throat, only to grunt each time Mason rammed into him. He lifted his hands and pressed them against his mate, wanting to create more contact. “Mate...close! Fill me. Mark as yours!”
Mason’s eyes rolled into the back of his head and shoved every ounce of love through his bond. With the emotions being reciprocated, the Alpha pistoned his hips faster. “Vin...Vincent!” He stared hard into his mate’s eyes, only to lower his sight to watch Vincent convulse. Smelling the odor of his mate’s spunk, Mason could no longer hold himself back and climaxed. Holding himself up with one arm, he grunted and maintained eye contact with the wolf below his body. Snorting hard through his nostrils, he let himself collapse on top of Vincent, landing his lips on the faded purple mark he left several weeks ago. “Love...love you.” His raspy voice was muddled, but the message was clear from the feelings throughout the shared bond.
“Love you, mate. You mine. No...no one else.” A low, but difficult growl vibrated on Vincent’s neck.
“No one else. Must...must get up. Need to...need to clean self for trip.”
A hand pressed itself against Mason’s backside and pulled the wolf back on top of the smaller body. “Go nowhere. You stay. Catch breath.”
Laughing from deep inside his throat, Mason stared once more into his mate’s shiny eyes. He lifted a hand and brushed the hair out of Vincent’s face. “I stay, and we go again. We should go.” Seeing the blue irises flash caused another guttural laugh to escape his lips, “No, not go that way! Go to New York.” After a playful whimper from his mate, Mason lifted himself up and encouraged Vincent to join him in a shower.
The two cleaned up, reverted to their human minds, and put their clothes back on to prepare for departure. Vincent placed one strap from each backpack over a shoulder and grabbed Mason’s hand to bring them into the shadows. After instructing the larger man to visualize weightlessness, the mage easily picked him up and darted out of the house to the east. He followed highway signs that were marked for the right direction.
Mason couldn’t believe that his mate knew where he was going! He’s going a million miles an hour! How can he read these signs? They’re just blurs to me! “Vinnie? How in the Hell are you doing this?”
“Doing what?”
“Reading those damned signs!”
Vincent giggled as he held the large man, “I’m not! I just remember taking this path coming back from the monastery. Don’t worry, I’ll start stopping every now and then in a bit. I didn’t get to memorize the entire way back.” The mage’s words were true as he stopped for a moment in front of a large green sign for Louisville, only to continue running in the same direction for another twenty or so seconds. “Columbus is coming up.”
“How’s your energy?”
“Getting a little tired, but we’ll make it there.”
Growing concerned for his ride’s health, Mason furrowed his brow, “If you’re getting tired, we can make more stops.”
“I know, and we might. I can make it to Cincinnati, so we can stop there.” Vincent kept running until he found a sign for the metropolitan area and gunned it. He reached the downtown area and found a dim alleyway to emerge from. “Made it.” Letting down his much larger mate, the mage wiped the sweat from his brow. Alright, so that’s a good milestone. Owensville to Cincy while carrying a person. I’ll remember that. I could have made it to Columbus, but I would have been in rougher shape.
Mason couldn’t help but grin at his amazing mate, “Have I ever told you that you’re just fucking awesome?” Hearing Vincent’s high pitched laugh, the lycan turned and saw the towering buildings above him through the alley. Holy shit...we’re...we’re actually in Cincinnati! I’ve seen some of these buildings in pictures, but I have no clue what they are! Turning back to his beloved, he held Vincent by the hips, “Let’s get you some food, huh?”
“I could use a snack, but I mostly need to sit down and get my energy back.” The two walked out of the alley and wandered around for several minutes before checking the Internet for a local restaurant. They picked one that was close by and sat down. Mason ordered a small entree, while Vincent was happy with an appetizer and a coffee. Waiting for the food, the mage kept quiet and focused purely on regaining his energy for the next portion of the trip.
After their meal, Vincent wasn’t confident that they could make it to Pittsburgh yet, so they found a nearby bench on the street and parked themselves. Mason leaned back as cars, humans, and varying shifters went by. A couple of wolves recognized his status as an Alpha and gave him his due gesture, only to receive a shaken head and a wave by the lycan, dismissing their need to submit to him. I get how Vinnie doesn’t like the Alpha title. Just in the past several minutes, three wolves and a bear passed. I couldn’t imagine what Ty has to go through if he walks around on the street! He probably wears a disguise to most places!
“Hey, Mace? You got Alpha Drego’s address, or know where we need to be going?”
“I can message him when we get there.” Earning a nod from Vincent, they sat for a few more minutes until the little guy got up. “Ready to go again?”
“Yep. I feel pretty comfortable getting us to the city, but I’ll be going a little faster this time, so your head might begin to spin.”
“What?” He wasn’t going full speed? But we...we were going so fast, and got here so quick! What the fuck?
“Yeah! I can go faster than that, I just didn’t want you losing your breakfast all over me. Are you ready? We can go behind that building.” Pulling out his phone’s GPS, he found which direction was east again and committed it to memory.
As the journey resumed, Mason found out the hard way how much Vincent was holding back. Oh, my Gods! The mage cackled as Mason screamed when they first took off. “Oh, come on! It isn’t that fast. You can close your eyes if you need to, I won’t judge.”
Oh, like Hell! He’d judge me in a heartbeat! "I'm...I'm good!" Just lying through my teeth! I think I might close my eyes, this is almost painful to watch. The Alpha shut his eyes and let his mate take charge of the trip.
Vincent made it to Pittsburgh's Hill district, the area where Drego's office was stationed, and set down his mate, trying his best to withhold his giggles when he noticed Mason's eyelids closed. "We're here, big guy."
The Alpha pair walked the streets for a while as Vincent recuperated. They looked up the directions to the address Alpha Drego gave them and made their way through the shadows. As they arrived, Mason pointed out a man with peppered hair in a dark suit. "That's Richard. Just a head's up, he prefers to be called Alpha Drego, at least until he says otherwise."
"Gotcha. We can come out beside the building unnoticed." Vincent dashed over, looked around for any prying eyes, and emerged from the shadows as he set Mason down.
Mason latched onto Vincent's hand and hollered for his friend's attention, "Richard!"
The man turned and cocked his head off to the side in curiosity, "Mason? You...you're here already? I thought I just got off the phone with you less than an hour ago!"
The two men shared a gripping handshake and Mason's hand went back to Vincent's on instinct. "Well, you can thank Vinnie for that. My mate is certainly something special."
"Ah, so this is Vinc-" The man inhaled deeply through his nose and widened his eyes. "Mason, you sly shifter! How dare you keep such valuable information from me! You didn't tell me you completed your bond!"
Vincent blushed hard and felt uncomfortable. I'm not used to being recognized as being taken just from my smell!
"Wait." The older Alpha got closer and sniffed even harder around Vincent's shoulder. "How...how can this be? Mason, explain yourself!"
The mage darted his eyes between the two men, trying to discern why his scent has caused strife. Turning his attention to Mason, he raised an eyebrow, signaling for his mate to speak. "What do you mean, Rich?"
Drego crossed his arms and put his weight on one leg, "How is your mate, a turned human, an Alpha wolf?" The man unfolded his arms and extended his hand out to Vincent, "My apologies, I don't recall your last name, young Alpha."
Vincent smiled weakly and met Drego's hand, "Bolton. Vincent Bolton."
"Well, Alpha Bolton, consider me impressed. Very few things surprise me in this world anymore, but you are an enigma! I am Alpha Richard Drego, and I encourage you to call me Rich or Richard."
Feeling more confident with the man, Vincent gave a stronger grin, "It's a pleasure to meet you, Richard! Please, call me Vincent. "
Richard couldn't help but ogle over the smaller shifter before him. Taking in several more inhalations of the younger Alpha's scent, Richard seemed incredibly fascinated. "Please forgive me, I am simply fascinated at a turned human becoming such...such a strong wolf. Then throw in your magical abilities, and you are a fearsome being. Please, come inside! You and I must talk."
Vincent followed the eager lycan with Mason not far behind into the office building. They rode an elevator while Richard introduced himself, borderline bragging on his pack and lands. They arrived on the fifth floor and the building's demeanor changed drastically! Before, they walked into a white-walled building with cheap linoleum tile. The new floor oozed royalty with elegant golden wallpaper and plush maroon carpet, well-preserved antique side tables and lamps littered the hallway as they arrived at a door. Richard ushered the pair inside his office, which resembled the hallway’s appearance, but was fitted with bookcases and a commanding desk.
Richard motioned for the couple to sit in the leather chairs in front of his desk. "Please Vincent, you must tell me of your shadow magic! What are the capabilities?" Vincent was floored that an Alpha could sound so desperate for information! He's so curious!
Confuse. He strong, but act weak.
From what Mace said, this guy knows a lot about everything. I'm just surprised he doesn't know about the shadow affinity. Should we show him what we can do, bud?
Yes. He give stuff about Stefan. We show him magic. Agreeing with his wolf, Vincent smiled and explained the basic functions of his shadow magic. He manipulated his shadow to show Richard how it was flexible in its rubber-like material.
The Alpha was baffled! After being granted permission, Richard touched the extended shadow and cooed, "So the shadow can become weapons or even clothing?"
"Yep. It can be anything I want it to. When I push my energy, I can extend my own shadow. If I or my shadow touches another shadow, I can control it as well. If I may, could I show you an example? I just don't want anything to be misconstrued as a challenge."
Dipping his head in curiosity, Richard nodded. Vincent stretched his shadow from his feet to Richard's feet and wrapped them up to the ankles. The Alpha looked down and tried to budge them. "What the…" Pulling harder, Richard stood, pushing his chair outward. "My Gods! Fascinating! You've perfectly trapped me here."
Vincent smiled and felt playful. He released the lycan but forced his shadow to form a line, roping its way up to Richard's left arm. The man caught on to the trickery as it quickly reached his elbow. What...is he doing? Dark lines darted across his hand, he watched as his fingers were wrapped and forced against their will to form the shape of a thumbs up. His arm stretched out as he laughed boisterously at the amusing gesture. He can control my body! As disturbing as this could be, I am pleased to learn the extent of the boy's magic.
The shadows relinquished their control over the Alpha and Richard applauded, "That was mind-altering Vincent! This was a treat! I can not help but have a lingering thought, and I would like to make a proposition for you." The mage nodded and leaned forward in his chair. "I believe it is no secret that I value information more than anything in our world, and your magic is something of a mystery to me, as well as the supernatural existence. With your permission, I feel the need to document everything about the shadow affinity. Would you join me in this endeavor? Together, we can bring light upon a dark and maleficent power."
Vincent's breath became stuck in his throat. He...he wants to write about my magic? I already wanted to do that, but I think with Richard's help, the world could learn more about the affinity and how it works.
I like! You like learn, so other people like learn. Smart idea.
You think so?
Know so!
Vincent rose from his seat and stretched out his hand, "I'd love nothing more, Alpha Drego! The magical world should know of the power I hold and how it works. One of my goals in life is to make the shadow affinity something to be proud of, and how it isn't something to be afraid of."
Such a noble heart! I had an inkling that he possessed a passion. A fit mate for a promising Alpha such as Mason. Richard stood and met the hand firmly. "I'll contact my pack scribe and we will start when you are ready. No doubt you have your hands full at the moment, but the sooner we begin, the better. I would hate to see such passion burn out."
With his briefcase closed, Kaplan wasn't happy with how his case turned out, but it was to be expected. What a fool! I told him to be honest with me, and he held out on a vital piece of information. Watching the smug prosecution walk by with his toothy grin, the Beta felt the need to go outside and get some fresh air.
At least I can look forward to seeing Vincent and Mason again. I wonder when they're due to arrive? As he hit the staircase to the courthouse, he fished out his nearly crushed pack of cigarettes and lit one up. Puffing out the first breath of toxic air, his nerves began to calm. Damn Bultzer! He's such an ass on the floor. He sways the jury too much. Just because he used to do theater doesn't mean he should use it to form his words so eloquently.
Kaplan believed in cold, hard facts. His abilities won him countless cases, but against his rival, he was simply outclassed. Halfway through his cigarette, the wolf recognized a scent and darted his eyes to the base of the steps. Oh, fuck! You have got to be kidding me!
He inhaled his cigarette as Wagner stormed the stairs with Kaplan in his cross hairs. "Alvey! What the fuck is this?" Wagner held up a sheet of paper sticking out of an envelope. "This some kind of sick joke?"
Concerned with the level of the Enforcer's voice, Kaplan modified his stance to seem as imposing as possible. "Calm down, Alex!" When the large man was in his face, the Beta hushed his voice to signal his fellow council member of nearby humans, "There are nonshifters here. What are you going on about?"
"Allied pack interference? What is this horse shit? I haven't done a damned thing!"
Intimidated by the Enforcer's palpable tone, Kaplan did his best to maintain his professionalism, "It's exactly that. You confronted an Alpha of an al-"
"That fucking runt?" Wagner crumpled the paper in his hand, "He was shorter than you! There's no way he is a fit Alpha!"
"That was Mated Alpha Vincent Bolton, mate to Alpha Mason Wilson of the Owensville County Pack. Those indictments came straight from Alpha Scott. I'm just the Pack Scribe and Attorney. Don't get pissy with me because you hounded a not-so-random stranger."
The man's olive skin grew multiple shades of red in fury. "That was a joke, surely Scott knows this!"
"Using your strained Alpha voice wasn't considered a joke. From what Tierney told me, Alpha Wilson wasn't exactly pleased. Our pack holds no rule for visitation appointments or passes, and you know that. You've been pushing buttons for the past year, Alex."
Wagner's eyes narrowed and snarled, "Are you saying you're for this? I always knew you were the Alpha's pet bitch."
Kaplan's nostrils twitched in anger. He felt the Enforcer fronting, but stood his ground, "Back off, Enforcer. I am the Head Beta of this pack. You have no right to talk to your superiors like-"
"Like you are my superior! My wolf is twice your size, and you should remember that, whelp." Wagner got up close and personal, pressing his chest against Kaplan's body. The Enforcer was staring a hole through the smaller wolf's head, begging for the Beta to respond to his challenge.
Kaplan was having none of it. He grabbed another cigarette from his pack and lit it. "Your challenge is useless, and I suggest you back off. You're starting to draw eyes, and I won't be afraid to indict charges on you right now." The Beta sharply darted his eyes right in Wagner's eyes, "Now, back down Enforcer Wagner, before you actually irritate me."
The two had their eyes locked, and neither had the intention of backing down. Kaplan's nerves were running high, but he shoved them down. He's a bully. Nothing but a damned bully! I...I won't let him win! He puffed his cigarette from the side of his mouth and blew through his nostrils. “I don’t have time for this, Alex.”
Just as Kaplan was about to pass by, giving the Enforcer a meaningless victory, a large hand pushed the smaller wolf back. “But I do, whelp. What are you going to do? Go whine to the Alpha, like a little bitch? I’m honestly surprised you aren’t taking his cock by the way you-”
The wolf had had enough. A mental string snapped and Kaplan knew that it was time for him to take his gloves off. He dropped his briefcase and flicked his cigarette to the side. Seeing the demeanor change, Wagner smirked and backed up a step, “Aw, look at you! You about to say something to def-”
“Abuse of Council Power, Interference of Allied Pack Relations, Slander of a Superior Council Member, Assault of a Superior Council Member, and two counts of Disrespecting Alpha Authority. That is more than enough to get kicked out of general pack membership, let alone retaining any council position.” Kaplan let his eyes grow cold and dark as he put his proverbial mental suit and tie back on. His stare could silence any prosecution, and the wolf was ready to play judge and jury in the Enforcer’s case. “I am small, but I hold more power than you will ever see in your life. I am the Head Beta for the New York State Pack, a respected attorney in this city, and I am the closest advisor to one of the most powerful Alphas in the world.”
Kaplan picked up his briefcase and got in Wagner’s shaken eyes. Remembering the conversation between him and Cyrus on imagery, the Beta let the fire burn in his heart, just as he did in every court case, “What about you, Enforcer Wagner? Do you intend on being a part-time club bouncer for the rest of your days? Ever thought about what would happen should a higher council position open up? You’ve soiled your chances at becoming someone in this pack. You demand respect yet give none yourself. That attitude will get you nowhere, and you’d be a fool to think otherwise.
“This is New York. The city where everyone comes to make a name for themselves. I’m sure you’re living here to do just that. I suggest you remind yourself why you are living here, and remember what it was you hoped to accomplish. Think on this, look to correct your actions, and I may be kind enough to sway our Alpha’s judgment.” In a cloud of self-righteous smugness, Kaplan walked away from his fellow councilman, not caring whether he won or lost the challenge.
Pressing his thumb on the cheap scanner, Dave pressed in his employee number and selected to clock out for his shift. Damn! I almost miss getting all of that overtime! Things sure are different with Vin around to help run the department. My body feels almost brand new since he got promoted! Less work I have to do, and he’s not breaking his back on the stock crew.
The wolf smirked to himself as he recognized his body having more vitality. It had been a week since his last cigarette. Thinking of the night the God of Order had paid him and his fellow council members a visit at his Alpha’s house. What a weird-ass night! A God! In the flesh! It was scary as shit seeing him take over Vincent, but I can’t help but think it had a great turnout. Remembering the ancient deity telling him to cut the smokes or be in the ground sooner than expected was eye-opening.
He pulled out his phone and saw a few missed messages. One from Mason. ‘Dave, off to New York, don’t let the pack burn down.’ Snorting in mild amusement, he responded with a simple thumbs-up emoji and returned to his messages. Dave smiled as he saw several texts from Stacy, mostly consisting of funny pictures. He appreciated them as they were often making fun of silly customers and adorable baby animals. Thumbing out his message to her, he paused for a moment and decided on making plans with her.
‘Those are pretty funny! You busy tomorrow night? Want to head to the city and see a movie, maybe grab a drink?’
The lycan got halfway to his truck and got his response, ‘Hell yes! Always down for a date! Can’t wait!!!’ Giving himself a grin, he hopped in the truck and set the time to pick her up. I can’t get her off my mind! She’s so sweet and fun. Just as he turned the key, his phone went off again. ‘You bz tonite? Got a big tip at the shop, dinner on me?’ Oh, Hell yeah! Letting his stomach move his thumbs, Dave agreed to the date, and set his phone in the cup holder as he drove out of the parking lot with his invisible tail wagging in the seat.
Pulling into his apartment complex, he unlocked his door and threw the keys on his coffee table. Turning on the shower to a steamy setting, he stripped down and left his sweaty clothes in a pile. While the shower grew warmer, he took his time admiring himself in the mirror. The Beta playfully flexed his biceps and visually traced the quarter-sleeve tattoo he bought several years ago. He brought up a finger to the moon’s outline as his eyes drifted down to the intricate forest landscape that ate most of his arm. Pumping out his chest, his eyes were caught on the only other tattoo on his body, a small word in a bold lettered font.
‘Chris.’ I miss you every day, bro. This town just isn’t the same without you. Pawing the name and closing his eyes, he took a moment to recall his little brother’s goofy laugh and the all brown-coated wolf that used to run alongside him. As the mirror became covered by the steam, Dave exhaled from his nose and stepped into the shower.
The wolf picked out a simple short-sleeve red button-down, his trusty navy jeans, and iconic black Converse sneakers. Spritzing himself with a little cologne, his nose burned from the intense odor, but knew from several remarks, the ladies loved it! Going back into town, he made his way to the complete opposite end of Owensville to his girlfriend’s apartment. Walking up to the second story, he knocked on the door and was greeted by Stacy’s roommate, Gwendelyn.
Dave never got to know Stacy’s roommate but made it his goal to be as cordial to her as possible. “Hey, Gwen! Stace home?”
“Yeah, she just went to her room. She’ll be out in a bit. Wanna come in?” Nodding to the shorter woman, Dave stepped in and immediately took off his shoes, as Gwen waved him to the couch. He learned his lesson after the first time he visited the girls’ apartment. Silly, but I get it. No dirt means less cleaning. Wonder if that’s Stace’s rule or Gwen’s.
Dave looked at the roommate and started making small talk. “So, what’s new with you?” He didn’t find the lady personally attractive but appreciated the conversations they had made over the past week. She looks like the brooding type with her black hair and pale skin, but she’s really funny. Makes fun of the darker things in life, but it’s always a side-stitcher! When he brought up his work, Gwen always seemed very interested. She was quick with poking fun at the concept of ‘Karens’ and their pixie cuts.
The lycan did his best to keep up with the conversation, but couldn’t help listening to the small noises coming from Stacy’s bedroom. He noticed several metal hangers were clanging, along with dresser drawers being opened and shut repeatedly. Must be picking her outfit. Never had this issue in a relationship before. All the shifter chicks I’ve dated really didn’t care for their looks, but-
His thoughts were burst as he noticed the door to Stacy’s room opening and saw Stacy walk out. Damn...Forget those other chicks! Stacy had her hair put up in her patented high ponytail while sporting very light make-up around her brown eyes. She confidently walked up to the taller man with her skin-tight faded jeans, white crop-top t-shirt, and black unbuttoned cardigan with sleeves going past her wrists. “Hey, Dave! Look at you, being all snazzy!” Stacy strolled up and hugged Dave, only to quickly turn around to grab her small purse off the dining room table, “Ready? I could really go for some tendies!”
This girl’s obsession with chicken tenders, I swear! “Well, you were adamant about payin’, so you’re picking.”
Pumping her arm in the air, she had her mind set, “We are so going to JD’s! They have the best chicken in town!” Earning a smile from her boyfriend, she quickly grabbed his arm and opened the door. “Gwen! Want me to bring you back something?”
“I’d be your best friend if you get me a burger or something.”
“You want your Triple B burger, like usual?” Dave snorted and chuckled as Gwen held her hand over her heart and fluttered her eyes dramatically, sealing her answer. Before the lycan could finish his laughter, he was practically drug out of the apartment towards his truck. Stepping up his pace, Dave kept up with his eager girlfriend. She is really something else!
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
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