Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
His Royal Highness, Prince Vincent - 17. Confrontation
As good as our visit was with the Royal Family, we opted to stay for that late lunch. That included Thor. Remembering what had happen the day before we kept him with us. We didn’t need him marking his territory and getting us thrown out of the palace now that Queen Maregete had consented to have him in the palace. I chuckled as she pet him a few times, but then would not touch her own face. He liked her. She wasn’t taking any chances. Thor was just being Thor. Happy and loving the attention we were giving him. We did take his leash out and clipped it to his collar. Vincent then stuck the other end under a leg of his chair to keep Thor’s movements restricted. This was new for him and it took a few attempts for him to realize that.
“We’ll have to train him to walk on the leash, too,” I said to Vincent.
Vincent shrugged, “We always carry him around.”
“Until he gets big enough to go under his own power,” I nodded. “Did you find out what day it was when his mother had the litter?”
“She had four on October twenty-eighth,” Vincent smiled. “One died right after the birth. Eight weeks ago.”
“She had three living puppies?” I nodded knowing their fate and looked at Thor. “The more I learn, the more I despise that that man.” I felt two small legs on my left leg. Thor whimpered a little. He wanted up. “We also don’t want to start something we’ll have to stop. He’ll get bigger and might not be welcome at the table.”
“Even Cousin Vickie doesn’t allow that,” Vincent chuckled and looked down at Thor. “No, Thor. Stay there.”
That command was new and it took a few times for Thor to understand he wasn’t going to be allowed up. He gave up and laid out on the floor between Vincent and me. I sensed Vincent was having trouble with that and would give in and pick Thor up.
“Remember when I told you they learn to manipulate us?” I asked Vincent, “He’s trying to do it now. He’s pouting.”
“He’s doing it on purpose,” Vincent nodded.
“He is,” I grinned. “It’s bred into his nature. You need to be in control. Not him. You are the alpha.”
Vincent’s eyes grew, “How do you know so much? Cows I understand you knowing those, but…a dog?”
“Why not dogs? They share roots with wolves and they respected beings of the world, like eagles,” I chuckled, “Wolves and dogs share many traits. One of those key traits is establishing an alpha that controls the pack. Wolves are revered with all Natives. When we brought dogs into our hearts and welcomed them to stay we took that position of alpha.”
Everyone else’s reaction to Thor was funny. The house staff that served us lunch were surprised at the additional small ball of brown fur. Vincent did pick Thor up while things were set out for us. Thor wanted to meet all who had come around and investigate those smells the put in front of us. His appearance didn’t scare anyone, but everyone looked at Queen Maregete because the entire staff knew about her aversion to pets. Thor was not scary or vicious. Who would be scared of Thor!? Other than her staying on the opposite side of the table, the queen just smiled.
Toward the end I thought he might need to go out again. Thor did well on the leash.
As with some domestic animals are good judges of character and in particular…dogs are very good judges. Thor was happy again being on someone’s lap, but wanted to smell what we ate. Of course he did; he’s a dog!
The idea of getting any legislation using Thor as the focus was a good one. Thor had more than enough personality that would win most hearts. As they discussed how to do this as this was an internal matter for Denmark, I could give opinions, but the decision was theirs. Vincent pulled the favorite ball from his pocket that Thor adored and began playing with it again in the family communal room. We got other toys he could play with, but that ball held his attention. That ball was almost as big as his head! Annabelle sat on a stool to play with Thor. Vincent and I didn’t care and sat on the floor. A princess couldn’t sit on the floor. No. Sitting on the floor was not even ladylike, never princess-like.
“There are many in Parliament that are animal lovers,” King Fredrik smiled as Thor lunged again to get the ball as it rolled by with his yip and growl. “You’ll win sympathy votes.”
The sound of footsteps approaching and Matilda appeared in the doorway just as the ball rolled in her direction having been knocked off course by Thor who was scampering happily after it, but skidded to a stop before getting under some feet. Matilda looked down and let out a screech and brought a foot up and brought down hard missing Thor by an inch. Thor yelped and retreated, scrambling back from this person’s feet.
“Don’t you dare hurt Thor!” Annabelle stood ready to defend Thor. Her fist was balled ready to punch Matilda again, if needed.
Vincent was the closest and rolled quickly grabbing Thor up, comforting Thor in his arms and cradling Thor to his chest.
“Oh, god! What is that!?” Matilda asked in disbelief.
“A new member of the family,” Vincent stated irritated and kissing Thor’s head.
Matilda looked a little bothered by this, “All I saw was something small and brown coming at me. I didn’t know what it was.” She looked up at Queen Maregete. “I thought pets weren’t allowed.”
Queen Maregete nodded, “As a general rule, yes. It’s my rule,” She waved at Thor, “He’s the exception to my rule.”
“Oh, sorry,” Matilda said and then pressed on. “I spent the morning looking over property in Copenhagen.”
“Property!?” King Fredrik balked. “You are looking to buy in Copenhagen?”
“Why not?” Matilda asked with a shrug. “I can’t remain here in the palace, but I feel the need to get to know my Danish roots.”
I frowned at that, “It’s really not the usual season to shop for real estate.”
Matilda smiled, “Well, I hoped I could stay in my grandmother’s house…”
“But you can’t,” Annabelle came over and took Thor from Vincent. Thor looked a little shaken and still whimpered a little. She reassured Thor gently as she kissed his head and hugged him to her.
“That property has been leased to the United States of America for the Ambassador’s use,” King Fredrik said.
“Yes,” Matilda said a little bitterly. “I was told that after I first arrived.” She did the slow walk. “I can’t very well stay here.” She shrugged. Even I knew she was hoping for an invitation to do that. The palace had the room, but no one offered.
“Why do you want to?” Vincent asked. “And please don’t say because you love us.”
“You’re family,” Matilda said simply.
“You’ll have to understand if we don’t see it that way,” Queen Maregete said. “You always present such an adversarial presence to us.”
“You seek something,” Vincent said.
“Don’t you have family elsewhere?” I asked her.
Matilda frowned, “Not really.” She said. “My father had other children with some other women, but I only have a legitimate half-brother…”
“I’m not talking about bloodlines,” I interrupted. “I’m speaking about heartlines.” I waved at the others in the room. “I consider each of these people to be family. Yet we don’t share a drop of blood. For over a decade they have been that family.”
“But weren’t you a servant?” Matilda asked.
“A servant!?” Vincent stood up quickly. “To who!?” He asked indignantly.
“You!” Matilda said like it was obvious.
Vincent’s eyes widened and he pointed over his shoulder at me, “David? A servant!?” He laughed heartily at that, “I assure you; David Richards is not or has ever been a servant to anyone. Especially, not mine!”
King Fredrik chuckled, “You don’t understand the Ring of Trust.”
“I understand David and Christian proved their devotion by doing something to prove that loyalty,” Matilda said.
“It’s more than that,” King Fredrik smiled. “Yes, they proved themselves to be friends beyond doubt. Christian proved that many, many times and I gave him permission to see me any time he needs to with no appointment or notice. If there is anything he needs to see me about or anyone here about, he can do that.”
Vincent nodded, “David did that, too. He saved my life many times. Not because he was a servant, because he is my friend. He will tell me the truth even if he knows I won’t like it.”
“He’s doing it for the lifestyle,” Matilda suggested shrugging.
“Lifestyle?” Vincent asked. “He doesn’t need me for any lifestyle. You don’t even know what his lifestyle was or is.”
“He can afford this?” Matilda said in disbelief as she waved at the palace.
“Yes,” Vincent replied simply.
“A cowboy from the America’s Wild West,” Matilda said doubting it was true. “I also hear he’s part Indian.” She waved at the palace that surrounded them. “He can afford this?”
Vincent’s eyes widened, “I was unaware you ever traveled to the United States of America.”
I heard the sarcasm, but he was a good actor right now. I knew Matilda wouldn’t catch it.
“I never wanted to,” Matilda answered. “All I’ve read…”
“Read!?” Vincent balked. “You deem it impossible, but you don’t know shit!!” He shouted.
“Vincent,” the Queen said disapproving quietly.
“I’m sorry, Mom,” he said to his mother. He glared at his cousin, “I’ve been to his home twice. Eric is richer than any man I know.” He smiled at me. “His house is beautiful and his palace is the beauty of Earth. He talks about the Music of the World. He’s teaching me to hear it and I am hearing it.”
King Fredrik nodded, “He is one of two men we trust with no question.”
“The other man is Mr. Christian Hanson,” Matilda nodded again.
“You keep saying that like you know all about it,” Annabelle said.
“But know nothing about it,” Queen Maregete said quietly again, but she was angry. A queen doesn’t just explode in a rage.
“You claim you’re here because we’re family,” King Fredrik said. “Try acting like you’re a member.”
I grinned at the king. “There are things even Thor had to be taught what to do.” I waved at Matilda. “She may have never been taught.”
Thor heard that sound again, meaning he was being called again and fidgeted in Annabelle’s hold. She grinned at me. “I’m pretty sure he wants you, Eric.”
I grinned at her and walked over, which made him fidget more, “Okay, okay, big guy.” I took him and held him which he let me know he was happy again as he licked my face. “I find it interesting that your first reaction to Thor was to destroy him.”
“What?” Matilda asked heatedly, “I didn’t know what it was at first. It was small, brown and furry and…”
“That’s my point,” I nodded. “Nor did you take the time to see he is a happy, loving creature that loves everyone. A baby. You’re first thought was to kill it.”
“Excuse me!?” Matilda asked questioning my reason for talking to her like this. How dare I?
“I’ll tell you,” Uncle Fred said. “You’ve been looking for something to use against me and now Vincent, too.”
“We even know what,” Queen Maregete said. Her low tones was like distant thunder from an approach storm. “What we don’t know is why.”
“Because what’s happening is immoral!” Matilda suddenly shouted.
“You are playing the Morality Card!?” Annabelle came a bit closer, “You are.” She shook her head. “Did you even love that guy you married? It was just for the title, wasn’t it?”
Matilda snapped at Annabelle, “Of course, I loved him. What business is that of yours?”
“Again,” I said loud, “That’s my point!! It’s not!”
Vincent chuckled, “And this moral stance is just bullshit!”
“Vincent!” His mother chastised firmer.
“Fine, but I’m not sorry,” Vincent said back.
“Everyone knows you didn’t do it,” Annabelle said. “But believe you are responsible.” She challenged Matilda when she added, “You marry him for a title, you had a contract to ensure that you get the title and then he dies!? It sounds planned.”
“Enough!” King Fredrik stated.
I again held my hands up, “We don’t know the environment she was raised in. Does she even know what love is?”
“How dare you!?” Matilda said to me about to come at me.
Vincent’s arm came out to block her from getting to me, “I’d think very hard about that.” Vincent warned. “You’ll be attacking more than just a friend we consider family, but also a government official from the United States who is a guest here in Denmark.” He smiled, “And you aren’t from either country.”
“There is a lot of causes from abuse physically, sexually and neglect…” I began. “That can cause malformations in personalities and behaviors…”
Matilda groaned, “You sound like that crazy doctor that spoke at the Berlin University talking about the formation of Psychoses due to trauma as a child and being in love with parents and that.”
I grinned, “From Austria? Dr. Freud?”
“You know of him?” Matilda asked surprised.
“I do,” I nodded. “I know of him. I went to Cambridge University and there were many articles about Dr. Sigmund Freud. I don’t agree with some of his findings, but symbolism in dreams are often true. Learning by your first exposure to your mother and father plays a major part in future relationships.”
“This country is open to any and every one,” King Fredrik said. “But I’m still king. If you are after something to overthrow the kingdom, to overthrow me, you will not be allowed in again.”
“Does anyone welcome you anywhere?” I asked. “Do you think these people even like you and want you around when you act like you do?”
She opened her mouth to answer and then frowned, “You’re not a doctor!”
I chuckled, “Modern Psychology and the Shoshone knowledge of Human Nature are pretty similar. Such as things in the minds of all every person it’s important that you maintain a proper balance. You,” I pointed at Matilda, “are out of balance. The Pohogwe Shaman would see that easily and tell you what you can do to restore your spirit’s balance…”
“That is complete nonsense!” Matilda said irritated.
“What is?” I asked.
“You’re from…” she sputtered. “from the Americas! You can’t have…”
“Some people in the Wild West as smart or even smarter than you are?” I grinned.
“People in the part of the world she came from are very confident…” Vincent said to me.
“Don’t forget entitled!” Annabelle reminded everyone. “Natural born privilege due to class because of birth.”
“This cowboy and Indian can beat anyone with his knowledge of languages,” Vincent bragged and turned to me. “How many now? English, Shoshone, French, Italian, German, Danish, Norwegian…” He turned to his cousin, “but, to verify you have to speak those languages. Do you?”
Matilda was now red in the face and was turning to leave.
“I have not released you,” King Fredrik said firmly.
She heard him and did faultier a step, but kept going.
“Guards!” King Fredrik shouted, “Stop Baroness Hofer von Lobenstein!”
How they do it…I don’t know. From men that blended with the background and disappear, to suddenly be there in seconds. Two stood in front of Matilda blocking her way. King Fredrik signaled the guards to bring her back. They were going to take her arms, but she jerked her arms away.
“Bring her back!” King Fredrick demanded.
This time they did grab her arms, turned her around and brought her before King Fredrik. All the while she was demanded to be let go.
“Silence!” King Fredrik demanded in a booming shout and came right into her face. His was a face I had never seen! Rage. He was a big man!! “Who do you think you are!? Who do you think I am?” Now his face was maybe an inch from Matilda. “I’ll tell you. I am the King of Denmark!!” He screamed at Matilda making her retract a little, but held in place by the guards. “You are no one!”
“But…” She began, now in fear.
“I’m not finished!!” King Fredrik bellowed. “You were welcomed as family. There are ordinary citizens in Denmark that can claim that and are a lot closer as family members than you are.” King Fredrik moved even closer. I couldn’t see how, but he did. “That is over!” He did what she did to Vincent and walked leisurely around her. Now King Fredrik was the cat, Matilda was the mouse being toyed with and tormented. “You are a guest in Denmark.” Waved his hands at the surrounding city and palace, “A guest in my home. I treated you as a member of the family. You were just a naughty little girl I tolerated.” He again faced her just as close as before, “That stops now! You are a bad person. I believe you are a criminal…”
“A criminal!?” Matilda gasped.
“This moral outrage is just dung and so laughable. I want you out of Denmark,” King Fredrik continued. “I’ll give you two days. My guards will escort you.” He said. “You will obey our laws and you will respect those in the Royal Family. You will respect me. Never turn your back to any of them and that includes David and Christian or you will be moved somewhere I guarantee you won’t like, I promise you. Your welcome has expired. Leave!” He said pointing in the direction of her room at the palace. “Tell whoever you are working for to declare a state of war, I’ll be happy to oblige.” He looked at the two guards, “Be sure she goes and have someone watch her.”
Both guards bowed, “Ja, Deres Majestæt.” They dragged Matilda backwards. You do not turn your back to a king or queen. That was a law. You also never leave until you are dismissed. That was law, too.
“I didn’t want to do that,” King Fredrik said sadly.
I smiled sadly at King Fredrik, “Were given a choice, Uncle Fred?” I asked quietly.
“She is a danger to all of us,” Queen Maregete said, “You are a king.”
“And a damned good one!” Vincent said and hugged his father. “And a great Dad!!”
“Tell them,” Queen Maregete said quietly to her husband. “Tell them why you gave her the wide berth. They will understand why better.”
King Fredrik sighed and nodded, “What you said about abuse malforming, you hit that right in the center of the bullseye. Matilda’s mother, Katharina married well,” He began sadly. “He was abusive.” He stopped.
“Dad?” Annabelle asked quietly. “He was abusive to Matilda?”
“Yes,” King Fredrik said and went to sit again with a sigh. “I liked Katharina.” He pointed at Vincent. “She was family.”
“What sort of abuse?” I asked. “Abuse is abuse, but…”
“I was told she was seven when her hymen was broken,” King Fredrik even got red-faced saying that and he glanced at the queen and Annabelle. “Sorry.”
“Why are you sorry?” Annabelle shrugged, “That’s what it is. Her father broke it?”
King Fredrik nodded, “That’s why she came here during her breaks from school.”
I nodded, “Now, it makes sense.” I raised my hands to say I was not attacking anyone. “Trauma explains a lot, but she should be held accountable. Abuse may be the reason, but is not an excuse.” I smiled at King Fredrik, “You are a good man, Uncle Fred. She’s used her status to get away with things. The lesson that it won’t always work should be driven home to Matilda.”
“Do you all think it was right for me to throw her out of Denmark?” He asked us.
“You meant it,” Vincent said.
“Of course,” King Fredrik replied.
“As bad as the abuse was,” Queen Maregete said sadly. “You’re right, David. That doesn’t excuse bad behavior. She has to learn that.”
“Or she’s given a reason for committing a crime,” I shrugged.
“Do the Pohogwe ever have cases like this?” Annabelle asked.
“Of course,” I nodded. “There are some major differences, however. Families didn’t just have mothers, fathers, aunts and uncles. There are traditional marriages, but a family sometimes consisted of a couple of wives…”
“That happened in biblical days,” Annabelle shrugged, “and still does in many other cultures.”
I raised a finger, “Ah, but those wives could have a couple of husbands.” I grinned.
“Now that’s fair!” Annabelle stated firmly crossing her arms over her chest.
“I knew a family made of two men and a woman who were married,” I chuckled. “She was both of the men’s wife and they were her husbands. They were two-spirited men who married each other. She came afterward.”
“They married her to cook for them?” Queen Maregete asked.
I shook my head smiling, “Oh, no. Roles in the family are not governed by gender. She was a hunter and a warrior. One of her husbands did the cooking and child-rearing.”
“They had children!?” Annabelle asked smiling bigger.
“Three!” I nodded. “Two were born by the wife, another was following a woman in the tribe that died getting sick a year after the birth. My point is…they all lived together! That woman had a child of one of the two men. She wasn’t married to any of them, but they all lived in the same home.”
“In the same home?” Queen Maregete’s eyes grew.
I thought about King Fredrik and Christian living in the same place with her, “Why not? They knew what was happening. Women are the ones to give birth, so they did, and no one person raises a child. The entire village raised the children. The many children, half-siblings are not raised alone by anyone. The many adults watched the children and protected them. That sort of sexual abuse is practically unknown. Family is very important to us.”
“Living together like that sounds like most of the royal households,” King Fredrik shrugged. “They even institutionalized it. Approved by the Church, too.”
The queen nodded, “That’s right.”
“It’s Human Nature,” I smiled.
“You never told us,” Vincent objected quietly.
King Fredrik smiled at him, “Really? Do you see any other family members here? Have you ever? There are plenty of others.”
Both Vincent and Annabelle just stared a few seconds as they thought.
“I always wondered why,” Annabelle said quietly.
“She’s an adult now,” Queen Maregete said.
“And needs to know that what she does has consequences,” I said. “If she doesn’t…” I looked at King Fredrik. “This is a hard lesson. Not for Matilda, but for you to teach. I know you won’t back down and you shouldn’t. She needs some remorse. She needs to regret what she did and see it hurt people that were kind to her.”
“She needs to have a conscience for that,” Annabelle pointed out. “She uses emotions to manipulate people. She could fake it.”
“How can we trust her?” Vincent asked.
I shrugged, “I don’t know, but she knows right from wrong. She needs to express regret and guilt.”
“David’s right,” King Fredrik nodded. “She will be allowed to stay if she admits to what she did.” He held his finger up. I was rubbing off on them. “I mean, not sorry that she did something to get herself in trouble, but voice that what she did was wrong. More than just saying she’s sorry.”
“Okay,” Annabelle nodded.
“She will need that property here to stay,” King Fredrik said. “She won’t stay here.”
Thor was learning, but he had us pretty well trained, too. In my arms he looked up at me and licks were just normal, but he just licked my nose once. That dog was smart!! It wasn’t an “I love you” lick. It was a “remember me” lick. Backed with a soft whine.
“Oh,” I kissed Thor’s head. “Okay.” I looked at Vincent. “Where did I put his coat? He needs to go out.”
Vincent grinned and reached for Thor, “I’ll take him out.” He looked at Thor. “Let’s go, buddy.” He reached for Thor who again was happy to go with Vincent. The mean person was gone now and he adored Vincent.
“Get him excited in your own arms,” I grumbled as Vincent took Thor from me. “Let him pee on you.”
“Nooo,” Vincent crooned at Thor who was now licking Vincent happily. “If he does, that would be accidental. He loves us!” He said walking away and spoke to Thor in baby talk everybody does with puppies. “Don’t you, buddy?” Vincent blocked my seeing Thor now. A big man holding a little dog, but I didn’t need to see Thor responded with more licks and tail wags. “Yes, you do.” Vincent’s voice faded with distance.
“He’s this happy with a puppy,” I grinned and said to no one. “Imagine him with his child.”
“The scenario you described with some Indian families,” Queen Maregete smiled. “Will happen here. It did before and will again. It isn’t new. We just don’t talk about it or do it so openly.”
“We didn’t because,” King Fredrik smiled, “we wanted our children to understand why. And to save trust from the…” he paused thinking of a word, “simpler…members of the kingdom.”
“I know, Uncle Fred,” I said sincerely. “You and Aunt Maregete are good people.”
No, I didn’t have a degree in the sciences or formal medical studies, but I did help my grandmother who had treated the human condition all of her adult life. I did study Biology and sciences at the University. I read. There were some interesting papers and theories. Yes, I read them. The people who were the hardest against those that violated the “laws” of human conduct were often guilty themselves. Dr. Freud was one that suggested that. Victims of that breach of moral laws were often guilty themselves and became vigilantes for the cause. That would explain a lot about Matilda’s campaign to expose King Fredrik and Vincent. Matilda had her hymen broken. Why? Mostly because an adult male wanted to have sex with her. Is that what her father did? All Humans had sex. Native American culture had it sometimes, but like I said, most children weren’t alone and the other adults would not allow that. Sexual taboos were not really known. There didn’t really exist. Religions gave the taboos. Violence that gave sexual arousal happened, but not often. There were tribes that did rape and scalp when attacking on a warpath, be it a woman or a man. Pohogwe didn’t. Nor did the Shoshone. A woman or man that was being abused with violence hardly ever got by with it as the other adults in the family and tribe put a stop to it immediately. Remember, it was the grandmothers that made the law and decided punishment. My grandmother was usually the one to speak with the accused and she would find out events in the past made the accused desire violence. And some, a few, got pleasure from pain. Giving and receiving! Few! I didn’t personally know any. I couldn’t imagine hurting Vincent physically or emotionally. I didn’t want to be hurt by Vincent, either. Pain is a warning that something is wrong and out of balance! Right? How can it be enjoyable?
Anyway, it did explain a lot with the whole Matilda situation. Why King Fredrik treated her like he did and why Matilda behaved like she did. Whatever. No one was going to mistreat anyone. I would protect Vincent. I would protect Uncle Fred, Aunt Maregete and Annabelle. No one could do that. She lashed out at Thor. He was completely harmless! Animal cruelty was not a good sign in Native Indian circles. You hunted to eat and clothe the family. Not just to be mean for enjoying being mean. There were other emotions at work in Matilda like jealousy. Of me. Her “family” loved me, not her? Was that the problem with Christian and King Fredrik? He loved Christian instead of her? He was more important than she was and she was family? Did I want to ask her? I had to be careful if I did. I didn’t want to confirm any suspicions she had. She also could be working for a political group to topple the government in Denmark. We’d see what she did next.
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
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