Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
Fourth Down: Second Quarter - 7. Chapter 7
The night sky was filled with a multitude of stars, all shimmering with differing colorful hues. I was floating on my back in an ocean of crystal clear water. Only the muffled sounds of the gentle waves around me could be heard. They pulse almost rhythmically against my ears, as if they are mimicking another rhythm I have heard before. I know it is familiar to me, but as I try to bring the memory to the forefront of my mind, the waves around me swell, becoming more aggressive. The once gentle rhythm is now a loud cacophony. Noises are all trying to be heard at the same time, yet drowning each other out. The once gentle rolls of the crystal ocean are now jostling my helpless body in it’s fury. The stars above all converge, and get brighter by the second. I can’t even close my eyes from the pain they are now causing me.
I reach for my head. It feels like it is being split in two. A groan escapes my lips. A hand reaches out from the darkness and takes my own, anchoring me to them.
“It’s all right, Belle.” The words wash over me, making me feel safe. “You’re being taken to the hospital.”
My mind is nothing but swirls of differing thoughts, all trying to make sense of where I am and how I got here.
The waves soon calm. The blinding light divides into the million stars it once was. Everything is peaceful, serene.
“Belle? Belle, can you hear me?”
I know that voice. He heals people... He healed that little boy… Ethan. Hunter and Dale’s son…
“Evan?” My voice sounds distant, strained. A fog blankets my thoughts. Nothing seems to make sense.
“Belle, you are in hospital.”
Hospital? I’m supposed to be looking after my friend's twins. I can’t be in the hospital.
I try to open my eyes, but the lights hurt, forcing me to shut them almost immediately.
“Evan, what am I doing here?” I ask weakly, trying to open my eyes once again.
I see Evan, hovering over me, in the now semi darkened room. I notice both Ruth and Ian on either side of the bed I am in, holding my hand in theirs. Their sad faces wet with tears. Hunter is also there, sitting in a chair near the bed I am in.
Why is he looking at me like that? Why is Evan looking at me like that? Why are my kids crying?
“Belle, you suffered a nasty fall in your kitchen and hit your head.” Evan gently tells me.
“Oh, well that explains my nasty headache.” I try to smile, only to wince as a blindingly sharp pain flares up the back of my head.
“We shaved the area where you hit your head and managed to patch you up just fine,” Evan informs me, “We then had a few tests done, to see what could have brought this on.” Evan readjusts his glasses before looking me in the eye. “How long have you been suffering from these headaches?”
I look at him for a second, confused. What did my migraines have to do with anything?
“I have just had your average run of the mill migraine every now and then,” I told him.
“And just how long have you been having them?”
“A few years now, why?”
“And have these migraines gotten worse?”
“I have been getting them a bit more often than usual. Why? Just what are you getting at, Evan?” I ask, now worried myself.
“When… When we got the results of your MRI. We… Belle, we found something.” He says gently as he takes a seat on my bed and takes my hand in his.
“What do you mean you found something?” I ask, as fear takes root.
“It means we found a mass. We think it might be cancerous,” he tells me, solemnly.
“I can’t have cancer,” I tell him. “I have to raise my kids!”
“We can’t be sure, so I am sending you to a specialist in the city.”
Tears begin streaming down my face. I can’t afford a specialist. I can’t even afford to go to the city! Just how am I going to pay for all these tests?
“I can’t—”
“It will be ok, Belle.” Hunter cuts in. “Everything here is already covered. The rest of the details we can iron out after you get some rest, OK.”
“But, how?” I ask him. I can’t take my friends’ money. “Hunter---”
“Shh, just rest. We can talk about it when you’re stronger. Just know we are here for you. Whatever you need.” He squeezes my shoulder gently, emphasising just how much he cares.
“Thanks,” I say, just as I drift off to sleep.
The rest of the night was spent with me being woken up every hour, on the hour, that I felt I had absolutely no sleep at all. The next morning, Vicky came to pick me up. She informed me that the kids had stayed with Hunter and Dale last night, and that Hunter was trying to distract them from worrying about me too much. He had also made sure they were taken to school this morning.
Once we arrived home, I went straight to bed, wanting to catch up on much needed rest. Vicky said that she would keep an eye on me while I slept, and that later tonight the guys were coming over to discuss what we were going to do in regards to me getting whatever treatment I needed.
I really felt blessed that I had fallen in with such a great group of friends.
I woke up in the late hours of the afternoon, my head still aching from the bang it received the previous day. I walked into my ensuite to get some pain medication for my head, when I was stopped in my tracks with what was looking back at me in the bathroom mirror. I looked a mess. I looked pale. My once beautiful hair was shaved off on one side where I had stitches closing the wound over a large bump.
Closing my eyes, I opened the medicine cabinet and grabbed the pills that should ease the pain in my head. After taking them and ignoring my reflection I made my way out of my room where I was greeted with words being softly spoken downstairs. Presumably in my living room.
Holding on to the banister for support, I made my way down stairs. Once I got to the bottom of the stairs Hunter was immediately by my side helping me to a seat.
“I’m not weak, you know!” I slap at his arm playfully as I take my seat, grateful for the support my friends were showing.
“I know,” he just smiled back.
Ian then comes in a second later, carefully holding a mug of tea, bringing it straight towards me.
“Thanks my sweet boy,” I say, gently kissing his forehead.
After making sure I was comfortable, Evan told me of the specialist he wanted me to see. I tried to protest that I had no money, when Dale said that he was taking care of it and not to worry. I tried to argue, to which he seemed to be having none of it. It was starting to piss me off. I was about to tell him so, when he explained just how much I mean to them, and that they would do anything in their power to make sure I was ok.
This left me quite speechless. Other than my parents, I have never had anyone else look out for me.
It was also decided that Vicky would be at my side, while I was in the City, and my kids would be staying with Hunter and Dale. Which was a relief. I did not want to be going through this alone, and my kids still needed to go to school.
“Ok, so, I spoke with Dr Araka, and he would like to see you on Friday. He has also organised a room for you at the hospital he works at, and wants you admitted as soon as possible.” Evan told me.
“Ok, we leave in the morning then.” Vicky said, as she gave me an encouraging squeeze. “Everything is going to be ok, I’ll also book myself a room in one of the nearby hotels.
With all that out of the way, we tried to relax as best we could. I could see my friends and family were still worried, even though they tried to hide them behind brave faces.
It was half past nine in the morning, and we had to be on the road to the city by about ten. The kids had already left for school, after taking a few of their things across the road to the Petersons. Hunter and Dale had also said that they’d try and look after Mr Bubbles, our cute little ginger tabby we have had since Ian was seven, on a trial basis as they were, understandably, a little worried that having the cat in the house could cause Ethan to have an adverse reaction to him with all his allergies. If they were unable to take care of him in the long run, then Evan and Madox would take in the poor cat.
“Are you sure?” I had asked them the previous night when we were planning everything.
“We were wanting to get the twins a pet, but were always unsure on how Ethan would react, so this would be a great way to test if he’d be ok.” Dale had told me.
After making sure we had everything, and the place was suitably locked up, Vicky and I were soon on the road making our way to the city.
The ride was quiet with only the soft sounds coming from the radio that was playing some sort of Asian music, k-pop I think. I just sat there, my head against the window, which was being cooled by rain outside. It wasn’t raining too heavily, but just enough so that the outside world had this warped look as we drove by.
I was scared, what would happen when I got to the hospital? Looking over towards Vicky who had her full focus on the road, caused me to smile a little. Her being there let me know I wasn’t alone.
“Thanks,” I say quietly,
“What for?”
“For being there. I am not sure I could go through this alone.” I tell her, as I resume looking out the passenger window. “I am lucky that I have you guys as friends.” I add, as a tear escapes my eye.
Vicky blindly grabs for my hand, gently squeezing it once she has located it.
“That’s just how we are,” She squeezes my hand one final time before taking back her hand and placing it on the wheel. “We treat each other as family. We were there for Hunter, when he desperately needed us, and…” She sighs, giving me a soft look, “They were there for me, when I had cancer.”
“So you know what I am feeling?”
“Pretty much, though my cancer almost robbed me of having children.”
“Why is that?” I asked shocked, clearly it didn’t rob her as she has given birth to the twins.
“I had ovarian cancer,” She sighed, “And so part of my treatment was that I lost both of my ovaries.” she says sadly
“Oh wow, I’m so sorry,” I say, this time it’s me giving her comfort.
“I’m OK now,” She tries to smile confidently, but I can see sadness in her eyes. “Before the treatment started, they were able to save some of my eggs, which I still have some frozen, thanks to Dale’s parents, who treat me as if I was one of their kids.”
“Well I should imagine so,” I tell her, “You gave them some really adorable grandchildren.” I smile at her.
“I did,” She agrees, laughing a bit, “But they have always treated me that way ever since we first met. After I went into remission, I was kinda scared that it would come back. And since Hunter and Dale were planning on having kids, I asked them if we could make a head start on that plan. Which of course they agreed to in the end.”
“Wow…” Was all I could respond with.“So, Dale’s family is well off?” I ask, wondering if asking would be too much.
“They might live modestly, but yes they are. They’ve helped me out financially with my treatments without a worry that I may never be able to pay them back. They still refuse any money I try to give them as back payment.”
That for some reason put my mind at ease, knowing that I would not have to pay back every penny.
The rest of the drive went by in a comfortable silence, I could see the city skyline on the horizon. We were getting close.
Again I am sorry that I have missed a few weeks, I have had to deal with a few health things, both mine and my boyfriends. We are fine and nothing Covid related thankfully. Hope you all are staying well and safe

Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
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