Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
Fourth Down: Second Quarter - 11. Chapter 11
It was finally Friday, and we would be starting our camping trip as soon as school was finished for the day. The goal for the trip was to take everyone's minds off of Belle’s diagnosis. Poor Ian was trying to stay strong, putting on a brave face whenever he was playing with the twins. But every so often, Dale or I would look over toward the young teen when he was by himself. You could see just how much he was worrying about his mother.
“Did Mommy get a truck?” Mia asked from her booster seat in the back.
“Hmmm?” I dumbly responded, taking a glance at Vicky’s driveway as I drove us into my own. “That’s a camper van, Sweetheart,” I informed her. “She must have rented it for the weekend.”
“Can we look inside?” She asked excitedly.
“Sure,” I tell her as I release her from her bindings, Ian was quietly doing the same for Ethan. “Let's just get our things inside and get changed first.”
With that she ran inside with both her and her brother’s school bag, with Ethan quickly following behind her.
“How you holding up?” I asked the young teen, who was looking forlornly toward his house.
Ian turned to look at me as a single tear escaped his eye.
“We’ll get through this,” I promised, taking him in my arms, trying to give what little comfort I could give.
“Why does she have to be sick?” He quietly sobbed as he clung to me. “It’s not fair.”
“I know,” Was all I could say, he was not the only one struggling with Belle’s revelation.
“Come,” I said after a few moments had passed, “Lets try and forget about this and let's just focus on forging pleasant new memories of your Mom, while she is still with us. I know it will be hard, but we need to try and stay strong for your Mom. And if you ever feel like you are slipping, just come look for me, OK?” I told him, while looking directly into his wet eyes.
Ian just nodded his head in response. Once I felt that he was ready, I guided him across the street towards his home with one arm slung across his shoulders. As we approached his front door, it opened, allowing a figure I had yet to meet, emerge from behind it with a cat carrier in each arm.
“Hi Uncle Al,” Ian tried smiling as he embraced the muscular figure in front of us.
“Hey, Kiddo,” The man smiled as he gently placed one of the carriers on the floor, which I noticed had a very calm Felicia housed within. “How are you holding up?” He asked gently.
“I’m good,” The kid smiled wanly.
“Oh you must be Mr. Peterson. Sherif Barker.” He introduced himself after noticing me, holding his hand out in a friendly greeting. “My son speaks quite fondly of you.” He adds with a pleasant smile
“Please call me Hunter,” I told him, taking his hand in a firm grip, “You must be Clyde’s father,” I add in recognition.
“That’s the one,” He smiled proudly, “He’ll be over shortly. In his excitement, the kid forgot that he needed to pack his things last night.” He laughed in explanation as to why Clyde needed to go home first after school had finished for the week.
“That should be all of it,” Belle said as she stepped outside, a plastic bag in her hands, with what I assumed were for her cats. “Oh, hi Honey, and hello, Hunter.” She smiled when she saw both her son, and I talking to Sheriff Barker. “I see you have already met Albert? He has been kind and offered to look after the cats for the weekend.” She smiled at us.
We chatted with the good Sheriff about our trip as Ian went inside, to grab both his and his sister’s things as well as his mother’s. As it turned out, we would be packing most of our luggage in the camper that Vicky had rented for the weekend, and Ruth was out with her at the moment getting the added supplies we would be needing.
After saying goodbye to the Sheriff and Belle, with the promise of seeing her later, I made my way home, where I found my dear husband chasing after our two overly excited children, trying to coax them into getting ready for the trip. Bending down I manage to snage the red blur that was trying to dart past me.
“Are you giving Papa a hard time?” I asked the giggling bundle of energy as I threw her over my shoulder in a fireman’s carry.
“No Daddy, no!” She squealed, as she wriggled and kicked her little legs.
“Hey, Hon,” I sigh as I twist my body in such a way allowing me to gently peck my cute husband's lips, and keeping him out of harm's way from our still squealing, still flailing daughter. “How much more do we need to do?”
“Not much, I have all of their things packed ready to go, we just need to give these two their baths.” He informed, while holding onto a squirming Ethan who was grinning broadly.”Oh and Evan called me earlier to say that he had everything we would need just in case we forgot anything, like Ethan’s nebuliser, which I have already packed away in one of the camper’s cupboards.”
With that we marched our kids to their bathroom, where we got them cleaned up and in some comfy PJs. I then grabbed our things, and packed my car with what we would be taking with us, Vicky then helped us grab what she would be taking in the camper. She also handed us a cooler filled with snacks and drinks to keep the kids happy for the trip ahead.
Evan arrived shortly after he had picked up Olivia, Bruce was already with them as he, Evan and Madox would have left the hospital together. Once we had everything sorted, we were on the road. My family in my car, Evan had Madox as well as both Olivia and Bruce in his. It was heartwarming to see how close both couples had become after Olivia had been reintroduced to our little extended family after so many years had passed. Vicky, of course, was driving the camper leading our group with Belle as her navigator.
A few hours later we were driving into the beautiful campgrounds Belle had told us about. It was everything she said it would be and more. Driving slowly through the grounds we saw a large swimming pool with small groups of people enjoying themselves both in the pool, despite the cooler weather, and at the grills that were in the large gazebo, which stood a few feet away from the pool. A young life guard could also be seen with his eyes focused on the people in and around the pool. A little further on we saw the beautiful lake that the grounds were situated along.
Slowly, Vicky led us to where we would be setting up for the weekend. She managed to park the camper near an industrial sized outlet which would supply the camper with electricity, and we would be setting up our tents around the fire pit forming a little circle so that we would have some privacy.
“It’s breathtaking,” Dale said as he stepped out of the car, taking in the view of the lake as it sparkled in the twilight.
“It sure is,” I said, my arms snaking their way around his middle, pulling him into me as I rested my head on his shoulder taking in the beautiful view before us. “Come on,” I whisper, kissing the side of his face, and pulling him towards the camper so we could help in getting everything set up for the weekend.
“Can we go swimming?” Ethan asked, once our tent was up and Dale was heading over to the others to see if they needed a hand.
“Tomorrow, for now we will settle down and after dinner, we will be roasting marshmallows!” I told him.
“Oooooooh, mawshmellow!” He squealed in delight then went running in search of his sister who was hanging out with the older kids.
Madox was already getting the grill in the fire pit set up for the evening, while I heard Belle telling off the older boys. Apparently she caught wind that they had bough ta Friday the 13th movie to show twins. Turns out they were accidentally ratted out by Ethan asking who Jason Voorhees was. I had never been more happy for my son's inquisitive nature as I was then. I did not want our weekend possibly spoiled by my son’s over active imagination and the possible nightmares he was sure to have after watching the movie.
That night we were woken up by terrified screeching that was coming from the tent Ian and Clyde were sharing. I burst out of the tent forgetting I was in my underwear, ready to defend the boys from whatever had them so scared. Taking a moment to get my bearings, I saw the two running toward the camper then hammering on the door with their fists, hoping to seek refuge from whatever had scared them so. Taking a look toward the tent, I saw a hulking figure standing beside it, his face concealed by a hockey mask and a machete in one hand.
“Madox, I am going to kill you!” I bellowed, approaching my disguised friend who was now cackling with laughter.
“Ow!!!” he yelped after I ripped his mask off his face, and slugged him in the arm. “ What was that for?” He asked as he rubbed his now sore bicep.
“That is for scaring us half to death, you asshole!” I griped.
“Hey, the kids are fine.” I heard Dale whisper over my shoulder, as he gently placed a hand on my shoulder giving it a gentle squeeze trying to calm me.
Suddenly we hear laughter coming from the camper. Turning we see Belle doubled over in laughter at the frightened looks on the boys’ faces.
“You two planned this,” I say as it dawns on me.
“Yea,” Madox replied, still rubbing his sore arm. “I guess we should have clued you guys in on what we were doing. Sorry about that. Hope we didn’t scare the twins too badly.” He says with a contrite face.
“They were startled, but they’re sleeping now,” Dale informed us as he wraped his gown snuggly around himself to keep the chill from the night air at bay.
We suddenly hear a wolf whistle coming from the camper, “Hey Hunter, nice package,” We heard Belle call out, “Madox, this was SO totally worth it.” She added with a mock lear, looking me up and down.
Sniggering could be heard from our other friends who were now standing outside of their tents, before they disappeared back inside.
“Oh fuck…” I moaned, as I felt my face flush with embarrassment, trying to conceal my body from her gaze.
“Here,” Dale smiled at my embarrassment, as he placed my gown around my shoulders, then pecked me on my lips. “Ok everyone, back to bed.”
“Night guys,” Belle smiled at us fondly before closing the door to the camper.
“Night,” The two young teens said to us as they headed back to their own tent, completely and utterly embarrassed, but with a small smile on their downturned faces.
“Was everyone else in on it?” I ask Dale as we head for our tent.
“Yea, we had discussed it after the kids had gone to bed, and you were in the shower. Sorry, I should have said something.” He said with some remorse.
“It’s ok,” I gently laugh, as I pull him into me, “It was rather funny.” I add smiling.
“It was, wasn't it?” He smiled back.
With a final kiss, we entered our tent, climbing into our sleeping bag, and falling back asleep with my husband in my arms.

And as always I hope you all enjoyed the chapter 😁
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
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