Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
Good Guys Don't Date Bad Boys - 20. What Does This Say To You?
Chapter Twenty – What Does This Say To You?
Has anyone felt an earthquake during the last twenty-four hours? Please report to us immediately. Maddox Kingsley was spotted early this morning walking to class all by his lonely – and lovely – self. What could have caused the chasm between him and the rest of the Amazing Four? Can we even talk about the Amazing Four anymore? Stay tuned. You’ll learn it here first.
Jonathan stared at Ray, completely nonplussed for a few moments. “Wait, what are they saying?” Not that he couldn’t understand it by himself, especially since he knew the details of what had happened in the lives of the Amazing Four to cause the so-called ‘chasm’.
Ray sighed and scrolled through the rest of the post. “In essence, that Maddox must have had a falling out with his close friends, for reasons that Xpress has yet to find out.”
“If there’s divinity of any kind or shape, they won’t,” Jonathan said, hoping that the anxiety in his voice wasn’t too transparent.
“They also say,” Ray continued, “that Maddox was in such a foul mood that he didn’t stop to talk to anyone and sat by himself, and I’m quoting at this point, wrapped in a dark veil of despair and forlornness.”
Jonathan let out a small groan as he rubbed his forehead. “So Wuthering Heights of them to notice such an unimaginable thing. They must be joking. There is no way Maddox--”
The words were blasted from his lips like leaves by a sudden gust of wind. Maddox was walking through the quad, yes, indeed, very much alone, none of his buddies in sight. His shoulders were hunched, he walked looking down, and the romanticism of the image painted of him by Xpress no longer appeared so far-fetched. The proverbial sunshine that seemed to trail after him, all the time, in love with the most popular boy on campus as much as everyone else, must have found a different person to crush on. The only thing missing was a tiny dark cloud raining over him.
“Ray, I need to leave you,” he said and touched his roommate’s shoulder in passing as he walked decidedly toward Maddox.
“Sure,” Ray called after him. “Fingers crossed!”
Jonathan nodded quickly, too occupied with not letting his mark out of sight to reply. He had to sprint to catch up with Maddox, as the guy appeared to pay no mind to his surroundings at all. “Hey,” he said as soon as he reached him.
Instead of a proper greeting, he got a growl instead. If that was supposed to impress him, Maddox needed to think again.
“Why didn’t you and Rusty make up already? And what about Dex and Kane?”
Another growl, this time more pointed, something along the lines of ‘leave me alone’.
“I have no intention of leaving you alone,” Jonathan said promptly.
Only then did Maddox stop and turn toward him. The look in the pretty grey eyes was enough to melt a heart and break it in two at the same time. Without thinking twice, Jonathan brought his hand up and caressed Maddox’s cheek. “You don’t need to stay mad at your friends for my sake.”
To his surprise, Maddox snorted. “Not everything is about you, Hamilton.”
Jonathan let his hand drop. “Did something happen to you? Something truly bad?”
Maddox huffed, grabbed Jonathan’s hand and put it back on his cheek on which short stubble could be felt. Jonathan flexed his fingers slightly to take in the contour of that handsome face.
“No.” The answer was accompanied by a scowl. “Only that a certain someone whose entire month as a slave to me I won fair and square decided to call it quits like a jerk. Oh, and I have no more buddies. Only the ceiling.”
Maddox pointed upward and Jonathan looked for inexplicable reasons. He quickly got a hold of himself and withdrew his hand with a scoff. “Do Dex, Kane, and Rusty know that you’re pulling everyone’s leg with this act? Xpress already turned you into the most tragic hero of the twenty-first century.”
Maddox threw his head back and sighed dramatically. “No one understands me.”
Their little exchange was already garnering a few curious looks. Jonathan grabbed Maddox’s hand and pulled him along. Whatever shenanigans that pretty boy was up to, others weren’t supposed to witness them. Since it was for his sake that Maddox was putting on that act, Jonathan very much intended to be the sole audience.
They were behind the building under renovation once more. Jonathan pressed Maddox until his back was against the wall and then rested both palms on his chest. Maddox did nothing to stop him and just watched him with curious eyes.
Jonathan sighed and looked down. The lack of a plan became painfully obvious as the wrong choice now that he had Maddox here. “Look, Maddox, I’m--”
“You’re what?” Maddox asked, and he didn’t sound mad. Just eager to hear him out.
Jonathan risked one look up and locked eyes with the other. “Why do you have to be so pretty, even when you’re a bit of an asshole?”
The grey eyes twinkled. “How am I the asshole? You’re the asshole.”
“Is that a pun about how I was the bottom?” Jonathan bit his lips hard.
Maddox pulled him close suddenly by grabbing him by the front of his shirt. “You don’t get to ask that kind of question. You’re the asshole because you didn’t punch Rusty for being an idiot, but you punched me because I tried to kiss you.”
Was that eating Maddox? “I don’t punch just anyone,” Jonathan protested. “Only special people.”
“Special how?” Maddox asked.
“Ah, dammit,” Jonathan murmured and surprised even himself by grabbing Maddox’s face, holding it in his palms and kissing him. “Special like this,” he said quickly and let go.
He was about to take a step back but Maddox pulled him hard toward him, crushing their bodies together. Their lips found purchase in another kiss, and this time it was longer and sweeter.
“What are you afraid of, Jonathan?”
The question had been asked in all seriousness, none of the playfulness or antics from before in it.
“What do you mean?” Jonathan mumbled.
Maddox’s fingers were rough, yet gentle, as they moved along his jawline. “You don’t want to be seen with me. You’re afraid of doing more than just hooking up.”
To steady himself, Jonathan wrapped his hands around Maddox’s wrists. “Maybe I’m afraid of falling for you. Ever thought of that?” He kept his eyes low so he was staring at the plump lips he had just kissed. Even that sight was enough to cause him to tremble slightly.
“That’s not the whole truth,” Maddox said stubbornly. “You’re afraid for me, not because of me only, isn’t that it?”
Jonathan nodded. “It feels like fun right now. And it is, don’t get me wrong. But are you sure you want to be labeled as gay or bisexual? People might start thinking differently about you. No, not might. They will.”
“And? That’s my problem,” Maddox said. The playful insolence was back in his voice. “And I don’t care about people.”
“You don’t? You’re popular. It’s not like you’re invisible. Whatever they start saying, it will get to you. You don’t realize it now, but maybe your friends--”
“My friends are totally okay with it.”
Jonathan had more to argue about with that. “Or your family--” he tried to continue.
“My family is uber cool. They’re the coolest people on earth.”
“Do you really want to test that?” Jonathan snapped and stared at Maddox to convince him that it wasn’t some child’s game they were playing.
Maddox’s eyebrows shot up. “You don’t get along with your folks. The work-study thing, it’s because of them, right?”
Jonathan couldn’t deny it. “Yes,” he said shortly.
“Well, I’m sure sorry to hear that. But with all due respect, Jonathan, not all families are like yours.”
“I’m well aware,” Jonathan said. “Still, there’s no way of telling--”
“Hush,” Maddox interrupting. “You’re afraid of some kind of scandal? It’s not the Middle Ages, for fuck’s sake.”
“No, it’s not. But that still doesn’t mean that once this… hormonal surge or whatever it is goes away, you won’t regret putting it out in the open.”
Maddox exhaled and chuckled as he leaned back and took a good look at him. “Hormonal surge? Are you kidding me?” He groaned and hit the back of his head against the wall. “We both suck at this.”
“Excuse me?”
Maddox made a short gesture, dangling his hand between them. “You’re a virgin, I’m the former king of hookups. We suck at relationships.”
“I was a virgin,” Jonathan protested.
That earned him a hooded look from Maddox. He could wither and blossom again under that stare, not entirely sure in which order. “Yeah, I remember.”
Jonathan was certain one could fry eggs on his cheeks at this point. He coughed and cleared his throat. “Why aren’t you talking to your friends? Please don’t tell me your best buddy is now the ceiling.”
“Well, Rusty is easy,” Maddox began. “He was an idiot, and I’m not going to forgive him.”
“He was quite drunk.”
“That’s no excuse.”
“Of course.”
“And he also took care to rub it in my face,” Maddox added.
Jonathan frowned and blinked. “I don’t know what to say.”
“Yeah. As for Dex, he shamed you into admitting that we’re only hooking up.”
“He didn’t… all right, I won’t argue for now. But what about Kane?”
“Kane is literally Dex’s wife. He’d lie for him under oath, that ass,” Maddox said promptly.
Jonathan began rubbing his forehead. “Maddox, please, I can’t have this on my conscience. You’ve been friends with these people since when? Freshman year?”
“High school, actually,” Maddox replied. He appeared to be in a much better mood now, and Jonathan felt slightly relieved. Still, his mission was to get Maddox to make up with his friends.
“That’s a long time for people our age. Please, just don’t fight with them anymore because of me.”
Maddox appeared to consider his words and rubbed his chin in thought. “If I do, what do I get?”
“What do you mean? You get your friends back.”
“But I don’t like them very much right now.”
“Are you playing with me, Maddox? Are you really?”
“Totally, not gonna deny it.”
“Ugh, I hate you.”
“Nah, you love me, but you’re too much of a coward to admit it.”
Jonathan felt an itch to punch Maddox, but he had promised himself not to give in to the same violent tendencies ever again. “So, you’re not going to bury the hatchet with your friends,” he said slowly, “until I do what?”
“Glad you finally worked that out,” Maddox said with undisguised glee and clapped his hands. “I won’t be asking much. Just that you keep your end of the bargain.”
Jonathan blinked a few times. “Bargain?”
“Are you always this forgetful or only when it’s about me? Our month. Rings a bell?”
“Oh. Wait, but what if I… I mean…” he stuttered, not wanting to repeat his fear of falling for Maddox for real.
“No ‘buts’ anymore. The only one allowed to be talked about has a double t and is part of your anatomy.”
“Aren’t you a sly bastard?” Jonathan said. “Fine. I’ll give you my word. We’ll… resume our arrangement.”
Maddox had such a satisfied smile on his face that Jonathan didn’t know whether to kiss him or punch him. Since punching was out of the question…
His internal debate was cut short by Maddox grabbing him and kissing him hard and loud.
“You ruined yesterday, so that means I get an extra day,” Maddox said.
“Fine. None of the terms changed, right?”
“Good. Then we are still just hooking up, and you get back together with your friends. I’d rather not go down in history as the Yoko Ono of The Amazing Four.”
Maddox chuckled. “That nickname is so stupid.”
“I know, right?” Jonathan laughed.
They stopped for a moment and looked at each other.
“All good?” Jonathan asked, his heart filling with warmth at the sight of Maddox’s perfect smile. “No more veil of despair and all that?”
Maddox opened his arms wide and shook his shoulders as if to get rid of an invisible cape. “None whatsoever.”
“Good. Finally, the sun can rise again over Sunny Hill,” Jonathan concluded. “God forbid we all end up in a gothic novel because of your bad moods.”
He was followed on his way out by Maddox’s wholehearted laugh.
Now, that had worked out just swell. It could have been better, with Jonathan declaring his undying love, but Maddox still had the guy, and that mattered the most. He could work with that. On the more difficult task of getting back with his buddies, he had to put more thought into it. His friend the ceiling had proven a comforting friend during these trying times.
Afraid of falling for me, Jonathan? We’ll have to work on your fears, ‘cause I’m totally counting on it.
He was about to start walking when he noticed someone blocking his path. Maddox smiled. “Ray, good to see you, buddy.”
Ray, however, didn’t seem as delighted to see him. He stood in front of him, his feet apart, his arms crossed over his chest, and the stern expression on his face reminded Maddox of Dex if Dex were a cute little furry rodent.
“Maddox Kingsley,” Ray said in a voice that brooked no contradiction, “if you’re messing with my bestie, I’m going to hurt you.”
Maddox grinned and put his hands in his pockets. “All right, fair’s fair. If I ever do that, I’ll assume the position, and you can kick my butt.” Ray’s eyes grew wide. Obviously, the guy hadn’t expected an answer like that. Maddox didn’t allow him to stew in his confusion for long and grabbed him by the shoulders. “What do you say you and I hang out for a bit?”
“Um, sure,” Ray whispered like he just couldn’t believe his luck.
Maddox got that a lot, but while he had always considered himself flattered, this time he wanted to be more than just the popular guy on campus. “I really like your bestie, okay? I’m even a little crazy about him.”
“Oh,” Ray said and let himself be guided away. “I mean, I thought as much. JJ, however--”
“Yeah, he’s my bestie, I can call him that. It’s roommate code,” Ray said quickly.
“All right. I’m not going to butt in. Wait, do you mean you know I’m for real?”
“Yeah,” Ray replied like it was the most natural thing in the world.
Maddox couldn’t help smiling so hard his face hurt. And his buddies thought he wasn’t serious about Jonathan, while someone like Ray, who didn’t even know him, clearly thought so.
“I mean, Hannah told me that all the girls are saying the same thing, so it has to be real,” Ray continued. “She told me it’s called feminine intuition. I’m not going to go against something like that.”
Maddox felt a bit deflated. “You know, all my buddies think I’m fooling around,” he complained.
“No way,” Ray protested as if he were face to face with Dex, Kane, and Rusty, and couldn’t believe their disbelief.
“Can I get you a coffee? I’d like to talk to you about Jonathan a little if that’s fine with you.”
“Totally. But I’m not going to divulge any secrets as per roommate code.”
“And I’m not going to ask. I just want to get to know more about him. I barely know anything.”
“Yeah, he’s secretive like that, but that’s because he got hurt and—Ah, I’m not supposed to divulge any secrets!” Ray pressed his fists against his eyes in an effort to keep himself from talking more than he should.
Maddox wasn’t learning anything new since he had an idea about the one named Asshole having hurt Jonathan in the past. But he was beyond pleased with the idea that Jonathan had a friend in someone as warm and nice as Ray. In all honesty, he would like getting to know Ray very much, too, because he seemed like a fun guy, according to both Dex and Hanna.
He patted Ray on the back. “Don’t worry, I know a little bit about the asshole. Jonathan mentioned him.”
“Asshole? Do you mean, Drew?”
Drew. So Asshole had a name. “Is that what he’s called?”
“Ah, damn,” Ray complained again, “I’m sure I wasn’t supposed to say anything!”
“I’ll still call him Asshole. It fits him.” Maddox stopped. “You know what, Ray? If you don’t want to hang out with me because you’re worried you might say something you shouldn’t, feel free to tell me. I won’t mind. I totally get it.”
Ray surprised him by grabbing his arm. “No way. I want to hang out with you so that you can tell me everything about how you’re crushing on Jonathan.”
“Oh, I can do that, totally,” Maddox confirmed, making Ray giggle.
He had a feeling that he’d have a hell of a good time with Jonathan’s roommate and bestie.
“And he’s like a genius cook,” Ray continued his praises while sipping the sweetest beverage that had to exist on the surface of the planet.
“I know,” Maddox confirmed. “I mean, he cooks like he’s some kind of chef.”
“Right, he cooked for you,” Ray said and nodded. “Not that he told me very much about it, but I saw the ingredients. You know, I was a bit jealous. I thought he only cooked for me.”
“Ah, well, sorry, Ray of Sunshine, but it looks like you have competition. Although I must admit that I wasn’t thinking that much about the food at the time. More of tasting other things,” he added thoughtfully, while his mind wandered.
That only earned another snicker from Ray. “You’re so into him, it’s funny! And did you just give me a nickname?”
Maddox shrugged. “I guess I did. I can totally see that Jonathan is lucky to have you as his bestie. But seriously now, can you give me any tips about how I can win him over? And please don’t tell me he’s crazy about me, ‘cause that’s what my buddies are saying, yet it still doesn’t feel like it. I mean, Jonathan thinks we’re only hooking up.”
Ray took another slurping sip from his sugary drink with a thoughtful look on his face. “I really don’t think you should do anything except be yourself. You’re a good guy, which is the opposite of that Drew individual.”
“But it doesn’t look like that’s enough for Jonathan,” Maddox moaned.
“Well, then I guess you have your work cut out for you,” Ray replied. “I mean, it’s only up to you to convince JJ that he can forget about his trust issues when he’s with you.”
That completely made sense. Maddox stretched and worked at a kink in his neck – talking to the ceiling had its drawbacks when it was done for too long – and then smiled at Ray. “You know what? You’re totally right. I’m going to make it happen.”
Ray rewarded him with a big grin. “JJ won’t know what hit him, lol. You seem so determined.”
“I sure am. And I’m glad I talked to you. My buddies just don’t see how serious I am about Jonathan.”
“I do,” Ray emphasized the words. “And you two are just gorgeous together. So, you know, do your best, Maddox.”
It was good to have someone believing in his good intentions for a change. Unlike how he felt about the guys who should know him best seeming to not know him at all. He was still a bit pissed about his friends’ lack of trust in him.
Now, since he had reached an understanding with Jonathan, he needed to get back on good terms with his friends. Even if it hurt that they didn’t believe he wanted more than a hookup for the first time in his life, he would let it slide.
He entered the house with a smile on his face and noticed right away the little arrangement on the coffee table. Were those marshmallows and grapefruit juice?
“Hey,” Dex said promptly.
“Maddox,” Kane added in the most apologetic manner possible.
“Hey to you two, too. What’s this?” Maddox asked.
“Your favorite combination,” Kane offered.
“Yeah, when we were in ninth grade,” Maddox said but didn’t really mind.
Dex took him by the shoulders and made him sit on the sofa. Kane dutifully flanked him from the other side.
“Why does this feel like an intervention?” Maddox asked. “I’m not giving up on Jonathan,” he added quickly.
“And we’re not asking you to do that,” Dex assured him. “After talking it over with Kane, we both realized we haven’t been fair to you.”
“You’re a good friend, and we haven’t been that,” Kane added. “I remember how you took Louise and her mom to the hospital when I was at my grandparents and couldn’t come because of the snow.”
“And how you stood in line an entire night for me to get the latest console when I had training the next day, even though you didn’t care for gaming much,” Dex added.
“And every year on her birthday you bring my mother flowers--” Kane started.
Maddox put both hands up. “Got it, guys. I’m the best friend of the year and I accept this prize.” He made a half-formal bow and then grabbed a marshmallow and bit into it with gusto. Then he grimaced a little. “I might have outgrown this sweet stuff, but thanks for the effort. And in case you’re worried, I’m not mad at you anymore because Jonathan told me to stop being mad at you.”
Dex and Kane exchanged a knowing look.
Maddox sighed. “Gosh, are you sure you two aren’t going to get married soon? What’s the look all about?”
Dex patted his shoulder. “Kane, you’re right, after all. Maddox is in deep. I stand corrected.”
“Yeah, so stop having doubts,” Maddox said.
“We just did,” Dex said matter-of-factly. “So, what’s the strategy, lover boy? Jonathan Hamilton is a slippery one. It looks to me like the guy has some serious hang-ups, so please treat him with extra care.”
“I’d say that Maddox should be himself and tell Jonathan directly what he feels,” Kane intervened.
“What am I hearing? Are you two disagreeing? Is this a cold day in hell?”
Dex smacked him playfully upside the head. “We’re not disagreeing, joker. We complete each other.”
“I totally see that.” Maddox countered with a well-aimed punch to the side that Dex took with a grunt.
“Well, we sure are happy you’re no longer mad at us, but you still have someone to make peace with. Did Jonathan include him in this little arrangement of yours?”
“He did,” Maddox said with a sour face. “But his is a criminal offense, while yours were just misdemeanors.”
“Rusty’s still the same guy,” Kane argued. “Just go talk to him. You’re too good friends to fight like this.”
“Are you sure he shouldn’t be the one to take the first step?”
Kane bumped against his knee. “Come on, Maddox, don’t let pride get in the way, okay?”
“Well, since you’re begging me so nicely, I’ll talk to him. But guys, maybe you should find someone else to give these marshmallows to, because I think I’m getting a bit green in the face.”
“Duly noted,” Kane said with a smile.
He had no idea how to start or what to say, especially since he hadn’t been the one in the wrong to begin with. However, he had an inkling that Rusty might not feel good about their falling out, and Maddox knew his friend like no one else did. No matter how much of a smiley face he put on every day, Rusty felt things more than others, and he hurt a lot deeper as well.
What was he doing, pitying him like that? Rusty was still an asshole for touching Jonathan like that.
He knocked on Rusty’s door, his head still empty of solutions on how to talk to his buddy.
“Yeah,” Rusty’s call came from behind the door.
Maddox took it as an invitation to come in. He wasn’t surprised to see Rusty with a gloomy look on his face. “Yo,” he said. “Thought I’d come up and talk to you.”
Rusty pouted and looked away. He lay on his bed and appeared to be in the same clothes as yesterday. Maddox had heard Rusty hadn’t even gone to classes today.
“What about?”
Maddox walked over to the bed and hovered. “Look at me, asshole. You owe me an apology.”
Rusty pursed his lips more. “Sorry.”
“You gotta do better than that. Why the hell did you jump Jonathan’s bones like that?”
“Hey, I didn’t jump his bones,” Rusty protested. “I just wanted to know if he was serious about you.”
“And how was that supposed to work? I mean, you could’ve just asked him.”
Rusty gave him a long thoughtful look. “If he had punched me, I would have known he just liked punching any guy. There’s nothing more honest than that.”
Maddox groaned and pinched the bridge of his nose. Of course, it had to be something like that with Rusty. “I don’t even know where to start with you sometimes.”
Rusty finally changed his position and pushed himself up on his ass. He rested his elbows against his knees and let his hands hang between them. Maddox sat on the bed and rubbed Rusty’s back. Somehow, it felt like his friend was the one in need of some comforting.
“What’s going on, Rusty?”
Rusty shrugged. “I don’t know. It feels like you’re not my best friend anymore.”
“I’m too absorbed with this guy? Is that it? Because I’m crushing on him?”
Rusty shook his head. “No. It’s because he’s a guy. A chick is a chick. It’s different. But a guy like that could become your best friend, too. And replace me.”
Maddox groaned. “Seriously? You can’t think that. Jonathan can’t replace you. You’re you. C’mon, Rusty Parker, you’re irreplaceable.”
Finally, Rusty turned toward him and offered his signature grin. “For real? I’m still your best bud?”
“Always,” Maddox replied. “Still, you need to apologize.”
Rusty threw his arms around him and held him tightly. “I’m sorry I touched your boyfriend’s butt. Just for the record, I didn’t grab it or anything, I mean, I don’t know if it’s round or square, or soft or muscly, that kind of thing.”
Maddox laughed. “Good. I don’t want you addicted to Jonathan’s ass, too. But you’ll have to apologize to him.”
“Fair’s fair,” Rusty admitted. “Consider it done.”
A comfortable silence fell over them like a blanket. Maddox liked that about Rusty, liked how they could be themselves without talking and filling the space between them with words, and not for one moment feeling self-conscious about it.
Still, now that he was paying attention, Rusty felt a bit more restless than usual. Ever since junior year had started, they hadn’t had a proper conversation, not one that went more than skin deep.
“Have you talked to your dad lately?” Maddox asked.
Rusty let out a noncommittal grunt that could be interpreted as pretty much anything.
“It’s still on, spending Thanksgiving break at his place?”
“Yeah, still on,” Rusty replied softly.
During the second year of high school, Rusty’s folks had had a divorce. An ugly divorce, Maddox’s mom had whispered while talking to his dad. Maddox didn’t know all the details, but it looked like Rusty’s father had led a double life for a while, building a second family in a different town. In the end, he had chosen them. Maddox knew that Rusty had never forgiven his dad for it, for leaving him and his mom, a fragile woman who still seemed to have a hard time unwrapping herself from that betrayal.
“You know if you choose to come home with me, mom’s always happy to have you over.”
Rusty offered him a lopsided grin. “I might eat all the pie again.”
Maddox slapped him playfully. “She’ll be ready this time. Just say the word.”
“I’m good,” Rusty said with confidence. “And I still want your mom to love me.”
“Are you kidding? She’s crazy about you. I should be the jealous one. You’re basically trying to steal my mom.”
“Better her than your man?” Rusty asked, his mouth widened by a teasing smile.
Maddox pretended to strangle him, and Rusty made choking sounds for the sake of fooling around.
“Just go and tell him that you’re sorry for being an ass.”
“Will Jonathan forgive me?” Rusty asked, his eyes hooded.
No one ever, in the entire campus, would say Rusty was shy. He was the opposite of that, with his brash attitude and big mouth. But Maddox knew that wasn’t the whole truth, the whole Rusty.
“Yeah, he will. He basically begged me to make up with you.”
Rusty’s eyes sparkled. “He did?”
“Yeah. So do your part, ‘kay?”
“Sure. I’m going right now.”
Maddox didn’t stop him. Rusty was abrupt like that. But these compulsions made him who he was, with the good and the bad.
“Just don’t reach for his ass again, okay?” Maddox shouted after him.
“No worries, I’m over that,” Rusty threw over his shoulder as he walked out.
Maddox narrowed his eyes for a moment, his mind ripe with a new question, but Rusty was already gone. Could it really be that Rusty liked Jonathan’s ass, for real? Nah, he was the current king of hookups. Straight as an arrow hookups.
Maddox didn’t want that title anymore and for a good reason. He very much intended to become the king of Jonathan hookups. Yeah, he was Jonathan-sexual now.

Until next time,
Note: While authors are asked to place warnings on their stories for some moderated content, everyone has different thresholds, and it is your responsibility as a reader to avoid stories or stop reading if something bothers you.
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